Example #1
def img_from_tex(tex, font_size=20):

    figure = matplotlib.figure.Figure(None, facecolor='white')
    #canvas = matplotlib.backends.backend_wxagg.FigureCanvasWxAgg(None, -1, figure)
    canvas = matplotlib.backends.backend_wxagg.FigureCanvasAgg(figure)

    font_size = font_size

    tex = "${0}$".format(tex)

    figure.text(0.05, 0.5, tex, size=font_size)

    filename = 'equ.png'

    figure.savefig(filename, dpi=600)

    img = Image.open(filename)

    imginv = ImageChops.invert(img.convert('L'))

    box = imginv.getbbox()
    img = img.crop(box)

    img = ImageOps.expand(img, border=10, fill=(255, 255, 255))


    return img
Example #2
def tex2img(tex, filename="equ.png", font_size=20):

    font_size = 20

    figure = matplotlib.figure.Figure(None, facecolor=(0, 0, 0, 0))
    canvas = matplotlib.backends.backend_agg.FigureCanvasAgg(figure)

    font_size = font_size

    tex = "${0}$".format(tex)

    figure.text(0.05, 0.5, tex, size=font_size)


    png = "equ.png"

    figure.savefig(png, transparent=True, dpi=300, format="png")

    img = Image.open(png)

    imginv = ImageChops.invert(img.convert('L'))

    box = imginv.getbbox()

    img = img.crop(box)

    img = ImageOps.expand(img, border=10, fill=(255, 255, 255, 0))

    img.save(png, format="png")

    return img
Example #3
                    size) + ' could NOT be read successfully!'

# =========================================================
#  Now actually analyze the results.
# =========================================================

# Loop over the experiments requested on the command line
    for experiment in options.experiments:
        print 'ISMIP-HOM', experiment.upper()

        #   Create the figure on which the plot axes will be placed
        figure = pyplot.figure(
            subplotpars=matplotlib.figure.SubplotParams(top=.85, bottom=.15))
                    'ISMIP-HOM Experiment ' + experiment.upper(),
        if options.subtitle:
                    'Normalized X coordinate',
Example #4
def _create_qual_histogram_helper(plot_info, extra_text=None):
    Create a machine qualification histogram of the given data.

    plot_info: a QualificationHistogram
    extra_text: text to show at the upper-left of the graph

    TODO(showard): move much or all of this into methods on
    cursor = readonly_connection.cursor()

    if not cursor.rowcount:
        raise NoDataError('query did not return any data')

    # Lists to store the plot data.
    # hist_data store tuples of (hostname, pass_rate) for machines that have
    #     pass rates between 0 and 100%, exclusive.
    # no_tests is a list of machines that have run none of the selected tests
    # no_pass is a list of machines with 0% pass rate
    # perfect is a list of machines with a 100% pass rate
    hist_data = []
    no_tests = []
    no_pass = []
    perfect = []

    # Construct the lists of data to plot
    for hostname, total, good in cursor.fetchall():
        if total == 0:

        if good == 0:
        elif good == total:
            percentage = 100.0 * good / total
            hist_data.append((hostname, percentage))

    interval = plot_info.interval
    bins = range(0, 100, interval)
    if bins[-1] != 100:
        bins.append(bins[-1] + interval)

    figure, height = _create_figure(_SINGLE_PLOT_HEIGHT)
    subplot = figure.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)

    # Plot the data and get all the bars plotted
    _, _, bars = subplot.hist([data[1] for data in hist_data],
    bars += subplot.bar([-interval],
    bars += subplot.bar([bins[-1]],
    bars += subplot.bar([-3 * interval],

    buckets = [(bin, min(bin + interval, 100)) for bin in bins[:-1]]
    # set the x-axis range to cover all the normal bins plus the three "special"
    # ones - N/A (3 intervals left), 0% (1 interval left) ,and 100% (far right)
    subplot.set_xlim(-4 * interval, bins[-1] + interval)
    subplot.set_xticks([-3 * interval, -interval] + bins + [100 + interval])
    subplot.set_xticklabels(['N/A', '0%'] +
                            ['%d%% - <%d%%' % bucket
                             for bucket in buckets] + ['100%'],

    # Find the coordinates on the image for each bar
    x = []
    y = []
    for bar in bars:
    f = subplot.plot(x, y, linestyle='None')[0]
    upper_left_coords = f.get_transform().transform(zip(x, y))
    bottom_right_coords = f.get_transform().transform([(x_val + interval, 0)
                                                       for x_val in x])

    # Set the title attributes
    titles = [
        '%d%% - <%d%%: %d machines' % (bucket[0], bucket[1], y_val)
        for bucket, y_val in zip(buckets, y)
    titles.append('0%%: %d machines' % len(no_pass))
    titles.append('100%%: %d machines' % len(perfect))
    titles.append('N/A: %d machines' % len(no_tests))

    # Get the hostnames for each bucket in the histogram
    names_list = [
        _get_hostnames_in_bucket(hist_data, bucket) for bucket in buckets
    names_list += [no_pass, perfect]

    if plot_info.filter_string:
        plot_info.filter_string += ' AND '

    # Construct the list of drilldown parameters to be passed when the user
    # clicks on the bar.
    params = []
    for names in names_list:
        if names:
            hostnames = ','.join(_quote(hostname) for hostname in names)
            hostname_filter = 'hostname IN (%s)' % hostnames
            full_filter = plot_info.filter_string + hostname_filter
            params.append({'type': 'normal', 'filterString': full_filter})
            params.append({'type': 'empty'})

    params.append({'type': 'not_applicable', 'hosts': '<br />'.join(no_tests)})

    area_data = [
             top=height - uly,
             bottom=height - bry,
        for (ulx, uly), (brx, bry), title, param_dict in zip(
            upper_left_coords, bottom_right_coords, titles, params)

    # TODO(showard): extract these magic numbers to named constants
    if extra_text:
        figure.text(.1, .95, extra_text, size='xx-small')

    return (figure, area_data)
Example #5
def _create_metrics_plot_helper(plot_info, extra_text=None):
    Create a metrics plot of the given plot data.
    plot_info: a MetricsPlot object.
    extra_text: text to show at the uppper-left of the graph

    TODO(showard): move some/all of this logic into methods on MetricsPlot
    query = plot_info.query_dict['__main__']
    cursor = readonly_connection.cursor()

    if not cursor.rowcount:
        raise NoDataError('query did not return any data')
    rows = cursor.fetchall()
    # "transpose" rows, so columns[0] is all the values from the first column,
    # etc.
    columns = zip(*rows)

    plots = []
    labels = [str(label) for label in columns[0]]
    needs_resort = (cursor.description[0][0] == 'kernel')

    # Collect all the data for the plot
    col = 1
    while col < len(cursor.description):
        y = columns[col]
        label = cursor.description[col][0]
        col += 1
        if (col < len(cursor.description)
                and 'errors-' + label == cursor.description[col][0]):
            errors = columns[col]
            col += 1
            errors = None
        if needs_resort:
            y = _resort(labels, y)
            if errors:
                errors = _resort(labels, errors)

        x = [index for index, value in enumerate(y) if value is not None]
        if not x:
            raise NoDataError('No data for series ' + label)
        y = [y[i] for i in x]
        if errors:
            errors = [errors[i] for i in x]
        plots.append({'label': label, 'x': x, 'y': y, 'errors': errors})

    if needs_resort:
        labels = _resort(labels, labels)

    # Normalize the data if necessary
    normalize_to = plot_info.normalize_to
    if normalize_to == 'first' or normalize_to.startswith('x__'):
        if normalize_to != 'first':
            baseline = normalize_to[3:]
                baseline_index = labels.index(baseline)
            except ValueError:
                raise ValidationError(
                    {'Normalize': 'Invalid baseline %s' % baseline})
        for plot in plots:
            if normalize_to == 'first':
                plot_index = 0
                    plot_index = plot['x'].index(baseline_index)
                # if the value is not found, then we cannot normalize
                except ValueError:
                    raise ValidationError({
                        'Normalize': ('%s does not have a value for %s' %
                                      (plot['label'], normalize_to[3:]))
            base_values = [plot['y'][plot_index]] * len(plot['y'])
            if plot['errors']:
                base_errors = [plot['errors'][plot_index]] * len(
            plot['y'], plot['errors'] = _normalize(plot['y'], plot['errors'],
                                                   base_values, None
                                                   or base_errors)

    elif normalize_to.startswith('series__'):
        base_series = normalize_to[8:]
        _normalize_to_series(plots, base_series)

    # Call the appropriate function to draw the line or bar plot
    if plot_info.is_line:
        figure, area_data = _create_line(plots, labels, plot_info)
        figure, area_data = _create_bar(plots, labels, plot_info)

