Example #1
    def move(self):
        self.location[0] += self.velocity[0]
        self.location[1] += self.velocity[1]

        self.blit_location[0] = self.location[0] - abs(math_sin(math_pi*self.angle/90)*self.image.get_width()/math_sqrt(8))
        self.blit_location[1] = self.location[1] - abs(math_sin(math_pi*self.angle/90)*self.image.get_width()/math_sqrt(8))

        if 0 > self.location[0] + self.image.get_width() // 2:
            self.location[0] = const.WINDOW_WIDTH - self.image.get_width() // 2
        elif self.location[0] + self.image.get_width() // 2 > const.WINDOW_WIDTH:
            self.location[0] = - self.image.get_width() // 2
        if 0 > self.location[1] + self.image.get_height() // 2:
            self.location[1] = const.WINDOW_HEIGHT - self.image.get_height() // 2
        elif self.location[1] + self.image.get_height() // 2 > const.WINDOW_HEIGHT:
            self.location[1] = - self.image.get_height() // 2

        self.velocity[0] += self.acceleration[0]
        self.velocity[1] += self.acceleration[1]

        if math_sqrt( self.velocity[0]**2 + self.velocity[1]**2 ) > 10:
            self.velocity[0] *= 10 / math_sqrt( self.velocity[0]**2 + self.velocity[1]**2 )
            self.velocity[1] *= 10 / math_sqrt( self.velocity[0]**2 + self.velocity[1]**2 )

        #reset acceleration
        self.acceleration[0] = 0
        self.acceleration[1] = 0
 def get_term_meaning_score(self, term, weight_this_shop,
                            weight_other_shops, number_of_other_shops):
     # 'longer' and 'multi-word' are better
     length_score = math_sqrt(len(term)) * len(term.split(' '))
     # less popular is better
     average_weight_other_shops = weight_other_shops / number_of_other_shops
     relative_popularity_score = (
         weight_this_shop / math_sqrt((average_weight_other_shops) + 1))
     score = length_score * relative_popularity_score
     return score
Example #3
def getStraightness(line, start,end):
    :param line: object helper.polygon
    :param start: index of the starting point
    :param end: index of the ending point

    for i in range(start,end):
        s=+ math_sqrt( (line.col[i]-line.col[i+1]) * (line.col[i]-line.col[i+1])    +   (line.row[i]-line.row[i+1]) * (line.row[i]-line.row[i+1]) )
    distance =  math_sqrt( (line.col[start]-line.col[end]) * (line.col[start]-line.col[end])    +   (line.row[start]-line.row[end]) * (line.row[start]-line.row[end]) )
    return distance / s
Example #4
    def create_prior_boxes(self, aspect_ratios):
        feature_map_dimensions = {
            'conv4_3': 38,
            'conv7': 19,
            'conv8_2': 10,
            'conv9_2': 5,
            'conv10_2': 3,
            'conv11_2': 1

        obj_scales = {
            'conv4_3': 0.1,
            'conv7': 0.2,
            'conv8_2': 0.375,
            'conv9_2': 0.55,
            'conv10_2': 0.725,
            'conv11_2': 0.9

        feature_maps = list(feature_map_dimensions.keys())

        prior_boxes = []

        for k, fmap in enumerate(feature_maps):
            for i in range(feature_map_dimensions[fmap]):
                for j in range(feature_map_dimensions[fmap]):
                    cx = (j + 0.5) / feature_map_dimensions[fmap]
                    cy = (i + 0.5) / feature_map_dimensions[fmap]

                    for ratio in aspect_ratios[fmap]:
                            cx, cy, obj_scales[fmap] * math_sqrt(ratio),
                            obj_scales[fmap] / math_sqrt(ratio)

                        if ratio == 1.:
                                additional_scale = math_sqrt(
                                    obj_scales[fmap] *
                                    obj_scales[feature_maps[k + 1]])
                            except IndexError:
                                additional_scale = 1.
                                [cx, cy, additional_scale, additional_scale])

        prior_boxes = self._to_cuda(FloatTensor(prior_boxes))
        prior_boxes.clamp_(0, 1)

        return prior_boxes
Example #5
   def statistics(self):
      """ Do statistical analysis of population and set 'statted' to True """
      if self.statted: return
      logging.debug("Running statistical calc.")
      raw_sum = 0

      len_pop = len(self)
      for ind in xrange(len_pop):
         raw_sum += self[ind].score

      self.stats["rawMax"] = max(self, key=key_raw_score).score
      self.stats["rawMin"] = min(self, key=key_raw_score).score
      self.stats["rawAve"] = raw_sum / float(len_pop)
      tmpvar = 0.0;
      for ind in xrange(len_pop):
         s = self[ind].score - self.stats["rawAve"]
         s*= s
         tmpvar += s

      tmpvar/= float((len(self) - 1))
      self.stats["rawDev"] = math_sqrt(tmpvar)
      self.stats["rawVar"] = tmpvar

      self.statted = True
Example #6
def cuda_gw_hist(data, bins, scale, gw_hist_out):
    """Increment weighted bin counts in gw_hist_out, given an array of bins
    data: ndarray of shape (ndata, )

    bins: ndarray of shape (nbins, )

    scale: ndarray of shape (ndata, )

    gw_hist_out: ndarray of shape (nbins -1, )
         empty array to store result
    # find where this job goes over
    start = cuda.grid(1)
    stride = cuda.gridsize(1)

