def rotozoom(self, surface, angle, size): """ Return Surface rotated and resized by the given angle and size. """ if not angle: width = int(surface.get_width() * size) height = int(surface.get_height() * size) return self.scale(surface, (width, height)) theta = angle * self.deg_rad width_i = int(surface.get_width() * size) height_i = int(surface.get_height() * size) cos_theta = _fabs(_cos(theta)) sin_theta = _fabs(_sin(theta)) width_f = int(_ceil((width_i * cos_theta) + (height_i * sin_theta))) if width_f % 2: width_f += 1 height_f = int(_ceil((width_i * sin_theta) + (height_i * cos_theta))) if height_f % 2: height_f += 1 surf = Surface((width_f, height_f)) surf.saveContext() surf.translate(width_f / 2.0, height_f / 2.0) surf.rotate(-theta) surf.drawImage(surface.canvas, 0, 0, surface.get_width(), surface.get_height(), -width_i / 2, -height_i / 2, width_i, height_i) surf.restoreContext() return surf
def rotate(surface, angle): """ Return Surface rotated by the given angle. """ if not angle: return surface.copy() theta = angle * _deg_rad width_i = surface.getWidth() height_i = surface.getHeight() cos_theta = _fabs(_cos(theta)) sin_theta = _fabs(_sin(theta)) width_f = int((width_i * cos_theta) + (height_i * sin_theta)) height_f = int((width_i * sin_theta) + (height_i * cos_theta)) surf = Surface((width_f, height_f), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB) at = AffineTransform() at.translate(width_f / 2.0, height_f / 2.0) at.rotate(-theta) g2d = surf.createGraphics() ot = g2d.getTransform() g2d.setTransform(at) g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BILINEAR) g2d.drawImage(surface, -width_i // 2, -height_i // 2, None) g2d.setTransform(ot) g2d.dispose() return surf
def rotozoom(surface, angle, size): """ Return Surface rotated and resized by the given angle and size. """ if not angle: width = int(surface.getWidth() * size) height = int(surface.getHeight() * size) return scale(surface, (width, height)) theta = angle * _deg_rad width_i = int(surface.getWidth() * size) height_i = int(surface.getHeight() * size) cos_theta = _fabs(_cos(theta)) sin_theta = _fabs(_sin(theta)) width_f = int(_ceil((width_i * cos_theta) + (height_i * sin_theta))) if width_f % 2: width_f += 1 height_f = int(_ceil((width_i * sin_theta) + (height_i * cos_theta))) if height_f % 2: height_f += 1 surf = Surface((width_f, height_f), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB) at = AffineTransform() at.translate(width_f / 2.0, height_f / 2.0) at.rotate(-theta) g2d = surf.createGraphics() ot = g2d.getTransform() g2d.setTransform(at) g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BILINEAR) g2d.drawImage(surface, -width_i // 2, -height_i // 2, width_i, height_i, None) g2d.setTransform(ot) g2d.dispose() return surf
def rotozoom(self, surface, angle, size): """ Return Surface rotated and resized by the given angle and size. """ if not angle: width = int(surface.getWidth()*size) height = int(surface.getHeight()*size) return self.scale(surface, (width, height)) theta = angle*self.deg_rad width_i = int(surface.getWidth()*size) height_i = int(surface.getHeight()*size) cos_theta = _fabs( _cos(theta) ) sin_theta = _fabs( _sin(theta) ) width_f = int( _ceil((width_i*cos_theta)+(height_i*sin_theta)) ) if width_f % 2: width_f += 1 height_f = int( _ceil((width_i*sin_theta)+(height_i*cos_theta)) ) if height_f % 2: height_f += 1 surf = Surface((width_f,height_f), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB) at = AffineTransform() at.translate(width_f/2, height_f/2) at.rotate(-theta) g2d = surf.createGraphics() ot = g2d.getTransform() g2d.setTransform(at) g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BILINEAR) g2d.drawImage(surface, -width_i//2, -height_i//2, width_i, height_i, None) g2d.setTransform(ot) g2d.dispose() return surf
