def fig_ew(outfil=None): # Init wvmnx = (1214.5, 1216.8) * u.AA wave = np.linspace(wvmnx[0].value, wvmnx[1].value, 100) wave = wave * u.AA # Single line (Lya) zabs = 0.0 line = AbsLine(1215.6701 * u.AA) line.z = zabs line.attrib['N'] = 16.0 line.attrib['b'] = 30.0 vmodel = xsp.voigt.voigt_model(wave, line, Npix=None) # No smoothing line.spec = vmodel # EW line.analy['WVMNX'] = wvmnx EW, sigEW = line.ew() # Plot boundaries ymnx = (-0.05, 1.1) if outfil == None: outfil = 'fig_EW.pdf' # Start the plot if outfil != None: pp = PdfPages(outfil) # Make the plots for ss in range(2): plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5)) plt.clf() gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1) # Axes ax = plt.subplot(gs[0, 0]) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.5)) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(1.)) ax.get_xaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) ax.set_xlim(wvmnx.value) ax.set_ylim(ymnx) ax.set_ylabel('Normalized Flux') ax.set_xlabel(r'Wavelength ($\AA$)') # Zero line ax.plot(wvmnx.value, (0., 0.), 'g--') # Data lines = ax.step(vmodel.dispersion, vmodel.flux, 'k', where='mid', linewidth=1.5) #lines = ax.step(vmodel.dispersion, vmodel.flux, 'k', where='mid')#, linewidth=1.5) # Fill? if ss > 0: #ax.fill_between( vmodel.dispersion, vmodel.flux, [1.]*len(wave), # color='blue', alpha=0.3) ax.fill_between(lines[0].get_xdata(orig=False), 1, lines[0].get_ydata(orig=False), alpha=0.4) csz = 20. ax.text(1215.670, 0.5, 'EW', color='black', ha='center', size=csz) ax.text(1214.8, 0.2, r'$W_\lambda = \, $' + '{:.2f}'.format(EW.value) + r' $\AA$', color='blue', ha='left', size=csz) # Fonts xputils.set_fontsize(ax, 15.) # Write plt.tight_layout(pad=0.2, h_pad=0., w_pad=0.1) pp.savefig() plt.close() # Finish print('tlk_spectra.fig_ew: Wrote {:s}'.format(outfil)) pp.close()
# plot cluster boundaries FeH_centers = 0.5 * (FeH_bins[1:] + FeH_bins[:-1]) alphFe_centers = 0.5 * (alphFe_bins[1:] + alphFe_bins[:-1]) Xgrid = np.meshgrid(FeH_centers, alphFe_centers) Xgrid = np.array(Xgrid).reshape((2, 50 * 50)).T H = clf.predict(scaler.transform(Xgrid)).reshape((50, 50)) for i in range(n_clusters): Hcp = H.copy() flag = (Hcp == i) Hcp[flag] = 1 Hcp[~flag] = 0 ax.contour(FeH_centers, alphFe_centers, Hcp, [-0.5, 0.5], linewidths=1, colors='k') ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.3)) ax.set_xlim(-1.101, 0.101) ax.set_ylim(alphFe_bins[0], alphFe_bins[-1]) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\rm [Fe/H]$') ax.set_ylabel(r'$\rm [\alpha/Fe]$')
print "Twinned" print "GaAs GaSb AlSb CdTe Ge ZnTe InP GaP" print np.degrees(np.arcsin(np.sqrt(3)*lattice_constants_all/(2*5.43095))) - 74.2068 print "Test" print np.degrees(np.arcsin(1.2 * np.sin(np.radians(19.4712)))) - 19.4712 plt.hold(True) plt.axis([0,4.10695300643,0,20]) #plt.pcolormesh(x,y2,strain_epi, cmap=cmap_map(lambda x: x/2.0+0.4, plt.pcolormesh(x,y2,strain_epi,, vmin=-0.32, vmax=+0.32, rasterized=True) #plt.colorbar(use_gridspec=True, format="%+1.2f", ticks=[-0.6,-0.45,-0.3,-0.15,0,0.15,0.3,0.45,0.6] ) cb = plt.colorbar(use_gridspec=True, format="%+1.2f") cb.solids.set_rasterized(True) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.5)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(2.5)) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(1.25)) plt.xlabel('Tilt (Degrees)') plt.ylabel('Intrinsic Lattice Mismatch (\%)') #plt.title('Effective Mismatch of Tilted Strained Films') CS = plt.contour(x,y2,strain_epi,levels=[0], colors='black', linestyles='dashdot', zorder=100) #Change dash-dot pattern, on, off, on, off for c in CS.collections: c.set_dashes([(0, (4.0, 3.0, 1.0, 3.0))]) ax.annotate('Zero Projected Strain', xy=(1.55, 7.45), xytext=(1.75, 5.5), arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.1,width=0.05,headwidth=2), )
yerr=error_FM1, error_kw=dict(elinewidth=1, ecolor='black'), label=r'$ FM1-virus $') - bar_width / 2, gX31_lab_fresh, bar_width, alpha=0.1, color='black', yerr=error_lab_fresh, error_kw=dict(elinewidth=1, ecolor='black'), label=r'$ (X31-virus) $') plt.grid(True, which='both') plt.title(r'$ Original \ Antigenic \ Sin \ (sequential-infection)$', fontsize=AlvaFontSize) plt.xlabel(r'$time \ (%s)$' % (timeUnit), fontsize=AlvaFontSize) plt.ylabel(r'$ Neutralization \ \ titer $', fontsize=AlvaFontSize) plt.xticks(fontsize=AlvaFontSize * 0.7) plt.yticks(fontsize=AlvaFontSize * 0.7) plt.xlim([minT, 2 * 30 * day]) plt.ylim([2**5, 2**14]) plt.yscale('log', basey=2) # gca()---GetCurrentAxis and Format the ticklabel to be 2**x plt.gca().yaxis.set_major_formatter( FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: int(2**(np.log(x) / np.log(2))))) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(7)) plt.legend(loc=(1, 0), fontsize=AlvaFontSize) plt.savefig(save_figure, dpi=100, bbox_inches='tight') # In[ ]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.95, wspace=0.05, bottom=0.1, top=0.95, hspace=0.05) titles = ['PCA components', 'ICA components', 'NMF components'] for i, comp in enumerate(decompositions): for j in range(n_components): ax = fig.add_subplot(n_components, 3, 3 * j + 1 + i) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(1000)) if j < n_components - 1: ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) else: ax.set_xlabel(r'wavelength $(\AA)$') ax.plot(wavelengths, comp[j], '-k', lw=1) # plot zero line xlim = [3000, 7999] ax.plot(xlim, [0, 0], '-', c='gray', lw=1) ax.set_xlim(xlim) if j == 0: ax.set_title(titles[i], fontsize='medium')