    # define some useful things
    bot = bins[0]
    sqrt2 = math_sqrt(2.)

    # loop over the data set - each thread now looks at one data point.
    for i in range(start, data.shape[0], stride):
        z = (data[i] - bot) / scale[i] / sqrt2
        last_cdf = 0.5 * (1. + math_erf(z))
        # for each bin, calculate weight and add it in
        for j in range(1, bins.shape[0]):
            bin_edge = bins[j]
            z = (data[i] - bin_edge) / scale[i] / sqrt2
            new_cdf = 0.5 * (1. + math_erf(z))
            weight = last_cdf - new_cdf
            # atomic add to bin to avoid race conditions
            cuda.atomic.add(gw_hist_out, j - 1, weight)
            last_cdf = new_cdf
Example #7
def filterByResponseMeanStd(lines, response_map, sigmafactor_max, sigmafactor_min,  double_filament_insensitivity, fitDistr=False):

    :param lines: list of  object helper.polygon
    :param response_map:
    :param sigmafactor_max:
    :param sigmafactor_min:
    :param double_filament_insensitivity:
    :param fitDistr:
    filtered=list()     # it will be a list of polygon
    ''' Calculate mean response over all lines '''
    sum_mean_line_response = 0
    for l in lines:
        sum_mean_line_response += meanResponse(l=l, response_map=response_map)
    mean_response = sum_mean_line_response / len(lines)

    ''' Calculate standard deviation of the response '''
    for l in lines:
        for i, j in zip(l.col, l.row):
            value= response_map[i, j]-mean_response
            sd += (value*value)

    ''' Fit a distribution to get better estimates for mean response and the standard deviation '''
    if fitDistr is True:
        fitted=fitNormalDistributionToHist(hist=getResponseHistogram(lines=lines, response_map=response_map))
        sd = fitted[1]

    ''' Calculate the thresholds '''
    threshold_min = JAVA_MIN_DOUBLE if sigmafactor_min<th_power else mean_response-(sd*sigmafactor_min)
    threshold_max = mean_response + (sd * sigmafactor_max)
    if sigmafactor_max<th_power:
        '''no max threshold'''
    elif threshold_max>255:

    For each line: Count the number of positions (pixel) which has a response below threshold_min or above threshold_max.
    If the number if higher then a the number of positions times some factor (0-1) the filament will be excluded.
    for l in lines:
        nOver = 0
        nUnder = 0
        for x, y in zip(l.col, l.row):
            if response_map[x, y] > threshold_max:
                nOver += 1
            if response_map[x, y] < threshold_min:
                nUnder += 1
            numberOfPointsToBeExcluded = int(l.num * double_filament_insensitivity)
            if nUnder < numberOfPointsToBeExcluded and nOver < numberOfPointsToBeExcluded:
    return filtered
def non_iter_ls_inv_stft(stft_object):
    stft_data = stft_object['stft']
    origSigSize = stft_object['origSigSize']
    num_rows, _, _ = origSigSize
    shift_length = stft_object['shift_length']
    len_each_section, num_rows_overlap, _, _ = stft_data.shape
    # TODO: Isn't this just num_rows in the very beginning?
    # total_new_elements = (num_rows_overlap - 1) * shift_length + len_each_section
    win_info = stft_object['win_info']
    wVec = win_info(len_each_section)
    wVecSq = wVec**2
    vecC = np_arange(1, num_rows_overlap * shift_length, step=shift_length)
    # vecC = range(0, num_rows_overlap*shift_length-1, shift_length)
    DlsArr = np_zeros((num_rows, ))
    for j in vecC:
        tmpArr = np_arange(j - 1, len_each_section + j - 1)
        # tmpArr = np_arange(j, len_each_section+j)
        DlsArr[tmpArr] += wVecSq
    # DlsArrInv = 1/DlsArr
    invFT = math_sqrt(len_each_section) * np_ifft(stft_data, axis=0)
    invFT_real = invFT.real
    invFT *= wVec[:, np_newaxis, np_newaxis, np_newaxis]
    yEst = np_zeros(origSigSize)
    for index, j in enumerate(vecC):
        tmpArr = np_arange(j - 1, len_each_section + j - 1)
        yEst[tmpArr, :] += invFT_real[:, index, :]
    # sigOut = yEst * DlsArrInv[:, np_newaxis, np_newaxis]
    sigOut = yEst / DlsArr[:, np_newaxis, np_newaxis]
    return sigOut
Example #9
    def statistics(self):
        """ Do statistical analysis of population and set 'statted' to True """
        if self.statted:
        logging.debug("Running statistical calculations")
        raw_sum = 0

        len_pop = len(self)
        for ind in range(len_pop):
            raw_sum += self[ind].score

        self.stats["rawMax"] = max(self, key=key_raw_score).score
        self.stats["rawMin"] = min(self, key=key_raw_score).score
        self.stats["rawAve"] = raw_sum / float(len_pop)

        tmpvar = 0.0
        for ind in range(len_pop):
            s = self[ind].score - self.stats["rawAve"]
            s *= s
            tmpvar += s

        tmpvar /= float((len(self) - 1))
            self.stats["rawDev"] = math_sqrt(tmpvar)
        except ValueError:  # TODO test needed
            self.stats["rawDev"] = 0.0