def rotate(self, surface, angle): """ Return Surface rotated by the given angle. """ if not angle: return surface.copy() theta = angle*self.deg_rad width_i = surface.getWidth() height_i = surface.getHeight() cos_theta = _fabs( _cos(theta) ) sin_theta = _fabs( _sin(theta) ) width_f = int( (width_i*cos_theta)+(height_i*sin_theta) ) height_f = int( (width_i*sin_theta)+(height_i*cos_theta) ) surf = Surface((width_f,height_f), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB) at = AffineTransform() at.translate(width_f/2, height_f/2) at.rotate(-theta) g2d = surf.createGraphics() ot = g2d.getTransform() g2d.setTransform(at) g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BILINEAR) g2d.drawImage(surface, -width_i//2, -height_i//2, None) g2d.setTransform(ot) g2d.dispose() return surf
def rotozoom(self, surface, angle, size): """ Return Surface rotated and resized by the given angle and size. """ if not angle: width = int(surface.get_width()*size) height = int(surface.get_height()*size) return self.scale(surface, (width, height)) theta = angle*self.deg_rad width_i = int(surface.get_width()*size) height_i = int(surface.get_height()*size) cos_theta = _fabs( _cos(theta) ) sin_theta = _fabs( _sin(theta) ) width_f = int( _ceil((width_i*cos_theta)+(height_i*sin_theta)) ) if width_f % 2: width_f += 1 height_f = int( _ceil((width_i*sin_theta)+(height_i*cos_theta)) ) if height_f % 2: height_f += 1 surf = Surface((width_f,height_f)) surf.saveContext() surf.translate(width_f/2.0, height_f/2.0) surf.rotate(-theta) surf.drawImage(surface.canvas, 0, 0, surface.get_width(), surface.get_height(), -width_i/2, -height_i/2, width_i, height_i) surf.restoreContext() return surf
def rotate(self, surface, angle): """ Return Surface rotated by the given angle. """ if not angle: return surface.copy() theta = angle * self.deg_rad width_i = surface.get_width() height_i = surface.get_height() cos_theta = _fabs(_cos(theta)) sin_theta = _fabs(_sin(theta)) width_f = int((width_i * cos_theta) + (height_i * sin_theta)) height_f = int((width_i * sin_theta) + (height_i * cos_theta)) surf = Surface((width_f, height_f)) surf.saveContext() surf.translate(width_f / 2.0, height_f / 2.0) surf.rotate(-theta) surf.drawImage(surface.canvas, -width_i / 2, -height_i / 2) surf.restoreContext() return surf
def rotate(self, surface, angle): """ Return Surface rotated by the given angle. """ if not angle: return surface.copy() theta = angle*self.deg_rad width_i = surface.get_width() height_i = surface.get_height() cos_theta = _fabs( _cos(theta) ) sin_theta = _fabs( _sin(theta) ) width_f = int( (width_i*cos_theta)+(height_i*sin_theta) ) height_f = int( (width_i*sin_theta)+(height_i*cos_theta) ) surf = Surface((width_f,height_f)) surf.saveContext() surf.translate(width_f/2.0, height_f/2.0) surf.rotate(-theta) surf.drawImage(surface.canvas, -width_i/2, -height_i/2) surf.restoreContext() return surf
def next_price(self): """Calculate and return a new price; use initial price on first call""" if self._state.iter == 0: # On first iteration use initial price price = self._initial_price else: change = self._state.random.gauss(0.0, self._sigma) price = _fabs( self._state.last_price + self._state.last_price * change ) if price < 0.1: price = 0.1 self._state = _STATE(price, self._state.random, self._state.iter + 1) return self._state.last_price