    # TODO(showard): extract these magic numbers to named constants
    if extra_text:
        text_y = .95 - .0075 * len(plots)
        figure.text(.1, text_y, extra_text, size='xx-small')

    return (figure, area_data)
Example #6
def _create_qual_histogram_helper(plot_info, extra_text=None):
    Create a machine qualification histogram of the given data.

    plot_info: a QualificationHistogram
    extra_text: text to show at the upper-left of the graph

    TODO(showard): move much or all of this into methods on
    cursor = readonly_connection.connection().cursor()

    if not cursor.rowcount:
        raise NoDataError('query did not return any data')

    # Lists to store the plot data.
    # hist_data store tuples of (hostname, pass_rate) for machines that have
    #     pass rates between 0 and 100%, exclusive.
    # no_tests is a list of machines that have run none of the selected tests
    # no_pass is a list of machines with 0% pass rate
    # perfect is a list of machines with a 100% pass rate
    hist_data = []
    no_tests = []
    no_pass = []
    perfect = []

    # Construct the lists of data to plot
    for hostname, total, good in cursor.fetchall():
        if total == 0:

        if good == 0:
        elif good == total:
            percentage = 100.0 * good / total
            hist_data.append((hostname, percentage))

    interval = plot_info.interval
    bins = range(0, 100, interval)
    if bins[-1] != 100:
        bins.append(bins[-1] + interval)

    figure, height = _create_figure(_SINGLE_PLOT_HEIGHT)
    subplot = figure.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)

    # Plot the data and get all the bars plotted
    _, _, bars = subplot.hist([data[1] for data in hist_data],
                              bins=bins, align='left')
    bars += subplot.bar([-interval], len(no_pass),
                        width=interval, align='center')
    bars += subplot.bar([bins[-1]], len(perfect),
                        width=interval, align='center')
    bars += subplot.bar([-3 * interval], len(no_tests),
                        width=interval, align='center')

    buckets = [(bin, min(bin + interval, 100)) for bin in bins[:-1]]
    # set the x-axis range to cover all the normal bins plus the three "special"
    # ones - N/A (3 intervals left), 0% (1 interval left) ,and 100% (far right)
    subplot.set_xlim(-4 * interval, bins[-1] + interval)
    subplot.set_xticks([-3 * interval, -interval] + bins + [100 + interval])
    subplot.set_xticklabels(['N/A', '0%'] +
                            ['%d%% - <%d%%' % bucket for bucket in buckets] +
                            ['100%'], rotation=90, size='small')

    # Find the coordinates on the image for each bar
    x = []
    y = []
    for bar in bars:
    f = subplot.plot(x, y, linestyle='None')[0]
    upper_left_coords = f.get_transform().transform(zip(x, y))
    bottom_right_coords = f.get_transform().transform(
        [(x_val + interval, 0) for x_val in x])

    # Set the title attributes
    titles = ['%d%% - <%d%%: %d machines' % (bucket[0], bucket[1], y_val)
              for bucket, y_val in zip(buckets, y)]
    titles.append('0%%: %d machines' % len(no_pass))
    titles.append('100%%: %d machines' % len(perfect))
    titles.append('N/A: %d machines' % len(no_tests))

    # Get the hostnames for each bucket in the histogram
    names_list = [_get_hostnames_in_bucket(hist_data, bucket)
                  for bucket in buckets]
    names_list += [no_pass, perfect]

    if plot_info.filter_string:
        plot_info.filter_string += ' AND '

    # Construct the list of drilldown parameters to be passed when the user
    # clicks on the bar.
    params = []
    for names in names_list:
        if names:
            hostnames = ','.join(_quote(hostname) for hostname in names)
            hostname_filter = 'hostname IN (%s)' % hostnames
            full_filter = plot_info.filter_string + hostname_filter
            params.append({'type': 'normal',
                           'filterString': full_filter})
            params.append({'type': 'empty'})

    params.append({'type': 'not_applicable',
                   'hosts': '<br />'.join(no_tests)})

    area_data = [dict(left=ulx, top=height - uly,
                      right=brx, bottom=height - bry,
                      title=title, callback=plot_info.drilldown_callback,
                 for (ulx, uly), (brx, bry), title, param_dict
                 in zip(upper_left_coords, bottom_right_coords, titles, params)]

    # TODO(showard): extract these magic numbers to named constants
    if extra_text:
        figure.text(.1, .95, extra_text, size='xx-small')

    return (figure, area_data)
Example #7
def _create_metrics_plot_helper(plot_info, extra_text=None):
    Create a metrics plot of the given plot data.
    plot_info: a MetricsPlot object.
    extra_text: text to show at the uppper-left of the graph

    TODO(showard): move some/all of this logic into methods on MetricsPlot
    query = plot_info.query_dict['__main__']
    cursor = readonly_connection.connection().cursor()

    if not cursor.rowcount:
        raise NoDataError('query did not return any data')
    rows = cursor.fetchall()
    # "transpose" rows, so columns[0] is all the values from the first column,
    # etc.
    columns = zip(*rows)

    plots = []
    labels = [str(label) for label in columns[0]]
    needs_resort = (cursor.description[0][0] == 'kernel')

    # Collect all the data for the plot
    col = 1
    while col < len(cursor.description):
        y = columns[col]
        label = cursor.description[col][0]
        col += 1
        if (col < len(cursor.description) and
                'errors-' + label == cursor.description[col][0]):
            errors = columns[col]
            col += 1
            errors = None
        if needs_resort:
            y = _resort(labels, y)
            if errors:
                errors = _resort(labels, errors)

        x = [index for index, value in enumerate(y) if value is not None]
        if not x:
            raise NoDataError('No data for series ' + label)
        y = [y[i] for i in x]
        if errors:
            errors = [errors[i] for i in x]
            'label': label,
            'x': x,
            'y': y,
            'errors': errors

    if needs_resort:
        labels = _resort(labels, labels)

    # Normalize the data if necessary
    normalize_to = plot_info.normalize_to
    if normalize_to == 'first' or normalize_to.startswith('x__'):
        if normalize_to != 'first':
            baseline = normalize_to[3:]
                baseline_index = labels.index(baseline)
            except ValueError:
                raise ValidationError({
                    'Normalize': 'Invalid baseline %s' % baseline
        for plot in plots:
            if normalize_to == 'first':
                plot_index = 0
                    plot_index = plot['x'].index(baseline_index)
                # if the value is not found, then we cannot normalize
                except ValueError:
                    raise ValidationError({
                        'Normalize': ('%s does not have a value for %s'
                                      % (plot['label'], normalize_to[3:]))
            base_values = [plot['y'][plot_index]] * len(plot['y'])
            if plot['errors']:
                base_errors = [plot['errors'][plot_index]] * len(plot['errors'])
            plot['y'], plot['errors'] = _normalize(plot['y'], plot['errors'],
                                                   None or base_errors)

    elif normalize_to.startswith('series__'):
        base_series = normalize_to[8:]
        _normalize_to_series(plots, base_series)

    # Call the appropriate function to draw the line or bar plot
    if plot_info.is_line:
        figure, area_data = _create_line(plots, labels, plot_info)
        figure, area_data = _create_bar(plots, labels, plot_info)

    # TODO(showard): extract these magic numbers to named constants
    if extra_text:
        text_y = .95 - .0075 * len(plots)
        figure.text(.1, text_y, extra_text, size='xx-small')

    return (figure, area_data)
Example #8
              print 'Warning: The CISM output file for experiment '+experiment+' at size '+str(size)+' could NOT be read successfully!'