        self.stats["rawVar"] = tmpvar

        self.statted = True
Example #10
def addsub(number, name, left, right):
    if left.units != right.units and left.number and right.number:
        raise_QuantError("Units in sum not compatible", "%s + %s", (left, right))
    prefu, provenance = inherit_binary(left, right)
    units = left.units if left.number else left.units
    uncert = math_sqrt(left.uncert ** 2 + right.uncert ** 2)
    return Q(number, name, units, uncert, prefu, provenance)
def wilson_score_interval(x: int,
                          n: int,
                          conflevel: Union[float, None] = 0.95,
                          z: Union[float, None] = None):
    # LaTeX: $$(w^-, w^+) = \frac{p + z^2/2n \pm z\sqrt{p(1-p)/n + z^2/4n^2}}{1+z^2/n}$$
    """Calculates confidence interval for proportions using Wilson Score Interval method

    `x` - succeeded trials

    `n` - total trials

    `conflevel` - confidence level (0 < float < 1). Defaults to 0.95 if its unset and *z* is unset

    `z` - z score. If unset, calculated form the given *conflevel*
    if x > n:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Number of succeeded trials (x) has to be no more than number of total trials (n). x = {x} and n = {n} were passed"

    z = normal_z_score_two_tailed(conflevel)

    p = float(x) / n
    denom = 1 + ((z**2) / n)
    mean = p + ((z**2) / (2 * n))
    diff = z * math_sqrt(p * (1 - p) / n + (z**2) / (4 * n**2))
    ci = ((mean - diff) / denom, (mean + diff) / denom)
    return ci
Example #12
    def getRMSE(self):

        """ Return the root mean square error
        :rtype: float RMSE

        return math_sqrt(self.acc_square / float(self.acc_len))
Example #13
   def statistics(self):
      """ Do statistical analysis of population and set 'statted' to True """
      if self.statted: return
      logging.debug("Running statistical calculations")
      raw_sum = 0
      fit_sum = 0

      len_pop = len(self)
      for ind in xrange(len_pop):
         raw_sum += self[ind].score
         #fit_sum += self[ind].fitness

      self.stats["rawMax"] = max(self, key=key_raw_score).score
      self.stats["rawMin"] = min(self, key=key_raw_score).score
      self.stats["rawAve"] = raw_sum / float(len_pop)
      #self.stats["rawTot"] = raw_sum
      #self.stats["fitTot"] = fit_sum
      tmpvar = 0.0
      for ind in xrange(len_pop):
         s = self[ind].score - self.stats["rawAve"]
         s*= s
         tmpvar += s

      tmpvar/= float((len(self) - 1))
         self.stats["rawDev"] = math_sqrt(tmpvar)
         self.stats["rawDev"] = 0.0

      self.stats["rawVar"] = tmpvar

      self.statted = True
Example #14
def numba_kernel_histogram(data, bins, scale, khist):
    data : ndarray of shape (ndata, )

    bins : ndarray of shape (nbins, )

    scale : float or ndarray of shape (ndata, )

    khist : ndarray of shape (nbins-1, )
        Empty array used to store the result
    ndata = len(data)
    nbins = len(bins)
    bot = bins[0]
    sqrt2 = math_sqrt(2)

    for i in range(ndata):
        x = data[i]

        z = (x - bot)/scale/sqrt2
        last_cdf = 0.5*(1.+math_erf(z))
        for j in range(1, nbins):
            bin_edge = bins[j]
            z = (x - bin_edge)/scale/sqrt2
            new_cdf = 0.5*(1.+math_erf(z))
            weight = last_cdf - new_cdf
            khist[j-1] += weight
            last_cdf = new_cdf
def Z_test_pooled(xT: int, nT: int, xC: int, nC: int, conflevel: float = 0.95) -> Tuple[float, float]:
    # LATEX: $$ (\delta^-, \delta^+) = \hat{p}_T - \hat{p}_C \pm z_{\alpha}\sqrt{\bar{p}(1-\bar{p})(\frac{1}{n_T}+\frac{1}{n_C})} $$
    # $$ \bar{p} = \frac{n_T\hat{p}_T + n_C\hat{p}_C}{n_T + n_C} $$
    """Calculates confidence interval for the difference between two proportions using Z test (pooled) method

    `xT` - succeeded trials in the experimental (trial) group

    `nT` - total trials in the experimental (trial) group

    `xC` - succeeded trials in the control group

    `nC` - total trials in the control group

    `conflevel` - confidence level (0 < float < 1). Defaults to 0.95 if its unset and *z* is unset

