Example #1
def integrate(expr, a, b):
    # ∫ₐᵇ f(x) dx = [F(x)]ₐᵇ

        anti = antiderivative(expr)
        return simpson(mathparser.parse(expr), a, b)

    left  = nest(anti, Constant(b), 'x')
    right = nest(anti, Constant(a), 'x')

    return simplify.evaluate(left) - simplify.evaluate(right)
Example #2
    def parts(u, dv):
        du = derivatives.main(u)
        v = antiderivative(dv, variable, limit)

        ddu = derivatives.main(du)
        ddv = derivatives.main(dv)

        if func in (BinaryOp(left = ddu, op = '⋅', right = dv), BinaryOp(left = dv, op = '⋅', right = ddu)):
            return BinaryOp(
                left = BinaryOp(
                    left = BinaryOp(
                        left = u,
                        op = '⋅',
                        right = v
                    op = '-',
                    right = BinaryOp(
                        left = du,
                        op = '⋅',
                        right = dv
                op = '÷',
                right = Constant(2)
        vdu = simplify.simplify(
                    left = du,
                    op = '⋅',
                    right = v

        return BinaryOp(
            left = BinaryOp(
                left = u,
                op = '⋅',
                right = v
            op = '-',
            right = vdu
Example #3
def simpson(f, a, b, n = 1 << 16):
    delta = (b - a) / n
    total = 0
    for i in range(n+1):
        x_i = a + i * delta
        if i in (0, n):  m = 1
        elif i % 2 == 1: m = 4
        elif i % 2 == 0: m = 2

        f_x = nest(f, Constant(x_i), 'x')
        total += simplify.evaluate(f_x) * m

    return total * (delta / 3)
def simplify(tree):
    if isinstance(tree, BinaryOp):
        if isinstance(tree.left, Constant) and isinstance(
                tree.right, Constant):
            a = eval('{} {} {}'.format(tree.left.value, CMDS[tree.op],
            if isinstance(a, float) and a.is_integer():
                a = int(a)
            return Constant(a)

        if tree.op == '⋅':
            if ONE in (tree.left, tree.right) or fONE in (tree.left,
                if tree.left in (ONE, fONE):
                    return simplify(tree.right)
                if tree.right in (ONE, fONE):
                    return simplify(tree.left)

            if ZERO in (tree.left, tree.right) or fZERO in (tree.left,
                return ZERO

            if MINUSONE in (tree.left,
                            tree.right) or fMINUSONE in (tree.left,
                if tree.left in (MINUSONE, fMINUSONE):
                    return UnaryOp('Prefix',
                if tree.right in (MINUSONE, fMINUSONE):
                    return UnaryOp('Prefix',

            if isnum(tree.left):
                return simplify_numbers(tree, 'left', '⋅')

            if isnum(tree.right):
                return simplify_numbers(tree, 'right', '⋅')

            if tree.left == tree.right:
                return UnaryOp('Postfix', op='²', operand=tree.left)

            if isinstance(tree.left, UnaryOp):
                if tree.left.op == '-' and tree.right == tree.left.operand:
                    return UnaryOp('Prefix',

            if isinstance(tree.right, UnaryOp):
                if tree.right.op == '-' and tree.left == tree.right.operand:
                    return UnaryOp('Prefix',
                if mathparser.isexp(
                        tree.right.op) and tree.left == tree.right.operand:
                    newpow = mathparser.make_power(
                        mathparser.normalise(tree.right.op) + 1)
                    return UnaryOp('Postfix', op=newpow, operand=tree.left)

        if tree.op == '+':
            if ZERO in (tree.left, tree.right) or fZERO in (tree.left,
                if tree.left in (ZERO, fZERO):
                    return simplify(tree.right)
                if tree.right in (ZERO, fZERO):
                    return simplify(tree.left)

        if tree.op in ('÷', '/'):
            if tree.right in (ONE, fONE):
                return simplify(tree.left)
            if tree.right in (MINUSONE, fMINUSONE):
                return UnaryOp('Prefix', op='-', operand=simplify(tree.left))
            if tree.left in (ZERO, fZERO):
                return ZERO
            if tree.left == tree.right:
                return ONE

