Example #1
    def verifyEvalBatch(self, com, B, rem1_x, rem2_x, w_B):
        Check if com is a commitment on a polynomial phi such that (b_j,phi_b_j) belongs
        to the polynomial for each b_j in B. The verification uses the witness w_B 
        and the remainder polynomial rem1_x, rem2_x (see self.createWitnessBatch(...)
        for their construction).
        Return True if the verification succeeds.
        This method computes 3 pairings.
        Fr = self.Fr
        e = oEC.OptimAtePairing
        Pair = self.pairing
        gp = self.gprimeVec[-1]
        EFp2 = gp.ECG
        Fp12 = Pair.Fpk

        prod_x_minus_b_j = field.polynom(Fr,[Fr.one()])
        for b_j in B :
            x_minus_b_j = field.polynom(Fr,[Fr.one(),-b_j])
            prod_x_minus_b_j *= x_minus_b_j
        if len(prod_x_minus_b_j.coef) < self.deg_pol+1 :
            # Append zeros coef to phi_x if its coef list is too short (< deg_pol+1)
            diff = self.deg_pol+1 - len(prod_x_minus_b_j.coef)
            L = [Fr.zero()]*diff
            new_prod_x_minus_b_j = field.polynom(Fr,L+prod_x_minus_b_j.coef)
            prod_x_minus_b_j = new_prod_x_minus_b_j
        t1 = EFp2.infty
        t1t = oEC.toTupleEFp2(t1, self.Jcoord)
        #TODO: Optimize here # DONE
        for i in range(self.deg_pol+1):
            #t1 +=  prod_x_minus_b_j.coef[i].val*self.gprimeVec[i]
            a = oEC.mul_comb2_EFp2(EFp2,prod_x_minus_b_j.coef[i].val,self.gprimeVecTab[i],self.Jcoord)
            t1t = oEC.addEFp2(EFp2,t1t,a,self.Jcoord)
        t1g = oEC.toEFp2(EFp2,t1t,self.Jcoord)
        if self.Jcoord :
        #assert t1g == t1
        u1 , rem2_x = self.commit(rem1_x,rem2_x) 
        rm = e(com.c,gp,Pair)
        lm1 = e(w_B.c,t1g,Pair)
        lm2 = e(u1.c,gp,Pair)
        lm = oEC.mulFp12(Fp12,lm1,lm2)
        return rm == lm
Example #2
 def commit(self,phi_x,phiprime_x= None):
     Return a polynomial commitment on the polynomial phi_x eventually using phiprime_x as the randomness polynomial
     #Fp = self.pairing.Fp
     Fr = self.Fr
     EFp = self.pairing.EFp
     #order = self.pairing.r
     assert len(phi_x.coef) <= self.deg_pol+1
     if len(phi_x.coef) < self.deg_pol+1 :
         # Append zeros coef to phi_x if its coef list is too short (< deg_pol+1)
         diff = self.deg_pol+1 - len(phi_x.coef)
         L = [Fr.zero()]*diff
         new_phi_x = field.polynom(Fr,L+phi_x.coef)
         phi_x = new_phi_x
     if phiprime_x == None :
         phiprime_x = self.randomPolynomial()
     if len(phiprime_x.coef) < self.deg_pol+1 :
         # Append zeros coef to phiprime_x if its coef list is too short (< deg_pol+1)
         diff = self.deg_pol+1 - len(phiprime_x.coef)
         L = [Fr.zero()]*diff
         new_phiprime_x = field.polynom(Fr,L+phiprime_x.coef)
         phiprime_x = new_phiprime_x
     c = EFp.infty
     ct = oEC.toTupleEFp(c,self.Jcoord)
     #TODO: Optimize here # DONE
     for i in range(self.deg_pol+1):
         #c = c + (phi_x.coef[i].val)*self.gVec[i] + (phiprime_x.coef[i].val)*self.hVec[i]
         a = oEC.mul_comb2_EFp(EFp,phi_x.coef[i].val,self.gVecTab[i],self.Jcoord)
         b = oEC.mul_comb2_EFp(EFp,phiprime_x.coef[i].val,self.hVecTab[i],self.Jcoord)
         a_plus_b = oEC.addEFp(EFp, a,b,self.Jcoord)
         ct = oEC.addEFp(EFp, ct,a_plus_b,self.Jcoord)
     cg = oEC.toEFp(EFp,ct,self.Jcoord)
     if self.Jcoord :
     #assert cg == c
     #print 'cg,c',cg,c
     com = PolynomialCommitment(cg,self)
     return com, phiprime_x
Example #3
    def createWitnessBatch(self, phi_x, phiprime_x, B):
        Return a witness w_b for the list of points (b_j,phi(b_j)) where b_j in 
        the list B to prove latter that each phi(b_j) is the evaluation of phi on b_j
        Fr = self.Fr

