Example #1
    def gen_problem(self, m, n, dens_lvl=0.5):
        the basis purusit problem is defined as
                minimize	|| x ||_1
                subjec to   Ax = b

        m, n        - Dimensions of matrix A        <int>
        osqp_opts   - Parameters of OSQP solver
        dens_lvl    - Density level of matrix A     <float>
        # Generate data
        Ad = spspa.random(m, n, density=dens_lvl)
        x_true = np.multiply((np.random.rand(n) > 0.5).astype(float),
                             np.random.randn(n)) / np.sqrt(n)
        bd = Ad.dot(x_true)

        # Construct the problem
        #       minimize	np.ones(n).T * t
        #       subject to  Ax = b
        #                   -t <= x <= t
        In = spspa.eye(n)
        P = spspa.csc_matrix((2 * n, 2 * n))
        q = np.append(np.zeros(n), np.ones(n))
        A = spspa.vstack([
            spspa.hstack([Ad, spspa.csc_matrix((m, n))]),
            spspa.hstack([In, -In]),
            spspa.hstack([In, In])
        lA = np.hstack([bd, -np.inf * np.ones(n), np.zeros(n)])
        uA = np.hstack([bd, np.zeros(n), np.inf * np.ones(n)])

        # Create a quadprog_problem and return it
        return QuadprogProblem(P, q, A, lA, uA)
Example #2
    def gen_problem(self, m, n, dens_lvl=0.5, version='sparse'):
        Lasso problem is defined as
                minimize	|| Ax - b ||^2 + gamma * || x ||_1

        m, n        - Dimensions of matrix A        <int>
        osqp_opts   - Parameters of OSQP solver
        dens_lvl    - Density level of matrix A     <float>
        version     - QP reformulation              ['dense', 'sparse']
        # Generate data
        Ad = spspa.random(m, n, density=dens_lvl)
        x_true = np.multiply((np.random.rand(n) > 0.5).astype(float),
                             np.random.randn(n)) / np.sqrt(n)
        bd = Ad.dot(x_true) + .5 * np.random.randn(m)
        gamma = sp.rand()
        # gamma_max = 0.2 * np.linalg.norm(Ad.T.dot(bd), np.inf)
        # self._gammas = np.exp(np.linspace(np.log(gamma_max),
        #                       np.log(gamma_max * 1e-2), inst))
        # self._iter_cnt = 0

        # Construct the problem
        if version == 'dense':
            #       minimize	|| Ax - b ||^2 + gamma * np.ones(n).T * t
            #       subject to  -t <= x <= t
            P = spspa.block_diag((2 * Ad.T.dot(Ad), spspa.csc_matrix((n, n))),
            q = np.append(-2 * Ad.T.dot(bd), gamma * np.ones(n))
            In = spspa.eye(n)
            A = spspa.vstack([spspa.hstack([In, -In]),
                              spspa.hstack([In, In])]).tocsc()
            lA = np.append(-np.inf * np.ones(n), np.zeros(n))
            uA = np.append(np.zeros(n), np.inf * np.ones(n))
        elif version == 'sparse':
            #       minimize	y.T * y + gamma * np.ones(n).T * t
            #       subject to  y = Ax
            #                   -t <= x <= t
            P = spspa.block_diag((spspa.csc_matrix(
                (n, n)), 2 * spspa.eye(m), spspa.csc_matrix((n, n))),
            q = np.append(np.zeros(m + n), gamma * np.ones(n))
            In = spspa.eye(n)
            Onm = spspa.csc_matrix((n, m))
            A = spspa.vstack([
                spspa.hstack([Ad, -spspa.eye(m),
                              spspa.csc_matrix((m, n))]),
                spspa.hstack([In, Onm, -In]),
                spspa.hstack([In, Onm, In])
            lA = np.hstack([bd, -np.inf * np.ones(n), np.zeros(n)])
            uA = np.hstack([bd, np.zeros(n), np.inf * np.ones(n)])
            assert False, "Unhandled version"

        # Create a quadprog_problem and return in
        return QuadprogProblem(P, q, A, lA, uA)
Example #3
    def gen_problem(self, n, k, dens_lvl=0.5, version='dense'):
        Portfolio optimization problem is defined as
                maximize	mu.T * x - gamma x.T (F * F.T + D) x
                subjec to   1.T x = 1
                            x >= 0

        k, n        - Dimensions of matrix F        <int>
        osqp_opts   - Parameters of OSQP solver
        dens_lvl    - Density level of matrix A     <float>
        version     - QP reformulation              ['dense', 'sparse']
        # Generate data
        F = spspa.random(n, k, density=dens_lvl, format='csc')
        D = spspa.diags(np.random.rand(n) * np.sqrt(k), format='csc')
        mu = np.random.randn(n)
        gamma = 1