def frame_fiberflat(outfil, qaframe, frame, fiberflat): """ QA plots for fiber flat Args: outfil: qaframe: frame: fiberflat: Returns: Stuff? """ # Setup fibermap = frame.fibermap gdp = fiberflat.mask == 0 nfiber = len(frame.fibers) xfiber = np.zeros(nfiber) yfiber = np.zeros(nfiber) for ii, fiber in enumerate(frame.fibers): mt = np.where(fiber == fibermap['FIBER'])[0] xfiber[ii] = fibermap['X_TARGET'][mt] yfiber[ii] = fibermap['Y_TARGET'][mt] jet = cm = plt.get_cmap('jet') # Tile plot(s) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5.0)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2) # Mean Flatfield flux in each fiber ax = plt.subplot(gs[0, 0]) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(100.)) mean_flux = np.mean(frame.flux * gdp, axis=1) rms_mean = np.std(mean_flux) med_mean = np.median(mean_flux) #from xastropy.xutils import xdebug as xdb #pdb.set_trace() mplt = ax.scatter(xfiber, yfiber, marker='o', s=9., c=mean_flux, cmap=jet) mplt.set_clim(vmin=med_mean - 2 * rms_mean, vmax=med_mean + 2 * rms_mean) cb = fig.colorbar(mplt) cb.set_label('Mean Flux') # Mean ax = plt.subplot(gs[0, 1]) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(100.)) mean_norm = np.mean(fiberflat.fiberflat * gdp, axis=1) m2plt = ax.scatter(xfiber, yfiber, marker='o', s=9., c=mean_norm, cmap=jet) m2plt.set_clim(vmin=0.98, vmax=1.02) cb = fig.colorbar(m2plt) cb.set_label('Mean of Fiberflat') # RMS ax = plt.subplot(gs[1, 0]) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(100.)) rms = np.std( gdp * (fiberflat.fiberflat - np.outer(mean_norm, np.ones(fiberflat.nwave))), axis=1) rplt = ax.scatter(xfiber, yfiber, marker='o', s=9., c=rms, cmap=jet) #rplt.set_clim(vmin=0.98, vmax=1.02) cb = fig.colorbar(rplt) cb.set_label('RMS in Fiberflat') # Meta text ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[1, 1]) ax2.set_axis_off() show_meta(ax2, qaframe, 'FIBERFLAT', outfil) """ xlbl = 0.05 ylbl = 0.85 i0 = outfil.rfind('/') ax2.text(xlbl, ylbl, outfil[i0+1:], color='black', transform=ax2.transAxes, ha='left') yoff=0.10 for key in sorted(['FIBERFLAT']['METRICS'].keys()): if key in ['QA_FIG']: continue # Show ylbl -= yoff ax2.text(xlbl+0.05, ylbl, key+': '+str(['FIBERFLAT']['METRICS'][key]), transform=ax2.transAxes, ha='left', fontsize='x-small') """ # Finish plt.tight_layout(pad=0.1, h_pad=0.0, w_pad=0.0) plt.savefig(outfil) plt.close() print('Wrote QA SkyRes file: {:s}'.format(outfil))
for (offset, color, error, linewidth) in zip(offsets, colors, errors, linewidths): # compute the PSD err = np.random.normal(0, error, size=hj.shape) hj_N = hj + err + offset fk, PSD = PSD_continuous(tj, hj_N) # plot the data and PSD ax1.scatter(tj, hj_N, s=4, c=color, lw=0) ax1.plot(tj, 0 * tj + offset, '-', c=color, lw=1) ax2.plot(fk, PSD, '-', c=color, lw=linewidth) # vertical line marking the expected peak location ax2.plot([0.5 / np.pi, 0.5 / np.pi], [-0.1, 1], ':k', lw=1) ax1.set_xlim(-25, 25) ax1.set_ylim(-0.1, 0.3001) ax1.set_xlabel('$t$') ax1.set_ylabel('$h(t)$') ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.1)) ax2.set_xlim(0, 0.8) ax2.set_ylim(-0.101, 0.801) ax2.set_xlabel('$f$') ax2.set_ylabel('$PSD(f)$')
def makeChartsByAquifer(options, DBKeyList): ThisDate = currentTime = timeStr = currentTime.strftime("%H:%M:%S") timeStamp = ThisDate.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") + " " + timeStr print timeStamp myFmt = mdates.DateFormatter('%b %Y') try: print 'Establishing Database connection' cnxn = pyodbc.connect('DSN=WREP; UID=pub; PWD=pub') except Exception as err: print err cursor = cnxn.cursor() # Define SQL for selecting date ranges by DBKEY sqlQ = setSQLstring('DBKeyDates', keys=DBKeyList) for frequency in ('DA', 'RI'): print 'Selecting date ranges for ' + frequency + ' DBkeys' DBKeys2WorkWith = fetchSQL(cursor, sqlQ, frequency) recKnt = len(DBKeys2WorkWith) # Display Execution progress on screen steps = recKnt / 10 if steps > 1: print 'Progress interval: ' + str( steps) + ' hydrographs created for each 10%' print 'Total hydrographs: ' + str(recKnt) i = 0 print 'Building Hydrographs' print 'Progress for ' + frequency print ' 1' print ' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0' print ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' print ' [', else: steps = 1 print 'Total hydrographs being created for ' + frequency + ': ' + str( recKnt) i = 0 print 'Building Hydrographs' print ' [', sys.stdout.flush() for row in DBKeys2WorkWith: # Define chart title and figure name variables from each row station = row.STATION.strip(' ') key = row.DBKEY.strip(' ') stationDB = station + ' (dbkey[' + key + '])' dataType = row.DATA_TYPE.strip(' ') dataSource = row.AGENCY.strip(' ') i = i + 1 if i % steps == 0: print 'X', sys.stdout.flush() # Frequency codes for Daily and Random require separate queries as the data is pulled from separate tables in DBHydro. # DMDBASE.DAILY_DATA and DMDBASE.RANDOM_DATA # Daily query: if frequency == 'DA': sql = setSQLstring('DailyData', rowData=row) sdateDT = row.SDATE oneStartDate = row.START_DATE.strip(' ') # Hydrographs for Daily data need an additional query for each set of qualifier codes. # Currently E for Estimated in one query, all other codes <> M in another. sqlwithCodes = setSQLstring('DailyCodes', rowData=row) sqlQualifiers = setSQLstring('DailyQualifiers', rowData=row) sqlAnnotations = setSQLstring('DailyAnnotations', rowData=row) sqlDCVPcodes = setSQLstring('DCVPcodes', rowData=row) sqlDCVPcodesV = setSQLstring('DCVPcodeV', rowData=row) sqlwithEs = setSQLstring('DailyEcodes', rowData=row) else: # Random Interval query: # anyDailyDBKey= '01081' <--- This DBKey was picked to provide daily dates to random data. sql = setSQLstring('RandomIntervalData', rowData=row) # Fetch records