def test_drawing_double_decorated_angles():
    P = Point(0, 0, 'P')
    L = Point(0, 2, 'L')
    E = Point('-1.84', '0.8', 'E')
    α = Angle(L,
              label=Number(39, unit=r'\textdegree'))
    α.decoration = AngleDecoration(radius=Number('0.7', unit='cm'),
    α.decoration2 = AngleDecoration(radius=Number('1.6', unit='cm'),
                                    label=Number(42, unit=r'\textdegree'),
    assert α.drawn == r"""
% Declare Points
\coordinate (L) at (0,2);
\coordinate (P) at (0,0);
\coordinate (E) at (-1.84,0.8);

% Draw Angle
\draw[thick] (L) -- (P) -- (E)
pic ["\ang{39}", angle eccentricity=1.6, draw, thick, angle """\
r"""radius = 0.7 cm] {angle = L--P--E}
pic ["\ang{42}", angle eccentricity=1.3, angle radius = 1.6 cm, """\
r"""NavyBlue] {angle = L--P--E};
def test_instanciation():
    """Check Angle's instanciation."""
    pointO = Point(0, 0, 'O')
    pointI = Point(1, 0, 'I')
    pointJ = Point(0, 1, 'J')
    pointA = Point(1, 1, 'A')
    theta = Angle(pointI, pointO, pointJ, mark_right=True)
    assert repr(theta) == 'Angle(I, O, J)'
    assert theta.measure == Number('90')
    assert isinstance(theta.decoration, AngleDecoration)
    assert theta.decoration.label is None
    assert theta.decoration.variety is None
    assert theta.mark_right
    assert theta.vertex == pointO
    assert theta.points == [pointI, pointO, pointJ]
    theta = Angle(pointA, pointO, pointI, decoration=AngleDecoration())
    assert theta.measure == Number('315')
    assert Angle(pointI, pointO, pointA).measure == Number('45')
    assert not theta.mark_right
    assert theta.vertex == pointO
    assert theta.points == [pointA, pointO, pointI]
    theta = Angle(pointI, pointO, 60)
    assert theta.vertex == pointO
    assert theta.points[2] == Point('0.5', '0.866', 'I\'')
    A = Point(0, 0, 'A')
    X = Point(6, 1, 'X')
    Y = Point(3, 5, 'Y')
    α = Angle(X, A, Y)
    assert α.winding == 'anticlockwise'
    assert α.arms[0] == Bipoint(A, X)
    assert α.arms[1] == Bipoint(A, Y)
def test_drawing_angles_with_arrowtips():
    """Check drawing standalone Angles."""
    A = Point(0, 0, 'A')
    X = Point(6, 1, 'X')
    Y = Point(3, 5, 'Y')
    α = Angle(X, A, Y)
    α.decoration = AngleDecoration(arrow_tips='<->')
    assert α.drawn == r"""
def test_AnglesSet_instanciation():
    """Check AnglesSets instanciation."""
    A = Point(0, 0, 'A')
    X1 = Point(6, 1, 'X1')
    Y1 = Point(3, 5, 'Y1')
    Z1 = Point(1, '6.5', 'X1')
    α = Angle(X1, A, Y1)
    β = Angle(Y1, A, Z1)
    S = AnglesSet(α, β)
    assert S._tikz_draw_options() == []
def test_measures_2D():
    """Check Angle's measure."""
    Ω = Point(0, 0, 'Ω')
    X = Point(12, 2, 'X')
    Y = Point(-6, -1, 'Y')
    α = Angle(X, Ω, Y)
    X = Point(6, 1, 'X')
    Y = Point(-6, -1, 'Y')
    α = Angle(X, Ω, Y)
    assert α.measure.rounded(Number('0.001')) == 180
    β = Angle(X, Ω, Point(1, -6, 'Z'))
    assert β.measure.rounded(Number('0.001')) == Number(270)
def test_measures_3D():
    """Check Angle's measure."""
    Ω = Point(0, 0, 0, 'Ω')
    A = Point(1, 0, 0, 'A')
    B = Point(1, 1, 1, 'B')
    α = Angle(A, Ω, B)
    assert α.measure.rounded(Number('0.001')) == Number(54.736)
    C = Point(-1, -1, -1, 'C')
    β = Angle(B, Ω, C)
    assert β.measure.rounded(Number('0.001')) == Number(180)
    D = Point(0, 1, 1, 'D')
    γ = Angle(A, Ω, D)
    assert γ.measure.rounded(Number('0.001')) == Number(90)
def test_drawing_AnglesSets_errors():
    """Check errors when drawing AnglesSets."""
    A = Point(0, 0, 'A')
    X1 = Point(6, 1, 'X1')
    Y1 = Point(3, 5, 'Y1')
    Z1 = Point(1, '6.5', 'X1')
    α = Angle(X1, A, Y1)
    β = Angle(Y1, A, Z1)
    S = AnglesSet(α, β)
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as excinfo:
    assert str(excinfo.value) == 'Two different Points have been provided ' \
        'the same name in this list: A(0, 0); X1(6, 1); Y1(3, 5); X1(1, 6.5)'
def test_drawing_marked_rightangles():
    """Check drawing standalone Angles."""
    A = Point(0, 0, 'A')
    X = Point(6, 1, 'X')
    Y = Point(-1, 6, 'Y')
    α = Angle(X, A, Y)
    α.decoration = AngleDecoration(radius=Number('0.5', unit='cm'))
    α.mark_right = True
    assert α.drawn == r"""
% Declare Points
\coordinate (X) at (6,1);
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (Y) at (-1,6);

