def threeD_gridplot(nodes, save=False, savefile=''): r"""Function to plot in 3D a series of grid points. :type nodes: list of tuples :param nodes: List of tuples of the form (lat, long, depth) :type save: bool :param save: if True will save without plotting to screen, if False \ (default) will plot to screen but not save :type savefile: str :param savefile: required if save=True, path to save figure to. """ lats = [] longs = [] depths = [] for node in nodes: lats.append(float(node[0])) longs.append(float(node[1])) depths.append(float(node[2])) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.scatter(lats, longs, depths) ax.set_ylabel("Latitude (deg)") ax.set_xlabel("Longitude (deg)") ax.set_zlabel("Depth(km)") ax.get_xaxis().get_major_formatter().set_scientific(False) ax.get_yaxis().get_major_formatter().set_scientific(False) if not save: plt.close() else: plt.savefig(savefile) return
def plot_field(self,x,y,u=None,v=None,F=None,contour=False,outdir=None,plot='quiver',figname='_field',format='eps'): outdir = self.set_dir(outdir) p = 64 if F is None: F=self.calc_F(u,v) plt.close('all') plt.figure() #fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1) if contour: plt.hold(True) plt.contourf(x,y,F) if plot=='quiver': plt.quiver(x[::p],y[::p],u[::p],v[::p],scale=0.1) if plot=='pcolor': plt.pcolormesh(x[::4],y[::4],F[::4], plt.colorbar() if plot=='stream': speed = F[::16] plt.streamplot(x[::16], y[::16], u[::16], v[::16], density=(1,1),color='k') plt.xlabel('$x$ (a.u.)') plt.ylabel('$y$ (a.u.)') plt.savefig(os.path.join(outdir,figname+'.'+format),format=format,dpi=320,bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
def ploter(X,n,name,path,real_ranges = None): ''' Graph plotting module. Very basic, so feel free to modify it. ''' try: import matplotlib.pylab as plt except ImportError: print '\nMatplotlib is not installed! Either install it, or deselect graph option.\n' return 1 lll = 1+len(X)/n fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,14),dpi=100) for x in xrange(0,len(X),n): iii = 1+x/n ax = fig.add_subplot(lll,1,iii) if real_ranges != None: for p in real_ranges: if p[0] in range(x,x+n) and p[1] in range(x,x+n): ax.axvspan(p[0]%(n), p[1]%(n), facecolor='g', alpha=0.5) elif p[0] in range(x,x+n) and p[1] > x+n: ax.axvspan(p[0]%(n), n, facecolor='g', alpha=0.5) elif p[0] < x and p[1] in range(x,x+n): ax.axvspan(0, p[1]%(n), facecolor='g', alpha=0.5) elif p[0] < x and p[1] > x+n: ax.axvspan(0, n, facecolor='g', alpha=0.5) ax.plot(X[x:x+n],'r-') ax.set_xlim(0.,n) ax.set_ylim(0.,1.) ax.set_xticklabels(range(x,x+750,100)) #(x,x+n/5,x+2*n/5,x+3*n/5,x+4*n/5,x+5*n/5) ) plt.savefig(path+'HMM_'+name+'.png') plt.close()
def triple_plot(cccsum, cccsum_hist, trace, threshold, save=False, savefile=''): r"""Main function to make a triple plot with a day-long seismogram, \ day-long correlation sum trace and histogram of the correlation sum to \ show normality. :type cccsum: numpy.ndarray :param cccsum: Array of the cross-channel cross-correlation sum :type cccsum_hist: numpy.ndarray :param cccsum_hist: cccsum for histogram plotting, can be the same as \ cccsum but included if cccsum is just an envelope. :type trace: obspy.Trace :param trace: A sample trace from the same time as cccsum :type threshold: float :param threshold: Detection threshold within cccsum :type save: bool, optional :param save: If True will svae and not plot to screen, vice-versa if False :type savefile: str, optional :param savefile: Path to save figure to, only required if save=True """ if len(cccsum) != len( print('cccsum is: ' + str(len(cccsum))+' trace is: '+str(len( msg = ' '.join(['cccsum and trace must have the', 'same number of data points']) raise ValueError(msg) df = trace.stats.sampling_rate npts = trace.stats.npts t = np.arange(npts, dtype=np.float32) / (df * 3600) # Generate the subplot for the seismic data ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 5), (0, 0), colspan=4) ax1.plot(t,, 'k') ax1.axis('tight') ax1.set_ylim([-15 * np.mean(np.abs(, 15 * np.mean(np.abs(]) # Generate the subplot for the correlation sum data ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 5), (1, 0), colspan=4, sharex=ax1) # Plot the threshold values ax2.plot([min(t), max(t)], [threshold, threshold], color='r', lw=1, label="Threshold") ax2.plot([min(t), max(t)], [-threshold, -threshold], color='r', lw=1) ax2.plot(t, cccsum, 'k') ax2.axis('tight') ax2.set_ylim([-1.7 * threshold, 1.7 * threshold]) ax2.set_xlabel("Time after %s [hr]" % trace.stats.starttime.isoformat()) # ax2.legend() # Generate a small subplot for the histogram of the cccsum data ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 5), (1, 4), sharey=ax2) ax3.hist(cccsum_hist, 200, normed=1, histtype='stepfilled', orientation='horizontal', color='black') ax3.set_ylim([-5, 5]) fig = plt.gcf() fig.suptitle( fig.canvas.draw() if not save: plt.close() else: plt.savefig(savefile) return
def display_grid(grid, **kwargs): fig = plt.figure() plt.axes().set_aspect('equal') if kwargs.get('mark_core_cells', True): core_cell_coords = grid._cell_nodes[1:-1, 1:-1] cellx, celly = core_cell_coords[:, :, 0], core_cell_coords[:, :, 1] plt.plot(cellx, celly, '-o', np.transpose(cellx), np.transpose(celly), '-o', color='red') if kwargs.get('mark_boundary_cells', True): boundary_cell_coords = grid._cell_nodes[0, :], \ grid._cell_nodes[-1, :], \ grid._cell_nodes[1:-1, 0], \ grid._cell_nodes[1:-1, -1] for coords in boundary_cell_coords: plt.plot(coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1], '-x', color='blue') if kwargs.get('show', False): f = BytesIO() plt.savefig(f) return f
def showKernel(dataOrMatrix, fileName = None, useLabels = True, **args) : labels = None if hasattr(dataOrMatrix, 'type') and dataOrMatrix.type == 'dataset' : data = dataOrMatrix k = data.getKernelMatrix() labels = data.labels else : k = dataOrMatrix if 'labels' in args : labels = args['labels'] import matplotlib if fileName is not None and fileName.find('.eps') > 0 : matplotlib.use('PS') from matplotlib import pylab pylab.matshow(k) if useLabels and labels.L is not None : numPatterns = 0 for i in range(labels.numClasses) : numPatterns += labels.classSize[i] #pylab.figtext(0.05, float(numPatterns) / len(labels), labels.classLabels[i]) #pylab.figtext(float(numPatterns) / len(labels), 0.05, labels.classLabels[i]) pylab.axhline(numPatterns, color = 'black', linewidth = 1) pylab.axvline(numPatterns, color = 'black', linewidth = 1) pylab.axis([0, len(labels), 0, len(labels)]) if fileName is not None : pylab.savefig(fileName) pylab.close()
def plot_feat_hist(data_name_list, filename=None): if len(data_name_list)>1: assert filename is not None pylab.figure(num=None, figsize=(8, 6)) num_rows = 1 + (len(data_name_list) - 1) / 2 num_cols = 1 if len(data_name_list) == 1 else 2 pylab.figure(figsize=(5 * num_cols, 4 * num_rows)) for i in range(num_rows): for j in range(num_cols): pylab.subplot(num_rows, num_cols, 1 + i * num_cols + j) x, name = data_name_list[i * num_cols + j] pylab.title(name) pylab.xlabel('Value') pylab.ylabel('Fraction') # the histogram of the data max_val = np.max(x) if max_val <= 1.0: bins = 50 elif max_val > 50: bins = 50 else: bins = max_val n, bins, patches = pylab.hist( x, bins=bins, normed=1, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.75) pylab.grid(True) if not filename: filename = "feat_hist_%s.png" % name.replace(" ", "_") pylab.savefig(os.path.join(CHART_DIR, filename), bbox_inches="tight")
def make_plot_mG_nH(mgrpArr_all, denArr_all, over_density2, fignamestr, ngrp=15): fig = plt.figure(3) plt.clf() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) idArr, bins = pTdf.group_by_prop(mgrpArr_all, ngrp=ngrp, takelog=True, fixed_interval=True) ngrp = len(bins) - 1 bins = 10.**bins f_nHArr = N.zeros(len(bins)-1) rho_mean = cTdf.mean_hydrogen_numden_z(simI["zcol"]) for igrp in xrange(ngrp): isame = N.where(idArr == igrp)[0] print "ptcls in [%.2e]: %d" % (bins[igrp], len(isame)) if len(isame) > 0: ihigh = N.where(denArr_all[isame, izcol] >= over_density2*rho_mean)[0] f_nHArr[igrp] = 1.*len(ihigh)/(1.*len(isame)) print "x({:d}): {:}".format(len(bins[:-1]+bins[1:]), (bins[:-1]+bins[1:])/2.) print "y({:d}): {:}".format(len(f_nHArr), f_nHArr) ax.plot((bins[:-1]+bins[1:])/2., f_nHArr) ax.set_xlabel(r"$M_h$") ax.set_ylabel(r"$f_{n_H > %d \bar{n_H}}(%.1f)$" % (over_density2, simI["zcol"])) ax.set_xscale("log") ax.set_xlim(bins[0], bins[-1]); ax.set_ylim(0., 1.1) #plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), fontsize=fs["tc"]) #plt.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=fs["tc"]) figname = "mgrp-fnH_%s_ov%d_vr%d.%s" % (fignamestr[1], int(over_density2), simI["virial_radius"], figext) plt.savefig(os.path.join(fignamestr[2], figname))
def make_corr1d_fig(dosave=False): corr = make_corr_both_hemi() lw=2; fs=16 pl.figure(1)#, figsize=(8, 7)) pl.clf() pl.xlim(4,300) pl.ylim(-400,+500) lambda_titles = [r'$20 < \lambda < 30$', r'$30 < \lambda < 40$', r'$\lambda > 40$'] colors = ['blue','green','red'] for i in range(3): corr1d, rcen = corr_1d_from_2d(corr[i]) ipdb.set_trace() pl.semilogx(rcen, corr1d*rcen**2, lw=lw, color=colors[i]) #pl.semilogx(rcen, corr1d*rcen**2, 'o', lw=lw, color=colors[i]) pl.xlabel(r'$s (Mpc)$',fontsize=fs) pl.ylabel(r'$s^2 \xi_0(s)$', fontsize=fs) pl.legend(lambda_titles, 'lower left', fontsize=fs+3) pl.plot([.1,10000],[0,0],'k--') s_bao = 149.28 pl.plot([s_bao, s_bao],[-9e9,+9e9],'k--') pl.text(s_bao*1.03, 420, 'BAO scale') pl.text(s_bao*1.03, 370, '%0.1f Mpc'%s_bao) if dosave: pl.savefig('xi1d_3bin.pdf')
def plot_values(self, TITLE, SAVE): plot(self.list_of_densities, self.list_of_pressures) title(TITLE) xlabel("Densities") ylabel("Pressure") savefig(SAVE) show()
def test_simple_gen(self): self_con = .8 other_con = 0.05 g = self.gen.gen_stoch_blockmodel(min_degree=1, blocks=5, self_con=self_con, other_con=other_con, powerlaw_exp=2.1, degree_seq='powerlaw', num_nodes=1000, num_links=3000) deg_hist = vertex_hist(g, 'total') res = fit_powerlaw.Fit(g.degree_property_map('total').a, discrete=True) print 'powerlaw alpha:', res.power_law.alpha print 'powerlaw xmin:', res.power_law.xmin if len(deg_hist[0]) != len(deg_hist[1]): deg_hist[1] = deg_hist[1][:len(deg_hist[0])] print 'plot degree dist' plt.plot(deg_hist[1], deg_hist[0]) plt.xscale('log') plt.xlabel('degree') plt.ylabel('#nodes') plt.yscale('log') plt.savefig('deg_dist_test.png') plt.close('all') print 'plot graph' pos = sfdp_layout(g, groups=g.vp['com'], mu=3) graph_draw(g, pos=pos, output='graph.png', output_size=(800, 800), vertex_size=prop_to_size(g.degree_property_map('total'), mi=2, ma=30), vertex_color=[0., 0., 0., 1.], vertex_fill_color=g.vp['com'], bg_color=[1., 1., 1., 1.]) plt.close('all') print 'init:', self_con / (self_con + other_con), other_con / (self_con + other_con) print 'real:', gt_tools.get_graph_com_connectivity(g, 'com')