for either Daily or Random Interval with sql String records = fetchSQL(cursor, sql, 'none') # If query returned 0 records skip the chart processing. if len(records): # Process Random Interval and Daily data in a similar fashion # when retrieving data values and defining the x and y axis dbhydDF = pd.DataFrame(records, columns=['dateread', 'value']) dmax = dbhydDF.dateread.max() ymax = float(dbhydDF.value.max()) ymin = float(dbhydDF.value.min()) yrange = ymax - ymin ymin = ymin - round((yrange * .05), 2) ymax = ymax + round((yrange * .05), 2) yinterval = round((yrange / 8.0), 1) ys = dbhydDF['value'] # Hydrographs for Daily data need additional query processing for each set of qualifier codes. if frequency == 'DA': dmin = sdateDT xs = pd.date_range(dmin, dmax - dt.timedelta(days=1)) qualiferRecord = fetchSQL(cursor, sqlQualifiers, 'none') cols = [t[0] for t in cursor.description] for col, value in zip(cols, qualiferRecord): qualiferStr = str(value).strip('( )')[:-1] annotationRecord = fetchSQL(cursor, sqlAnnotations, 'none') cols = [t[0] for t in cursor.description] for col, value in zip(cols, annotationRecord): annotationStr = str(value).strip('( )')[:-1] # Create dataframe from Qualifier Code cursor Qcodes = fetchSQL(cursor, sqlwithCodes, 'none') codesDF = pd.DataFrame( Qcodes, columns=['dateread', 'value', 'code']) ycodes = codesDF['value'] dmax2 = codesDF.dateread.max() xs2 = pd.date_range(dmin, dmax2 - dt.timedelta(days=1)) # Create dataframe from Estimated Code cursor Ecodes = fetchSQL(cursor, sqlwithEs, 'none') EcodesDF = pd.DataFrame( Ecodes, columns=['dateread', 'value', 'code']) ecodes = EcodesDF['value'] dmax3 = EcodesDF.dateread.max() xs3 = pd.date_range(dmin, dmax3 - dt.timedelta(days=1)) # Create dataframes from Annoatation and Verification cursors Acodes = fetchSQL(cursor, sqlDCVPcodes, 'none') if len(Acodes) > 0: annoDF = pd.DataFrame( Acodes, columns=['dateread', 'value', 'code']) dmax4 = annoDF.dateread.max() xs4 = pd.date_range(dmin, dmax4 - dt.timedelta(days=1)) CannoCodes = annoDF['value'] Vcodes = fetchSQL(cursor, sqlDCVPcodesV, 'none') if len(Vcodes) > 0: annoVDF = pd.DataFrame( Vcodes, columns=['dateread', 'value', 'code']) dmax5 = annoVDF.dateread.max() xs5 = pd.date_range(dmin, dmax5 - dt.timedelta(days=1)) VannoCodes = annoVDF['value'] else: # Random Interval needs to create a mask for null values with isfinite dmin = dbhydDF.dateread.min() xs = pd.date_range(dmin, dmax) ts2 = np.array(ys.values).astype(np.double) ts2mask = np.isfinite(ts2) # Define general chart characteristics, titles and descriptive text: fig, chart = plt.subplots() fontP = FontProperties() fontP.set_size('xx-small') chart.set_autoscale_on(True) minorlocator = plt.MultipleLocator(10) chart.text(0.99, 0.01, 'Plots created: '+ timeStamp + \ '\nReviewed by the Hydrogeology Unit of the Water Supply Bureau', verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='right', transform=chart.transAxes, color='green', fontsize=7) if frequency == 'DA': title= station +'\n' + dataSource +' ' + Aquifer2Process +' Daily Water Level\n' + \ sdateDT.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") + ' thru ' + ThisDate.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") else: title= station +'\n' + dataSource +' '+ Aquifer2Process + ' Random Interval Water Level\n' + \ sdateDT.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") + ' thru ' + ThisDate.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") plt.title(str(title), fontsize=8) # Create X axis with full date range chart.set_xlim(sdateDT, ThisDate) # Plot the Data: markers = [] for m in Line2D.markers: try: if len(m) == 1 and m != ' ': markers.append(m) except TypeError: pass style6 = markers[6] style9 = markers[9] if frequency == 'DA': chart.plot_date(xs, ys, ydate=False, linestyle='-', marker='.', markersize=1, linewidth=1, color='blue', label=stationDB) Qstr = 'Qualifier List:[' + qualiferStr + ']' chart.plot_date(xs3, ecodes, ydate=False, linestyle='-', marker='.', markersize=1, linewidth=1, color='green', label='Estimated') chart.plot_date(xs2, ycodes, ydate=False, linestyle='b-', marker='o', markersize=4, linewidth=1, color='red', label=Qstr) if annotationStr <> 'None': if 'C' in annotationStr: chart.plot_date(xs4, CannoCodes, ydate=False, linestyle='None', marker=style9, markersize=6, linewidth=1, color='magenta', label='Calibration') if 'V' in annotationStr: chart.plot_date(xs5, VannoCodes, ydate=False, linestyle='None', marker=style6, markersize=4, linewidth=1, color='yellow', label='Verification') else: chart.plot(xs[ts2mask], ys[ts2mask], linestyle='-', marker='o', markersize=2, linewidth=1, color='red', label=stationDB) # Set xaxis specifics: if len(xs) < 1095: majorlocator = plt.MultipleLocator(30.4) else: majorlocator = plt.MultipleLocator(365) chart.xaxis.set_major_formatter(myFmt) chart.xaxis.set_major_locator(majorlocator) for label in chart.xaxis.get_ticklabels(): label.set_rotation(300) label.set_fontsize(7) # Set yaxis specifics: major_yloc = plt.MultipleLocator(yinterval) chart.yaxis.set_major_locator(major_yloc) if dataType == 'UNHD': chart.set_ylabel('Uncorrected Head (ft)') else: chart.set_ylabel('Head (ft)') for ylabel in chart.yaxis.get_ticklabels(): ylabel.set_fontsize(7) chart.legend(loc=3, bbox_to_anchor=(.01, .01), prop=fontP, fancybox=True, shadow=False) # Create figure filenames and output chart .png's to the hydrograph directory. stationKey = station + '_' + key fname = str(stationKey) fig = str('{0}.png'.format(fname)) figout = fig.strip() out = basepath + Aquifer2Process + "\\" + str(figout) plt.savefig(out) plt.close() print ' ] Done!'
