Example #1
 def find_error(this_model, consensus_set):
     pointsL = consensus_set[:, :3]
     pointsR = consensus_set[:, 3:6]
     T = this_model
     pointsR_maybe = utils.apply_transform(T, pointsL)
     # our threshold increases with square of depth
     return np.sum(mlab.vector_lengths(pointsR_maybe - pointsR))
Example #2
def quiver(positions, directions, renderer=renderer):
    ''' lines is nx6 numpy array with each row containing position and
    direction  x, y, z, nx, ny, nz '''

    positions = np.array(positions, dtype=np.float32) # cast all arrays to float
    directions = np.array(directions, dtype=np.float32) # cast all arrays to float

    # Create a vtkPoints object and store the points in it
    pts = np.vstack((positions, positions + directions))

    # Create a cell array to store the lines 
    pointids = np.arange(pts.shape[0], dtype=np.int)

    # lines is nx2 array with each row containing 2 points to be connected
    lines = pointids.reshape((2, -1)).T
    # Create a polydata to store everything in
    linesPolyData = tvtk.PolyData()
    # Add the points to the dataset
    linesPolyData.points = pts
    # Add the lines to the dataset
    linesPolyData.lines = lines
    # Set line colors
    # color from the vector direction
    magnitudes = mlab.vector_lengths(directions, axis=1).reshape((-1, 1))
    magnitudes[magnitudes == 0] = 1 # make magnitudes non zero
    colors = np.abs((directions/magnitudes)) * 255
    colors = colors.astype(np.uint8)
    linesPolyData.cell_data.scalars = colors
    linesPolyData.cell_data.scalars.name = 'colors'
    return visualise(linesPolyData, renderer=renderer)
def quiver_args_from_transforms(*Targs, **kwargs):
    origin = kwargs.get('origin')
    xyzuvw0 = np.eye(3, 3)
    xyz0 = np.zeros((3, 3))

    colors = np.array([
                  0.8, # red
                  0.5, # green
                  0.2, # blue

    xyzuvw = []
    xyz = []
    scalars = []
    Tlist = [np.eye(4, 4)] if origin else []
    for T in Tlist:
        xyzuvw_T = np.dot(T, np.vstack((xyzuvw0, [1, 1, 1])))[:3]
        xyz_T = np.dot(T, np.vstack((xyz0, [1, 1, 1])))[:3]

    xyzuvw = np.hstack(xyzuvw)
    xyz = np.hstack(xyz)
    scalars = np.hstack(scalars)
    uvw = xyzuvw - xyz
    u, v, w = uvw / matmlab.vector_lengths(uvw, axis=0)
    x, y, z = xyz
    return x, y, z, u, v, w, scalars
Example #4
def vector_lengths( X, P=2., axis=None ):
    This function has been moved to matplotlib.mlab -- please import
    it from there
    warnings.warn('vector_lengths has been moved to matplotlib.mlab -- please import it from there', DeprecationWarning)
    import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
    return mlab.vector_lengths( X, P=2., axis=axis )
Example #5
 def find_inliers(maybe_model, data):
     pointsL = data[:, :3]
     pointsR = data[:, 3:6]
     T = maybe_model
     pointsR_maybe = utils.apply_transform(T, pointsL)
     # our threshold increases with square of depth
     return (mlab.vector_lengths(pointsR_maybe - pointsR) 
             < 1.5*pointsR[:, 2]**2)
Example #6
def vector_lengths( X, P=2., axis=None ):
    This function has been moved to matplotlib.mlab -- please import
    it from there
    # deprecated from cbook in 0.98.4
    warnings.warn('vector_lengths has been moved to matplotlib.mlab -- please import it from there', DeprecationWarning)
    import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
    return mlab.vector_lengths( X, P=2., axis=axis )
Example #7
def vector_lengths(X, P=2.0, axis=None):
    This function has been moved to matplotlib.mlab -- please import
    it from there
    # deprecated from cbook in 0.98.4
    warnings.warn("vector_lengths has been moved to matplotlib.mlab -- please import it from there", DeprecationWarning)
    import matplotlib.mlab as mlab

    return mlab.vector_lengths(X, P=2.0, axis=axis)
Example #8
def show_quads(positions, directions, size):
    ''' Represents points and normals as small plane patches (quads)
    is positions is plane centre and directions is plane normals '''
    D = size # size of plane patches
    #pts = np.array( [ (0, 0, 0), (X, 0, 0), (X, X, 0), (0, X, 0) ] )
    #quads = np.array( [ (0, 1, 2, 3), (0, 1, 2, 3)] )

    # TODO convert loop to array operations
    pts = []
    for pos, direction in zip(positions, directions):
        direction = (direction/ np.linalg.norm(direction)) # normalize direction vector

        # calculate the vectors U, V which are in plane vectors perpendicular
        # to the normal and projected into the xz, yz and xy planes
        UVW = 0.5*D*np.array([(direction[2] , 0             , -direction[0]),
                              (0            , direction[2]  , -direction[1]),
                              (direction[1] , -direction[0] , 0),

        lens = mlab.vector_lengths(UVW, axis=1)
        # one of them might be very short so use the other two
        min_ind = np.argmin(lens)
        UVW = np.delete(UVW, min_ind, axis=0)
        U = UVW[0]
        V = UVW[1]
        # normalize
        U /= np.linalg.norm(U)
        V /= np.linalg.norm(V)
        #C = np.cross(U, V) # should equal direction

