def __init__(self, length=1, extent = 0.03, label="", loc=2, ax=None, pad=0.4, borderpad=0.5, ppad = 0, sep=2, prop=None, frameon=True, linekw={}, **kwargs): if not ax: ax = plt.gca() trans = ax.get_xaxis_transform() size_bar = offbox.AuxTransformBox(trans) line = Line2D([0,length],[0,0], **linekw) size_bar.add_artist(line) txt = offbox.TextArea(label, minimumdescent=False, textprops=dict(color="black",size=14, fontweight='bold')) self.vpac = offbox.VPacker(children=[size_bar,txt], align="center", pad=ppad, sep=sep) offbox.AnchoredOffsetbox.__init__(self, loc, pad=pad, borderpad=borderpad, child=self.vpac, prop=prop, frameon=frameon, **kwargs)
def plot_model(model, save_file=None, ax=None, show=False, fig_title="Demographic Model", pop_labels=None, nref=None, draw_ancestors=True, draw_migrations=True, draw_scale=True, arrow_size=0.01, transition_size=0.05, gen_time=0, gen_time_units="Years", reverse_timeline=False, fig_bg_color='#ffffff', plot_bg_color='#ffffff', text_color='#002b36', gridline_color='#586e75', pop_color='#268bd2', arrow_color='#073642', label_size=16, tick_size=12, grid=True): """ Plots a demographic model based on information contained within a _ModelInfo object. See the matplotlib docs for valid entries for the color parameters. model : A _ModelInfo object created using generate_model(). save_file : If not None, the figure will be saved to this location. Otherwise the figure will be displayed to the screen. fig_title : Title of the figure. pop_labels : If not None, should be a list of strings of the same length as the total number of final populations in the model. The string at index i should be the name of the population along axis i in the model's SFS. nref : If specified, this will update the time and population size labels to use units based on an ancestral population size of nref. See the documentation for details. draw_ancestors : Specify whether the ancestral populations should be drawn in beginning of plot. Will fade off with a gradient. draw_migrations : Specify whether migration arrows are drawn. draw_scale : Specify whether scale bar should be shown in top-left corner. arrow_size : Float to control the size of the migration arrows. transition_size : Float specifying size of the "transitional periods" between populations. gen_time : If greater than 0, and nref given, timeline will be adjusted to show absolute time values, using this value as the time elapsed per generation. gen_time_units : Units used for gen_time (e.g. Years, Thousand Years, etc.). reverse_timeline : If True, the labels on the timeline will be reversed, so that "0 time" is the present time period, rather than the time of the original population. fig_bg_color : Background color of figure (i.e. border surrounding the drawn model). plot_bg_color : Background color of the actual plot area. text_color : Color of text in the figure. gridline_color : Color of the plot gridlines. pop_color : Color of the populations. arrow_color : Color of the arrows showing migrations between populations. """ # Set up the plot with a title and axis labels fig_kwargs = { 'figsize': (9.6, 5.4), 'dpi': 200, 'facecolor': fig_bg_color, 'edgecolor': fig_bg_color } if ax == None: fig = plt.figure(**fig_kwargs) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_facecolor(plot_bg_color) ax.set_title(fig_title, color=text_color, fontsize=24) xlabel = "Time Ago" if reverse_timeline else "Time" if nref: if gen_time > 0: xlabel += " ({})".format(gen_time_units) else: xlabel += " (Generations)" ylabel = "Population Sizes" else: xlabel += " (Genetic Units)" ylabel = "Relative Population Sizes" ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, color=text_color, fontsize=label_size) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, color=text_color, fontsize=label_size) # Determine