Example #1
def draw_quadmesh(data, obj):
    """Returns the PGFPlots code for an graphics environment holding a
       rendering of the object.
    content = []

    # Generate file name for current object
    filename, rel_filepath = files.new_filename(data, "img", ".png")

    # Get the dpi for rendering and store the original dpi of the figure
    dpi = data["dpi"]
    fig_dpi = obj.figure.get_dpi()

    # Render the object and save as png file
    from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import RendererAgg

    cbox = obj.get_clip_box()
    width = int(round(cbox.extents[2]))
    height = int(round(cbox.extents[3]))
    ren = RendererAgg(width, height, dpi)

    # Generate a image from the render buffer
    image = Image.frombuffer(
        "RGBA", ren.get_canvas_width_height(), ren.buffer_rgba(), "raw", "RGBA", 0, 1
    # Crop the image to the actual content (removing the the regions otherwise
    # used for axes, etc.)
    # 'image.crop' expects the crop box to specify the left, upper, right, and
    # lower pixel. 'cbox.extents' gives the left, lower, right, and upper
    # pixel.
    box = (
        int(round(cbox.extents[3] - cbox.extents[1])),
    cropped = image.crop(box)

    # Restore the original dpi of the figure

    # write the corresponding information to the TikZ file
    extent = obj.axes.get_xlim() + obj.axes.get_ylim()

    # Explicitly use \pgfimage as includegrapics command, as the default
    # \includegraphics fails unexpectedly in some cases
    ff = data["float format"]
            "\\addplot graphics [includegraphics cmd=\\pgfimage,"
            "xmin=" + ff + ", xmax=" + ff + ", "
            "ymin=" + ff + ", ymax=" + ff + "] {{{}}};\n"
        ).format(*(extent + (rel_filepath,)))

    return data, content
Example #2
def draw_quadmesh(data, obj):
    '''Returns the PGFPlots code for an graphics environment holding a
       rendering of the object.
    content = []

    # Generate file name for current object
    if 'img number' not in data.keys():
        data['img number'] = 0

    filename = os.path.join(
        data['output dir'],
        '%s_img%03d.png' % (data['base name'], data['img number']))
    data['img number'] = data['img number'] + 1

    # Get the dpi for rendering and store the original dpi of the figure
    dpi = data['dpi']
    fig_dpi = obj.figure.get_dpi()

    # Render the object and save as png file
    from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import RendererAgg
    cbox = obj.get_clip_box()
    width = int(round(cbox.extents[2]))
    height = int(round(cbox.extents[3]))
    ren = RendererAgg(width, height, dpi)

    # Generate a image from the render buffer
    image = Image.frombuffer('RGBA', ren.get_canvas_width_height(),
                             ren.buffer_rgba(), 'raw', 'RGBA', 0, 1)
    # Crop the image to the actual content (removing the the regions otherwise
    # used for axes, etc.)
    # 'image.crop' expects the crop box to specify the left, upper, right, and
    # lower pixel. 'cbox.extents' gives the left, lower, right, and upper
    # pixel.
    box = (int(round(cbox.extents[0])), 0, int(round(cbox.extents[2])),
           int(round(cbox.extents[3] - cbox.extents[1])))
    cropped = image.crop(box)

    # Restore the original dpi of the figure

    # write the corresponding information to the TikZ file
    extent = obj.axes.get_xlim() + obj.axes.get_ylim()

    rel_filepath = os.path.basename(filename)
    if data['rel data path']:
        rel_filepath = os.path.join(data['rel data path'], rel_filepath)

    # Explicitly use \pgfimage as includegrapics command, as the default
    # \includegraphics fails unexpectedly in some cases
    content.append('\\addplot graphics [includegraphics cmd=\\pgfimage,'
                   'xmin=%.15g, xmax=%.15g, '
                   'ymin=%.15g, ymax=%.15g] {%s};\n' % (extent +
                                                        (rel_filepath, )))

    return data, content
Example #3
def draw_quadmesh(data, obj):
    """Returns the PGFPlots code for an graphics environment holding a
    rendering of the object.
    content = []

