def checkDummy(self,raidpic, x1, x2, y1, y2, hash, raidNo, radius): foundgym = None log.debug('[Crop: ' + str(raidNo) + ' (' + str(self.uniqueHash) +') ] ' + 'checkDummy: Check for dummy Gym Image') template = ("mon_img/dummy_nearby.jpg") find_gym = mt.fort_image_matching(raidpic, template, True, 0.9, raidNo, hash, True, radius, x1, x2, y1, y2) if find_gym >= 0.9: return True return False
def detectRaidBoss(self, raidpic, lvl, hash, raidcount): foundmon = None monID = None log.debug('Extracting Raidboss') lower = np.array([80, 60, 30], dtype="uint8") upper = np.array([110, 90, 70], dtype="uint8") kernel = np.ones((3, 3), np.uint8) kernel2 = np.ones((6, 6), np.uint8) raidMonZoom = cv2.resize(raidpic, (0, 0), fx=2, fy=2) mask = cv2.inRange(raidMonZoom, lower, upper) output = cv2.bitwise_and(raidMonZoom, raidMonZoom, mask=mask) monAsset = cv2.inRange(output, np.array([0, 0, 0]), np.array([15, 15, 15])) monAsset = cv2.morphologyEx(monAsset, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel) monAsset = cv2.morphologyEx(monAsset, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel2) picName = self.tempPath + "/" + str(hash) + "_raidboss" + str( raidcount) + ".jpg" cv2.imwrite(picName, monAsset) log.debug('detectRaidBoss: Scanning Raidboss') monHash = self.imageHashExists( self.tempPath + "/" + str(hash) + "_raidboss" + str(raidcount) + ".jpg", False, 'mon-' + str(lvl)) log.debug('detectRaidBoss: Monhash: ' + str(monHash)) if monHash is None: for file in glob.glob("mon_img/_mon_*_" + str(lvl) + ".png"): find_mon = mt.fort_image_matching(file, picName, False, 0.75) if foundmon is None or find_mon > foundmon[0]: foundmon = find_mon, file if foundmon and foundmon[0] > 0.75: monSplit = foundmon[1].split('_') monID = monSplit[3] #we found the mon that's most likely to be the one that's in the crop log.debug('detectRaidBoss: Found mon in mon_img: ' + str(monID)) else: os.remove(picName) return monHash, monAsset if monID: self.imageHash(picName, monID, False, 'mon-' + str(lvl)) os.remove(picName) return monID, monAsset log.debug('No Mon found!') os.remove(picName) return False, monAsset
def detectGym(self, raidpic, hash, raidcount, monId=None): foundgym = None gymId = None x1 = 90 x2 = 125 y1 = 135 y2 = 200 #if gymHash is none, we haven't seen the gym yet, otherwise, gymHash == gymId we are looking for if monId: log.debug('Got Mon-ID for Gym-Detection %s' % monId) with open('monsspec.json') as f: data = json.load(f) if str(monId) in data: crop = data[str(monId)]["Crop"] log.debug('Found other Crops for Mon %s' % monId) log.debug(str(crop)) x1 = crop['X1'] x2 = crop['X2'] y1 = crop['Y1'] y2 = crop['Y2'] gymHash = self.imageHashExists(raidpic, True, 'gym', x1, x2, y1, y2) if gymHash is None: for file in glob.glob("gym_img/*.jpg"): find_gym = mt.fort_image_matching(raidpic, file, True, 0.7, x1, x2, y1, y2) if foundgym is None or find_gym > foundgym[0]: foundgym = find_gym, file if foundgym and foundgym[0] >= 0.7: #okay, we very likely found our gym gymSplit = foundgym[1].split('_') gymId = gymSplit[2] #if we are looking by coords (TODO), we will likely get additional checks somewhere around here and before the for-loop else: return gymHash if gymId: self.imageHash(raidpic, gymId, True, 'gym', x1, x2, y1, y2) return gymId else: #we could not find the gym... return None