            if isnum(tree.left) and isnum(tree.right):
                val = tree.left.value / tree.right.value
                if tree.op == '/':
                    val = int(val)
                return Constant(val)

        if tree.op == '%':
            if tree.right in (ONE, MINUSONE, fONE, fMINUSONE):
                return ZERO
            if tree.left in (ZERO, fZERO):
                return ZERO

        if tree.op == '-':
            if tree.right in (ZERO, fZERO):
                return simplify(tree.left)

        if tree.op == '*':
            if tree.left in (ZERO, fZERO):
                return ZERO
            if tree.left in (ONE, fONE):
                return ONE

            if tree.right in (ZERO, fZERO):
                return ONE
            if tree.right in (ONE, fONE):
                return simplify(tree.left)

            if tree.right in SINGLE_DIGITS:
                return UnaryOp('Postfix',

        simp_tree = BinaryOp(simplify(tree.left), tree.op,
        return simp_tree

    if isinstance(tree, UnaryOp):
        if mathparser.isexp(tree.op) and isinstance(tree.operand, Constant):
            if isinstance(tree.operand.value, mathparser.NUMBER):
                return Constant(tree.operand.value**mathparser.normalise(
            return tree

        simp_tree = UnaryOp(tree.pos, tree.op, simplify(tree.operand))
        return simp_tree

    return tree
import math
import operator
import re

import mathparser
from mathparser import BinaryOp, UnaryOp, Variable, Constant

MINUSONE = Constant(-1)
ZERO = Constant(0)
ONE = Constant(1)
TWO = Constant(2)

fMINUSONE = Constant(-1.0)
fZERO = Constant(0.0)
fONE = Constant(1.0)
fTWO = Constant(2.0)

for i in range(10):

SUPERSCRIPT = '⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹'

CMDS = {
    '⋅': '*',
    '÷': '/',
    '+': '+',
    '-': '-',
    '*': '**',
    '/': '//',
Example #6
def antiderivative(func, variable = 'x', limit = 1 << 12):
    def parts(u, dv):
        du = derivatives.main(u)
        v = antiderivative(dv, variable, limit)

        ddu = derivatives.main(du)
        ddv = derivatives.main(dv)

        if func in (BinaryOp(left = ddu, op = '⋅', right = dv), BinaryOp(left = dv, op = '⋅', right = ddu)):
            return BinaryOp(
                left = BinaryOp(
                    left = BinaryOp(
                        left = u,
                        op = '⋅',
                        right = v
                    op = '-',
                    right = BinaryOp(
                        left = du,
                        op = '⋅',
                        right = dv
                op = '÷',
                right = Constant(2)
        vdu = simplify.simplify(
                    left = du,
                    op = '⋅',
                    right = v

        return BinaryOp(
            left = BinaryOp(
                left = u,
                op = '⋅',
                right = v
            op = '-',
            right = vdu

    if not limit:
        raise Exception('Unable to find antiderivative in time')
    limit -= 1

    if isinstance(func, str):
        if func in standard_integrals:
            return standard_integrals[func]
        func = mathparser.parse(func)
    if func in derivatives.standard_derivatives.values():
        for key, value in derivatives.standard_derivatives.items():
            if value == func:
                return mathparser.parse(key + '({})'.format(variable))
    if isinstance(func, Constant):
        Ifunc = mathparser.parse('{}{}'.format(func.value, variable))

    if isinstance(func, Variable):
        if is_x(func, variable):
            Ifunc = mathparser.parse('{}²÷2'.format(variable))
            Ifunc = mathparser.parse('{}{}'.format(func.name, variable))

    if isinstance(func, UnaryOp):

        if func.pos == 'Prefix':

            if func.op in standard_integrals and is_x(func.operand, variable):
                return nest(standard_integrals[func.op], Variable(variable), 'x')
            if is_axb(func.operand, variable):
                if func.op in '√∛':
                    # Power rule with fractional powers
                    # ∫(ax+b)ⁿ dx = ∫uⁿ du÷a, u = ax+b, du = a dx
                    #             = u*(n+1)÷(a(n+1))
                    #             = (ax+b)*(n+1) ÷ (a(n+1))

                    f = func.operand
                    n = 1 / ('√∛'.index(func.op) + 2)
                    a = derivatives.main(f).value

                    Ifunc = BinaryOp(
                        left = BinaryOp(
                            left = f,
                            op = '*',
                            right = Constant(n+1)
                        op = '÷',
                        right = Constant(a*(n+1))

                    # Basic u-substitution
                    # ∫f(ax+b) dx = ∫f(u) du÷a, u = ax+b, du = a dx
                    fu = UnaryOp('Prefix', op = func.op, operand = Variable('u'))
                    Ifu = nest(antiderivative(fu, 'u', limit), Variable(variable), 'u')
                    a = derivatives.main(func.operand)

                    Ifunc = BinaryOp(
                        left = nest(Ifu, func.operand, variable),
                        op = '÷',
                        right = a

            if func.op == '-':
                return UnaryOp('Prefix', op = '-', operand = antiderivative(func.operand))

        if func.pos == 'Postfix':

            if derivatives.REGEX['exponent'].search(func.op):
                n = mathparser.normalise(func.op)
                f = func.operand

                if is_axb(f, variable):
                    # Power rule
                    # ∫(ax+b)ⁿ dx = ∫uⁿ du÷a, u = ax+b, du = a dx
                    #             = u*(n+1)÷(a(n+1))
                    #             = (ax+b)*(n+1) ÷ (a(n+1))

                    a = derivatives.main(f).value
                    Ifunc = BinaryOp(
                        left = BinaryOp(
                            left = f,
                            op = '*',
                            right = Constant(n+1)
                        op = '÷',
                        right = Constant(a*(n+1))

                    # Generalised power rule
                    # ∫f(x)ⁿ dx
                    if is_trig(f):
                        # Integration by reduction formula

                        if is_x(f.operand, variable):
                            Ifunc = reduce_trig(f, n, variable, limit)
                        elif is_axb(f.operand, variable):
                            fu = UnaryOp('Prefix', op = f.op, operand = Variable('u'))
                            Ifu = nest(antiderivative(fu, 'u', limit), Variable(variable), 'u')
                            a = derivatives.main(func.operand)

                            Ifunc = BinaryOp(
                                left = nest(Ifu, func.operand, variable),
                                op = '÷',
                                right = a

    if isinstance(func, BinaryOp):
        f = func.left
        op = func.op
        g = func.right
        df = derivatives.main(f)
        dg = derivatives.main(g)

        if op in '+-':
            # Addition rule
            # ∫f(x)±g(x) dx = ∫f(x) dx ± ∫g(x) dx

            If = antiderivative(f, variable, limit = limit)
            Ig = antiderivative(g, variable, limit = limit)

            Ifunc = BinaryOp(
                left = If,
                op = op,
                right = Ig

        if op == '⋅':
            if isinstance(f, Constant):
                # Constant product rule
                # ∫af(x) dx = a∫f(x) dx
                Ig = antiderivative(g, variable, limit = limit)

                Ifunc = BinaryOp(
                    left = f,
                    op = '⋅',
                    right = Ig

            elif inspect(func, f, g, variable) or inspect(func, g, f, variable):
                # Integration by inspection
                # ∫f'(g(x))g'(x) dx = f(g(x))

                if inspect(func, g, f, variable):
                    df, dg = g, f
                    df, dg = f, g

                f = antiderivative(
                        op = df.op,
                        operand = Variable('u')
                    'u', limit)
                g = df.operand
                d_g = derivatives.main(g)

                consts = []

                while dg != d_g and is_const_prod(dg, d_g):
                    if isinstance(d_g.left, Constant):
                        d_g = d_g.right

                prod = 1
                for v in consts:
                    prod *= v
                prod = Constant(1/prod)

                Ifunc = BinaryOp(
                    left = prod,
                    op = '⋅',
                    right = nest(f, g, 'u')

            elif is_power(f) and is_power(g):
                if is_trig(f.operand) and is_trig(g.operand):
                    m = mathparser.normalise(f.op)
                    n = mathparser.normalise(g.op)
                    f = f.operand
                    g = g.operand
                if is_trig(f.left) and is_trig(g.left):
                    m = f.right.value
                    n = g.right.value
                    f = f.left
                    g = g.left
                # Product of exponentiated trig
                # ∫f(x)ᵐ⋅g(x)ⁿ dx

                if is_x(f.operand, variable) and is_x(g.operand, variable):
                    Ifunc = reduce_trig_prod(f, g, m, n, 1, 0, variable, limit)

                elif is_ax(f.operand, variable) and is_ax(g.operand, variable) and f.operand == g.operand:
                    a = f.operand.left.value
                    Ifunc = reduce_trig_prod(f, g, m, n, a, 0, variable, limit)

                elif is_axb(f.operand, variable) and is_axb(g.operand, variable) and f.operand == g.operand:
                    if isinstance(f.operand.right, Constant):
                        a = f.operand.left.left.value
                        b = f.operand.right.value
                        a = f.operand.right.left.value
                        b = f.operand.left.value
                    Ifunc = reduce_trig_prod(f, g, m, n, a, b, variable, limit)

                # Integration by parts
                # ∫u dv = uv - ∫v du
                # ∫f(x)g(x) dx = f(x)∫g(x) dx - ∫(∫g(x) dx)f'(x) dx

                    Ifunc = parts(f, g)
                    Ifunc = parts(g, f)

        if op == '*':

            if is_axb(f, variable) and isinstance(g, Constant):
                if g.value != -1:
                    # Power rule
                    # ∫(ax+b)ⁿ dx = ∫uⁿ du÷a, u = ax+b, du = a dx
                    #             = u*(n+1)÷(a(n+1))
                    #             = (ax+b)*(n+1) ÷ (a(n+1))
                    a = df.value
                    n = g.value
                    Ifunc = BinaryOp(
                        left = BinaryOp(
                            left = f,
                            op = '*',
                            right = Constant(n+1)
                        op = '÷',
                        right = Constant(a*(n+1))

                if g.value == -1:
                    # Log rule
                    # ∫(ax+b)⁻¹ dx = ∫u⁻¹ du÷a, u = ax+b, du = a dx
                    #              = ln(u)÷a
                    #              = ln(ax+b)÷a
                    a = df
                    Ifunc = BinaryOp(
                        left = UnaryOp(
                            op = 'ln',
                            operand = f
                        op = '÷',
                        right = a

            if isinstance(f, Constant) and is_axb(g, variable):
                # Exponential rule
                # ∫c*(ax+b) dx = c*b∫c*(ax) dx
                #              = (c*(ax+b)) ÷ (aln(c))
                a = dg
                c = f
                Ifunc = BinaryOp(
                    left = func,
                    op = '÷',
                    right = BinaryOp(
                        left = a,
                        op = '⋅',
                        right = UnaryOp(
                            op = 'ln',
                            operand = c

            if is_trig(f) and isinstance(g, Constant):
                # Integration by reduction formula

                n = g.value

                if is_x(f.operand, variable):
                    Ifunc = reduce_trig(f, n, variable, limit)
                elif is_axb(f.operand, variable):
                    fu = UnaryOp('Prefix', op = f.op, operand = Variable('u'))
                    Ifu = nest(antiderivative(fu, 'u', limit), Variable(variable), 'u')
                    a = derivatives.main(func.operand)

                    Ifunc = BinaryOp(
                        left = nest(Ifu, func.operand, variable),
                        op = '÷',
                        right = a

        if op == '÷':

            if isinstance(simplify.simplify(f), Constant):
                f = simplify.simplify(f)

            if isinstance(simplify.simplify(g), Constant):
                g = simplify.simplify(g)

            if isinstance(f, Constant):
                if (
                    isinstance(g, UnaryOp)  and \
                    g.pos == 'Postfix'      and \
                ) or (
                    isinstance(g, UnaryOp)  and \
                    g.pos == 'Prefix'       and \
                    g.op in '√∛'
                    # ∫c÷f(x)ⁿ dx = ∫cf(x)⁻ⁿ
                    if g.pos == 'Postfix':
                        n = mathparser.normalise(g.op)
                        n = 1 / ('√∛'.index(g.op) + 2)
                    if is_axb(g.operand, variable):
                        # ∫c÷(ax+b)ⁿ dx
                        if n != -1:
                            # Power rule with negative power
                            # ∫c÷(ax+b)ⁿ dx = c∫(ax+b)⁻ⁿ dx
                            #               = c(ax+b)*(1-n) ÷ (a(1-n))
                            a = derivatives.main(g.operand).value
                            Ifunc = BinaryOp(
                                left = f,
                                op = '⋅',
                                right = BinaryOp(
                                    left = BinaryOp(
                                        left = g.operand,
                                        op = '*',
                                        right = Constant(1-n)
                                    op = '÷',
                                    right = Constant(a*(1-n))

                        if n == -1:
                            # Log rule
                            # ∫c÷(ax+b) dx = c∫1÷(ax+b) dx
                            #              = cln(ax+b)÷a
                            a = derivatives.main(g.operand)

                            Ifunc = BinaryOp(
                                left = f,
                                op = '⋅',
                                right = BinaryOp(
                                    left = UnaryOp(
                                        op = 'ln',
                                        operand = g.operand
                                    op = '÷',
                                    right = a

                if is_axb(g, variable):
                    # ∫c÷(ax+b) dx = c∫1÷(ax+b) dx
                    #              = cln(ax+b)÷a
                    a = dg

                    Ifunc = BinaryOp(
                        left = f,
                        op = '⋅',
                        right = BinaryOp(
                            left = UnaryOp(
                                op = 'ln',
                                operand = g
                            op = '÷',
                            right = a

            if isinstance(g, Constant):
                # ∫f(x)÷a dx = ∫f(x) dx÷a

                Ifunc = BinaryOp(
                    left = simplify.simplify(antiderivative(
                    op = '÷',
                    right = g

            if is_poly(f, variable) and is_poly(g, variable):
                print('>', f, g)

        return Ifunc
        raise Exception('Unable to find antiderivative')
Example #7
def reduce_trig_prod(f, g, m, n, a, b, variable, limit):
    # ∫f(ax+b)ᵐ⋅g(ax+b)ⁿ dx

    if m == 0:
        return reduce_trig(g, n, variable, limit)
    if n == 0:
        return reduce_trig(f, m, variable, limit)
    if m == 1:
        return antiderivative(
                left = f,
                op = '⋅',
                right = BinaryOp(
                    left = g,
                    op = '*',
                    right = n
    if n == 1:
        return antiderivative(
                left = g,
                op = '⋅',
                right = BinaryOp(
                    left = f,
                    op = '*',
                    right = m
    # ₋₂ ⁺⁻¹

    axb = mathparser.parse('{}{}+{}'.format(a, variable, b))

    if (f.op == 'sin' and g.op == 'cos') or (f.op == 'csc' and g.op == 'cot'):
        # csc(ax+b)ᵐ⋅cot(ax+b)ⁿ = sin(ax+b)ᵐ⁺ⁿ⋅cos(ax+b)ⁿ
        # ∫sin(ax+b)ᵐ⋅cos(ax+b)ⁿ dx
        #   = (-sinᵐ⁻¹(ax+b)⋅cosⁿ⁺¹(ax+b) ÷ a + (m-1)⋅∫sin(ax+b)ᵐ⁻²⋅cos(ax+b)ⁿ dx) ÷ (m+n)

        if f.op == 'csc' and g.op == 'cot':
            m += n

        I = antiderivative(
                left = BinaryOp(
                    left = UnaryOp(
                        op = 'sin',
                        operand = axb
                    op = '*',
                    right = Constant(m-2)
                op = '⋅',
                right = BinaryOp(
                    left = UnaryOp(
                        op = 'cos',
                        operand = axb
                    op = '*',
                    right = Constant(n)
        return BinaryOp(
            left = BinaryOp(
                left = BinaryOp(
                    left = BinaryOp(
                        left = UnaryOp(
                            op = '-',
                            operand = BinaryOp(
                                left = UnaryOp(
                                    op = 'sin',
                                    operand = axb
                                op = '*',
                                right = Constant(m-1)
                        op = '⋅',
                        right = BinaryOp(
                            left = UnaryOp(
                                op = 'cos',
                                operand = axb
                            op = '*',
                            right = Constant(n+1)
                    op = '÷',
                    right = Constant(a)
                op = '+',
                right = BinaryOp(
                    left = Constant(m-1),
                    op = '⋅',
                    right = I
            op = '÷',
            right = Constant(m+n)

    if (f.op == 'sin' and g.op in ('sec', 'tan')) or (f.op == 'tan' and g.op == 'sec'):
        # sin(ax+b)ᵐ⋅tan(ax+b)ⁿ = sin(ax+b)ᵐ⁺ⁿ⋅sec(ax+b)ⁿ
        # tan(ax+b)ᵐ⋅sec(ax+b)ⁿ = sin(ax+b)ᵐ⋅sec(ax+b)ᵐ⁺ⁿ
        # ∫sin(ax+b)ᵐ⋅sec(ax+b)ⁿ dx
        #   = ∫sin(ax+b)ᵐ÷cos(ax+b)ⁿ dx
        #   = (-sinᵐ⁻¹(ax+b)⋅secⁿ⁻¹(ax+b) ÷ a + (m-1)⋅∫sin(ax+b)ᵐ⁻²⋅sec(ax+b)ⁿ dx) ÷ (m-n)

        if g.op == 'tan':
            m += n
        if f.op == 'tan':
            n += m

        I = antiderivative(
                left = BinaryOp(
                    left = UnaryOp(
                        op = 'sin',
                        operand = axb
                    op = '*',
                    right = Constant(m-2)
                op = '⋅',
                right = BinaryOp(
                    left = UnaryOp(
                        op = 'sec',
                        operand = axb
                    op = '*',
                    right = Constant(n)
        return BinaryOp(
            left = BinaryOp(
                left = BinaryOp(
                    left = BinaryOp(
                        left = UnaryOp(
                            op = '-',
                            operand = BinaryOp(
                                left = UnaryOp(
                                    op = 'sin',
                                    operand = axb
                                op = '*',
                                right = Constant(m-1)
                        op = '⋅',
                        right = BinaryOp(
                            left = UnaryOp(
                                op = 'sec',
                                operand = axb
                            op = '*',
                            right = Constant(n-1)
                    op = '÷',
                    right = Constant(a)
                op = '+',
                right = BinaryOp(
                    left = Constant(m-1),
                    op = '⋅',
                    right = I
            op = '÷',
            right = Constant(m-n)

    if f.op in ('csc', 'cot') and g.op == 'cos':
        # cot(ax+b)ᵐ⋅cos(ax+b)ⁿ = csc(ax+b)ᵐ⋅cos(ax+b)ᵐ⁺ⁿ
        # ∫csc(ax+b)ᵐ⋅cos(ax+b)ⁿ dx
        #   = ∫cos(ax+b)ⁿ÷sin(ax+b)ᵐ dx
        #   = (cosⁿ⁻¹(ax+b)⋅cscᵐ⁻¹(ax+b) ÷ a + (n-1)⋅∫csc(ax+b)ᵐ⋅cos(ax+b)ⁿ⁻² dx) ÷ (n-m)