    # Generate file name for current object
    filename, rel_filepath = _files.new_filename(data, "img", ".png")

    # Get the dpi for rendering and store the original dpi of the figure
    dpi = data["dpi"]
    fig_dpi = obj.figure.get_dpi()

    # Render the object and save as png file
    from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import RendererAgg

    cbox = obj.get_clip_box()
    width = int(round(cbox.extents[2]))
    height = int(round(cbox.extents[3]))
    ren = RendererAgg(width, height, dpi)

    # Generate a image from the render buffer
    image = Image.frombuffer(
        "RGBA", ren.get_canvas_width_height(), ren.buffer_rgba(), "raw", "RGBA", 0, 1
    # Crop the image to the actual content (removing the the regions otherwise
    # used for axes, etc.)
    # 'image.crop' expects the crop box to specify the left, upper, right, and
    # lower pixel. 'cbox.extents' gives the left, lower, right, and upper
    # pixel.
    box = (
        int(round(cbox.extents[3] - cbox.extents[1])),
    cropped = image.crop(box)

    # Restore the original dpi of the figure

    # write the corresponding information to the TikZ file
    extent = obj.axes.get_xlim() + obj.axes.get_ylim()

    # Explicitly use \pgfimage as includegrapics command, as the default
    # \includegraphics fails unexpectedly in some cases
    ff = data["float format"]
        "\\addplot graphics [includegraphics cmd=\\pgfimage,"
        f"xmin={extent[0]:{ff}}, xmax={extent[1]:{ff}}, "
        f"ymin={extent[2]:{ff}}, ymax={extent[3]:{ff}}] {{{rel_filepath}}};\n"

    return data, content
Example #4
def draw_quadmesh(data, obj):
    '''Returns the PGFPlots code for an graphics environment holding a
       rendering of the object.
    content = []

    # Generate file name for current object
    if 'img number' not in data.keys():
        data['img number'] = 0

    filename = os.path.join(data['output dir'],
                            '%s_img%03d.png' % (data['base name'],
                                                data['img number'])
    data['img number'] = data['img number'] + 1

    # Get the dpi for rendering and store the original dpi of the figure
    dpi = data['dpi']
    fig_dpi = obj.figure.get_dpi()

    # Render the object and save as png file
    from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import RendererAgg
    cbox = obj.get_clip_box()
    width = int(round(cbox.extents[2]))
    height = int(round(cbox.extents[3]))
    ren = RendererAgg(width, height, dpi)

    # Generate a image from the render buffer
    image = Image.frombuffer('RGBA', ren.get_canvas_width_height(),
                             ren.buffer_rgba(), 'raw', 'RGBA', 0, 1)
    # Crop the image to the actual content (removing the the regions otherwise
    # used for axes, etc.)
    # 'image.crop' expects the crop box to specify the left, upper, right, and
    # lower pixel. 'cbox.extents' gives the left, lower, right, and upper
    # pixel.
    box = (int(round(cbox.extents[0])),
           int(round(cbox.extents[3] - cbox.extents[1])))
    cropped = image.crop(box)

    # Restore the original dpi of the figure

    # write the corresponding information to the TikZ file
    extent = obj.axes.get_xlim() + obj.axes.get_ylim()

    if data['rel data path']:
        rel_filepath = os.path.join(data['rel data path'],
        rel_filepath = os.path.basename(filename)

    # Explicitly use \pgfimage as includegrapics command, as the default
    # \includegraphics fails unexpectedly in some cases
    content.append('\\addplot graphics [includegraphics cmd=\pgfimage,'
                   'xmin=%.15g, xmax=%.15g, '
                   'ymin=%.15g, ymax=%.15g] {%s};\n'
                   % (extent + (rel_filepath,))

    return data, content