Example #1
 def trainFwdVision(self, curr2DPos):
     self.trainEstVision = utils.sigmoid(
         np.dot(self.fwdVisionW.T, self.prvFwdVisionState))
     self.errorTrainEstVision = utils.change_range(curr2DPos, -1., 1., 0.,
                                                   1.) - self.trainEstVision
     self.fwdVisionW += self.cbETA * np.outer(self.prvFwdVisionState,
Example #2
def postprocess(preds_ailia,
    raw_box = preds_ailia[0]  # (1, 896, 16)
    raw_score = preds_ailia[1]  # (1, 896, 1)

    anchors = np.load(anchor_path).astype(np.float32)
    score_thresh = 100.0

    detection_boxes = decode_boxes(raw_box, back, anchors)  # (1, 896, 16)
    raw_score = np.clip(raw_score, -score_thresh, score_thresh)  # (1, 896, 1)
    detection_scores = np.squeeze(sigmoid(raw_score), axis=-1)  # (1, 896)

    # Note: we stripped off the last dimension from the scores tensor
    # because there is only has one class. Now we can simply use a mask
    # to filter out the boxes with too low confidence.
    mask = detection_scores >= min_score_thresh  # (1, 896)

    # Because each image from the batch can have a different number of
    # detections, process them one at a time using a loop.
    detections = []
    for i in range(raw_box.shape[0]):
        boxes = detection_boxes[i, mask[i]]
        scores = np.expand_dims(detection_scores[i, mask[i]], axis=-1)
        detections.append(np.concatenate((boxes, scores), axis=-1))

    # Non-maximum suppression to remove overlapping detections:
    filtered_detections = []
    for i in range(len(detections)):
        faces = weighted_non_max_suppression(detections[i])
        faces = np.stack(faces) if len(faces) > 0 else np.zeros((0, 17))
    return filtered_detections
Example #3
def get_mask(depthimg, model):
    depth = np.zeros((1, 480, 640, 1))
    depth[0, :, :, 0] = depthimg / 2000.0
    mask = model.predict(x=depth, batch_size=1)
    # out =np.zeros(mask.shape,dtype='uint8')
    mask = math_utils.sigmoid(mask[0, :, :, 0])
    # out[np.where(mask>0.5)]=
    return mask
Example #4
    def write_predictions(biases, weights, test_data,
        with open(test_predictions_filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            for data in test_data:
                activation = data[0]

                for i in range(len(biases)):
                    bias = biases[i]
                    weight = weights[i]
                    z = dot(weight, activation) + bias
                    activation = math_utils.sigmoid(z)
                actual_result = argmax(activation)

                f.write(str(actual_result) + '\n')
Example #5
def forward_step(A_prev, W, b, activation):

    Z = np.dot(W, A_prev) + b

    if activation == 'relu':
        A = mu.relu(Z)
    elif activation == 'tanh':
        A = mu.tanh(Z)
    elif activation == 'sigmoid':
        A = mu.sigmoid(Z)
        raise ValueError('Unknown %s' % (activation))

    cache = (A_prev, W, b, Z)

    return A, cache
    def get_gradients(self, inputs, expected_outputs):
        bias_gradients = [np.zeros(bias.shape) for bias in self.biases]
        weight_gradients = [np.zeros(weight.shape) for weight in self.weights]

        # forward pass
        activations = [inputs]
        activation = activations[0]
        sigmoid_z_caches = []

        for i in range(len(self.biases)):
            bias = self.biases[i]
            weight = self.weights[i]
            z = np.dot(weight, activation) + bias

            if i == len(self.biases) - 1:
                # output layer
                activation = math_utils.softmax(z)
                # hidden layers
                activation = math_utils.sigmoid(z)


        # backward propagation

        # err for the output layer
        err = math_utils.cross_entropy(activations[-1], expected_outputs)

        bias_gradients[-1] = err
        weight_gradients[-1] = np.dot(err, activations[-2].T)

        # err for the hidden layers
        for i in range(len(self.layer_sizes) - 1, 1, -1):
            err = np.dot(self.weights[i-1].T, err) * \
            bias_gradients[i - 2] = err
            weight_gradients[i - 2] = np.dot(err, activations[i - 2].T)

        return {
            'bias_gradients': bias_gradients,
            'weight_gradients': weight_gradients
Example #7
    def print_accuracy(biases, weights, test_data, epoch_i):
        nums_correct_result = 0

        for data in test_data:
            expected_result = data[1]
            activation = data[0]

            for i in range(len(biases)):
                bias = biases[i]
                weight = weights[i]
                z = dot(weight, activation) + bias
                activation = math_utils.sigmoid(z)
            actual_result = argmax(activation)

            if actual_result == expected_result:
                nums_correct_result += 1

        print('epoch', epoch_i, ' accuracy:',
              nums_correct_result / len(test_data))
Example #8
def forward_step(A_prev, W, b, activation, keep_prob):