def detectLevel(self, raidpic, hash, raidNo): foundlvl = None lvl = None lvlTypes = [ 'mon_img/_raidlevel_5_.jpg', 'mon_img/_raidlevel_4_.jpg', 'mon_img/_raidlevel_3_.jpg', 'mon_img/_raidlevel_2_.jpg', 'mon_img/_raidlevel_1_.jpg' ] raidlevel = raidpic[230:260, 0:170] #raidlevel = cv2.resize(raidlevel, (0,0), fx=2, fy=2) cv2.imwrite( os.path.join(self.tempPath, str(hash) + '_raidlevel' + str(raidNo) + '.jpg'), raidlevel) log.debug('[Crop: ' + str(raidNo) + ' (' + str(self.uniqueHash) + ') ] ' + 'Scanning Level') for file in lvlTypes: find_lvl = mt.fort_image_matching( file, os.path.join(self.tempPath, str(hash) + '_raidlevel' + str(raidNo) + '.jpg'), False, 0.7, raidNo, hash) if foundlvl is None or find_lvl > foundlvl[0]: foundlvl = find_lvl, file if not foundlvl is None: lvlSplit = foundlvl[1].split('_') lvl = lvlSplit[3] os.remove( os.path.join(self.tempPath, str(hash) + '_raidlevel' + str(raidNo) + '.jpg')) if lvl: log.debug('[Crop: ' + str(raidNo) + ' (' + str(self.uniqueHash) + ') ] ' + 'detectLevel: found level %s' % str(lvl)) return lvl else:'[Crop: ' + str(raidNo) + ' (' + str(self.uniqueHash) + ') ] ' + 'detectLevel: could not find level') return None
def detectEgg(self, raidpic, hash, raidcount): foundegg = None eggID = None for file in glob.glob("mon_img/_egg_*.png"): find_egg = mt.fort_image_matching(file, raidpic, True, 0.9) if foundegg is None or find_egg > foundegg[0]: foundegg = find_egg, file if not foundegg is None and foundegg[0] > 0.9: eggSplit = foundegg[1].split('_') eggID = eggSplit[3] log.debug('Eggfound: ' + str(eggID)) if eggID: return eggID return False
def detectLevel(self, raidpic, hash, raidcount): foundlvl = None lvl = None lvlTypes = [ 'mon_img/_raidlevel_5_.jpg', 'mon_img/_raidlevel_4_.jpg', 'mon_img/_raidlevel_3_.jpg', 'mon_img/_raidlevel_2_.jpg', 'mon_img/_raidlevel_1_.jpg' ] raidlevel = raidpic[230:260, 0:170] raidlevel = cv2.resize(raidlevel, (0, 0), fx=2, fy=2) cv2.imwrite( self.tempPath + "/" + str(hash) + "_raidlevel" + str(raidcount) + ".jpg", raidlevel) log.debug('Scanning Level') for file in lvlTypes: find_lvl = mt.fort_image_matching( file, self.tempPath + "/" + str(hash) + "_raidlevel" + str(raidcount) + ".jpg", False, 0.8) if foundlvl is None or find_lvl > foundlvl[0]: foundlvl = find_lvl, file if not foundlvl is None and foundlvl[0] > 0.8: lvlSplit = foundlvl[1].split('_') lvl = lvlSplit[3] os.remove(self.tempPath + "/" + str(hash) + "_raidlevel" + str(raidcount) + ".jpg") if lvl: log.debug("detectLevel: found level '%s'" % str(lvl)) return lvl else:"detectLevel: could not find level") return None