        # Create four points (must be in counter clockwise order)
        pts.append(pos - U - V)
        pts.append(pos + U - V)
        pts.append(pos + U + V)
        pts.append(pos - U + V)

    pts = np.array(pts)
    pointids = np.arange(pts.shape[0], dtype=np.int)
    quads = pointids.reshape((-1, 4))

    # Create a polydata to store everything in
    polydata = tvtk.PolyData(points=pts, polys=quads)

    # TODO this section has been copy pasted merge at some point
    # Set colors from the vector direction
    color_polydata_by_normals(polydata, directions, alpha=0)
    return visualise(polydata, renderer=renderer)
def compute_errors_given_transforms(Tlistgroundtruth, Tlistartoolkit,
    ground_truth_pointcloud = np.asarray([utils.apply_transform(T, np.zeros(3))
                                          for T in Tlistgroundtruth])
    artoolkit_pointcloud = np.asarray([utils.apply_transform(T, np.zeros(3))
                                    for T in Tlistartoolkit])
    if scaling:
        Tlistartoolkit = scale_and_translate(Tlistgroundtruth, Tlistartoolkit)
    artoolkit_pointcloud = np.asarray([utils.apply_transform(T, np.zeros(3)) 
                                    for T in Tlistartoolkit])
    trans_err = matmlab.vector_lengths(
        ground_truth_pointcloud - artoolkit_pointcloud, axis=1)
    rot_err = np.asarray(
        [180 / np.pi * utils.angle_between_rotations(Tgt[:3, :3], Tml[:3,:3])
         for Tgt, Tml in zip(Tlistgroundtruth, Tlistartoolkit)])
    rot_err = np.abs(rot_err - np.mean(rot_err))
    return ground_truth_pointcloud, artoolkit_pointcloud, trans_err, rot_err
Example #10
def rgbs_by_normals(normals, alpha=0):
    assert np.all(np.isreal(normals)), "normals not real"
    magnitudes = mlab.vector_lengths(normals, axis=1).reshape((-1, 1))
    magnitudes[magnitudes == 0] = 1
    unit_normals = normals / magnitudes

    # ## Coloring by hue space. Hue space is nice because it is cyclically
    # # continuous, but my conversion from hsv to rgb is bad because it is not
    # # continuous. FIX HSV to RGB with a continuous version. However, we need a
    # # hemispherical colorspace here, not cylinderical.
    # hue_normal = [0, 0, 1]
    # # This clips normals to hemisphere in 3D around the hue_normal, but
    # # creates symmetrical contours around the normal, which is not what we
    # # want. However, to do any better we would need a spherical color space.
    # # dot product is from [-1, 1], scale and shift it to [0, 1]
    # h1 = np.dot(unit_normals, hue_normal) * 0.5 + 0.5
    # assert np.all((h1 >= 0) & (h1 <= 1.0))
    # # calling the above value hue is good because we have continuous circular
    # # space for hue, which avoids discontinuities.
    # #sat_normal = [0, 1, 0]
    # #s = np.dot(unit_normals, sat_normal) * 0.5 + 0.5
    # s = np.ones_like(h1) * 0.3
    # v = np.ones_like(h1) * 0.7
    # rgb = colorsys_hsv_to_rgb(h1, s, v)
    # colors = (rgb * 255).astype(np.uint8)
    # # To get transparency effects
    # colors = np.empty((unit_normals.shape[0], 4), np.uint8)
    # colors[3] = alpha

    # # Simple absolute normal strategy
    # colors = np.abs(unit_normals) * 255

    # flip the normals. Choose the flipping plane carefully.
    flipping_plane = [0, 0, 1]
    unit_normals[np.dot(unit_normals, flipping_plane) < 0] *= -1
    extrap_norms = extrapolate_hemisphere_to_sphere(unit_normals)
    colors = extrap_norms * 127 + 128
    assert np.all(np.isreal(colors)), "Colors is not real"
    return np.asarray(colors, dtype=np.uint8)
        if len(img_pos_target0) > max_lines:
            img_pos_target0 = img_pos_target0[:max_lines]
            img_pos_target1 = img_pos_target1[:max_lines]
        target_loc0 = projectionto3d(K0, img_pos_target0)
        target_loc0 = utils.apply_transform(T0, target_loc0)
        origin0 = utils.apply_transform(T0, np.zeros(3))
        _plot_lines(origin0, target_loc0, 10)
        target_loc1 = projectionto3d(K1, img_pos_target1)
        target_loc1 = utils.apply_transform(T1, target_loc1)
        origin1 = utils.apply_transform(T1, np.zeros(3))
        _plot_lines(origin1, target_loc1, 10)

    if target_img_patch is not None and target_loc3d is not None:
        # add _plot_img for the patch at target_loc3d with normal along z-axis
    elif target_loc3d is not None:
        target_loc3d = np.asarray(target_loc3d).reshape(-1, 3)
        if len(target_loc3d) > 4:
            venlens = matmlab.vector_lengths(target_loc3d)   
            filtered = venlens < 10
            filtered = np.ones(len(target_loc3d), dtype=np.bool)
        mlab.points3d(target_loc3d[filtered, 0],
                      target_loc3d[filtered, 1],
                      target_loc3d[filtered, 2], scale_factor=.01)

    obj.scene.disable_render = False

if __name__ == '__main__':