Example #1
def _process_nbr_message(ir_msg):
    if ir_msg == None:
        return None
        (nbr_id, receivers_list, transmitters_list, range_bits) = ir_msg
        # compute the bearing from the receivers_list the message was received on
        x = 0.0
        y = 0.0
        for r in receivers_list:
            y += math.sin(math.pi/8 + r * math.pi/4)
            x += math.cos(math.pi/8 + r * math.pi/4)
        bearing = math2.normalize_angle(math.atan2(y, x))
        # compute the orientation from the transmitters_list the message was received on
        x = 0.0
        y = 0.0
        for t in transmitters_list:
            y += math.sin(t * math.pi/4)
            x += math.cos(t * math.pi/4)
        orientation = math2.normalize_angle(math.atan2(y, x))

        range_bits = len(receivers_list) + len(transmitters_list)
        return (nbr_id, bearing, orientation, range_bits)
Example #2
def smallest_angle_diff(current_angle, goal_angle):
    # student code start
    if (current_angle >= 0 and goal_angle >= 0) or (current_angle < 0
                                                    and goal_angle < 0):
        return math2.normalize_angle(goal_angle - current_angle)
    elif (current_angle >= 0):
        return -math2.normalize_angle(abs(current_angle) + abs(goal_angle))
        return math2.normalize_angle(abs(current_angle) + abs(goal_angle))
Example #3
def update():
    global motion_state
    if motion_state['motion_done'] == True:
        return (0, 0)
    (x_goal, y_goal) = motion_state['goal_pos']
    (x_robot, y_robot, heading_robot) = pose.get_pose()
    (distance_goal, heading_goal) = math2.topolar(x_goal - x_robot, y_goal - y_robot)
    heading_goal = math2.normalize_angle(heading_goal)

    if distance_goal < MOTION_CAPTURE_DISTANCE:
        # you are at your destination 
        motion_state['motion_done'] = True
        tv = 0
        rv = 0
    elif distance_goal > MOTION_RELEASE_DISTANCE:
        motion_state['motion_done'] = False
    if motion_state['motion_done'] == False:
        # Drive towards goal position
        tv = distance_goal * MOTION_TV_GAIN + MOTION_TV_MIN
        tv = velocity.clamp(tv, motion_state['tv_max'])
        # Rotate towards goal position
        heading_error = math2.smallest_angle_diff(heading_robot, heading_goal)
        rv = MOTION_RV_GAIN * heading_error
        rv = velocity.clamp(rv, MOTION_RV_MAX)