def start_detect(self, filename, hash): log.error("Starting detection") if not os.path.isfile(filename): log.error("File does not exist") log.error(filename) return log.error("Starting analisys") img = cv2.imread(filename) img = cv2.resize(img, (750, 1334), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) ###raid1 raid1 = img[Y1 - 70:Y1 + 200, X1 - 80:X1 + 80] cv2.imwrite(self.tempPath + "/" + str(hash) + "_raid1.jpg", raid1) ###raid2 raid2 = img[Y1 - 70:Y1 + 200, X2 - 80:X2 + 80] cv2.imwrite(self.tempPath + "/" + str(hash) + "_raid2.jpg", raid2) ###raid3 raid3 = img[Y1 - 70:Y1 + 200, X3 - 80:X3 + 80] cv2.imwrite(self.tempPath + "/" + str(hash) + "_raid3.jpg", raid3) ###raid4 raid4 = img[Y2 - 70:Y2 + 200, X1 - 80:X1 + 80] cv2.imwrite(self.tempPath + "/" + str(hash) + "_raid4.jpg", raid4) ###raid5 raid5 = img[Y2 - 70:Y2 + 200, X2 - 80:X2 + 80] cv2.imwrite(self.tempPath + "/" + str(hash) + "_raid5.jpg", raid5) ###raid3 raid6 = img[Y2 - 70:Y2 + 200, X3 - 80:X3 + 80] cv2.imwrite(self.tempPath + "/" + str(hash) + "_raid6.jpg", raid6) i = 1 foundgym = None foundmon = None foundegg = None foundlvl = None while i < 7: gymfound = 0 monfound = 0 eggfound = 0 lvlfound = 0 log.debug('Generating Pic of Raidboss') image1 = cv2.imread(self.tempPath + "/" + str(hash) + "_raid" + str(i) + ".jpg") raidpic = image1[0:165, 0:160] cv2.imwrite( self.tempPath + "/" + str(hash) + "_raidpic" + str(i) + ".jpg", raidpic) log.debug('Generating Pic of Timer') image2 = cv2.imread(self.tempPath + "/" + str(hash) + "_raid" + str(i) + ".jpg") raidtimer = image2[200:230, 0:297] raidtimer = cv2.resize(raidtimer, (0, 0), fx=3, fy=3) cv2.imwrite( self.tempPath + "/" + str(hash) + "_raidtimer" + str(i) + ".jpg", raidtimer) log.debug('Reading Raidtext') emptyraid = image2[195:225, 0:160] cv2.imwrite(self.tempPath + "/" + str(hash) + "_emptyraid.png", raidtimer) rt = + "/" + str(hash) + "_emptyraid.png") gray = rt.convert('L') bw = gray.point(lambda x: 0 if x < 210 else 255, '1') + "/" + str(hash) + "_cropped_emptyraid_bw.png") raidtext = pytesseract.image_to_string( + "/" + str(hash) + "_cropped_emptyraid_bw.png"), config='-psm 7') log.debug(raidtext) if len(raidtext) > 0: log.debug('Generating Pic of Timer') raidlevel = image2[235:265, 0:297] raidlevel = cv2.resize(raidlevel, (0, 0), fx=3, fy=3) cv2.imwrite( self.tempPath + "/" + str(hash) + "_raidlevel" + str(i) + ".jpg", raidlevel) log.debug('Extracting Raidboss') lower = np.array([80, 60, 30], dtype="uint8") upper = np.array([110, 90, 70], dtype="uint8") kernel = np.ones((3, 3), np.uint8) kernel2 = np.ones((6, 6), np.uint8) raidMonZoom = cv2.resize(image1, (0, 0), fx=2, fy=2) mask = cv2.inRange(raidMonZoom, lower, upper) output = cv2.bitwise_and(raidMonZoom, raidMonZoom, mask=mask) cv2.imwrite( self.tempPath + "/" + str(hash) + "_raidboss" + str(i) + ".jpg", output) monAsset = cv2.imread( self.tempPath + "/" + str(hash) + "_raidboss" + str(i) + ".jpg", 3) monAsset = cv2.inRange(monAsset, np.array([0, 0, 0]), np.array([15, 15, 15])) monAsset = cv2.morphologyEx(monAsset, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel) monAsset = cv2.morphologyEx(monAsset, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel2) cv2.imwrite( self.tempPath + "/" + str(hash) + "_raidboss" + str(i) + ".jpg", monAsset) log.debug('Reading Timer') raidtime = + "/" + str(hash) + "_raidtimer" + str(i) + ".jpg") gray = raidtime.convert('L') bw = gray.point(lambda x: 0 if x < 185 else 255, '1') + "/" + str(hash) + "_raidtimer" + str(i) + ".jpg") timer = pytesseract.image_to_string( + "/" + str(hash) + "_raidtimer" + str(i) + ".jpg"), config='--psm=7').replace(' ', '').replace( '~', '').replace('o', '0').replace('O', '0').replace('-', '') log.debug(timer) log.debug('Scanning Level') for file in glob.glob("mon_img/_raidlevel_*.jpg"): find_lvl = mt.fort_image_matching( file, self.tempPath + "/" + str(hash) + "_raidlevel" + str(i) + ".jpg", False, 0.5) if foundlvl is None or find_lvl > foundlvl[0]: foundlvl = find_lvl, file if not foundlvl is None and foundlvl[0] > 0.5 and len( raidtext) > 0: lvlfound = 1 lvlSplit = foundlvl[1].split('_') lvl = lvlSplit[3] log.debug('Level: ' + str(lvl)) log.debug('Scanning Egg') for file in glob.glob("mon_img/_egg_*.png"): find_egg = mt.fort_image_matching( file, self.tempPath + "/" + str(hash) + "_raid" + str(i) + ".jpg", True, 0.9) if foundegg is None or find_egg > foundegg[0]: foundegg = find_egg, file if not foundegg is None and foundegg[0] > 0.9 and len( raidtext) > 0: eggfound = 1 log.debug('Eggfound: ' + str(eggfound)) log.debug('Scanning Time') if "R" not in timer: now = date1 = str(now.year) + "-0" + str(now.month) + "-" + str( raidstart = getHatchTime(self, timer) - (self.timezone * 60 * 60) raidend = getHatchTime(self, timer) + int( 45 * 60) - (self.timezone * 60 * 60) log.debug('Start: ' + str(raidstart) + ' End: ' + str(raidend)) else: raidstart = "-" log.debug('Scanning Gym') gymHash = self.imageHashExists( self.tempPath + "/" + str(hash) + "_raid" + str(i) + ".jpg", True, 'gym') log.debug('Gymhash: ' + str(gymHash)) if not gymHash: for file in glob.glob("gym_img/*.jpg"): find_gym = mt.fort_image_matching( self.tempPath + "/" + str(hash) + "_raid" + str(i) + ".jpg", file, True, 0.6) if foundgym is None or find_gym > foundgym[0]: foundgym = find_gym, file if not foundgym is None and foundgym[0] > 0.6 and len( raidtext) > 0: gymfound = 1 gymSplit = foundgym[1].split('_') gymID = gymSplit[2] if gymfound == 1: self.imageHash( 'temp/' + str(hash) + '_raid' + str(i) + '.jpg', gymID, True, 'gym') else: gymfound = 1 gymID = gymHash if eggfound == 0: log.error('Scanning Mon') monHash = self.imageHashExists( self.tempPath + "/" + str(hash) + "_raidboss" + str(i) + ".jpg", False, 'mon-' + str(lvl)) log.debug('Monhash: ' + str(monHash)) if not monHash: for file in glob.glob("mon_img/_mon_*_" + str(lvl) + ".png"): find_mon = mt.fort_image_matching( file, self.tempPath + "/" + str(hash) + "_raidboss" + str(i) + ".jpg", False, 0.7) if foundmon is None or find_mon > foundmon[0]: log.error("Found mon") foundmon = find_mon, file if not foundmon is None and foundmon[ 0] > 0.7 and len(raidtext) > 0: log.error("Found mon") monfound = 1 monSplit = foundmon[1].split('_') monID = monSplit[3] if monfound == 1: self.imageHash( 'temp/' + str(hash) + '_raidboss' + str(i) + '.jpg', monID, False, 'mon-' + str(lvl)) else: monfound = 1 monID = monHash if gymfound == 1 and (monfound == 1 or eggfound == 1): if monfound == 1: logtext = 'Mon - ID: ' + str(monID) log.error("Found mon %s Lv %s. GymID: %s" % (monID, lvl, gymID)) self.submitRaid(str(gymID), monID, lvl, '-', '-', 'MON') if eggfound == 1: eggSplit = foundegg[1].split('_') eggID = eggSplit[3] logtext = 'Egg - ID: ' + str(eggID) log.debug( "Found egg Lv %s starting at %s and ending at %s. GymID: %s" % (lvl, raidstart, raidend, gymID)) self.submitRaid(str(gymID), '0', lvl, raidstart, raidend, 'EGG')'Raid ' + str(i) + ' | Gym-ID: ' + str(gymID) + ' | ' + logtext + ' | Level: ' + lvl) if gymfound == 1 and (monfound == 0 and eggfound == 0): logtext = ' Mon or Egg: unknown ''Raid ' + str(i) + ' | Gym-ID: ' + str(gymID) + ' | ' + logtext + ' | Level: ' + lvl) if gymfound == 0 and (monfound == 1 or eggfound == 1): gymID = 'unknow' lvlSplit = foundlvl[1].split('_') lvl = lvlSplit[3] if monfound == 1: logtext = 'Mon - ID: ' + str(monID) if eggfound == 1: eggSplit = foundegg[1].split('_') eggID = eggSplit[3] logtext = 'Egg - ID: ' + str(eggID)'Raid ' + str(i) + ' | Gym-ID: ' + str(gymID) + ' | ' + logtext + ' | Level: ' + lvl) if gymfound == 0 and (monfound == 0 and eggfound == 0): gymID = 'uknown' logtext = ' unknown Mon or Egg ''Raid ' + str(i) + ' | Gym-ID: ' + str(gymID) + ' | ' + logtext + ' | Level: ' + lvl) foundmon = None foundgym = None foundegg = None foundlvl = None else: if i == 1: log.error('No active Raids') break else: log.error('No more active Raids') break if gymfound == 0 and len(raidtext) > 0: unknowngymfound = 0 for file in glob.glob(self.unknownPath + "/gym_*.jpg"): foundunknowngym = mt.fort_image_matching( self.tempPath + "/" + str(hash) + "_raidpic" + str(i) + ".jpg", file, True, 0.8) if foundgym is None or foundunknowngym > foundgym[0]: foundgym = foundunknowngym, file if not foundgym is None and foundgym[0] > 0.7: unknowngymfound = 1 foundgym = None if unknowngymfound == 0: name22 = time.time() cv2.imwrite( self.unknownPath + "/gym_" + str(name22) + ".jpg", raidpic) if monfound == 0 and len(raidtext) > 0 and eggfound == 0: unknownmonfound = 0 for file in glob.glob(self.unknownPath + "/mon_*.jpg"): foundunknownmon = mt.fort_image_matching( self.tempPath + "/" + str(hash) + "_raidboss" + str(i) + ".jpg", file, False, 0.8) if foundmon is None or foundunknownmon > foundmon[0]: foundmon = foundunknownmon, file if not foundmon is None and foundmon[0] > 0.7: unknownmonfound = 1 foundmon = None if unknownmonfound == 0: name22 = time.time() cv2.imwrite( self.unknownPath + "/mon_" + str(name22) + ".jpg", monAsset) gymfound = None foundmon = None foundgym = None raidtext = None foundegg = None eggfound = None lvlfound = None i = i + 1 for file in glob.glob(self.tempPath + "/" + str(hash) + "_*raid*.jpg"): os.remove(file) os.remove(self.tempPath + "/" + str(hash) + "_cropped_emptyraid_bw.png") os.remove(self.tempPath + "/" + str(hash) + "_emptyraid.png")
def detectGym(self, raidpic, hash, raidNo, captureLat, captureLng, radius, monId = None): foundgym = None gymId = None x1=0.30 x2=0.62 y1=0.62 y2=1.23 foundMonCrops = False log.debug('[Crop: ' + str(raidNo) + ' (' + str(self.uniqueHash) +') ] ' + 'detectGym: Scanning Gym') #if gymHash is none, we haven't seen the gym yet, otherwise, gymHash == gymId we are looking for if monId: log.debug('[Crop: ' + str(raidNo) + ' (' + str(self.uniqueHash) +') ] ' + 'detectGym: Got Mon-ID for Gym-Detection %s' % monId) with open('monsspec.json') as f: data = json.load(f) if str(monId) in