# =========================================================
#  Now actually analyze the results.
# =========================================================

# Loop over the experiments requested on the command line
  for experiment in options.experiments:
    print 'ISMIP-HOM', experiment.upper()

#   Create the figure on which the plot axes will be placed
    figure = pyplot.figure(subplotpars=matplotlib.figure.SubplotParams(top=.85,bottom=.15))
    figure.text(0.5,0.92,'ISMIP-HOM Experiment '+experiment.upper(),horizontalalignment='center',size='large')
    if options.subtitle:
    figure.text(0.5,0.1,'Normalized X coordinate',horizontalalignment='center',size='small')
    figure.text(0.06,0.5,'Ice Speed (m/a)',rotation='vertical',verticalalignment='center')
#   Create the (three column) legend
    prop = matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties(size='x-small')
    Line2D = matplotlib.lines.Line2D([],[],color=(0,0,0))
    figure.legend([Line2D],['Model Output'],loc=(0.1,0.05),prop=prop).draw_frame(False)
    Patch = matplotlib.patches.Patch(edgecolor=None,facecolor=(1,0,0),alpha=0.25)
    figure.legend([Line2D,Patch],['Full Stokes Mean','Full Stokes Std. Dev.'],loc=(0.3,0.02),prop=prop).draw_frame(False)
    figure.legend([Line2D,Patch],[nonFSmodelType+' Mean',nonFSmodelType+' Std. Dev.'],loc=(0.55,0.02),prop=prop).draw_frame(False)
Example #9
def main():
    Plot the ISMIP-HOM test results.

    if args.all_ps:
        nonFSmodelType = 'All Partial Stokes'
        nonFSmodelType = 'First Order'
    print 'NOTE: The category being used for models approximating Full Stokes is: ' + nonFSmodelType
    print 'For more information, see details of option -a by invoking:   python plotISMIP_HOM.py --help \n'

    # =========================================================
    #  First generate the standard ascii files defined by ISMIP-HOM
    #  (This used to be in the run script, but is more useful and natural here.)
    #  Note: It is not strictly necessary to generate these files
    #  just to plot the results, but this approach is left in
    #  to use existing code, and on the off-chance it is ever
    #  necessary to generate these standard ascii ISMIP-HOM files...
    # =========================================================

    pattern = get_file_pattern()

    experiments, sizes = get_experiments_and_sizes(pattern)

    if args.sizes and (set(args.sizes) <= set(map(int, sizes))):
        sizes = args.sizes
    elif args.sizes:
        print("ERROR: No output files found for that size!")
            "   Run `ls " + pattern.replace('-?', '-[a-e]') +
            "`\non the command line to see the set of output files. (Note, test f's size is ignored.)"

    # sort experiments and sizes

    # Loop over the experiments
    for experiment in experiments:

        # Loop over the sizes
        for size in map(int, sizes):
                # Extract the output data for comparison to the other models

                # NOTE: The script now assumes that uvel_extend and vvel_extend are ALWAYS present.
                # Those fields contain the ice velocity computed at the upper right corner of each grid cell.
                # They appear to be on the x1,y1 grid in their metadata but are actually on the x0,y0 grid.
                # The additional row/column include the first halo value past ewn/nsn.
                # That value is valid at both 0.0 and 1.0 on the non-dimensional coordinate system.
                # Matrix manipulations for each test case below are done to create a larger matrix that goes from 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive.
                # NOTE: The cases below are only writing [x,y,u,v] to the text file.  This is the minimum needed to compare to other models.
                # In the future, the other additional fields specified in section 4 of http://homepages.ulb.ac.be/~fpattyn/ismip/ismiphom.pdf
                # can be added.  wvel and the stresses are on the x1,y1 grid, so they would need to be interpolated to the x0,y0 grid
                # since we are using that as the coordinate system in the text files.

                # Open the netCDF file that was written by CISM

                # Standard filename format used by both scripts
                if experiment == 'f':
                    size = 100

                out_file = pattern.replace('-?', '-' + experiment).replace(
                netCDFfile = NetCDFFile(out_file, 'r')
                if netCDF_module == 'Scientific.IO.NetCDF':
                    velscale = netCDFfile.variables['uvel_extend'].scale_factor
                    velscale = 1.0

                if experiment in [
                    # Convert CISM output data to the rotated coord system used by the problem setup
                    alpha = -3.0 * pi / 180  # defined in run script
                    if netCDF_module == 'Scientific.IO.NetCDF':
                        thkscale = netCDFfile.variables['thk'].scale_factor
                        wvelscale = netCDFfile.variables[
                        thkscale = 1.0
                        wvelscale = 1.0

                    usurf = netCDFfile.variables['usurf'][
                        -1, :, :] * thkscale  # get last time level
                    usurfStag = (usurf[1:, 1:] + usurf[1:, :-1] +
                                 usurf[:-1, :-1] + usurf[:-1, :-1]) / 4.0
                    uvelS = netCDFfile.variables['uvel'][
                        -1, 0, :, :] * velscale  # top level of last time
                    vvelS = netCDFfile.variables['vvel'][
                        -1, 0, :, :] * velscale  # top level of last time
                    wvelS = netCDFfile.variables['wvel_ho'][
                        -1, 0, :, :] * wvelscale  # top level of last time
                    wvelStag = (wvelS[1:, 1:] + wvelS[1:, :-1] +
                                wvelS[:-1, :-1] + wvelS[:-1, :-1]) / 4.0
                    x0 = netCDFfile.variables['x0'][:]
                    y0 = netCDFfile.variables['y0'][:]
                    # calculate rotated xprime coordinates along the surface - xx, yy are used by code below to write the output
                    xx = x0 * cos(alpha) + (usurfStag[20, :] -
                                            7000.0) * sin(alpha)
                    xx = xx / 1000.0 - 50.0
                    yy = y0 / 1000.0 - 50.0
                    # calculate rotated uvel/vvel at surface
                    uvelSprime = uvelS[:, :] * cos(
                        alpha) + wvelStag[:, :] * sin(alpha)
                    wvelSprime = -uvelS[:, :] * sin(
                        alpha) + wvelStag[:, :] * cos(alpha)

                    nan = np.ones(
                    ) * -999.0  # create a dummy matrix for uncalculated values.

                    # ===========================================
                    # optional bit of code to plot out vertical velocity on the rotated grid.
                    # This can be compared to Fig. 14b in the tc-2007-0019-sp3.pdf document
                    figure = pyplot.figure(subplotpars=matplotlib.figure.
                                           SubplotParams(top=.85, bottom=.15))
                    axes = figure.add_subplot(111)
                    pc = axes.pcolor(wvelSprime)
                    cntr = axes.contour(wvelSprime, [
                        -0.5, -0.4, -0.3, -0.2, -0.1, 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4
                    pyplot.title('Compare to Fig. 14b of tc-2007-0019-sp3.pdf')
                    # ===========================================

                else:  # all other tests
                    # Make x,y position arrays that can be used by all test cases.
                    #   Want x/y positions to include the periodic edge at both the beginning and end
                    xx = netCDFfile.variables['x0'][:] / (1000.0 * float(size))
                    xx = np.concatenate(([0.0], xx, [1.0]))
                    yy = netCDFfile.variables['y0'][:] / (1000.0 * float(size))
                    yy = np.concatenate(([0.0], yy, [1.0]))
                    if experiment in ('b', 'd'):
                        yy = (
                            yy[len(yy) / 2],
                        )  # for the 2-d experiments, just use the middle y-index

                    # Figure out u,v since all experiments needs at least one of them (avoids duplicate code in each case below
                    #   Want to use last time level.  Most experiments should only have a single time level, but F may have many in the file.
                    #   Apparently some older versions of netCDF4 give an error when using the -1 dimension if the size is 1, hence this bit of seemingly unnecessary logic...
                    if netCDFfile.variables['uvel_extend'][:].shape[0] == 1:
                        t = 0
                        t = -1
                    us = netCDFfile.variables['uvel_extend'][
                        t, 0, :, :] * velscale  # top level of last time
                    us = np.concatenate(
                        (us[:, -1:], us),
                        axis=1)  # copy the column at x=1.0 to x=0.0
                    us = np.concatenate(
                        (us[-1:, :], us),
                        axis=0)  # copy the row at y=1.0 to y=0.0
                    vs = netCDFfile.variables['vvel_extend'][
                        t, 0, :, :] * velscale  # top level of last time
                    vs = np.concatenate(
                        (vs[:, -1:], vs),
                        axis=1)  # copy the column at x=1.0 to x=0.0
                    vs = np.concatenate(
                        (vs[-1:, :], vs),
                        axis=0)  # copy the row at y=1.0 to y=0.0
                    ub = netCDFfile.variables['uvel_extend'][
                        t, -1, :, :] * velscale  # bottom level of last time
                    ub = np.concatenate(
                        (ub[:, -1:], ub),
                        axis=1)  # copy the column at x=1.0 to x=0.0
                    ub = np.concatenate(
                        (ub[-1:, :], ub),
                        axis=0)  # copy the row at y=1.0 to y=0.0
                    vb = netCDFfile.variables['vvel_extend'][
                        t, -1, :, :] * velscale  # bottom level of last time
                    vb = np.concatenate(
                        (vb[:, -1:], vb),
                        axis=1)  # copy the column at x=1.0 to x=0.0
                    vb = np.concatenate(
                        (vb[-1:, :], vb),
                        axis=0)  # copy the row at y=1.0 to y=0.0
                    #nan = ub*np.NaN  # create a dummy matrix for uncalculated values.
                    nan = np.ones(
                    ) * -999.0  # create a dummy matrix for uncalculated values.