def plot(self, rec:str, data:Optional[np.ndarray]=None, ticks_granularity:int=0, leads:Optional[Union[str, List[str]]]=None, same_range:bool=False, waves:Optional[ECGWaveForm]=None, **kwargs) -> NoReturn: """ finished, checked, to improve, plot the signals of a record or external signals (units in μV), with metadata (fs, labels, tranche, etc.), possibly also along with wave delineations Parameters ---------- rec: str, name of the record data: ndarray, optional, 12-lead ecg signal to plot, if given, data of `rec` will not be used, this is useful when plotting filtered data ticks_granularity: int, default 0, the granularity to plot axis ticks, the higher the more, 0 (no ticks) --> 1 (major ticks) --> 2 (major + minor ticks) leads: str or list of str, optional, the leads to plot same_range: bool, default False, if True, forces all leads to have the same y range waves: ECGWaveForm, optional, the waves (p waves, t waves, qrs complexes) kwargs: dict, TODO: ----- 1. slice too long records, and plot separately for each segment 2. plot waves using `axvspan` NOTE: ----- `Locator` of `plt` has default `MAXTICKS` equal to 1000, if not modifying this number, at most 40 seconds of signal could be plotted once Contributors: Jeethan, and WEN Hao """ if "plt" not in dir(): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.MultipleLocator.MAXTICKS = 3000 _leads = self._normalize_leads(leads, standard_ordering=True, lower_cases=False) # lead_list = self.load_ann(rec)["df_leads"]["lead_name"].tolist() # _lead_indices = [lead_list.index(l) for l in leads] _lead_indices = [self.all_leads.index(l) for l in _leads] if data is None: _data = self.load_data(rec, data_format="channel_first", units="μV")[_lead_indices] else: units = self._auto_infer_units(data) print(f"input data is auto detected to have units in {units}") if units.lower() == "mv": _data = 1000 * data else: _data = data if same_range: y_ranges = np.ones((_data.shape[0],)) * np.max(np.abs(_data)) + 100 else: y_ranges = np.max(np.abs(_data), axis=1) + 100 if data is None and waves is None: waves = self.load_ann(rec, leads=_leads)["waves"] if waves is not None: pwaves = {l:[] for l in _leads} qrs = {l:[] for l in _leads} twaves = {l:[] for l in _leads} for l, l_w in waves.items(): for w in l_w: itv = [w.onset, w.offset] if == self._symbol_to_wavename["p"]: pwaves[l].append(itv) elif == self._symbol_to_wavename["N"]: qrs[l].append(itv) elif == self._symbol_to_wavename["t"]: twaves[l].append(itv) palette = {"pwaves": "green", "qrs": "red", "twaves": "yellow",} plot_alpha = 0.4 diagnoses = self.load_diagnoses(rec) nb_leads = len(_leads) seg_len = self.fs * 25 # 25 seconds nb_segs = _data.shape[1] // seg_len t = np.arange(_data.shape[1]) / self.fs duration = len(t) / self.fs fig_sz_w = int(round(4.8 * duration)) fig_sz_h = 6 * y_ranges / 1500 fig, axes = plt.subplots(nb_leads, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(fig_sz_w, np.sum(fig_sz_h))) for idx in range(nb_leads): lead_name = self.all_leads[_lead_indices[idx]] axes[idx].plot(t, _data[idx], label=f"lead - {lead_name}") axes[idx].axhline(y=0, linestyle="-", linewidth="1.0", color="red") # NOTE that `Locator` has default `MAXTICKS` equal to 1000 if ticks_granularity >= 1: axes[idx].xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.2)) axes[idx].yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(500)) axes[idx].grid(which="major", linestyle="-", linewidth="0.5", color="red") if ticks_granularity >= 2: axes[idx].xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.04)) axes[idx].yaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(100)) axes[idx].grid(which="minor", linestyle=":", linewidth="0.5", color="black") # add extra info. to legend # for d in diagnoses: axes[idx].plot([], [], " ", label=d) for w in ["pwaves", "qrs", "twaves"]: for itv in eval(f"{w}["{lead_name}"]"): axes[idx].axvspan( itv[0]/self.fs, itv[1]/self.fs, color=palette[w], alpha=plot_alpha, ) axes[idx].legend(loc="upper left") axes[idx].set_xlim(t[0], t[-1]) axes[idx].set_ylim(-y_ranges[idx], y_ranges[idx]) axes[idx].set_xlabel("Time [s]") axes[idx].set_ylabel("Voltage [μV]")
def plot(self, min_freq, output='VEL', show=True, label='', axes=None, sampling_rate=None, sym='b-'): """ Plot PAZ object's Response :type min_freq: float :param min_freq: Lowest frequency to plot. :type output: str :param output: Output units. One of: ``"DISP"`` displacement ``"VEL"`` velocity ``"ACC"`` acceleration :type axes: list of 2 :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` :param axes: List/tuple of two axes instances to plot the amplitude/phase spectrum into. If not specified, a new figure is opened. :type label: str :param label: Label string for legend. :type sampling_rate: float :param sampling_rate: Manually specify sampling rate of time series. If not given it is attempted to determine it from the information in the individual response stages. Does not influence the spectra calculation, if it is not known, just provide the highest frequency that should be plotted times two. :type show: bool :param show: Whether to show the figure after plotting or not. Can be used to do further customization of the plot before showing it. :type sym: str :param sym: symbol to use on plot """ paz = self.copy() if output == 'DISP': paz.input_units = 'm' elif output == 'VEL': paz.input_units = 'm/s' elif output == 'ACC': paz.input_units = 'm/s^2' else: print(f'Unknown output type: {output}, using VEL') paz.input_units = 'm/s' if sampling_rate is None: sampling_rate = paz.sampling_rate if sampling_rate is None: if min_freq < 1: sampling_rate = 100. else: sampling_rate = min_freq * 100. else: assert sampling_rate > 2 * min_freq if axes is not None: axs = axes fig = axs[0].figure npts = 50 else: fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True) npts = 100 f = np.power( 10., np.linspace(np.log10(min_freq), np.log10(sampling_rate / 2), npts)) resp = paz.get_response(f) axs[0].loglog(f, np.absolute(resp), sym, label=label) axs[0].set_ylabel( f'Amplitude ({self.output_units.lower()}/{self.input_units.lower()})' ) axs[0].grid(True) axs[0].legend() axs[1].semilogx(f, np.angle(resp), sym) axs[1].grid(True) axs[1].set_ylabel('Phase') axs[1].yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(np.pi / 2)) axs[1].yaxis.set_major_formatter( plt.FuncFormatter(multiple_formatter())) axs[1].set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') if show is True:
#---------------------------------------------------------------------- # plot results fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 2.5)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.95, wspace=0.25, bottom=0.17, top=0.95) ax = fig.add_subplot(121) ax.plot(mGrid, sigGrid, '-k', label='scatter') ax.plot(mGrid, medGrid, '--k', label='bias') ax.plot(mGrid, 0 * mGrid, ':k', lw=1) ax.legend(loc=2) ax.set_xlabel(r'$m_{\rm obs}$') ax.set_ylabel('bias/scatter (mag)') ax.set_ylim(-0.04, 0.21) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(1.0)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.1)) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.01)) for l in ax.yaxis.get_minorticklines(): l.set_markersize(3) ax = fig.add_subplot(122) ax.plot(pErrGrid, med2, '-k', label='$p=2$') ax.plot(pErrGrid, med4, '--k', label='$p=4$') ax.legend(loc=2) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\sigma_\pi / \pi$') ax.set_ylabel('absolute magnitude bias') ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.1)) ax.set_xlim(0.02, 0.301) ax.set_ylim(0, 0.701)
def plotlines3(left_arrays, right_arrays, oops_arrays, durata, partic, integ, scale): # dB_sum_mono = mono_arrays[0] dB_sum_left = left_arrays[0] dB_sum_righ = right_arrays[0] dB_sum_oops = oops_arrays[0] sample_frames = left_arrays[1] mk_col = 'k' mk_col2 = 'g' mk_coll = 'b' mk_colr = 'r' plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10)) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 5)) # plt.annotate(str(round(np.percentile(dB_sum_mono, 90),1)), (0,np.percentile(dB_sum_mono, 90))) # plt.annotate(str(round(np.percentile(dB_sum_mono, 50),1)), (0,np.percentile(dB_sum_mono, 50))) # plt.annotate(str(round(np.percentile(dB_sum_mono, 10),1)), (0,np.percentile(dB_sum_mono, 10))) # plt.axhline(y=np.percentile(dB_sum_mono, 90), linewidth= .5, linestyle= ':',color=mk_col, label='LA10' ) # plt.axhline(y=np.percentile(dB_sum_mono, 10), linewidth= .5,linestyle= '--',color=mk_col, label='LA90') # plt.axhline(y=np.percentile(dB_sum_mono, 50), linewidth= .5,linestyle= '-',color=mk_col, label='LA50') # la10m=str(round(np.percentile(dB_sum_mono, 90),1)) # la50m=str(round(np.percentile(dB_sum_mono, 50),1)) # la90m=str(round(np.percentile(dB_sum_mono, 10),1)) la10l = str(round(np.percentile(dB_sum_left, 90), 1)) la50l = str(round(np.percentile(dB_sum_left, 50), 1)) la90l = str(round(np.percentile(dB_sum_left, 10), 1)) la10r = str(round(np.percentile(dB_sum_righ, 90), 1)) la50r = str(round(np.percentile(dB_sum_righ, 50), 1)) la90r = str(round(np.percentile(dB_sum_righ, 10), 1)) la10o = str(round(np.percentile(dB_sum_oops, 90), 1)) la50o = str(round(np.percentile(dB_sum_oops, 50), 1)) la90o = str(round(np.percentile(dB_sum_oops, 10), 1)) plt.axhline(y=np.percentile(dB_sum_left, 90), linewidth=.7, linestyle=':', color=mk_coll, label='LA10L = ' + la10l) plt.axhline(y=np.percentile(dB_sum_left, 50), linewidth=.7, linestyle='-', color=mk_coll, label='LA50L = ' + la50l) plt.axhline(y=np.percentile(dB_sum_left, 10), linewidth=.7, linestyle='--', color=mk_coll, label='LA90L = ' + la90l) plt.axhline(y=np.percentile(dB_sum_righ, 90), linewidth=.7, linestyle=':', color=mk_colr, label='LA10R = ' + la10r) plt.axhline(y=np.percentile(dB_sum_righ, 50), linewidth=.7, linestyle='-', color=mk_colr, label='LA50R = ' + la50r) plt.axhline(y=np.percentile(dB_sum_righ, 10), linewidth=.7, linestyle='--', color=mk_colr, label='LA90R = ' + la90r) print('la10l = ', la10l) print('la50l = ', la50l) print('la90l = ', la90l) print('seconds = ', durata / fs) print('la10r = ', la10r) print('la50r = ', la50r) print('la90r = ', la90r) print('seconds = ', durata / fs) # rowm = [partic, integ, round(durata/fs,3), la10m, la50m, la90m, durata] rowl = [ partic[:-6] + 'left_A', integ, round(durata / fs, 3), la10l, la50l, la90l, durata ] rowr = [ partic[:-6] + 'righ_A', integ, round(durata / fs, 3), la10r, la50r, la90r, durata ] rowo = [ partic[:-6] + 'oops_A', integ, round(durata / fs, 3), la10o, la50o, la90o, durata ] with open('results.csv', 'a') as csvFile: writer = csv.writer(csvFile) # writer.writerow(rowm) writer.writerow(rowl) writer.writerow(rowr) writer.writerow(rowo) csvFile.close() plt.xticks(sample_frames, fontsize=14) plt.plot(sample_frames, dB_sum_oops, color='k', linestyle='-.', linewidth=.5, label=' LA oops') # plt.plot(sample_frames, dB_sum_mono, color=mk_col, linestyle= '-.', linewidth= .5, label=' LA mono') plt.plot(sample_frames, dB_sum_left, color='b', linewidth=.9, label=' LA left') plt.plot(sample_frames, dB_sum_righ, color='r', linewidth=.9, label=' LA right') plt.legend(loc="lower left", bbox_to_anchor=[0, 0], ncol=3) if scale == 's': # seconds ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(44100 * 30)) def format_func(value, tick_number): return int(value / 44100) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.FuncFormatter(format_func)) plt.xlabel('Seconds') # min elif scale == 'm': ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(44100 * 60)) def format_func(value, tick_number): return int(value / (44100 * 60)) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.FuncFormatter(format_func)) plt.xlabel('Minutes') # ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(44100 *5)) # # def format_func(value, tick_number): # # return int(value / 44100) # ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.FuncFormatter(format_func)) plt.title(partic + '_tri_' + '_LA ' + integ) # plt.xlabel('Seconds') plt.ylabel('LA_' + integ) plt.grid(True, which='major', axis='both') plt.xlim(0, durata) plt.ylim((35, 80)) fig.tight_layout() plt.savefig(partic + "_tri_" + integ + '_' + str(durata) + '.eps', dpi=150)
# 0.2 Formatter for inserting commas in y axis labels with magnitudes in the thousands def func(x, pos): # formatter function takes tick label and tick position s = '{:0,d}'.format(int(x)) return s y_format = plt.FuncFormatter(func) # make formatter # 0.3 format the x axis ticksticks years2, years4, years5, years10, years15 = dts.YearLocator(2), dts.YearLocator( 4), dts.YearLocator(5), dts.YearLocator(10), dts.YearLocator(15) # 0.4 y label locator for vertical axes plotting gdp majorLocator_y = plt.MultipleLocator(3) majorLocator_shares = plt.MultipleLocator(0.2) # In[3]: # 1. Import data pwt = pd.read_excel('../xslx/pwt90.xlsx', sheet_name='Data') # In[4]: # 2. lists of countries, codes, and years year0 = 1960 country_codes = [] countries = [] years = []
X = fetch_LIGO_bigdog() t = X['t'] h = X['Hanford'] dt = t[1] - t[0] Q = np.sqrt(22) f0 = 1 f0 = 2**np.linspace(5, 8, 50) f, H = FT_continuous(t, h) W = np.conj(wavelet_FT(f, 0, f0[:, None], Q)) t, HW = IFT_continuous(f, H * W) t = t[::100] HW = HW[:, ::100] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 3.75)) plt.imshow(abs(HW), origin='lower', aspect='auto', extent=[t[0], t[-1], np.log2(f0[0]), np.log2(f0[-1])]) plt.colorbar() plt.gca().yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(1)) plt.gca().yaxis.set_major_formatter( plt.FuncFormatter(lambda x, *args: "%i" % (2**x)))
for key in sorted(reds.keys()): blue_keys.append(key) blue_values.append(blues[key].seconds / day_to_seconds[dt.datetime.strptime(key, "%Y-%m-%d").weekday()]) yellow_keys = [] yellow_values = [] for key in sorted(reds.keys()): yellow_keys.append(key) yellow_values.append(yellows[key].seconds / day_to_seconds[dt.datetime.strptime(key, "%Y-%m-%d").weekday()]) green_keys = [] green_values = [] for key in sorted(reds.keys()): green_keys.append(key) green_values.append(greens[key].seconds / day_to_seconds[dt.datetime.strptime(key, "%Y-%m-%d").weekday()]) data = range(0, max(len(red_values), len(blue_values), len(yellow_values), len(green_values))) plt.plot(data, red_values, 'r') plt.plot(data, yellow_values, 'y') plt.plot(data, blue_values, 'b') plt.plot(data, green_values, 'g') ax = plt.axes() ax.grid() ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(base=7.0)) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(base=1.0)) ax.set_xticklabels(["Day: ", weekday_string[starting_date.weekday()]])
plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=24) # fontsize of the tick labels plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=24) N = len(x) print N ind = np.arange(N) # the x locations for the groups width = 0.15 # the width of the bars ax = fig.add_subplot(111) font = {'size': '24'} rects1 = - width, y1, width, color='g', label="B") rects2 =, y2, width, color='r', label="L_Init") rects3 = + width, y3, width, color='b', label="L_Z-ordering") rects4 = + 2 * width, y4, width, color='y', label="L_Building") rects5 = + 3 * width, y5, width, color='pink', label="L_Traversing") ax.set_ylabel('Time for 1GB data (s)', font) ax.set_ylim([0, 4]) y_major_locator = plt.MultipleLocator(1) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(y_major_locator) #ax.set_title("RMSE comparison",axis_font) ax.set_xticks(ind + width) ax.set_xticklabels(namelist) ax.set_xlim([-0.3, 7.8]) ax.set_xlabel('Number of AMR levels', font) ax.legend(loc=0, ncol=5, prop=font) plt.savefig(name_hat + 'Time_level.pdf', format='pdf', bbox_inches="tight")
fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(3, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(20, 24)) ax1.plot(win['time'][int(windowStart):int(windowEnd)], btot_tw[:-1, iEv], label='B$_{tot}$') ax1.plot(win['time'][int(windowStart):int(windowEnd)], bz_tw[:-1, iEv], label='B$_{z}$') ax1.axvline(x=win['time'][int(mostart)], color='r', linestyle='--') ax1.axvline(x=win['time'][int(moend)], color='r', linestyle='--') # # ax1.set_xlabel('Start Time (' + start_month + '/' + start_day + '/' + start_year + ' ' + start_hr + ':' + start_min + ')') ax1.set_ylabel('B [nT]') ax1.set_xlim([win['time'][int(windowStart)], win['time'][int(windowEnd)]]) ax1.xaxis.set_major_locator( plt.MultipleLocator(0.1)) # want to have ticks every 1/10th day # define formatter function for tick-labels fmtr = plt.FuncFormatter(hourMin) _ = ax1.xaxis.set_major_formatter(fmtr) ax1.legend(numpoints=1, ncol=2, loc='best') ax2.plot(win['time'][int(windowStart):int(windowEnd)], vtot_tw[:-1, iEv], label='v$_{tot}$') ax2.axvline(x=win['time'][int(mostart)], color='r', linestyle='--') ax2.axvline(x=win['time'][int(moend)], color='r', linestyle='--') # # ax2.set_xlabel('Start Time (' + start_month + '/' + start_day + '/' + start_year + ' ' + start_hr + ':' + start_min + ')') ax2.set_ylabel('v [km/s]') ax2.set_xlim([win['time'][int(windowStart)], win['time'][int(windowEnd)]])
def chartTimeSeriesDistributions(tables, output_dir, output_base_name, n_bins=40, min_pctl=0.05, max_pctl=99.95, background_color='#D6D1CA', font_color='#1B1716', overwrite=False, howManyHarmonics=3, showChart=False, annotate_harmonic_peaks=True): # print(tables) check_dir(output_dir) bands = [] for table in tables: band = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(table))[0].split('_')[-1] if band not in bands: bands.append(band) for band in bands: output_chart_name = os.path.join( output_dir, output_base_name + '_' + band + '.png') if not os.path.exists(output_chart_name) or overwrite: title = ' '.join(output_base_name.split( '_')) + ' ' + band + ' Distrubution Time Series' tablesT = [ table for table in tables if os.path.basename(table).find(band) > -1 ] #Find the name of the band/index index_name = band print('Creating time series distribution chart for:', band) values = [] data = pd.concat([pd.read_csv(t) for t in tablesT], axis=1) columns = data.columns values = data.to_numpy() #Get min and max flat = values.flatten() flat = flat[~(np.isnan(flat))] min = np.percentile(flat, min_pctl) #flat.min() max = np.percentile(flat, max_pctl) #flat.max() min_2 = np.percentile(flat, 10) max_2 = np.percentile(flat, 90) values = values.clip(min, max) #Get dates (yyyy-mm-dd) dates = [i.split('_')[0] for i in columns] years = np.unique([i.split('-')[0] for i in dates]) print('years', years) # dates = ['2000-{}-{}'.format(i.split('-')[1],i.split('-')[2]) for i in dates] #Set up bins for histogram bin_step = (max - min) / n_bins bins = np.arange(min, max + bin_step, bin_step) #Get