data: foundMonCrops = True crop = data[str(monId)]["Crop"] log.debug('[Crop: ' + str(raidNo) + ' (' + str(self.uniqueHash) +') ] ' + 'detectGym: Found other Crops for Mon %s' % monId) log.debug(str(crop)) x1 = crop['X1'] x2 = crop['X2'] y1 = crop['Y1'] y2 = crop['Y2'] log.debug('[Crop: ' + str(raidNo) + ' (' + str(self.uniqueHash) +') ] ' + 'detectGym: Cropsizes: x1:%s, x2:%s, y1:%s, y2:%s' % (str(x1), str(x2), str(y1), str(y2))) gymHashvalue = self.getImageHash(raidpic, True, raidNo, 'gym', x1, x2, y1, y2, radius) gymHash = self.imageHashExists(raidpic, True, 'gym', raidNo, x1, x2, y1, y2, radius) if gymHash is None: if self.checkDummy(raidpic, x1, x2, y1, y2, hash, raidNo, radius):'[Crop: ' + str(raidNo) + ' (' + str(self.uniqueHash) +') ] ' + 'detectGym: Found dummy gym pic') self.unknownfound(raidpic, 'unkgym', False, raidNo, hash, False, gymHashvalue, captureLat, captureLng) return 'dummy' log.debug('[Crop: ' + str(raidNo) + ' (' + str(self.uniqueHash) +') ] ' + 'detectGym: No Gym-Hash: found - searching') log.debug('[Crop: ' + str(raidNo) + ' (' + str(self.uniqueHash) +') ] ' + 'detectGym: Searching closest gyms') closestGymIds = self.dbWrapper.getNearGyms(captureLat, captureLng, hash, raidNo, str(args.gym_scan_distance)) log.debug('[Crop: ' + str(raidNo) + ' (' + str(self.uniqueHash) +') ] ' + 'detectGym: Detecting Gym') for closegym in closestGymIds: for file in glob.glob("gym_img/_" + str(closegym[0]) + "_.jpg"): find_gym = mt.fort_image_matching(raidpic, file, True, float(args.gym_detection_value), raidNo, hash, checkX=True, radius=radius, x1=x1, x2=x2, y1=y1, y2=y2) log.debug('[Crop: ' + str(raidNo) + ' (' + str(self.uniqueHash) +') ] ' + 'detectGym: Compare Gym-ID - ' + str(closegym[0]) + ' - Match: ' + str(find_gym)) if foundgym is None or find_gym > foundgym[0]: foundgym = find_gym, file if foundgym and foundgym[0]>=float(args.gym_detection_value): #okay, we very likely found our gym gymSplit = foundgym[1].split('_') gymId = gymSplit[2] else: self.imageHash(raidpic, gymHash, True, 'gym', raidNo, x1, x2, y1, y2, radius) log.debug('[Crop: ' + str(raidNo) + ' (' + str(self.uniqueHash) +') ] ' + 'detectGym: Detected Gym-ID: ' + str(gymHash)) return gymHash if gymId: log.debug('[Crop: ' + str(raidNo) + ' (' + str(self.uniqueHash) +') ] ' + 'detectGym: Detected Gym - Gym-ID: '+ str(gymId)) gymHash = self.imageHash(raidpic, gymId, True, 'gym', raidNo, x1=x1, x2=x2, y1=y1, y2=y2, radius=radius) self.unknownfound(raidpic, 'gym', False, raidNo, hash, False, gymHashvalue, '0', '0') return gymId else: #we could not find the gym... self.unknownfound(raidpic, 'unkgym', False, raidNo, hash, False, gymHashvalue, captureLat, captureLng) return None
