def TestGradientWithFD(self, curr): analytic_gr = np.zeros(curr.shape[0], dtype='f') fd_gr = np.zeros(curr.shape[0], dtype='f') self.AddGradientTo(curr, analytic_gr) self.AddEstimatedGradientTo(curr, fd_gr) # print("Analytic grad: ", analytic_gr) # print("FD grad: ", fd_gr) # print() na = norm_2(analytic_gr) nf = norm_2(fd_gr) if np.abs(na) < 1e-10: if np.abs(nf) > 1e-10: print( "B A D (Zero gradient) !! Objective Function: testing gradients...norms: analytic: {0:9.8f}, FD: {1:9.8f}." .format(na, nf)) else: print("Both gradients are 0") elif ((na - nf) / na < 1e-5): pass print( "Objective Function: testing gradients...norms: analytic: {0:9.8f}, FD: {1:9.8f}." .format(na, nf)) else: print( "B A D !! Objective Function: testing gradients...norms: analytic: {0:9.8f}, FD: {1:9.8f}." .format(na, nf)) print("An gr:", analytic_gr) print("FD gr", fd_gr) print((na - nf) / na) print(analytic_gr - fd_gr)
def TestHessianWithFD(self, curr): hess_shape = ([0],[0]) analytic_hess = np.zeros(hess_shape, np.float64) fd_hess = np.zeros(hess_shape, np.float64) self.AddHessianTo(curr, analytic_hess) self.AddEstimatedHessianTo(curr, fd_hess) # size = 12 # print(analytic_hess[0:size,0:size]) # print(fd_hess[0:size,0:size]) na = norm_2(analytic_hess) nf = norm_2(fd_hess) if np.abs(na) < 1e-10: if np.abs(nf) > 1e-10: print( "B A D (Zero hessian) !! Objective Function: testing hessians...norms: analytic: {0:9.8f}, FD: {1:9.8f}." .format(na, nf)) else: print("Both hessians are 0") elif ((na - nf) / na < 1e-5): #pass print( "Objective Function: testing hessians...norms: analytic: {0:9.8f}, FD: {1:9.8f}." .format(na, nf)) else: print( "B A D !! Objective Function: testing hessians...norms: analytic: {0:9.8f}, FD: {1:9.8f}." .format(na, nf)) print((na - nf) / na)
def ComputeValue(self, var): firstPos = var.GetEE(0) if firstPos.shape[0] != 3: raise "StartObj is working now only with the EE dimention of 3!" diff = firstPos - self.ee_start res = (norm_2(diff)) * self.weight return res
def ComputeValue(self, curr): val = 0 for i in range(self.npts): theta_i = curr.GetTheta(i) ee_i = curr.GetEE(i) fk_i = FK(self.links, self.axes, theta_i) tres = norm_2(fk_i - ee_i) val += tres #return val * self.weight * 2 return self.inner_w * val * self.weight
def minimize(self, objective, p, regFactor): optimizationConverged = False #currentPoint = p.Copy() currentPoint = copy.deepcopy(p) for i in range(0, self.maxiterations): searchDirection = self.computeSearchDirection( objective, currentPoint, regFactor) #print("norm_2(searchDirection):",norm_2(searchDirection)) if norm_2(searchDirection) < epsilon: optimizationConverged = True break alpha, currentPoint = self.doLineSearch(objective, currentPoint, searchDirection) return currentPoint, optimizationConverged
# #print(" eigvals:",np.linalg.eigvals(A)) gr_newton =, (forwardK_newton - tgt)) gr_thesis =, (forwardK_thesis - tgt)) p_newton =, (forwardK_newton - tgt)) p_newton_threshold = np.linalg.norm(p_newton) p_thesis =, gr_thesis) p_thesis_threshold = np.linalg.norm(p_thesis) stop_treshold = 0.01 # objective_values_newton.append(np.linalg.norm(forwardK_newton-tgt,2)) # objective_values_thesis.append(np.linalg.norm(forwardK_thesis-tgt,2)) objective_values_newton.append(norm_2(forwardK_newton - tgt) * 0.5) objective_values_thesis.append(norm_2(forwardK_thesis - tgt) * 0.5) if not newton_reached and p_newton_threshold < stop_treshold: print("Newton reached the stop threshold") # print("Newton threshold",p_newton_threshold) # print("Thesis threshold",p_thesis_threshold) print("Iteration #", num_of_iterations) # print ("Target position:",tgt) # print ("Current position:",FK(links,w,theta_newton)) # print ("Current theta:",np.rad2deg(theta_newton)) # print("---------------------------------\n") newton_reached = True #break if not thesis_reached and p_thesis_threshold < stop_treshold:
NHess = objN.CalculateHessian( pN ) #this one may be fifferent fro the one used in computeSearchDirection THess = objT.CalculateHessian( pT ) #this one may be fifferent fro the one used in computeSearchDirection AddEpsToDiagonal(THess, Tfactor) AddEpsToDiagonal(NHess, Nfactor) #print (np.linalg.eigvals(NHess)) #print("N: descentDirection? ",NisDirectionDescent) #print("T: descentDirection? ",TisDirectionDescent) NStepSize = norm_2(NSearchDir) TStepSize = norm_2(TSearchDir) #print("Step N",step_newton) #print("P N",NSearchDir) #break # isSparsityOk = testSparsityPattern(NHess,THess) # print ("IsSparsityOK: ",isSparsityOk) # print("Obj N value:",nVal) # print("pN:",pN) #print("FK(pN):",FK(li,ax,pN)) # print("Obj T value:",tVal) # print("N Step size:",NStepSize)
def ComputeValue(self, curr): forwardK = FK(self.links, self.axes, curr) res = norm_2(forwardK - self.tgt) return res * 0.5
def ComputeValue(self, curr): lastPos = curr.GetEE(curr.LastIndex) if lastPos.shape[0] != 3: raise "FinalObj is working now only with the EE dimention of 3!" diff = lastPos - self.ee_final return (norm_2(diff)) * self.weight
def ComputeValue(self, curr): m =, return norm_2(m) * self.weight