histograms for each date and clip out outlier frequency values hist = np.array([ np.histogram(data[column], bins=bins, density=True)[0] for column in columns ]).transpose() hist = np.nan_to_num(hist, nan=0) hist = hist.clip(np.percentile(hist, 10), np.percentile(hist, 99)) #Harmonic regression fitting #Get table of all xs and ys table_xs = np.array([]) table_ys = np.array([]) table_all_xs = np.array([]) d0 = date(1969, 12, 31) percentiles = [] #Set up tables for harmonic regression for i, column in enumerate(columns): d = dates[i] d1 = date(int(d.split('-')[0]), int(d.split('-')[1]), int(d.split('-')[2])) delta = d1 - d0 delta_fraction = math.modf(delta.days / 365.25)[0] decimal_date = int(d.split('-')[0]) + delta_fraction ys = values[:, i] ys = ys[~(np.isnan(ys))] if (len(ys) > 3): percentiles.append( np.percentile(ys, [0, 5, 25, 50, 75, 95, 100])) else: percentiles.append([ np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan ]) xs = np.repeat(decimal_date, len(ys)) table_ys = np.append(table_ys, ys) table_xs = np.append(table_xs, xs) table_all_xs = np.append(table_all_xs, decimal_date) percentiles = np.array(percentiles) table_all_xs = np.array(table_all_xs).flatten() table_xs = np.array(table_xs).flatten() table_ys = np.array(table_ys).flatten() #Harmonic regression fit model peak_year_i = 2 if peak_year_i > len(years) - 1: peak_year_i = 0 xs = np.array([table_xs]).T sin1Term = np.sin(xs * 2 * math.pi) cos1Term = np.cos(xs * 2 * math.pi) sin2Term = np.sin(xs * 4 * math.pi) cos2Term = np.cos(xs * 4 * math.pi) sin3Term = np.sin(xs * 6 * math.pi) cos3Term = np.cos(xs * 6 * math.pi) intTerm = np.ones(xs.shape[0]) harm_1 = np.c_[sin1Term, cos1Term, xs, intTerm] harm_1_2 = np.c_[sin1Term, cos1Term, sin2Term, cos2Term, xs, intTerm] harm_1_2_3 = np.c_[sin1Term, cos1Term, sin2Term, cos2Term, sin3Term, cos3Term, xs, intTerm] harm_1_model = np.linalg.lstsq(harm_1, table_ys, rcond=None) harm_1_2_model = np.linalg.lstsq(harm_1_2, table_ys, rcond=None) harm_1_2_3_model = np.linalg.lstsq(harm_1_2_3, table_ys, rcond=None) # print(harm_1_model) peak_1_fraction = math.atan( harm_1_model[0][0] / harm_1_model[0][1]) / (2 * math.pi) peak_2_fraction = peak_1_fraction + 0.5 if peak_1_fraction < 0: peak_1_fraction = 1 + peak_1_fraction if peak_2_fraction > 1: peak_2_fraction = peak_2_fraction - 1 peak_1_yr = int(years[peak_year_i]) + peak_1_fraction peak_2_yr = int(years[peak_year_i]) + peak_2_fraction peak_1_pred =[ np.sin(peak_1_yr * 2 * math.pi), np.cos(peak_1_yr * 2 * math.pi), peak_1_yr, 1 ], harm_1_model[0]) peak_2_pred =[ np.sin(peak_2_yr * 2 * math.pi), np.cos(peak_2_yr * 2 * math.pi), peak_2_yr, 1 ], harm_1_model[0]) peak_1_y = min_2 peak_2_y = max_2 if peak_1_pred > peak_2_pred: peak_1_y = max_2 peak_2_y = min_2 peak_date = int(peak_1_fraction * 365) + 1 peak_date2 = int(peak_2_fraction * 365) + 1 print(peak_date, peak_date2, peak_1_pred, peak_2_pred, years[peak_year_i][2:] + f'{peak_date:03}', years[peak_year_i][2:] + f'{peak_date2:03}') # print(datetime.datetime.strptime('19'+str(int(peak_date*365)), '%y%j').strftime("%d-%m-%Y")) peak_date = datetime.datetime.strptime( years[peak_year_i][2:] + f'{peak_date:03}', '%y%j').strftime("%m-%d") peak_date2 = datetime.datetime.strptime( years[peak_year_i][2:] + f'{peak_date2:03}', '%y%j').strftime("%m-%d") # print(peak_date) # print(peak_date2) #Apply harm model xs = np.array([table_all_xs]).T sin1Term = np.sin(xs * 2 * math.pi) cos1Term = np.cos(xs * 2 * math.pi) sin2Term = np.sin(xs * 4 * math.pi) cos2Term = np.cos(xs * 4 * math.pi) sin3Term = np.sin(xs * 6 * math.pi) cos3Term = np.cos(xs * 6 * math.pi) intTerm = np.ones(xs.shape[0]) harm_1 = np.c_[sin1Term, cos1Term, xs, intTerm] harm_1_2 = np.c_[sin1Term, cos1Term, sin2Term, cos2Term, xs, intTerm] harm_1_2_3 = np.c_[sin1Term, cos1Term, sin2Term, cos2Term, sin3Term, cos3Term, xs, intTerm] # print('beta hat:',beta_hat[0],xs) pred_1 =, harm_1_model[0]) pred_1_2 =, harm_1_2_model[0]) pred_1_2_3 =, harm_1_2_3_model[0]) pred_dict = {'1': pred_1, '2': pred_1_2, '3': pred_1_2_3} pred = pred_dict[str(howManyHarmonics)] #Plot xTickFreq = 8 #int(len(columns)/20) yTickFreq = (max - min) / 10 #0.1 width = (len(columns) / 25) + 2 if width < 8: width = 12 xTickFreq = 3 # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(width,6),frameon=True,facecolor='w') fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(width, 7), frameon=True, facecolor='w') fig.patch.set_facecolor(background_color) params = { "ytick.color": font_color, "xtick.color": font_color, "axes.labelcolor": font_color, "axes.edgecolor": font_color, 'legend.fontsize': 7, 'legend.handlelength': 1.2 } plt.rcParams.update(params) # ax = fig.add_axes([0.06, 0.15, 0.84, 0.80]) ax.set_title(title) # fig.annotate('local max', xy=(0.5, 0.5)) cmap = plt.get_cmap('viridis') cf = plt.pcolormesh(dates, bins, hist, cmap=cmap) #, vmin = 500) degrees = 45 plt.xticks(rotation=degrees, fontsize=7, ha='right') # print(list(zip(dates,pred,table_all_xs))) harm_line = plt.plot( dates, pred, linestyle='-', color=background_color, linewidth=2, label='Harmonic Fit ({})'.format(howManyHarmonics)) # median_line = plt.plot(dates, percentiles[:,3], linestyle = '--', color = font_color, linewidth = 1.5,label = 'Median') ax.set_ylim([min, max]) ax.set_ylabel('{} Value'.format(index_name), fontsize=10) ax.set_xlabel('Date', fontsize=10) #Set up the x and y axis tick frequencies ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(xTickFreq)) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(1)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(yTickFreq)) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(1)) ax.grid(True, which='major', axis='y', linestyle='--', color=font_color) ax.grid(True, which='major', axis='x', linestyle='--', color=font_color) cbax = fig.add_axes([0.93, 0.11, 0.01, 0.71]) legend = plt.legend(handles=harm_line, bbox_to_anchor=(-2.5, 1.08), loc='upper left') cb = plt.colorbar(cf, cax=cbax, orientation='vertical') cb.set_label('Percent of Samples (%)', rotation=270, labelpad=15, fontsize=10, color=font_color) if peak_1_pred > max: peak_1_pred = max elif peak_1_pred < min: peak_1_pred = min if