def run_fortmatching(self, session, fort_fullpath_filename): p_url = Path(self.url_image_path) fort_filename = os.path.basename(fort_fullpath_filename)'find fort for {}'.format(fort_filename)) max_fort_id = 0 max_value = 0.0 max_url_fullpath_filename = '' parts = str(fort_filename.replace('.jpg', '').replace('.png', '')).split('_') if len(parts) >= 3: device = parts[len(parts) - 2] time = int(parts[len(parts) - 1]) teleport_delay = 1 index = 0 for device_conf in self.config.DEVICE_LIST: if device_conf == device: teleport_delay = self.config.TELEPORT_DELAYS[index] break index += 1 time_a = math.floor(time - (teleport_delay / 2)) time_b = math.ceil(time + (teleport_delay / 2)) device_location_a = db.get_device_location_history(session, time_a, device) device_location_b = db.get_device_location_history(session, time_b, device) device_location_c = db.get_device_location_history(session, time, device) limit_forts = [] if device_location_a is not None: ids_a = db.get_fort_ids_within_range(session, None, 800,, device_location_a.lon) for fort_id in ids_a: if fort_id not in limit_forts: limit_forts.append(fort_id) if device_location_b is not None: ids_b = db.get_fort_ids_within_range(session, None, 800,, device_location_b.lon) for fort_id in ids_b: if fort_id not in limit_forts: limit_forts.append(fort_id) if device_location_c is not None: ids_c = db.get_fort_ids_within_range(session, None, 800,, device_location_c.lon) if ids_a is not ids_c and ids_b is not ids_c: for fort_id in ids_c: if fort_id not in limit_forts: limit_forts.append(fort_id) LOG.debug('Matching with gyms: {}'.format(limit_forts)) else: LOG.debug('Matching without location') limit_forts = None for url_fullpath_filename in p_url.glob('*'): url_filename = os.path.basename(url_fullpath_filename) url_filename, url_filename_ext = os.path.splitext(url_filename) if url_filename_ext != '.png' and url_filename_ext != '.jpg': continue if limit_forts is not None and len(limit_forts) != 0: if int(url_filename) not in limit_forts: continue if url_filename_ext == '.jpg' or url_filename_ext == '.png': try: result = mt.fort_image_matching(str(url_fullpath_filename), str(fort_fullpath_filename)) except KeyboardInterrupt: os.killpg(0, signal.SIGINT) sys.exit(1) except: LOG.error('Matching error with {}'.format(str(url_fullpath_filename))) else: url_filename = os.path.basename(url_fullpath_filename) fort_id, ext = os.path.splitext(url_filename) # print('fort_id:',fort_id,'result:',result,'max_value:',max_value, 'max_fort_id:', max_fort_id) if result >= max_value: max_value = result max_fort_id = fort_id max_url_fullpath_filename = url_fullpath_filename # await asyncio.sleep(0.01)'fort_filename:{} max_fort_id: {} max_value: {}'.format(fort_filename,max_fort_id, max_value)) img = cv2.imread(str(fort_fullpath_filename), 3) gym_image_id = self.raidnearby.get_gym_image_id(img) gym_image_fort_id = db.get_gym_image_fort_id(session, gym_image_id) if float(max_value) >= 0.7: if gym_image_fort_id is not None and int(max_fort_id) == int(gym_image_fort_id):'This gym image is already trained') fort_result_file = os.getcwd() + '/success_img/Fort_' + str(max_fort_id) + '_GymImages_' + str(gym_image_id) + '_' + '{:.3f}'.format(max_value) + '.png' url_result_file = os.getcwd() + '/success_img/Fort_'+str(max_fort_id) + '_url' + str(url_filename_ext) shutil.move(fort_fullpath_filename, fort_result_file) shutil.copy(max_url_fullpath_filename, url_result_file) else: unknown_fort_id = db.get_unknown_fort_id(session)'gym_images id:{} fort_id:{} unknow_fort_id:{}'.format(gym_image_id,gym_image_fort_id,unknown_fort_id)) if gym_image_fort_id == unknown_fort_id: try: db.update_gym_image(session,gym_image_id,max_fort_id) except KeyboardInterrupt: os.killpg(0, signal.SIGINT) sys.exit(1) except: LOG.error('Error to update gym_images for{} gym_images.fort_id:{}'.format(gym_image_id,max_fort_id)) fort_result_file = os.getcwd() + '/success_img/Fort_' + str(max_fort_id) + '_GymImages_' + str(gym_image_id) + '_' + '{:.3f}'.format(max_value) + '.png' url_result_file = os.getcwd() + '/not_find_img/Fort_'+str(max_fort_id) + '_url' + str(url_filename_ext) shutil.move(fort_fullpath_filename, fort_result_file) shutil.copy(max_url_fullpath_filename, url_result_file) LOG.error('Successfully found fort fort_id:{}, but failed to updata gym_images database. Check not_find_img with the fort_id'.format(max_fort_id)) else: fort_result_file = os.getcwd() + '/success_img/Fort_' + str(max_fort_id) + '_GymImages_' + str(gym_image_id) + '_' + '{:.3f}'.format(max_value) + '.png' url_result_file = os.getcwd() + '/success_img/Fort_'+str(max_fort_id) + '_url' + str(url_filename_ext) process_img_path = os.getcwd() + '/process_img/Fort_' + str(max_fort_id) + '.png' shutil.copy(fort_fullpath_filename, process_img_path) shutil.move(fort_fullpath_filename, fort_result_file) shutil.copy(max_url_fullpath_filename, url_result_file)'Successfully found fort id: {}'.format(max_fort_id)) else:'The gym image is assigned as fort id:{}'.format(gym_image_fort_id))'Check not_find_img directory.')'If the Fort_{}.png and Fort_{}_url.jpg in not_find_img are correct'.format(str(max_fort_id),str(max_fort_id)))'Run "python3.6 force"'.format(str(max_fort_id),str(max_fort_id))) fort_result_file = os.getcwd() + '/success_img/Fort_' + str(max_fort_id) + '_GymImages_' + str(gym_image_id) + '_' + '{:.3f}'.format(max_value) + '.png' url_result_file = os.getcwd() + '/not_find_img/Fort_'+str(max_fort_id) + '_url' + str(url_filename_ext) shutil.move(fort_fullpath_filename, fort_result_file) shutil.copy(max_url_fullpath_filename, url_result_file) elif float(max_value) >= 0.60: fort_result_file = os.getcwd() + '/not_find_img/LowConfidence_Fort_' + str(max_fort_id) + '_GymImages_' + str(gym_image_id) + '_' + '{:.3f}'.format(max_value) + '.png' url_result_file = os.getcwd() + '/not_find_img/LowConfidence_Fort_'+str(max_fort_id) + '_url' + str(url_filename_ext) shutil.move(fort_fullpath_filename, fort_result_file) shutil.copy(max_url_fullpath_filename, url_result_file)'Found fort id: {} but need to verify'.format(max_fort_id))'If the Fort_{}.png and Fort_{}_url.jpg in not_find_img are correct'.format(str(max_fort_id),str(max_fort_id)))'Run "python3.6"'.format(str(max_fort_id),str(max_fort_id))) else: split = str(fort_filename).split('_') if len(split) == 4: fort_filename_real = split[0] + '_' + split[1] + '.png' else: fort_filename_real = fort_filename fort_result_file = os.getcwd() + '/not_find_img/' + str(fort_filename_real) url_result_file = os.getcwd() + '/not_find_img/'+str(max_fort_id) + str(url_filename_ext) shutil.move(fort_fullpath_filename, fort_result_file) shutil.copy(max_url_fullpath_filename, url_result_file)'Can not find fort: {}, check the image in not_find_img'.format(max_fort_id))