% Draw Angle
\draw[thick] (X) -- (A) -- (Y);

% Mark right angle
\draw[thick, cm={cos(9.46), sin(9.46), -sin(9.46), cos(9.46), (A)}]"""\
r""" (0.5 cm, 0) -- (0.5 cm, 0.5 cm) -- (0, 0.5 cm);
def test_drawing_angles_with_labeled_vertex():
    """Check drawing standalone Angles."""
    A = Point(0, 0, 'A')
    X = Point(6, 1, 'X')
    Y = Point(3, 5, 'Y')
    α = Angle(X, A, Y)
    α.label_vertex = True
    assert α.drawn == r"""
% Declare Points
\coordinate (X) at (6,1);
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (Y) at (3,5);

% Draw Angle
\draw[thick] (X) -- (A) -- (Y);

% Label Points
\draw (A) node[below left] {A};
    Z = Point(-6, -3, 'Z')
    α = Angle(X, A, Z)
    α.label_vertex = True
    assert α.drawn == r"""
def test_naming():
    """Check Angle's naming."""
    A = Point(0, 0, 'A')
    X = Point(6, 1, 'X')
    Y = Point(3, 5, 'Y')
    α = Angle(X, A, Y)
    assert α.name == r'\angle XAY'
    required.package['stackengine'] = required.package['scalerel'] = False
    config.language = 'fr'
    assert α.name == r'\stackon[-5pt]{XAY}{\vstretch{1.5}{\hstretch{1.6}'\
    assert required.package['stackengine']
    assert required.package['scalerel']
    required.package['stackengine'] = required.package['scalerel'] = False
    config.language = 'en'
    α.naming_mode = 'from_vertex'
    assert α.name == r'\angle A'
    α.naming_mode = 'from_armspoints'
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as excinfo:
    assert str(excinfo.value) == 'The naming mode of this Angle is '\
        '\'from_armspoints\' but the armspoints '\
        'are not defined (empty list).'
    α.armspoints = [('Z', ), ('T', )]
    assert α.name == r'\angle ZAT'
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        α.naming_mode = 'undefined'
    assert str(excinfo.value) == 'naming_mode must belong to {}. '\
        'Found \'undefined\' instead.'.format(AVAILABLE_NAMING_MODES)
def test_drawing_scattered_AnglesSets():
    """Check drawing AnglesSets."""
    A = Point(0, 0, 'A')
    X1 = Point(6, 1, 'X1')
    Y1 = Point(3, 5, 'Y1')
    U = Point(-1, 1, 'U')
    W1 = Point(-2, 3, 'W1')
    Z1 = Point(1, '6.5', 'Z1')
    α = Angle(X1,
    β = Angle(W1,
    S = AnglesSet(α, β)
    assert S.drawn == r"""
def test_drawing_AngleSet_same_vertex_and_markright():
    """Check drawing AnglesSets."""
    A = Point(0, 0, 'A')
    X1 = Point(6, 1, 'X1')
    Y1 = Point(-1, 6, 'Y1')
    Z1 = Point(-3, 1, 'Z1')
    α = Angle(X1, A, Y1)
    α.mark_right = True
    β = Angle(Y1, A, Z1)
    S = AnglesSet(α, β)
    assert S.drawn == r"""
% Declare Points
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (X1) at (6,1);
\coordinate (Y1) at (-1,6);
\coordinate (Z1) at (-3,1);