    `z` - z score. If unset, calculated form the given *conflevel*
    pT = float(xT)/nT
    pC = float(xC)/nC

    z = normal_z_score_two_tailed(conflevel)

    delta = pC - pT

    p_bar = (nT*pT + nC*pC)/(nT + nC)

    sd = math_sqrt(p_bar*(1-p_bar)*(1/nT + 1/nC))
    z_sd = abs(z*sd)
    ci = (
        delta - z_sd,
        delta + z_sd
    return ci
Example #16
def muldiv(number, name, units, self, other):
    if number:
        uncert = math_sqrt((self.uncert / self.number) ** 2 + (other.uncert / other.number) ** 2) * abs(number)
        uncert = 0.0
    if hasattr(number, 'denominator') and number.denominator == 1:
        number = int(number)
    prefu, provenance = inherit_binary(self, other)
    return Q(number, name, units, uncert, prefu, provenance)
Example #17
def test_against_uncertainties_package():
        from uncertainties import ufloat
        from uncertainties import umath
        from math import sqrt as math_sqrt
    except ImportError:
    X, varX = 0.5, 0.04
    Y, varY = 3, 0.09
    N = 3
    ux = ufloat(X, math_sqrt(varX))
    uy = ufloat(Y, math_sqrt(varY))

    def _compare(result, u):
        Z, varZ = result
        assert abs(Z-u.n)/u.n < 1e-13 and (varZ-u.s**2)/u.s**2 < 1e-13, \
            "expected (%g,%g) got (%g,%g)"%(u.n, u.s**2, Z, varZ)

    def _check_pow(u):
        _compare(pow(X, varX, N), u)

    def _check_unary(op, u):
        _compare(op(X, varX), u)

    def _check_binary(op, u):
        _compare(op(X, varX, Y, varY), u)

    _check_binary(add, ux + uy)
    _check_binary(sub, ux - uy)
    _check_binary(mul, ux * uy)
    _check_binary(div, ux / uy)
    _check_binary(pow2, ux**uy)

    _check_unary(exp, umath.exp(ux))
    _check_unary(log, umath.log(ux))
    _check_unary(sin, umath.sin(ux))
    _check_unary(cos, umath.cos(ux))
    _check_unary(tan, umath.tan(ux))
    _check_unary(arcsin, umath.asin(ux))
    _check_unary(arccos, umath.acos(ux))
    _check_unary(arctan, umath.atan(ux))
    _check_binary(arctan2, umath.atan2(ux, uy))
Example #18
def test_against_uncertainties_package():
        from uncertainties import ufloat
        from uncertainties import umath
        from math import sqrt as math_sqrt
    except ImportError:
    X, varX = 0.5, 0.04
    Y, varY = 3, 0.09
    N = 3
    ux = ufloat(X, math_sqrt(varX))
    uy = ufloat(Y, math_sqrt(varY))

    def _compare(result, u):
        Z, varZ = result
        assert abs(Z-u.n)/u.n < 1e-13 and (varZ-u.s**2)/u.s**2 < 1e-13, \
            "expected (%g,%g) got (%g,%g)"%(u.n,u.s**2,Z,varZ)

    def _check_pow(u):
        _compare(pow(X, varX, N), u)

    def _check_unary(op, u):
        _compare(op(X, varX), u)

    def _check_binary(op, u):
        _compare(op(X, varX, Y, varY), u)

    _check_binary(add, ux+uy)
    _check_binary(sub, ux-uy)
    _check_binary(mul, ux*uy)
    _check_binary(div, ux/uy)
    _check_binary(pow2, ux**uy)

    _check_unary(exp, umath.exp(ux))
    _check_unary(log, umath.log(ux))
    _check_unary(sin, umath.sin(ux))
    _check_unary(cos, umath.cos(ux))
    _check_unary(tan, umath.tan(ux))
    _check_unary(arcsin, umath.asin(ux))
    _check_unary(arccos, umath.acos(ux))
    _check_unary(arctan, umath.atan(ux))
    _check_binary(arctan2, umath.atan2(ux, uy))
Example #19
def binomial_distribution_two_tailed_range(n: int, p: float, sds: float):
    Calculates range of `x` values that span `sds` standard deviations
    from the mean of a binomial distribution with parameters `n` and `p`: `Binom(n,p)`
    M = n * p
    sd = math_sqrt(n * p * (1 - p))
     x_to) = max(0,
                 np_floor(M - sds * sd) - 1), min(n,
                                                  np_ceil(M + sds * sd) + 1)
    # (y_from, y_to) = binomial_distribution.pmf(x_from, n, p), binomial_distribution.pmf(x_to, n, p)
    return int(x_from), int(x_to)
Example #20
def _gpu_euclidean_norm(A, B, C):
    Compute the euclidean norm with a numpy guvectorize function on the GPU

    (d, m, p),(d, p, n)->(m,n)
    d, m, p = A.shape
    d, p, n = B.shape
    for i in range(m):
        for j in range(n):
            C[i, j] = 0
            for k in range(d):
                C[i, j] += (A[k, i, 0] - B[k, 0, j])**2
            C[i, j] = math_sqrt(C[i, j])
def wilson_score_interval_continuity_corrected(x: int,
                                               n: int,
                                               conflevel: Union[float,
                                                                None] = 0.95,
                                               z: Union[float, None] = None):
    # LaTeX:
    # $$w_{cc}^- = \frac{2np + z^2 - (z\sqrt{z^2 - 1/n + 4np(1-p) + (4p-2)} + 1)}{2(n+z^2)}$$
    # $$w_{cc}^+ = \frac{2np + z^2 + (z\sqrt{z^2 - 1/n + 4np(1-p) - (4p-2)} + 1)}{2(n+z^2)}$$
    # or, simplified:
    # $$e = 2np + z^2;\,\,\, f = z^2 - 1/n + 4np(1-p);\,\,\, g = (4p - 2);\,\,\, h = 2(n+z^2)$$
    # $$w_{cc}^- = \frac{e - (z\sqrt{f+g} + 1)}{h}$$
    # $$w_{cc}^+ = \frac{e + (z\sqrt{f-g} + 1)}{h}$$
    """Calculates confidence interval for proportions using Wilson Score Interval method with correction for continuity

