def fit_calib_auto(X_bh, X_bg_gh, do_l1=False): """ Does auto-regression on the 6-DOF variables : x,y,z,r,p,y. """ assert X_bh.shape[0]==X_bg_gh.shape[0]==12, "calib data has unknown shape." #X_bh = X_bh[:,500:1000] #X_bg_gh = X_bg_gh[:,500:1000] axlabels = ['x','y','z','roll','pitch','yaw'] for k in xrange(1,100, 10): print "order : k=", k plt.clf() W = np.empty((6, 2*k+1)) for i in xrange(6): j = i+3 if i > 2 else i Ai, bi, W[i,:] = fit_auto(X_bh[j,:], X_bg_gh[j,:], k, do_l1) est =[i,:]) print " norm err : ", np.linalg.norm(bi - est) plt.subplot(3,2,i+1) plt.plot(bi, label='pr2') plt.plot(X_bh[j,k-1:], label='hydra') plt.plot(est, label='estimate') plt.ylabel(axlabels[i]) plt.legend()
def make_corr1d_fig(dosave=False): corr = make_corr_both_hemi() lw=2; fs=16 pl.figure(1)#, figsize=(8, 7)) pl.clf() pl.xlim(4,300) pl.ylim(-400,+500) lambda_titles = [r'$20 < \lambda < 30$', r'$30 < \lambda < 40$', r'$\lambda > 40$'] colors = ['blue','green','red'] for i in range(3): corr1d, rcen = corr_1d_from_2d(corr[i]) ipdb.set_trace() pl.semilogx(rcen, corr1d*rcen**2, lw=lw, color=colors[i]) #pl.semilogx(rcen, corr1d*rcen**2, 'o', lw=lw, color=colors[i]) pl.xlabel(r'$s (Mpc)$',fontsize=fs) pl.ylabel(r'$s^2 \xi_0(s)$', fontsize=fs) pl.legend(lambda_titles, 'lower left', fontsize=fs+3) pl.plot([.1,10000],[0,0],'k--') s_bao = 149.28 pl.plot([s_bao, s_bao],[-9e9,+9e9],'k--') pl.text(s_bao*1.03, 420, 'BAO scale') pl.text(s_bao*1.03, 370, '%0.1f Mpc'%s_bao) if dosave: pl.savefig('xi1d_3bin.pdf')
def study_sdss_density(hemi='south'): grid = grid3d(hemi=hemi) n_data = num_sdss_data_both_catalogs(hemi, grid) n_rand, weight = num_sdss_rand_both_catalogs(hemi, grid) n_rand *= ((n_data*weight).sum() / (n_rand*weight).sum()) delta = (n_data - n_rand) / n_rand delta[weight==0]=0. fdelta = np.fft.fftn(delta*weight) power = np.abs(fdelta)**2. ks = get_wavenumbers(delta.shape, grid.reso_mpc) kmag = ks[3] kbin = np.arange(0,0.06,0.002) ind = np.digitize(kmag.ravel(), kbin) power_ravel = power.ravel() power_bin = np.zeros_like(kbin) for i in range(len(kbin)): print i wh = np.where(ind==i)[0] power_bin[i] = power_ravel[wh].mean() #pl.clf() #pl.plot(kbin, power_bin) from cosmolopy import perturbation pk = perturbation.power_spectrum(kbin, 0.4, **cosmo) pl.clf(); pl.plot(kbin, power_bin/pk, 'b') pl.plot(kbin, power_bin/pk, 'bo') pl.xlabel('k (1/Mpc)',fontsize=16) pl.ylabel('P(k) ratio, DATA/THEORY [arb. norm.]',fontsize=16) ipdb.set_trace()
def plot_call_rate(c): # Histogram P.clf() P.figure(1) P.hist(c[:,1], normed=True) P.xlabel('Call Rate') P.ylabel('Portion of Variants') P.savefig(os.environ['OBER'] + '/doc/imputation/cgi/call_rate.png') #################################################################################### #if __name__ == '__main__': # # Input parameters # file_name = sys.argv[1] # Name of data file with MAF, call rates # # # Load data # c = np.loadtxt(file_name, dtype=np.float16) # # # Breakdown by call rate (proportional to the #samples, 1415) # plot_call_rate(c) # h = np.histogram(c[:,1]) # a = np.flipud(np.cumsum(np.flipud(h[0])))/float(c.shape[0]) # print np.concatenate((h[1][:-1][newaxis].transpose(), a[newaxis].transpose()), axis=1) # Breakdown by minor allele frequency maf_n = 20 maf_bins = np.linspace(0, 0.5, maf_n + 1) maf_bin = np.digitize(c[:,0], maf_bins) d = c.astype(float64) mean_call_rate = np.array([(1.*np.mean(d[maf_bin == i,1])) for i in xrange(len(maf_bins))]) - h, mean_call_rate, width=h) P.figure(2) h = (maf_bins[-1] - maf_bins[0]) / maf_n - h, mean_call_rate, width=h) P.savefig(os.environ['OBER'] + '/doc/imputation/cgi/call_rate_maf.png')
def plot_many_corr_delta_vel(): pl.clf() leg = [] for kmax in [0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1., 2., 5.]: plot_corr_delta_vel(kmin=1e-3, kmax=kmax, doclf=False) leg.append('kmax=%0.2f'%kmax) pl.legend(leg)
def study_redmapper_2d(): # I just want to know the typical angular separation for RM clusters. # I'm going to do this in a lazy way. hemi = 'north' rm = load_redmapper(hemi=hemi) ra = rm['ra'] dec = rm['dec'] ncl = len(ra) dist = np.zeros((ncl, ncl)) for i in range(ncl): this_ra = ra[i] this_dec = dec[i] dra = this_ra-ra ddec = this_dec-dec dxdec = dra*np.cos(this_dec*np.pi/180.) dd = np.sqrt(dxdec**2. + ddec**2.) dist[i,:] = dd dist[i,i] = 99999999. d_near_arcmin = dist.min(0)*60. pl.clf(); pl.hist(d_near_arcmin, bins=100) pl.title('Distance to Nearest Neighbor for RM clusters') pl.xlabel('Distance (arcmin)') pl.ylabel('N') fwhm_planck_217 = 5.5 # arcmin sigma = fwhm_planck_217/2.355 frac_2sigma = 1.*len(np.where(d_near_arcmin>2.*sigma)[0])/len(d_near_arcmin) frac_3sigma = 1.*len(np.where(d_near_arcmin>3.*sigma)[0])/len(d_near_arcmin) print '%0.3f percent of RM clusters are separated by 2-sigma_planck_beam'%(100.*frac_2sigma) print '%0.3f percent of RM clusters are separated by 3-sigma_planck_beam'%(100.*frac_3sigma) ipdb.set_trace()
def study_multiband_planck(quick=True): savename = datadir+'cl_multiband.pkl' bands = [100, 143, 217, 'mb'] if quick: cl = pickle.load(open(savename,'r')) else: cl = {} mask = load_planck_mask() mask_factor = np.mean(mask**2.) for band in bands: this_map = load_planck_data(band) this_cl = hp.anafast(this_map*mask, lmax=lmax)/mask_factor cl[band] = this_cl pickle.dump(cl, open(savename,'w')) cl_theory = {} pl.clf() for band in bands: l_theory, cl_theory[band] = get_cl_theory(band) this_cl = cl[band] pl.plot(this_cl/cl_theory[band]) pl.legend(bands) pl.plot([0,4000],[1,1],'k--') pl.ylim(.7,1.3) pl.ylabel('data/theory')
def make_plot_mG_nH(mgrpArr_all, denArr_all, over_density2, fignamestr, ngrp=15): fig = plt.figure(3) plt.clf() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) idArr, bins = pTdf.group_by_prop(mgrpArr_all, ngrp=ngrp, takelog=True, fixed_interval=True) ngrp = len(bins) - 1 bins = 10.**bins f_nHArr = N.zeros(len(bins)-1) rho_mean = cTdf.mean_hydrogen_numden_z(simI["zcol"]) for igrp in xrange(ngrp): isame = N.where(idArr == igrp)[0] print "ptcls in [%.2e]: %d" % (bins[igrp], len(isame)) if len(isame) > 0: ihigh = N.where(denArr_all[isame, izcol] >= over_density2*rho_mean)[0] f_nHArr[igrp] = 1.*len(ihigh)/(1.*len(isame)) print "x({:d}): {:}".format(len(bins[:-1]+bins[1:]), (bins[:-1]+bins[1:])/2.) print "y({:d}): {:}".format(len(f_nHArr), f_nHArr) ax.plot((bins[:-1]+bins[1:])/2., f_nHArr) ax.set_xlabel(r"$M_h$") ax.set_ylabel(r"$f_{n_H > %d \bar{n_H}}(%.1f)$" % (over_density2, simI["zcol"])) ax.set_xscale("log") ax.set_xlim(bins[0], bins[-1]); ax.set_ylim(0., 1.1) #plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), fontsize=fs["tc"]) #plt.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=fs["tc"]) figname = "mgrp-fnH_%s_ov%d_vr%d.%s" % (fignamestr[1], int(over_density2), simI["virial_radius"], figext) plt.savefig(os.path.join(fignamestr[2], figname))
def study_redmapper_lrg_3d(hemi='north'): # create 3d grid object grid = grid3d(hemi=hemi) # load SDSS data sdss = load_sdss_data_both_catalogs(hemi) # load redmapper catalog rm = load_redmapper(hemi=hemi) # get XYZ positions (Mpc) of both datasets x_sdss, y_sdss, z_sdss = grid.xyz_from_radecz(sdss['ra'], sdss['dec'], sdss['z'], applyzcut=False) x_rm, y_rm, z_rm = grid.xyz_from_radecz(rm['ra'], rm['dec'], rm['z_spec'], applyzcut=False) pos_sdss = np.vstack([x_sdss, y_sdss, z_sdss]).T pos_rm = np.vstack([x_rm, y_rm, z_rm]).T # build a couple of KDTree's, one for SDSS, one for RM. from sklearn.neighbors import KDTree tree_sdss = KDTree(pos_sdss, leaf_size=30) tree_rm = KDTree(pos_rm, leaf_size=30) lrg_counts = tree_sdss.query_radius(pos_rm, 100., count_only=True) pl.clf() pl.hist(lrg_counts, bins=50) ipdb.set_trace()
def Animate(g): for i in range(1,64,5): pylab.clf() x= g[0:i,:,:] y= numarray.sum(x, axis=0) pylab.matshow( y) pylab.savefig("temp/3dturb-%03i.png" % i)
def plot_mock(mock): plt.clf() plt.plot(mock['dates'], mock['y'], marker='+', color='blue', label='data', markersize=9) plt.plot(mock['dates'], mock['y_without_seasonal'], color='green', alpha=0.6, linewidth=1, label='model without seasonal')
def plot_feat_hist(data_name_list, filename=None): pylab.clf() num_rows = 1 + (len(data_name_list) - 1) / 2 num_cols = 1 if len(data_name_list) == 1 else 2 pylab.figure(figsize=(5 * num_cols, 4 * num_rows)) for i in range(num_rows): for j in range(num_cols): pylab.subplot(num_rows, num_cols, 1 + i * num_cols + j) x, name = data_name_list[i * num_cols + j] pylab.title(name) pylab.xlabel('Value') pylab.ylabel('Density') # the histogram of the data max_val = np.max(x) if max_val <= 1.0: bins = 50 elif max_val > 50: bins = 50 else: bins = max_val n, bins, patches = pylab.hist( x, bins=bins, normed=1, facecolor='green', alpha=0.75) pylab.grid(True) if not filename: filename = "feat_hist_%s.png" % name pylab.savefig(os.path.join(CHART_DIR, filename), bbox_inches="tight")
def PlotTurbulenceIllustr(a): """ Can generate the grid with g=kolmogorovutils.GenerateKolmogorov3D( 1025, 129, 129) a=kolmogorovutils.GridToNumarray(g) """ for x in [1,10,100]: suba= numarray.sum(a[:,:,0:x], axis=2) suba.transpose() pylab.clf() pylab.matshow(suba) pylab.savefig("temp/turb3d-sum%03i.eps" % x) for x in [1,10,100]: for j in [0,1,2]: suba= numarray.sum(a[:,:200,j*x:(j+1)*x], axis=2) suba.transpose() pylab.clf() pylab.matshow(suba) pylab.savefig("temp/turb3d-sum%03i-s%i.eps" % (x,j))
def get_histogram_scale(distances_dict, nbins): """Draws histogram to outfile_name. """ scale_dict = defaultdict(list) #draw histograms for d_dict in distances_dict.values(): for i, (field, data) in enumerate(d_dict.items()): if len(data) < 1: continue histogram = hist(data,bins=nbins) fig = gcf() axis = fig.gca() #get height scale: y/x ymin,ymax = axis.get_ylim() xmin,xmax = axis.get_xlim() scale_dict['ymin'].append(ymin) scale_dict['ymax'].append(ymax) scale_dict['xmin'].append(xmin) scale_dict['xmax'].append(xmax) clf() yscale = (min(scale_dict['ymin']),max(scale_dict['ymax'])) xscale = (min(scale_dict['xmin']),max(scale_dict['xmax'])) return xscale,yscale
def plot(self, bit_stream): if self.previous_bit_stream != bit_stream.to_list(): self.previous_bit_stream = bit_stream x = [] y = [] bit = None for bit_time in bit_stream.to_list(): if bit is None: x.append(bit_time) y.append(0) bit = 0 elif bit == 0: x.extend([bit_time, bit_time]) y.extend([0, 1]) bit = 1 elif bit == 1: x.extend([bit_time, bit_time]) y.extend([1, 0]) bit = 0 plt.clf() plt.plot(x, y) plt.xlim([0, 10000]) plt.ylim([-0.1, 1.1]) plt.pause(0.005)
def plotFeaturePDF(ift, pft, outbase, fmin=0.0, fmax=1.0, fstep=0.01): """ Plot a comparison between the input feature distribution and the feature distribution of the predicted halos """ plt.clf() nfbins = ( fmax - fmin ) / fstep fbins = np.logspace( fmin, fmax, nfbins ) fcen = ( fbins[:-1] + fbins[1:] ) / 2 plt.xscale( 'log', nonposx='clip' ) plt.yscale( 'log', nonposy='clip' ) ic, e, p = plt.hist( ift, fbins, label='Original Halos', alpha=0.5, normed=True ) pc, e, p = plt.hist( pft, fbins, label='Added Halos', alpha=0.5, normed=True ) plt.legend() plt.xlabel( r'$\delta$' ) plt.savefig( outbase+'_fpdf.png' ) fdtype = np.dtype( [ ('fcen', float), ('ifcounts', float), ('pfcounts', float) ] ) fd = np.ndarray( len(fcen), dtype = fdtype ) fd[ 'mcen' ] = fcen fd[ 'imcounts' ] = ic fd[ 'pmcounts' ] = pc fitsio.write( outbase+'', fd )
def plotMassFunction(im, pm, outbase, mmin=9, mmax=13, mstep=0.05): """ Make a comparison plot between the input mass function and the predicted projected correlation function """ plt.clf() nmbins = ( mmax - mmin ) / mstep mbins = np.logspace( mmin, mmax, nmbins ) mcen = ( mbins[:-1] + mbins[1:] ) /2 plt.xscale( 'log', nonposx = 'clip' ) plt.yscale( 'log', nonposy = 'clip' ) ic, e, p = plt.hist( im, mbins, label='Original Halos', alpha=0.5, normed = True) pc, e, p = plt.hist( pm, mbins, label='Added Halos', alpha=0.5, normed = True) plt.legend() plt.xlabel( r'$M_{vir}$' ) plt.ylabel( r'$\frac{dN}{dM}$' ) #plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig( outbase+'_mfcn.png' ) mdtype = np.dtype( [ ('mcen', float), ('imcounts', float), ('pmcounts', float) ] ) mf = np.ndarray( len(mcen), dtype = mdtype ) mf[ 'mcen' ] = mcen mf[ 'imcounts' ] = ic mf[ 'pmcounts' ] = pc fitsio.write( outbase+'', mf )
def make_l1tf_mock(doplot=doplot, period=6, sea_amp=0.05, noise=0.0): np.random.seed(3733) num = 100 x = np.arange(num) y = x * 0.0 y[0:20] = 20.0 + x[0:20] * 1.5 y[20:50] = y[19] - (x[20:50] - x[19]) * 0.2 y[50:60] = y[49] + (x[50:60] - x[49]) * 0.47 y[60:75] = y[59] - (x[60:75] - x[59]) * 2.4 y[75:] = y[74] + (x[75:] - x[74]) * 2.0 y = y / y.max() y = y + noise * np.random.randn(num) if period > 0: seas = np.random.randn(period) * sea_amp seas_lookup = {k: v for k, v in enumerate(seas)} seasonal_part = np.array([seas_lookup[i % period] for i in x]) seasonal_part = seasonal_part - seasonal_part.mean() y_with_seasonal = y + seasonal_part else: y_with_seasonal = y if doplot: plt.clf() lab = "True, period=%s" % period plt.plot(x, y, marker="o", linestyle="-", label=lab, markersize=8, alpha=0.3, color="blue") lab = "True + seasonality, period=%s" % period plt.plot(x, y_with_seasonal, marker="o", linestyle="-", label=lab, markersize=8, alpha=0.3, color="red") np.random.seed(None) return {"x": x, "y": y, "y_with_seasonal": y_with_seasonal, "seas_lookup": seas_lookup}
def test_l1_fit_rand_with_permissive( beta_d2=4.0, beta_d1=1.0, beta_seasonal=1.0, beta_step=2.5, period=12, noise=0, seed=3733, doplot=True, sea_amp=0.05 ): # print "seed=%s,noise=%s,beta_d2=%s,beta_d1=%s,beta_step=%s," \ # "beta_seasonal=%s" % (seed,noise,beta_d2,beta_d1,beta_step,beta_seasonal) mock = make_l1tf_mock2(noise=noise, seed=seed, sea_amp=sea_amp) y = mock["y_with_seasonal"] xx = mock["x"] step_permissives = [(30, 0.5)] sol = l1_fit( xx, y, beta_d2=beta_d2, beta_d1=beta_d1, beta_seasonal=beta_seasonal, beta_step=beta_step, period=period, step_permissives=step_permissives, ) if doplot: plt.clf() plt.plot(xx, y, linestyle="-", marker="o", markersize=4) plt.plot(xx, sol["xbase"], label="base") plt.plot(xx, sol["steps"], label="steps") plt.plot(xx, sol["seas"], label="seasonal") plt.plot(xx, sol["x"], label="full") plt.legend(loc="upper left")
def plotRocCurves(file_legend): pylab.clf() pylab.figure(1) pylab.xlabel('1 - Specificity', fontsize=12) pylab.ylabel('Sensitivity', fontsize=12) pylab.title("Need for Referral") pylab.grid(True, which='both') pylab.xticks([i/10.0 for i in range(1,11)]) pylab.yticks([i/10.0 for i in range(0,11)]) pylab.tick_params(axis="both", labelsize=15) for file, legend in file_legend: points = open(file,"rb").readlines() x = [float(p.split()[0]) for p in points] y = [float(p.split()[1]) for p in points] dev = [float(p.split()[2]) for p in points] x = [0.0] + x y = [0.0] + y dev = [0.0] + dev auc = np.trapz(y, x) * 100 aucDev = np.trapz(dev, x) * 100 pylab.grid() pylab.errorbar(x, y, yerr = dev, fmt='-') pylab.plot(x, y, '-', linewidth = 1.5, label = legend + u" (AUC = {0:0.1f}% \xb1 {1:0.1f}%)".format(auc,aucDev)) pylab.legend(loc = 4, borderaxespad=0.4, prop={'size':12}) pylab.savefig("referral/referral-curves.pdf", format='pdf')
def plot_experiment_stats(e): sample_data = np.where(e.num_test_genotypes(SAMPLE) > 0)[0] c_sample = (100.0 * e.called(SAMPLE)[sample_data]) / e.num_test_genotypes(SAMPLE)[sample_data] + 1e-15 fill = 100.*e.fill[sample_data] snp_data = np.where(e.num_test_genotypes(SNP) > 0)[0] c_snp = (100.0 * e.called(SNP)[snp_data]) / e.num_test_genotypes(SNP)[snp_data] # Call % vs. fill % P.figure(1); P.clf(); P.plot(fill, c_sample, 'o') P.xlabel('Fill %') P.ylabel('Call %') P.title('Validation Breakdown by Sample, %.2f%% Deleted. r = %.2f' % (100.0 * e.fraction, np.corrcoef(fill + SMALL_FLOAT, c_sample + SMALL_FLOAT)[0, 1],)) # Call % vs. SNP P.figure(2); P.clf(); P.plot(snp_data, c_snp, 'o') P.xlabel('SNP #') P.ylabel('Call %') P.title('Validation Breakdown by SNP, %.2f%% Deleted' % (100.0 * e.fraction,)) return (np.array([snp_data, c_snp]).transpose(), np.array([sample_data, c_sample, fill]).transpose())
def psd(self, lc_data, n=1024, save=False): flux = lc_data[:,1] # check NaN value, and reset it to zero nani = np.where(np.isnan(flux) > 0) flux[nani] = 0.0 thz = np.fft.fftfreq(n, d=self.exposuretime) fre = [] for index in range(len(flux)/n): temp = np.fft.fft(flux[index*n:(index + 1)*n]) fre.append(temp[1:n/2]) fre_array = np.asarray(fre) avg_fre_array = np.average(fre_array, axis=0) power = (np.abs(avg_fre_array)**2)/thz[1:n/2] plt.clf() ps = plt.gca() ps.plot(thz[1:n/2], power, 'k.-') ps.set_xscale('log') ps.set_yscale('log') ps.set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') ps.set_ylabel(r'PSD (power$^2$/frequency)') ps.set_title('PSD: ' + op.basename(self.filename) + r', n=%4d, $\Delta$t=%4.2f sec' % (n, self.exposuretime)) if save == 1: save_filename = 'f' + str(self.fibre) + '_' + op.basename(self.filename)[:-5] + '_psd.png' plt.savefig(save_filename, format='png')
def plot_average(filenames, save_plot=True, show_plot=False, dpi=100): ''' Plot Signal average from a list of averaged files. ''' fname = get_files_from_list(filenames) # plot averages pl.ioff() # switch off (interactive) plot visualisation factor = 1e15 for fnavg in fname: name = fnavg[0:len(fnavg) - 4] basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(name))[0] print fnavg # mne.read_evokeds provides a list or a single evoked based on condition. # here we assume only one evoked is returned (requires further handling) avg = mne.read_evokeds(fnavg)[0] ymin, ymax =, ymin *= factor * 1.1 ymax *= factor * 1.1 fig = pl.figure(basename, figsize=(10, 8), dpi=100) pl.clf() pl.ylim([ymin, ymax]) pl.xlim([avg.times.min(), avg.times.max()]) pl.plot(avg.times, * factor, color='black') pl.title(basename) # save figure fnfig = os.path.splitext(fnavg)[0] + '.png' pl.savefig(fnfig, dpi=dpi) pl.ion() # switch on (interactive) plot visualisation
def plot(self,key='Re'): """ Create a plot of a variable over the ORACLES study area. Parameters ---------- key : string See names for available datasets to plot. clf : boolean If True, clear off pre-existing figure. If False, plot over pre-existing figure. Modification history -------------------- Written: Michael Diamond, 08/16/2016, Seattle, WA Modified: Michael Diamond, 08/21/2016, Seattle, WA -Added ORACLES routine flight plan, Walvis Bay (orange), and Ascension Island Modified: Michael Diamond, 09/02/2016, Swakopmund, Namibia -Updated flihgt track """ plt.clf() size = 16 font = 'Arial' m = Basemap(llcrnrlon=self.lon.min(),,urcrnrlon=self.lon.max(),\,projection='merc',resolution='i') m.drawparallels(np.arange(-180,180,5),labels=[1,0,0,0],fontsize=size,fontname=font) m.drawmeridians(np.arange(0,360,5),labels=[1,1,0,1],fontsize=size,fontname=font) m.drawmapboundary(linewidth=1.5) m.drawcoastlines() m.drawcountries() if key == 'Pbot' or key == 'Ptop' or key == 'Nd' or key == 'DZ': m.drawmapboundary(fill_color='steelblue') m.fillcontinents(color='floralwhite',lake_color='steelblue',zorder=0) else: m.fillcontinents('k',zorder=0) if key == 'Nd': m.pcolormesh(self.lon,,self.ds['%s' % key],cmap=self.colors['%s' % key],\ latlon=True,norm = LogNorm(vmin=self.v['%s' % key][0],vmax=self.v['%s' % key][1])) elif key == 'Zbf' or key == 'Ztf': levels = [0,250,500,750,1000,1250,1500,1750,2000,2500,3000,3500,4000,5000,6000,7000,8000,9000,10000] m.contourf(self.lon,,self.ds['%s' % key],levels=levels,\ cmap=self.colors['%s' % key],latlon=True,extend='max') elif key == 'DZ': levels = [0,500,1000,1500,2000,2500,3000,3500,4000,4500,5000,5500,6000,6500,7000] m.contourf(self.lon,,self.ds['%s' % key],levels=levels,\ cmap=self.colors['%s' % key],latlon=True,extend='max') else: m.pcolormesh(self.lon,,self.ds['%s' % key],cmap=self.colors['%s' % key],\ latlon=True,vmin=self.v['%s' % key][0],vmax=self.v['%s' % key][1]) cbar = m.colorbar() cbar.set_label('[%s]' % self.units['%s' % key],fontsize=size,fontname=font) if key == 'Pbot' or key == 'Ptop': m.scatter(14.5247,-22.9390,s=250,c='orange',marker='D',latlon=True) m.scatter(-14.3559,-7.9467,s=375,c='c',marker='*',latlon=True) m.scatter(-5.7089,-15.9650,s=375,c='chartreuse',marker='*',latlon=True) m.plot([14.5247,13,0],[-22.9390,-23,-10],c='w',linewidth=5,linestyle='dashed',latlon=True) m.plot([14.5247,13,0],[-22.9390,-23,-10],c='k',linewidth=3,linestyle='dashed',latlon=True) plt.title('%s from MSG SEVIRI on %s/%s/%s at %s UTC' % \ (self.names['%s' % key],self.month,,self.year,self.time),fontsize=size+4,fontname=font)
def plotLSQ(C_ms,lsqSc,lsqMu,lsqSl,LSQ,viewDirectory,TextSize=16): C_MS = C_ms - 1.0 #480x480 myfile = os.path.join(viewDirectory,'lsq.png') title='Cumulative LSQ Penalties' red = 'S(Q,E)' green = 'high E scatter' blue = 'slope of high E scatter' xlabel = r"$C_{ms}$ [unitless]" ylabel = "Cumulative Penalty [unitless]" pylab.clf() pylab.plot( C_MS, lsqSc, 'r-', linewidth=5 ) pylab.plot( C_MS, lsqMu, 'g-', linewidth=5 ) pylab.plot( C_MS, lsqSl, 'b-', linewidth=5 ) pylab.grid( 1 ) pylab.legend( (red, green, blue), loc="upper left" ) pylab.xlabel( xlabel ) pylab.ylabel( ylabel ) pylab.title(title) pylab.savefig( myfile ) myfile = os.path.join(viewDirectory,'lsq_f.png') pylab.clf() title='Final Cumulative LSQ Penalty' pylab.plot( C_MS,LSQ, 'b-', linewidth = 5) pylab.xlabel( xlabel ) pylab.ylabel( ylabel ) pylab.title( title ) pylab.grid(1) pylab.savefig( myfile ) return
def plot_df(self,show=False): from matplotlib import pylab as plt if self.afp is None: print 'afp not initilized. call update afp' return -1 linecords,td,df,rtn,minmaxy = self.afp formatter = PlotDateFormatter(df.index) #fig = plt.figure() #ax = plt.addsubplot() fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) ax.plot(np.arange(len(df)), df['p']) for cord in linecords: plt.plot(cord[0],cord[1],color='red') fig.autofmt_xdate() plt.xlim(-10,len(df.index) + 10) plt.ylim(df.p.min() - 10,df.p.max() + 10) plt.grid(ax) #if show: # #"{0}{1}.png".format("./data/",datetime.datetime.strftime(,'%Y%M%m%S')) if self.plot_file: save_path = self.plot_file.format(self.symbol) if os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(save_path)): plt.savefig(save_path) plt.clf() plt.close()
def plotRocCurves(lesion, lesion_en): file_legend = [] for techniqueMid in techniquesMid: for techniqueLow in techniquesLow: file_legend.append((directory + techniqueLow + "/" + techniqueMid + "/operating-points-" + lesion + "-scale.dat", "Low-level: " + techniqueLow + ". Mid-level: " + techniqueMid + ".")) pylab.clf() pylab.figure(1) pylab.xlabel('1 - Specificity', fontsize=12) pylab.ylabel('Sensitivity', fontsize=12) pylab.title(lesion_en) pylab.grid(True, which='both') pylab.xticks([i/10.0 for i in range(1,11)]) pylab.yticks([i/10.0 for i in range(0,11)]) #pylab.tick_params(axis="both", labelsize=15) for file, legend in file_legend: points = open(file,"rb").readlines() x = [float(p.split()[0]) for p in points] y = [float(p.split()[1]) for p in points] x.append(0.0) y.append(0.0) auc = numpy.trapz(y, x) * -100 pylab.grid() pylab.plot(x, y, '-', linewidth = 1.5, label = legend + u" (AUC = {0:0.1f}%)".format(auc)) pylab.legend(loc = 4, borderaxespad=0.4, prop={'size':12}) pylab.savefig(directory + "plots/" + lesion + ".pdf", format='pdf')
def plotFittingResults(self): """ Plot results of Rmax optimization procedure and best fit of the experimental data """ _listFitQ = [tmp.getValue() for tmp in self.getDataOutput().getScatteringFitQ()] _listFitValues = [tmp.getValue() for tmp in self.getDataOutput().getScatteringFitValues()] _listExpQ = [tmp.getValue() for tmp in self.getDataInput().getExperimentalDataQ()] _listExpValues = [tmp.getValue() for tmp in self.getDataInput().getExperimentalDataValues()] #_listExpStdDev = None #if self.getDataInput().getExperimentalDataStdDev(): # _listExpStdDev = [tmp.getValue() for tmp in self.getDataInput().getExperimentalDataStdDev()] #if _listExpStdDev: # pylab.errorbar(_listExpQ, _listExpValues, yerr=_listExpStdDev, linestyle='None', marker='o', markersize=1, label="Experimental Data") # pylab.gca().set_yscale("log", nonposy='clip') #else: # pylab.semilogy(_listExpQ, _listExpValues, linestyle='None', marker='o', markersize=5, label="Experimental Data") pylab.semilogy(_listExpQ, _listExpValues, linestyle='None', marker='o', markersize=5, label="Experimental Data") pylab.semilogy(_listFitQ, _listFitValues, label="Fitting curve") pylab.xlabel('q') pylab.ylabel('I(q)') pylab.suptitle("RMax : %3.2f. Fit quality : %1.3f" % (self.getDataInput().getRMax().getValue(), self.getDataOutput().getFitQuality().getValue())) pylab.legend() pylab.savefig(os.path.join(self.getWorkingDirectory(), "gnomFittingResults.png")) pylab.clf()
def check_HDF5(size=64): """ Plot images with landmarks to check the processing """ # Get hdf5 file hdf5_file = os.path.join(data_dir, "CelebA_%s_data.h5" % size) with h5py.File(hdf5_file, "r") as hf: data_color = hf["training_color_data"] data_lab = hf["training_lab_data"] data_black = hf["training_black_data"] for i in range(data_color.shape[0]): fig = plt.figure() gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 1) for k in range(3): ax = plt.subplot(gs[k]) if k == 0: img = data_color[i, :, :, :].transpose(1,2,0) ax.imshow(img) elif k == 1: img = data_lab[i, :, :, :].transpose(1,2,0) img = color.lab2rgb(img) ax.imshow(img) elif k == 2: img = data_black[i, 0, :, :] / 255. ax.imshow(img, cmap="gray") gs.tight_layout(fig) plt.clf() plt.close()
def visualize_representations(dir, nlayers): pylab.clf() n_subplot_vertical = nlayers + 1 n_subplot_horizontal = 4 # input location = 1 + nlayers * n_subplot_horizontal + 1 filename = dir + "representations/input.txt" plot_representation(n_subplot_vertical, n_subplot_horizontal, location, filename, "x") # for i in range(nlayers): # reconstruction of input location = 1 + (nlayers - i) * n_subplot_horizontal filename = dir + "representations/recons_from_hidden_l" + str(i) + ".txt" plot_representation(n_subplot_vertical, n_subplot_horizontal, location, filename, "rebuilt from h") # hidden layer location = 1 + (nlayers - i - 1) * n_subplot_horizontal + 1 filename = dir + "representations/hidden_l" + str(i) + ".txt" plot_representation(n_subplot_vertical, n_subplot_horizontal, location, filename, "hidden") # reconstruction of layer through speech location = 1 + (nlayers - i - 1) * n_subplot_horizontal + 2 filename = dir + "representations/recons_from_speech_l" + str(i) + ".txt" plot_representation(n_subplot_vertical, n_subplot_horizontal, location, filename, "rebuilt from s") # speech location = 1 + (nlayers - i - 1) * n_subplot_horizontal + 3 filename = dir + "representations/speech_l" + str(i) + ".txt" plot_representation(n_subplot_vertical, n_subplot_horizontal, location, filename, "speech") pylab.savefig(dir + "representations.png")
def plot_swe(run_id, met_inp, which_model, hydro_years_to_take, catchment, output_dem, origin, model_swe_sc_threshold, mask_file, dsc_snow_output_folder, plot_folder): bounding = 'moving' lats = np.linspace( 48e5, 50e5, 365 ) # asssume plot is 5e5 high, 4e5 wide lats = np.linspace(47e5, 52e5, 365) # asssume plot is 5e5 high, 4e5 wide lons = np.linspace(11e5, 12e5, 365) # lons = np.linspace(10e5, 15e5, 365) camera_motion = [lats, lons] plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 14}) plt.rcParams.update({'axes.titlesize': 14}) # bin_edges = [-0.001, 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 270, 360] # use small negative number to include 0 in the interpolation for i, year_to_take in enumerate(hydro_years_to_take): modis_mask = np.load(mask_file) fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=[8, 6]) print('loading data for year {}'.format(year_to_take)) nc_file = nc.Dataset( model_output_folder + '/snow_out_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}.nc'.format( met_inp, which_model, catchment, output_dem, run_id, year_to_take), 'r') nztm_dem = nc_file.variables['elevation'][:] x_centres = nc_file.variables['easting'][:] y_centres = nc_file.variables['northing'][:-116] out_dt = nc.num2date( nc_file.variables['time'][:], nc_file.variables['time'].units ) #, only_use_cftime_datetimes=False, only_use_python_datetimes=True for i in range(nc_file.variables['swe'].shape[0]): swe = np.log(nc_file.variables['swe'][i, :-116, :]) swe[np.isinf(swe)] = 0 # take for NZ swe[modis_mask == False] = np.nan CS1 = plt.pcolormesh(x_centres, y_centres, swe, cmap=copy.copy('viridis')), vmin=1.61, vmax=8.52) #levels=bin_edges, extend='max' #CS1.cmap.set_bad('grey') #CS1.cmap.set_under('grey') #CS1.cmap.set_under('grey') plt.gca().set_aspect('equal') # plt.imshow(modis_scd, origin=0, interpolation='none', vmin=0, vmax=365, cmap='magma_r') plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) cbar = plt.colorbar(CS1, ticks=np.log([5, 50, 500, 5000])) cbar.set_ticklabels([5, 50, 500, 5000]) cbar.set_label('Snow water equivalent (mm w.e.)', rotation=90) plt.xticks(np.arange(12e5, 21e5, 2e5)) plt.yticks(np.arange(48e5, 63e5, 2e5)) if bounding == 'moving': plt.ylim((camera_motion[0][i], camera_motion[0][i] + 4e5)) plt.xlim((camera_motion[1][i], camera_motion[1][i] + 5e5)) plt.ticklabel_format(axis='both', style='sci', scilimits=(0, 0)) plt.ylabel('NZTM northing') plt.xlabel('NZTM easting') plt.title('SWE {}'.format(out_dt[i])) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig( plot_folder + '/SWE model {} thres{} {} {} {} {}.png'.format( year_to_take, model_swe_sc_threshold, run_id, met_inp, which_model, i), dpi=150) # plt.clf()
def handle(self, *args, **kwargs): try: self.options = map2obj(kwargs) if self.options.enable_preclustering and self.options.enable_postclustering:'both pre and post clustering enabled. invalid options.') return X = self.load(, self.options.dataid) print 'X shape: ', X.shape labels = [] n_clusters_ = 0 if self.options.enable_preclustering: bandwidth = estimate_bandwidth(X, quantile=self.options.quantile, n_samples=500) ms = MeanShift(bandwidth=bandwidth, bin_seeding=True) labels = ms.labels_ # cluster_centers = ms.cluster_centers_ labels_unique = numpy.unique(labels) n_clusters_ = len(labels_unique) print 'n_clusters_: ', n_clusters_ self.fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(8, 6)) plt.clf() #ax = Axes3D(fig, rect=[0, 0, .95, 1], elev=48, azim=134) = Axes3D(self.fig) plt.cla() pca = decomposition.PCA(n_components=3) X = pca.transform(X) if self.options.enable_postclustering: bandwidth = estimate_bandwidth(X, quantile=self.options.quantile, n_samples=500) ms = MeanShift(bandwidth=bandwidth, bin_seeding=True) labels = ms.labels_ # cluster_centers = ms.cluster_centers_ labels_unique = numpy.unique(labels) n_clusters_ = len(labels_unique) print 'n_clusters_: ', n_clusters_ if self.options.enable_preclustering or self.options.enable_postclustering: # Reorder the labels to have colors matching the cluster results colors = cycle('bgrcmykbgrcmykbgrcmykbgrcmyk') for k, col in zip(range(n_clusters_), colors): my_members = labels == k # cluster_center = cluster_centers[k] X[my_members, 0], X[my_members, 1], X[my_members, 2], c=col, ) print '[Cluster{}] {}'.format(k, sum(my_members)) else:[:, 0], X[:, 1], X[:, 2], c='b', if self.options.enable_animation: anim = animation.FuncAnimation( self.fig, self.animate, frames=int(360 / self.options.azimuth_interval) ), writer='imagemagick', fps=self.options.fps) if self.options.enable_shrink: self.shrink_gif() except: logging.error(traceback.format_exc())
M /= M.max() #%% plot the distributions pl.figure(1) for i in range(nbd): pl.plot(x, A[:, i]) pl.title('Distributions') #%% barycenter computation # l2bary bary_l2 = A.mean(1) # wasserstein reg = 1e-3 bary_wass = ot.bregman.barycenter(A, M, reg) pl.figure(2) pl.clf() pl.subplot(2, 1, 1) for i in range(nbd): pl.plot(x, A[:, i]) pl.title('Distributions') pl.subplot(2, 1, 2) pl.plot(x, bary_l2, 'r', label='l2') pl.plot(x, bary_wass, 'g', label='Wasserstein') pl.legend() pl.title('Barycenters')
def fitplot(func, x, y, p0, yerr=None, extra={}, sel=None, fig=None, skip=False, hold=False, col_fit='red', col_data=None, col_unsel_data=None, label=None, result_loc='upper right', xpts=1000, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, title_fmt={}, **kwarg): """ This does the same as fitcurve (see its documentation) but also plots the data, the fit on the top panel and the difference between the fit and the data on the bottom panel. sel selects the point to use for the fit. The unselected points are plotted in a color closer to the background. xpts selects the number of points to use for the xscale (from min to max) or it can be a tuple (min, max, npts) or it can also be a vector of points to use directly or it can be 'reuse' to reuse the x data. fig selects which figure to use. By default it uses the currently active one. skip when True, prevents the fitting. This is useful when trying out initial parameters for the fit. In this case, the returned values are (chi2, chiNorm) hold: when True, the plots are added on top of the previous ones. xlabel, ylabel: when given, changes the x and y labels. title_fmt is the options used to display the functions. For example to have a larger title you can use: title_fmt = dict(size=20) col_fit, col_data, col_unsel_data: are respectivelly the colors for the fit, the (selected) data and the unselected data. By default, the fit is red, the others cycle. label is a string used to label the curves. 'data' or 'fit' is appended result_loc when not None, is the position where the parameters will be printed. the box is draggable. see plotResult On return the active axis is the main one. """ if fig: fig = plt.figure(fig) else: fig = plt.gcf() if title_fmt.get('verticalalignment', None) is None: # This prevents the title from leaking into the axes. title_fmt['verticalalignment'] = 'bottom' if not hold: plt.clf() if label is not None: data_label = label + ' data' fit_label = label + ' fit' else: data_label = 'data' fit_label = 'fit' fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True, num=fig.number) ax1.set_position([.125, .30, .85, .60]) ax2.set_position([.125, .05, .85, .20]) if not hold and col_fit == 'red': # skip red from color cycle. # here it gets hard coded ax1.set_color_cycle(['b', 'g', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k']) if col_data is None: # This is a bit of a hack, a matplotlib update could break this. # Another way would be to create a plot, use get_color() on it and remove the plot. col_data = if col_fit is None: col_fit = if col_unsel_data is None: col = matplotlib.colors.colorConverter.to_rgb(col_data) bgcol = matplotlib.colors.colorConverter.to_rgb(ax1.get_axis_bgcolor()) # move halfway between col abd bgcol col = np.array(col) bgcol = np.array(bgcol) col_unsel_data = tuple((col + bgcol) / 2.) if xlabel is not None: ax1.set_xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel is not None: ax1.set_ylabel(ylabel) # the current axis on return if sel is not None: xsel = x[sel] ysel = y[sel] if yerr is not None and np.asarray(yerr).size > 1: yerrsel = yerr[sel] else: yerrsel = yerr ax1.errorbar(x, y, yerr=yerr, fmt='.', label='_nolegend_', color=col_unsel_data) else: xsel = x ysel = y yerrsel = yerr if xpts == 'reuse': xx = x elif isinstance(xpts, (list, np.ndarray)): xx = xpts elif isinstance(xpts, tuple): xx = np.linspace(xpts[0], xpts[1], xpts[2]) else: xx = np.linspace(x.min(), x.max(), xpts) err_func = lambda x, y, p: func(x, *p, **extra) - y if skip: pld1 = ax1.errorbar(xsel, ysel, yerr=yerrsel, fmt='.', label=data_label, color=col_data) pld2 = ax2.errorbar(xsel, err_func(xsel, ysel, p0), yerr=yerrsel, fmt='.', label=data_label, color=col_data) pl = ax1.plot(xx, func(xx, *p0, **extra), '-', color=col_fit, label=fit_label)[0] try: plt.title(func.display_str, **title_fmt) except AttributeError: # No display_str pass fig.canvas.draw() #plt.draw() if not skip: p, resids, pe, extras = fitcurve(func, xsel, ysel, p0, yerr=yerrsel, extra=extra, **kwarg) printResult(func, p, pe, extra=extra) #pld1.remove() ax1.errorbar(xsel, ysel, yerr=extras['s'], fmt='.', label=data_label, color=col_data) pl.set_ydata(func(xx, *p, **extra)) ax1.relim() # this is needed for the autoscaling to use the new data #pld2.remove() ax2.errorbar(xsel, err_func(xsel, ysel, p), yerr=extras['s'], fmt='.', label=data_label, color=col_data) ax2.autoscale_view(scalex=False) # only need to rescale y ax1.autoscale_view(scalex=False) # only need to rescale y for t in ax1.texts: if isinstance(t, matplotlib.text.Annotation): t.remove() break if result_loc is not None: plotResult(func, p, pe, extra=extra, loc=result_loc, ax=ax1) fig.canvas.draw() #plt.draw() return p, resids, pe, extras else: if yerrsel is None: yerrsel = 1 f = lambda p, x, y, yerr: ((func(x, *p, **extra) - y) / yerr)**2. chi2 = np.sum(f(p0, xsel, ysel, yerrsel)) Ndof = len(xsel) - len(p0) chiNorm = chi2 / Ndof return chi2, chiNorm
# python 1 250 2 0.5 0.1 1000 1 from usps import get_usps_split i=0 (X_train, Y_train), (X_test, Y_test) = get_usps_split(1) np.random.seed(seed) X_train = X_train[:num_cases] Y_train = Y_train[:num_cases] [N, D] = X_train.shape print 'USPS, num_examples=%d, num_dim=%d' % (N, D) Z = train_sgd(X_train,Y_train,dataset_name,P,k, num_iters=num_iters, perplexity=perplexity, eta=eta,mo=.9,L2=L2, batch_size=N,seed=seed) plt.clf() plt.hold(True) syms = ['bo', 'ro', 'go', 'bx', 'rx', 'gx', 'b<', 'r<', 'g<', 'k.'] assert len(syms)==10 for i,sym in zip(range(10),syms): I = (Y_train==i) plt.plot(Z[I,0], Z[I,1], sym) plt.title("USPS -- K=%s" % k) fig_filename = 'usps_K=%d' % (k) plt.savefig(fig_filename + '.png' ) plt.savefig(fig_filename + '.pdf' ) plt.savefig(fig_filename + '.eps' )
print 'Find %d files'%(len(fl)) N1=16;N2=128;N3=N2 #b=np.zeros((N1,N2,N3)) for f in fl: print 'Working on '+f a=np.fromfile(f,dtype='float32') if (len(a)==(1024*1024*1024)): a=np.reshape(a,(1024,1024,1024)) # freq in first axis #a=a.T ## Check this aa=a.reshape(N1,1024/N1,N2,1024/N2,N3,1024/N3) b=aa.mean(5).mean(3).mean(1) n=0 pl.figure(1) pl.clf() pl.imshow(a[n]) pl.title('Original plane %d'%(n)) pl.figure(2) pl.clf() n=int(n*N1)/1024 pl.imshow(b[n]) pl.title('Sum plane %d: %s'%(n,f)) pl.pause(0.1) fo=f+'.new' print 'Writing '+fo fo=open(fo,'wb') fo.write(b) fo.close() fl=glob.glob('delta_T*')
(1 + eps * X[n - 1])**2) * (P[n - 1] / P0)**2) def dpdw(n): return (-alpha / 2) * ((P0**2) / P[n - 1]) * (1 + eps * X[n - 1]) P[0] = 8.2 X[0] = 0 for n in range(1, M + 1): X[n] = X[n - 1] + dw * dxdw(n) P[n] = P[n - 1] + dw * dpdw(n) plot.clf() plot.figure(1) plot.plot(w * 1e6, X) plot.title("X(W)") plot.xlabel("W * 10^6 [kg]") plot.ylabel("Conversion") print("Final conversion:{}".format(X[-1])) plot.figure(2) plot.plot(w * 1e6, P) plot.title("P(W)") plot.xlabel("W * 10^6 [kg]") plot.ylabel("Pressure [atm]") print("Final pressure:{}".format(P[-1])) plot.figure(3) plot.plot(w * 1e6, Fa0 * (1 - X) * 1e5)
np.sqrt(np.sum(Xrd**2,axis=0)*np.sum(Yrd**2,axis=0)) ret['spearman'] = spearman return ret # test/example routine if __name__ == "__main__": from matplotlib.pylab import figure, clf, plot, legend, show, ylim #from pretty import pprint from pprint import pprint N=500 x=np.linspace(0,1,N) y=3+5*x**2+np.random.randn(N)*.1 y[200]=100 figure(1) clf() plot(x,y,label='data') ss=y*0+1. ER=True #ER=False (pf,res,pe,extras) = gen_polyfit(x,y,3,errors=ER) plot(x,gen_polyeval(x,pf),'g',label='fit no s') pprint (('fit no s',pf[0],pe,res,extras)) pprint (report(x,y,pf)) (pf,res,pe,extras) = gen_polyfit(x,y,3,s=10,errors=ER) plot(x,gen_polyeval(x,pf),'r',label='fit constant s') pprint (('fit constant s',pf[0],pe,res,extras)) pprint ( report(x,y,pf,s=10) ) ss[200]=100 (pf,res,pe,extras) = gen_polyfit(x,y,3,s=ss,errors=ER) plot(x,gen_polyeval(x,pf),'k', label='fit with s')
def plot_loci(self,loci,filename,flank_limit=2): ''' Plots the loci, windows and candidate genes Parameters ---------- loci : iterable of co.Loci The loci to print filename : str The output filename ''' plt.clf() # Each chromosome gets a plot chroms = set([x.chrom for x in loci]) # Create a figure with a subplot for each chromosome f, axes = plt.subplots(len(chroms),figsize=(10,4*len(chroms))) # Split loci by chromosome chromloci = defaultdict(list) for locus in sorted(loci): chromloci[locus.chrom].append(locus) # iterate over Loci seen_chroms = set([loci[0].chrom]) voffset = 1 # Vertical Offset hoffset = 0 # Horizonatal Offset current_chrom = 0 for i,locus in enumerate(loci): # Reset the temp variables in necessary if locus.chrom not in seen_chroms: seen_chroms.add(locus.chrom) current_chrom += 1 voffset = 1 hoffset = 0 # Do the access things cax = axes[current_chrom] cax.set_ylabel('Chrom: '+ locus.chrom) cax.set_xlabel('Loci') cax.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) #cax.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) # shortcut for current axis cax.hold(True) # place marker for start window cax.scatter(hoffset,voffset,marker='>') # place marker for start snp cax.scatter(hoffset+locus.window,voffset,marker='.',color='blue') # place marker for stop snp cax.scatter(hoffset+locus.window+len(locus),voffset,marker='.',color='blue') # place marker for stop snp cax.scatter(hoffset+locus.window+len(locus)+locus.window,voffset,marker='<') # place markers for sub snps #for subsnp in locus.sub_loci: # cax.scatter( # hoffset + subsnp.start - locus.start + locus.window, # voffset, # marker='.', # color='blue' # ) # place a block for interlocal distance cax.barh( bottom=voffset, width=50, height=1, left=hoffset+locus.window+len(locus)+locus.window, color='red' ) # grab the candidate genes for gene in self.candidate_genes(locus,flank_limit=flank_limit): cax.barh( bottom=voffset, width = len(gene), height= 1, left=gene.start-locus.start+locus.window, color='red' ) voffset += 5 plt.savefig(filename) return f
def create_schedule(n_days, inventory_start, n_totes_washed_start, pars=None, do_plot=True, verbose=True): """ Demo an optimal supply chain scheduling with variable labor costs, and the concept of totes that hold a number of products. Totes need to be cleaned on a regular basis. :param pars: parameters from create_default_params :param do_plot: True if you want a plot created (default) :return: None """ if pars is None: pars = create_default_params() days = np.arange(n_days) print 'creating demand' demand = create_demand(days) labor_costs = get_labor_costs(days, pars) # define variables which keep track of # production, inventory and number of totes washed per day print 'defining variables' production = Variable(n_days) sales = Variable(n_days) inventory = Variable(n_days) n_totes_washed = Variable(n_days) print 'calculating costs and profit' # calculate when the totes that were washed become dirty again shift_matrix = mu.time_shift_matrix(n_days, pars['days_until_cleaning']) n_totes_become_dirty = (shift_matrix * n_totes_washed)[:n_days] # calculate the number of clean totes on any day cum_matrix = mu.cumulative_matrix(n_days) n_washed_totes_available = n_totes_washed_start \ + cum_matrix*(n_totes_washed - n_totes_become_dirty) print 'calculating total cost' # Minimize total cost which is # sum of labor costs, storage costs and washing costs total_cost = production.T*labor_costs + \ pars['storage_cost'] * sum(inventory) + \ pars['washing_tote_cost'] * sum(n_totes_washed) total_profit = pars['sales_price'] * sum(sales) - total_cost print 'defining objective' objective = Maximize(total_profit) # Subject to these constraints constraints = make_constraints(production, sales, inventory, pars, n_washed_totes_available, n_totes_washed, demand, inventory_start) # define the problem and solve it problem = Problem(objective, constraints) solver = 'cvxpy' print 'solving with: %s' % solver start = time() problem.solve(verbose=verbose) finish = time() run_time = finish - start print 'Solve time: %s seconds' % run_time print "Status: %s" % problem.status if problem.status == 'infeasible': print "Problem is infeasible, no solution found" return n_items_sold = sum(sales.value) total_cost = problem.value total_washing_cost = pars['washing_tote_cost'] * sum(n_totes_washed.value) total_labor_cost = (production.T * labor_costs).value total_storage_cost = sum(inventory.value) * pars['storage_cost'] total_cost_per_item = problem.value / n_items_sold print "Total cost: %s" % total_cost print "Total labor cost: %s" % total_labor_cost print "Total washing cost: %s" % total_washing_cost print "Total storage cost: %s" % total_storage_cost print "Total cost/item: %s" % total_cost_per_item print "Total profit: %s" % total_profit.value if do_plot: plot_variables(days, production, inventory, sales, demand, n_washed_totes_available) plt.clf()
def create_stochastic_blockmodel_graph(self, blocks=10, size=100, self_block_connectivity=0.9, other_block_connectivity=0.1, connectivity_matrix=None, directed=False, self_edges=False, power_exp=None, scale=None, plot_stat=False): size = size if isinstance(size, list) else [size] self_block_connectivity = self_block_connectivity if isinstance(self_block_connectivity, list) else [self_block_connectivity] other_block_connectivity = other_block_connectivity if isinstance(other_block_connectivity, list) else [other_block_connectivity] num_nodes = sum([size[i % len(size)] for i in xrange(blocks)]) if power_exp is None: self.print_f("Starting to create Stochastic Blockmodel Graph with {} nodes and {} blocks".format(num_nodes, blocks)) else: self.print_f("Starting to create degree-corrected (alpha=" + str(power_exp) + ") Stochastic Blockmodel Graph with {} nodes and {} blocks".format(num_nodes, blocks)) self.print_f('convert/transform probabilities') blocks_range = range(blocks) block_sizes = np.array([size[i % len(size)] for i in blocks_range]) # create connectivity matrix of self- and other-block-connectivity if connectivity_matrix is None: connectivity_matrix = [] self.print_f('inner conn: ' + str(self_block_connectivity) + '\tother conn: ' + str(other_block_connectivity)) for idx in blocks_range: row = [] for jdx in blocks_range: if idx == jdx: row.append(self_block_connectivity[idx % len(self_block_connectivity)]) else: if scale is not None: prob = other_block_connectivity[idx % len(other_block_connectivity)] / (num_nodes - block_sizes[idx]) * block_sizes[jdx] if directed: row.append(prob) else: row.append(prob / 2) else: row.append(other_block_connectivity[idx % len(other_block_connectivity)]) connectivity_matrix.append(row) # convert con-matrix to np.array if connectivity_matrix is not None and isinstance(connectivity_matrix, np.matrix): connectivity_matrix = np.asarray(connectivity_matrix) # convert con-matrix to np.array if connectivity_matrix is not None and not isinstance(connectivity_matrix, np.ndarray): connectivity_matrix = np.array(connectivity_matrix) self.print_f('conn mat') printing.print_matrix(connectivity_matrix) if scale == 'relative' or scale == 'absolute': new_connectivity_matrix = [] for i in blocks_range: connectivity_row = connectivity_matrix[i, :] if connectivity_matrix is not None else None nodes_in_src_block = block_sizes[i] multp = 1 if scale == 'absolute' else (nodes_in_src_block * (nodes_in_src_block - 1)) row_prob = [(connectivity_row[idx] * multp) / (nodes_in_src_block * (nodes_in_block - 1)) for idx, nodes_in_block in enumerate(block_sizes)] new_connectivity_matrix.append(np.array(row_prob)) connectivity_matrix = np.array(new_connectivity_matrix) self.print_f(scale + ' scaled conn mat:') printing.print_matrix(connectivity_matrix) # create nodes and store corresponding block-id self.print_f('insert nodes') vertex_to_block = [] appender = vertex_to_block.append colors = self.graph.new_vertex_property("float") for i in xrange(blocks): block_size = size[i % len(size)] for j in xrange(block_size): appender((self.graph.add_vertex(), i)) node = vertex_to_block[-1][0] colors[node] = i # create edges get_rand = np.random.random add_edge = self.graph.add_edge self.print_f('create edge probs') degree_probs = defaultdict(lambda: dict()) for vertex, block_id in vertex_to_block: if power_exp is None: degree_probs[block_id][vertex] = 1 else: degree_probs[block_id][vertex] = math.exp(power_exp * np.random.random()) tmp = dict() self.print_f('normalize edge probs') all_prop = [] for block_id, node_to_prop in degree_probs.iteritems(): sum_of_block_norm = 1 / sum(node_to_prop.values()) tmp[block_id] = {key: val * sum_of_block_norm for key, val in node_to_prop.iteritems()} all_prop.append(tmp[block_id].values()) degree_probs = tmp if plot_stat: plt.clf() plt.hist(all_prop, bins=15) plt.savefig("prop_dist.png") plt.close('all') self.print_f('count edges between blocks') edges_between_blocks = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)) for idx, (src_node, src_block) in enumerate(vertex_to_block): conn_mat_row = connectivity_matrix[src_block, :] for dest_node, dest_block in vertex_to_block: if get_rand() < conn_mat_row[dest_block]: edges_between_blocks[src_block][dest_block] += 1 self.print_f('create edges') for src_block, dest_dict in edges_between_blocks.iteritems(): self.print_f(' -- Processing Block {}. Creating links to: {}'.format(src_block, dest_dict)) for dest_block, num_edges in dest_dict.iteritems(): self.print_f(' ++ adding {} edges to {}'.format(num_edges, dest_block)) for i in xrange(num_edges): # find src node prob = np.random.random() prob_sum = 0 src_node = None for vertex, v_prob in degree_probs[src_block].iteritems(): prob_sum += v_prob if prob_sum >= prob: src_node = vertex break # find dest node prob = np.random.random() prob_sum = 0 dest_node = None for vertex, v_prob in degree_probs[dest_block].iteritems(): prob_sum += v_prob if prob_sum >= prob: dest_node = vertex break if src_node is None or dest_node is None: print 'Error selecting node:', src_node, dest_node if self.graph.edge(src_node, dest_node) is None: if self_edges or not src_node == dest_node: add_edge(src_node, dest_node) self.graph.vertex_properties["colorsComm"] = colors return self.return_and_reset()
a.vw /= utau2 wind_dir = 180.0 + np.arctan2(a.u, a.v) * 180.0 / np.pi pylab.plot(np.sqrt(np.multiply(a.u, a.u) + np.multiply(a.v, a.v)), a.z, label='|U|') pylab.plot(a.u, a.z, label=r'$U_x$') pylab.plot(a.v, a.z, label=r'$U_y$') pylab.xlabel("Velocity (m/s)") pylab.ylabel("Height (m)") pylab.legend() pylab.grid() pylab.savefig("velmean.pdf") pylab.clf() pylab.plot(a.w, a.z, label=r'$U_z$') pylab.xlabel("Velocity (m/s)") pylab.ylabel("Height (m)") pylab.legend() pylab.grid() pylab.savefig("wmean.pdf") pylab.clf() pylab.plot(wind_dir, a.z, label='wind direction') pylab.xlabel("Wind direction (deg)") pylab.ylabel("Height (m)") #pylab.legend() pylab.grid() pylab.savefig("wind_dir.pdf")
def plot_Subplot(request): loadform = CSVUploadFileForm() TheoN = request.session.get('TheoN') RTN = request.session.get('RTN') PlotConf = request.session.get('PlotConf') Category = request.session.get('Category') if 'figure' in request.session: figval=request.session['figure'] figurename = 'result'+str(figval)+'.png' else: figurename = 'test.jpg' start = request.POST['start'] end = request.POST['end'] fres = float(request.POST['freq']) fmin = float(request.POST['fmin']) fmax = float(request.POST['fmax']) if 'figure' in request.session: figval=request.session['figure'] fig = plt.figure(figval+100,figsize=(8,5)) plt.clf() else: fig = plt.figure(100,figsize=(10,6)) figval = 0 # CHANGE FOR LOCAL status,freq_tot = plot_DARM(start,end,fres, figval=figval+100) #status,freq_tot = plot_DARM_local(start,end,fres, figval) if status==1: # error in obtaining the data if 'figure' in request.session: figurename = 'result'+str(figval)+'.png' else: figurename = 'test.jpg' context={'errormsg':freq_tot, 'loadform':loadform, 'TheoN':TheoN, 'RTN':RTN, 'figurename':figurename, 'PlotConf':PlotConf, 'Category':Category } return render(request, 'NoiseBudgetter/index.html',context) name = request.POST['categname'] oneCategory = Category[name] ans = plot_oneCategonly(name,oneCategory,start,end,fres,freq_tot,figval=figval+100) status=ans[0] if status==0: ymin='None' ymax='None' msg = 'plotted' cattotal=ans[2] if (request.POST['ymin']!='') and (request.POST['ymax']!=''): ymin = float(request.POST['ymin']) ymax = float(request.POST['ymax']) plt.ylim([ymin,ymax]) elif (request.POST['ymin']!='') or (request.POST['ymax']!=''): msg = 'Please specify y-axis range for both min and max.' plt.xlim([fmin,fmax]) subfigurename = 'subplot'+str(figval)+'.png' fig.savefig('NoiseBudgetter/static/'+subfigurename) context={'errormsg':msg, 'loadform':loadform, 'TheoN':TheoN, 'RTN':RTN, 'figurename':figurename, 'PlotConf':PlotConf, 'Category':Category, 'Subplot':{'name':name,'figure':subfigurename} } else: figurename = 'result'+str(figval)+'.png' context={'errormsg':ans[1], 'loadform':loadform, 'TheoN':TheoN, 'RTN':RTN, 'figurename':figurename, 'PlotConf':PlotConf, 'Category':Category } return render(request, 'NoiseBudgetter/index.html',context)
def draw_fig(m, path): ax = sns.heatmap(m, linewidth=0.5, vmin=-1, vmax=1) plt.savefig(path, dpi=1000) plt.clf()
def compute_color_priority(self): """ Compute the color priority :return: """ print(" -- Compute color priority ...") # Load the gamut points location quantized_ab = np.load(os.path.join(self._data_dir, "pts_in_hull.npy")) if self._make_plot: plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) grid_spec = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1) ax = plt.subplot(grid_spec[0]) for i in range(quantized_ab.shape[0]): ax.scatter(quantized_ab[:, 0], quantized_ab[:, 1]) ax.annotate(str(i), (quantized_ab[i, 0], quantized_ab[i, 1]), fontsize=6) ax.set_xlim([-110, 110]) ax.set_ylim([-110, 110]) # Compute the color priority over a subset of the training set with h5py.File(os.path.join(self._data_dir, "HDF5_data_{}.h5".format(self._img_size)), "a") as hf_handler: x_ab = hf_handler["training_lab_data"][:100000][:, 1:, :, :] x_a = np.ravel(x_ab[:, 0, :, :]) x_b = np.ravel(x_ab[:, 1, :, :]) x_ab = np.vstack((x_a, x_b)).T if self._make_plot: plt.hist2d(x_ab[:, 0], x_ab[:, 1], bins=100, norm=LogNorm()) plt.xlim([-110, 110]) plt.ylim([-110, 110]) plt.colorbar() plt.clf() plt.close() # Create nearest neighbor instance with index = quantized_ab nearest_neighbor = 1 nearest = nn.NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=nearest_neighbor, algorithm="ball_tree").fit(quantized_ab) # Find index of nearest neighbor for x_ab distance, index = nearest.kneighbors(x_ab) # We now count the number of occurrences of each color index = np.ravel(index) counts = np.bincount(index) indexes = np.nonzero(counts)[0] priority_probability = np.zeros((quantized_ab.shape[0])) for i in range(quantized_ab.shape[0]): priority_probability[indexes] = counts[indexes] # We turn this into a color probability priority_probability = priority_probability / (1.0 * np.sum(priority_probability)) # Save the probability, "DataSet_prior_probability_{}.npy".format(self._img_size)), priority_probability) if self._make_plot: plt.hist(priority_probability, bins=100) plt.yscale("log")
def cob_health(args): log = coblog() log( f"\n" f"-----------------------------\n" f" Network Health:{args.cob} \n" f"-----------------------------\n" ) log(f"\nCreating reports in {os.getcwd()}\n\n") cob = co.COB(args.cob) if args.out is None: args.out = "{}_Health".format( log(f"Output prefix: {args.out}") if args.edge_zscore_cutoff is not None: log("Changing Z-Score cutoff to {}", args.edge_zscore_cutoff) cob.set_sig_edge_zscore(args.edge_zscore_cutoff) log("Printing Summary ---------------------------------------------------") if not path.exists("{}.summary.txt".format(args.out)): with open("{}.summary.txt".format(args.out), "w") as OUT: # Print out the network summary cob.summary(file=OUT) else: log("Skipped summary.") log("Plotting Scores ----------------------------------------------------") if not path.exists("{}_CoexPCC_raw.png".format(args.out)): cob.plot_scores("{}_CoexPCC_raw.png".format(args.out), pcc=True) else: log("Skipped Raw.") if not path.exists("{}_CoexScore_zscore.png".format(args.out)): cob.plot_scores("{}_CoexScore_zscore.png".format(args.out), pcc=False) else: log("Skipped Norm.") log("Plotting Expression ------------------------------------------------") # if not path.exists('{}_Expr_raw.png'.format(args.out)): # cob.plot( # '{}_Expr_raw.png'.format(args.out), # include_accession_labels=True, # raw=True, # cluster_method=None # ) # else: # log('Skipped raw.') if not path.exists("{}_Expr_norm.png".format(args.out)): cob.plot_heatmap( "{}_Expr_norm.png".format(args.out), include_accession_labels=True, raw=False, cluster_method="ward", cluster_accessions=True, ) else: log("Skipped norm.") # log('Plotting Cluster Expression-----------------------------------------') # if not path.exists('{}_Expr_cluster.png'.format(args.out)): # cob.plot( # '{}_Expr_cluster.png'.format(args.out), # include_accession_labels=True, # raw=False, # cluster_accessions=True, # avg_by_cluster=True # ) # else: # log('Skipped norm.') log("Printing QC Statistics ---------------------------------------------") if args.refgen is not None: if not path.exists("{}_qc_gene.txt".format(args.out)): # Print out the breakdown of QC Values refgen = co.RefGen(args.refgen) gene_qc = cob._bcolz("qc_gene") gene_qc = gene_qc[gene_qc.pass_membership] gene_qc["chrom"] = ["chr" + str(refgen[x].chrom) for x in gene_qc.index] gene_qc = gene_qc.groupby("chrom").agg(sum, axis=0) # Add totals at the bottom totals = gene_qc.ix[:, slice(1, None)].apply(sum) = "TOTAL" gene_qc = gene_qc.append(totals) gene_qc.to_csv("{}_qc_gene.txt".format(args.out), sep="\t") else: log("Skipped QC summary.") log("Plotting Degree Distribution ---------------------------------------") if not path.exists("{}_DegreeDist.png".format(args.out)): degree =["Degree"].values # Using powerlaw makes run-time warning the first time you use it. # This is still an open issue on the creators github. # The creator recommends removing this warning as long as there is a fit. np.seterr(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore") fit = powerlaw.Fit(degree, discrete=True, xmin=1) # get an axis ax = plt.subplot() # Calculate log ratios t2p = fit.distribution_compare("truncated_power_law", "power_law") t2e = fit.distribution_compare("truncated_power_law", "exponential") p2e = fit.distribution_compare("power_law", "exponential") # Plot! emp = fit.plot_ccdf(ax=ax, color="r", linewidth=3, label="Empirical Data") pwr = fit.power_law.plot_ccdf( ax=ax, linewidth=2, color="b", linestyle=":", label="Power law" ) tpw = fit.truncated_power_law.plot_ccdf( ax=ax, linewidth=2, color="k", linestyle="-.", label="Truncated Power" ) exp = fit.exponential.plot_ccdf( ax=ax, linewidth=2, color="g", linestyle="--", label="Exponential" ) #### ax.set_ylabel("p(Degree≥x)") ax.set_xlabel("Degree Frequency") ax.legend(loc="best") plt.title("{} Degree Distribution".format( # Save Fig try: plt.savefig("{}_DegreeDist.png".format(args.out)) except FutureWarning as e: # This is a matplotlib bug pass else: log("Skipping Degree Dist.") if args.go is not None: log("Plotting GO --------------------------------------------------------") # Set the alpha based on the tails if args.two_tailed == True: alpha = 0.05 / 2 else: alpha = 0.05 # Generate the GO Table if not path.exists("{}_GO.csv".format(args.out)): go = co.GOnt(args.go) term_ids = [] density_emp = [] density_pvals = [] locality_emp = [] locality_pvals = [] term_sizes = [] term_desc = [] terms_tested = 0 # max_terms limits the number of GO terms tested (sub-sampling) if args.max_terms is not None: log("Limiting to {} GO Terms", args.max_terms) terms = go.rand( n=args.max_terms, min_term_size=args.min_term_size, max_term_size=args.max_term_size, ) else: # Else do the whole set (default is terms between 10 and 300 genes) terms = go.iter_terms( min_term_size=args.min_term_size, max_term_size=args.max_term_size ) for term in terms: # Some terms will lose genes that are not in networks term.loci = list(filter(lambda x: x in cob, term.loci)) # Skip terms that are not an adequate size if len(term) < args.min_term_size or len(term) > args.max_term_size: continue # set density value for two tailed go so we only test it once density = cob.density(term.loci) # one tailed vs two tailed test density_emp.append(density) # term_ids.append( term_sizes.append(len(term)) term_desc.append(str(term.desc)) # ------ Density # Calculate PVals density_bs = np.array( [ cob.density(cob.refgen.random_genes(n=len(term.loci))) for x in range(args.num_bootstraps) ] ) if density > 0: pval = sum(density_bs >= density) / args.num_bootstraps else: pval = sum(density_bs <= density) / args.num_bootstraps density_pvals.append(pval) # ------- Locality locality = cob.locality(term.loci, include_regression=True).resid.mean() locality_emp.append(locality) # Calculate PVals locality_bs = np.array( [ cob.locality( cob.refgen.random_genes(n=len(term.loci)), include_regression=True, ).resid.mean() for x in range(args.num_bootstraps) ] ) if locality > 0: pval = sum(locality_bs >= locality) / args.num_bootstraps else: pval = sum(locality_bs <= locality) / args.num_bootstraps locality_pvals.append(pval) # ------------- terms_tested += 1 if terms_tested % 100 == 0 and terms_tested > 0: log("Processed {} terms".format(terms_tested)) go_enrichment = pd.DataFrame( { "GOTerm": term_ids, "desc": term_desc, "size": term_sizes, "density": density_emp, "density_pval": density_pvals, "locality": locality_emp, "locality_pval": locality_pvals, } ) # Calculate significance go_enrichment["density_significant"] = go_enrichment.density_pval < alpha go_enrichment["locality_significant"] = go_enrichment.locality_pval < alpha # Calculate bonferonni go_enrichment["density_bonferroni"] = go_enrichment.density_pval < ( alpha / len(go_enrichment) ) go_enrichment["locality_bonferroni"] = go_enrichment.locality_pval < ( alpha / len(go_enrichment) ) # Store the GO results in a CSV go_enrichment.sort_values(by="density_pval", ascending=True).to_csv( "{}_GO.csv".format(args.out), index=False ) if terms_tested == 0: log.warn("No GO terms met your min/max gene criteria!") else: go_enrichment = pd.read_table("{}_GO.csv".format(args.out), sep=",") if not path.exists("{}_GO.png".format(args.out)): # Convert pvals to log10 with np.errstate(divide="ignore"): # When no bootstraps are more extreme than the term, the minus log pval yields an infinite go_enrichment["density_pval"] = -1 * np.log10( go_enrichment["density_pval"] ) go_enrichment["locality_pval"] = -1 * np.log10( go_enrichment["locality_pval"] ) # Fix the infinites so they are plotted max_density = np.max( go_enrichment["density_pval"][ np.isfinite(go_enrichment["density_pval"]) ] ) max_locality = np.max( go_enrichment["locality_pval"][ np.isfinite(go_enrichment["locality_pval"]) ] ) go_enrichment.loc[ np.logical_not(np.isfinite(go_enrichment["density_pval"])), "density_pval", ] = (max_density + 1) go_enrichment.loc[ np.logical_not(np.isfinite(go_enrichment["locality_pval"])), "locality_pval", ] = (max_locality + 1) plt.clf() # Calculate the transparency based on the number of terms if len(go_enrichment) > 20: transparency_alpha = 0.05 else: transparency_alpha = 1 # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Start Plotting figure, axes = plt.subplots(3, 2, figsize=(12, 12)) # ----------- # Density # ---------- log_alpha = -1 * np.log10(alpha) axes[0, 0].scatter( go_enrichment["density"], go_enrichment["density_pval"], alpha=transparency_alpha, color="blue", ) axes[0, 0].set_xlabel("Empirical Density (Z-Score)") axes[0, 0].set_ylabel("Bootstraped -log10(p-value)") fold = sum(np.array(go_enrichment["density_pval"]) > log_alpha) / ( alpha * len(go_enrichment) ) axes[0, 0].axhline(y=-1 * np.log10(0.05), color="red") axes[0, 0].text( min(axes[0, 0].get_xlim()), -1 * np.log10(alpha) + 0.1, "{:.3g} Fold Enrichement".format(fold), color="red", ) axes[0, 0].set_title("Density Health") # Plot pvalue by term size axes[1, 0].scatter( go_enrichment["size"], go_enrichment["density_pval"], alpha=transparency_alpha, color="blue", ) axes[1, 0].set_ylabel("Bootstrapped -log10(p-value)") axes[1, 0].set_xlabel("Term Size") axes[1, 0].axhline(y=-1 * np.log10(alpha), color="red") axes[2, 0].scatter( go_enrichment["size"], go_enrichment["density"], alpha=transparency_alpha, color="blue", ) # Plot raw density by term size axes[2, 0].scatter( go_enrichment.query(f"density_pval>{log_alpha}")["size"], go_enrichment.query(f"density_pval>{log_alpha}")["density"], alpha=transparency_alpha, color="r", ) axes[2, 0].set_ylabel("Density") axes[2, 0].set_xlabel("Term Size") # ------------ # Do Locality # ------------ axes[0, 1].scatter( go_enrichment["locality"], go_enrichment["locality_pval"], alpha=transparency_alpha, color="blue", ) axes[0, 1].set_xlabel("Empirical Locality (Residual)") axes[0, 1].set_ylabel("Bootstraped -log10(p-value)") fold = sum(np.array(go_enrichment["locality_pval"]) > log_alpha) / ( 0.05 * len(go_enrichment) ) axes[0, 1].axhline(y=-1 * np.log10(0.05), color="red") axes[0, 1].text( min(axes[0, 1].get_xlim()), -1 * np.log10(alpha), "{:.3g} Fold Enrichement".format(fold), color="red", ) axes[0, 1].set_title("Locality Health") axes[1, 1].scatter( go_enrichment["size"], go_enrichment["locality_pval"], alpha=transparency_alpha, color="blue", ) axes[1, 1].set_xlabel("Term Size") axes[1, 1].set_ylabel("Bootstrapped -log10(p-value)") axes[1, 1].axhline(y=-1 * np.log10(0.05), color="red") axes[2, 1].scatter( go_enrichment["size"], go_enrichment["locality"], alpha=transparency_alpha, color="blue", ) axes[2, 1].scatter( go_enrichment.query(f"locality_pval>{log_alpha}")["size"], go_enrichment.query(f"locality_pval>{log_alpha}")["locality"], alpha=transparency_alpha, color="r", ) axes[2, 1].set_ylabel("Locality") axes[2, 1].set_xlabel("Term Size") # Save Figure plt.tight_layout() try: plt.savefig("{}_GO.png".format(args.out)) except FutureWarning as e: pass else: log("Skipping GO Volcano.")
def plot(halo_ptcls, agn_ptcls, snapnum, suffix='', xmin=0, xmax=np.log10(500), ymin=-4.5, ymax=4, yspace=20, nbins=50, overplot=False, subhalo_ptcls=None, track_agn=True, track_subhalo_ptcls=False): plt.clf() #get time stamp snap_halo = steps[snapnum].halos[halonum] tsnap = snap_halo.timestep.time_gyr #make histogram heatmap, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(np.log10(abs(halo_ptcls.g['r'])), np.log10(entropy(halo_ptcls.g)), range=[[xmin, xmax], [ymin, ymax]], bins=nbins, weights=halo_ptcls.g['mass']) X, Y = np.meshgrid(xedges, yedges) hist = np.log10( heatmap.T / sum(sum(heatmap.T))) #dividing by sum normalizes probability at each r plt.pcolormesh(X, Y, hist, vmin=-5.5, vmax=-1.5, cmap='gray') print "colormesh done" snap_halo = heatmap = X = Y = None #clear cache del (halo_ptcls) gc.collect() plt.colorbar() if track_agn: agn_r = np.log10(abs(agn_ptcls.g['r'])) plt.scatter(agn_r, np.log10(entropy(agn_ptcls.g)), color='r') print "AGN scatter done" if track_subhalo_ptcls: subhalo_r = np.log10(abs(subhalo_ptcls.g['r'])) plt.scatter(subhalo_r, np.log10(entropy(subhalo_ptcls.g)), color='b', alpha=0.1) print "subhalo scatter done" xticks = np.array([1, 10, 1e2, 5e2]) plt.xticks(np.log10(xticks), xticks) plt.xlabel("R (kpc)") plt.ylabel(r"K (KeV cm$^2$)") if overplot: suffix += '_zoom' snap_entropy = entropy_mw[np.argmin( abs(np.array(profiletime) - tsnap))] #because profiles calculated backwards from z=0 profile_mask = profile_r = (np.arange(len(snap_entropy)) + 1) / 10. profile_r =, profile_mask).compressed() snap_entropy =, profile_mask).compressed() smooth = binned_statistic(np.log10(profile_r), snap_entropy, range=(0, np.log10(500)), bins=100) plt.plot(smooth.bin_edges[0:-1], np.log10(smooth.statistic), c=cmap(0.25), lw=2) print "overplot done" yticks = np.array([0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 1e2, 1e3]) plt.yticks(np.log10(yticks), yticks) plt.xlim(xmin, np.log10(5e2)) plt.ylim(-2, np.log10(300)) plt.text(0.2, np.log10(2000), '%0.2f Gyr' % tsnap) plt.savefig('halo_%d_snap_%d_rain%s.png' % (halonum, snapnum, suffix))
def plot(request): loadform = CSVUploadFileForm() TheoN = request.session.get('TheoN') RTN = request.session.get('RTN') PlotConf = request.session.get('PlotConf') Category = request.session.get('Category') start = request.POST['start'] end = request.POST['end'] fres = float(request.POST['freq']) fmin = float(request.POST['fmin']) fmax = float(request.POST['fmax']) if 'figure' in request.session: figval=request.session['figure'] fig = plt.figure(figval,figsize=(10,6)) plt.clf() else: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,6)) figval=fig.number request.session['figure'] = figval # CHANGE FOR LOCAL status,freq_tot = plot_DARM(start,end,fres, figval) #status,freq_tot = plot_DARM_local(start,end,fres, figval) if status==1: # error in obtaining the data if 'figure' in request.session: figurename = 'result'+str(figval)+'.png' else: figurename = 'test.jpg' context={'errormsg':freq_tot, 'loadform':loadform, 'TheoN':TheoN, 'RTN':RTN, 'figurename':figurename, 'PlotConf':PlotConf, 'Category':Category } return render(request, 'NoiseBudgetter/index.html',context) total = np.zeros(len(freq_tot)) status = 0 ans = [status,total] if (TheoN != None) and (TheoN != dict()): ans =plot_TheoN(TheoN, fmin, fmax, freq_tot, total, figval) status = ans[0] if status == 0: if (RTN != None) and (RTN != dict()): total = ans[1] ans=plot_RTN(RTN,start,end,fres,freq_tot,total,figval) status = ans[0] if status == 0: if (Category != None) and (Category != dict()): total = ans[1] ans = plot_Category(Category,start,end,fres,freq_tot,total,figval) status = ans[0] if status == 0: total = ans[1] #print(ans[1]) plt.loglog(freq_tot,total,'k--',linewidth=2.0,label='total') plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc='upper left', borderaxespad=0) plt.subplots_adjust(right=0.7) plt.xlim([fmin,fmax]) plt.title('NB from '+start+' to '+end) ymin='None' ymax='None' msg = 'plotted' if (request.POST['ymin']!='') and (request.POST['ymax']!=''): ymin = float(request.POST['ymin']) ymax = float(request.POST['ymax']) plt.ylim([ymin,ymax]) elif (request.POST['ymin']!='') or (request.POST['ymax']!=''): msg = 'Please specify y-axis range for both min and max.' figurename = 'result'+str(figval)+'.png' fig.savefig('NoiseBudgetter/static/'+figurename) PlotConf = {'start':start,'end':end,'fres':request.POST['freq'],'fmin':request.POST['fmin'],'fmax':request.POST['fmax'],'ymin':request.POST['ymin'],'ymax':request.POST['ymax']} request.session['PlotConf']=PlotConf context={'errormsg':msg, 'loadform':loadform, 'TheoN':TheoN, 'RTN':RTN, 'figurename':figurename, 'PlotConf':PlotConf, 'Category':Category } else: figurename = 'result'+str(figval)+'.png' context={'errormsg':ans[1], 'loadform':loadform, 'TheoN':TheoN, 'RTN':RTN, 'figurename':figurename, 'PlotConf':PlotConf, 'Category':Category } return render(request, 'NoiseBudgetter/index.html',context)
def scatter_calculated_vs_observed(all_calculated, all_observed, year): """For yearly data setts og all observed ice from regObs and all calculations on lakes where these observations are made, a scatter plot is made, comparing calculations vs. observations. :param all_calculated: :param all_observed: :param year: [string] Eg. '2017-18', '2016-17', .. """ # Turn off interactive mode plt.ioff() scatter_plot_data = [] for ln in all_observed.keys(): skipp_first = True for oi in all_observed[ln]: if skipp_first: skipp_first = False else: observed_draft = oi.draft_thickness calculated_draft = None for ci in all_calculated[ln]: if == calculated_draft = ci.draft_thickness data = ObsCalScatterData(calculated_draft, observed_draft,, ln) scatter_plot_data.append(data) x = [] y = [] color = [] #marker = [] for d in scatter_plot_data: x.append(d.observed_draft) y.append(d.caluclated_draft) color.append(d.marker_color()) #marker.append(d.marker()) file_name = '{0}calculated_vs_observed {1}'.format(se.plot_folder, year) # Figure dimensions fsize = (10, 10) plb.figure(figsize=fsize) plb.clf() plt.scatter(x, y, c=color, alpha=0.5) plt.plot([-0.5, 3], [-0.5, 3], 'k--') plb.title('Calculated vs. observed ice thickness {0}'.format(year)) plt.xlabel('Observed thickness [m]') plt.ylabel('Calculated thickness [m]') # Make legend legend_symbols = [] legend_names = [] for k, v in scatter_plot_data[0].legend_colors.items(): legend_symbols.append( mpatches.Circle((0, 0), radius=5, facecolor=v, alpha=0.5)) legend_names.append(k) plt.legend(legend_symbols, legend_names) # axis limits plb.xlim(-0.05, 1.1) plb.ylim(-0.05, 1.1) # root mean squared error = gm.nash_sutcliffe_efficiancy_coefficient(x, y) plt.gcf().text( 0.40, 0.85, 'N: {0} and Nash-Sutcliffe: {1:.3f}'.format(len(x), error)) # Plot created text plt.gcf().text(0.7, 0.05, 'Figure created {0:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M}'.format(, color='0.5') plb.savefig(file_name)
def mkcirclefigMC(simdataMC=None, linelevels=[0, 0.82], plotstyle='contourf', Nbins=80, Nsim=2000, clobber=0, verbose=1, snanadatfile=_SNANADATFILE): """ Plot the results of a SNANA monte carlo simulation as a circle diagram. :param simdataMC: :param linelevels: :param plotstyle: :param Nbins: :param nsim: :param clobber: :param verbose: :param snanadatfile: :return: """ import snanasim sn = stardust.SuperNova(snanadatfile) if simdataMC is None: simdataMC = snanasim.dosimMC(sn, Nsim=Nsim, bands='XI78YJNHLOPQ', clobber=clobber, verbose=verbose) simIa, simIbc, simII = simdataMC mjdmedband = sn.MJD[np.where((sn.FLT == '7') | (sn.FLT == '8') | (sn.FLT == 'P'))] mjdobs = np.median(mjdmedband) print('Binning up MC sim for color-color diagram...') pl.clf() ax1 = pl.subplot(2, 2, 1) stardust.simplot.plotColorColor(simIa, '7-I', 'P-N', binrange=[[-0.2, 0.8], [-0.5, 0.5]], mjdrange=[mjdobs, mjdobs], tsample=1, plotstyle=plotstyle, linelevels=linelevels, Nbins=Nbins, sidehist=False) #stardust.simplot._plot_colorcolor_singlesim( simIbc, '7-I','P-N', binrange=[[-0.2,0.8],[-0.5,0.5]], mjdrange=[mjdobs,mjdobs], tsample=1, plotstyle=plotstyle, linelevels=linelevels, Nbins=Nbins, sidehist=False ) #stardust.simplot._plot_colorcolor_singlesim( simII, '7-I','P-N', binrange=[[-0.2,0.8],[-0.5,0.5]], mjdrange=[mjdobs,mjdobs], tsample=1, plotstyle=plotstyle, linelevels=linelevels, Nbins=Nbins, sidehist=False ) ax2 = pl.subplot(2, 2, 2) stardust.simplot.plotColorColor(simIa, '8-I', 'P-N', binrange=[[-0.6, 0.4], [-0.5, 0.5]], mjdrange=[mjdobs, mjdobs], tsample=1, plotstyle=plotstyle, linelevels=linelevels, Nbins=Nbins, sidehist=False) #stardust.simplot._plot_colorcolor_singlesim( simIbc, '8-I','P-N', binrange=[[-0.6,0.4],[-0.5,0.5]], mjdrange=[mjdobs,mjdobs], tsample=1, plotstyle=plotstyle, linelevels=linelevels, Nbins=Nbins, sidehist=False ) #stardust.simplot._plot_colorcolor_singlesim( simII, '8-I','P-N', binrange=[[-0.6,0.4],[-0.5,0.5]], mjdrange=[mjdobs,mjdobs], tsample=1, plotstyle=plotstyle, linelevels=linelevels, Nbins=Nbins, sidehist=False ) ax3 = pl.subplot(2, 2, 3) stardust.simplot.plotColorColor(simIa, '7-I', '8-I', binrange=[[-0.2, 0.8], [-0.6, 0.4]], mjdrange=[mjdobs, mjdobs], tsample=1, plotstyle=plotstyle, linelevels=linelevels, Nbins=Nbins, sidehist=False) #stardust.simplot._plot_colorcolor_singlesim( simIbc, '7-I','8-I', binrange=[[-0.2,0.8],[-0.6,0.4]], mjdrange=[mjdobs,mjdobs], tsample=1, plotstyle=plotstyle, linelevels=linelevels, Nbins=Nbins, sidehist=False ) #stardust.simplot._plot_colorcolor_singlesim( simII, '7-I','8-I', binrange=[[-0.2,0.8],[-0.6,0.4]], mjdrange=[mjdobs,mjdobs], tsample=1, plotstyle=plotstyle, linelevels=linelevels, Nbins=Nbins, sidehist=False ) pl.draw() return simdataMC
def background_adjust_model(settings, bkg_stack, bkg_stack_num, seed=0, threading=True): offset = settings['detector'].get('train_offset', 0) limit = settings['detector'].get('train_limit') num_mixtures = settings['detector']['num_mixtures'] assert limit is not None, "Must specify limit in the settings file" duplicates = settings['detector'].get('duplicates', 1) files = sorted(glob.glob( settings['detector']['train_dir']))[offset:offset + limit] #try: # detector = gv.Detector.load(settings['detector']['file']) #except KeyError: # raise Exception("Need to train the model first") # Create accumulates for each mixture component # TODO: Temporary until multicomp #counts = np.zeros_like(detector.kernel_templates) #num_files = len(files) #num_duplicates = settings['detector'].get('duplicate', 1) # Create several random states, so it's easier to measure # the influence of certain features # Setup unspread bedges settings #X_pad_size = padded_theta.shape[1:3] #for fn in files: #counts += _process_file(settings, bkg_stack, bkg_stack_num, fn) # Train a mixture model to get a clustering of the angles of the object descriptor = gv.load_descriptor(settings) if 0: detector = gv.BernoulliDetector(num_mixtures, descriptor, settings['detector']) detector.train_from_images(files) plt.clf() ag.plot.images( plt.savefig('output/components.png') comps = detector.mixture.mixture_components() each_mix_N = np.bincount(comps, minlength=num_mixtures) comps = np.zeros(len(files)) argses = [(settings, bkg_stack, bkg_stack_num, files[i], comps[i]) for i in xrange(len(files))] # Iterate images all_counts = gv.parallel.imap(_process_file_star, argses) # Can dot this instead: counts = sum(all_counts) # Divide accmulate to get new distribution #counts /= num_files # Create a new model, with this distribution #new_detector = detector.copy() #new_detector.kernel_templates = counts = None #new_detector.use_alpha = False # Return model #return new_detector return counts, each_mix_N * duplicates,, detector.mixture
def main(): # Create images folder Path("Imgs/STEAD").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # STEAD dataset path st = '../Data/STEAD/Train_data.hdf5' # Sampling frequency fs = 100 # Number of traces to plot n = 4 # Traces to plot trtp = [] with h5py.File(st, 'r') as h5_file: # Seismic traces group grp = h5_file['earthquake']['local'] # Traces to plot ids # trtp_ids = [0, 1, 2, 3] # Init rng rng = default_rng() # Traces to plot numbers trtp_ids = rng.choice(len(grp), size=n, replace=False) trtp_ids.sort() for idx, dts in enumerate(grp): if idx in trtp_ids: trtp.append(grp[dts][:, 0]) # Sampling frequency fs = 100 # Data len N = len(trtp[0]) # Time axis for signal plot t_ax = np.arange(N) / fs # Frequency axis for FFT plot xf = np.linspace(-fs / 2.0, fs / 2.0 - 1 / fs, N) # Figure to plot pl.figure() # For trace in traces to print for idx, trace in enumerate(trtp): yf = sfft.fftshift(sfft.fft(trace)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2) pl.clf() pl.subplot(gs[0, :]) pl.plot(t_ax, trace) pl.title(f'Traza STEAD y espectro #{trtp_ids[idx]}') pl.xlabel('Tiempo [s]') pl.ylabel('Amplitud [-]') pl.grid(True) pl.subplot(gs[1, 0]) pl.plot(xf, np.abs(yf) / np.max(np.abs(yf))) pl.xlabel('Frecuencia [Hz]') pl.ylabel('Amplitud [-]') pl.grid(True) pl.subplot(gs[1, 1]) pl.plot(xf, np.abs(yf) / np.max(np.abs(yf))) pl.xlim(-25, 25) pl.xlabel('Frecuencia [Hz]') pl.ylabel('Amplitud [-]') pl.grid(True) pl.tight_layout() pl.savefig(f'Imgs/STEAD/{trtp_ids[idx]}.png')
freq = np.array([ 1.337, 1.378, 1.4, 1.417, 1.438, 1.453, 1.462, 1.477, 1.487, 1.493, 1.497, 1.5, 1.513, 1.52, 1.53, 1.54, 1.55, 1.567, 1.605, 1.628, 1.658 ]) acc = np.array([ .68, .90, 1.15, 1.50, 2.2, 3.05, 4.00, 7.00, 8.60, 8.15, 7.60, 7.1, 5.4, 4.7, 3.8, 3.4, 3.1, 2.6, 1.95, 1.7, 1.5 ]) def func(x, a, b, c, d): return a * np.power(x, 3) + b * np.power(x, 2) + c * x + d xdata = np.linspace(1.3, 1.7, 40) ydata = func(xdata, 1, 1, 1, 1) * np.size(xdata.size) popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, freq, acc) print popt print pcov # Plotting plt.clf() # Clearing any previous plots plt.plot(freq, func(freq, *popt), 'r-', label='fit: a=%5.3f, b=%5.3f, c=%5.3f d = %f' % tuple(popt)) plt.plot(freq, acc) plt.xlabel('Excitation Frequency') plt.ylabel('Acceleration (e-3 g)') plt.grid()
def _process_file(settings, bkg_stack, bkg_stack_num, fn, mixcomp):"Processing file", fn) seed = np.abs(hash(fn) % 123124) descriptor_name = settings['detector']['descriptor'] img_size = settings['detector']['image_size'] part_size = settings[descriptor_name]['part_size'] psize = settings['detector']['subsample_size'] # The 4 is for the edge border that falls off #orig_sh = (img_size[0] - part_size[0] - 4 + 1, img_size[1] - part_size[1] - 4 + 1) orig_sh = img_size sh = gv.sub.subsample_size(np.ones(orig_sh), psize) # We need the descriptor to generate and manipulate images descriptor = gv.load_descriptor(settings) counts = np.zeros((settings['detector']['num_mixtures'], sh[0], sh[1], descriptor.num_parts + 1, descriptor.num_parts), dtype=np.uint16) prnds = [np.random.RandomState(seed + i) for i in xrange(5)] # Binarize support and Extract alpha #color_img, alpha = gv.img.load_image_binarized_alpha(fn) color_img = gv.img.load_image(fn) from skimage.transform import pyramid_reduce, pyramid_expand f = color_img.shape[0] / settings['detector']['image_size'][0] if f > 1: color_img = pyramid_reduce(color_img, downscale=f) elif f < 1: color_img = pyramid_expand(color_img, upscale=1 / f) alpha = color_img[..., 3] img = gv.img.asgray(color_img) # Resize it # TODO: This only looks at the first axis assert img.shape == settings['detector'][ 'image_size'], "Target size not achieved: {0} != {1}".format( img.shape, settings['detector']['image_size']) # Settings bsettings = settings['edges'].copy() radius = bsettings['radius'] bsettings['radius'] = 0 #offsets = gv.sub.subsample_offset_shape(sh, psize) #locations0 = xrange(offsets[0], sh[0], psize[0]) #locations1 = xrange(offsets[1], sh[1], psize[1]) locations0 = xrange(sh[0]) locations1 = xrange(sh[1]) #locations0 = xrange(10-4, 10+5) #locations1 = xrange(10-4, 10+5) #locations0 = xrange(10, 11) #locations1 = xrange(10, 11) #padded_theta = descriptor.unspread_parts_padded #pad = 10 pad = 5 size = settings[descriptor_name]['part_size'] X_pad_size = (size[0] + pad * 2, size[1] + pad * 2) img_pad = ag.util.zeropad(img, pad) alpha_pad = ag.util.zeropad(alpha, pad) # Iterate every duplicate dups = settings['detector'].get('duplicates', 1) bkgs = np.empty(((descriptor.num_parts + 1) * dups, ) + X_pad_size) #cads = np.empty((descriptor.num_parts,) + X_pad_size) #alphas = np.empty((descriptor.num_parts,) + X_pad_size, dtype=np.bool) radii = settings['detector']['spread_radii'] psize = settings['detector']['subsample_size'] cb = settings['detector'].get('crop_border') sett = dict(spread_radii=radii, subsample_size=psize, crop_border=cb) plt.clf() plt.imshow(img) plt.savefig('output/img.png') if 0: # NEW{ totfeats = np.zeros(sh + (descriptor.num_parts, ) * 2) for f in xrange(descriptor.num_parts): num = bkg_stack_num[f] for d in xrange(dups): feats = np.zeros(sh + (descriptor.num_parts, ), dtype=np.uint8) for i, j in itr.product(locations0, locations1): x = i * psize[0] y = i * psize[1] bkg_i = prnds[4].randint(num) bkg = bkg_stack[f, bkg_i] selection = [ slice(x, x + X_pad_size[0]), slice(y, y + X_pad_size[1]) ] #X_pad = edges_pad[selection].copy() patch = img_pad[selection] alpha_patch = alpha_pad[selection] #patch = np.expand_dims(patch, 0) #alpha_patch = np.expand_dims(alpha_patch, 0) # TODO: Which one? #img_with_bkg = patch + bkg * (1 - alpha_patch) img_with_bkg = patch * alpha_patch + bkg * (1 - alpha_patch) edges_pads = ag.features.bedges(img_with_bkg, **bsettings) X_pad_spreads = ag.features.bspread( edges_pads, spread=bsettings['spread'], radius=radius) padding = pad - 2 X_spreads = X_pad_spreads[padding:-padding:, padding:-padding] partprobs = ag.features.code_parts( X_spreads, descriptor._log_parts, descriptor._log_invparts, descriptor.settings['threshold'], descriptor.settings['patch_frame']) part = partprobs.argmax() if part > 0: feats[i, j, part - 1] = 1 # Now spread the parts feats = ag.features.bspread(feats, spread='box', radius=2) totfeats[:, :, f] += feats # } kernels = totfeats[:, :, 0].astype( np.float32) / (descriptor.num_parts * dups) # Subsample kernels sub_kernels = gv.sub.subsample(kernels, psize, skip_first_axis=False)'tmp2.npy', sub_kernels) print 'saved tmp2.npy' import sys sys.exit(0)"Iteration {0}/{1}".format(loop+1, num_duplicates))"Iteration") for i, j in itr.product(locations0, locations1): x = i * psize[0] y = i * psize[1] print 'processing', i, j selection = [slice(x, x + X_pad_size[0]), slice(y, y + X_pad_size[1])] #X_pad = edges_pad[selection].copy() patch = img_pad[selection] alpha_patch = alpha_pad[selection] patch = np.expand_dims(patch, 0) alpha_patch = np.expand_dims(alpha_patch, 0) for f in xrange(descriptor.num_parts + 1): num = bkg_stack_num[f] for d in xrange(dups): bkg_i = prnds[4].randint(num) bkgs[f * dups + d] = bkg_stack[f, bkg_i] img_with_bkgs = patch * alpha_patch + bkgs * (1 - alpha_patch) if 0: edges_pads = ag.features.bedges(img_with_bkgs, **bsettings) X_pad_spreads = ag.features.bspread(edges_pads, spread=bsettings['spread'], radius=radius) padding = pad - 2 X_spreads = X_pad_spreads[:, padding:-padding:, padding:-padding] #partprobs = ag.features.code_parts_many(X_spreads, descriptor._log_parts, descriptor._log_invparts, #descriptor.settings['threshold'], descriptor.settings['patch_frame']) #parts = partprobs.argmax(axis=-1) parts = np.asarray([ descriptor.extract_features(im, settings=sett)[0, 0] for im in img_with_bkgs ]) for f in xrange(descriptor.num_parts + 1): hist = np.bincount(parts[f * dups:(f + 1) * dups].ravel(), minlength=descriptor.num_parts + 1) counts[mixcomp, i, j, f] += hist[1:] #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() #for f in xrange(descriptor.num_parts): # for d in xrange(dups): # # Code parts # #parts = descriptor.extract_parts(X_spreads[f*dups+d].astype(np.uint8)) # # f_plus = parts[f*dups+d] # if f_plus > 0: #tau = self.settings.get('tau') #if self.settings.get('tau'): #parts = partprobs.argmax(axis=-1) # Accumulate and return # counts[mixcomp,i,j,f,f_plus-1] += 1#parts[0,0] if 0: kernels = counts[:, :, :, 0].astype( np.float32) / (descriptor.num_parts * dups) import pdb pdb.set_trace() radii = (2, 2) aa_log = np.log(1 - kernels) aa_log = ag.util.zeropad(aa_log, (0, radii[0], radii[1], 0)) integral_aa_log = aa_log.cumsum(1).cumsum(2) offsets = gv.sub.subsample_offset(kernels[0], psize) if 1: # Fix kernels istep = 2 * radii[0] jstep = 2 * radii[1] sh = kernels.shape[1:3] for mixcomp in xrange(1): # Note, we are going in strides of psize, given a certain offset, since # we will be subsampling anyway, so we don't need to do the rest. for i in xrange(offsets[0], sh[0], psize[0]): for j in xrange(offsets[1], sh[1], psize[1]): p = gv.img.integrate(integral_aa_log[mixcomp], i, j, i + istep, j + jstep) kernels[mixcomp, i, j] = 1 - np.exp(p) # Subsample kernels sub_kernels = gv.sub.subsample(kernels, psize, skip_first_axis=True)'tmp.npy', sub_kernels) print 'saved tmp.npy' import sys sys.exit(0) if 0: for f in xrange(descriptor.num_parts): # Pick only one background for this part and file num = bkg_stack_num[f] # Assumes num > 0 bkg_i = prnds[4].randint(num) bkgmap = bkg_stack[f, bkg_i] # Composite img_with_bkg = gv.img.composite(patch, bkgmap, alpha_patch) # Retrieve unspread edges (with a given background gray level) edges_pad = ag.features.bedges(img_with_bkg, **bsettings) # Pad the edges #edges_pad = ag.util.zeropad(edges, (pad, pad, 0)) # Do spreading X_pad_spread = ag.features.bspread(edges_pad, spread=bsettings['spread'], radius=radius) # De-pad padding = pad - 2 X_spread = X_pad_spread[padding:-padding, padding:-padding] # Code parts parts = descriptor.extract_parts(X_spread.astype(np.uint8)) # Accumulate and return counts[mixcomp, i, j, f] += parts[0, 0] # Translate counts to spread counts (since we're assuming independence of samples within one CAD image) return counts
def calc_disparr_ctrl_plot(D, timestamps, oflow_source_data, oflow_source_data_forecast, cfg_set): """Plot and save two frames as input of LucasKanade and the advected field, as well as plot the displacement field. Parameters ---------- cfg_set : dict Basic variables defined in timestamps : datetime object Timestamps of optical flow input fields. D : array-like Displacement field. oflow_source_data : array-like Optical flow input fields. oflow_source_data_forecast : array-like Advected optical flow input field. """ plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.imshow(D[0, :, :]) plt.title('X component of displacement field') plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.imshow(D[1, :, :]) plt.title('Y component of displacement field') # Plot two frames for UV-derivation and advected frame for i in range(oflow_source_data.shape[0] + 1): plt.clf() if True: if i < oflow_source_data.shape[0]: # Plot last observed rainfields st.plt.plot_precip_field( oflow_source_data[i, :, :], None, units="mmhr", colorscale=cfg_set["colorscale"], title=timestamps[i].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), colorbar=True) figname = "%s%s_%s_simple_advection_%02d_obs.png" % ( cfg_set["output_path"], timestamps[i].strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M"), cfg_set["oflow_source"], i) plt.savefig(figname) print(figname, 'saved.') else: # Plot nowcast st.plt.plot_precip_field( oflow_source_data_forecast[ i - oflow_source_data.shape[0], :, :], None, units="mmhr", title="%s +%02d min" % (timestamps[-1].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), (1 + i - oflow_source_data.shape[0]) * cfg_set["timestep"]), colorscale=cfg_set["colorscale"], colorbar=True) figname = "%s%s_%s_simple_advection_%02d_nwc.png" % ( cfg_set["output_path"], timestamps[-1].strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M"), cfg_set["oflow_source"], i) plt.savefig(figname) print(figname, "saved.")