% Draw Angles
\draw[thick] (X1) -- (A) -- (Y1);
\draw[thick] (Y1) -- (A) -- (Z1);
% Mark right Angles
\draw[thick, cm={cos(9.46), sin(9.46), -sin(9.46), cos(9.46), (A)}]"""\
r""" (0.25 cm, 0) -- (0.25 cm, 0.25 cm) -- (0, 0.25 cm);
def test_marked_angles():
    """Check Angle's instanciation."""
    pointO = Point(0, 0, 'O')
    pointI = Point(1, 0, 'I')
    pointJ = Point(0, 1, 'J')
    required.tikz_library['angles'] = False
    theta = Angle(pointI, pointO, pointJ)
    assert theta.tikz_decorations() == ''
    theta.decoration = AngleDecoration(color='red',
                                       thickness='ultra thick',
    assert theta.tikz_decorations() \
        == 'pic [draw, ultra thick, angle radius = 2, red] {angle = I--O--J}'
    assert required.tikz_library['angles']
    required.tikz_library['angles'] = False
    theta.mark_right = True
    theta.decoration = AngleDecoration()
    assert theta.label is None
    assert theta.tikz_decorations() == ''
    assert not required.tikz_library['angles']
    assert theta.tikz_rightangle_mark() == \
        '\draw[thick, cm={cos(0), sin(0), -sin(0), cos(0), (O)}]' \
        ' (0.25 cm, 0) -- (0.25 cm, 0.25 cm) -- (0, 0.25 cm);'
    assert theta.tikz_rightangle_mark(winding='clockwise') == \
        '\draw[thick, cm={cos(0), sin(0), -sin(0), cos(0), (O)}]' \
        ' (0.25 cm, 0) -- (0.25 cm, -0.25 cm) -- (0, -0.25 cm);'
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
    assert str(excinfo.value) == 'Expect \'clockwise\' or \'anticlockwise\'. '\
        'Found \'None\' instead.'
def test_drawing_labeled_angles():
    """Check drawing standalone Angles."""
    A = Point(0, 0, 'A')
    X = Point(6, 1, 'X')
    Y = Point(3, 5, 'Y')
    α = Angle(X, A, Y, label=Number(38, unit=r'\textdegree'))
    required.tikz_library['quotes'] = False
    assert α.drawn == r"""
% Declare Points
\coordinate (X) at (6,1);
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (Y) at (3,5);

% Draw Angle
\draw[thick] (X) -- (A) -- (Y)
pic ["\ang{38}", angle eccentricity=2.6] {angle = X--A--Y};

% Label Points

    assert required.tikz_library['quotes']
    assert α.label == r'\ang{38}'
    α.decoration = None
    assert α.label == r'\ang{38}'
    assert α.decoration is not None
    assert repr(α.decoration) == r'AngleDecoration(variety=None; '\
        r'hatchmark=None; label=\ang{38}; color=None; thickness=thick; '\
        r'radius=0.25 cm; eccentricity=2.6)'
    α = Angle(X,
              decoration=AngleDecoration(label=Number(38, unit=r'\textdegree'),
    assert α.drawn == r"""
% Declare Points
\coordinate (X) at (6,1);
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (Y) at (3,5);

% Draw Angle
\draw[thick] (X) -- (A) -- (Y)
pic ["\ang{38}", angle eccentricity=2.6] {angle = X--A--Y};

% Label Points

    α = Angle(X,
              label=Number(38, unit=r'\textdegree'),
              decoration=AngleDecoration(radius=Number('0.9', unit='cm')))
    assert α.drawn == r"""
% Declare Points
\coordinate (X) at (6,1);
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (Y) at (3,5);

% Draw Angle
\draw[thick] (X) -- (A) -- (Y)
pic ["\ang{38}", angle eccentricity=1.44, draw, thick, """\
r"""angle radius = 0.9 cm] {angle = X--A--Y};
def test_drawing_angles():
    """Check drawing standalone Angles."""
    A = Point(0, 0, 'A')
    X = Point(6, 1, 'X')
    Y = Point(3, 5, 'Y')
    α = Angle(X, A, Y)
    assert α.drawn == r"""
% Declare Points
\coordinate (X) at (6,1);
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (Y) at (3,5);

% Draw Angle
\draw[thick] (X) -- (A) -- (Y);

% Label Points

    α.label_vertex = True
    assert α.drawn == r"""
% Declare Points
\coordinate (X) at (6,1);
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (Y) at (3,5);

% Draw Angle
\draw[thick] (X) -- (A) -- (Y);

% Label Points
\draw (A) node[below left] {A};
    α.label_endpoints = True
    assert α.drawn == r"""
% Declare Points
\coordinate (X) at (6,1);
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (Y) at (3,5);

% Draw Angle
\draw[thick] (X) -- (A) -- (Y);

% Label Points
\draw (A) node[below left] {A};
\draw (X) node[below right] {X};
\draw (Y) node[above left] {Y};
    α.draw_vertex = True
    assert α.drawn == r"""
% Declare Points
\coordinate (X) at (6,1);
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (Y) at (3,5);

% Draw Angle
\draw[thick] (X) -- (A) -- (Y);
% Draw Vertex
\draw (A) node[scale=0.67] {$\times$};

% Label Points
\draw (A) node[below left] {A};
\draw (X) node[below right] {X};
\draw (Y) node[above left] {Y};
    α.draw_endpoints = True
    assert α.drawn == r"""
% Declare Points
\coordinate (X) at (6,1);
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (Y) at (3,5);

% Draw Angle
\draw[thick] (X) -- (A) -- (Y);
% Draw Vertex
\draw (A) node[scale=0.67] {$\times$};
% Draw End Points
\draw (X) node[scale=0.67] {$\times$};
\draw (Y) node[scale=0.67] {$\times$};

% Label Points
\draw (A) node[below left] {A};
\draw (X) node[below right] {X};
\draw (Y) node[above left] {Y};
    α.draw_armspoints = True
    assert α.drawn == r"""
def test_instanciation_errors():
    """Check Angle's instanciation exceptions."""
    pointO = Point(0, 0, 'O')
    pointI = Point(1, 0, 'I')
    pointJ = Point(0, 1, 'J')
    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
        Angle(pointO, pointI)
    assert str(excinfo.value) == '__init__() missing 1 required positional ' \
        'argument: \'point_or_measure\''
    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
        Angle(pointO, pointI, 'J')
    assert str(excinfo.value) == 'Three Points, or two Points and the ' \
        'measure of the angle are required to build an Angle. ' \
        'Found instead: <class \'mathmakerlib.geometry.point.Point\'>, ' \
        '<class \'mathmakerlib.geometry.point.Point\'> and ' \
        '<class \'str\'>.'
    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
        Angle(pointO, pointI, pointJ, mark_right=1)
    assert str(excinfo.value) == '\'mark_right\' must be a boolean'
    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
        Angle(pointO, pointI, pointJ, decoration='right')
    assert str(excinfo.value) == 'An angle decoration must be None or belong '\
        'to the AngleDecoration class. Got <class \'str\'> instead.'
    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
        Angle(pointO, pointI, pointJ, decoration2='right')
    assert str(excinfo.value) == 'An angle decoration must be None or belong '\
        'to the AngleDecoration class. Got <class \'str\'> instead.'
    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
    assert str(excinfo.value) == 'AngleDecoration\'s variety can be None, ' \
        '\'single\', \'double\' or \'triple\'. Found \'unknown\' instead '\
        '(type: <class \'str\'>).'
    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
        Angle(pointO, pointI, pointJ, draw_vertex='a')
    assert str(excinfo.value) == 'draw_vertex must be a boolean; ' \
        'got <class \'str\'> instead.'
    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
        Angle(pointO, pointI, pointJ, label_vertex='a')
    assert str(excinfo.value) == 'label_vertex must be a boolean; ' \
        'got <class \'str\'> instead.'
    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
        Angle(pointO, pointI, pointJ, draw_endpoints='a')
    assert str(excinfo.value) == 'draw_endpoints must be a boolean; ' \
        'got <class \'str\'> instead.'
    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
        Angle(pointO, pointI, pointJ, label_endpoints='a')
    assert str(excinfo.value) == 'label_endpoints must be a boolean; ' \
        'got <class \'str\'> instead.'
    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
        Angle(pointO, pointI, pointJ, draw_armspoints='a')
    assert str(excinfo.value) == 'draw_armspoints must be a boolean; ' \
        'got <class \'str\'> instead.'
    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
        Angle(pointO, pointI, pointJ, label_armspoints='a')
    assert str(excinfo.value) == 'label_armspoints must be a boolean; ' \
        'got <class \'str\'> instead.'
    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
        Angle(pointO, pointI, pointJ, armspoints='X')
    assert str(excinfo.value) == 'A list must be provided to setup ' \
        'armspoints. Found <class \'str\'> instead.'
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        Angle(pointO, pointI, pointJ, armspoints=['1', '2', '3'])
    assert str(excinfo.value) == 'More values are provided (3) then ' \
        'available arms (2).'
    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
        Angle(pointO, pointI, pointJ, armspoints=['1', '2'])
    assert str(excinfo.value) == 'Each arm\'s point must be defined by a ' \
        'tuple. Found <class \'str\'> instead.'
    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
        Angle(pointO, pointI, pointJ, armspoints=[('1', '2', '3'), ('2', )])
    assert str(excinfo.value) == 'Each arm\'s point must be defined by a ' \
        'tuple of 1 or 2 elements. Found 3 elements instead.'
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
            label=Number(38, unit=r'\textdegree'),
            decoration=AngleDecoration(label=Number(37, unit=r'\textdegree')))
    assert str(excinfo.value) == r"The label has been set twice, as Angle's "\
        r"keyword argument (Number('38 \textdegree')) and as its "\
        r"AngleDecoration's keyword argument (Number('37 \textdegree'))."
def test_drawing_marked_labeled_angles():
    """Check drawing standalone Angles."""
    A = Point(0, 0, 'A')
    X = Point(6, 1, 'X')
    Y = Point(3, 5, 'Y')
    α = Angle(X, A, Y, label=Number(38, unit=r'\textdegree'))
    α.decoration = AngleDecoration(radius=Number('0.5', unit='cm'))
    assert α.drawn == r"""
% Declare Points
\coordinate (X) at (6,1);
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (Y) at (3,5);

% Draw Angle
\draw[thick] (X) -- (A) -- (Y)
pic ["\ang{38}", angle eccentricity=1.8, draw, thick, """\
r"""angle radius = 0.5 cm] {angle = X--A--Y};

% Label Points

    α.decoration.variety = 'double'
    assert α.drawn == r"""
% Declare Points
\coordinate (X) at (6,1);
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (Y) at (3,5);

% Draw Angle
\draw[thick] (X) -- (A) -- (Y)
pic [draw, thick, angle radius = 0.5 cm] {angle = X--A--Y}
pic ["\ang{38}", angle eccentricity=1.8, draw, thick, """\
r"""angle radius = 0.58 cm] {angle = X--A--Y};

% Label Points

    A = Point(0, 0, 'A')
    X1 = Point(6, 1, 'X1')
    Y1 = Point(3, 5, 'Y1')
    α = Angle(X1,
              armspoints=[('X', ), ('Y', )],
              label=Number(38, unit=r'\textdegree'))
    α.decoration = AngleDecoration(radius=Number('0.5', unit='cm'),
    assert α.drawn == r"""
% Declare Points
\coordinate (X1) at (6,1);
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (Y1) at (3,5);
\coordinate (X) at (4.8,0.8);
\coordinate (Y) at (2.4,4);

% Draw Angle
\draw[thick] (X1) -- (A) -- (Y1)
pic [draw, thick, angle radius = 0.5 cm, singledash] {angle = X1--A--Y1}
pic ["\ang{38}", angle eccentricity=1.8, draw, thick, """\
r"""angle radius = 0.58 cm, singledash] {angle = X1--A--Y1};
def test_drawing_AnglesSets_of_same_vertex():
    """Check drawing AnglesSets."""
    A = Point(0, 0, 'A')
    X1 = Point(6, 1, 'X1')
    Y1 = Point(3, 5, 'Y1')
    Z1 = Point(1, '6.5', 'Z1')
    α = Angle(X1, A, Y1)
    β = Angle(Y1, A, Z1)
    S = AnglesSet(α, β)
    assert S.drawn == r"""
% Declare Points
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (X1) at (6,1);
\coordinate (Y1) at (3,5);
\coordinate (Z1) at (1,6.5);

% Draw Angles
\draw[thick] (X1) -- (A) -- (Y1);
\draw[thick] (Y1) -- (A) -- (Z1);

% Label Points

    α.armspoints = [('X', ), ('Y', )]
    α.label_vertex = True
    α.draw_vertex = True
    β.armspoints = [('Y', ), ('Z', )]
    assert S.drawn == r"""
% Declare Points
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (X1) at (6,1);
\coordinate (Y1) at (3,5);
\coordinate (X) at (4.8,0.8);
\coordinate (Y) at (2.4,4);
\coordinate (Z1) at (1,6.5);
\coordinate (Z) at (0.8,5.2);

% Draw Angles
\draw[thick] (X1) -- (A) -- (Y1);
\draw[thick] (Y1) -- (A) -- (Z1);
% Draw Vertex
\draw (A) node[scale=0.67] {$\times$};
% Draw Arms' Points
\draw (X) node[scale=0.67] {$\times$};
\draw (Y) node[scale=0.67] {$\times$};
\draw (Z) node[scale=0.67] {$\times$};

% Label Points
\draw (A) node[below] {A};
\draw (X) node[below right] {X};
\draw (Y) node[above left] {Y};
\draw (Z) node[above left] {Z};
    A = Point(0, 0, 'A')
    X1 = Point(6, 1, 'X1')
    Y1 = Point(3, 5, 'Y1')
    Z1 = Point(1, '6.5', 'Z1')
    α = Angle(X1,
              armspoints=[('X', ), ('Y', )],
                                         radius=Number('0.5', unit='cm')),
              label=Number(38, unit=r'\textdegree'))
    β = Angle(Y1,
              armspoints=[('Y', ), ('Z', )],
                                         radius=Number('0.5', unit='cm')),
              label=Number(9, unit=r'\textdegree'))
    γ = Angle(X1,
                                         radius=Number('2', unit='cm'),
    S = AnglesSet(α, β, γ)
    assert S.drawn == r"""
% Declare Points
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (X1) at (6,1);
\coordinate (Y1) at (3,5);
\coordinate (X) at (4.8,0.8);
\coordinate (Y) at (2.4,4);
\coordinate (Z1) at (1,6.5);
\coordinate (Z) at (0.8,5.2);

% Draw Angles
\draw[thick] (X1) -- (A) -- (Y1)
pic ["\ang{38}", angle eccentricity=1.8, draw, thick, """\
r"""angle radius = 0.5 cm, RoyalBlue] {angle = X1--A--Y1};
\draw[thick] (Y1) -- (A) -- (Z1)
pic [draw, thick, angle radius = 0.5 cm, BurntOrange] {angle = Y1--A--Z1}
pic ["\ang{9}", angle eccentricity=1.8, draw, thick, """\
r"""angle radius = 0.58 cm, BurntOrange] {angle = Y1--A--Z1};
\draw[thick] (X1) -- (A) -- (Z1)
pic ["?", angle eccentricity=1.15, draw, thick, """\
r"""angle radius = 2 cm, BrickRed] {angle = X1--A--Z1};
def test_drawing_marked_angles():
    """Check drawing standalone Angles."""
    A = Point(0, 0, 'A')
    X = Point(6, 1, 'X')
    Y = Point(3, 5, 'Y')
    α = Angle(X, A, Y)
    α.decoration = AngleDecoration(radius=Number('0.5', unit='cm'))
    assert α.drawn == r"""
% Declare Points
\coordinate (X) at (6,1);
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (Y) at (3,5);

% Draw Angle
\draw[thick] (X) -- (A) -- (Y)
pic [draw, thick, angle radius = 0.5 cm] {angle = X--A--Y};

% Label Points

    α.decoration.variety = 'double'
    assert α.drawn == r"""
% Declare Points
\coordinate (X) at (6,1);
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (Y) at (3,5);

% Draw Angle
\draw[thick] (X) -- (A) -- (Y)
pic [draw, thick, angle radius = 0.5 cm] {angle = X--A--Y}
pic [draw, thick, angle radius = 0.58 cm] {angle = X--A--Y};

% Label Points

    α.decoration.variety = 'triple'
    assert α.drawn == r"""
% Declare Points
\coordinate (X) at (6,1);
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (Y) at (3,5);

% Draw Angle
\draw[thick] (X) -- (A) -- (Y)
pic [draw, thick, angle radius = 0.5 cm] {angle = X--A--Y}
pic [draw, thick, angle radius = 0.58 cm] {angle = X--A--Y}
pic [draw, thick, angle radius = 0.66 cm] {angle = X--A--Y};

