Example #1
def test_invalid_layouts():
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(constrained_layout=True)
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
        # this should warn,
    assert not (fig.get_constrained_layout())

    # Using layout + (tight|constrained)_layout warns, but the former takes
    # precedence.
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning,
                      match="Figure parameters 'layout' and "
                      "'tight_layout' cannot"):
        fig = Figure(layout='tight', tight_layout=False)
    assert fig.get_tight_layout()
    assert not fig.get_constrained_layout()
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning,
                      match="Figure parameters 'layout' and "
                      "'constrained_layout' cannot"):
        fig = Figure(layout='constrained', constrained_layout=False)
    assert not fig.get_tight_layout()
    assert fig.get_constrained_layout()

    with pytest.raises(ValueError,
                       match="'foobar' is not a valid value for layout"):
Example #2
def test_valid_layouts():
    fig = Figure(layout=None)
    assert not fig.get_tight_layout()
    assert not fig.get_constrained_layout()

    fig = Figure(layout='tight')
    assert fig.get_tight_layout()
    assert not fig.get_constrained_layout()

    fig = Figure(layout='constrained')
    assert not fig.get_tight_layout()
    assert fig.get_constrained_layout()
Example #3
def do_adjust_figure(fig: Figure):
    """Whether fig has constrained_layout enabled."""
    if not hasattr(fig, "get_constrained_layout"):
        return False
    return not fig.get_constrained_layout()