    Z = np.dot(W, A_prev) + b

    if activation == 'relu':
        A = mu.relu(Z)
    elif activation == 'tanh':
        A = mu.tanh(Z)
    elif activation == 'sigmoid':
        A = mu.sigmoid(Z)
        raise ValueError('Unknown %s' % (activation))

    # drop-out
    D = np.random.rand(A.shape[0], A.shape[1])
    D = D < keep_prob
    A = A * D
    A = A / keep_prob

    assert (D.shape == A.shape)

    cache = (A_prev, W, b, Z, D)

    return A, cache
Example #9

                maze.posBuff[:, step] = maze.curr2DPos.copy()
                wrist.posBuff[:, step] = wrist.curr3DPos.copy()

                if CEREBELLUM == True:
                    if step % ACTOR_CEREBELLUM_RATIO == 0:
                        if GANGLIA_NOISE == True:
                    netOut = (K * bg.currActOut) + ((1 - K) * cb.currOut)
                    wrist.ep = netOut + bg.currNoise
                    if INTRALAMINAR_NUCLEI == True:
                        bg.trainOut = utils.sigmoid(
                            np.dot(bg.actW.T, bg.currState))
                    if step % ACTOR_CEREBELLUM_RATIO == 0:
                        if GANGLIA_NOISE == True:
                    netOut = K * bg.currActOut
                    wrist.ep = netOut + bg.currNoise

            #  print bg.currNoise

                if CEREBELLUM == True:
                    cb.fwdVisionState = np.hstack([bg.visionState, bg.epState])
Example #10
            if trial > startPlotting:

            # compute actual state
            wrist.position3d_state = np.reshape(
                utils.gaussian(wrist.actual_3dposition, bg.posX, bg.std_dev),
                bg.gaussN * 3)
            #  wrist.position2d_state = np.reshape(utils.gaussian(wrist.actual_2dposition, bg.rewX, bg.std_dev * 10), bg.gaussN * 2)
            bg.actState = np.hstack(
                [wrist.position3d_state, wrist.reward_state])

            # compute actor output
            bg.actOut = utils.sigmoid(bg.spreading(bg.actW, bg.actState))

            # storage old noise and compute new noise
            bg.prvNoise = bg.actNoise.copy()
            bg.actNoise = utils.computate_noise(bg.prvNoise, bg.delT,
                                                bg.tau) * T
            #♠   bg.actual_noise = utils.Cut_range(bg.actNoise, -0.5 , 0.5)

            # compute 3D EPs
            bg.ep3D = utils.Cut_range(bg.actOut + bg.actNoise, 0., 1.)

            if movement > 0:

            # compute 3d movement
            wrist.actual_3dposition = wrist.move3d(bg.ep3D)
Example #11
 def forward(self, layer_input, *args, **kwargs):
     self.current_layer_input = layer_input
     self.current_layer_output = sigmoid(layer_input)
     return self.current_layer_output
Example #12
    def output_gate(self, x, h_prev, cell_prev):
        out_x      = np.dot(self.U_o, x) + self.B_ox
        out_h_prev = np.dot(self.W_o, h_prev) + self.B_oh

        return sigmoid(out_x + out_h_prev)
Example #13
    def input_gate(self, x, h_prev, cell_prev):
        input_x      = np.dot(self.U_i, x) + self.B_ix
        input_h_prev = np.dot(self.W_i, h_prev) + self.B_ih

        return sigmoid(input_x + input_h_prev)
Example #14
 def trainCb(self, state, ep, T):
     self.trainOut = utils.sigmoid(np.dot(self.w.T, state))
     self.errorOut = ep - self.trainOut
     self.w += self.cbETA * np.outer(
         state, self.errorOut) * self.trainOut * (1. - self.trainOut) * T
Example #15
 def fwdVision(self):
     self.estVision = utils.sigmoid(
         np.dot(self.fwdVisionW.T, self.fwdVisionState))
Example #16
 def spreading(self, state):
     self.currOut = utils.sigmoid(np.dot(self.w.T, state))
Example #17
 def spreadAct(self):
     self.currActOut = utils.sigmoid(np.dot(self.actW.T, self.currState))
Example #18
    def forget_gate(self, x, h_prev, cell_prev):
        forget_x      = np.dot(self.U_f, x) + self.B_fx
        forget_h_prev = np.dot(self.W_f, h_prev) + self.B_fh

        return sigmoid(forget_x + forget_h_prev)
def fitness_spp_evol(pp):
    """Fitness function for the spp evol algorithm.