    `x` - succeeded trials

    `n` - total trials

    `conflevel` - confidence level (0 < float < 1). Defaults to 0.95 if its unset and *z* is unset

    `z` - z score. If unset, calculated form the given *conflevel*
    if x > n:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Number of succeeded trials (x) has to be no more than number of total trials (n). x = {x} and n = {n} were passed"

    z = normal_z_score_two_tailed(conflevel)

    p = float(x) / n
    e = 2 * n * p + z**2
    f = z**2 - 1 / n + 4 * n * p * (1 - p)
    g = (4 * p - 2)
    h = 2 * (n + z**2)
    ci = ((e - (z * math_sqrt(f + g) + 1)) / h,
          (e + (z * math_sqrt(f - g) + 1)) / h)
    return ci
Example #22
def muldiv(number, name, units, self, other):
    if number:
        uncert = math_sqrt((self.uncert / self.number) ** 2 + (other.uncert / other.number) ** 2) * abs(number)
    elif not other.uncert:
        uncert = self.uncert
    elif not self.uncert:
        uncert = other.uncert
        uncert = 0.0
    if hasattr(number, 'denominator') and number.denominator == 1:
        number = int(number)
    prefu, provenance = inherit_binary(self, other)
    if '°aC' in prefu:
    return Q(number, name, units, uncert, prefu, provenance)
Example #23
def svd(a, r):
    if type(a) != 'numpy.ndarray':
        A = np.array(a)
    ATA = np.dot(A.T, A)
    eig_val, eig_vect = np.linalg.eig(ATA)
    # sort values vectors, make diag matrix
    eig_val, eig_vect_t = sorterForEigenValuesAndVectors(eig_val, eig_vect.T)
    min_len = r
    VT = eig_vect_t[:min_len, :]
    eig_val = np.array([x for x in eig_val if x > 1.e-8])
    eig_vect = (eig_vect_t[:len(eig_val), :]).T
    S = np.array([math_sqrt(x) for x in eig_val])
    E = makeDiagonalFromValues(S, np.shape(VT)[0], min_len)
    U = make_U(S, A, eig_vect, min_len)

    UE = np.dot(U, E)
    UEVT = np.dot(UE, VT)

    return np.real(UEVT)
Example #24
def addsub(number, name, left, right):
    if left.units != right.units and left.number and right.number:
        raise_QuantError("Units in sum/difference not compatible", name, (left, right))
    prefu, provenance = inherit_binary(left, right)
    units = left.units if left.number else right.units
    uncert = math_sqrt(left.uncert ** 2 + right.uncert ** 2)
    if '°aC' in prefu:
        if units != unitquant['K'].units:
            raise_QuantError("Units °aC in sum/difference can't have compound units", name, (left, right))
        if '°aC' in left.prefu and '°ΔC' in right.prefu:
        elif '°aC' in right.prefu and '°ΔC' in left.prefu and name == '%s + %s':
        elif '°aC' in left.prefu and '°aC' in right.prefu and name == '%s - %s':
        elif left.number and right.number: #but adding zero is o.k.

    return Q(number, name, units, uncert, prefu, provenance)
Example #25
    def statistics(self):

        Do statistical analysis of population and set 'statted' to True

        if self.statted: return
        log.debug("Running statistical calculations ...")
        raw_sum = 0

        len_pop = len(self)
        for ind in xrange(len_pop): raw_sum += self[ind].score

        # Set maximum, minimum and average
        self.stats["rawMax"] = max(self.individuals, key=key_raw_score).score
        self.stats["rawMin"] = min(self.individuals, key=key_raw_score).score
        self.stats["rawAve"] = raw_sum / float(len_pop)

        # Calculate the variance
        tmpvar = 0.0
        #for ind in xrange(len_pop):
        for ind in self:
            #s = self[ind].score - self.stats["rawAve"]
            s = ind.score - self.stats["rawAve"]
            s *= s
            tmpvar += s
        tmpvar /= float((len(self) - 1))

        # Set the standard deviation
        try: self.stats["rawDev"] = math_sqrt(tmpvar)
        except ValueError: self.stats["rawDev"] = 0.0

        # Set the variance
        self.stats["rawVar"] = tmpvar

        # Set statted flag
        self.statted = True
def wald_interval(x: int, n: int, conflevel: float = 0.95):
    # LaTeX: $$(w^-, w^+) = \hat{p}\,\pm\,z\sqrt{\frac{\hat{p}(1-\hat{p})}{n}}$$
    """Calculates confidence interval for proportions using Wald Interval method

    `x` - succeeded trials

    `n` - total trials

    `conflevel` - confidence level (0 < float < 1). Defaults to 0.95 if its unset and *z* is unset