        prod_x_minus_b_j = field.polynom(Fr,[Fr.one()])
        for b_j in B :
            x_minus_b_j = field.polynom(Fr,[Fr.one(),-b_j])
            prod_x_minus_b_j *= x_minus_b_j

        psi_x, rem1_x = phi_x/prod_x_minus_b_j
        psiprime_x, rem2_x = phiprime_x/prod_x_minus_b_j
        w_B, psiprime_x = self.commit(psi_x,psiprime_x)
        return B, rem1_x, rem2_x, w_B
Example #4
 def randomPolynomial(self):
     Return a random polynomial of degree self.deg_pol
     Fr = self.Fr
     L = []
     for i in range(self.deg_pol+1):
     return field.polynom(Fr,L)
Example #5
 def commit_messages(self,messageslist,phiprime_x= None):
     Commit to a list of messages m_i by building the polynomial prod(x-m_i)
     By default, messages m_j = 0 are append to the list if the lenght of 
     messageslist is smaller than self.deg_pol
     assert len(messageslist)<=self.deg_pol
     Fr = self.Fr
     mlist_copy = messageslist+[]
     if len(messageslist) < self.deg_pol :
         for i in range(self.deg_pol-len(messageslist)):
     phi_x = field.polynom(Fr,[Fr.one()])
     for i in range(self.deg_pol):
         x_minus_m_i = field.polynom(Fr,[Fr.one(),-mlist_copy[i]])
         phi_x = phi_x*x_minus_m_i
     return phi_x, self.commit(phi_x,phiprime_x)
Example #6
    def createWitness(self,phi_x,phiprime_x,b):
        Return a witness w_b for the point (b,phi(b)) to prove latter that phi(b) is the 
        evaluation of phi on b

        Fr = self.Fr
        phi_b_eval = phi_x.evaluate(b)
        phi_b = field.polynom(Fr,[phi_b_eval])
        x_minus_b = field.polynom(Fr,[Fr.one(),-b])
        psi_x, rem1 = (phi_x-phi_b)/x_minus_b
        phiprime_b_eval = phiprime_x.evaluate(b)
        phiprime_b = field.polynom(Fr,[phiprime_b_eval])
        psiprime_x, rem2 = (phiprime_x-phiprime_b)/x_minus_b
        assert rem1.iszero()
        assert rem2.iszero()
        w_b, psiprime_x = self.commit(psi_x,psiprime_x)
        return b, phi_b_eval, phiprime_b_eval, w_b
Example #7
##### Fp #####
Fp = field.Field(p)
fp0 = Fp.zero()
fp1 = Fp.one()

print Fp, " ...done"
##### E[Fp] #####
C = ellipticCurve.Curve(fp0, b * fp1, Fp)  # Y**2 = X**3+b
PInf = ellipticCurve.ECPoint(infty=True)
EFp = ellipticCurve.ECGroup(Fp, C, PInf)
P = EFp.elem((-d**2) * fp1,
             (c**2) * fp1)  # P  is a generetor of EFp of order n (n*P = Pinf)

##### Fp2b #####
poly1 = field.polynom(Fp, [fp1, fp0, fp1])  # X**2+1
print poly1

Fp2 = field.ExtensionField(Fp, poly1, rep='i')  # A**2 = -1
print Fp2, " ...done"
fp2_0 = Fp2.zero()
fp2_1 = Fp2.one()
fp2_ip = field.polynom(Fp, [fp1, fp0])  # 1*A+0
fp2_i = field.ExtensionFieldElem(Fp2, fp2_ip)
xi = (c**2) * fp2_1 + (d**3) * fp2_i  # c**2+(d**3)*A (4+i)
cxi = (c**2) * fp2_1 - (d**3) * fp2_i  # c**2-(d**3)*A
#ixi = 8*fp2bi-8*fp2b1 # 8*A-8
#xi = ixi.invert()
#C2b = EllipticCurve.Curve(fp2b0, 3*ixi,Fp2b) # Y**2 = X**3+3*(8*A-8)
C2 = ellipticCurve.Curve(fp2_0, cxi,
                         Fp2)  # Y**2 = X**3+c**2-(d**3)*A The twisted curve
Example #8
##### Fp #####
Fp = field.Field(p)
fp0 = Fp.zero()
fp1 = Fp.one()

print Fp, " ...done"
##### E[Fp] #####
C = ellipticCurve.Curve(fp0, b * fp1, Fp)  # Y**2 = X**3+b
PInf = ellipticCurve.ECPoint(infty=True)
EFp = ellipticCurve.ECGroup(Fp, C, PInf)
P = EFp.elem((-d**2) * fp1,
             (c**2) * fp1)  # P  is a generetor of EFp of order n (n*P = Pinf)

##### Fp2b #####
poly1 = field.polynom(Fp, [fp1, fp0, fp1])  # X**2+1
print poly1

Fp2 = field.ExtensionField(Fp, poly1, rep='i')  # A**2 = -1
print Fp2, " ...done"
fp2_0 = Fp2.zero()
fp2_1 = Fp2.one()
fp2_ip = field.polynom(Fp, [fp1, fp0])  # 1*A+0
fp2_i = field.ExtensionFieldElem(Fp2, fp2_ip)
xi = (c**2) * fp2_1 + (d**3) * fp2_i  # c**2+(d**3)*A (4+i)
cxi = (c**2) * fp2_1 - (d**3) * fp2_i  # c**2-(d**3)*A
#ixi = 8*fp2bi-8*fp2b1 # 8*A-8
#xi = ixi.invert()
#C2b = EllipticCurve.Curve(fp2b0, 3*ixi,Fp2b) # Y**2 = X**3+3*(8*A-8)
C2 = ellipticCurve.Curve(fp2_0, cxi,
                         Fp2)  # Y**2 = X**3+c**2-(d**3)*A The twisted curve
Example #9
##### Fp #####
Fp = field.Field(p)
fp0 = Fp.zero()
fp1 = Fp.one()

print Fp, " ...done"
##### E[Fp] #####
C = ellipticCurve.Curve(fp0,b*fp1,Fp) # Y**2 = X**3+b
PInf = ellipticCurve.ECPoint(infty = True)
EFp = ellipticCurve.ECGroup(Fp,C,PInf)
P = EFp.elem((-d**2)*fp1,(c**2)*fp1)  # P  is a generetor of EFp of order n (n*P = Pinf)

##### Fp2b #####
poly1 = field.polynom(Fp,[fp1,fp0,fp1]) # X**2+1
print poly1

Fp2 = field.ExtensionField(Fp,poly1,rep='i') # A**2 = -1
print Fp2, " ...done"
fp2_0 = Fp2.zero()
fp2_1 = Fp2.one()
fp2_ip = field.polynom(Fp,[fp1,fp0]) # 1*A+0
fp2_i = field.ExtensionFieldElem(Fp2,fp2_ip)
xi = (c**2)*fp2_1+(d**3)*fp2_i # c**2+(d**3)*A (4+i)
cxi = (c**2)*fp2_1-(d**3)*fp2_i # c**2-(d**3)*A
#ixi = 8*fp2bi-8*fp2b1 # 8*A-8
#xi = ixi.invert()
#C2b = EllipticCurve.Curve(fp2b0, 3*ixi,Fp2b) # Y**2 = X**3+3*(8*A-8)
C2 = ellipticCurve.Curve(fp2_0, cxi,Fp2) # Y**2 = X**3+c**2-(d**3)*A The twisted curve
PInf2 = ellipticCurve.ECPoint(infty = True)