        if motion_state['rotate_only']:
            tv = 0
            if abs(heading_error) < MOTION_RELEASE_ANGLE:
                motion_state['rotate_only'] = False
            if abs(heading_error) > MOTION_CAPTURE_ANGLE:
                motion_state['rotate_only'] = True
    return (tv, rv)
Example #4
def pose_update(pose_state):
    # 1. Get the left and right encoder ticks
    ticks_left = rone.encoder_get_ticks('l')
    ticks_right = rone.encoder_get_ticks('r')
    # 2. Compute the left and right delta ticks
    # Don't forget to use encoder_delta_ticks() to properly compute the change in tick values
    delta_ticks_left = velocity.encoder_delta_ticks(ticks_left,
    delta_ticks_right = velocity.encoder_delta_ticks(ticks_right,
    # 3. compute the left and right distance for each wheel
    # cast the delta ticks from step 2 to floats before you do the distance computation
    dL = ENCODER_MM_PER_TICKS * (1.0 * delta_ticks_left)
    dR = ENCODER_MM_PER_TICKS * (1.0 * delta_ticks_right)
    # 4. save the left and right ticks to pose_state so we can measure the difference next time
    pose_state['ticksL'] = ticks_left
    pose_state['ticksR'] = ticks_right
    # 5. Compute the distance traveled by the center of the robot in millimeters
    dC = 0.5 * (dL + dR)
    # 6. Add the distance to the odometer variable in pose_state
    pose_state['odometer'] += abs(dC)
    # 7. compute the arc angle in radians
    # don't call atan here, use the small angle approximation: arctan(theta) ~ theta
    theta = (dR - dL) / WHEEL_BASE
    # 8. finally, update x, y, and theta, and save them to the pose state
    # use math2.normalize_angle() to normalize theta before storing it in the pose_state
    pose_state['theta'] = math2.normalize_angle(pose_state['theta'] + theta)
    pose_state['x'] += dC * math.cos(pose_state['theta'])
    pose_state['y'] += dC * math.sin(pose_state['theta'])
Example #5
File: beh.py Project: kgmstwo/THBCP
def avoid_nbr(nbr, tv):
    beh_out = BEH_INACTIVE
    if nbr != None:
        bearing = math2.normalize_angle(neighbors.get_nbr_bearing(nbr) + math.pi)
        rv = bearing * tv * TVRV_RATIO * RV_FOLLOW_GAIN
        #tv = MOTION_TV
        beh_out = (tv, rv, True)
    return beh_out
Example #6
File: winter.py Project: va17/THBCP
def move_in_dir(bearing):
    bearing = math2.normalize_angle(bearing)
    tv = math.cos(bearing) * MOTION_TV
    rv = math.sin(bearing) * MOTION_RV
    if abs(bearing) > math.pi / 2:
        rv = -rv
    tv, rv = int(tv), int(rv)
    return tv, rv
Example #7
def avoid_nbr(nbr, tv):
    beh_out = BEH_INACTIVE
    if nbr != None:
        bearing = math2.normalize_angle(
            neighbors.get_nbr_bearing(nbr) + math.pi)
        rv = bearing * tv * TVRV_RATIO * RV_FOLLOW_GAIN
        #tv = MOTION_TV
        beh_out = (tv, rv, True)
    return beh_out
Example #8
File: winter.py Project: va17/THBCP
def get_avg_bearing_to_nbrs(nbr_list):
    x = 0.0
    y = 0.0
    for nbr in nbr_list:
        bearing = neighbors.get_nbr_bearing(nbr)
        x += math.cos(bearing)
        y += math.sin(bearing)
    avg_bearing = math.atan2(y, x)
    avg_bearing = math2.normalize_angle(avg_bearing)
    return avg_bearing
Example #9
def wall_follow(tv):
    obs_angle = hba.obstacle_angle_get()
    active = False
    if (obs_angle != None):
        alpha = math2.normalize_angle(obs_angle + math.pi/2)
        rv = 900 * alpha
        active = True
        # no wall.  arc to the right to look for one
        rv = -1000
    return (tv, rv, active)
Example #10
File: beh.py Project: kgmstwo/THBCP
def bump_angle_get():
    bumps_raw = rone.bump_sensors_get_value()
    if bumps_raw == 0x00:
        return None
        sum_x = 0
        sum_y = 0
        for i in range(8):
            pressed = ((bumps_raw >> i) & 0x01) > 0
            if pressed:
                sum_y+= math.sin(SENSOR_ANGLES[i])
                sum_x+= math.cos(SENSOR_ANGLES[i])
        bump_angle = math2.normalize_angle(math.atan2(sum_y, sum_x))        
    return bump_angle
Example #11
def bump_angle_get():
    bumps_raw = rone.bump_sensors_get_value()
    if bumps_raw == 0x00:
        return None
        sum_x = 0
        sum_y = 0
        for i in range(8):
            pressed = ((bumps_raw >> i) & 0x01) > 0
            if pressed:
                sum_y += math.sin(SENSOR_ANGLES[i])
                sum_x += math.cos(SENSOR_ANGLES[i])
        bump_angle = math2.normalize_angle(math.atan2(sum_y, sum_x))
    return bump_angle
Example #12
def flock_beh():
    # act on the information from the message.  Note that this might be 
    # information stored from the last message we received, because message 
    # information remains active for a while
    nbr_list = neighbors.get_neighbors()
    if len(nbr_list) > 0:
        # any neighbor wil do.  get the first neighbor
        x = 0.0
        y = 0.0
        for nbr in nbr_list:
            nbr_bearing = neighbors.get_nbr_bearing(nbr)
            nbr_orientation = neighbors.get_nbr_orientation(nbr)
            nbr_heading = math2.normalize_angle(math.pi + nbr_bearing - nbr_orientation)
            x += math.cos(nbr_heading)
            y += math.sin(nbr_heading)
        nbr_heading_avg = math.atan2(y, x)
        beh = (0, FLOCK_RV_GAIN * nbr_heading_avg, True)
        #no neighbors. do nothing
        beh = (0, 0, False)
    return beh
Example #13
def pose_update(pose_state):
    # 1. Get the left and right encoder ticks
    left = rone.encoder_get_ticks("l")
    right = rone.encoder_get_ticks("r")