def PlotTurbulenceIllustr(a): """ Can generate the grid with g=kolmogorovutils.GenerateKolmogorov3D( 1025, 129, 129) a=kolmogorovutils.GridToNumarray(g) """ for x in [1,10,100]: suba= numarray.sum(a[:,:,0:x], axis=2) suba.transpose() pylab.clf() pylab.matshow(suba) pylab.savefig("temp/turb3d-sum%03i.eps" % x) for x in [1,10,100]: for j in [0,1,2]: suba= numarray.sum(a[:,:200,j*x:(j+1)*x], axis=2) suba.transpose() pylab.clf() pylab.matshow(suba) pylab.savefig("temp/turb3d-sum%03i-s%i.eps" % (x,j))
def Animate(g): for i in range(1,64,5): pylab.clf() x= g[0:i,:,:] y= numarray.sum(x, axis=0) pylab.matshow( y) pylab.savefig("temp/3dturb-%03i.png" % i)
def visualization2(self, sp_to_vis=None): if sp_to_vis: species_ready = list(set(sp_to_vis).intersection(self.all_sp_signatures.keys())) else: raise Exception('list of driver species must be defined') if not species_ready: raise Exception('None of the input species is a driver') for sp in species_ready: # Setting up figure plt.figure() plt.subplot(313) mon_val = OrderedDict() signature = self.all_sp_signatures[sp] for idx, mon in enumerate(list(set(signature))): if mon[0] == 'C': mon_val[self.all_comb[sp][mon] + (-1,)] = idx else: mon_val[self.all_comb[sp][mon]] = idx mon_rep = [0] * len(signature) for i, m in enumerate(signature): if m[0] == 'C': mon_rep[i] = mon_val[self.all_comb[sp][m] + (-1,)] else: mon_rep[i] = mon_val[self.all_comb[sp][m]] # mon_rep = [mon_val[self.all_comb[sp][m]] for m in signature] y_pos = numpy.arange(len(mon_val.keys())) plt.scatter(self.tspan[1:], mon_rep) plt.yticks(y_pos, mon_val.keys()) plt.ylabel('Monomials', fontsize=16) plt.xlabel('Time(s)', fontsize=16) plt.xlim(0, self.tspan[-1]) plt.ylim(0, max(y_pos)) plt.subplot(312) for name in self.model.odes[sp].as_coefficients_dict(): mon = name mon = mon.subs(self.param_values) var_to_study = [atom for atom in mon.atoms(sympy.Symbol)] arg_f1 = [numpy.maximum(self.mach_eps, self.y[str(va)][1:]) for va in var_to_study] f1 = sympy.lambdify(var_to_study, mon) mon_values = f1(*arg_f1) mon_name = str(name).partition('__')[2] plt.plot(self.tspan[1:], mon_values, label=mon_name) plt.ylabel('Rate(m/sec)', fontsize=16) plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(-0.1, 0.85), loc='upper right', ncol=1) plt.subplot(311) plt.plot(self.tspan[1:], self.y['__s%d' % sp][1:], label=parse_name(self.model.species[sp])) plt.ylabel('Molecules', fontsize=16) plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(-0.15, 0.85), loc='upper right', ncol=1) plt.suptitle('Tropicalization' + ' ' + str(self.model.species[sp])) # plt.savefig('s%d' % sp + '.png', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=400)
def test_flux(self): tol = 150. inputcat =, '')) pixradius = 3*["psf"]/self.instrument["PIXEL_SCALE"] positions = list(zip(inputcat["X_IMAGE"]-1, inputcat["Y_IMAGE"]-1)) fluxes = image.simple_aper_phot([1], positions, pixradius) sky_background = image.annulus_photometry([1], positions, pixradius+5, pixradius+8) total_bg_pixels = np.shape(image.build_annulus_mask(pixradius+5, pixradius+8, positions[0]))[1] total_source_pixels = np.shape(image.build_circle_mask(pixradius, positions[0]))[1] estimated_fluxes = fluxes - sky_background*1./total_bg_pixels*total_source_pixels estimated_magnitude = image.flux2mag(estimated_fluxes,[1].header['SIMMAGZP'],["exptime"]) expected_flux = image.mag2adu(17.5,["zeropoint"][0],["exptime"]) p.figure() p.hist(fluxes, bins=50) p.title('Expected flux: {:0.2f}, mean flux: {:1.2f}'.format(expected_flux, np.mean(estimated_fluxes))) p.savefig(os.path.join(self.figdir,'Fluxes.png')) assert np.all(np.abs(fluxes-expected_flux) < tol)
def plot_feat_hist(data_name_list, filename=None): pylab.clf() # import pdb;pdb.set_trace() num_rows = 1 + (len(data_name_list) - 1) / 2 num_cols = 1 if len(data_name_list) == 1 else 2 pylab.figure(figsize=(5 * num_cols, 4 * num_rows)) for i in range(num_rows): for j in range(num_cols): pylab.subplot(num_rows, num_cols, 1 + i * num_cols + j) x, name = data_name_list[i * num_cols + j] pylab.title(name) pylab.xlabel('Value') pylab.ylabel('Density') # the histogram of the data max_val = np.max(x) if max_val <= 1.0: bins = 50 elif max_val > 50: bins = 50 else: bins = max_val n, bins, patches = pylab.hist( x, bins=bins, normed=1, facecolor='green', alpha=0.75) pylab.grid(True) if not filename: filename = "feat_hist_%s.png" % name pylab.savefig(os.path.join(CHART_DIR, filename), bbox_inches="tight")
def plotHist(outBaseStr,outData,motifID): """Plot histograms for each motif results.""" def _chooseBins(): """Uses one of a number of heuristics to choose the bins for each hist. More discussed here:""" # sqrtChoice # k = int(sqrt(n))+1 return int(math.sqrt(len(ctrls)))*3 outFile = '%s_%s_hist.pdf' % (outBaseStr,motifID) ctrls = [x for x in outData[motifID][1:]] yLab = 'Controls [n=%s]' % (len(ctrls)) xLab = 'Enrichment [p-value]' fig = pl.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_ylabel(yLab) ax.set_xlabel(xLab) ax.set_xscale('log') bins = _chooseBins() hData = ax.hist(ctrls, bins=bins,histtype='stepfilled',color='grey',cumulative=1) ax.axvline(x=outData[motifID][0] ,linewidth=2, color='r') pl.savefig(outFile)
def show_CMB_T_map(self,Tmap=None, max=100, title = "CMB graviational potential fluctuations as seen from inside the LSS", from_perspective_of = "observer", cmap=None): if Tmap is None: self.NSIDE = 256 self.Tmap = hp.alm2map(self.alm,self.NSIDE) else: self.Tmap = Tmap if from_perspective_of == "observer": dpi = 300 figsize_inch = 60, 40 fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize_inch, dpi=dpi) # Sky map: hp.mollview(self.Tmap, rot=(-90,0,0), min=-max, max=max, title=title + ", $\ell_{max}=$%d " % self.truncated_lmax, cmap=cmap, unit="$\mu$K") plt.savefig(title+".png", dpi=dpi, bbox_inches="tight") else: # Interactive "external" view ([like this]( pass # beatbox.zoncaview(self.Tmap) # This did not work, sadly. Maybe we can find a 3D # spherical surface plot routine using matplotlib? For # now, just use the healpix vis. R = (0.0,0.0,0.0) # (lon,lat,psi) to specify center of map and rotation to apply hp.orthview(self.Tmap,rot=R,flip='geo',half_sky=True,title="CMB graviational potential fluctuations as seen from outside the LSS, $\ell_{max}$=%d" % self.truncated_lmax) print "Ahem - we can't visualize maps on the surface of the sphere yet, sorry." return
def plot_corner_posteriors(self, savefile=None, labels=["T1", "R1", "Av", "T2", "R2"]): ''' Plots the corner plot of the MCMC results. ''' ndim = len(self.sampler.flatchain[0,:]) chain = self.sampler samples = chain.flatchain samples = samples[:,0:ndim] plt.figure(figsize=(8,8)) fig = corner.corner(samples, labels=labels[0:ndim]) plt.title("MJD: %.2f"%self.mjd) name = self._get_save_path(savefile, "mcmc_posteriors") plt.savefig(name) plt.close("all") plt.figure(figsize=(8,ndim*3)) for n in range(ndim): plt.subplot(ndim,1,n+1) chain = self.sampler.chain[:,:,n] nwalk, nit = chain.shape for i in np.arange(nwalk): plt.plot(chain[i], lw=0.1) plt.ylabel(labels[n]) plt.xlabel("Iteration") name_walkers = self._get_save_path(savefile, "mcmc_walkers") plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(name_walkers) plt.close("all")
def handle(self, *args, **options): try: from matplotlib import pylab as pl import numpy as np except ImportError: raise Exception('Be sure to install requirements_scipy.txt before running this.') all_names_and_counts = RawCommitteeTransactions.objects.all().values('attest_by_name').annotate(total=Count('attest_by_name')).order_by('-total') all_names_and_counts_as_tuple_and_sorted = sorted([(row['attest_by_name'], row['total']) for row in all_names_and_counts], key=lambda row: row[1]) print "top ten attestors: (name, number of transactions they attest for)" for row in all_names_and_counts_as_tuple_and_sorted[-10:]: print row n_bins = 100 filename = 'attestor_participation_distribution.png' x_max = all_names_and_counts_as_tuple_and_sorted[-31][1] # eliminate top outliers from hist x_min = all_names_and_counts_as_tuple_and_sorted[0][1] counts = [row['total'] for row in all_names_and_counts] pl.figure(1, figsize=(18, 6)) pl.hist(counts, bins=np.arange(x_min, x_max, (float(x_max)-x_min)/100) ) pl.title('Histogram of Attestor Participation in RawCommitteeTransactions') pl.xlabel('Number of transactions a person attested for') pl.ylabel('Number of people') pl.savefig(filename)
def _fig_density(sweight, surweight, pval, nlm): """ Plot the histogram of sweight across the image and the thresholds implied by the surrogate model (surweight) """ import matplotlib.pylab as mp # compute some thresholds nlm = nlm.astype('d') srweight = np.sum(surweight,1) srw = np.sort(srweight) nitem = np.size(srweight) thf = srw[int((1-min(pval,1))*nitem)] mnlm = max(1,nlm.mean()) imin = min(nitem-1,int((1.-pval/mnlm)*nitem)) thcf = srw[imin] h,c = np.histogram(sweight,100) I = h.sum()*(c[1]-c[0]) h = h/I h0,c0 = np.histogram(srweight,100) I0 = h0.sum()*(c0[1]-c0[0]) h0 = h0/I0 mp.figure(1) mp.plot(c,h) mp.plot(c0,h0) mp.legend(('true histogram','surrogate histogram')) mp.plot([thf,thf],[0,0.8*h0.max()]) mp.text(thf,0.8*h0.max(),'p<0.2, uncorrected') mp.plot([thcf,thcf],[0,0.5*h0.max()]) mp.text(thcf,0.5*h0.max(),'p<0.05, corrected') mp.savefig('/tmp/histo_density.eps')
def plotFeaturePDF(ift, pft, outbase, fmin=0.0, fmax=1.0, fstep=0.01): """ Plot a comparison between the input feature distribution and the feature distribution of the predicted halos """ plt.clf() nfbins = ( fmax - fmin ) / fstep fbins = np.logspace( fmin, fmax, nfbins ) fcen = ( fbins[:-1] + fbins[1:] ) / 2 plt.xscale( 'log', nonposx='clip' ) plt.yscale( 'log', nonposy='clip' ) ic, e, p = plt.hist( ift, fbins, label='Original Halos', alpha=0.5, normed=True ) pc, e, p = plt.hist( pft, fbins, label='Added Halos', alpha=0.5, normed=True ) plt.legend() plt.xlabel( r'$\delta$' ) plt.savefig( outbase+'_fpdf.png' ) fdtype = np.dtype( [ ('fcen', float), ('ifcounts', float), ('pfcounts', float) ] ) fd = np.ndarray( len(fcen), dtype = fdtype ) fd[ 'mcen' ] = fcen fd[ 'imcounts' ] = ic fd[ 'pmcounts' ] = pc fitsio.write( outbase+'', fd )
def plot_part2(filename): """ Plots the result of count ones test """ fig1 = pl.figure() iterations, runtimes, fvals = extract(filename) algos = ["SA", "GA", "MIMIC"] iters_sa, iters_ga, iters_mimic = [np.array(iterations[a]) for a in algos] runtime_sa, runtime_ga, runtime_mimic = [np.array(runtimes[a]) for a in algos] fvals_sa, fvals_ga, fvals_mimic = [np.array(fvals[a]) for a in algos] plotfunc = getattr(pl, "loglog") plotfunc(runtime_sa, fvals_sa, "bs", mew=0) plotfunc(runtime_ga, fvals_ga, "gs", mew=0) plotfunc(runtime_mimic, fvals_mimic, "rs", mew=0) # plotfunc(iters_sa, fvals_sa/(runtime_sa * iters_sa), "bs", mew=0) # plotfunc(iters_ga, fvals_ga/(runtime_ga * iters_ga), "gs", mew=0) # plotfunc(iters_mimic, fvals_mimic/(runtime_mimic * iters_mimic), "rs", mew=0) pl.xlabel("Runtime (seconds)") pl.ylabel("Objective function value") pl.ylim([min(fvals_sa) / 2, max(fvals_mimic) * 2]) pl.legend(["SA", "GA", "MIMIC"], loc=4) pl.savefig(filename.replace(".csv", ".png"), bbox_inches="tight")
def plot_size_of_c(size_of_c, path): xlabel('|C|') ylabel('Max model size |Ci|') grid(True) plot([x+1 for x in range(len(size_of_c))], size_of_c) savefig(os.path.join(path, 'size_of_c.png')) close()
def plot_q(frame,file_prefix='claw',file_format='petsc',path='./_output/',plot_pcolor=True,plot_slices=True,slices_xlimits=None): import sys sys.path.append('.') import gaussian_1d sol=Solution(frame,file_format=file_format,read_aux=False,path=path,file_prefix=file_prefix) x=sol.state.grid.x.centers mx=len(x) bathymetry = 0.5 eta=sol.state.q[0,:] + bathymetry if frame < 10: str_frame = "00"+str(frame) elif frame < 100: str_frame = "0"+str(frame) else: str_frame = str(frame) fig = pl.figure(figsize=(40,10)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_aspect(aspect=1) ax.plot(x,eta) #pl.title("t= "+str(sol.state.t),fontsize=20) #pl.xticks(size=20); pl.yticks(size=20) #pl.xlim([0, gaussian_1d.Lx]) pl.ylim([0.5, 1.0]) pl.xlim([0., 4.0]) #pl.axis('equal') pl.savefig('./_plots/eta_'+str_frame+'_slices.png') pl.close()
def plot_heuristic(heuristic, path): xlabel('|C|') ylabel('h') grid(True) plot(heuristic) savefig(os.path.join(path, 'heuristic.png')) close()
def plot_running_time(running_time, path): xlabel('|C|') ylabel('MTV iteration in secs.') grid(True) plot([x for x in range(len(running_time))], running_time) savefig(os.path.join(path, 'running_time.png')) close()
def plot_knowledge_count(agent_network, filename): word_dict = dict() agent_list = agent_network.get_all_agents() for agent_item in agent_list: for word in agent_item.knowledge: if word not in word_dict: word_dict[word] = 0 word_dict[word] = word_dict[word] + 1 word_count_tuple_list = word_dict.items() word_count_tuple_list = sorted(word_count_tuple_list, key=itemgetter(1)) print word_count_tuple_list x = list() y = list() for item in word_count_tuple_list: word = item[0] count = item[1] x.append(word) y.append(count) plt.scatter(x, y, s=30, vmin = 0, vmax= 100, alpha=0.5) plt.savefig(filename)
def plot_BIC_score(BIC_SCORE, path): xlabel('|C|') ylabel('BIC score') grid(True) plot(BIC_SCORE) savefig(os.path.join(path, 'BIC.png')) close()
def plotMassFunction(im, pm, outbase, mmin=9, mmax=13, mstep=0.05): """ Make a comparison plot between the input mass function and the predicted projected correlation function """ plt.clf() nmbins = ( mmax - mmin ) / mstep mbins = np.logspace( mmin, mmax, nmbins ) mcen = ( mbins[:-1] + mbins[1:] ) /2 plt.xscale( 'log', nonposx = 'clip' ) plt.yscale( 'log', nonposy = 'clip' ) ic, e, p = plt.hist( im, mbins, label='Original Halos', alpha=0.5, normed = True) pc, e, p = plt.hist( pm, mbins, label='Added Halos', alpha=0.5, normed = True) plt.legend() plt.xlabel( r'$M_{vir}$' ) plt.ylabel( r'$\frac{dN}{dM}$' ) #plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig( outbase+'_mfcn.png' ) mdtype = np.dtype( [ ('mcen', float), ('imcounts', float), ('pmcounts', float) ] ) mf = np.ndarray( len(mcen), dtype = mdtype ) mf[ 'mcen' ] = mcen mf[ 'imcounts' ] = ic mf[ 'pmcounts' ] = pc fitsio.write( outbase+'', mf )
def plot_bf_distributions(): # Bulge-fraction distribution btf = genfromtxt('bt_distr_mstar.txt') cmap = get_cmap('coolwarm') labs = [ r"$9<\log\,M_\ast<9.25$", r"$9.25<\log\,M_\ast<9.5$", r"$9.5<\log\,M_\ast<9.75$", r"$9.75<\log\,M_\ast<10$", r"$10<\log\,M_\ast<10.25$", r"$10.25<\log\,M_\ast<10.5$", r"$10.5<\log\,M_\ast<10.75$", r"$10.75<\log\,M_\ast<11$", r"$\log\,M_\ast>11$" ] fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) for i in range(2, 11): c = linspace(0.01, 0.99, num=9)[i - 2][:, 0], btf[:, i], width=btf[:, 1] - btf[:, 0], color='none', edgecolor=cmap(c), lw=3) ax.text(0.35, linspace(0.3, 0.7, num=9)[i - 2], labs[i - 2], fontsize=16, color=cmap(c), transform=ax.transAxes) ax.axvline(0.2, ymin=0, ymax=1, ls='--', c='k') ax.axvline(0.5, ymin=0, ymax=.26, ls='--', c='k') ax.axvline(0.5, ymin=0.8, ymax=1, ls='--', c='k') ax.axvline(0.8, ymin=0, ymax=1, ls='--', c='k') ax.text(0.025, 0.9, r"$\rm Sc-Sb$", fontsize=18, color='#151AB0', transform=ax.transAxes) ax.text(0.325, 0.9, r"$\rm Sa$", fontsize=18, color='#008540', transform=ax.transAxes) ax.text(0.625, 0.9, r"$\rm S0$", fontsize=18, color='#AB9700', transform=ax.transAxes) ax.text(0.875, 0.9, r"$\rm Es$", fontsize=18, color='#BD000D', transform=ax.transAxes) ax.set_xlabel(r"$\rm B/T$", fontsize=18) ax.set_ylabel(r"$\rm P(B/T)$", fontsize=18) ax.set_xlim([0, 1]) plt.savefig("bt_hist_mstar.pdf", bbox_inches='tight')
def plot_results(filename, ccdnr=1, pngfile=None, panels='residual'): # # # if (not os.path.isfile(filename)): raise FileNotFoundError # with as hdu: resid = hdu['RESIDUALS'].data[ccdnr - 1, :, :] errors = hdu['ERRORS'].data[ccdnr - 1, :, :] chi2r = hdu['CHI2_R'].data[ccdnr - 1, :, :] rev_start = hdu[0].header['REV0'] rev_end = hdu[0].header['REV1'] # # calculate sigma_clipped statistics # xstat = stats.sigma_clipped_stats(resid, sigma=3, maxiters=3) # rawy_array = np.arange(20, 200, 20) if (panels == 'all'): fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=1, figsize=(10, 10), sharex=True) im = ax[0].imshow(resid, vmin=-100, vmax=100.0, origin='lower', cmap=plt.get_cmap('bwr')) div = make_axes_locatable(ax[0]) cax = div.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.1) cbar = plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax) cbar.set_label('E - 8040 (eV)') ax[0].set_title(f'CCD: {ccdnr}, revs in [{rev_start},{rev_end}]') ax[0].set_xlabel( fr'mean={xstat[0]:.1f} eV,{xstat[2]:.1f} eV (3-$\sigma$ clipped)' ) #ax[0].set_xticks(rawy_array) # im = ax[1].imshow(errors, vmin=0.0, vmax=20.0, origin='lower', cmap=plt.get_cmap('bwr')) div = make_axes_locatable(ax[1]) cax = div.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.1) cbar = plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax) cbar.set_label('Error (eV)') #ax[1].set_title(f'CCD: {ccd}') #ax[1].set_xticks(rawy_array) # im = ax[2].imshow(chi2r, vmin=1.0, vmax=2.0, origin='lower', cmap=plt.get_cmap('bwr')) div = make_axes_locatable(ax[2]) cax = div.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.1) cbar = plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax) cbar.set_label('Chi2_r') #ax[2].set_title(f'CCD: {ccd}') ax[2].set_xticks(rawy_array) # if (pngfile is not None): plt.savefig(pngfile, dpi=100) else: fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(10, 6), sharex=True) im = ax.imshow(resid, vmin=-100, vmax=100.0, origin='lower', cmap=plt.get_cmap('bwr')) div = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = div.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.1) cbar = plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax) cbar.set_label('E - 8040 (eV)') ax.set_xticks(rawy_array) ax.set_xlabel('RAWY') ax.set_ylabel('RAWX') ax.set_title( f'CCD: {ccdnr}, revs in [{rev_start},{rev_end}]\n' + fr'mean={xstat[0]:.1f} eV,{xstat[2]:.1f} eV (3-$\sigma$ clipped)' ) #plt.title(fr'mean={xstat[0]:.1f} eV,{xstat[2]:.1f} eV (3-$\sigma$ clipped)',ha='right',fontsize=16) if (pngfile is not None): plt.savefig(pngfile, dpi=100) return
m = Basemap(llcrnrlon=-15.5, llcrnrlat=-25.5, urcrnrlon=15.5, urcrnrlat=-4.5, projection='merc', resolution='l') #Move to image directory os.chdir(directory) #Triplots for each file print 'Making plots for %s...' % f plt.figure('') plt.clf() cloud.five_plot(data='Nd') fig = plt.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(13.33, 7.5) plt.savefig('%s_%s_%s_%s_Nd' % (year, month, day, cloud.time), dpi=150) print 'Done!\n' # ###Terra ACAERO # print 'Checking for new Terra ACAERO data...' fdir = '/Users/michaeldiamond/Documents/oracles_files/terra/%s' % jday os.chdir(fdir) current_files = os.listdir(fdir) new_files = [] path = 'allData/6/MOD06ACAERO/%s/%s/' % (year, jday) files = [] #Try to access ftp_worked = False
ax.set_ylim(0,8) ax.tick_params(axis=u'both', which=u'both',length=0) ax.set_xlabel('Measurement environment',fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel('Evolution environment',fontsize=14) pt.plot([0,8],[8,0],'--',color='Gray',linewidth=.5) for i in range(8): for j in range(8): if fitness_table[i,7-j] < 0 and fitness_table[i,7-j] > -.1: ###This will get printed as -0.0, so print 0.0 instead ax.text(7-j+.5,7-i+.5,abs(numpy.round(fitness_table[i,7-j],1)),color='Gray',fontsize=7,horizontalalignment='center',verticalalignment='center') elif i==7-j: ax.text(7-j+.5,7-i+.5,numpy.round(fitness_table[i,7-j],1),color='k',fontsize=7,horizontalalignment='center',verticalalignment='center') else: ax.text(7-j+.5,7-i+.5,numpy.round(fitness_table[i,7-j],1),color='Gray',fontsize=7,horizontalalignment='center',verticalalignment='center') pt.savefig('figures/median_fitness_heatmap_check.pdf',bbox_inches='tight') ##Plot the table with clones that lost the virus removed pt.figure() pt.pcolor( fitness_table_vplus[::-1], cmap = 'RdBu', vmin=-5,vmax=5,edgecolors='w' ) pt.colorbar(label='Median fitness (%)') ax = pt.gca() ax.set_xticks(numpy.arange(.5,8.7,1)) ax.set_yticks(numpy.arange(.5,8.7,1)) ax.set_xticklabels(evolution_env_labels,fontsize=8) ax.set_yticklabels(measurement_env_labels[::-1],fontsize=8) ax.set_xlim(0,8) ax.set_ylim(0,8) ax.tick_params(axis=u'both', which=u'both',length=0)
for word in model.vocab: vocabulary.append(word) vec.append(model[word]) vecLength = len(vec) vec = np.array(vec)[:int((dataRatio * vecLength))] vocabulary = vocabulary[:int((dataRatio * vecLength))] tsne = TSNE(n_components=2, random_state=0) yTransform = tsne.fit_transform(vec) print("New Size: " + str(model.vectors.shape)) tags = set(['JJ', 'NNP', 'NN', 'NNS']) puncts = ["'", ".", ":", ";", ",", "?", "!", u"’"] plt.figure() texts = [] ['averaged_perceptron_tagger', 'maxent_treebank_pos_tagger', 'punkt']) for i, label in enumerate(vocabulary): pos = nltk.pos_tag([label]) if (label[0].isupper() and len(label) > 1 and pos[0][1] in tags and all(c not in label for c in puncts)): x, y = yTransform[i, :] texts.append(plt.text(x, y, label)) plt.scatter(x, y) adjust_text(texts, arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='-', color='k', lw=1.5)) plt.savefig('hp_result.png', dpi=600)
#%% # d_sim = percept_loss.forward(resz_ref_img, resz_out_img) zcode, fitimg = img_backproj(target_img, percept_loss) # zcode, fitimg = img_backproj(target_img, L1loss) #%% for nsteps in [1000]: #%150, 250, 500, zcode, fitimg = img_backproj(target_img, percept_loss, nsteps=nsteps) label = "alexPL_step%d" % (nsteps) plt.figure(figsize=[4, 4.5]) plt.imshow(fitimg.cpu().numpy()) plt.title(label) plt.axis("off") plt.savefig(join(savedir, "Embed_%s.jpg" % label)) #%% percept_net = models.PerceptualLoss(model='net-lin', net='vgg', use_gpu=1, gpu_ids=[0]) def percept_loss(img, target, net=percept_net): return net.forward( img.unsqueeze(0).permute([0, 3, 1, 2]), target.unsqueeze(0).permute([0, 3, 1, 2]))
from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB from os.path import join # %pylab inline plt.rcParams['text.usetex'] = True pos = norm(loc=3, scale=2.5) neg = norm(loc=-0.5, scale=0.75) plt.clf() for ins, color in zip([pos, neg], ['b', 'r']): x = np.linspace(ins.ppf(0.001), ins.ppf(0.999)) plt.plot(x, ins.pdf(x), color) plt.legend(['Positive', 'Negative']) plt.grid() plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('two_normals.png', dpi=300) _min = neg.ppf(0.05) _max = neg.ppf(0.95) D = [(x, 0) for x in neg.rvs(100) if x >= _min and x <= _max] D += [(x, 1) for x in pos.rvs(1000) if x < _min or x > _max] plt.clf() plt.plot([x for x, k in D if k == 1], pos.pdf([x for x, k in D if k == 1]), 'b.') plt.plot([x for x, k in D if k == 0], neg.pdf([x for x, k in D if k == 0]), 'r.') plt.grid() plt.legend(['Positive', 'Negative']) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('two_normal_samples.png', dpi=300)
for stock in stocks: print(stock) dir_path = './result/%s' % stock line = '頻度_rate, 日数, 高騰正解数, 高騰正答数, 下落正解数, 下落正答数, 高騰正答率(%), 下落正答率(%)\n' for l in day_length_list: with open('%s/result_%dd.csv' % (dir_path, l), 'r') as f: lines = [line.strip() for line in f][1:] actual_list = [float(line.split(',')[1]) for line in lines] pred_list = [float(line.split(',')[2]) for line in lines] plt.figure() plt.title('stock_close/topix_close') plt.plot(actual_list, label='actual') plt.plot(pred_list, label='predict') plt.legend() filename = '%s/result_graph%dd.png' % (dir_path, l) plt.savefig(filename) values = [ (actual_list[idx] - actual_list[idx - l]) / actual_list[idx] for idx in range(l, len(actual_list)) ] r_corrects = [1 if val > rate else 0 for val in values] values = [(pred_list[idx] - pred_list[idx - l]) / pred_list[idx] for idx in range(l, len(pred_list))] prediction = [1 if val > rate else 0 for val in values] # for idx in range(len(prediction)): print('%d, %d'%(r_corrects[idx], prediction[idx])) raise_correct = sum(item for item in r_corrects) count_raise = sum(1 if r_corrects[idx] == prediction[idx] else 0 for idx in range(len(prediction))) values = [ (actual_list[idx] - actual_list[idx - l]) / actual_list[idx] for idx in range(l, len(actual_list))
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pylab as plt Datos = np.genfromtxt("datos.dat", delimiter=";") x = Datos[:, 0] a = Datos[:, 1] Datos2 = np.genfromtxt("datos2.dat", delimiter=";") x2 = Datos2[:, 0] a2 = Datos2[:, 1] Datos3 = np.genfromtxt("datos3.dat", delimiter=";") x3 = Datos3[:, 0] a3 = Datos3[:, 1] plt.figure() plt.plot(x, a, label="Inicial", c="red") plt.plot(x2, a2, label="arrAf", c="blue") plt.plot(x3, a3, label="arrf", c="green") plt.xlabel("X") plt.ylabel("A") plt.legend() plt.savefig("ArevaloSergioS6C2.png")
def plot_angular_momentum_size_velocity(): size = 100000 # Planck parameters h, Om, OL = 0.677, 0.31, 0.69 # uniform halo mass function mhalo = array(10.**uniform(10.75, 14.5, size), dtype=float32) # read halo mass-function # mhf = genfromtxt('mVector_PLANCK-SMT_11-13.txt') # mhf = genfromtxt('mVector_PLANCK-SMT_10.5-13.txt') mhf = genfromtxt('mVector_PLANCK-SMT_11-14.5.txt') # mhalo = array(choice(mhf[:, 0], p=mhf[:, 5]/sum(mhf[:, 5]), size=size), dtype=float32) ''' Ms = Mstar(0., mode='low', model='B10') mstar = [] print "generating mstar..." for m in mhalo: mstar.append(Ms(m)) mstar = array(mstar) ''' mstar = Mstar_vU(mhalo, mode='TF') ms_lowlim, ms_highlim = 7., 11.75 mhalo = mhalo[(log10(array(mstar)) > ms_lowlim) & (log10(array(mstar)) < ms_highlim)] mstar = mstar[(log10(array(mstar)) > ms_lowlim) & (log10(array(mstar)) < ms_highlim)] # DM halo spin parameter distribution # from Maccio', Dutton & van den Bosch (2008) lambda_halo = 10.**normal(-1.466, 0.253, len(mhalo)) # bt = get_bt_distribution_from_SDSS(mstar) bt = get_bt_distribution_from_meert14(mstar) # bt, mstar, mhalo, lambda_halo = get_bt_distribution_from_lambda(mstar, mhalo, lambda_halo) # Dutton & Maccio' (2014) # b = -0.101 + 0.026 * array([0., 1.]) # a = 0.52 + (0.905 - 0.52) * exp(-0.617 * array([0., 1.]) ** 1.21) b = -0.097 + 0.024 * array([0., 1.]) a = 0.537 + (1.025 - 0.537) * exp(-0.718 * array([0., 1.])**1.08) # scatter 0.11dex cvir = [] print "generating concentrations..." for m in mhalo: cvir.append(10.**normal(a[0] + b[0] * log10(m / (1e12 / h)), 0.11, 1)[0]) cvir = array(cvir) # Circular velocity for NFW haloes G = 4.302e-3 * 1e-6 # Mpc Mo^-1 (km/s)^2 f = lambda x: log(1. + asarray(x)) - asarray(x) / (1. + asarray(x)) rho_c = 3. * (h * 100.)**2 / (8. * pi * G) # Bryan & Norman (1998) Oz = lambda z: Om * (1 + z)**3 / (Om * (1. + z)**3 + OL) Delta_c = lambda z: 18. * pi**2 + 82. * (Oz(z) - 1.) - 39. * (Oz(z) - 1. )**2 rho_hat = 4. / 3. * pi * Delta_c(0.) * rho_c vc = sqrt(G * f(2.15) / f(cvir) * cvir / 2.15 * pow(rho_hat, 1. / 3.)) * power(mhalo / h, 1. / 3.) # print "%e %e" % (f(10.) * 2.15 / (f(2.15) * 10.), sqrt(2. * f(10.) * 2.15 / (f(2.15) * 10.))) # Kravtsov 2013 # rho_200 = 4. / 3. * pi * 200. * rho_c r200 = 1e3 * power(mhalo / rho_hat, 1. / 3.) rs = [] for r in r200: rs.append(10.**normal(log10(0.015 * r), 0.25, 1)[0]) rs = array(rs) js = rs * vc # jhalo - mhalo fe = cvir / 2. * (1. - 1. / power(1. + cvir, 2) - 2. * log(1. + cvir) / (1. + cvir)) / power(cvir / (1. + cvir) - log(1. + cvir), 2) # fe = f(2.15) / f(cvir) * cvir / 2.15 j_halo = sqrt(2. / fe) * lambda_halo * sqrt(G * 1e3 * mhalo / r200) * r200 # j_halo da Romanowsky & Fall (2012) eq. (14) # j_halo = 4.23e4 * lambda_halo * power(mhalo / 1e12, 2./3.) # bt_discs, bt_spirals, bt_ltg, bt_lents, bt_ells = 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 0.95 bt_discs, bt_spirals, bt_ltg, bt_lents, bt_ells = 0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.65, 0.8 # fj(Mhalo) def jstar_FR(mass, bf): if (bf >= 0.) & (bf <= bt_discs): # Sc j0, alpha, s = 3.29, 0.55, 0.18 elif (bf > bt_discs) & (bf <= bt_spirals): # Sb j0, alpha, s = 3.21, 0.68, 0.15 elif (bf > bt_spirals) & (bf <= bt_ltg): # Sa j0, alpha, s = 3.02, 0.64, 0.12 elif (bf > bt_ltg) & (bf <= bt_lents): # S0 j0, alpha, s = 3.05, 0.8, 0.22 elif (bf > bt_lents) & (bf <= bt_ells): # fE j0, alpha, s = 2.875, 0.6, 0.2 elif (bf > bt_ells) & (bf <= 1.): # sE j0, alpha, s = 2.73, 0.6, 0.2 else: print bf raise ValueError("Problem in bt not in ]0,1]") return 10.**normal(j0 + alpha * (mass - 11.), s, 1)[0] # fitting function to jb/jd estimated from Romanowsky & Fall (2012) data # jb/jd = 0.025 + B/T^2 # jd = j_star / (1 + (jb/jd-1)B/T) # --> here jdisc = jstar / fb_func jb_over_jd_fit = lambda fb: 0.025 + fb**2 fb_func = lambda fb: 1. + (jb_over_jd_fit(fb) - 1.) * fb jstar, jdisc, jbulge = [], [], [] print "generating jstar..." for i in range(len(mstar)): jstar.append(jstar_FR(log10(mstar[i]), bt[i])) jdisc.append(jstar[i] / fb_func(bt[i])) jbulge.append(jdisc[i] * jb_over_jd_fit(bt[i])) jstar, jdisc, jbulge = array(jstar), array(jdisc), array(jbulge) fj = jstar / j_halo # jstar_FR(log10(0.158 * mhalo)) / j_halo # Kravtsov Mstar_TF = lambda t: 10.**(-0.61 + 4.93 * asarray(t) ) # McGaugh & Schombert (2015), sTF @ 3.6um vstar_TF = lambda t: 10.**(0.61 / 4.93 + 1. / 4.93 * asarray(t)) sstar_FJ = lambda t: 10.**(2.054 + 0.286 * asarray(t - 10.)) Mstar_FJ = lambda t: 10.**(-2.054 / 0.286 + 10. + 1. / 0.286 * asarray(t)) # Re = jdisc / (vstar_TF(log10(mstar))) # Re[bt > 0.8] = jbulge[bt > 0.8] / (0.7 * vstar_TF(log10(mstar[bt > 0.8]))) # Re[bt > 0.8] = jbulge[bt > 0.8] / (10.**(-1.06 + 0.32*log10(mstar[bt > 0.8]))) Re = jstar / vc # vstar_TF(log10(mstar)) # Re[bt > bt_ltg] = jstar[bt > bt_ltg] / (1.65 * sstar_FJ(log10(mstar[bt > bt_ltg]))) # Mo, Mao & White (1998) # lambda_halo_prime = lambda_halo * jdisc / j_halo # fj lambda_halo_prime = lambda_halo * fj # fj cvir = array(cvir) fac_sis_nfw = 1. / sqrt( cvir / 2. * (1. - 1. / power(1. + cvir, 2) - 2. * log(1. + cvir) / (1. + cvir)) / power(cvir / (1. + cvir) - log(1. + cvir), 2)) # md = mstar / mhalo # fac_sis_nfw *= pow(lambda_halo_prime / 0.1, -0.0 + 2.71 * md + 0.0047 / lambda_halo_prime) * \ # (1-3.*md+5.2*md*md) * (1-0.019*cvir * 0.00025*cvir*cvir + 0.52 / cvir) Rd = 1. / sqrt(2.) * lambda_halo_prime * r200 * fac_sis_nfw """ HDF5 file output """ f = h5py.File("jstar-jhalo.hdf5", 'w') group = f.create_group("columns") dset_lambda = group.create_dataset("Lambda_Halo", data=lambda_halo) dset_mhalo = group.create_dataset("Halo_Mass", data=mhalo) dset_mstar = group.create_dataset("Galaxy_Mass", data=mstar) dset_jhalo = group.create_dataset("Halo_Specific_Angular_Momentum", data=j_halo) dset_jstar = group.create_dataset("Galaxy_Specific_Angular_Momentum", data=jstar) dset_cvir = group.create_dataset("Halo_Concentration", data=cvir) dset_fj = group.create_dataset("Retained_fraction_of_j", data=fj) dset_bt = group.create_dataset("Bulge_Fraction", data=bt) dset_vc = group.create_dataset("Circular_Velocity", data=vc) dset_vc = group.create_dataset("Velocity_Dispersion", data=vc / 1.1) dset_Re = group.create_dataset("Effective_Radius", data=Re) dset_Rd = group.create_dataset("Disc_Scale_Radius", data=Rd) """ Plots """ # plt.plot(log10(mstar * bt), log10(jbulge), 'r.', alpha=0.005) # plt.plot(log10(mstar * bt * (1./bt - 1.)), log10(jdisc), 'b.', alpha=0.005) # plt.plot(linspace(9, 12), 3.28+0.67*(linspace(9, 12)-11.), 'k-', lw=3) # plt.plot(linspace(9, 12), 2.75+0.67*(linspace(9, 12)-11.), 'k--', lw=3) # size_hist = 20 sigs = [68., 90.] save_plots = False ''' ----------- Mstar-Mhalo ''' # Dutton et al. 2010 relations d10_msmh_ltg = lambda x: 10.**1.61 * (asarray(x) / 10.**10.4)**-0.5 * ( 0.5 + 0.5 * (asarray(x) / 10.**10.4))**0.5 d10_msmh_etg = lambda x: 10.**1.97 * (asarray(x) / 10.**10.8)**-0.15 * ( 0.5 + 0.5 * (asarray(x) / 10.**10.8)**2)**0.5 d10_ms_ltg = logspace(9.35, 11) d10_ms_etg = logspace(9.85, 11.4) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(211) ax.set_ylabel(r"$\log\rm\,M_\ast/M_\odot$", fontsize=16) # ax.xlabel(r"$\log\rm\,M_h/M_\odot$", fontsize=16) ax.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.set_ylim([8, 11.75]) ax.set_xlim([10.75, 13.5]) x, y, H, lev, _, _, _ = bins_and_hist(mhalo, mstar, bt > 0, 30, sigs) # plt.plot(log10(d10_msmh_ltg(d10_ms_ltg) * d10_ms_ltg), log10(d10_ms_ltg), 'b-') # plt.plot(log10(d10_msmh_etg(d10_ms_etg) * d10_ms_etg), log10(d10_ms_etg), 'r-') plt.contourf(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=append(lev, log10(H).max()), cmap=plt.get_cmap('Greys'), alpha=0.75) plt.xlim() ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212, sharex=ax) ax2.set_ylabel(r"$\log\rm\,M_\ast/M_\odot$", fontsize=16) ax2.set_xlabel(r"$\log\rm\,M_h/M_\odot$", fontsize=16) ax2.set_xlim([10.75, 13.5]) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0) x, y, H, lev, _, _, _ = bins_and_hist(mhalo, mstar / mhalo, bt > 0, 30, sigs) plt.contourf(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=append(lev, log10(H).max()), cmap=plt.get_cmap('Greys'), alpha=0.75) if save_plots: plt.savefig('SHMR_all_ref.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') ''' ----------- lambda-Mhalo ''' fig = plt.figure() plt.xlabel(r"$\log\rm\,M_h/M_\odot$", fontsize=16) plt.ylabel(r"$\log\rm\lambda_{halo}$", fontsize=16) plt.plot(log10(mhalo), log10(lambda_halo), 'b.', alpha=0.0025) x, y, H, lev, _, _, _ = bins_and_hist(mhalo, lambda_halo, bt > 0, size_hist, sigs) plt.contour(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=lev, colors='#151AB0') ''' ----------- j_halo - M_halo ''' fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) plt.xlabel(r"$\log\rm\,M_h/M_\odot$", fontsize=16) plt.ylabel(r"$\log\rm\,j_h/km\,s^{-1}\,kpc$", fontsize=16) x, y, H, lev, _, _, _ = bins_and_hist(mhalo, j_halo, bt > 0, size_hist, sigs) # ax.contour(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=lev, colors='#151AB0') ax.contourf(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=append(lev, log10(H).max()), cmap=plt.get_cmap('Greys'), alpha=0.75) ax.plot(linspace(10.75, 13), 3.28 + 0.67 * (linspace(10.75, 13) - 11.), 'k--', lw=3) # plt.plot([12.5, log10(0.158 * 10.**12.5)], [3.505, 3.7481], 'm-', lw=3) # ax.arrow(12.5, 3.505, -12.5+log10(0.08 * 10.**12.5), -3.505+3.28+0.67*(log10(0.08 * 10.**12.5)-11.)-0.045, # head_width=0.075, head_length=0.05, fc='m', ec='m', lw=3) ax.arrow(12., 3.1704, -12. + log10(0.08 * 10.**12.), -3.1704 + 3.28 + 0.67 * (log10(0.08 * 10.**12.) - 11.) - 0.045, head_width=0.075, head_length=0.05, fc='m', ec='m', lw=3) ax.text(11.15, 4., r"$f_{\rm baryon}\simeq 0.16$" + "\n" + r"$M_\ast=M_{\rm bar}/2$", color='m', fontsize=18) if save_plots: plt.savefig('jh-Mh_all_ref.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') ''' ----------- fj(M_halo) ''' fig = plt.figure() plt.xlabel(r"$\log\rm\,M_h/M_\odot$", fontsize=16) plt.ylabel(r"$\log\rm\,f_j(M_h)\equiv j_\ast / j_h$", fontsize=16) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.text(0.1, 0.9, r"$\rm Sc-Sb$", fontsize=18, color='#151AB0', transform=ax.transAxes) ax.text(0.1, 0.85, r"$\rm Sa-S0$", fontsize=18, color='#009603', transform=ax.transAxes) ax.text(0.1, 0.8, r"$\rm Es$", fontsize=18, color='#BD000D', transform=ax.transAxes) # spirals w = bt < bt_spirals # plt.plot(log10(mhalo[w]), log10(fj[w]), 'b.', alpha=0.0025) x, y, H, lev, mhalo_bin, fj_bin, e_fj_bin = bins_and_hist( mhalo, fj, w, size_hist, sigs) # plt.errorbar(log10(mhalo_bin), log10(fj_bin), yerr=abs(log10(fj_bin)-log10(e_fj_bin)), c='b', fmt='o') # plt.contour(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=lev, colors='#151AB0') plt.contourf(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=append(lev, log10(H).max()), cmap=plt.get_cmap('Blues'), alpha=0.75) # Sa and lenticulars w = (bt >= bt_spirals) & (bt < bt_lents) # plt.plot(log10(mhalo[w]), log10(fj[w]), 'b.', alpha=0.0025) x, y, H, lev, mhalo_bin, fj_bin, e_fj_bin = bins_and_hist( mhalo, fj, w, size_hist, sigs) # plt.errorbar(log10(mhalo_bin), log10(fj_bin), yerr=abs(log10(fj_bin)-log10(e_fj_bin)), c='g', fmt='o') # plt.contour(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=lev, colors='#AB9700') plt.contourf(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=append(lev, log10(H).max()), cmap=plt.get_cmap('Greens'), alpha=0.75) # ellipticals w = bt > bt_lents # plt.plot(log10(mhalo[w]), log10(fj[w]), 'r.', alpha=0.0025) x, y, H, lev, mhalo_bin, fj_bin, e_fj_bin = bins_and_hist( mhalo, fj, w, size_hist, sigs) # plt.errorbar(log10(mhalo_bin), log10(fj_bin), yerr=abs(log10(fj_bin)-log10(e_fj_bin)), c='r', fmt='o') # plt.contour(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=lev, colors='#BD000D') plt.contourf(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=append(lev, log10(H).max()), cmap=plt.get_cmap('Reds'), alpha=0.75) plt.xlim([10.7, 13.5]) # ------ Median relation x, y, H, lev, mhalo_bin, fj_bin, e_fj_bin = bins_and_hist(mhalo, fj, bt > 0, size_hist, sigs, bin_size=30) plt.errorbar(log10(mhalo_bin), log10(fj_bin), yerr=abs(log10(fj_bin) - log10(e_fj_bin)), c='k', fmt='o') if save_plots: plt.savefig('fj-Mh_all_ref.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') ''' ----------- Kravtsov ''' fig = plt.figure() plt.ylabel(r"$\log\rm\,R_e/kpc$", fontsize=16) plt.xlabel(r"$\log\rm\,r_{\rm vir}/kpc$", fontsize=16) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.text(0.1, 0.9, r"$\rm Sc-Sb$", fontsize=18, color='#151AB0', transform=ax.transAxes) ax.text(0.1, 0.85, r"$\rm Sa-S0$", fontsize=18, color='#009603', transform=ax.transAxes) ax.text(0.1, 0.8, r"$\rm Es$", fontsize=18, color='#BD000D', transform=ax.transAxes) # ax.text(0.4, 0.15, r"$\rm Kravtsov Plot$", fontsize=20, transform=ax.transAxes) # spirals w = bt < bt_spirals # plt.plot(log10(r200)[w], log10(Re)[w], 'b.', alpha=0.0075) x, y, H, lev, _, _, _ = bins_and_hist(r200, Re, w, size_hist, sigs) # plt.contour(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=lev, colors='#151AB0') plt.contourf(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=append(lev, log10(H).max()), cmap=plt.get_cmap('Blues'), alpha=0.75) # Sa and lenticulars w = (bt >= bt_spirals) & (bt < bt_lents) # plt.plot(log10(r200)[w], log10(Re)[w], 'b.', alpha=0.0075) x, y, H, lev, _, _, _ = bins_and_hist(r200, Re, w, size_hist, sigs) # plt.contour(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=lev, colors='#AB9700') plt.contourf(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=append(lev, log10(H).max()), cmap=plt.get_cmap('Greens'), alpha=0.75) # ellipticals w = bt > bt_lents # plt.plot(log10(r200)[w], log10(Re)[w], 'r.', alpha=0.0075) x, y, H, lev, _, _, _ = bins_and_hist(r200, Re, w, size_hist, sigs) # plt.contour(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=lev, colors='#BD000D') plt.contourf(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=append(lev, log10(H).max()), cmap=plt.get_cmap('Reds'), alpha=0.75) plt.plot(log10(linspace(110, 800)), log10(0.015 * linspace(110, 800)), 'k-', lw=2) plt.plot(log10(linspace(110, 800)), log10(0.015 * linspace(110, 800)) + 0.5, 'k--', lw=2) plt.plot(log10(linspace(110, 800)), log10(0.015 * linspace(110, 800)) - 0.5, 'k--', lw=2) plt.xlim([log10(110.), log10(800.)]) # ----- Median relation x, y, H, lev, r200_bin, Rd_bin, e_Rd_bin = bins_and_hist(r200, Re, bt > 0, size_hist, sigs, bin_size=30) plt.errorbar(log10(r200_bin), log10(Rd_bin), yerr=abs(log10(Rd_bin) - log10(e_Rd_bin)), c='k', fmt='o') if save_plots: plt.savefig('Re-r200_all_ref.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') ''' ----------- Mo, Mao & White Rd-r200 ''' fig = plt.figure() plt.ylabel(r"$\log\rm\,R_d/kpc$", fontsize=16) plt.xlabel(r"$\log\rm\,r_{\rm vir}/kpc$", fontsize=16) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.text(0.1, 0.9, r"$\rm Sc-Sb$", fontsize=18, color='#151AB0', transform=ax.transAxes) ax.text(0.1, 0.85, r"$\rm Sa-S0$", fontsize=18, color='#009603', transform=ax.transAxes) # ax.text(0.4, 0.15, r"$\rm Mo, Mao & White Plot$", fontsize=20, transform=ax.transAxes) # spirals w = bt < bt_spirals # plt.plot(log10(r200[w]), log10(Rd[w]), 'b.', alpha=0.01) x, y, H, lev, r200_bin, Rd_bin, e_Rd_bin = bins_and_hist( r200, Rd, w, size_hist, sigs) # plt.errorbar(log10(r200_bin), log10(Rd_bin), yerr=abs(log10(Rd_bin)-log10(e_Rd_bin)), c='b', fmt='o') # plt.contour(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=lev, colors='#151AB0') plt.contourf(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=append(lev, log10(H).max()), cmap=plt.get_cmap('Blues'), alpha=0.75) # Sa and lenticulars w = (bt >= bt_spirals) & (bt < bt_lents) # plt.plot(log10(r200[w]), log10(Rd[w]), 'y.', alpha=0.01) x, y, H, lev, r200_bin, Rd_bin, e_Rd_bin = bins_and_hist( r200, Rd, w, size_hist, sigs) # plt.errorbar(log10(r200_bin), log10(Rd_bin), yerr=abs(log10(Rd_bin)-log10(e_Rd_bin)), c='g', fmt='o') # plt.contour(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=lev, colors='#AB9700') plt.contourf(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=append(lev, log10(H).max()), cmap=plt.get_cmap('Greens'), alpha=0.75) plt.plot(log10(linspace(110, 800)), log10(0.0112 * linspace(110, 800)), 'k-', lw=2) plt.xlim([log10(110.), log10(800.)]) x, y, H, lev, r200_bin, Rd_bin, e_Rd_bin = bins_and_hist(r200, Rd, bt < bt_lents, size_hist, sigs, bin_size=30) plt.errorbar(log10(r200_bin), log10(Rd_bin), yerr=abs(log10(Rd_bin) - log10(e_Rd_bin)), c='k', fmt='o') if save_plots: plt.savefig('Rd-r200_ScS0_ref.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') ''' ----------- sTFR ''' fig = plt.figure() plt.ylabel(r"$\log\rm\,M_\ast/M_\odot$", fontsize=16) plt.xlabel(r"$\log\rm\,V_{max}/km\,s^{-1}$", fontsize=16) plt.ylim(8, 11.5) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.text(0.1, 0.9, r"$\rm Sc-Sb$", fontsize=18, color='#151AB0', transform=ax.transAxes) # spirals w = bt < bt_spirals # plt.plot(log10(vc[w]), log10(mstar[w]), 'b.', alpha=0.0025) x, y, H, lev, vc_bin, mstar_bin, e_mstar_bin = bins_and_hist( vc, mstar, w, size_hist, sigs) # plt.errorbar(log10(vc_bin), log10(mstar_bin), yerr=abs(log10(mstar_bin)-log10(e_mstar_bin)), c='b', fmt='o') plt.contourf(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=append(lev, log10(H).max()), cmap=plt.get_cmap('Blues')) plt.plot(linspace(1.9, 2.4), log10(Mstar_TF(linspace(1.9, 2.4))), 'k-', lw=3) plt.plot(linspace(1.9, 2.4), log10(Mstar_TF(linspace(1.9, 2.4))) + 0.15, 'k--', lw=3) plt.plot(linspace(1.9, 2.4), log10(Mstar_TF(linspace(1.9, 2.4))) - 0.15, 'k--', lw=3) if save_plots: plt.savefig('sTF_Sc_ref.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') ''' ----------- Faber-Jackson ''' fig = plt.figure() plt.ylabel(r"$\log\rm\,M_\ast/M_\odot$", fontsize=16) plt.xlabel(r"$\log\rm\,\sigma/km\,s^{-1}$", fontsize=16) plt.ylim(9, 11.75) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.text(0.1, 0.9, r"$\rm Es$", fontsize=18, color='#BD000D', transform=ax.transAxes) factor = 1.1 # V_circ(R_50) := factor * sigma(R_50) # ellipticals w = bt > bt_lents # turn vc to sigma for ellipticals vc[w] /= factor # Dutton et al. 2010 correction # (vc[w])[log10(mstar[w]) > 10.5] *= 10.**(0.1-0.3*(log10(mstar[w])[log10(mstar[w]) > 10.5]-10.5)) # (vc[w])[log10(mstar[w]) <= 10.5] *= 10.**0.1 # plt.plot(log10(mstar[w]), log10(vc[w]), 'r.', alpha=0.0025) x, y, H, lev, vc_bin, mstar_bin, e_mstar_bin = bins_and_hist( vc, mstar, w, size_hist, sigs) # plt.errorbar(log10(vc_bin), log10(mstar_bin), yerr=abs(log10(mstar_bin)-log10(e_mstar_bin)), c='r', fmt='o') plt.contourf(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=append(lev, log10(H).max()), cmap=plt.get_cmap('Reds')) plt.plot(linspace(1.8, 2.6), log10(Mstar_FJ(linspace(1.8, 2.6))), 'k-', lw=3) plt.plot(linspace(1.8, 2.6), log10(Mstar_FJ(linspace(1.8, 2.6))) + 0.1, 'k--', lw=3) plt.plot(linspace(1.8, 2.6), log10(Mstar_FJ(linspace(1.8, 2.6))) - 0.1, 'k--', lw=3) if save_plots: plt.savefig('FJ_Es_ref.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') ''' ----------- FP ''' fig = plt.figure() plt.xlabel(r"$\log\rm\,M_\ast/kpc$", fontsize=16) plt.ylabel(r"$\rm\,10.6+2\log\,\sigma/130\,km\,s^{-1}+\log\,R_e/2\,kpc$", fontsize=16) plt.xlim(9, 11.75) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.text(0.1, 0.825, r"$\rm Es$", fontsize=18, color='#BD000D', transform=ax.transAxes) # etg w = bt > bt_lents # fp fp = 10.6 + 2. * log10(vc[w] / factor / 130.) + log10(Re[w] / 2.) x, y, H, lev, mstar_bin, fp_bin, e_fp_bin = bins_and_hist( mstar[w], 10.**fp, mstar[w] > 0, size_hist, sigs) # plt.errorbar(log10(mstar_bin), fp_bin, yerr=0.5, c='r', fmt='o') plt.contourf(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=append(lev, log10(H).max()), cmap=plt.get_cmap('Reds')) plt.plot(linspace(9, 12), linspace(9, 12), 'k-', lw=3) plt.plot(linspace(9, 12), linspace(9, 12) + 0.06, 'k--', lw=3) plt.plot(linspace(9, 12), linspace(9, 12) - 0.06, 'k--', lw=3) if save_plots: plt.savefig('FP_Es_ref.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') ''' ----------- Mass - size relation ''' fig = plt.figure() plt.xlabel(r"$\log\rm\,M_\ast/kpc$", fontsize=16) plt.ylabel(r"$\log\rm\,R_e/kpc$", fontsize=16) plt.xlim(8, 11.75) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.text(0.1, 0.9, r"$\rm Sc-Sb-Sa$", fontsize=18, color='#151AB0', transform=ax.transAxes) ax.text(0.1, 0.825, r"$\rm S0-Es$", fontsize=18, color='#BD000D', transform=ax.transAxes) # spirals w = bt < bt_ltg # plt.plot(log10(r200)[w], log10(Re)[w], 'b.', alpha=0.0075) x, y, H, lev, mstar_bin, Re_bin, e_Re_bin = bins_and_hist( mstar, Re, w, size_hist, sigs) # plt.errorbar(log10(mstar_bin), log10(Re_bin), yerr=abs(log10(Re_bin)-log10(e_Re_bin)), c='b', fmt='o') plt.contourf(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=append(lev, log10(H).max()), cmap=plt.get_cmap('Blues'), alpha=0.75) # ellipticals w = bt > bt_ltg # plt.plot(log10(r200)[w], log10(Re)[w], 'r.', alpha=0.0075) x, y, H, lev, mstar_bin, Re_bin, e_Re_bin = bins_and_hist( mstar, Re, w, size_hist, sigs) # plt.errorbar(log10(mstar_bin), log10(Re_bin), yerr=abs(log10(Re_bin)-log10(e_Re_bin)), c='r', fmt='o') plt.contourf(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=append(lev, log10(H).max()), cmap=plt.get_cmap('Reds'), alpha=0.75) mass_size_etg = lambda mass: -5.54061 + 0.56 * log10(mass) mass_size_ltg = lambda mass: -1. + 0.14 * log10(mass) + 0.25 * log10( 1. + mass / 3.98e10) plt.plot(linspace(9, 11.75), mass_size_etg(logspace(9, 11.75)), 'r-', lw=2) plt.plot(linspace(9, 11.75), mass_size_ltg(logspace(9, 11.75)), 'b--', lw=2) if save_plots: plt.savefig('Re-Ms_all_ref.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
plt.subplot(3, 1, 2) plt.plot(t, y) plt.plot(t, y_sol) plt.xticks(x1, xticks) plt.yticks(y1, yticks) plt.ylabel("Y [Km]") plt.subplot(3, 1, 3) plt.plot(t, z) plt.plot(t, z_sol) plt.xticks(x1, xticks) plt.yticks(y1, yticks) plt.ylabel("Z [Km]") plt.title("Posición en los ejes de coordenadas") plt.xlabel("Tiempo, t [horas]") plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('grafico_xyz.png') # Grafico 2 plt.plot(t, lista) plt.title("Distancia entre posicion real y predicha, δ = 597.9 [km]") plt.xlabel('Tiempo, t [h]') plt.ylabel("Deriva [Km]") plt.xticks(x1, xticks) plt.savefig('grafico_deriva.png')
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pylab as plt #import the data data = np.transpose(np.loadtxt('data.txt', skiprows=1)) LL = data[0] energy = data[0] / 8 * .662 counts = data[2] #----- Plot Lower level vs Counts ----- plt.plot(data[0], counts, 'bo') plt.xlabel("Lower Level +/- .02") plt.ylabel("counts +/- 1") plt.title("CS 137 Radiation Distrobution") plt.savefig("LL_v_Counts.png") plt.close() #---------- #----- plot Energy vs counts ----- plt.plot(energy, counts, 'bo') plt.xlabel("Energy +/- .003 (MeV)") plt.ylabel("counts +/- 1") plt.title("CS 137 Radiation Distrobution") plt.savefig("Energy_v_Counts.png") plt.close() #---------- #computed fit parameters a1 = 1545 a2 = .658
areas = [17, 18, 19, 37, 20] # separate plot for each category for cid, category in enumerate(categories): print 'Drawing "%s" ...' % category importance = np.load('%s/%s' % (INDIR, 'FT_feature_importances_ctg%d.npy' % cid)) successful_probes = np.load('%s/%s' % (INDIR, 'FT_successful_probes_ctg%d.npy' % cid)) successful_mnis = np.load('%s/%s' % (INDIR, 'FT_successful_mnis_ctg%d.npy' % cid)) successful_areas = np.load('%s/%s' % (INDIR, 'FT_successful_areas_ctg%d.npy' % cid)) # drop 0,0,0 electrode if it creeps in drop_idx = np.unique(np.where(successful_mnis == [0, 0, 0])[0]) importance = np.delete(importance, drop_idx, 0) successful_probes = np.delete(successful_probes, drop_idx, 0) successful_mnis = np.delete(successful_mnis, drop_idx, 0) successful_areas = np.delete(successful_areas, drop_idx, 0) # Mean over each BA for ba in areas: if importance[successful_areas == ba, :, :].shape[0] > 0: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8), dpi=300); title = 'Temporal profile of importance for "%s"\nmean over %d probes in BA%d' % (categories[cid], np.sum(successful_areas == ba), ba) panel_time_profile(np.sum(np.mean(importance[successful_areas == ba, :, :], 0), 0), title, True) plt.savefig('%s/time_profile_%d_%s_BA%d.png' % (OUTDIR, cid, category, ba), bbox_inches='tight'); plt.clf(); plt.close(fig);
global data data = load_images('train-images.idx3-ubyte') def pca(i): means = mean(data, axis=0) new_data = data - means covMat = np.cov(new_data.T) eigVals, eigVects = np.linalg.eig(covMat) n_eigValIndice = argsort(-eigVals) selectedfeature = np.matrix(eigVects.T[n_eigValIndice[:i]]) finalData = new_data * selectedfeature.T finalData = finalData.real reconMat = (finalData * selectedfeature) + means return reconMat, new_data mse = [] length = 1 for j in range(1, 784, length): rec, data_aftermean = pca(j) MSE = mean_squared_error(data_aftermean, np.real(rec)) mse.append(MSE) plt.plot(mse) plt.xlabel('d') plt.ylabel('MSE') plt.title('MSE against d') plt.savefig('3c')
ypt + .001, name, size=5 + 2 * int(np.round(np.log10(flx))), color=opts.src_color) if not opts.nobar: p.colorbar(shrink=.5, format='%.2f') else: p.subplots_adjust(.05, .05, .95, .95) def mk_arr(val, dtype=np.double): if type(val) is np.ndarray: return val.astype(dtype) return np.array(val, dtype=dtype).flatten() if opts.outfile != '': print('Saving to', opts.outfile) p.savefig(opts.outfile) else: # Add right-click functionality for finding locations/strengths in map. cnt = 1 def click(event): global cnt if event.button == 3: lon, lat = map(event.xdata, event.ydata, inverse=True) if opts.osys == 'eq': lon = (360 - lon) % 360 lon *= a.img.deg2rad lat *= a.img.deg2rad ra, dec = ephem.hours(lon), ephem.degrees(lat) x, y, z = a.coord.radec2eq((ra, dec)) flx = h[(x, y, z)] print('#%d (RA,DEC): (%s, %s), Jy: %f' % (cnt, ra, dec, flx))
def plot_gaussian(mu,sigma): x=[] y=[] for i in range(0,mu*3,1): x.append(i) y.append(probability_function(i,mu,sigma)) pl.plot(x,y,label='Gaussian'+str(mu)) #Poisson def poisson(n,mu): return(math.pow(mu,n)*math.exp(-1*mu)/math.factorial(n)) def plot_poisson(mu): x=[] y=[] for i in range(mu*3): x.append(i) y.append(poisson(i,mu)) pl.plot(x,y,label='Poisson'+str(mu)) mu=[1,5,10,20,30] fig=pl.figure() pl.xlim(0,60) for i in mu: plot_gaussian(i,math.sqrt(i)) plot_poisson(i) pl.legend() pl.savefig("Poisson vs Gaussian.pdf")
fig = plt.figure() ax = Axes3D(fig) ax.plot_wireframe(grid[0], grid[1], mu.reshape(grid[0].shape), alpha=0.5, color='g', label='our estimation') #ax.plot_wireframe(grid[0], grid[1], reference.reshape(grid[0].shape), alpha=0.5, color='b', label='py reference') ax.plot_wireframe(grid[0], grid[1], original, alpha=0.5, color='Orange', label='real function') #ax.plot_wireframe(grid[0], grid[1], mu.reshape(grid[0].shape) - reference.reshape(grid[0].shape), alpha=0.5, color='Orange', label='diff mu-reference') plt.legend() plt.savefig('fig.png') # plt.clf() #plt.imshow((original.flatten()-mu).reshape(24,24), cmap='hot', interpolation='nearest') #plt.colorbar() print("np.linalg.norm(reference-mu) = %lf" % np.linalg.norm(mu - reference)) print( "np.linalg.norm(original-mu)=%lf, np.linalg.norm(original-reference)=%lf" % (np.linalg.norm(original.flatten() - mu), np.linalg.norm(original.flatten() - reference)))
year_path = constants.TASK_1_PATH + str(year) + '/' create_clean_folders([year_path]) graph, starting_node, colors, labels = graph_to_save_year[year] pos = nx.spring_layout(graph, k=0.9, iterations=100) # positions for all nodes) graph: nx.Graph print(starting_node) ec = nx.draw_networkx_edges(graph.to_undirected(), pos, alpha=0.2) nc = nx.draw_networkx_nodes(graph, pos, nodelist=graph.nodes, node_color=colors, with_labels=True, node_size=100, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) lc = nx.draw_networkx_labels(graph, pos, labels, font_size=5) cb = plt.colorbar(nc) cb.set_label('Spreading of influence iteration (-1 if not influenced)') plt.axis('off') plt.savefig(year_path + str(starting_node), dpi=500) plt.close() influenced_path = year_path + 'spreading of influence/' create_clean_folders([influenced_path]) for el in top_results_year: topic = el[0] score = el[1] topic_path = influenced_path + str(score) + '_' + topic + '/' create_clean_folders([topic_path]) infl_nodes = influenced_nodes[year][str(year) + '_' + topic] f = open(topic_path + 'influenced_nodes.txt', "a") f.write(str(infl_nodes)) f.close() '''########## SAVE TOPIC MERGES ##########''' for year in merged_topics_year.keys():
def run_main(): # 1. 准备数据 # 指定股票分析开始日期 start_date = datetime.datetime(2007, 1, 1) # 指定股票分析截止日期 end_date = datetime.datetime(2017, 3, 1) # 股票代码 stock_code = '600519.SS' # 沪市贵州茅台 stock_df =, 'yahoo', start_date, end_date) # 预览数据 print(stock_df.head()) # 2. 可视化数据 plt.plot(stock_df['Close']) plt.title('股票每日收盘价') # 按周重采样 stock_s = stock_df['Close'].resample('W-MON').mean() stock_train = stock_s['2014':'2016'] plt.plot(stock_train) plt.title('股票周收盘价均值') # 分析 ACF acf = plot_acf(stock_train, lags=20) plt.title("股票指数的 ACF") # 分析 PACF pacf = plot_pacf(stock_train, lags=20) plt.title("股票指数的 PACF") # 3. 处理数据,平稳化数据 # 这里只是简单第做了一节差分,还有其他平稳化时间序列的方法 # 可以查询资料后改进这里的平稳化效果 stock_diff = stock_train.diff() diff = stock_diff.dropna() print(diff.head()) print(diff.dtypes) plt.figure() plt.plot(diff) plt.title('一阶差分') acf_diff = plot_acf(diff, lags=20) plt.title("一阶差分的 ACF") pacf_diff = plot_pacf(diff, lags=20) plt.title("一阶差分的 PACF") # 4. 根据ACF和PACF定阶并建立模型 model = ARIMA(stock_train, order=(1, 1, 1), freq='W-MON') # 拟合模型 arima_result = print(arima_result.summary()) # 5. 预测 pred_vals = arima_result.predict('20170102', '20170301', dynamic=True, typ='levels') print(pred_vals) # 6. 可视化预测结果 stock_forcast = pd.concat([stock_s, pred_vals], axis=1, keys=['original', 'predicted']) plt.figure() plt.plot(stock_forcast) plt.title('真实值vs预测值') plt.savefig('./stock_pred.png', format='png')
reflectance4 = band4.ReadAsArray(0, 0, cols, rows) reflectance5 = band5.ReadAsArray(0, 0, cols, rows) reflectance6 = band6.ReadAsArray(0, 0, cols, rows) reflectance7 = band7.ReadAsArray(0, 0, cols, rows) reflectance1 = np.array(reflectance1) reflectance2 = np.array(reflectance2) reflectance3 = np.array(reflectance3) reflectance4 = np.array(reflectance4) reflectance5 = np.array(reflectance5) reflectance6 = np.array(reflectance6) reflectance7 = np.array(reflectance7) plt.imshow(reflectance1, origin='lower left') plt.colorbar() plt.savefig('D:\\REFLECTANCE1.jpg') #save the figure plt.clf() #read angle data fn_angle = 'H:/2014MOD09GA006/angle_fin/A2014001_angle_Grid_2D.tif' ds_angle = gdal.Open(fn_angle, GA_ReadOnly) #angle1=solar zenith angle, angle2=view zenith angle, angle3=relative azimuth angle band8 = ds_angle.GetRasterBand(1) band9 = ds_angle.GetRasterBand(2) band10 = ds_angle.GetRasterBand(3) angle1 = band8.ReadAsArray(0, 0, cols, rows) angle2 = band9.ReadAsArray(0, 0, cols, rows) angle3 = band10.ReadAsArray(0, 0, cols, rows) angle1 = np.array(angle1)
def plot_maps(self, df, file_name): cmap = if self.scenario == 1: fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1) # plotting class labels class_numbers = np.array(df['Class Number']) width = int(np.sqrt(len(class_numbers))) class_numbers = np.concatenate( (class_numbers, 75 * np.ones(width - len(class_numbers) % width))).reshape( (-1, width)) label_dict = dict([(label, i) for i, label in enumerate(self.labels)]) label_dict['empty'] = len(label_dict) rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler( color=cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, len(label_dict)))) axes[0].imshow(class_numbers, cmap=cmap) # axes[0].legend(handles=patches, loc=2, bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1)) axes[0].tick_params(axis='x', which='both', bottom=False, top=False, labelbottom=False) axes[0].tick_params(axis='y', which='both', left=False, right=False, labelleft=False) # plotting tags tags = df['Tag'] tags_enum = [] tags_dict = dict([(tag, i) for i, tag in enumerate(np.unique(self.tags))]) tags_dict['empty'] = len(tags_dict) for tag in tags: tags_enum.append(tags_dict[tag]) tags_enum = np.array(tags_enum) tags_enum = np.concatenate( (tags_enum, (len(tags_dict) - 1) * np.ones(width - len(tags_enum) % width))).reshape((-1, width)) rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler( color=cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, len(tags_dict)))) axes[1].imshow(tags_enum, cmap=cmap) # axes[1].legend(handles=patches, loc=2, bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1)) axes[1].tick_params(axis='x', which='both', bottom=False, top=False, labelbottom=False) axes[1].tick_params(axis='y', which='both', left=False, right=False, labelleft=False) else: fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(6, 12)) class_numbers = np.array(df['Class Number']) label_dict = dict([(label, i) for i, label in enumerate(self.labels)]) label_dict['empty'] = len(label_dict) width = int(np.sqrt(len(class_numbers))) class_numbers = np.concatenate( (class_numbers, (len(label_dict) - 1) * np.ones(width - len(class_numbers) % width))).reshape( (-1, width)) rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler( color=cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, len(label_dict)))) axes[0].imshow(class_numbers, cmap=cmap) cmaplist = [cmap(int(i * 3.1)) for i in range(len(label_dict))] cmaplist[len(label_dict) - 1] = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0] cmap = mpl.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( 'Custom cmap', cmaplist, len(label_dict)) axes[0].imshow(class_numbers, cmap=cmap) patches = [ mpatches.Patch(color=cmap(v), label=k.upper()) for k, v in label_dict.items() if v in class_numbers ] axes[1].legend(handles=patches, ncol=len(patches) // 20 + 1) plt.tick_params(axis='x', which='both', bottom=False, top=False, labelbottom=False) plt.tick_params(axis='y', which='both', left=False, right=False, labelleft=False) plt.savefig(str(file_name)) plt.cla() return
test_loss, = ax1.plot(test_log['#Iters'], test_log['TestLoss'], linewidth=2, color='green') ax1.set_ylim(ymin=0, ymax=1) ax1.set_xlabel('Iterations', fontsize=15) ax1.set_ylabel('Loss', fontsize=15) ax1.tick_params(labelsize=15) #Plotting test accuracy ax2 = ax1.twinx() test_accuracy, = ax2.plot(test_log['#Iters'], test_log['TestAccuracy'], linewidth=2, color='blue') ax2.set_ylim(ymin=0, ymax=1) ax2.set_ylabel('Accuracy', fontsize=15) ax2.tick_params(labelsize=15) #Adding legend plt.legend([train_loss, test_loss, test_accuracy], ['Training Loss', 'Test Loss', 'Test Accuracy'], bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.8)) plt.title('Training Curve', fontsize=18) #Saving learning curve plt.savefig(learning_curve_path) ''' Deleting training and test logs ''' command = 'rm ' + train_log_path process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) process.wait() command = command = 'rm ' + test_log_path process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) process.wait()
def plot_kin_models(galaxy, vmode, vel_ha, R, Vrot, Vrad, Vtan, VSYS, MODEL, ext, plot=0, save=1): mask_MODEL = np.divide(MODEL, MODEL) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 2)) gs2 = GridSpec(1, 3) gs2.update(left=0.06, right=0.62, top=0.83, hspace=0.01, bottom=0.15, wspace=0.) ax = plt.subplot(gs2[0, 0]) ax1 = plt.subplot(gs2[0, 1]) ax2 = plt.subplot(gs2[0, 2]) im0 = ax.imshow(vel_ha - VSYS, cmap=califa, origin="lower", vmin=-250, vmax=250, aspect="auto", extent=ext, interpolation="nearest") im2 = ax1.imshow(MODEL, cmap=califa, origin="lower", aspect="auto", vmin=-250, vmax=250, extent=ext, interpolation="nearest") residual = (vel_ha * mask_MODEL - VSYS) - MODEL im2 = ax2.imshow(residual, cmap=califa, origin="lower", aspect="auto", vmin=-50, vmax=50, extent=ext, interpolation="nearest") AXIS(ax, tickscolor="k") AXIS(ax1, tickscolor="k", remove_yticks=True) AXIS(ax2, tickscolor="k", remove_yticks=True) ax.set_ylabel(r'$\Delta$ Dec (pix)', fontsize=8, labelpad=0) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\Delta$ RA (pix)', fontsize=8, labelpad=0) ax1.set_xlabel(r'$\Delta$ RA (pix)', fontsize=8, labelpad=0) ax2.set_xlabel(r'$\Delta$ RA (pix)', fontsize=8, labelpad=0) ax.text(0.05, 0.9, "VLOS", fontsize=7, transform=ax.transAxes) ax1.text(0.05, 0.9, "MODEL", fontsize=7, transform=ax1.transAxes) ax2.text(0.05, 0.9, "RESIDUAL", fontsize=7, transform=ax2.transAxes) ax.set_facecolor('#e8ebf2') ax1.set_facecolor('#e8ebf2') ax2.set_facecolor('#e8ebf2') gs2 = GridSpec(1, 1) gs2.update(left=0.68, right=0.995, top=0.83, bottom=0.15) ax3 = plt.subplot(gs2[0, 0]) ax3.plot(R, Vrot, color="k", linestyle='-', alpha=0.6, label="V$_\mathrm{circ}$") ax3.scatter(R, Vrot, color="k", s=5, marker="s") #ax3.errorbar(R,Vrot, yerr=e_vr, fmt='s', color = "k",markersize = 3, label = "V_\mathrm{circ}") ax3.plot(R, Vrad, color="orange", linestyle='-', alpha=0.6, label="V$_\mathrm{rad}$") ax3.scatter(R, Vrad, color="orange", s=5, marker="s") #ax3.errorbar(R,Vrad, yerr=e_Vrad, fmt='s', color = "orange",markersize = 3) ax3.plot(R, Vtan, color="skyblue", linestyle='-', alpha=0.6, label="V$_\mathrm{tan}$") ax3.scatter(R, Vtan, color="skyblue", s=5, marker="s") #ax3.errorbar(R,Vtan, yerr=e_Vtan, fmt='s', color = "skyblue",markersize = 3) ax3.legend(loc="center", fontsize=6.5, bbox_to_anchor=(0, 1, 1, 0.1), ncol=3, frameon=False) vels = [Vrot, Vrad, Vtan] max_vel, min_vel = int(np.nanmax(vels)), int(np.nanmin(vels)) ax3.set_ylim(min_vel - 50, max_vel + 50) ax3.plot([0, np.nanmax(R)], [0, 0], color="k", linestyle='-', alpha=0.6) ax3.set_xlabel('r (arcsec)', fontsize=8, labelpad=0) ax3.set_ylabel('V$_\mathrm{ROT}$ (km/s)', fontsize=8, labelpad=0) ax3.set_facecolor('#e8ebf2') AXIS(ax3, tickscolor="k") cb(im0, ax, orientation="horizontal", colormap=califa, bbox=(0, 1.12, 1, 1), width="100%", height="5%", label_pad=-23, label="(km/s)", font_size=7) cb(im2, ax2, orientation="horizontal", colormap=califa, bbox=(0, 1.12, 1, 1), width="100%", height="5%", label_pad=-23, label="(km/s)", font_size=7) if save == 1 and plot == 1: plt.savefig("./plots/kin_%s_model_%s.png" % (vmode, galaxy), dpi=300) plt.clf() else: if plot == 1: plt.clf() if save == 1: plt.savefig("./plots/kin_%s_model_%s.png" % (vmode, galaxy), dpi=300) plt.clf()
BT = BT[:,3,3] gd = BT > 0 fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2) ax[0,0].plot(BT[gd],'.',markersize=0.5, label='BT (from ME)') ax[0,0].plot(BT_MMD[gd],'.',markersize=0.5, label='BT (from MMD)') ax[0,0].legend(markerscale=20, scatterpoints=5, fontsize=8) ax[0,0].set_ylim(200,320) ax[0,0].set_xlabel('MM') ax[0,0].set_ylabel('BT') ax[1,0].plot(BT_MMD[gd], BT_MMD[gd]-BT[gd],'.',markersize=0.5) ax[1,0].set_xlim(200,320) ax[1,0].set_ylim(-1,1) ax[1,0].set_xlabel('BT_MMD') ax[1,0].set_ylabel('BT(MMD)-BT(ME)') # ax[0,1].hist((BT[gd]-float(BT[gd].mean())),bins=100, label='d_BT (from ME)') # ax[0,1].hist((BT_MMD[gd]-float(BT_MMD[gd].mean())),bins=100, label='d_BT (from MMD)') # ax[0,1].legend(markerscale=20, scatterpoints=5, fontsize=8) ax[0,1].hist((BT_MMD[gd]-BT[gd]),bins=100) ax[0,1].set_xlabel('BT(MMD)-BT(ME)') ax[1,1].set_ylabel('count (nbins=100)') ax[1,1].plot(BT_MMD[gd], BT_MMD[gd], '.',markersize=0.5) ax[1,1].set_xlim(200,320) ax[1,1].set_ylim(200,320) ax[1,1].set_xlabel('BT_MMD') ax[1,1].set_ylabel('BT(ME)') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('BT_v_BT_MMD.png') print('** END')
def plot_weights(model, side='decoder', title='', xlabel='', comp=None, rotation=15, fig_path=None): try: model.n_channels = model.n_datasets except: pass if not hasattr(model, 'ch_name'): model.ch_name = [f'Ch.{_}' for _ in range(model.n_channels)] fig, axs = plt.subplots(model.n_channels, 1) if comp is None: suptitle = 'Model Weights\n({})'.format(side) else: suptitle = 'Model Weights\n({}, comp. {})'.format(side, comp) plt.suptitle(title + suptitle) for ch in range(model.n_channels): ax = axs if model.n_channels == 1 else axs[ ch] # 'AxesSubplot' object does not support indexing x = np.arange(model.n_feats[ch]) if side == 'encoder': y = model.vae[ch].W_mu.weight.detach().numpy().T.copy() else: y = model.vae[ch].W_out.weight.detach().numpy().copy() try: # In case of bernoulli features if model.bern_feats is not None: bidx = model.bern_feats[ch] y[bidx, :] = sigmoid(y[bidx, :]) except: pass if y.shape[0] > 200: pass else: if comp is not None: y = y[:, comp] # axs[ch].plot(y) if model.lat_dim == 1 or comp is not None:, y.reshape(-1), width=0.25) else: ax.plot(x, y) ax.set_ylabel(model.ch_name[ch], rotation=45, fontsize=14) if comp is None: ax.legend(['comp. ' + str(c) for c in range(model.lat_dim)]) ax.axhline(y=0, ls="--", c=".3") try: tick_marks = np.arange(len(model.varname[ch])) ax.set_xticks(tick_marks) ax.set_xticklabels(model.varname[ch], rotation=rotation, fontsize=20) except: pass plt.xlabel(xlabel) if fig_path is not None: pickle.dump(fig, open(fig_path + '.pkl', 'wb')) fsch = 4 * model.n_channels fsfeat = 3 * max(model.n_feats) plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (fsfeat, fsch) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(fig_path, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
mpl.rcParams['xtick.major.width'] = 5 mpl.rcParams['xtick.minor.size'] = 10 mpl.rcParams['xtick.minor.width'] = 5 plt.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 20 mpl.rcParams['ytick.major.size'] = 10 mpl.rcParams['ytick.major.width'] = 5 mpl.rcParams['ytick.minor.size'] = 10 mpl.rcParams['ytick.minor.width'] = 5 plt.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 20 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) thefile = "One_Bar_Dynamics_Dynamic_Vibration.h5.feioutput" finput = h5py.File(thefile) # Read the time and displacement times = finput["time"][:] disp = finput["/Model/Nodes/Generalized_Displacements"][5, :] # Configure the figure filename, according to the input filename. outfig = thefile.replace("_", "-") outfigname = outfig.replace("h5.feioutput", "pdf") # Plot the figure. Add labels and titles. plt.plot(times, disp, Linewidth=4) plt.grid() plt.xlabel("Time [s] ") plt.ylabel("Displacement [m] ") plt.savefig(outfigname, bbox_inches='tight')
] plt.xlabel('Epochs') plt.ylabel('CTC Loss') x_axis = list(range(1, 21)) plt.plot(x_axis, t_loss_1, 'b', label='LSTM-50 training loss') plt.plot(x_axis, t_loss_2, 'g', label='GRU-50 training loss') plt.plot(x_axis, v_loss_1, 'b-.', label='LSTM-50 validation loss') plt.plot(x_axis, v_loss_2, 'g-.', label='GRU-50 validation loss') plt.legend() plt.xticks(x_axis) plt.savefig('50neurons-loss.png', dpi=600) #100units #lstm t_loss_1 = [ 307, 197, 187, 193, 208, 208, 207, 206, 206, 204, 196, 183, 176, 174, 167, 161, 156, 154, 149, 159 ] v_loss_1 = [ 303, 289, 249, 278, 278, 278, 276, 277, 279, 276, 259, 287, 245, 236, 225, 230, 232, 212, 214, 230 ] #gru t_loss_2 = [
def plot_latent_space(model, data=None, qzx=None, classificator=None, text=None, uncertainty=True, comp=None, fig_path=None): if data is None: try: data = except: pass channels = model.n_channels if not hasattr(model, 'ch_name'): model.ch_name = [f'Ch.{_}' for _ in range(channels)] comps = model.lat_dim # output = model(data) # qzx = output['qzx'] if qzx is None: qzx = model.encode(data) if classificator is not None: groups = np.unique(classificator) if not groups.dtype == np.dtype('O'): # remove nans if groups are not objects (strings) groups = groups[~np.isnan(groups)] # One figure per latent component # Linear relationships expected between channels if comp is not None: itercomps = comp if isinstance(comp, list) else [comp] else: itercomps = range(comps) # One figure per channel # Uncorrelated relationsips expected between latent components for comp in itercomps: fig, axs = plt.subplots(channels, channels) fig.suptitle(r'$z_{' + str(comp) + '}$', fontsize=30) for i, j in itertools.product(range(channels), range(channels)): if i == j: axs[j, i].text(0.5, 0.5, f'z|{model.ch_name[i]}', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=20) axs[j, i].axis('off') elif i > j: xi = qzx[i].loc.detach().numpy()[:, comp] xj = qzx[j].loc.detach().numpy()[:, comp] si = np.exp(0.5 * qzx[i].scale.detach().numpy()[:, comp]) sj = np.exp(0.5 * qzx[j].scale.detach().numpy()[:, comp]) ells = [ Ellipse(xy=[xi[p], xj[p]], width=2 * si[p], height=2 * sj[p]) for p in range(len(xi)) ] if classificator is not None: for g in groups: g_idx = classificator == g axs[j, i].plot(xi[g_idx], xj[g_idx], '.', alpha=0.5, markersize=15) if uncertainty: color = ax.get_lines()[-1].get_color() for idx in np.where(g_idx)[0]: axs[j, i].add_artist(ells[idx]) ells[idx].set_alpha(0.1) ells[idx].set_facecolor(color) else: axs[j, i].plot(xi, xj, '.') if uncertainty: for e in ells: axs[j, i].add_artist(e) e.set_alpha(0.1) if text is not None: [axs[j, i].text(*item) for item in zip(xi, xj, text)] # Bisettrice lox, hix = axs[j, i].get_xlim() loy, hiy = axs[j, i].get_ylim() lo, hi = np.min([lox, loy]), np.max([hix, hiy]) axs[j, i].plot([lo, hi], [lo, hi], ls="--", c=".3") else: axs[j, i].axis('off') if classificator is not None: [axs[-1, 0].plot(0, 0) for g in groups] legend = [ '{} (n={})'.format(g, len(classificator[classificator == g])) for g in groups ] axs[-1, 0].legend(legend) try: axs[-1, 0].set_title( except AttributeError: axs[-1, 0].set_title('Groups') if fig_path is not None: pickle.dump(fig, open(fig_path + '.pkl', 'wb')) fs = 2 * channels + 1 plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (fs, fs) # plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(fig_path, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() return fig, axs
# Output information print 'TTV amplitude =', numpy.amax(ttv_array), \ '[min] = ', numpy.amax(ttv_array) * 60, '[sec]' print 'TDV amplitude =', numpy.amax(tdv_array), \ '[min] = ', numpy.amax(tdv_array) * 60, '[sec]' ax = plt.axes() plt.plot(ttv_array, tdv_array, color='k') plt.rc('font', **{'family': 'serif', 'serif': ['Computer Modern']}) plt.rc('text', usetex=True) plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=16) plt.xlabel('transit timing variation [minutes]', fontsize=16) plt.ylabel('transit duration variation [minutes]', fontsize=16) ax.tick_params(direction='out') plt.ylim([numpy.amin(tdv_array) * 1.2, numpy.amax(tdv_array) * 1.2]) plt.xlim([numpy.amin(ttv_array) * 1.2, numpy.amax(ttv_array) * 1.2]) plt.plot((0, 0), (numpy.amax(tdv_array) * 10., numpy.amin(tdv_array) * 10.), 'k', linewidth=0.5) plt.plot((numpy.amin(ttv_array) * 10., numpy.amax(ttv_array) * 10.), (0, 0), 'k', linewidth=0.5) # Fix axes for comparison with eccentric moon plt.xlim(-0.15, +0.15) plt.ylim(-0.65, +0.65) plt.annotate(r"4:2:1", xy=(-0.145, +0.55), size=16) plt.savefig("fig_system_8.eps", bbox_inches='tight')
if hzdict[label]==t0: ax.set_xlim(min(times)-(max(times)-min(times))*0.05,max(times)+(max(times)-min(times))*0.05) elif hzdict[label]==t1: ax.set_xlim(dt.datetime.strptime(max_times_str,date_fmt)-dt.timedelta(minutes=hzdict[label])-dt.timedelta(minutes=hzdict[label])*0.05,dt.datetime.strptime(max_times_str,date_fmt)+dt.timedelta(minutes=hzdict[label]*0.05)) else: ax.set_xlim(dt.datetime.strptime(max_times_str,date_fmt)-dt.timedelta(hours=hzdict[label])-dt.timedelta(hours=hzdict[label])*0.05,dt.datetime.strptime(max_times_str,date_fmt)+dt.timedelta(hours=hzdict[label]*0.05)) plt.draw() radio.on_clicked(hzfunc) for k in range(6): ax.plot(times,pressures[k],label=labels[k+1]+' %.2e mbar'%pressures[k][-1],color=col[k],marker='.',ms=mars,ls=lines) ''' plots vertical lines when label is changed ''' """for i in range(len(events)): ax.plot([events[i],events[i]], [1e-12,1e2], 'k', lw = 1) ax.text(events[i],1e1,'Label changed')""" ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_ylim(1e-12,1e2) ax.grid(True,which='both',ls='-',color='0.45') fig.autofmt_xdate() ax.format_xdata = mdate.DateFormatter('%d') ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(myFMT) ax.set_ylabel('Pressure [mbar]') lgnd=ax.legend(loc=3) for i in range(6): lgnd.legendHandles[i]._legmarker.set_markersize(5) datenow = str( plt.savefig('pressure - %s.png'%datenow.replace(':','-'))