                # make arrays of the variables needed for each experiment
                # the extended-grid velocities have the periodic edge in the last x-position.  We also want it in the first x-position.
                # After building the 2-d array as needed for each variable from the raw file data, then build a list called 'data'.
                if experiment == 'a':
                    #  This is supposed to be: [('uvel',0),('vvel',0),('wvel',0),('tau_xz',-1),('tau_yz',-1),[deltap]]
                    data = (us, vs, nan, nan, nan, nan)
                elif experiment == 'b':
                    #  This is supposed to be: uvel(0), wvel(0), tau_xz(-1), deltaP
                    data = (us, nan, nan, nan)
                elif experiment == 'c':
                    #  This is supposed to be: [uvel',0),('vvel',0),('wvel',0),('uvel',-1),('vvel',-1),('tau_xz',-1),('tau_yz',-1), deltap]
                    data = (us, vs, nan, ub, vb, nan, nan, nan)
                elif experiment == 'd':
                    #  This is supposed to be:  [('uvel',0),('wvel',0),('uvel',-1),('tau_xz',-1), deltap]
                    data = (us, nan, nan, nan, nan)
                elif experiment == 'f':  # should be: x, y, zs, vx, vy, vz
                    #  This is supposed to be: [('usurf',None),('uvel',0),('vvel',0),('wvel',0)]
                    data = (nan, uvelSprime, vvelS, nan)

                # Write a "standard" ISMIP-HOM file (example file name: "cis1a020.txt") in the "output" subdirectory
                ISMIP_HOMfilename = out_file.replace('.out.nc', '.txt')
                ISMIP_HOMfile = open(ISMIP_HOMfilename, 'w')
                for i, x in enumerate(xx):
                    for j, y in enumerate(yy):
                        if experiment in ('a', 'c',
                                          'f'):  # include x and y positions
                                map(str, [x, y] + [v[j, i]
                                                   for (v) in data])) + '\n')
                        else:  # only include x position
                                map(str, [x] + [v[j, i]
                                                for (v) in data])) + '\n')
                print 'Warning: The CISM output file for experiment ' + experiment + ' at size ' + str(
                    size) + ' could NOT be read successfully!'

    # =========================================================
    #  Now actually analyze the results.
    # =========================================================

    # Loop over the experiments requested on the command line
    for experiment in experiments:
        print 'ISMIP-HOM', experiment.upper()

        # Create the figure on which the plot axes will be placed
        figure = pyplot.figure(
            subplotpars=matplotlib.figure.SubplotParams(top=.85, bottom=.15))
                    'ISMIP-HOM Experiment ' + experiment.upper(),
        if args.subtitle:
                    'Normalized X coordinate',
                    'Ice Speed (m/a)',
        # Create the (three column) legend
        prop = matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties(size='x-small')
        Line2D = matplotlib.lines.Line2D([], [], color=(0, 0, 0))
        figure.legend([Line2D], ['Model Output'], loc=(0.1, 0.05),
        Line2D.set_color((1, 0, 0))
        Patch = matplotlib.patches.Patch(edgecolor=None,
                                         facecolor=(1, 0, 0),
        figure.legend([Line2D, Patch],
                      ['Full Stokes Mean', 'Full Stokes Std. Dev.'],
                      loc=(0.3, 0.02),
        Line2D.set_color((0, 0, 1))
        Patch.set_facecolor((0, 0, 1))
            [Line2D, Patch],
            [nonFSmodelType + ' Mean', nonFSmodelType + ' Std. Dev.'],
            loc=(0.55, 0.02),

        # Loop over the sizes requested on the command line
        for i, size in enumerate(map(int, sizes)):
                if experiment == 'f':
                    if size != 100 or len(sizes) > 1:
                        print 'NOTE: Experiment f uses a domain size of 100 km only'
                    size = 100

                out_file = pattern.replace('-?', '-' + experiment).replace(

                # Create the plot axes for this domain size
                if len(sizes) == 1:
                    axes = figure.add_subplot(111)
                    axes = figure.add_subplot(2, 3, i + 1)
                    for tick in axes.xaxis.get_major_ticks():
                    for tick in axes.yaxis.get_major_ticks():
                axes.set_title('%d km' % size, size='medium')

                # Get the Glimmer output data
                glimmerData = read(out_file.replace('.out.nc', '.txt'),
                # The Glimmer data is on a staggered grid;
                # Interpolate to obtain the value at x=0 and x=1
                # using periodic boundary conditions
                #v = (glimmerData[0][1] + glimmerData[-1][1])/2
                #glimmerData = [(0.0,v)]+glimmerData+[(1.0,v)]

                # Plot the Glimmer data
                axes.plot([row[0] for row in glimmerData],
                          [row[1] for row in glimmerData],

                # Get the data from other models for comparison
                firstOrder = 0
                fullStokes = 1
                count = [0, 0]
                sumV = [[0.0 for v in glimmerData], [0.0 for v in glimmerData]]
                sumV2 = [[0.0 for v in glimmerData],
                         [0.0 for v in glimmerData]]
                for (path, directories, filenames) in os.walk('ismip_all'):
                    for filename in filenames:
                        modelName = filename[0:4]
                        modelExperiment = filename[4]
                        modelSize = filename[5:8]
                        #print 'name, exp, size', modelName, modelExperiment, modelSize
                        if modelName == 'aas1':
                            # Skip the 'aas1' model because its output files in the tc-2007-0019-sp2.zip file do not follow the proper naming convention.  MJH 11/5/13
                        if (modelExperiment != experiment) or (modelExperiment != 'f' and int(modelSize) != size) \
                        or (not args.all_ps and not modelName in lmlaModels + fullStokesModels):
                            continue  # continue next loop iteration if not the size or not the experiment desired or if we just want FO comparison and this model is not FO or FS.
                        elif (modelExperiment == 'f'):
                            if (modelSize == '001'):
                                continue  # ignore the sliding version for now
                            if modelName == 'cma1':
                                continue  # the cma1 'f' experiments made the x,y coords dimensionless instead of dimensional - ignore for convenience
                        print 'Using data from file:', os.path.join(
                            path, filename)
                        data = read(os.path.join(path, filename), experiment)
                        if modelName in fullStokesModels:
                            index = fullStokes
                            index = firstOrder
                        count[index] += 1

                        #axes.plot([row[0] for row in data], [row[1] for row in data] )   ## OPTIONAL: print out every individual model in its native x-coordinates.

                        # Interpolate onto the x values from the Glimmer model run
                        for (i, target) in enumerate(
                            [row[0] for row in glimmerData]):
                            below = -99999.0
                            above = 99999.0
                            for (j, x) in enumerate([row[0] for row in data]):
                                if below < x <= target: b, below = j, x
                                if target <= x < above: a, above = j, x
                            if above == below:
                                v = data[a][1]
                                if below == -99999.0:  # Use the periodic boundary condition at x = 0
                                    xBelow = data[-1][0] - 1
                                    vBelow = data[-1][1]
                                    xBelow, vBelow = data[b]

                                if above == 99999.0:  # Use the periodic boundary condition at x = 1
                                    xAbove = data[0][0] + 1
                                    vAbove = data[0][1]
                                    xAbove, vAbove = data[a]

                                if xAbove == xBelow:
                                    print 'Surprise!', above, below, xAbove, xBelow, vAbove, vBelow
                                    v = (vAbove + vBelow) / 2
                                    alpha = (target - xBelow) / (xAbove -
                                    v = alpha * vAbove + (1 - alpha) * vBelow
                            sumV[index][i] += v
                            sumV2[index][i] += v * v

                # Calculate statistics of the other model results
                if sum(count) == 0:
                    print 'To compare with other models you need to download the ISMIP-HOM results from: http://www.the-cryosphere.net/2/95/2008/tc-2-95-2008-supplement.zip and unzip the contained file tc-2007-0019-sp2.zip into a directory named ismip_all.  The ismip_all directory must be in the directory from which you are running this script.'
                    # Find the mean and standard deviation of the velocities at each x
                    for index in (firstOrder, fullStokes):
                        if count[index] == 0:
                        mean = list()
                        standardDeviation = list()
                        for i in range(len(glimmerData)):
                            mean.append(sumV[index][i] / count[index])
                                sqrt(sumV2[index][i] / count[index] -

                        # Plot the mean using a dotted line
                        color = (
                            index, 0, 1 - index
                        )  # blue for first order (index=0); red for full Stokes (index=1)
                        x = [row[0] for row in glimmerData]
                        axes.plot(x, mean, ':', color=color)

                        # Plot a filled polygon showing the mean plus and minus one standard deviation
                        meanMinusSD = [
                            m - sd for (m, sd) in zip(mean, standardDeviation)
                        meanPlusSD = [
                            m + sd for (m, sd) in zip(mean, standardDeviation)
                        x = x + list(reversed(x))
                        y = meanPlusSD + list(reversed(meanMinusSD))