    The exact form of fitness function:

    Elements of the fitness function are the following:

        * Average of velocity correlation
        * delta (Ratio of collisions)
        * A "smooth Heaviside-theta" of the average velocity magnitude (should be centered at V_Flock)
        * delta (Average of distance from arena)
        * delta (StDev of distance from arena)

    where "delta" is an approximation of Dirac-delta function
    (can be Gauss, or step-function, or anything).
    Note that this "delta" should not be normalized, its maximum value should be 1.0.
    fitness is in the interval [0, 1].

    Smooth version of the Heaviside function can be e.g. the Fermi-Dirac distribution f(E).


    # initialize empty fitness dictionary
    fitnesses = {}
    # get interesting data elements
    j_p                     = pp.header.index("p")
    j_vel_corr_avg          = pp.header.index("cluster_vel_corr_avg")
    j_collisions_avg        = pp.header.index("ratio_of_collisions_avg")
    j_velocity_magn_avg     = pp.header.index("vel_abs_(cm/s)_avg")
    j_cluster_minsize       = pp.header.index("min_cluster_size_avg")
    j_agents_not_in_cluster = pp.header.index("agents_not_in_cluster_avg")

    j_distance_from_arena_avg = pp.header.index("distance_from_arena_(cm)_avg")
    #j_distance_between_neighbours = pp.header.index("distance_between_neighbours_(cm)_avg")
    j_V_Flock = pp.header.index("v_flock_(cm/s)_avg")
    j_R_0 = pp.header.index("R_0_(cm)_avg")

    for i in xrange(len(pp.data)):

        # Below, we used sigma = 0.00003 for the characteristic maximal collision risk
        # TODO: Maybe sigma has to be defined as a function of the number of agents...

        a = 0.00003
        delta_coll = math_utils.peak(pp.data[i][j_collisions_avg], a)
        #(a*a / (math.pow(pp.data[i][j_collisions_avg] + a, 2.0)))

        # sigmoid curve for calculating 'velocity magnitude' fitness
        V_flock = pp.data[i][j_V_Flock]
        vel_tolerance = 150.0/400.0 * V_flock
        vel_magn_coeff = 1.0 - math_utils.sigmoid(
                pp.data[i][j_velocity_magn_avg], vel_tolerance, V_flock, 1.0)
        #vel_magn_coeff = 1.0 - 1.0 / (math.exp ((pp.data[i][j_velocity_magn_avg] - (V_flock - 150.0)) / 50.0) + 1.0)

        # Below, we used sigma = 200.0 cm for the stdev of the Gauss-function.
        sigmasquare = 40000.0
        delta_distance_from_arena = math_utils.gauss(
                pp.data[i][j_distance_from_arena_avg], sigmasquare, 0.0, 1.0)
        #delta_distance_from_arena = (math.exp ( - (math.pow (pp.data[i][j_distance_from_arena_avg], 2.0)) / sigmasquare))

        # Velocity correlation should be saturated at 0
        correlation_coeff = 0
        if pp.data[i][j_vel_corr_avg] > 0:
            correlation_coeff = pp.data[i][j_vel_corr_avg]

        # Cluster size should be at least N / 5
        N = 10.0
        min_size = N / 5.0
        if pp.data[i][j_cluster_minsize] > min_size:
            min_cluster_size_fitness = 1.0
            min_cluster_size_fitness = pp.data[i][j_cluster_minsize] * 2.0 / N

        # Independent agents should not exist
        agents_not_in_cluster_fitness = math_utils.peak(
                pp.data[i][j_agents_not_in_cluster], min_size)
        #agents_not_in_cluster_fitness = ((min_size) * (min_size) / (math.pow(pp.data[i][j_agents_not_in_cluster] + min_size, 2)))

        # Distance between nearest neighbours should be around R_0
        # tolerance = 300.0
        # R_0 = float (pp.data[i][j_R_0])
        # temp_distance = math.fabs(pp.data[i][j_distance_between_neighbours] - R_0)
        # distance_between_neighbours_fitness = math_utils.gauss (temp_distance, tolerance, 0.0, 1.0)

        # Save everything
        fitnesses[int(pp.data[i][j_p])] = {
                "vel_corr":  correlation_coeff,
                "collision": delta_coll,
                "vel_magn":  vel_magn_coeff,
                "distance_from_arena_avg": delta_distance_from_arena,
                "min_cluster_size": min_cluster_size_fitness,
                "agents_not_in_cluster": agents_not_in_cluster_fitness,
                #"distance_between_neighbours": distance_between_neighbours_fitness

    return fitnesses