various maximum values for proper scaling within the plot xmax = model.tp_list[-1].time[-1] ymax = sum(model.tp_list[0].framesizes) ax.set_xlim([-1 * xmax * 0.1, xmax]) ax.set_ylim([0, ymax]) mig_max = 0 for tp in model.tp_list: if tp.migrations is None: continue mig = np.amax(tp.migrations) mig_max = mig_max if mig_max > mig else mig # Configure axis border colors ax.spines['top'].set_color(text_color) ax.spines['right'].set_color(text_color) ax.spines['bottom'].set_color(text_color) ax.spines['left'].set_color(text_color) # Major ticks along x-axis (time) placed at each population split xticks = [tp.time[0] for tp in model.tp_list] xticks.append(xmax) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(mticker.FixedLocator(xticks)) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(mticker.NullLocator()) ax.tick_params(which='both', axis='x', labelcolor=text_color, labelsize=tick_size, top=False) # Choose correct time labels based on nref, gen_time, and reverse_timeline if reverse_timeline: xticks = [xmax - x for x in xticks] if nref: if gen_time > 0: xticks = [2 * nref * gen_time * x for x in xticks] else: xticks = [2 * nref * x for x in xticks] ax.set_xticklabels(['{:.0f}'.format(x) for x in xticks]) else: ax.set_xticklabels(['{:.2f}'.format(x) for x in xticks]) # Gridlines along y-axis (population size) spaced by nref size if grid: ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(mticker.FixedLocator(np.arange(ymax))) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(mticker.NullLocator()) ax.grid(b=True, which='major', axis='y', color=gridline_color) ax.tick_params(which='both', axis='y', colors='none', labelsize=tick_size) else: ax.set_yticks([]) # Add scale in top-left corner displaying ancestral population size (Nref) if draw_scale: # Bidirectional arrow of height Nref arrow = mbox.AuxTransformBox(ax.transData) awidth = xmax * arrow_size * 0.2 alength = ymax * arrow_size arrow_kwargs = { 'width': awidth, 'head_width': awidth * 3, 'head_length': alength, 'color': text_color, 'length_includes_head': True } arrow.add_artist( plt.arrow(0, 0.25, 0, 0.75, zorder=100, **arrow_kwargs)) arrow.add_artist( plt.arrow(0, 0.75, 0, -0.75, zorder=100, **arrow_kwargs)) # Population bar of height Nref bar = mbox.AuxTransformBox(ax.transData) bar.add_artist( mpatches.Rectangle((0, 0), xmax / ymax, 1, color=pop_color)) # Appropriate label depending on scale label = mbox.TextArea(str(nref) if nref else "Nref") label.get_children()[0].set_color(text_color) bars = mbox.HPacker(children=[label, arrow, bar], pad=0, sep=2, align="center") scalebar = mbox.AnchoredOffsetbox(2, pad=0.25, borderpad=0.25, child=bars, frameon=False) ax.add_artist(scalebar) # Add ancestral populations using a gradient fill. if draw_ancestors: time = -1 * xmax * 0.1 for i, ori in enumerate(model.tp_list[0].origins): # Draw ancestor for each initial pop xlist = np.linspace(time, 0.0, model.precision) dx = xlist[1] - xlist[0] low, mid, top = (ori[1], ori[1] + 1.0, ori[1] + model.tp_list[0].popsizes[i][0]) tsize = int(transition_size * model.precision) y1list = np.array([low] * model.precision) y2list = np.array([mid] * (model.precision - tsize)) y2list = np.append(y2list, np.linspace(mid, top, tsize)) # Custom color map runs from bg color to pop color cmap = mcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( "custom_map", [plot_bg_color, pop_color]) colors = np.array( cmap(np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, model.precision - tsize))) # Gradient created by drawing multiple small rectangles for x, y1, y2, color in zip(xlist[:-1 * tsize], y1list[:-1 * tsize], y2list[:-1 * tsize], colors): rect = mpatches.Rectangle((x, y1), dx, y2 - y1, color=color) ax.add_patch(rect) ax.fill_between(xlist[-1 * tsize:], y1list[-1 * tsize:], y2list[-1 * tsize:], color=pop_color, edgecolor=pop_color) # Iterate through time periods and populations to draw everything for tp_index, tp in enumerate(model.tp_list): # Keep track of migrations to evenly space arrows across time period total_migrations = np.count_nonzero(tp.migrations) num_migrations = 0 for pop_index in range(len(tp.popsizes)): # Draw current population origin =[pop_index] popsize = tp.popsizes[pop_index] direc = tp.direcs[pop_index] y1 = origin[1] y2 = origin[1] + (direc * popsize) ax.fill_between(tp.time, y1, y2, color=pop_color, edgecolor=pop_color) # Draw connections to next populations if necessary if tp.descendants is not None and tp.descendants[pop_index] != -1: desc = tp.descendants[pop_index] tp_next = model.tp_list[tp_index + 1] # Split population case if isinstance(desc, tuple): # Get origins connect_below =[desc[0]][1] connect_above =[desc[1]][1] # Get popsizes subpop_below = tp_next.popsizes[desc[0]][0] subpop_above = tp_next.popsizes[desc[1]][0] # Determine correct connection location connect_below -= direc * subpop_below connect_above += direc * subpop_above # Single population case else: connect_below =[desc][1] subpop = tp_next.popsizes[desc][0] connect_above = connect_below + direc * subpop # Draw the connections tsize = int(transition_size * model.precision) cx = tp.time[-1 * tsize:] cy_below_1 = [origin[1]] * tsize cy_above_1 = origin[1] + direc * popsize[-1 * tsize:] cy_below_2 = np.linspace(cy_below_1[0], connect_below, tsize) cy_above_2 = np.linspace(cy_above_1[0], connect_above, tsize) ax.fill_between(cx, cy_below_1, cy_below_2, color=pop_color, edgecolor=pop_color) ax.fill_between(cx, cy_above_1, cy_above_2, color=pop_color, edgecolor=pop_color) # Draw migrations if necessary if draw_migrations and tp.migrations is not None: # Iterate through migrations for current population for mig_index, mig_val in enumerate(tp.migrations[pop_index]): # If no migration, continue if mig_val == 0: continue # Calculate proper offset for arrow within this period num_migrations += 1 offset = int(tp.precision * num_migrations / (total_migrations + 1.0)) x = tp.time[offset] dx = 0 # Determine which sides of populations are closest y1 = origin[1] y2 = y1 + direc * popsize[offset] mig_y1 =[mig_index][1] mig_y2 = mig_y1 + (tp.direcs[mig_index] * tp.popsizes[mig_index][offset]) y = y1 if abs(mig_y1 - y1) < abs(mig_y1 - y2) else y2 dy = mig_y1-y if abs(mig_y1 - y) < abs(mig_y2 - y) \ else mig_y2-y # Scale arrow to proper size mig_scale = max(0.1, mig_val / mig_max) awidth = xmax * arrow_size * mig_scale alength = ymax * arrow_size ax.arrow(x, y, dx, dy, width=awidth, head_width=awidth * 3, head_length=alength, color=arrow_color, length_includes_head=True) # Label populations if proper labels are given tp_last = model.tp_list[-1] if pop_labels and len(pop_labels) == len(tp_last.popsizes): ax2 = ax.twinx() ax2.set_xlim(ax.get_xlim()) ax2.set_ylim(ax.get_ylim()) # Determine placement of ticks yticks = [[i][1] + 0.5 * tp_last.direcs[i] * tp_last.popsizes[i][-1] for i in range(len(tp_last.popsizes)) ] ax2.yaxis.set_major_locator(mticker.FixedLocator(yticks)) ax2.set_yticklabels(pop_labels) ax2.tick_params(which='both', color='none', labelcolor=text_color, labelsize=label_size, left=False, top=False, right=False) ax2.spines['top'].set_color(text_color) ax2.spines['left'].set_color(text_color) ax2.spines['right'].set_color(text_color) ax2.spines['bottom'].set_color(text_color) # Display figure if save_file: plt.savefig(save_file, **fig_kwargs) else: if show == True: if ax == None: plt.close(fig)