                        if index == firstOrder:
                            # Calculate some statistics comparing the Glimmer data with the other models
                            pcterror = [
                                100.0 * abs(glimmer - others) / others
                                for (glimmer, others
                                     ) in zip([row[1]
                                               for row in glimmerData], mean)
                            abserror = [
                                abs(glimmer - others)
                                for (glimmer, others
                                     ) in zip([row[1]
                                               for row in glimmerData], mean)
                            maximum = max(pcterror)
                            position = glimmerData[pcterror.index(maximum)][0]
                            total = sum([e for e in pcterror])
                            compare = sum([
                                (s / m)
                                for (s, m) in zip(standardDeviation, mean)
                            n = len(glimmerData)
                            #print '\t'.join([str(size)+' km',str(total/n),str(compare/n),str(position)])
                            print 'Size=' + str(size) + ' km'
                            print '  Mean percent error along flowline of CISM relative to mean of first-order models=' + str(
                                total / float(n)) + '%'
                            print '  Mean COD (stdev/mean) along flowline of mean of first-order models (excluding CISM)=' + str(
                                compare / float(n) * 100.0) + '%'
                            print '  Max. CISM percent error=' + str(
                                maximum) + '% at x-position ' + str(position)
                            print '  Max. CISM absolute error=' + str(
                                max(abserror)) + ' m/yr at x-position ' + str(

                print "Error in analyzing/plotting experiment ", experiment, " at size ", size, " km"

        if savePlotInFile:
            plot_file = pattern.replace('-?', '-' + experiment).replace(
                '.????', '').replace('.out.nc', plotType)
            print 'Writing:', plot_file

        # Experiment f can also have a surface profile plotted
        if experiment == 'f':
            # rather than getting the data from the text file, we are going to read it directly.
            # this is because the velocities and usrf are on different grids, so it is difficult to include them
            # both in the standard ISMIP-HOM text file format that has a single x,y coord. system
            size = 100
            out_file = pattern.replace('-?', '-' + experiment).replace(
            netCDFfile = NetCDFFile(out_file, 'r')
            if netCDF_module == 'Scientific.IO.NetCDF':
                thkscale = netCDFfile.variables['thk'].scale_factor
                thkscale = 1.0
            usurf = netCDFfile.variables['usurf'][
                -1, :, :] * thkscale  # get last time level
            x1 = netCDFfile.variables['x1'][:]
            y1 = netCDFfile.variables['y1'][:]

            #  Create the usurf figure
            ufigure = pyplot.figure(
                         'ISMIP-HOM Experiment F: Surface elevation',
            if args.subtitle:
                         'X coordinate',
                         'upper surface (m)',
            # Create the (three column) legend
            prop = matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties(size='x-small')
            Line2D = matplotlib.lines.Line2D([], [], color=(0, 0, 0))
            ufigure.legend([Line2D], ['Model Output'],
                           loc=(0.1, 0.05),
            Line2D.set_color((1, 0, 0))
            Patch = matplotlib.patches.Patch(edgecolor=None,
                                             facecolor=(1, 0, 0),
            ufigure.legend([Line2D, Patch],
                           ['Full Stokes Mean', 'Full Stokes Std. Dev.'],
                           loc=(0.3, 0.02),
            Line2D.set_color((0, 0, 1))
            Patch.set_facecolor((0, 0, 1))
                [Line2D, Patch],
                [nonFSmodelType + ' Mean', nonFSmodelType + ' Std. Dev.'],
                loc=(0.55, 0.02),
            # Create the plot axes
            axes2 = ufigure.add_subplot(111)
            axes2.set_title('%d km' % size, size='medium')

            # Convert CISM output data to the rotated coord system used by the problem setup
            alpha = -3.0 * pi / 180  # defined in run script
            # use integer floor division operator to get an index close to the center  TODO should be interpolating if needed...
            yp = len(y1) // 2
            # calculate rotated xprime, zprime coordinates along the surface (this is the coord. sys. used for this test case)
            xprime = x1 * cos(alpha) + (usurf[yp, :] - 7000.0) * sin(alpha)
            xprime = xprime / 1000.0 - 50.0
            zprime = -x1 * sin(alpha) + (usurf[yp, :] - 7000.0) * cos(alpha)
            # Plot CISM output
            axes2.plot(xprime, zprime, color='black')

            # create glimmerData so we can re-use the code from above
            glimmerData = list()
            for i in range(len(xprime)):
                glimmerData.append(tuple([xprime[i], zprime[i]]))

            # Now plot the other models - yucky code copied from above
            # Get the data from other models for comparison
            firstOrder = 0
            fullStokes = 1
            count = [0, 0]
            sumV = [[0.0 for v in glimmerData], [0.0 for v in glimmerData]]
            sumV2 = [[0.0 for v in glimmerData], [0.0 for v in glimmerData]]
            for (path, directories, filenames) in os.walk('ismip_all'):
                for filename in filenames:
                    modelName = filename[0:4]
                    modelExperiment = filename[4]
                    modelSize = filename[5:8]
                    #print 'name, exp, size', modelName, modelExperiment, modelSize
                    if modelName == 'aas1':
                        # Skip the 'aas1' model because its output files in the tc-2007-0019-sp2.zip file do not follow the proper naming convention.  MJH 11/5/13
                    if (modelExperiment != experiment) or (modelExperiment != 'f' and int(modelSize) != size) \
                    or (not args.all_ps and not modelName in lmlaModels + fullStokesModels):
                        continue  # continue next loop iteration if not the size or not the experiment desired or if we just want FO comparison and this model is not FO or FS.
                    elif (modelExperiment == 'f'):
                        if (modelSize == '001'):
                            continue  # ignore the sliding version for now
                        if modelName == 'cma1':
                            continue  # the cma1 'f' experiments made the x,y coords dimensionless instead of dimensional - ignore for convenience
                    print 'Using data from file:', os.path.join(path, filename)
                    data = read(os.path.join(path, filename),
                    if modelName in fullStokesModels:
                        index = fullStokes
                        index = firstOrder
                    count[index] += 1

                    #axes2.plot([row[0] for row in data], [row[1] for row in data] )   ## OPTIONAL: print out every individual model in its native x-coordinates.

                    # Interpolate onto the x values from the Glimmer model run
                    for (i,
                         target) in enumerate([row[0] for row in glimmerData]):
                        below = -99999.0
                        above = 99999.0
                        for (j, x) in enumerate([row[0] for row in data]):
                            if below < x <= target: b, below = j, x
                            if target <= x < above: a, above = j, x
                        if above == below:
                            v = data[a][1]
                            if below == -99999.0:  # Use the periodic boundary condition at x = 0
                                xBelow = data[-1][0] - 1
                                vBelow = data[-1][1]
                                xBelow, vBelow = data[b]
                            if above == 99999.0:  # Use the periodic boundary condition at x = 1
                                xAbove = data[0][0] + 1
                                vAbove = data[0][1]
                                xAbove, vAbove = data[a]
                            if xAbove == xBelow:
                                print 'Surprise!', above, below, xAbove, xBelow, vAbove, vBelow
                                v = (vAbove + vBelow) / 2
                                alpha = (target - xBelow) / (xAbove - xBelow)
                                v = alpha * vAbove + (1 - alpha) * vBelow
                        sumV[index][i] += v
                        sumV2[index][i] += v * v

                    # Calculate statistics of the other model results
                    if sum(count) == 0:
                        print 'To compare with other models you need to download the ISMIP-HOM results from: http://www.the-cryosphere.net/2/95/2008/tc-2-95-2008-supplement.zip and unzip the contained file tc-2007-0019-sp2.zip into a directory named ismip_all.  The ismip_all directory must be in the directory from which you are running this script.'
                        # Find the mean and standard deviation of the velocities at each x
                        for index in (firstOrder, fullStokes):
                            if count[index] == 0:
                            mean = list()
                            standardDeviation = list()
                            for i in range(len(glimmerData)):
                                mean.append(sumV[index][i] / count[index])
                                    sqrt(sumV2[index][i] / count[index] -

                            # Plot the mean using a dotted line
                            color = (
                                index, 0, 1 - index
                            )  # blue for first order (index=0); red for full Stokes (index=1)
                            x = [row[0] for row in glimmerData]
                            axes2.plot(x, mean, ':', color=color)

                            # Plot a filled polygon showing the mean plus and minus one standard deviation
                            meanMinusSD = [
                                m - sd
                                for (m, sd) in zip(mean, standardDeviation)
                            meanPlusSD = [
                                m + sd
                                for (m, sd) in zip(mean, standardDeviation)
                            x = x + list(reversed(x))
                            y = meanPlusSD + list(reversed(meanMinusSD))

            if savePlotInFile:
                plot_file = pattern.replace(
                    '-?', '-' + experiment + '-SurfaceElevation').replace(
                        '.????', '').replace('.out.nc', plotType)
                print 'Writing:', plot_file