        if f.op == 'cot':
            n += m

        I = antiderivative(
                left = BinaryOp(
                    left = UnaryOp(
                        op = 'csc',
                        operand = axb
                    op = '*',
                    right = Constant(m)
                op = '⋅',
                right = BinaryOp(
                    left = UnaryOp(
                        op = 'cos',
                        operand = axb
                    op = '*',
                    right = Constant(n-2)

        return BinaryOp(
            left = BinaryOp(
                left = BinaryOp(
                    left = BinaryOp(
                        left = BinaryOp(
                            left = UnaryOp(
                                op = 'cos',
                                operand = axb
                            op = '*',
                            right = Constant(n-1)
                        op = '⋅',
                        right = BinaryOp(
                            left = UnaryOp(
                                op = 'csc',
                                operand = axb
                            op = '*',
                            right = Constant(m-1)
                    op = '÷',
                    right = Constant(a)
                op = '+',
                right = BinaryOp(
                    left = Constant(n-1),
                    op = '⋅',
                    right = I
            op = '÷',
            right = Constant(n-m)

    if f.op == 'csc' and g.op == 'sec':
        # ∫csc(ax+b)ᵐ⋅sec(ax+b)ⁿ dx
        #   = ∫1÷(sin(ax+b)ᵐ⋅cos(ax+b)ⁿ) dx
        #   = (-csc(ax+b)ᵐ⁻¹⋅sec(ax+b)ⁿ⁻¹ ÷ a + (m+n-2)⋅∫csc(ax+b)ᵐ⁻²⋅sec(ax+b)ⁿ dx) ÷ (m-1)

        I = antiderivative(
                left = BinaryOp(
                    left = UnaryOp(
                        op = 'csc',
                        operand = axb
                    op = '*',
                    right = Constant(m-2)
                op = '⋅',
                right = BinaryOp(
                    left = UnaryOp(
                        op = 'sec',
                        operand = axb
                    op = '*',
                    right = Constant(n)
        return BinaryOp(
            left = BinaryOp(
                left = BinaryOp(
                    left = BinaryOp(
                        left = UnaryOp(
                            op = '-',
                            operand = BinaryOp(
                                left = UnaryOp(
                                    op = 'csc',
                                    operand = axb
                                op = '*',
                                right = Constant(m-1)
                        op = '⋅',
                        right = BinaryOp(
                            left = UnaryOp(
                                op = 'sec',
                                operand = axb
                            op = '*',
                            right = Constant(n-1)
                    op = '÷',
                    right = Constant(a)
                op = '+',
                right = BinaryOp(
                    left = Constant(m+n-2),
                    op = '⋅',
                    right = I
            op = '÷',
            right = Constant(m-1)

    return reduce_trig_prod(g, f, n, m, a, b, variable, limit)                        
Example #8
def reduce_trig(f, n, variable, limit):
    # Trig integration by reduction formula
    if n == 0:
        return Variable(variable)
    if n == 1:
        return antiderivative(f, variable, limit)

    if f.op == 'sin':
        # ∫sin(x)ⁿ dx = (-sinⁿ⁻¹(x)⋅cos(x) + (n-1)∫sin(x)ⁿ⁻² dx) ÷ n

        Ifunc = BinaryOp(
            left = BinaryOp(
                left = UnaryOp(
                    op = '-',
                    operand = BinaryOp(
                        left = BinaryOp(
                            left = UnaryOp(
                                op = 'sin',
                                operand = Variable(variable)
                            op = '*',
                            right = Constant(n-1)
                        op = '⋅',
                        right = UnaryOp(
                            op = 'cos',
                            operand = Variable(variable)
                op = '+',
                right = BinaryOp(
                    left = Constant(n-1),
                    op = '⋅',
                    right = antiderivative(
                            left = UnaryOp(
                                op = 'sin',
                                operand = Variable(variable)
                            op = '*',
                            right = Constant(n-2)
            op = '÷',
            right = Constant(n)

    if f.op == 'cos':
    # ∫cos(x)ⁿ dx = (sin(x)⋅cosⁿ⁻¹(x) + (n-1)∫cos(x)ⁿ⁻² dx) ÷ n