        # Construct the problem
        if version == 'dense':
            #       minimize	x.T (F * F.T + D) x - mu.T / gamma * x
            #       subject to  1.T x = 1
            #                   0 <= x <= 1
            P = 2 * (F.dot(F.T) + D)
            q = -mu / gamma
            A = spspa.vstack([np.ones((1, n)), spspa.eye(n)]).tocsc()
            lA = np.append([1.], np.zeros(n))
            uA = np.append([1.], np.ones(n))

        elif version == 'sparse':
            #       minimize	x.T*D*x + y.T*y - mu.T / gamma * x
            #       subject to  1.T x = 1
            #                   F.T x = y
            #                   0 <= x <= 1
            P = spspa.block_diag((2 * D, 2 * spspa.eye(k)), format='csc')
            q = np.append(-mu / gamma, np.zeros(k))
            A = spspa.vstack([
                    spspa.csc_matrix(np.ones((1, n))),
                    spspa.csc_matrix((1, k))
                spspa.hstack([F.T, -spspa.eye(k)]),
                              spspa.csc_matrix((n, k))])
            lA = np.hstack([1., np.zeros(k), np.zeros(n)])
            uA = np.hstack([1., np.zeros(k), np.ones(n)])

            assert False, "Unhandled version"
        # Create a quadprog_problem and return it
        return QuadprogProblem(P, q, A, lA, uA)
Example #4
    def gen_problem(self, m, n, dens_lvl=1.0):
        Huber fitting problem is defined as
                minimize	sum( huber(ai'x - bi) ),

        where huber() is the Huber penalty function defined as
                            | 1/2 x^2       |x| <= 1
                huber(x) = <
                            | |x| - 1/2     |x| > 1

        m, n        - Dimensions of matrix A        <int>
        osqp_opts   - Parameters of OSQP solver
        dens_lvl    - Density level of matrix A     <float>
        # Generate data
        A = spspa.random(m, n, density=dens_lvl, format='csc')
        x_true = np.random.randn(n) / np.sqrt(n)
        ind95 = (np.random.rand(m) < 0.95).astype(float)
        b = A.dot(x_true) + np.multiply(0.5*np.random.randn(m), ind95) \
                          + np.multiply(10.*np.random.rand(m), 1. - ind95)

        # Construct the problem
        #       minimize	1/2 u.T * u + np.ones(m).T * v
        #       subject to  -u - v <= Ax - b <= u + v
        #                   0 <= u <= 1
        #                   v >= 0
        Im = spspa.eye(m)
        P = spspa.block_diag((spspa.csc_matrix(
            (n, n)), Im, spspa.csc_matrix((m, m))),
        q = np.append(np.zeros(m + n), np.ones(m))
        A = spspa.vstack([
            spspa.hstack([A, Im, Im]),
            spspa.hstack([A, -Im, -Im]),
                [spspa.csc_matrix((m, n)), Im,
                 spspa.csc_matrix((m, m))]),
            spspa.hstack([spspa.csc_matrix((m, n + m)), Im])
        lA = np.hstack([b, -np.inf * np.ones(m), np.zeros(2 * m)])
        uA = np.hstack(
            [np.inf * np.ones(m), b,
             np.ones(m), np.inf * np.ones(m)])

        # Create a quadprog_problem and store it in a private variable
        return QuadprogProblem(P, q, A, lA, uA)
Example #5
    def gen_problem(self, m, n, dens_lvl=0.5, version='dense'):
        Nonnegative least-squares problem is defined as
                minimize	|| Ax - b ||^2
                subjec to   x >= 0

        m, n        - Dimensions of matrix A        <int>
        osqp_opts   - Parameters of OSQP solver
        dens_lvl    - Density level of matrix A     <float>
        version     - QP reformulation              ['dense', 'sparse']
        # Generate data
        Ad = spspa.random(m, n, density=dens_lvl, format='csc')
        x_true = np.ones(n) / n + np.random.randn(n) / np.sqrt(n)
        bd = Ad.dot(x_true) + 0.5*np.random.randn(m)

        # Construct the problem
        if version == 'dense':
            #       minimize	1/2 x.T (A.T * A) x - (A.T * b).T * x
            #       subject to  x >= 0
            P = Ad.T.dot(Ad)
            q = -Ad.T.dot(bd)
            A = spspa.eye(n)
            lA = np.zeros(n)
            uA = np.inf * np.ones(n)
        elif version == 'sparse':
            #       minimize	1/2 y.T*y
            #       subject to  y = Ax - b
            #                   x >= 0
            Im = spspa.eye(m)
            P = spspa.block_diag((spspa.csc_matrix((n, n)), Im), format='csc')
            q = np.zeros(n + m)
            A = spspa.vstack([
                    spspa.hstack([Ad, -Im]),
                    spspa.hstack([spspa.eye(n), spspa.csc_matrix((n, m))]),
            lA = np.append(bd, np.zeros(n))
            uA = np.append(bd, np.inf * np.ones(n))
            assert False, "Unhandled version"

