def transform_scanlines(self):
        print('Transforming pointcloud')
        l2t = self.get_laser_to_turntable_transform()
        w = self.angspeed
        st = self.start_scan_time
        sl = self.scanlines
        slt = self.scanline_times
        self.pc = np.empty((len(sl)*len(sl[0]), 3))
        pci = 0
        for i in range(len(sl)):  
            udp = self.undistort_points(sl[i])
            # x,z in laser coordinates
            self.ptp = self.perspective_transform(udp) 
            angle = w * (slt[i] - st)
            rot_trf = m3d.Transform(m3d.Orientation.new_rot_z(-angle), m3d.Vector()) * l2t
            for p in self.ptp:
                # create m3d Vector of each point in scanline
                p = m3d.Vector(p[0], 0, p[1])
                # transform to turntable coordinates
                tp = rot_trf * p 

                self.pc[pci] =
                pci += 1
Example #2
    def paintGL(self):
        gl.glClear(gl.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | gl.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT)

        glu.gluPerspective(45.0, 4.0 / 3.0, 0.1, 100.0)

        glu.gluLookAt(4, 3, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0)

        gl.glBindBuffer(gl.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, self._vbo)
        gl.glVertexPointer(3, gl.GL_FLOAT, 0, None)


        model = math3d.Matrix44.translate(0, 0, 0)

        view = math3d.Matrix44.look_at_right_hand(math3d.Vector(4, 3, 10),
                                                  math3d.Vector(0, 0, 0),
                                                  math3d.Vector(0, 1, 0))

        projection = math3d.Matrix44.projection_right_hand(
            math.radians(45), 4.0 / 3.0, 0.1, 100.0)

        mvp = model * view * projection

        mvp_id = gl.glGetUniformLocation(self._shader_program, "mvp")
        gl.glUniformMatrix4fv(mvp_id, 1, gl.GL_FALSE, mvp.raw_data())

        gl.glDrawArrays(gl.GL_TRIANGLES, 0, self._vertices.size)
Example #3
 def new_vec_to_vec(cls, from_vec, to_vec):
     """Factory for a new orientation which is the minimal rotation which
     rotates 'from_vec' to 'to_vec'. Technically the axis-angle
     that can be computed for the two vectors.
     # Ensure that the vectors are m3d unit vectors
     from_vec = m3d.Vector(from_vec).normalized
     to_vec = m3d.Vector(to_vec).normalized
     # Angle between the vectords
     angle = from_vec.angle(to_vec)
     # Consider cases
     if angle <= utils.sqrt_eps:
         # // Identity
         return Orientation()
     elif angle < np.pi - utils.sqrt_eps:
         # // Regular, minimal rotation
         return Orientation(angle * from_vec.cross(to_vec).normalized)
         # // Find any suitable rotation axis
         x_angle = Vector.ex.angle(from_vec)
         if x_angle > 1e-3 and x_angle < np.pi - 1.0e-3:
             return Orientation(angle *
         y_angle = Vector.ey.angle(from_vec)
         if y_angle > 1e-3 and y_angle < np.pi - 1.0e-3:
             return Orientation(angle *
         z_angle = Vector.ez.angle(from_vec)
         if z_angle > 1e-3 and z_angle < np.pi - 1.0e-3:
             return Orientation(angle *
Example #4
    def new_csys_from_xpy(self):
        Restores and returns new coordinate system calculated from three points: X, Origin, Y

        based on math3d: Transform.new_from_xyp
        # Set coord. sys. to 0
        self.csys = m3d.Transform()

            "A new coordinate system will be defined from the next three points"
        print("Firs point is X, second Origin, third Y")
            "Set it as a new reference by calling myrobot.set_csys(new_csys)")
        input("Move to first point and click Enter")
        # we do not use get_pose so we avoid rounding values
        pose = URRobot.getl(self)
        print("Introduced point defining X: {}".format(pose[:3]))
        px = m3d.Vector(pose[:3])
        input("Move to second point and click Enter")
        pose = URRobot.getl(self)
        print("Introduced point defining Origo: {}".format(pose[:3]))
        p0 = m3d.Vector(pose[:3])
        input("Move to third point and click Enter")
        pose = URRobot.getl(self)
        print("Introduced point defining Y: {}".format(pose[:3]))
        py = m3d.Vector(pose[:3])

        new_csys = m3d.Transform.new_from_xyp(px - p0, py - p0, p0)

        return new_csys
Example #5
    def __new_csys_from_planes(self):
        first plane define Z axis
        second plane define X axis
        third plane define Y axis