def plot_options(self, sess, coord, saver): eigenvectors_path = os.path.join( os.path.join(self.config.stage_logdir, "models"), "eigenvectors.npy") eigenvalues_path = os.path.join( os.path.join(self.config.stage_logdir, "models"), "eigenvalues.npy") eigenvectors = np.load(eigenvectors_path) eigenvalues = np.load(eigenvalues_path) for k in ["poz", "neg"]: for option in range(len(eigenvalues)): # eigenvalue = eigenvalues[option] eigenvector = eigenvectors[ option] if k == "poz" else -eigenvectors[option] prefix = str(option) + '_' + k + "_" plt.clf() with sess.as_default(), sess.graph.as_default(): for idx in range(self.nb_states): dx = 0 dy = 0 d = False s, i, j = self.env.get_state(idx) if not self.env.not_wall(i, j): plt.gca().add_patch( patches.Rectangle( (j, self.config.input_size[0] - i - 1), # (x,y) 1.0, # width 1.0, # height facecolor="gray")) continue # Image.fromarray(np.asarray(scipy.misc.imresize(s, [512, 512], interp='nearest'), np.uint8)).show() # feed_dict = {self.orig_net.observation: np.stack([s])} # fi =, # feed_dict=feed_dict)[0] a = self.option_policy_evaluation_eval(s, sess) if a == self.action_size: circle = plt.Circle( (j + 0.5, self.config.input_size[0] - i + 0.5 - 1), 0.025, color='k') plt.gca().add_artist(circle) continue if a == 0: # up dy = 0.35 elif a == 1: # right dx = 0.35 elif a == 2: # down dy = -0.35 elif a == 3: # left dx = -0.35 plt.arrow(j + 0.5, self.config.input_size[0] - i + 0.5 - 1, dx, dy, head_width=0.05, head_length=0.05, fc='k', ec='k') plt.xlim([0, self.config.input_size[1]]) plt.ylim([0, self.config.input_size[0]]) for i in range(self.config.input_size[1]): plt.axvline(i, color='k', linestyle=':') plt.axvline(self.config.input_size[1], color='k', linestyle=':') for j in range(self.config.input_size[0]): plt.axhline(j, color='k', linestyle=':') plt.axhline(self.config.input_size[0], color='k', linestyle=':') plt.savefig( os.path.join( self.summary_path, "SuccessorFeatures_" + prefix + 'policy.png')) plt.close()
def viz_options(self, sess, coord, saver): with sess.as_default(), sess.graph.as_default(): self.sess = sess self.saver = saver folder_path = os.path.join( os.path.join(self.config.stage_logdir, "summaries"), "policies") tf.gfile.MakeDirs(folder_path) matrix_path = os.path.join( os.path.join(self.config.stage_logdir, "models"), "matrix.npy") self.matrix_sf = np.load(matrix_path) u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(self.matrix_sf) eigenvalues = s[1:1 + self.nb_options] eigenvectors = v[1:1 + self.nb_options] plt.clf() with sess.as_default(), sess.graph.as_default(): for idx in range(self.nb_states): dx = 0 dy = 0 d = False s, i, j = self.env.get_state(idx) if not self.env.not_wall(i, j): plt.gca().add_patch( patches.Rectangle( (j, self.config.input_size[0] - i - 1), # (x,y) 1.0, # width 1.0, # height facecolor="gray")) continue feed_dict = {self.local_network.observation: np.stack([s])} max_q_val, q_vals, option, primitive_action, options, o_term = [ self.local_network.max_q_val, self.local_network.q_val, self.local_network.max_options, self.local_network.primitive_action, self.local_network.options, self.local_network.termination ], feed_dict=feed_dict) max_q_val = max_q_val[0] # q_vals = q_vals[0] o, primitive_action = option[0], primitive_action[0] # q_val = q_vals[o] primitive_action = o >= self.config.nb_options if primitive_action: a = o - self.nb_options o_term = True else: pi = options[0, o] action = np.random.choice(pi, p=pi) a = np.argmax(pi == action) o_term = o_term[0, o] > np.random.uniform() if a == 0: # up dy = 0.35 elif a == 1: # right dx = 0.35 elif a == 2: # down dy = -0.35 elif a == 3: # left dx = -0.35 if o_term and not primitive_action: # termination circle = plt.Circle( (j + 0.5, self.config.input_size[0] - i + 0.5 - 1), 0.025, color='r' if primitive_action else 'k') plt.gca().add_artist(circle) continue plt.text(j, self.config.input_size[0] - i - 1, str(o), color='r' if primitive_action else 'b', fontsize=8) plt.text(j + 0.5, self.config.input_size[0] - i - 1, '{0:.2f}'.format(max_q_val), fontsize=8) plt.arrow(j + 0.5, self.config.input_size[0] - i + 0.5 - 1, dx, dy, head_width=0.05, head_length=0.05, fc='r' if primitive_action else 'k', ec='r' if primitive_action else 'k') plt.xlim([0, self.config.input_size[1]]) plt.ylim([0, self.config.input_size[0]]) for i in range(self.config.input_size[1]): plt.axvline(i, color='k', linestyle=':') plt.axvline(self.config.input_size[1], color='k', linestyle=':') for j in range(self.config.input_size[0]): plt.axhline(j, color='k', linestyle=':') plt.axhline(self.config.input_size[0], color='k', linestyle=':') plt.savefig( os.path.join(self.summary_path, 'Training_policy.png')) plt.close()
def sarima(lc1, orderin=(1, 1, 0), seasonal_order='auto', trend='c', enforce_invertibility=False, alpha_confidence=0.32, time_forecast=10.0, diagnostic_plot=''): if (type(lc1) == np.ndarray): time = lc1[:, 0] signal = lc1[:, 1] print('sarima input is numpy array') elif (type(lc1) == pd.core.frame.DataFrame): print('sarima input is a data frame') a = df2lc.convert_df_2_lightcurve(lc1, reftime='auto', noise=0.1, normalise=0) print(a) time = a[:, 0] signal = a[:, 1] print(type(lc1)) dt = np.mean(time[1:] - time[:-1]) nforecast = / dt) ntime = np.shape(time)[0] tfclo = time[ntime - 1] tfchi = tfclo + nforecast * dt idx_forecast_lo = ntime - 1 idx_forecast_hi = ntime + nforecast #set up the model parameters if (seasonal_order == 'auto'): so_final = * ntime) so = (0, 1, 0, so_final) else: so = seasonal_order #fit the sarima model model = sm.tsa.statespace.SARIMAX(endog=signal, order=orderin, seasonal_order=so, trend='c', enforce_invertibility=False) for i in range(ntime): print(i, time[i], signal[i]) print('idx fc ', idx_forecast_lo, idx_forecast_hi) results = pred = results.get_prediction(start=ntime, end=idx_forecast_hi) ps = pred.summary_frame(alpha=alpha_confidence) pslo = np.array(ps['mean_ci_lower']) pshi = np.array(ps['mean_ci_upper']) npred = np.shape(pslo)[0] #output the forecast time series ymean = np.array(ps['mean']) ylo = np.array(ps['mean_ci_lower']) yhi = np.array(ps['mean_ci_upper']) nym = np.shape(ymean)[0] xmod = np.linspace(tfclo, tfchi, nym) #plot the time series 9can also use dweek.plot() for simple option but less customisation if (diagnostic_plot != ''): x = time y = signal fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) ax1.plot(x, y, label='data') ax1.plot(xmod, ymean, label='forecast') ax1.set_title(lab) ax1.fill_between(xmod, ylo, yhi, alpha=0.3, label='uncertainty') ax1.set_xlabel('Time') ax1.set_ylabel('light curve') plt.legend(fontsize='xx-small') if (disgnostic_plot != 'show'): plt.savefig(diagnostic_plot) plt.clf() else: #if the input was a data frame convert the time axis back into datetime format if (type(lc1) == pd.core.frame.DataFrame): date_start = lc1.values[0, 0] date_final = lc1.values[-1, 0] time_out = np.array([ date_final + datetime.timedelta(days=xm - xmod[0]) for xm in xmod ]) else: time_out = xmod #compute the model Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) using cross validation #extract a smaller time series (smaller by length equal to the forecast) #use cross validation to work out the MAPE. frac_check = 0.9 id_check = * ntime) model_check = sm.tsa.statespace.SARIMAX(endog=signal[:id_check], order=orderin, seasonal_order=so, trend='c', enforce_invertibility=False, enforce_stationarity=False) results_check = pred_check = results_check.get_prediction(start=0, end=ntime - 1) ps_check = pred_check.summary_frame(alpha=alpha_confidence) y_check = np.array(ps_check['mean']) print(id_check, ntime) print(y_check) print(signal[id_check:]) mape = np.sum( np.abs(y_check[id_check:] - signal[id_check:]) / signal[id_check:]) / (ntime - id_check) #import matplotlib.pylab as plt #plt.clf() #plt.plot(signal) #plt.plot(y_check) #print(mape,ntime-id_check) #input() return (time_out, ymean, ylo, yhi, mape)
def plot_hist(self, par_list): """ Plots histograms for samples of parameters, model results, residuals, and test data :param par_list: list of string for parameter names :return: None; creates and saves plots in main class output directory """ print("Plotting histograms and graphs...") outdir = self.outmcmc + 'histograms/' if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) # plotting histograms for parameters for i in range(self.ndim): plt.figure(i) dist = self.samples_i[:, i] plt.hist(dist, 30, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.5) if i == 0: plt.title('Alpha') if i == 1: plt.title('Sigma') if (i > 1) and (i < self.ndim_blr + 2): plt.title(par_list[i]) #if i >= self.ndim_blr + 2: # plt.title('GP par: '+str(i-int(self.ndim_blr) - 1)) plt.axvline(self.params_fit[i], c='r', ls='-') plt.axvline(self.params_mean[i], c='b', ls='-') plt.axvline(self.params_mean[i] + self.errors_fit[i], c='b', ls='--') plt.axvline(self.params_mean[i] - self.errors_fit[i], c='b', ls='--') plt.axvline(0., c='k', ls='--') plt.draw() plt.savefig(outdir + 'hist_' + par_list[i] + '.png') # plot observed vs modeled xmin = np.min(np.concatenate([self.y, self.y_test])) xmax = np.max(np.concatenate([self.y, self.y_test])) xdiff = xmax - xmin ymin = np.min(np.concatenate([self.y_model, self.y_model_test])) ymax = np.max(np.concatenate([self.y_model, self.y_model_test])) ydiff = ymax - ymin x_range = [xmin - xdiff * 0.2, xmax + xdiff * 0.2] y_range = [ymin - ydiff * 0.2, ymax + ydiff * 0.2] plt.clf() plt.plot(x_range, y_range, '.', alpha=0.0) plt.plot(self.y, self.y_model, 'o', c='b', label='Train', alpha=0.5) plt.plot(self.y_test, self.y_model_test, 'o', c='r', label='Test', alpha=0.5) plt.plot(self.y_model, self.y_model, 'k--', label='Perfect Prediction') plt.xlabel('Observed y') plt.ylabel('Predicted y') plt.title('Predicted vs Ground Truth') # plt.title('Predicted vs Ground Truth') plt.legend(loc='upper left', numpoints=1) ax = plt.axes([0.63, 0.15, 0.25, 0.25], frameon=True) ax.hist(self.residual, alpha=0.5, bins=16, color='b', stacked=True, normed=True) ax.hist(self.residual_test, alpha=0.5, bins=16, color='r', stacked=True, normed=True) #ax.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(-2, 2, 1)) ax.set_title('Residual') plt.draw() plt.savefig(self.outmcmc + 'Data_vs_Model_1d.png') # plot more histograms: # plt.clf() # plt.hist(self.residual_i, 30, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.5) # plt.title('Sum Residual y-model') # plt.ylabel('N Samples') # plt.draw() # plt.savefig(outdir + 'hist_residual.png') plt.clf() plt.plot(self.y, self.mu_blr, 'o') plt.xlabel('Actual ' + target_desc) plt.ylabel('Predicted ' + target_desc) plt.title('Predicted from Demographics vs Ground Truth') plt.draw() plt.savefig(self.outmcmc + 'Data_ModelBLR_1d.png') plt.clf() plt.plot(self.y_model, self.residual, 'o') plt.plot([min(self.y_model), max(self.y_model)], [0, 0], 'k--') plt.xlabel('Predicted ' + target_desc) plt.ylabel('Residual') plt.draw() plt.savefig(self.outmcmc + 'Model_Residual_1d.png')
def viz_options2(self, sess, coord, saver): with sess.as_default(), sess.graph.as_default(): self.sess = sess self.saver = saver folder_path = os.path.join( os.path.join(self.config.stage_logdir, "summaries"), "policies") tf.gfile.MakeDirs(folder_path) matrix_path = os.path.join( os.path.join(self.config.stage_logdir, "models"), "matrix.npy") self.matrix_sf = np.load(matrix_path) u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(self.matrix_sf) eigenvalues = s[1:1 + self.nb_options] eigenvectors = v[1:1 + self.nb_options] for option in range(len(eigenvalues)): prefix = str(option) + '_' plt.clf() with sess.as_default(), sess.graph.as_default(): for idx in range(self.nb_states): dx = 0 dy = 0 d = False s, i, j = self.env.get_state(idx) if not self.env.not_wall(i, j): plt.gca().add_patch( patches.Rectangle( (j, self.config.input_size[0] - i - 1), # (x,y) 1.0, # width 1.0, # height facecolor="gray")) continue feed_dict = { self.local_network.observation: np.stack([s]) } fi, options, o_term =[, self.local_network.options, self.local_network.termination ], feed_dict=feed_dict) fi, options, o_term = fi[0], options[0], o_term[0] pi = options[option] action = np.random.choice(pi, p=pi) a = np.argmax(pi == action) o_term = o_term[option] > np.random.uniform() if a == 0: # up dy = 0.35 elif a == 1: # right dx = 0.35 elif a == 2: # down dy = -0.35 elif a == 3: # left dx = -0.35 if o_term: # termination circle = plt.Circle( (j + 0.5, self.config.input_size[0] - i + 0.5 - 1), 0.025, color='k') plt.gca().add_artist(circle) continue plt.arrow(j + 0.5, self.config.input_size[0] - i + 0.5 - 1, dx, dy, head_width=0.05, head_length=0.05, fc='k', ec='k') plt.xlim([0, self.config.input_size[1]]) plt.ylim([0, self.config.input_size[0]]) for i in range(self.config.input_size[1]): plt.axvline(i, color='k', linestyle=':') plt.axvline(self.config.input_size[1], color='k', linestyle=':') for j in range(self.config.input_size[0]): plt.axhline(j, color='k', linestyle=':') plt.axhline(self.config.input_size[0], color='k', linestyle=':') plt.savefig( os.path.join(self.summary_path, "Option_" + prefix + 'policy.png')) plt.close()