    `z` - z score. If unset, calculated form the given *conflevel*
    if x > n:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Number of succeeded trials (x) has to be no more than number of total trials (n). x = {x} and n = {n} were passed"

    z = normal_z_score_two_tailed(conflevel)

    p = float(x) / n
    sd = math_sqrt((p * (1 - p)) / n)
    z_sd = z * sd
    ci = (p - z_sd, p + z_sd)
    return ci
Example #27
    def statistics(self):
        """ Do statistical analysis of population and set 'statted' to True """
        if self.statted: return
        logging.debug("Running statistical calculations")
        raw_sum = 0
        fit_sum = 0

        len_pop = len(self)
        for ind in xrange(len_pop):
            raw_sum += self[ind].score
            #fit_sum += self[ind].fitness

        self.stats["rawMax"] = max(self, key=key_raw_score).score
        self.stats["rawMin"] = min(self, key=key_raw_score).score
        self.stats["rawAve"] = raw_sum / float(len_pop)
        self.stats["Best-Fscore"] = max(self, key=key_raw_score).fscore
        self.stats["Best-Hamdist"] = max(self, key=key_raw_score).hamdist
        self.stats["Best-Accuracy"] = max(self, key=key_raw_score).accuracy
        #self.stats["rawTot"] = raw_sum
        #self.stats["fitTot"] = fit_sum

        tmpvar = 0.0
        for ind in xrange(len_pop):
            s = self[ind].score - self.stats["rawAve"]
            s *= s
            tmpvar += s

        tmpvar /= float((len(self) - 1))
            self.stats["rawDev"] = math_sqrt(tmpvar)
            self.stats["rawDev"] = 0.0

        self.stats["rawVar"] = tmpvar

        self.statted = True
Example #28
# You can import a module or object under a different name using the as keyword. This is mainly used when a module or object has a long or confusing name.
# For example:

#from math import sqrt as square_root

# Result: 10

# My variation of code:
from math import sqrt as math_sqrt
i = float(input("Enter any number you wish to get sqaure root from: \n"))
if i % 1 == 0:
    result = math_sqrt(int(i))
    result = math_sqrt(i)
if result % 1 == 0:
    result = int(result)

Example #29
from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar
from math import fabs, sqrt as math_sqrt
from sympy.plotting import plot3d

if __name__ == "__main__":
    eps = 0.1
    x1, x2, l = symbols("x1 x2 l")
    func = 10 * x1**2 + x2**2
    X = (x1, x2)
    Xk = (10, 10)

    iteration = 1
    grad_func = [diff(func, x_i) for x_i in X]
    grad_func_eval = [grad_func[i].subs(zip(X, Xk)) for i in range(len(X))]
    res = math_sqrt(sum([val**2 for val in grad_func_eval]))
    print("Iteration: ", iteration)

    while res > eps:
        iteration += 1
        X_next = [Xk[i] - l * grad_func_eval[i] for i in range(len(X))]
        l_min = minimize_scalar(lambdify(l, func.subs(zip(X, X_next)))).x
        print("Step: ", l_min)

        X_next = [Xk[i] - l_min * grad_func_eval[i] for i in range(len(X))]
        print("Xk+1: ", X_next)

        grad_func_eval = [
            grad_func[i].subs(zip(X, X_next)) for i in range(len(X))
Example #30
 def getRMSE(self):
     """ Return the root mean square error
   :rtype: float RMSE
     return math_sqrt(self.acc_square / float(self.acc_len))
Example #31
 def handle_radius(self, msg, val):
     self.game[msg] = int(val)
     self.game[msg[:-1]] = math_sqrt(int(val))
Example #32
    def build_lists(self):
        ''' build 3 lists: faces, normals, vertices
        init_time = time.time()
        # will return 3 lists
        vertices = []
        faces = []
        face_normals = []
        vertex_normals = []
        normals = []

        #print v.GetNodeNormal()
        # first, build nodes list:
        #nodes_this = []
        #for i in range(self.get_nb_nodes()):
        #    node = self._mesh_data_source.nodeValue(i)
        #    vertices.append([node.X(),node.Y(), node.Z()])
        #    nodes_this.append(node.this)
        # Traverse faces for this triangular mesh
        j = 0
        for i in range(self.get_nb_faces()):
            triangle_face = self._mesh_data_source.faceValue(i)
            # First node
            node_0 = triangle_face.GetNode(0)
            n0_X = node_0.X()
            n0_Y = node_0.Y()
            n0_Z = node_0.Z()
            vertices.append([n0_X, n0_Y, n0_Z])
            # Second node
            node_1 = triangle_face.GetNode(1)
            n1_X = node_1.X()
            n1_Y = node_1.Y()
            n1_Z = node_1.Z()
            vertices.append([n1_X, n1_Y, n1_Z])
            # Third node
            node_2 = triangle_face.GetNode(2)
            n2_X = node_2.X()
            n2_Y = node_2.Y()
            n2_Z = node_2.Z()
            vertices.append([n2_X, n2_Y, n2_Z])
            # append faces indices
            faces.append([j, j + 1, j + 2])
            j = j + 3
            # Compute normal for this face
            # the cross product has to be computed
            u0 = n1_X - n0_X
            u1 = n1_Y - n0_Y
            u2 = n1_Z - n0_Z
            v0 = n2_X - n0_X
            v1 = n2_Y - n0_Y
            v2 = n2_Z - n0_Z
            n_x = u1 * v2 - u2 * v1
            n_y = u2 * v0 - u0 * v2
            n_z = u0 * v1 - u1 * v0
            n_magnitude = math_sqrt(n_x * n_x + n_y * n_y + n_z * n_z)
            #print n_magnitude
            #P0 = gp_XYZ(n0_X,n0_Y,n0_Z)
            #P1 = gp_XYZ(n1_X,n1_Y,n1_Z)
            #P2 = gp_XYZ(n2_X,n2_Y,n1_Z)