        Z directed outside plane
        X and Y axis directed inside plane

        planes = []
        for i in range(3):
            p1, p2, p3 = self.__get_three_points_from_robot()
            planes.append(get_plane_from_three_points(p1, p2, p3))

        orig = intersection_of_three_planes(planes[0], planes[1], planes[2])

        orig[2] -= self.MODEL_HEIGHT
        vec_x = m3d.Vector(planes[1][:3])
        vec_y = m3d.Vector(planes[2][:3])

        csys = m3d.Transform.new_from_xyp(vec_x, vec_y, orig)

Example #6
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """Supported, named constructor arguments:

        * 'point_direction': An ordered pair of vectors representing a
          point on the line and the line's direction.

        * 'point', 'direction': Separate vectors for point on line and
          direction of line in named arguments.

        * 'point0', 'point1': Two points defining the line, in
        separate named arguments.

        if 'point_direction' in kwargs:
            self._p, self._d = [
                m3d.Vector(e) for e in kwargs['point_direction']
        elif 'point' in kwargs and 'direction' in kwargs:
            self._p = m3d.Vector(kwargs['point'])
            self._d = m3d.Vector(kwargs['direction'])
        elif 'point0' in kwargs and 'point1' in kwargs:
            self._p = m3d.Vector(kwargs['point0'])
            self._d = m3d.Vector(kwargs['point1']) - self._p
            raise Exception(
                'Can not create Line object on given arguments: "{}"'.format(
        # Create the unit direction vector
        self._ud = self._d.normalized
Example #7
 def get_tcp_ft(self, wait=True):
     get force and torque of tcp in tcp frame
     b2force = self.get_tcp_force(wait)
     tcp2b = m3d.Transform(self.rtmon.getTCF(wait).tolist()).orient.inverse
     ft = (tcp2b * m3d.Vector(b2force[:3])).list + (tcp2b * m3d.Vector(b2force[3:])).list
     return ft
Example #8
 def set_pos(self, vect, acc=0.01, vel=0.01, wait=True, threshold=None):
     set tool to given pos, keeping constant orientation
     if not isinstance(vect, m3d.Vector):
         vect = m3d.Vector(vect)
     trans = m3d.Transform(self.get_orientation(), m3d.Vector(vect))
     return self.set_pose(trans, acc, vel, wait=wait, threshold=threshold)
Example #9
 def speedl(self, velocities, acc, min_time):
     move at given velocities in base csys until minimum min_time seconds
     #r = m3d.Transform(velocities)
     v = self.csys.orient * m3d.Vector(velocities[:3])
     w = self.csys.orient * m3d.Vector(velocities[3:])
     URRobot.speedl(self, np.concatenate((v.array, w.array)), acc, min_time)
Example #10
 def set_pos(self, vect, acc=None, vel=None, radius=0, wait=True):
     set tool to given pos, keeping constant orientation
     if not type(vect) is m3d.Vector:
         vect = m3d.Vector(vect)
     trans = m3d.Transform(self.get_orientation(), m3d.Vector(vect))
     return self.apply_transform(trans, acc, vel, radius, wait=wait)
Example #11
 def speedl(self, velocities, acc, min_time):
     move at given velocities until minimum min_time seconds
     v = self.csys.orient * m3d.Vector(velocities[:3])
     w = self.csys.orient * m3d.Vector(velocities[3:])
     vels = np.concatenate((v.array, w.array))
     return self.speedx("speedl", vels, acc, min_time)
Example #12
 def speedl_tool(self, velocities, acc, min_time):
     move at given velocities in tool csys until minimum min_time seconds
     pose = self.get_pose()
     v = pose.orient * m3d.Vector(velocities[:3])
     w = pose.orient * m3d.Vector(velocities[3:])
     URRobot.speedl(self, np.concatenate((v.array, w.array)), acc, min_time)
Example #13
 def translate(self, vect, acc=None, vel=None, radius=0, wait=True):
     move tool in base coordinate, keeping orientation
     t = m3d.Transform()
     if not type(vect) is m3d.Vector:
         vect = m3d.Vector(vect)
     t.pos += m3d.Vector(vect)
     return self.add_transform_base(t, acc, vel, radius, wait=wait)
Example #14
 def fit_plane(self, points):
     """Compute the plane vector from a set of points. 'points'
     must be an array of row position vectors, such that
     points[i] is a position vector."""
     centre = np.sum(points, axis=0) / len(points)
     eigen = np.linalg.eig(np.cov(points.T))
     min_ev_i = np.where(eigen[0] == min(eigen[0]))[0][0]
     normal = eigen[1].T[min_ev_i]
     (self._p, self._n) = (m3d.Vector(centre), m3d.Vector(normal))
Example #15
 def speedx(self, command, velocities, acc, min_time):
     send command to robot formated like speedl or speedj
     move at given velocities until minimum min_time seconds
     v = self.csys.orient * m3d.Vector(velocities[:3])
     w = self.csys.orient * m3d.Vector(velocities[3:])
     URRobot.speedx(self, command, np.concatenate((v.array, w.array)), acc,
Example #16
 def fit_points(self, points):
     """Compute the line from a set of points. 'points'
     must be an array of row position vectors, such that
     points[i] is a position vector."""
     points = np.array(points)
     centre = np.sum(points, axis=0)/len(points)
     eigen = np.linalg.eig(np.cov(points.T))
     max_ev_i = np.where(eigen[0] == max(eigen[0]))[0][0]
     direction = eigen[1].T[max_ev_i]
     self._p = m3d.Vector(centre)
     self._d = self._ud = m3d.Vector(direction)
 def get_laser_to_turntable_transform(self):
     self.laser_to_camera_trf = m3d.Transform(np.hstack((self.tvec.reshape(3), 
     tbl_zaxis = m3d.Vector(self.axis).normalized()
     tbl_center = m3d.Vector(
     tbl_xaxis = (m3d.Vector.e1 - tbl_zaxis.y * tbl_zaxis).normalized()
     self.table_to_camera_trf = m3d.Transform.new_from_xzp(tbl_xaxis, 
     return self.table_to_camera_trf.inverse() * self.laser_to_camera_trf
Example #18
 def set_array(self, array):
     """Set the wrench by six values in the iterable 'array'. The first
     three values must specify force, the last three must specify
     if len(array) != 6:
         raise Exception(
             self.__class__.__name__ +
             'Setting the value by the "array" property needs exactly'
             + ' six values.({} were given)'.format(len(array)))
     self._force = m3d.Vector(array[:3])
     self._moment = m3d.Vector(array[3:])
Example #19
 def pn_to_pv(cls, point, normal):
     """Compute the plane vector of a plane represented by a point
     and normal."""
     if not isinstance(point, m3d.Vector):
         point = m3d.Vector(point)
     if not isinstance(normal, m3d.Vector):
         normal = m3d.Vector(normal)
     # // Origo projection on plane
     p0 = (point * normal) * normal
     # // Square of offset from origo
     d2 = p0.length_squared
     # // return the plane vector
     return p0 / (d2)
Example #20
 def pn_to_pv(self, p, n):
     """Compute the plane vector of a plane represented by a point
     and normal."""
     if type(p) != m3d.Vector:
         p = m3d.Vector(p)
     if type(n) != m3d.Vector:
         n = m3d.Vector(n)
     # // Origo projection on plane
     p0 = (p * n) * n
     # // Square of offset from origo
     d2 = p0.length_squared
     # // return the plane vector
     return p0 / (d2)
    def vertex(self, vertex_index):
        """Return the requested box vertex.

            vertex (int): the index of the requested vertex

        # Find the vertex coordinates in a box-fixed reference frame
        #  D --------- C
        #  -           -
        #  -   (0,0)   -
        #  -           -
        #  A --------- B
        vertex_index %= 4
        delta_x = float(self.length) / 2
        delta_y = float(self.width) / 2
        x_vertex = 0
        y_vertex = 0
        if vertex_index == 0:
            x_vertex = -delta_x
            y_vertex = -delta_y
        elif vertex_index == 1:
            x_vertex = +delta_x
            y_vertex = -delta_y
        elif vertex_index == 2:
            x_vertex = +delta_x
            y_vertex = +delta_y
            x_vertex = -delta_x
            y_vertex = +delta_y

