Example #1
def adaBoostTrainDS(dataArr, classLabels, numInt=40):
    weakClassArr = []
    m = dataArr.shape[0]
    D = np.zeros((m, 1))  #D在迭代过程中需要优化的
    aggClassEnt = np.mat(np.zeros((m, 1)))
    for i in range(numInt):
        bestStump, error, classEst = bulidStump(dataArr, classLabels, D)
        print("D:", D.T)
        # 为什么是max(error,1e-16)
        alpha = float(0.5 * math.log((1.0 - error) / max(error, 1e-16)))
        bestStump['alpha'] = alpha
        # 弱学习器添加
        # 预测分类
        print("classEst: ", classEst.T)
        expon = np.multiply(-1 * alpha * np.mat(classLabels).T, classEst)
        D = np.multiply(D, math.exp(expon))
        D = D / D.sum()
        aggClassEnt += alpha * classEst
        print("aggClassEst : ", aggClassEnt.T)
        # 累加的当前弱分类器的错误率
        aggErrors = np.multiply(
            math.sign(aggClassEnt) != np.mat(classLabels).T, np.ones((m, 1)))
        errorRate = aggErrors.sum() / m
        print("total error: ", errorRate)
        if errorRate == 0.0:
            break  # python浮点数的比较?
    return weakClassArr
Example #2
def main():
    minDist = 4.0   # Minimal distance to maintain between mouse and cat
    height = 2.5    # The height for the flying cat

    with Morse() as simu:

        while True:
            catPosition = get_agent_position(simu.r2.pose2)
            mousePosition = get_agent_position(simu.r1.pose1)

            if mousePosition and catPosition:
            # go behind the mouse
                waypoint = {    "x": mousePosition['x'] - minDist*math.cos(mousePosition['yaw']),\
                            "y": mousePosition['y'] - minDist*math.sin(mousePosition['yaw']),\
                            "z": height, \
                            "yaw": catPosition['yaw'], \
                            "tolerance": 0.5            

            # look at the mouse
            if mousePosition['x']==catPosition['x']:
                waypoint['yaw']=math.atan2(mousePosition['y']-catPosition['y'], mousePosition['x']-catPosition['x'])

            # send command through the socket
def frighten_mouse():
    """ Use the mouse pose sensor to locate and "chase" it """

    with Morse() as morse:
        catPose = morse.cat.catPose
        mousePose = morse.mouse.mousePose
        motion = morse.cat.waypoint

        while True:
            catPosition = where_is(catPose)
            mousePosition = where_is(mousePose)

            if mousePosition and catPosition:
                # go behind the mouse
                waypoint = {
                    "x": mousePosition["x"] - minDist * math.cos(mousePosition["yaw"]),
                    "y": mousePosition["y"] - minDist * math.sin(mousePosition["yaw"]),
                    "z": height,
                    "yaw": catPosition["yaw"],
                    "tolerance": 0.5,

                # look at the mouse
                if mousePosition["x"] == catPosition["x"]:
                    waypoint["yaw"] = math.sign(mousePosition["y"] - catPosition["y"]) * math.pi
                    waypoint["yaw"] = math.atan2(
                        mousePosition["y"] - catPosition["y"], mousePosition["x"] - catPosition["x"]

                # send the command through the socket
Example #4
def frighten_mouse():
    """ Use the mouse pose sensor to locate and "chase" it """

    with Morse() as morse:
        catPose = morse.cat.catPose
        mousePose = morse.mouse.mousePose
        motion = morse.cat.waypoint

        while True:
            catPosition = where_is(catPose)
            mousePosition = where_is(mousePose)

            if mousePosition and catPosition:
                # go behind the mouse
                waypoint = {    "x": mousePosition['x'] - minDist*math.cos(mousePosition['yaw']), \
                                "y": mousePosition['y'] - minDist*math.sin(mousePosition['yaw']), \
                                "z": height, \
                                "yaw": catPosition['yaw'], \
                                "tolerance": 0.5 \