        # Experiment f should be run for one size (100 km) only
        if experiment == 'f':

    if not savePlotInFile:
Example #10
def main():
    Plot the ISMIP-HOM test results.
    if args.all_ps:
         nonFSmodelType='All Partial Stokes'
         nonFSmodelType='First Order'
    print 'NOTE: The category being used for models approximating Full Stokes is: '+nonFSmodelType
    print 'For more information, see details of option -a by invoking:   python plotISMIP_HOM.py --help \n'

    # =========================================================
    #  First generate the standard ascii files defined by ISMIP-HOM
    #  (This used to be in the run script, but is more useful and natural here.)
    #  Note: It is not strictly necessary to generate these files
    #  just to plot the results, but this approach is left in 
    #  to use existing code, and on the off-chance it is ever
    #  necessary to generate these standard ascii ISMIP-HOM files...
    # =========================================================

    pattern = get_file_pattern() 

    experiments, sizes = get_experiments_and_sizes(pattern)

    if args.sizes and (set(args.sizes) <= set(map(int,sizes))):
        sizes = args.sizes
    elif args.sizes:
        print("ERROR: No output files found for that size!")
        print("   Run `ls "+pattern.replace('-?','-[a-e]')+"`\non the command line to see the set of output files. (Note, test f's size is ignored.)")

    # sort experiments and sizes

    # Loop over the experiments
    for experiment in experiments:

        # Loop over the sizes
        for size in map(int,sizes):
                # Extract the output data for comparison to the other models

                # NOTE: The script now assumes that uvel_extend and vvel_extend are ALWAYS present.
                # Those fields contain the ice velocity computed at the upper right corner of each grid cell.
                # They appear to be on the x1,y1 grid in their metadata but are actually on the x0,y0 grid.
                # The additional row/column include the first halo value past ewn/nsn.
                # That value is valid at both 0.0 and 1.0 on the non-dimensional coordinate system.
                # Matrix manipulations for each test case below are done to create a larger matrix that goes from 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive.
                # NOTE: The cases below are only writing [x,y,u,v] to the text file.  This is the minimum needed to compare to other models.
                # In the future, the other additional fields specified in section 4 of http://homepages.ulb.ac.be/~fpattyn/ismip/ismiphom.pdf
                # can be added.  wvel and the stresses are on the x1,y1 grid, so they would need to be interpolated to the x0,y0 grid
                # since we are using that as the coordinate system in the text files.

                # Open the netCDF file that was written by CISM

                # Standard filename format used by both scripts
                if experiment == 'f': 
                    size = 100
                out_file = pattern.replace('-?','-'+experiment).replace('????',str(size).zfill(4))
                netCDFfile = NetCDFFile(out_file,'r')
                if netCDF_module == 'Scientific.IO.NetCDF':
                    velscale = netCDFfile.variables['uvel_extend'].scale_factor
                    velscale = 1.0

                if experiment in ['f',]:
                    # Convert CISM output data to the rotated coord system used by the problem setup
                    alpha = -3.0 * pi/180  # defined in run script
                    if netCDF_module == 'Scientific.IO.NetCDF':
                        thkscale = netCDFfile.variables['thk'].scale_factor
                        wvelscale = netCDFfile.variables['wvel_ho'].scale_factor
                        thkscale = 1.0
                        wvelscale = 1.0
                    usurf = netCDFfile.variables['usurf'][-1,:,:] * thkscale  # get last time level
                    usurfStag = (usurf[1:,1:] + usurf[1:,:-1] + usurf[:-1,:-1] + usurf[:-1, :-1]) / 4.0
                    uvelS = netCDFfile.variables['uvel'][-1,0,:,:] * velscale  # top level of last time
                    vvelS = netCDFfile.variables['vvel'][-1,0,:,:] * velscale  # top level of last time
                    wvelS = netCDFfile.variables['wvel_ho'][-1,0,:,:] * wvelscale  # top level of last time
                    wvelStag = (wvelS[1:,1:] + wvelS[1:,:-1] + wvelS[:-1,:-1] + wvelS[:-1, :-1]) / 4.0
                    x0 = netCDFfile.variables['x0'][:]
                    y0 = netCDFfile.variables['y0'][:]
                    # calculate rotated xprime coordinates along the surface - xx, yy are used by code below to write the output
                    xx = x0 * cos(alpha) + (usurfStag[20,:]-7000.0) * sin(alpha)
                    xx = xx/1000.0 - 50.0
                    yy = y0/1000.0 - 50.0
                    # calculate rotated uvel/vvel at surface
                    uvelSprime =  uvelS[:,:] * cos(alpha) + wvelStag[:,:] * sin(alpha)
                    wvelSprime = -uvelS[:,:] * sin(alpha) + wvelStag[:,:] * cos(alpha)

                    nan = np.ones(uvelSprime.shape)*-999.0  # create a dummy matrix for uncalculated values.

                    # ===========================================
                    # optional bit of code to plot out vertical velocity on the rotated grid.
                    # This can be compared to Fig. 14b in the tc-2007-0019-sp3.pdf document
                    figure = pyplot.figure(subplotpars=matplotlib.figure.SubplotParams(top=.85,bottom=.15))
                    axes = figure.add_subplot(111)
                    pc = axes.pcolor(wvelSprime)
                    cntr=axes.contour(wvelSprime, [-0.5, -0.4, -0.3, -0.2, -0.1, 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4],colors='k')
                    pyplot.title('Compare to Fig. 14b of tc-2007-0019-sp3.pdf')
                    # ===========================================

                else:  # all other tests
                    # Make x,y position arrays that can be used by all test cases.
                    #   Want x/y positions to include the periodic edge at both the beginning and end
                    xx = netCDFfile.variables['x0'][:]/(1000.0*float(size))
                    xx = np.concatenate(([0.0],xx,[1.0]))
                    yy = netCDFfile.variables['y0'][:]/(1000.0*float(size))
                    yy = np.concatenate(([0.0],yy,[1.0]))
                    if experiment in ('b','d'):
                        yy = (yy[len(yy)/2],)  # for the 2-d experiments, just use the middle y-index

                    # Figure out u,v since all experiments needs at least one of them (avoids duplicate code in each case below
                    #   Want to use last time level.  Most experiments should only have a single time level, but F may have many in the file.
                    #   Apparently some older versions of netCDF4 give an error when using the -1 dimension if the size is 1, hence this bit of seemingly unnecessary logic...
                    if netCDFfile.variables['uvel_extend'][:].shape[0] == 1:
                        t = 0
                        t = -1
                    us = netCDFfile.variables['uvel_extend'][t,0,:,:] * velscale  # top level of last time
                    us = np.concatenate( (us[:,-1:], us), axis=1)  # copy the column at x=1.0 to x=0.0
                    us = np.concatenate( (us[-1:,:], us), axis=0)  # copy the row at y=1.0 to y=0.0
                    vs = netCDFfile.variables['vvel_extend'][t,0,:,:] * velscale  # top level of last time
                    vs = np.concatenate( (vs[:,-1:], vs), axis=1)  # copy the column at x=1.0 to x=0.0
                    vs = np.concatenate( (vs[-1:,:], vs), axis=0)  # copy the row at y=1.0 to y=0.0
                    ub = netCDFfile.variables['uvel_extend'][t,-1,:,:] * velscale  # bottom level of last time
                    ub = np.concatenate( (ub[:,-1:], ub), axis=1)  # copy the column at x=1.0 to x=0.0
                    ub = np.concatenate( (ub[-1:,:], ub), axis=0)  # copy the row at y=1.0 to y=0.0
                    vb = netCDFfile.variables['vvel_extend'][t,-1,:,:] * velscale  # bottom level of last time
                    vb = np.concatenate( (vb[:,-1:], vb), axis=1)  # copy the column at x=1.0 to x=0.0
                    vb = np.concatenate( (vb[-1:,:], vb), axis=0)  # copy the row at y=1.0 to y=0.0
                    #nan = ub*np.NaN  # create a dummy matrix for uncalculated values.
                    nan = np.ones(ub.shape)*-999.0  # create a dummy matrix for uncalculated values.