        # Calculate the vector
        vector = m3d.Vector(x_vertex, y_vertex)
        # Rotatate the vector by theta
        rotation = m3d.Orientation.new_rot_z(self.theta)
        rotated_vector = rotation * vector
        # Translate the vector
        p_c = m3d.Vector(
        transl_vector = p_c + rotated_vector

        vector = transl_vector.get_list()
        # we need 2D vector

        return vector
Example #22
def _test():
    # Simple test of projected line.
    l1 = Line(point=(0, 1, 1), direction=(0, 0.1, 1))
    l2 = Line(point=(1, 1, 0.1), direction=(0, 1, 0))
    pl = l1.projected_line(l2)
    # print('Projected line: {}'.format(str(pl)))
           .length < 10 * m3d.utils.eps)
    # Test line fitting.
    fl = Line.new_fitted_points([[1, 1, 1],
                                 [2, 2, 2],
                                 [3, 3, 3]])
    # print('Fitted line: {}'.format(str(fl)))
    assert(fl.point == m3d.Vector(2, 2, 2))
    assert(1.0 - np.abs(fl.direction * m3d.Vector(1, 1, 1).normalized)
           < 10 * m3d.utils.eps)
def _test(n=5, noise=0.005):
    """Test and return the identification errors for a generated set of
    poses and applying a given noise to the synthetic ft when
    generating poses.
    bt = m3d.Vector(0.5, 0.6, 0.7)
    ft = m3d.Vector(0.1, 0.05, 0.15)
    # Generate random orientation Assume limited ergodicity
    bfs = []
    for i in range(n):
        o = m3d.Orientation.new_euler(np.random.uniform(0, 1, 3))
        p = bt - o * (ft + m3d.Vector(np.random.uniform(-noise, noise, 3)))
        bfs.append(m3d.Transform(o, p))
    pc = PivotCalibrator(bfs)
    return (pc.ft - ft).length, ( - bt).length
Example #24
    def reset(self):
        """Reset he explosion to run again!"""
        self.angles = {}
        self.rots = {}
        for i in self.root_mesh.get_names():
            a = math3d.Vector(self.root_mesh.get_obj_by_name(i).base_pos)
            x, y, z = a.x, a.y, a.z
            if x == y == z == 0:
                x, y, z = misc.randfloat(-1, 1), misc.randfloat(
                    -1, 1), misc.randfloat(-1, 1)
                a = a.normalize()
                x, y, z = a.x, a.y, a.z

            y += misc.randfloat(1.5, 2.5)
            self.angles[i] = x + misc.randfloat(-1, 1), y + misc.randfloat(
                -1, 1), z + misc.randfloat(-1, 1)
            self.rots[i] = (misc.randfloat(-10, 10), misc.randfloat(-10, 10),
                            misc.randfloat(-10, 10))

        for i in self.root_vals:
            self.root_mesh.get_obj_by_name(i).pos = self.root_vals[i][0]
            self.root_mesh.get_obj_by_name(i).rotation = self.root_vals[i][1]

        self.age = 0
        self.dead = False
        self.down_delta = 0
Example #25
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """Create a plane representation by one of the following named

        * 'plane_vector': A normalized plane vector. The normal will
        be pointing away from the origo. If kw-argument 'origo_inside'
        is given, this will determine the direction of the plane
        normal; otherwise origo will be set inside.

        * 'pn_pair': An ordered sequence for creating a reference
        point and a normal vector. The normal and point are conserved
        as they are given.

        * 'points': A set of at least three points for fitting a

        * 'coeffs': Four coefficients (a,b,c,d) for the plane equation

        The internal representation is point and normal. If given as a
        pn_pair, A boolean, 'origo_inside', is held to decide the
        direction of the normal vector, such that the origo of the
        defining coordinate system is on the inside when true.

        self._origo_inside = kwargs.get('origo_inside', True)
        if 'plane_vector' in kwargs:
            pv = m3d.Vector(kwargs['plane_vector'])
            (self._p, self._n) = self.pv_to_pn(pv)
        elif 'pn_pair' in kwargs:
            (self._p, self._n) = [m3d.Vector(e) for e in kwargs['pn_pair']]
            # # Override a given origo inside.
            self._origo_inside = (self._p * self._n) > 0
            # Ensure unit normal
            # Make point a 'minimal' point on the plane, i.e. the
            # projection of origo in the plane.
            self._p = (self._p * self._n) * self._n
        elif 'points' in kwargs:
        elif 'coeffs' in kwargs:
            self.coeffs = kwargs['coeffs']
            raise Exception(
                'Plane.__init__ : Must have either of constructor ' +
                'kw-arguments: "plane_vector", "pn_pair", or ' +
                '"points". Neither given!')
Example #26
 def from_yz(self, y_vec, z_vec):
     """Reset this orientation to the one that conforms with the
     given x and z directions.
     if type(y_vec) != m3d.Vector:
         y_vec = m3d.Vector(y_vec)
     if type(z_vec) != m3d.Vector:
         z_vec = m3d.Vector(z_vec)
     y_vec = y_vec.normalized
     z_vec = z_vec.normalized
     if np.abs(y_vec * z_vec) > utils.eps:
         print('Warning: Orthonormalizing z_vec on x_vec!')
         z_vec -= (y_vec * z_vec) * y_vec
     self._data[:, 0] = y_vec.cross(z_vec)._data
     self._data[:, 1] = y_vec._data
     self._data[:, 2] = z_vec._data
Example #27
    def paintGL(self):
        gl.glClear(gl.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | gl.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT)

        position_location = gl.glGetAttribLocation(self._shader_program,
        gl.glBindBuffer(gl.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, self._vbo)
        gl.glVertexAttribPointer(position_location, 3, gl.GL_FLOAT,
                                 gl.GL_FALSE, 0, None)

        normal_location = gl.glGetAttribLocation(self._shader_program,
        gl.glBindBuffer(gl.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, self._normal_vbo)
        gl.glVertexAttribPointer(normal_location, 3, gl.GL_FLOAT, gl.GL_FALSE,
                                 0, None)

        model = math3d.Matrix44.translate(0, 0, 0)

        view = math3d.Matrix44.look_at_right_hand(math3d.Vector(4, 3, 10),
                                                  math3d.Vector(0, 0, 0),
                                                  math3d.Vector(0, 1, 0))

        projection = math3d.Matrix44.projection_right_hand(
            math.radians(45), 4.0 / 3.0, 0.1, 100.0)

        mvp = model * view * projection

        model_id = gl.glGetUniformLocation(self._shader_program, "model")
        gl.glUniformMatrix4fv(model_id, 1, gl.GL_FALSE, model.raw_data())
        view_id = gl.glGetUniformLocation(self._shader_program, "view")
        gl.glUniformMatrix4fv(view_id, 1, gl.GL_FALSE, view.raw_data())

        mvp_id = gl.glGetUniformLocation(self._shader_program, "mvp")
        gl.glUniformMatrix4fv(mvp_id, 1, gl.GL_FALSE, mvp.raw_data())

        light_position = math3d.Vector(10, 10, 10)
        light_position_id = gl.glGetUniformLocation(
            self._shader_program, "LightPosition_worldspace")
        gl.glUniform3fv(light_position_id, 1, light_position.raw_data())

        gl.glBindBuffer(gl.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, self._index_buffer)
        gl.glDrawElements(gl.GL_TRIANGLES, len(self._indices),
                          gl.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, ctypes.c_void_p(0))
 def pos_sif(self):
     if self._pos_sif is None:
         # // d is the vertical stacking of b_A_i - Theta_X*b_B_i
         d = np.hstack([(fm.d - self.orient_sif * sm.d)._data
                        for fm, sm in self._move_pairs])
         # // The solution to the position, b_X, is now computed as (C^T*C)^(-1)*C*d
         self._pos_sif = m3d.Vector(
     return self._pos_sif
Example #29
 def test_transform(self):
     p = hcn.HPose()
     t = m3d.Transform()
     t.pos = m3d.Vector(2, 3, 1)
     t.orient.rotate_zb(math.pi / 2)
     p = hcn.HPose(*t.pose_vector)
     t2 = m3d.Transform(p.to_list()[:-1])
     self.assertEqual(t, t2)
Example #30
 def from_xy(self, x_vec, y_vec):
     """Reset this orientation to the one that conforms with the
     given x and y directions.
     if type(x_vec) != m3d.Vector:
         x_vec = m3d.Vector(x_vec)
     if type(y_vec) != m3d.Vector:
         y_vec = m3d.Vector(y_vec)
     x_vec = x_vec.normalized
     y_vec = y_vec.normalized
     if np.abs(x_vec * y_vec) > utils.eps:
         print('Warning: Orthonormalizing y_vec on x_vec!')
         y_vec -= (x_vec * y_vec) * x_vec
     self._data[:, 0] = x_vec._data
     self._data[:, 1] = y_vec._data
     self._data[:, 2] = x_vec.cross(y_vec)._data