def new_figure_manager_given_figure(num, figure): """ Create a new figure manager instance for the given figure. """ _focus = windowing.FocusManager() window = Tk.Tk() window.withdraw() if Tk.TkVersion >= 8.5: # put a mpl icon on the window rather than the default tk icon. Tkinter # doesn't allow colour icons on linux systems, but tk >=8.5 has a iconphoto # command which we call directly. Source: # icon_fname = os.path.join(rcParams['datapath'], 'images', 'matplotlib.ppm') icon_img = Tk.PhotoImage(file=icon_fname) try:'wm', 'iconphoto', window._w, icon_img) except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt): # re-raise exit type Exceptions raise except: # log the failure, but carry on'Could not load matplotlib icon: %s' % sys.exc_info()[1]) canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(figure, master=window) figManager = FigureManagerTkAgg(canvas, num, window) if matplotlib.is_interactive(): canvas.draw_idle() return figManager
def configure_subplots(self): toolfig = Figure(figsize=(6,3)) window = Tk.Tk() canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(toolfig, master=window) toolfig.subplots_adjust(top=0.9) tool = SubplotTool(self.canvas.figure, toolfig) canvas.get_tk_widget().pack(side=Tk.TOP, fill=Tk.BOTH, expand=1)
def test(aggimage): import time r = Tk.Tk() c = Tk.Canvas(r, width=aggimage.width, height=aggimage.height) c.pack() p = Tk.PhotoImage(width=aggimage.width, height=aggimage.height) blit(p, aggimage) c.create_image(aggimage.width, aggimage.height, image=p) blit(p, aggimage) while 1: r.update_idletasks()
def init_window(self): if self.window: return toolfig = Figure(figsize=(6, 3)) self.window = Tk.Tk() canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(toolfig, master=self.window) toolfig.subplots_adjust(top=0.9) _tool = SubplotTool(self.figure, toolfig) canvas.get_tk_widget().pack(side=Tk.TOP, fill=Tk.BOTH, expand=1) self.window.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.destroy)