def _frac(x): return _fabs(x - _floor(x))
def str(latlong): """Convert latitude/longitude information in various formats into a pretty printable Unicode string.""" if len(latlong) == 2: return u'{0:f}\N{DEGREE SIGN}{1:s}, {2:f}\N{DEGREE SIGN}{3:s}'.format( _fabs(latlong[0]), _ns(latlong[0]), _fabs(latlong[1]), _ew(latlong[1])) elif len(latlong) == 3: return u'{0:f}\N{DEGREE SIGN}{1:s}, {2:f}\N{DEGREE SIGN}{3:s}, {4:.3f}m'.format( _fabs(latlong[0]), _ns(latlong[0]), _fabs(latlong[1]), _ew(latlong[1]), latlong[2]) elif len(latlong) == 4: return u'{0:.0f}\N{DEGREE SIGN}{1:.4f}\'{2:s}, {3:.0f}\N{DEGREE SIGN}{4:.4f}\'{5:s}'.format( _fabs(latlong[0]), latlong[1], _ns(latlong[0]), _fabs(latlong[2]), latlong[3], _ew(latlong[2])) elif len(latlong) == 5: return u'{0:.0f}\N{DEGREE SIGN}{1:.4f}\'{2:s}, {3:.0f}\N{DEGREE SIGN}{4:.4f}\'{5:s}, {6:.3f}m'.format( _fabs(latlong[0]), latlong[1], _ns(latlong[0]), _fabs(latlong[2]), latlong[3], _ew(latlong[2]), latlong[4]) elif len(latlong) == 6: return u'{0:.0f}\N{DEGREE SIGN}{1:.0f}\'{2:.2f}"{3:s}, {4:.0f}\N{DEGREE SIGN}{5:.0f}\'{6:.2f}"{7:s}'.format( _fabs(latlong[0]), latlong[1], latlong[2], _ns(latlong[0]), _fabs(latlong[3]), latlong[4], latlong[5], _ew(latlong[3])) elif len(latlong) == 7: return u'{0:.0f}\N{DEGREE SIGN}{1:.0f}\'{2:.2f}"{3:s}, {4:.0f}\N{DEGREE SIGN}{5:.0f}\'{6:.2f}"{7:s}, {8:.3f}m'.format( _fabs(latlong[0]), latlong[1], latlong[2], _ns(latlong[0]), _fabs(latlong[3]), latlong[4], latlong[5], _ew(latlong[3]), latlong[6]) else: raise ValueError('Incorrect format for latitude/longitude data')
def binomialvariate(self, n=1, p=0.5): """Binomial random variable. Gives the number of successes for *n* independent trials with the probability of success in each trial being *p*: sum(random() < p for i in range(n)) Returns an integer in the range: 0 <= X <= n """ # Error check inputs and handle edge cases if n < 0: raise ValueError("n must be non-negative") if p <= 0.0 or p >= 1.0: if p == 0.0: return 0 if p == 1.0: return n raise ValueError("p must be in the range 0.0 <= p <= 1.0") random = self.random # Fast path for a common case if n == 1: return _index(random() < p) # Exploit symmetry to establish: p <= 0.5 if p > 0.5: return n - self.binomialvariate(n, 1.0 - p) if n * p < 10.0: # BG: Geometric method by Devroye with running time of O(np). # x = y = 0 c = _log(1.0 - p) if not c: return x while True: y += _floor(_log(random()) / c) + 1 if y > n: return x x += 1 # BTRS: Transformed rejection with squeeze method by Wolfgang Hörmann # assert n * p >= 10.0 and p <= 0.5 setup_complete = False spq = _sqrt(n * p * (1.0 - p)) # Standard deviation of the distribution b = 1.15 + 2.53 * spq a = -0.0873 + 0.0248 * b + 0.01 * p c = n * p + 0.5 vr = 0.92 - 4.2 / b while True: u = random() v = random() u -= 0.5 us = 0.5 - _fabs(u) k = _floor((2.0 * a / us + b) * u + c) if k < 0 or k > n: continue # The early-out "squeeze" test substantially reduces # the number of acceptance condition evaluations. if us >= 0.07 and v <= vr: return k # Acceptance-rejection test. # Note, the original paper errorneously omits the call to log(v) # when comparing to the log of the rescaled binomial distribution. if not setup_complete: alpha = (2.83 + 5.1 / b) * spq lpq = _log(p / (1.0 - p)) m = _floor((n + 1) * p) # Mode of the distribution h = _lgamma(m + 1) + _lgamma(n - m + 1) setup_complete = True # Only needs to be done once v *= alpha / (a / (us * us) + b) if _log(v) <= h - _lgamma(k + 1) - _lgamma(n - k + 1) + (k - m) * lpq: return k