        # Create a quadprog_problem and return it
        return QuadprogProblem(P, q, A, lA, uA)
Example #6
    def scale_qp(self, qp, settings):

        # Initialize scaling
        d = np.ones(qp.n + qp.m)

        # Define reduced KKT matrix to scale
        KKT = spa.vstack([
            spa.hstack([qp.P, qp.A.T]),
            spa.hstack([qp.A, spa.csc_matrix((qp.m, qp.m))])

        # Run Scaling
        KKT2 = KKT.copy()
        if settings['scaling_norm'] == 2:
            KKT2.data = np.square(KKT2.data)  # Elementwise square
        elif settings['scaling_norm'] == 1:
            KKT2.data = np.absolute(KKT2.data)  # Elementwise abs

        # Iterate Scaling
        for i in range(settings['scaling_iter']):
            # Regularize components
            KKT2d = KKT2.dot(d)
            # Prevent division by 0
            d = (qp.n + qp.m) * np.reciprocal(KKT2d + 1e-08)
            # Limit scaling terms
            d = np.maximum(np.minimum(d, 1e+03), 1e-03)

        # Obtain Scaler Matrices
        d = np.power(d, 1. / settings['scaling_norm'])
        D = spa.diags(d[:qp.n])
        if qp.m == 0:
            E = spa.csc_matrix((0, 0))
            E = spa.diags(d[qp.n:])

        # Scale problem Matrices
        P = D.dot(qp.P.dot(D)).tocsc()
        A = E.dot(qp.A.dot(D)).tocsc()
        q = D.dot(qp.q)
        l = E.dot(qp.l)
        u = E.dot(qp.u)

        # Return scaled problem
        return QuadprogProblem(P, q, A, l, u)
Example #7
    def gen_problem(self, m, n, dens_lvl=.8):
        Support vector machine problem is defined as
                minimize	|| x ||^2 + gamma * 1.T * max(0, diag(b) A x + 1)

        m, n        - Dimensions of matrix A        <int>
        osqp_opts   - Parameters of OSQP solver
        dens_lvl    - Density level of matrix A     <float>

        # Generate data
        if m % 2 == 1:
            m = m + 1
        N = int(m / 2)
        gamma = 1.0
        b = np.append(np.ones(N), -np.ones(N))
        A_upp = spspa.random(N, n, density=dens_lvl)
        A_low = spspa.random(N, n, density=dens_lvl)
        A = spspa.vstack([
            A_upp / np.sqrt(n) + (A_upp != 0.).astype(float) / n,
            A_low / np.sqrt(n) - (A_low != 0.).astype(float) / n

        # Construct the problem
        #       minimize	 x.T * x + gamma 1.T * t
        #       subject to  t >= diag(b) A x + 1
        #                   t >= 0

        P = spspa.block_diag((2 * spspa.eye(n), spspa.csc_matrix((m, m))),
        q = np.append(np.zeros(n), gamma * np.ones(m))
        A = spspa.vstack([
            spspa.hstack([spspa.diags(b).dot(A), -spspa.eye(m)]),
            spspa.hstack([spspa.csc_matrix((m, n)),
        lA = np.append(-np.inf * np.ones(m), np.zeros(m))
        uA = np.append(-np.ones(m), np.inf * np.ones(m))

        # Create a quadprog_problem and store it in a private variable
        return QuadprogProblem(P, q, A, lA, uA)
Example #8
    def gen_problem(self, m, n, dens_lvl=0.5):
        Linear program in the inequality from is defined as
                minimize	c.T * x
                subjec to   Ax <= b

        m, n        - Dimensions of matrix A        <int>
        osqp_opts   - Parameters of OSQP solver
        dens_lvl    - Density level of matrix A     <float>

        # Generate data
        x_true = np.random.randn(n) / np.sqrt(n)
        A = spspa.random(m, n, density=dens_lvl, format='csc')
        uA = A.dot(x_true) + 0.1*np.random.rand(m)
        lA = -np.inf * np.ones(m)
        q = -A.T.dot(np.random.rand(m))
        P = spspa.csc_matrix((n, n))

        # Create a quadprog_problem and return it
        return QuadprogProblem(P, q, A, lA, uA)