                # make arrays of the variables needed for each experiment
                # the extended-grid velocities have the periodic edge in the last x-position.  We also want it in the first x-position.
                # After building the 2-d array as needed for each variable from the raw file data, then build a list called 'data'.
                if experiment == 'a':
                    #  This is supposed to be: [('uvel',0),('vvel',0),('wvel',0),('tau_xz',-1),('tau_yz',-1),[deltap]]
                    data = (us, vs, nan, nan, nan, nan)
                elif experiment == 'b':
                    #  This is supposed to be: uvel(0), wvel(0), tau_xz(-1), deltaP
                    data = (us, nan, nan, nan)
                elif experiment == 'c':
                    #  This is supposed to be: [uvel',0),('vvel',0),('wvel',0),('uvel',-1),('vvel',-1),('tau_xz',-1),('tau_yz',-1), deltap]
                    data = (us, vs, nan, ub, vb, nan, nan, nan)
                elif experiment == 'd':
                    #  This is supposed to be:  [('uvel',0),('wvel',0),('uvel',-1),('tau_xz',-1), deltap]
                    data = (us, nan, nan, nan, nan)
                elif experiment == 'f':  # should be: x, y, zs, vx, vy, vz
                    #  This is supposed to be: [('usurf',None),('uvel',0),('vvel',0),('wvel',0)]
                    data = (nan, uvelSprime, vvelS, nan)

                # Write a "standard" ISMIP-HOM file (example file name: "cis1a020.txt") in the "output" subdirectory 
                ISMIP_HOMfilename = out_file.replace('.out.nc','.txt')
                ISMIP_HOMfile = open(ISMIP_HOMfilename,'w')
                for i, x in enumerate(xx):
                    for j, y in enumerate(yy):
                        if experiment in ('a','c','f'):  # include x and y positions
                            ISMIP_HOMfile.write('\t'.join(map(str,[x,y]+[v[j,i] for (v) in data]))+'\n')
                        else:  # only include x position
                            ISMIP_HOMfile.write('\t'.join(map(str,[x]+[v[j,i] for (v) in data]))+'\n')
                print 'Warning: The CISM output file for experiment '+experiment+' at size '+str(size)+' could NOT be read successfully!'

    # =========================================================
    #  Now actually analyze the results.
    # =========================================================
    # Loop over the experiments requested on the command line
    for experiment in experiments:
        print 'ISMIP-HOM', experiment.upper()

        # Create the figure on which the plot axes will be placed
        figure = pyplot.figure(subplotpars=matplotlib.figure.SubplotParams(top=.85,bottom=.15))
        figure.text(0.5,0.92,'ISMIP-HOM Experiment '+experiment.upper(),horizontalalignment='center',size='large')
        if args.subtitle:
        figure.text(0.5,0.1,'Normalized X coordinate',horizontalalignment='center',size='small')
        figure.text(0.06,0.5,'Ice Speed (m/a)',rotation='vertical',verticalalignment='center')
        # Create the (three column) legend
        prop = matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties(size='x-small')
        Line2D = matplotlib.lines.Line2D([],[],color=(0,0,0))
        figure.legend([Line2D],['Model Output'],loc=(0.1,0.05),prop=prop).draw_frame(False)
        Patch = matplotlib.patches.Patch(edgecolor=None,facecolor=(1,0,0),alpha=0.25)
        figure.legend([Line2D,Patch],['Full Stokes Mean','Full Stokes Std. Dev.'],loc=(0.3,0.02),prop=prop).draw_frame(False)
        figure.legend([Line2D,Patch],[nonFSmodelType+' Mean',nonFSmodelType+' Std. Dev.'],loc=(0.55,0.02),prop=prop).draw_frame(False)

        # Loop over the sizes requested on the command line
        for i, size in enumerate(map(int,sizes)):
                if experiment == 'f': 
                    if size != 100 or len(sizes) > 1:
                        print 'NOTE: Experiment f uses a domain size of 100 km only'
                    size = 100
                out_file = pattern.replace('-?','-'+experiment).replace('????',str(size).zfill(4))

                # Create the plot axes for this domain size
                if len(sizes) == 1:
                    axes = figure.add_subplot(111)
                    axes = figure.add_subplot(2,3,i+1)
                    for tick in axes.xaxis.get_major_ticks():
                    for tick in axes.yaxis.get_major_ticks():
                axes.set_title('%d km' % size, size='medium')

                # Get the Glimmer output data
                glimmerData = read(out_file.replace('.out.nc','.txt'),experiment)
                # The Glimmer data is on a staggered grid;
                # Interpolate to obtain the value at x=0 and x=1
                # using periodic boundary conditions
                #v = (glimmerData[0][1] + glimmerData[-1][1])/2
                #glimmerData = [(0.0,v)]+glimmerData+[(1.0,v)]

                # Plot the Glimmer data
                axes.plot([row[0] for row in glimmerData],
                          [row[1] for row in glimmerData],color='black')

                # Get the data from other models for comparison
                firstOrder = 0
                fullStokes = 1
                count = [0,0]
                sumV  = [[0.0 for v in glimmerData],[0.0 for v in glimmerData]]
                sumV2 = [[0.0 for v in glimmerData],[0.0 for v in glimmerData]]
                for (path,directories,filenames) in os.walk('ismip_all'):
                    for filename in filenames:
                        modelName = filename[0:4]
                        modelExperiment = filename[4]
                        modelSize = filename[5:8]
                        #print 'name, exp, size', modelName, modelExperiment, modelSize
                        if modelName == 'aas1':
                            # Skip the 'aas1' model because its output files in the tc-2007-0019-sp2.zip file do not follow the proper naming convention.  MJH 11/5/13
                        if (modelExperiment != experiment) or (modelExperiment != 'f' and int(modelSize) != size) \
                        or (not args.all_ps and not modelName in lmlaModels + fullStokesModels):
                            continue # continue next loop iteration if not the size or not the experiment desired or if we just want FO comparison and this model is not FO or FS.
                        elif (modelExperiment == 'f'):
                            if (modelSize == '001'):
                                  continue # ignore the sliding version for now
                            if modelName == 'cma1':
                                  continue  # the cma1 'f' experiments made the x,y coords dimensionless instead of dimensional - ignore for convenience
                        print 'Using data from file:',os.path.join(path,filename)
                        data = read(os.path.join(path,filename),experiment)
                        if modelName in fullStokesModels:
                            index = fullStokes
                            index = firstOrder
                        count[index] += 1

                        #axes.plot([row[0] for row in data], [row[1] for row in data] )   ## OPTIONAL: print out every individual model in its native x-coordinates.

                        # Interpolate onto the x values from the Glimmer model run
                        for (i,target) in enumerate([row[0] for row in glimmerData]):
                            below = -99999.0
                            above =  99999.0
                            for (j,x) in enumerate([row[0] for row in data]):
                                if  below <  x <= target: b,below = j,x
                                if target <= x <  above:  a,above = j,x
                            if above == below:
                                v = data[a][1]
                                if below == -99999.0: # Use the periodic boundary condition at x = 0
                                    xBelow = data[-1][0] - 1
                                    vBelow = data[-1][1]
                                    xBelow,vBelow = data[b]
                                if above ==  99999.0: # Use the periodic boundary condition at x = 1
                                    xAbove = data[0][0] + 1
                                    vAbove = data[0][1]
                                    xAbove,vAbove = data[a]
                                if xAbove == xBelow:
                                    print 'Surprise!',above,below,xAbove,xBelow,vAbove,vBelow
                                    v = (vAbove+vBelow)/2
                                    alpha = (target-xBelow)/(xAbove-xBelow)
                                    v = alpha*vAbove + (1-alpha)*vBelow
                            sumV [index][i] += v
                            sumV2[index][i] += v*v

                # Calculate statistics of the other model results
                if sum(count) == 0:
                    print 'To compare with other models you need to download the ISMIP-HOM results from: http://www.the-cryosphere.net/2/95/2008/tc-2-95-2008-supplement.zip and unzip the contained file tc-2007-0019-sp2.zip into a directory named ismip_all.  The ismip_all directory must be in the directory from which you are running this script.'
                    # Find the mean and standard deviation of the velocities at each x
                    for index in (firstOrder,fullStokes):
                        if count[index] == 0:
                        mean = list()
                        standardDeviation = list()
                        for i in range(len(glimmerData)):

                        # Plot the mean using a dotted line
                        color = (index,0,1-index) # blue for first order (index=0); red for full Stokes (index=1)
                        x = [row[0] for row in glimmerData]

                        # Plot a filled polygon showing the mean plus and minus one standard deviation
                        meanMinusSD = [m-sd for (m,sd) in zip(mean,standardDeviation)]
                        meanPlusSD  = [m+sd for (m,sd) in zip(mean,standardDeviation)]
                        x = x + list(reversed(x))
                        y = meanPlusSD + list(reversed(meanMinusSD))