    # 2. Compute the left and right delta ticks
    # Don't forget to use encoder_delta_ticks() to properly compute the change in tick values
    dleft = velocity.encoder_delta_ticks(left, pose_state['ticksL'])
    dright = velocity.encoder_delta_ticks(right, pose_state['ticksR'])

    # 3. compute the left and right distance for each wheel
    # cast the delta ticks from step 2 to floats before you do the distance computation
    dl = float(dleft) * ENCODER_MM_PER_TICKS
    dr = float(dright) * ENCODER_MM_PER_TICKS

    # 4. save the left and right ticks to pose_state so we can measure the difference next time
    pose_state['ticksL'] = left
    pose_state['ticksR'] = right

    # 5. Compute the distance traveled by the center of the robot in millimeters
    center = (dr + dl) / 2.0

    # 6. Add the distance to the odometer variable in pose_state
    pose_state['odometer'] = pose_state['odometer'] + abs(center)

    # 7. compute the arc angle in radians
    # don't call atan here, use the small angle approximation: arctan(theta) ~ theta
    dtheta = (dr - dl) / float(WHEEL_BASE)

    # 8. finally, update x, y, and theta, and save them to the pose state
    # use math2.normalize_angle() to normalize theta before storing it in the pose_state
    l = ((dr - dl) / 2.0) * math.sin(90 - dtheta)
    ntheta = pose_state['theta'] + dtheta
    pose_state['x'] = (center + l) * math.cos(ntheta) + pose_state['x']
    pose_state['y'] = (center + l) * math.sin(ntheta) + pose_state['y']
    pose_state['theta'] = math2.normalize_angle(ntheta)
    return 0
Example #14
File: motion.py Project: va17/THBCP
def update():
    global motion_state
    if motion_state['motion_done'] == True:
        return (0, 0)
    (x_goal, y_goal) = motion_state['goal_pos']
    (x_robot, y_robot, heading_robot) = pose.get_pose()
    (distance_goal, heading_goal) = math2.topolar(x_goal - x_robot,
                                                  y_goal - y_robot)
    heading_goal = math2.normalize_angle(heading_goal)

    if distance_goal < MOTION_CAPTURE_DISTANCE:
        # you are at your destination
        motion_state['motion_done'] = True
        tv = 0
        rv = 0
    elif distance_goal > MOTION_RELEASE_DISTANCE:
        motion_state['motion_done'] = False

    if motion_state['motion_done'] == False:
        # Drive towards goal position
        tv = distance_goal * MOTION_TV_GAIN + MOTION_TV_MIN
        tv = velocity.clamp(tv, motion_state['tv_max'])

        # Rotate towards goal position
        heading_error = math2.smallest_angle_diff(heading_robot, heading_goal)
        rv = MOTION_RV_GAIN * heading_error
        rv = velocity.clamp(rv, MOTION_RV_MAX)

        if motion_state['rotate_only']:
            tv = 0
            if abs(heading_error) < MOTION_RELEASE_ANGLE:
                motion_state['rotate_only'] = False
            if abs(heading_error) > MOTION_CAPTURE_ANGLE:
                motion_state['rotate_only'] = True
    return (tv, rv)
Example #15
File: pose.py Project: va17/THBCP
def update():
    global pose_state
    current_time = sys.time()
    update_time = pose_state['update_time']
    if current_time > update_time:
        update_time += POSE_UPDATE_PERIOD
        # advance time if there have been delays in calling update
        if update_time < current_time:
            update_time = current_time + POSE_UPDATE_PERIOD
        pose_state['update_time'] = update_time
        # Compute the linear distance traveled by each wheel in millimeters
        ticksL = rone.encoder_get_ticks('l')
        ticksR = rone.encoder_get_ticks('r')
        distL = float(velocity.encoder_delta_ticks(ticksL, pose_state['ticksL'])) * 0.0625
        distR = float(velocity.encoder_delta_ticks(ticksR, pose_state['ticksR'])) * 0.0625
        pose_state['ticksL'] = ticksL
        pose_state['ticksR'] = ticksR 
        # Compute the distance traveled by the center of the robot in millimeters
        dist = (distR + distL) / 2.0
        pose_state['odometer'] += abs(dist)
        # compute the arc angle in radians
        # use the small angle approximation: arctan(theta) ~ theta
        delta_theta = (distR - distL) / (WHEEL_BASE);
#        (x, y, theta) = pose_state['pose']
#        x = x + dist * math.cos(theta)
#        y = y + dist * math.sin(theta)
#        theta = math2.normalize_theta(theta + delta_theta)
#        pose_state['pose'] = (x, y, theta)

        theta = pose_state['theta']
        pose_state['x'] += dist * math.cos(theta)
        pose_state['y'] += dist * math.sin(theta)
        pose_state['theta'] = math2.normalize_angle(theta + delta_theta)
Example #16
File: winter.py Project: va17/THBCP
def winter():
    beh.init(0.22, 40, 0.5, 0.1)

    state = STATE_IDLE

    manual_control = False

    while True:
        # run the system updates
        new_nbrs = beh.update()

        nbr_list = neighbors.get_neighbors()

        beh_out = beh.BEH_INACTIVE

        # this is the main finite-state machine
        if state == STATE_IDLE:
            leds.set_pattern('r', 'circle', LED_BRIGHTNESS)
            if new_nbrs:
                print "idle"

            if rone.button_get_value('r'):
                ##### This is one way to find a cutoff for being in light.
                ##### Make sure you press the 'r' button when the robot is
                ##### in the light!
                global BRIGHTNESS_THRESHOLDS
                for sensor_dir in BRIGHTNESS_THRESHOLDS.keys():
                        sensor_dir] = 0.85 * rone.light_sensor_get_value(
                initial_time = sys.time()
                state = STATE_LIGHT

        elif state == STATE_LIGHT:
            leds.set_pattern('g', 'circle', LED_BRIGHTNESS)
            if manual_control:
                leds.set_pattern('gr', 'group', LED_BRIGHTNESS)
            nbr_in_dark = get_nearest_nbr_in_dark(nbr_list)
            if nbr_in_dark != None:
                bearing = neighbors.get_nbr_bearing(nbr_in_dark)
                bearing = bearing - math.pi
                bearing = math2.normalize_angle(bearing)
                beh_out = move_in_dir(bearing)

            if not manual_control:
                if not self_in_light():
                    dark_start_time = sys.time()
                    state = STATE_DARK

            if rone.button_get_value('b'):
                manual_control = True
                dark_start_time = sys.time()
                state = STATE_DARK
            elif rone.button_get_value('r'):
                manual_control = False
                state = STATE_IDLE

        elif state == STATE_DARK:
            leds.set_pattern('b', 'circle', LED_BRIGHTNESS)
            if manual_control:
                leds.set_pattern('br', 'group', LED_BRIGHTNESS)
            nbrs_in_light = get_nbrs_in_light()
            nbrs_in_dark = get_nbrs_in_dark()
            if len(nbrs_in_light) > 0:
                bearing = get_avg_bearing_to_nbrs(nbrs_in_light)
                beh_out = move_in_dir(bearing)
            elif len(nbrs_in_dark) > 0:
                bearing = get_avg_bearing_to_nbrs(nbrs_in_dark)
                beh_out = move_in_dir(bearing)

            if not manual_control:
                if self_in_light():
                    state = STATE_LIGHT
                elif sys.time() - dark_start_time > LIFESPAN:
                    score_time = hba.winter_time_keeper(initial_time)
                    hba.winter_score_calc(score_time, LED_BRIGHTNESS)
                    state = STATE_DEAD
            if rone.button_get_value('g'):
                manual_control = True
                state = STATE_LIGHT
            elif rone.button_get_value('r'):
                manual_control = False
                state = STATE_IDLE

        elif state == STATE_DEAD:

        # end of the FSM

##        bump_beh_out = beh.bump_beh(MOTION_TV)
##        beh_out = beh.subsume([beh_out, bump_beh_out])

# set the beh velocities

        #set the HBA message
        msg = [0, 0, 0]
        msg[MSG_IDX_STATE] = state
        hba.set_msg(msg[0], msg[1], msg[2])
Example #17
def match_nbr_heading(nbr):
    nbr_brg = neighbors.get_nbr_bearing(nbr)
    nbr_ornt = neighbors.get_nbr_orientation(nbr)
    heading_error = math2.normalize_angle(math.pi + nbr_brg - nbr_ornt)  
    rv = ROTATE_RV_GAIN * heading_error
    return (rv, heading_error)
Example #18
def match_nbr_heading(nbr):
    nbr_brg = neighbors.get_nbr_bearing(nbr)
    nbr_ornt = neighbors.get_nbr_orientation(nbr)
    heading_error = math2.normalize_angle(math.pi + nbr_brg - nbr_ornt)
    rv = ROTATE_RV_GAIN * heading_error
    return (rv, heading_error)