                # look at the mouse
                if mousePosition['x']==catPosition['x']:
                     waypoint['yaw']= math.sign(mousePosition['y']-catPosition['y']) * math.pi
                    waypoint['yaw']= math.atan2(mousePosition['y']-catPosition['y'],mousePosition['x']-catPosition['x'])
                # send the command through the socket
def perceptronR(x_y, w, lr):
    x, y = x_y[0], x_y[1]
    ynext = dot(x, w)
    if sign(1, ynext) != y or ynext == 0:
        for i in range(len(w)):
            w[i] = w[i] + lr*y*x[i]
        perceptronR(x_y, w, lr)
Example #6
 def update(self):
     """ move the bullet forward, return its position for collision and bound checking """
     xMove = 0
     if self.homing and self.father != None:
         xMove = sign(self.speed/5, self.father.centerx - self.rect.centerx)
     self.move(xMove, self.speed * self.moveDir)
     return self.rect.y
Example #7
def mape(preds, train):
    gaps = train[:, -1]
    grad = []
    hess = []
    for index, gap in enumerate(gaps):
        if gap == 0:
            grad.append(math.sign(preds[index] - gap))
            hess = abs(preds[index] - gap)/10
    return grad, hess
def frighten_mouse():
    """ Use the mouse pose sensor to locate and "chase" it """

    with pymorse.Morse() as simu, Morse() as morse:
        catPose = morse.cat.catPose
        mousePose = morse.mouse.mousePose
        motion = morse.cat.waypoint
        bat = morse.cat.cat_battery
        bat_lev = battery_life(bat)
        is_free = True
        while (bat_lev > 50 and is_free == True):
            catPosition = where_is(catPose)
            mousePosition = where_is(mousePose)

            if mousePosition and catPosition:
                # go behind the mouse
                waypoint = {    "x": mousePosition['x'] - minDist*math.cos(mousePosition['yaw']), \
                                "y": mousePosition['y'] - minDist*math.sin(mousePosition['yaw']), \
                                "z": height, \
                                "yaw": catPosition['yaw'], \
                                "tolerance": 0.5 \

                # look at the mouse
                if((catPosition['y'] - mousePosition['y']) < 1 and (catPosition['x'] - mousePosition['x']) < 1 and is_hiding(mousePosition) = False):
                    is_free = False
                    #print("%s" % is_free)
                elif mousePosition['x']==catPosition['x']:
                     waypoint['yaw']= math.sign(mousePosition['y']-catPosition['y']) * math.pi
                    waypoint['yaw']= math.atan2(mousePosition['y']-catPosition['y'],mousePosition['x']-catPosition['x'])

                # send the command through the socket

        cnt = 0
        while True:
Example #9
def running(screenpos, scale, fcycle):
    x, y = screenpos
    C, S = math.CS(fcycle * math.tau)
    C2, S2 = math.CS(2 * fcycle * math.tau)
    # Arms and legs don't quite follow a sinusoidal pattern. They spend extra time at the extrema.
    # This gives them a more natural swing.
    fC = abs(C)**0.7 * math.sign(C)
    # foots
    x0, y0 = x - 1 * scale, y - 1 * scale
    dx = 1.3 * fC
    dy = 0.4 * S + 0.2 * C
    drawfoot((x0 + dx * scale, y0 + dy * scale), scale)
    drawfoot((x0 - dx * scale, y0 - dy * scale), scale)
    # back fist
    x0 = x + 0.2 * scale
    y0 = y + (-2.9 - 0.2 * S2) * scale
    dx, dy = 1.6 * fC, 0.4 * abs(S)
    drawfoot((x0 - dx * scale, y0 + dy * scale), scale)
    # dress
    x0, y0 = x - 0.3 * scale, y - (1.7 + 0.2 * S2) * scale
    path = [(-2.5, 0), (-0.5, -0.5), (1.5, -0.8), (1.5, 1), (2, 3), (1, 3.2),
            (-0.7, 1.5)]
    ps = [(i(x0 + scale * dx), i(y0 - scale * dy)) for dx, dy in path]
    pygame.draw.polygon(pview.screen, (0, 0, 0), ps, i(0.6 * scale))
    pygame.draw.polygon(pview.screen, (100, 100, 250), ps, 0)
    # front fist
    x0 = x + 0.2 * scale
    y0 = y + (-2.9 - 0.2 * S2) * scale
    dx, dy = 1.6 * fC, 0.4 * abs(S)
    drawfoot((x0 + dx * scale, y0 + dy * scale), scale)
    # noggin
    Snoggin = math.sin(2 * fcycle * math.tau - 0.6)
    x0, y0 = x + 1.1 * scale, y - (5 + 0.2 * Snoggin) * scale
    drawnoggin((x0, y0), scale, angle=0.2 + 0.1 * Snoggin)

    if settings.DEBUG:
        pygame.draw.circle(pview.screen, (255, 0, 255), screenpos,
                           i(0.3 * scale))
def other_reverse_invert(lst):
    """Best practice solution from codewars."""
    from math import copysign as sign
    return [-int(sign(int(str(abs(x))[::-1]), x)) for x in lst
            if isinstance(x, int)]
Example #11
def signstr(num):
    if math.sign(num.real) == -1:
        return '-'
        return '+'
Example #12
def trayectoria(puntos, tiempoEP):