        Ifunc = BinaryOp(
            left = BinaryOp(
                left = BinaryOp(
                    left = BinaryOp(
                        left = UnaryOp(
                            op = 'cos',
                            operand = Variable(variable)
                        op = '*',
                        right = Constant(n-1)
                    op = '⋅',
                    right = UnaryOp(
                        op = 'sin',
                        operand = Variable(variable)
                op = '+',
                right = BinaryOp(
                    left = Constant(n-1),
                    op = '⋅',
                    right = antiderivative(
                            left = UnaryOp(
                                op = 'cos',
                                operand = Variable(variable)
                            op = '*',
                            right = Constant(n-2)
            op = '÷',
            right = Constant(n)

    if f.op == 'tan':
    # ∫tan(x)ⁿ dx = tanⁿ⁻¹(x) ÷ (n-1) - ∫tan(x)ⁿ⁻² dx

        Ifunc = BinaryOp(
            left = BinaryOp(
                left = BinaryOp(
                    left = UnaryOp(
                        op = 'tan',
                        operand = Variable(variable)
                    op = '*',
                    right = Constant(n-1)
                op = '÷',
                right = Constant(n-1)
            op = '-',
            right = antiderivative(
                    left = UnaryOp(
                        op = 'tan',
                        operand = Variable(variable)
                    op = '*',
                    right = Constant(n-2)

    if f.op == 'sec':
    # ∫sec(x)ⁿ dx = (sin(x)⋅secⁿ⁻¹(x) + (n-2)∫sec(x)ⁿ⁻² dx) ÷ (n-1)

        Ifunc = BinaryOp(
            left = BinaryOp(
                left = BinaryOp(
                    left = BinaryOp(
                        left = UnaryOp(
                            op = 'sec',
                            operand = Variable(variable)
                        op = '*',
                        right = Constant(n-1)
                    op = '⋅',
                    right = UnaryOp(
                        op = 'sin',
                        operand = Variable(variable)
                op = '+',
                right = BinaryOp(
                    left = Constant(n-2),
                    op = '⋅',
                    right = antiderivative(
                            left = UnaryOp(
                                op = 'sec',
                                operand = Variable(variable)
                            op = '*',
                            right = Constant(n-2)
            op = '÷',
            right = Constant(n-1)

    if f.op == 'csc':
    # ∫csc(x)ⁿ dx = (cos(x)⋅cscⁿ⁻¹(x) + (n-2)∫csc(x)ⁿ⁻² dx) ÷ (n-1)

        Ifunc = BinaryOp(
            left = BinaryOp(
                left = BinaryOp(
                    left = BinaryOp(
                        left = UnaryOp(
                            op = 'csc',
                            operand = Variable(variable)
                        op = '*',
                        right = Constant(n-1)
                    op = '⋅',
                    right = UnaryOp(
                        op = 'cos',
                        operand = Variable(variable)
                op = '+',
                right = BinaryOp(
                    left = Constant(n-2),
                    op = '⋅',
                    right = antiderivative(
                            left = UnaryOp(
                                op = 'csc',
                                operand = Variable(variable)
                            op = '*',
                            right = Constant(n-2)
            op = '÷',
            right = Constant(n-1)

    if f.op == 'cot':
    # ∫cot(x)ⁿ dx = cotⁿ⁻¹(x) ÷ (n-1) - ∫cot(x)ⁿ⁻² dx

        Ifunc = BinaryOp(
            left = BinaryOp(
                left = BinaryOp(
                    left = UnaryOp(
                        op = 'cot',
                        operand = Variable(variable)
                    op = '*',
                    right = Constant(n-1)
                op = '÷',
                right = Constant(n-1)
            op = '-',
            right = antiderivative(
                    left = UnaryOp(
                        op = 'cot',
                        operand = Variable(variable)
                    op = '*',
                    right = Constant(n-2)

    return Ifunc