% Label Points

    α.decoration.variety = 'single'
    α.decoration.hatchmark = 'singledash'
    assert α.drawn == r"""
% Declare Points
\coordinate (X) at (6,1);
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (Y) at (3,5);

% Draw Angle
\draw[thick] (X) -- (A) -- (Y)
pic [draw, thick, angle radius = 0.5 cm, singledash] {angle = X--A--Y};

% Label Points

    assert required.tikz_library['decorations.markings']
    assert required.tikzset['singledash_hatchmark']
    assert not required.tikzset['doubledash_hatchmark']
    assert not required.tikzset['tripledash_hatchmark']
    required.tikz_library['decorations.markings'] = False
    required.tikzset['singledash_hatchmark'] = False
    α.decoration.hatchmark = 'doubledash'
    assert α.drawn == r"""
% Declare Points
\coordinate (X) at (6,1);
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (Y) at (3,5);

% Draw Angle
\draw[thick] (X) -- (A) -- (Y)
pic [draw, thick, angle radius = 0.5 cm, doubledash] {angle = X--A--Y};

% Label Points

    assert required.tikz_library['decorations.markings']
    assert not required.tikzset['singledash_hatchmark']
    assert required.tikzset['doubledash_hatchmark']
    assert not required.tikzset['tripledash_hatchmark']
    required.tikz_library['decorations.markings'] = False
    required.tikzset['doubledash_hatchmark'] = False
    α.decoration.hatchmark = 'tripledash'
    assert α.drawn == r"""
% Declare Points
\coordinate (X) at (6,1);
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (Y) at (3,5);

% Draw Angle
\draw[thick] (X) -- (A) -- (Y)
pic [draw, thick, angle radius = 0.5 cm, tripledash] {angle = X--A--Y};

% Label Points

    assert required.tikz_library['decorations.markings']
    assert not required.tikzset['singledash_hatchmark']
    assert not required.tikzset['doubledash_hatchmark']
    assert required.tikzset['tripledash_hatchmark']
    α.decoration.variety = 'triple'
    α.decoration.hatchmark = 'doubledash'
    assert α.drawn == r"""
Example #20
    def __init__(self,
        Initialize Polygon

        :param vertices: the vertices of the Polygon
        :type vertices: a list of at least three Points
        :param name: the name of the Polygon, like ABCDE for a pentagon. Can
        be either None (the names of the provided Points will be kept), or a
        string of the letters to use to rename the provided Points. Only
        single letters are supported as Points' names so far (at Polygon's
        creation). See issue #3.
        :type name: None or str
        :param draw_vertices: whether to actually draw, or not, the vertices
        :type draw_vertices: bool
        :param label_vertices: whether to label, or not, the vertices
        :type label_vertices: bool
        :param thickness: the thickness of the Polygon's sides
        :type thickness: str
        :param color: the color of the Polygon's sides
        :type color: str
        :param rotate: the angle of rotation around isobarycenter
        :type rotate: int
        :param winding: force the winding to be either 'clockwise' or
        'anticlockwise'. If left to None (default), doesn't force anything,
        the winding will be either forced by the value of
        config.DEFAULT_POLYGON_WINDING, or if it is None too, then the
        winding will be deduced from the given vertices' order.
        :type winding: None or a str ('clockwise' or 'anticlockwise')
        self.thickness = thickness
        self.color = color
        self.do_cycle = do_cycle
        self.draw_vertices = draw_vertices
        self.label_vertices = label_vertices
        if len(vertices) <= 2:
            raise ValueError('At least three Points are required to be able '
                             'to build a Polygon. Got only {} positional '
                             'arguments, though.'.format(len(vertices)))
        if any([not isinstance(v, Point) for v in vertices]):
            for i, v in enumerate(vertices):
                if not isinstance(v, Point):
                    raise TypeError('Only Points must be provided in order to '
                                    'build a Polygon. Got a {} as positional '
                                    'argument #{}.'.format(type(v), i))
        if not is_number(rotation_angle):
            raise TypeError('Expected a number as rotation angle, got a {} '
        if name is not None:
            if len(name) != len(vertices):
                raise ValueError('The number of provided vertices ({}) does '
                                 'not match the number of Points\' names '
                                 '({}).'.format(len(vertices), len(name)))

        if (winding is None and config.polygons.DEFAULT_WINDING is not None):
            winding = config.polygons.DEFAULT_WINDING

        if winding is not None:

        self._reverted_winding = False

        if shoelace_formula(*vertices) < 0:
            if winding == 'anticlockwise':
                vertices = vertices[::-1]
                self._reverted_winding = True
                self.winding = 'anticlockwise'
                self.winding = 'clockwise'
            if winding == 'clockwise':
                vertices = vertices[::-1]
                self._reverted_winding = True
                self.winding = 'clockwise'
                self.winding = 'anticlockwise'

        self._vertices = []
        self._three_dimensional = False
        for i, v in enumerate(vertices):
            if name is None:
                vname =
                vname = name[i]
            if == v.label:
                lbl = 'default'
                lbl = v.label
            if v.three_dimensional:
                self._three_dimensional = True
                zval = v.z
                zval = 'undefined'
        if rotation_angle:
            center = self.isobarycenter()
            for i in range(len(self._vertices)):
                self._vertices[i] = self._vertices[i].rotate(
                    center=center, angle=rotation_angle, rename='keep_name')

        self._sides = []
        shifted_vertices = deepcopy(self._vertices)
        shifted_vertices += [shifted_vertices.pop(0)]
        for (v0, v1) in zip(self._vertices, shifted_vertices):
            self._sides += [
        self._angles = []
        left_shifted_vertices = deepcopy(self._vertices)
        left_shifted_vertices = \
            [left_shifted_vertices.pop(-1)] + left_shifted_vertices
        for (v0, v1, v2) in zip(left_shifted_vertices, self._vertices,
            self._angles += [Angle(v2, v1, v0)]
        for i in range(len(self._vertices)):
            u = Vector(self._vertices[i], left_shifted_vertices[i])
            v = Vector(self._vertices[i], shifted_vertices[i])
            if self.winding == 'clockwise':
                u, v = v, u
            self._vertices[i].label_position = \

        if len(self._sides) in POLYGONS_TYPES:
            self._type = POLYGONS_TYPES[len(self._sides)]
            self._type = \
                '{n}-sided Polygon'.format(n=str(len(self._sides)))

        self.sloped_sides_labels = sloped_sides_labels

        if (self._reverted_winding
                and config.polygons.ENABLE_MISMATCH_WINDING_WARNING):
            warnings.warn('Changed the order of Points to comply with forced '
                          'winding ({}) for {}.'.format(winding, repr(self)))
def test_drawing_angles_with_armspoints():
    """Check drawing standalone Angles."""
    A = Point(0, 0, 'A')
    X1 = Point(6, 1, 'X1')
    Y1 = Point(3, 5, 'Y1')
    α = Angle(X1,
              armspoints=[('X', ), ('Y', )],
    assert α.drawn == r"""
% Declare Points
\coordinate (X1) at (6,1);
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (Y1) at (3,5);
\coordinate (X) at (4.8,0.8);
\coordinate (Y) at (2.4,4);

% Draw Angle
\draw[thick] (X1) -- (A) -- (Y1);
% Draw Vertex
\draw (A) node[scale=0.67] {$\times$};
% Draw Arms' Points
\draw (X) node[scale=0.67] {$\times$};
\draw (Y) node[scale=0.67] {$\times$};

% Label Points
\draw (A) node[below left] {A};
\draw (X) node[below right] {X};
\draw (Y) node[above left] {Y};
    A = Point(0, 0, 'A')
    X1 = Point(6, 1, 'X1')
    Y1 = Point(3, 5, 'Y1')
    α = Angle(X1,
              armspoints=[('X', ), ('Y', )],
    α.armspoints = [('', ), (None, )]
    assert α.drawn == r"""
% Declare Points
\coordinate (X1) at (6,1);
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (Y1) at (3,5);
\coordinate (B) at (4.8,0.8);
\coordinate (C) at (2.4,4);

% Draw Angle
\draw[thick] (X1) -- (A) -- (Y1);
% Draw Vertex
\draw (A) node[scale=0.67] {$\times$};
% Draw Arms' Points
\draw (B) node[scale=0.67] {$\times$};
\draw (C) node[scale=0.67] {$\times$};

% Label Points
\draw (A) node[below left] {A};
\draw (B) node[below right] {B};
\draw (C) node[above left] {C};
    Ω = Point(0, 0, 'O')
    A1 = Point('2.5', 0, 'A1')
    D1 = Point(-2, '1.5', 'D1')
    α = Angle(A1,
              armspoints=[('C', ), ('E', )],
    assert α.drawn == r"""