                        if index == firstOrder:
                            # Calculate some statistics comparing the Glimmer data with the other models
                            pcterror = [100.0*abs(glimmer-others)/others for (glimmer,others) in zip([row[1] for row in glimmerData],mean)]
                            abserror = [abs(glimmer-others)        for (glimmer,others) in zip([row[1] for row in glimmerData],mean)]
                            maximum = max(pcterror)
                            position = glimmerData[pcterror.index(maximum)][0]
                            total   = sum([e for e in pcterror])
                            compare = sum([(s/m) for (s,m) in zip(standardDeviation,mean)])
                            n = len(glimmerData)
                            #print '\t'.join([str(size)+' km',str(total/n),str(compare/n),str(position)])
                            print 'Size='+str(size)+' km' 
                            print '  Mean percent error along flowline of CISM relative to mean of first-order models='+str(total/float(n))+'%'
                            print '  Mean COD (stdev/mean) along flowline of mean of first-order models (excluding CISM)='+str(compare/float(n)*100.0)+'%'
                            print '  Max. CISM percent error='+str(maximum)+'% at x-position '+str(position)
                            print '  Max. CISM absolute error='+str(max(abserror))+' m/yr at x-position '+str(glimmerData[abserror.index(max(abserror))][0])

                print "Error in analyzing/plotting experiment ",experiment," at size ",size," km"

        if savePlotInFile:
            plot_file = pattern.replace('-?','-'+experiment).replace('.????','').replace('.out.nc',plotType)
            print 'Writing:', plot_file

        # Experiment f can also have a surface profile plotted
        if experiment == 'f':
            # rather than getting the data from the text file, we are going to read it directly.
            # this is because the velocities and usrf are on different grids, so it is difficult to include them
            # both in the standard ISMIP-HOM text file format that has a single x,y coord. system
            size = 100
            out_file = pattern.replace('-?','-'+experiment).replace('????',str(size).zfill(4))
            netCDFfile = NetCDFFile(out_file,'r')
            if netCDF_module == 'Scientific.IO.NetCDF':
                thkscale = netCDFfile.variables['thk'].scale_factor
                thkscale = 1.0
            usurf = netCDFfile.variables['usurf'][-1,:,:] * thkscale  # get last time level
            x1 = netCDFfile.variables['x1'][:]
            y1 = netCDFfile.variables['y1'][:]

            #  Create the usurf figure
            ufigure = pyplot.figure(subplotpars=matplotlib.figure.SubplotParams(top=.85,bottom=.15))
            ufigure.text(0.5,0.92,'ISMIP-HOM Experiment F: Surface elevation',horizontalalignment='center',size='large')
            if args.subtitle:
            ufigure.text(0.5,0.1,'X coordinate',horizontalalignment='center',size='small')
            ufigure.text(0.06,0.5,'upper surface (m)',rotation='vertical',verticalalignment='center')
            # Create the (three column) legend
            prop = matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties(size='x-small')
            Line2D = matplotlib.lines.Line2D([],[],color=(0,0,0))
            ufigure.legend([Line2D],['Model Output'],loc=(0.1,0.05),prop=prop).draw_frame(False)
            Patch = matplotlib.patches.Patch(edgecolor=None,facecolor=(1,0,0),alpha=0.25)
            ufigure.legend([Line2D,Patch],['Full Stokes Mean','Full Stokes Std. Dev.'],loc=(0.3,0.02),prop=prop).draw_frame(False)
            ufigure.legend([Line2D,Patch],[nonFSmodelType+' Mean',nonFSmodelType+' Std. Dev.'],loc=(0.55,0.02),prop=prop).draw_frame(False)
            # Create the plot axes 
            axes2 = ufigure.add_subplot(111)
            axes2.set_title('%d km' % size, size='medium')

            # Convert CISM output data to the rotated coord system used by the problem setup
            alpha = -3.0 * pi/180  # defined in run script
            # use integer floor division operator to get an index close to the center  TODO should be interpolating if needed...
            yp = len(y1)//2
            # calculate rotated xprime, zprime coordinates along the surface (this is the coord. sys. used for this test case)
            xprime =  x1 * cos(alpha) + (usurf[yp,:]-7000.0) * sin(alpha)
            xprime = xprime/1000.0 - 50.0
            zprime = -x1 * sin(alpha) + (usurf[yp,:]-7000.0) * cos(alpha)
            # Plot CISM output
            axes2.plot(xprime, zprime, color='black')

            # create glimmerData so we can re-use the code from above
            glimmerData = list()
            for i in range(len(xprime)):
                glimmerData.append(tuple([xprime[i], zprime[i]]))

            # Now plot the other models - yucky code copied from above
            # Get the data from other models for comparison
            firstOrder = 0
            fullStokes = 1
            count = [0,0]
            sumV  = [[0.0 for v in glimmerData],[0.0 for v in glimmerData]]
            sumV2 = [[0.0 for v in glimmerData],[0.0 for v in glimmerData]]
            for (path,directories,filenames) in os.walk('ismip_all'):
                for filename in filenames:
                    modelName = filename[0:4]
                    modelExperiment = filename[4]
                    modelSize = filename[5:8]
                    #print 'name, exp, size', modelName, modelExperiment, modelSize
                    if modelName == 'aas1':
                        # Skip the 'aas1' model because its output files in the tc-2007-0019-sp2.zip file do not follow the proper naming convention.  MJH 11/5/13
                    if (modelExperiment != experiment) or (modelExperiment != 'f' and int(modelSize) != size) \
                    or (not args.all_ps and not modelName in lmlaModels + fullStokesModels):
                        continue # continue next loop iteration if not the size or not the experiment desired or if we just want FO comparison and this model is not FO or FS.
                    elif (modelExperiment == 'f'):
                        if (modelSize == '001'):
                            continue # ignore the sliding version for now
                        if modelName == 'cma1':
                            continue  # the cma1 'f' experiments made the x,y coords dimensionless instead of dimensional - ignore for convenience
                    print 'Using data from file:',os.path.join(path,filename)
                    data = read(os.path.join(path,filename), experiment='f-elevation')
                    if modelName in fullStokesModels:
                        index = fullStokes
                        index = firstOrder
                    count[index] += 1

                    #axes2.plot([row[0] for row in data], [row[1] for row in data] )   ## OPTIONAL: print out every individual model in its native x-coordinates.

                    # Interpolate onto the x values from the Glimmer model run
                    for (i,target) in enumerate([row[0] for row in glimmerData]):
                        below = -99999.0
                        above =  99999.0
                        for (j,x) in enumerate([row[0] for row in data]):
                            if  below <  x <= target: b,below = j,x
                            if target <= x <  above:  a,above = j,x
                        if above == below:
                            v = data[a][1]
                            if below == -99999.0: # Use the periodic boundary condition at x = 0
                                xBelow = data[-1][0] - 1
                                vBelow = data[-1][1]
                                xBelow,vBelow = data[b]
                            if above ==  99999.0: # Use the periodic boundary condition at x = 1
                                xAbove = data[0][0] + 1
                                vAbove = data[0][1]
                                xAbove,vAbove = data[a]
                            if xAbove == xBelow:
                                print 'Surprise!',above,below,xAbove,xBelow,vAbove,vBelow
                                v = (vAbove+vBelow)/2
                                alpha = (target-xBelow)/(xAbove-xBelow)
                                v = alpha*vAbove + (1-alpha)*vBelow
                        sumV [index][i] += v
                        sumV2[index][i] += v*v

                    # Calculate statistics of the other model results
                    if sum(count) == 0:
                        print 'To compare with other models you need to download the ISMIP-HOM results from: http://www.the-cryosphere.net/2/95/2008/tc-2-95-2008-supplement.zip and unzip the contained file tc-2007-0019-sp2.zip into a directory named ismip_all.  The ismip_all directory must be in the directory from which you are running this script.'
                        # Find the mean and standard deviation of the velocities at each x
                        for index in (firstOrder,fullStokes):
                            if count[index] == 0:
                            mean = list()
                            standardDeviation = list()
                            for i in range(len(glimmerData)):

                            # Plot the mean using a dotted line
                            color = (index,0,1-index) # blue for first order (index=0); red for full Stokes (index=1)
                            x = [row[0] for row in glimmerData]

                            # Plot a filled polygon showing the mean plus and minus one standard deviation
                            meanMinusSD = [m-sd for (m,sd) in zip(mean,standardDeviation)]
                            meanPlusSD  = [m+sd for (m,sd) in zip(mean,standardDeviation)]
                            x = x + list(reversed(x))
                            y = meanPlusSD + list(reversed(meanMinusSD))

            if savePlotInFile:
                plot_file = pattern.replace('-?','-'+experiment+'-SurfaceElevation').replace('.????','').replace('.out.nc',plotType)
                print 'Writing:', plot_file

        # Experiment f should be run for one size (100 km) only
        if experiment == 'f': 

    if not savePlotInFile: