def generate_bullets_auto(x, y, target, gamma):
        pos_0 = (x + 96 * cos(gamma + 0.25*pi), y - 96 * sin(gamma + 0.25*pi))
        pos_1 = (x + 96 * cos(gamma - 0.25*pi), y - 96 * sin(gamma - 0.25*pi))
        angle_0 = calculate_angle(*pos_0, *target)
        angle_1 = calculate_angle(*pos_1, *target)

        return [RegularBullet(*pos_0, -1, 1.5, angle_0, Body(SMALL_BUL_BODY_1)),
                RegularBullet(*pos_1, -1, 1.5, angle_1, Body(SMALL_BUL_BODY_1))]
    def generate_bullets(self, x, y, target, gamma):
        xo, yo = x + 90 * cos(gamma + 0.75*pi), y - 90 * sin(gamma + 0.75*pi)
        angle_0 = calculate_angle(xo, yo, *target)
        pos_0 = (xo + 40 * cos(angle_0), yo - 40 * sin(angle_0))

        xo, yo = x + 90 * cos(gamma - 0.75*pi), y - 90 * sin(gamma - 0.75*pi)
        angle_1 = calculate_angle(xo, yo, *target)
        pos_1 = (xo + 40 * cos(angle_1), yo - 40 * sin(angle_1))

        return [RegularBullet(*pos_0, self.bul_dmg, self.bul_vel, angle_0, Body(self.bul_body)),
                RegularBullet(*pos_1, self.bul_dmg, self.bul_vel, angle_1, Body(self.bul_body))]
 def append_bullet(self, x, y, bullets, target):
     angle = calculate_angle(x, y, *target)
     xo = x + 23 * cos(angle)
     yo = y - 23 * sin(angle)
         RegularBullet(xo, yo, self.bul_dmg, self.bul_vel, angle,
    def transport_player(self, direction):
        self.transportation = True

        self.level_generator.update(, direction,

        offset, destination = self.get_offset_and_destination(direction)
        self.player.move(*offset)*self.player.pos, 0)

        distance = hypot(*(self.player.pos - destination))
        player_vel = distance / c.TRANSPORTATION_TIME
        alpha = calculate_angle(*self.player.pos, *destination)

        self.player.set_transportation_vel(alpha, player_vel)

        self.background.set_trail_pos(*self.player.pos, distance, alpha)

        self.transportation = False
Example #5
 def generate_bullets(self, x, y, target, gamma):
     angle = calculate_angle(x, y, *target)
     xo, yo = self.get_reference_point(x, y, angle)
     return [
         EllipticBullet(xo, yo, self.bul_dmg, self.bul_vel, angle,
    def generate_bullets(self, x, y, target, gamma):
        angle = calculate_angle(x, y, *target)
        pos_0 = (x + 20 * cos(angle + 0.74*pi), y - 20 * sin(angle + 0.74*pi))
        pos_1 = (x + 20 * cos(angle - 0.74*pi), y - 20 * sin(angle - 0.74*pi))

        return [(RegularBullet(*pos_0, self.bul_dmg, self.bul_vel, angle, Body(self.bul_body))),
                (RegularBullet(*pos_1, self.bul_dmg, self.bul_vel, angle, Body(self.bul_body)))]
Example #7
 def activate(self, x, y, gamma, target, bullets):
     self.time -= self.cooldown_time
     xo, yo = x + 80 * cos(gamma), y - 80 * sin(gamma)
     angle = calculate_angle(xo, yo, *target)
     pos = (xo + 34 * cos(angle), yo - 34 * sin(angle))
         b.RegularBullet(*pos, 0, 0.7, angle, Body(STICKY_BUL_BODY)))
Example #8
 def get_missiles_coords(pos, health, beta):
     beta = calculate_angle(c.SCR_W2, c.SCR_H2, *pg.mouse.get_pos())
     pos_0 = pos + np.array(
         [65 * cos(beta + 0.43 * pi), -65 * sin(beta + 0.43 * pi)])
     pos_1 = pos + np.array(
         [65 * cos(beta - 0.43 * pi), -65 * sin(beta - 0.43 * pi)])
     return pos_0, pos_1
 def append_small_bullet(self, x, y, bullets, target, gamma):
     xo, yo = x + 30 * cos(gamma), y - 30 * sin(gamma)
     angle = calculate_angle(xo, yo, *target)
     xo, yo = xo + 23 * cos(angle), yo - 23 * sin(angle)
         RegularBullet(xo, yo, self.bul_dmg, self.bul_vel, angle,
Example #10
 def get_missiles_coords(pos, health, beta):
     beta = calculate_angle(c.SCR_W2, c.SCR_H2, *pg.mouse.get_pos())
     pos_0 = pos + np.array(
         [66 * cos(beta + 0.88 * pi), -66 * sin(beta + 0.88 * pi)])
     pos_1 = pos + np.array(
         [66 * cos(beta - 0.88 * pi), -66 * sin(beta - 0.88 * pi)])
     pos_2 = pos + np.array([63 * cos(beta), -63 * sin(beta)])
     return [pos_0, pos_1, pos_2]
Example #11
    def update_body(self, body):
        beta = calculate_angle(c.SCR_W2, c.SCR_H2, *pg.mouse.get_pos())

        for i in range(1, len(body.circles) - 6):
            body.circles[i].dx = self.offsets[i - 1][0] * self.dist * cos(
                beta + self.offsets[i - 1][1])
            body.circles[i].dy = -self.offsets[i - 1][0] * self.dist * sin(
                beta + self.offsets[i - 1][1])
 def append_bullet_2(self, x, y, bullets, target, gamma):
     pos = [x - 35 * cos(gamma), y + 35 * sin(gamma)]
     angle = calculate_angle(*pos, *target)
     pos[0] += 35 * cos(angle)
     pos[1] -= 35 * sin(angle)
         RegularBullet(*pos, self.bul_dmg, self.bul_vel, angle,
Example #13
    def generate_bullets(self, x, y, target, gamma):
        angle = calculate_angle(x, y, *target)
        coords = self.get_reference_point(x, y, angle)

        return [
            RegularBullet(*coords, self.bul_dmg, self.bul_vel, angle,
 def append_big_bullet(x, y, bullets, gamma, target):
     x = x - 70 * cos(gamma)
     y = y + 70 * sin(gamma)
     angle = calculate_angle(x, y, *target)
     x += 44 * cos(angle)
     y -= 44 * sin(angle)
         RegularBullet(x, y, -15, 0.55, angle, Body(BIG_BUL_BODY_2)))
 def append_small_bullet(x, y, bullets, gamma, target):
     x = x + 12 * cos(gamma)
     y = y - 12 * sin(gamma)
     angle = calculate_angle(x, y, *target)
     x += 24 * cos(angle)
     y -= 24 * sin(angle)
         RegularBullet(x, y, -2, 0.55, angle, Body(SMALL_BUL_BODY_2)))
    def generate_bullets(self, x, y, target, gamma):
        angle = calculate_angle(x, y, *target)
        xo, yo = self.get_reference_point(x, y, angle)
        pos_0 = xo + 6 * sin(angle), yo + 6 * cos(angle)
        pos_1 = xo - 6 * sin(angle), yo - 6 * cos(angle)

        return [RegularBullet(*pos_0, self.bul_dmg, self.bul_vel, angle, Body(self.bul_body)),
                RegularBullet(*pos_1, self.bul_dmg, self.bul_vel, angle, Body(self.bul_body))]
Example #17
    def set_vel(self, target_x, target_y):
        Method is called when a target intersected with bullet's searching area.
        Sets x- and y- velocity components according to target position.

        angle = calculate_angle(self.x, self.y, target_x, target_y)
        self.vel_x = self.vel * cos(angle)
        self.vel_y = -self.vel * sin(angle)
Example #18
    def generate_bullets(self, x, y, target, gamma):
        xo, yo = x, y + 210
        angle = calculate_angle(xo, yo, *target)
        coords = (xo + self.radius * cos(angle), yo - self.radius * sin(angle))

        return [
            RegularBullet(*coords, self.bul_dmg, self.bul_vel, angle,
    def generate_bullets(self, x, y, target, gamma):
        angle = calculate_angle(x, y, *target)
        xo, yo = self.get_reference_point(x, y, angle)
        pos_0 = (xo, yo)
        pos_1 = (xo + 15 * sin(angle - 0.17*pi), yo + 15 * cos(angle - 0.17*pi))
        pos_2 = (xo - 15 * sin(angle + 0.17*pi), yo - 15 * cos(angle + 0.17*pi))

        return [RegularBullet(*pos_0, self.bul_dmg, self.bul_vel, angle,             Body(self.bul_body)),
                RegularBullet(*pos_1, self.bul_dmg, self.bul_vel, angle - 0.17 * pi, Body(self.bul_body)),
                RegularBullet(*pos_2, self.bul_dmg, self.bul_vel, angle + 0.17 * pi, Body(self.bul_body))]
    def generate_bullets(self, x, y, target, gamma):
        angle = calculate_angle(x, y, *target)
        xo, yo = self.get_reference_point(x, y, angle)
        pos_0 = (xo, yo)
        pos_1 = (xo + 53 * cos(angle + 0.48*pi), yo - 53 * sin(angle + 0.48*pi))
        pos_2 = (xo + 53 * cos(angle - 0.48*pi), yo - 53 * sin(angle - 0.48*pi))

        return [(RegularBullet(*pos_0, -5, 0.75, angle, Body(BIG_BUL_BODY_1))),
                (RegularBullet(*pos_1, -1, 0.1,  angle, Body(SMALL_BUL_BODY_1))),
                (RegularBullet(*pos_2, -1, 0.1,  angle, Body(SMALL_BUL_BODY_1)))]
    def generate_bullets(self, x, y, target, gamma):
        angle = calculate_angle(x, y, *target)
        xo, yo = self.get_reference_point(x, y, angle)
        angles = self.get_bullets_angles(angle)
        coords = self.get_bullets_coords(xo, yo, angles)

        bullets = []
        for i in range(5):
            bullets.append(RegularBullet(*coords[i], self.bul_dmg, self.bul_vel, angles[i], Body(self.bul_body)))
        return bullets
    def generate_bullets(self, x, y, target, gamma):
        angle = calculate_angle(x, y, *target)
        xo, yo = self.get_reference_point(x, y, angle)
        sina, cosa = sin(angle), cos(angle)
        coords = [(xo, yo),
                  (xo + 14*sina,          yo + 14*cosa),
                  (xo - 14*sina,          yo - 14*cosa),
                  (xo + 28*sina - 4*cosa, yo + 28*cosa + 4*sina),
                  (xo - 28*sina - 4*cosa, yo - 28*cosa + 4*sina)]

        bullets = []
        for pos in coords:
            bullets.append(RegularBullet(*pos, self.bul_dmg, self.bul_vel, angle, Body(self.bul_body)))
        return bullets
Example #23
    def go_to_player(self, x, y, dt):
        self.alpha = calculate_angle(self.x, self.y, x, y)

        dr = self.vel * dt + self.acc * dt * dt / 2
        dist = hypot(self.x - x, self.y - y)
        if dr > dist:
            self.x = x
            self.y = y
            self.x += dr * cos(self.alpha)
            self.y -= dr * sin(self.alpha)

        self.vel += self.acc * dt
        if self.vel >= self.max_vel:
            self.vel = self.max_vel
            self.acc = 0
Example #24
    def update_pos(self, x, y, target, beta, gamma):
        angle = self.alpha + gamma
        self.x = x + self.dist * cos(angle) + self.dx
        self.y = y - self.dist * sin(angle) + self.dy
        if self.adjusts_to_target:
            if self.dist:
                beta = calculate_angle(self.x, self.y, target[0], target[1])
            angle = self.adj_alpha + beta
            if self.adj_dist:
                self.adj_x = self.adj_dist * cos(angle)
                self.adj_y = -self.adj_dist * sin(angle)

        self.x += self.adj_x
        self.y += self.adj_y

        if self.radius >= 8:
Example #25
 def count_gamma(self):
     dt = 0.01 if self.w > 0 else -0.01
     x, y = self.trajectory(self.time + dt)
     return calculate_angle(self.x, self.y, x, y)
Example #26
 def get_bullet_pos(pos):
     mouse_pos = pg.mouse.get_pos()
     alpha = calculate_angle(c.SCR_W2, c.SCR_H2, *mouse_pos)
     return pos + np.array([-64 * cos(alpha), 64 * sin(alpha)])
Example #27
 def get_explosion_pos(pos):
     mouse_pos = pg.mouse.get_pos()
     alpha = calculate_angle(c.SCR_W2, c.SCR_H2, *mouse_pos)
     return pos + np.array([-49 * cos(alpha), 49 * sin(alpha)])
Example #28
 def activate(self, pos, bullets):
     self.time = 0
     beta = calculate_angle(c.SCR_W2, c.SCR_H2, *pg.mouse.get_pos())
     coords = pos + np.array([51 * cos(beta), -51 * sin(beta)])
     bullets.append(b.FrangibleBullet(*coords, beta, Body(BIG_BUL_BODY_1)))
Example #29
 def activate(self, x, y, target, bullets):
     self.time -= self.cooldown_time
     angle = calculate_angle(x, y, *target)
     pos = (x + 120 * cos(angle), y - 120 * sin(angle))
     bullets.append(b.ExplodingBullet(*pos, angle))
Example #30
 def update(self, dt, target_x=0, target_y=0):
     angle = calculate_angle(self.x, self.y, target_x, target_y)
     self.body.update(self.x, self.y, dt, [target_x, target_y])