    pos = 0
    pos1 = 0
    vel1 = 0
    acel1 = 0
    posTot = 0
    #Defino parametros del ejercicio

    theta = puntos

    t = tiempoEP
    #tiempo entre segmentos

    #Establezco parametros de tiempo y vectores para almacenar los valores:
    paso = 0.025
    N = t / paso
    #puntos por segmento
    tiempo = arange(1, (len(theta) - 1) * N, paso)
    #tiempo total

    th = t / 2
    for k in range(1, len(theta) - 1):

        theta_pp = 100
        tb = t / 2 - math.sqrt(theta_pp**2 * t**2 - 4 * theta_pp *
                               abs(theta[k + 1] - theta[k])) / (2 * theta_pp)
        theta_h = (theta[k + 1] + theta[k]) / 2
        theta_b = theta[k] + 1 / 2 * math.sign(theta[k + 1] -
                                               theta[k]) * theta_pp * tb**2

        i = 0
        r = 0
        for i in range(1, math.floor(tb / paso)):
            pos1[i] = theta[k] + 1 / 2 * math.sign(theta[k + 1] -
                                                   theta[k]) * theta_pp * r**2
            vel1[i] = theta_pp * r
            acel1[i] = theta_pp
            r = r + paso

        r = 0
        for i in range(math.floor(tb / paso + 1), math.floor(N - tb / paso)):
            r = r + paso
            pos1[i] = (theta_h - theta_b) / (th - tb) * r + pos1[math.floor(
                tb / paso)]
            vel1[i] = (theta_h - theta_b) / (th - tb)
            acel1[i] = 0

        r = tb
        for i in range(math.floor((N - tb / paso) + 1), N):
            pos1[i] = theta[k + 1] - 1 / 2 * math.sign(
                theta[k + 1] - theta[k]) * theta_pp * (r)**2
            #invertir el orden de r
            vel1[i] = theta_pp * r
            #signo invertido porque el calculo se realiza a la inversa
            acel1[i] = -theta_pp
            r = r - paso

        pos[k, :] = pos1
        #almaceno cada segmento en filas

    posTot = pos[0, :]

    # Loop para realinear las filas con segmentos en una función continua
    for h in range(1, len(theta) - 1):
        l = len(posTot)
        #variable auxiliar
        for m in range(1, len[pos]):
            posTot[l + m] = pos[h, m]

    plt.plot(tiempo, posTot)

    #ylim([(min(posTot)-5), (max(posTot)+5)])

    return posTot
Example #13
stop_condition = 100
while (stop_condition != 0 or err != 0):
    prev_error = error
    for j in range(0, cols):
        d[j] = 1
        for i in range(0, rows):

            #print i

            delta = dot(d, data[i])
            if (delta != 0):

                data_prim.append(dot(W, data[i]))

                label_prim.append(int(sign(float(labelset[i]), delta)))
        #print data_prim
        #print label_prim
        alpha = find_alpha(data_prim, label_prim)

        error = 0
        for k in range(cols):
            w_new[k] = W[k] + alpha * d[k]
        wtx = 0.0
        sign_array = array('i')
        for i in range(rows + 1):

            wtx = dot(w_new, data[i])

            if (wtx > 0.0):
Example #14
 def classify(image):
     positives = []
     summation = 0
     for weak in self.classifiers:
         summation += weak.hypothesis(image)
     return math.sign(summation)
Example #15
 def checkIntersect(self, l1p1, l1p2, l2p1, l2p2):
     checkDir = lambda pt1, pt2, pt3:  math.sign(((pt2[0]-pt1[0])*(pt3[1]-pt1[1])) - ((pt3[0]-pt1[0])*(pt2[1]-pt1[1])))
     return (checkDir(l1p1,l1p2,l2p1) != checkDir(l1p1,l1p2,l2p2)) and (checkDir(l2p1,l2p2,l1p1) != checkDir(l2p1,l2p2,l1p2))
Example #16
def sign(x):
    """Get the sign of x, with x a float scalar or vector. The result is
    1.0 if x > 0, -1 if x < 0, and 0.0 otherwise. If x is NaN, the result
    can be any of the former.
    return math.sign(x)
Example #17
def pos2log(value):
    if (abs(value) > 0.5):
        value = math.sign(value) * 0.5
    return ((math.pow(10, value) - 1) / 9)
def classify(x_y, w):
    for x, y in x_y:
        if sign(1, dot(x, w)) != y:
            return False
    return True
Example #19
def signe(number):
    return (math.sign(number))