            #face_normal = (P1-P0)^(P2-P0)
            #if face_normal.Modulus()>0:
            #    face_normal.Normalize()
            #fn = [face_normal.X(),face_normal.Y(),face_normal.Z()]
            if n_magnitude > 0:
                fn = [n_x / n_magnitude, n_y / n_magnitude, n_z / n_magnitude]
        #print faces
        #faces = range(self.get_nb_faces()*3)
        #print faces
        print "build_list method performed in %f seconds." % (time.time() -
        self._vertices = vertices
        self._faces = faces
        self._face_normals = face_normals
        return True  #return vertices, faces, face_normals
def r6_dnn_image_display(target_dirname, dnn_image_obj=None, show_fig=False):
    LOGGER.info('{}: r6: Turning upsampled envelope into image...'.format(target_dirname))
    if dnn_image_obj is None:
        dnn_image_obj = loadmat(os_path_join(target_dirname, DNN_IMAGE_FNAME))

    beam_position_x_up = dnn_image_obj['beam_position_x_up']
    depth = dnn_image_obj['depth']
    envUp_dB = dnn_image_obj['envUp_dB']
    env_up = dnn_image_obj['envUp']

    LOGGER.debug('{}: r6: Finished loading vars'.format(target_dirname))
    x = np_squeeze(beam_position_x_up) # beam_position_x_up
    y = np_squeeze(depth) # depth

    LOGGER.debug('{}: r6: Finished squeezing x, y'.format(target_dirname))
    fig, ax = plt_subplots()
    LOGGER.debug('{}: r6: Finished plt.figure'.format(target_dirname))
    image = ax.imshow(envUp_dB, vmin=-60, vmax=0, cmap='gray', aspect='auto', extent=[x[0]*1000, x[-1]*1000, y[-1]*1000, y[0]*1000])
    LOGGER.debug('{}: r6: Finished plt.imshow'.format(target_dirname))
    LOGGER.debug('{}: r6: Finished plt.colorbar'.format(target_dirname))
    # plt_xlabel('lateral (mm)', fontsize=FONT_SIZE)
    ax.set_xlabel('lateral (mm)', fontsize=FONT_SIZE)
    # plt_ylabel('axial (mm)', fontsize=FONT_SIZE)
    ax.set_ylabel('axial (mm)', fontsize=FONT_SIZE)
    LOGGER.debug('{}: r6: Finished plt.xlabel/ylabel'.format(target_dirname))

    # if show_fig is True:
    # plt_show(block=False)

    # Save image to file
    dnn_image_path = os_path_join(target_dirname, DNN_IMAGE_SAVE_FNAME)

    LOGGER.debug('{}: r6: Finished saving figure'.format(target_dirname))
    # scan_battery_dirname = os_path_dirname(target_dirname)
    # process_scripts_dirpath = os_path_join(scan_battery_dirname, PROCESS_SCRIPTS_DIRNAME)

    # circle_radius = load_single_value(process_scripts_dirpath, CIRCLE_RADIUS_FNAME)
    # circle_coords_x = load_single_value(process_scripts_dirpath, CIRCLE_COORDS_X_FNAME)
    # circle_coords_y = load_single_value(process_scripts_dirpath, CIRCLE_COORDS_Y_FNAME)

    # xx, yy = np_meshgrid(x, y)
    # mask_in = get_circular_mask(xx, yy, (circle_coords_x, circle_coords_y), circle_radius)
    # # mask_in
    # # create rectangular region outside lesion
    # box_xmin_right = load_single_value(process_scripts_dirpath, BOX_XMIN_RIGHT_FNAME)
    # box_xmax_right = load_single_value(process_scripts_dirpath, BOX_XMAX_RIGHT_FNAME)
    # box_xmin_left = load_single_value(process_scripts_dirpath, BOX_XMIN_LEFT_FNAME)
    # box_xmax_left = load_single_value(process_scripts_dirpath, BOX_XMAX_LEFT_FNAME)
    # # Box shares y position and height with circle (diameter)
    # ymin = circle_coords_y - circle_radius
    # ymax = circle_coords_y + circle_radius
    # mask_out_left = (xx >= box_xmin_left) * (xx <= box_xmax_left) * (yy >= ymin) * (yy <= ymax)
    # mask_out_right = get_rectangle_mask(xx, yy, box_xmin_right, box_xmax_right, ymin, ymax)
    # mask_out = mask_out_left | mask_out_right

    # Display circle and boxes
    # with_circle = envUp_dB.copy()
    # with_circle[mask_out_left+mask_in+mask_out_right] = 0
    # plt.figure(figsize=(12,16))
    # plt.imshow(with_circle, vmin=-60, vmax=0, cmap='gray', aspect='auto', extent = [beam_position_x_up[0]*1000,beam_position_x_up[-1]*1000,depth[-1]*1000, depth[0]*1000])
    # plt.colorbar()
    # FONT_SIZE = 20
    # plt.xlabel('lateral (mm)', fontsize=FONT_SIZE)
    # plt.ylabel('axial (mm)', fontsize=FONT_SIZE)

    # plt.show()

    # Calculate image statistics
    # print('r6: env_up.shape =', env_up.shape)
    mask_in, mask_out = get_masks(target_dirname)
    LOGGER.debug('{}: r6: Finished loading masks'.format(target_dirname))
    # print('r6: mask_in.shape={}, mask_out.shape={}'.format(mask_in.shape, mask_out.shape))
    env_up_inside_lesion = env_up[mask_in]
    mean_in = env_up_inside_lesion.mean()
    var_in = env_up_inside_lesion.var(ddof=1) # ddof is important cuz Matlab

    env_up_outside_lesion = env_up[mask_out]
    mean_out = env_up_outside_lesion.mean()
    var_out = env_up_outside_lesion.var(ddof=1) # ddof is important cuz Matlab

    LOGGER.debug('{}: r6: Finished mean and var calculations'.format(target_dirname))
    CR = -20 * math_log10(mean_in / mean_out)
    CNR = 20 * math_log10(abs(mean_in - mean_out)/math_sqrt(var_in + var_out))
    SNR = mean_out / math_sqrt(var_out)

    LOGGER.debug('{}: r6: Finished speckle stats calculations'.format(target_dirname))
    # Save image statistics to file
    speckle_stats = [CR, CNR, SNR, mean_in, mean_out, var_in, var_out]
    speckle_stats_path = os_path_join(target_dirname, SPECKLE_STATS_FNAME)

    with open(speckle_stats_path, 'w') as f:
        f.write("\n".join([str(item) for item in speckle_stats]))

    LOGGER.debug('{}: r6: Finished saving .txt'.format(target_dirname))
    # Also save image statistics json as a redundant (but more readable) method
    speckle_stats_dict = {
        'CR': CR,
        'CNR': CNR,
        'SNR': SNR,
        'mean_inside_lesion': mean_in,
        'variance_inside_lesion': var_in,
        'mean_outside_lesion': mean_out,
        'variance_outside_lesion': var_out,

    speckle_stats_dict_path = os_path_join(target_dirname, SPECKLE_STATS_DICT_FNAME)

    with open(speckle_stats_dict_path, 'w') as f:
        json_dump(speckle_stats_dict, f, indent=4)
    LOGGER.debug('{}: r6: Finished saving .json'.format(target_dirname))

    LOGGER.info('{}: r6 Done'.format(target_dirname))
Example #34
 def build_lists(self):
     ''' build 3 lists: faces, normals, vertices
     init_time = time.time()
     # will return 3 lists
     vertices = []
     faces = []
     vertex_normals = []
     normals = []
     #print v.GetNodeNormal()
     # first, build nodes list:
     #nodes_this = []
     #for i in range(self.get_nb_nodes()):
     #    node = self._mesh_data_source.nodeValue(i)
     #    vertices.append([node.X(),node.Y(), node.Z()])
     #    nodes_this.append(node.this)
     # Traverse faces for this triangular mesh
     j = 0
     for i in range(self.get_nb_faces()):
         triangle_face = self._mesh_data_source.faceValue(i)
         # First node
         node_0 = triangle_face.GetNode(0)
         n0_X = node_0.X()
         n0_Y = node_0.Y()
         n0_Z = node_0.Z()
         # Second node
         node_1 = triangle_face.GetNode(1)
         n1_X = node_1.X()
         n1_Y = node_1.Y()
         n1_Z = node_1.Z()
         # Third node
         node_2 = triangle_face.GetNode(2)
         n2_X = node_2.X()
         n2_Y = node_2.Y()
         n2_Z = node_2.Z()
         # append faces indices
         j = j + 3
         # Compute normal for this face
         # the cross product has to be computed
         u0 = n1_X-n0_X
         u1 = n1_Y-n0_Y
         u2 = n1_Z-n0_Z
         v0 = n2_X-n0_X
         v1 = n2_Y-n0_Y
         v2 = n2_Z-n0_Z
         n_x = u1*v2-u2*v1
         n_y = u2*v0-u0*v2
         n_z=  u0*v1-u1*v0
         n_magnitude = math_sqrt(n_x*n_x+n_y*n_y+n_z*n_z)
         #print n_magnitude
         #P0 = gp_XYZ(n0_X,n0_Y,n0_Z)
         #P1 = gp_XYZ(n1_X,n1_Y,n1_Z)
         #P2 = gp_XYZ(n2_X,n2_Y,n1_Z)
         #face_normal = (P1-P0)^(P2-P0)
         #if face_normal.Modulus()>0:
         #    face_normal.Normalize()
         #fn = [face_normal.X(),face_normal.Y(),face_normal.Z()]
         if n_magnitude>0:
             fn = [n_x/n_magnitude, n_y/n_magnitude, n_z/n_magnitude]
     #print faces
     #faces = range(self.get_nb_faces()*3)
     #print faces
     print "build_list method performed in %f seconds."%(time.time()-init_time)
     self._vertices = vertices
     self._faces = faces
     self._face_normals = face_normals
     return True#return vertices, faces, face_normals
Example #35
 def magnitude(self):
     return math_sqrt(self.x**2 + self.y**2)
Example #36
 def __abs__(self):
     return math_sqrt(Vector2.dot(self, self))
Example #37
 def get_sqrt(num: float) -> float:
     print('Getting square root of', num)
     return math_sqrt(num)