peak_2_pred > max: peak_2_pred = max elif peak_2_pred < min: peak_2_pred = min if (annotate_harmonic_peaks): print('Annotating peak dates of harmonics') try: yr_dates = [ i for i in dates if i.split('-')[0] == years[peak_year_i] ] m_dates = [ i for i in yr_dates if i.split('-')[1] == peak_date.split('-')[0] ] if len(m_dates) == 0: m_dates = [ i for i in yr_dates if int(i.split('-')[1]) == int(peak_date.split('-')[0]) - 1 ] print(m_dates) m_dates = m_dates[0] ax.annotate( '{} ({})'.format(peak_date, round(peak_1_pred, 3)), xy=(m_dates, peak_1_pred), xycoords='data', # xytext=(m_dates, peak_1_y), # fraction, fraction # textcoords='data', # arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.05), color=background_color, fontsize='10', path_effects=[ pe.withStroke(linewidth=2.5, foreground=font_color) ]) yr_dates = [ i for i in dates if i.split('-')[0] == years[peak_year_i] ] m_dates = [ i for i in yr_dates if i.split('-')[1] == peak_date2.split('-')[0] ][0] ax.annotate( '{} ({})'.format(peak_date2, round(peak_2_pred, 3)), xy=(m_dates, peak_2_pred), xycoords='data', # xytext=(m_dates, peak_2_y), # fraction, fraction # textcoords='data', # arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.05), color=background_color, fontsize='10', path_effects=[ pe.withStroke(linewidth=2.5, foreground=font_color) ]) except Exception as e: print(e) # ax.annotate('Peak Date 2', # xy=('2019-{}'.format(peak_date2), 0.3), xycoords='data' # ) # plt.text(0.5, 1.1, 'Test', color=font_color, # bbox=dict(facecolor='none', edgecolor=font_color)) fig.savefig(output_chart_name) if showChart: plt.close() else: print('Already produced:', output_chart_name)
def locator(self): return plt.MultipleLocator(self.number / self.denominator)
ax=ax4, scales=[2], ec='k', fc='gray', alpha=0.2) titles = [ 'True Distribution', 'Noisy Distribution', 'Extreme Deconvolution\n resampling', 'Extreme Deconvolution\n cluster locations' ] ax = [ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4] for i in range(4): ax[i].xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(4)) ax[i].yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(5)) ax[i].text(0.05, 0.95, titles[i], ha='left', va='top', transform=ax[i].transAxes) if i in (0, 1): ax[i].xaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) else: ax[i].set_xlabel('x')
def SolveProblem(LoadCase, ConstitutiveModel, BCsType, FinalRelativeStretch, RelativeStepSize, Dimensions, NumberElements, Mesh, V, u, du, v, Ic, J, F, Psi, Plot = False, Paraview = False): if LoadCase == 'Compression': # Load case [u_0, u_1, InitialState, Direction, Normal, NumberSteps, DeltaStretch] = LoadCaseDefinition(LoadCase, FinalRelativeStretch, RelativeStepSize, Dimensions, BCsType) elif LoadCase == 'Tension': # Load case [u_0, u_1, InitialState, Direction, Normal, NumberSteps, DeltaStretch] = LoadCaseDefinition(LoadCase, FinalRelativeStretch, RelativeStepSize, Dimensions, BCsType) elif LoadCase == 'SimpleShear': # Load case [u_0, u_1, InitialState, Direction, Normal, NumberSteps, DeltaStretch] = LoadCaseDefinition(LoadCase, FinalRelativeStretch*2, RelativeStepSize*2, Dimensions, BCsType) # Boundary conditions [BoundaryConditions, ds] = BCsDefinition(Dimensions, Mesh, V, u_0, u_1, LoadCase, BCsType) # Estimation of the displacement field using Neo-Hookean model (necessary for Ogden) u = Estimate(Ic, J, u, v, du, BoundaryConditions, InitialState, u_1) # Reformulate the problem with the correct constitutive model Pi = Psi * fe.dx # First directional derivative of the potential energy Fpi = fe.derivative(Pi,u,v) # Jacobian of Fpi Jac = fe.derivative(Fpi,u,du) # Define option for the compiler (optional) ffc_options = {"optimize": True, \ "eliminate_zeros": True, \ "precompute_basis_const": True, \ "precompute_ip_const": True, \ "quadrature_degree": 2, \ "representation" : "uflacs" } # Define the problem Problem = fe.NonlinearVariationalProblem(Fpi, u, BoundaryConditions, Jac, form_compiler_parameters=ffc_options) # Define the solver Solver = fe.NonlinearVariationalSolver(Problem) # Set solver parameters (optional) Prm = Solver.parameters Prm['nonlinear_solver'] = 'newton' Prm['newton_solver']['linear_solver'] = 'cg' # Conjugate gradient Prm['newton_solver']['preconditioner'] = 'icc' # Incomplete Choleski Prm['newton_solver']['krylov_solver']['nonzero_initial_guess'] = True # Data frame to store values cols = ['Stretches','P'] df = pd.DataFrame(columns=cols, index=range(int(NumberSteps)+1), dtype='float64') if Paraview == True: # Results File Output_Path = os.path.join('OptimizationResults', BCsType, ConstitutiveModel) ResultsFile = xdmffile = fe.XDMFFile(os.path.join(Output_Path, str(NumberElements) + 'Elements_' + LoadCase + '.xdmf')) ResultsFile.parameters["flush_output"] = True ResultsFile.parameters["functions_share_mesh"] = True if Plot == True: plt.rc('figure', figsize=[12,7]) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) # Set the stretch state to initial state StretchState = InitialState # Loop to solve for each step for Step in range(int(NumberSteps+1)): # Update current state u_1.s = StretchState # Compute solution and save displacement Solver.solve() # First Piola Kirchoff (nominal) stress P = fe.diff(Psi, F) # Nominal stress vectors normal to upper surface p =,Normal) # Reaction force on the upper surface f = fe.assemble(fe.inner(p,Direction)*ds(2)) # Mean nominal stress on the upper surface Pm = f/fe.assemble(1*ds(2)) # Save values to table df.loc[Step].Stretches = StretchState df.loc[Step].P = Pm # Plot if Plot == True: ax.cla() ax.plot(df.Stretches, df.P, color = 'r', linestyle = '--', label = 'P', marker = 'o', markersize = 8, fillstyle='none') ax.set_xlabel('Stretch ratio (-)') ax.set_ylabel('Stresses (kPa)') ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.02)) ax.legend(loc='upper left', frameon=True, framealpha=1) display(fig) clear_output(wait=True) if Paraview == True: # Project the displacement onto the vector function space u_project = fe.project(u, V, solver_type='cg') u_project.rename('Displacement (mm)', '') ResultsFile.write(u_project,Step) # Compute nominal stress vector p_project = fe.project(p, V) p_project.rename("Nominal stress vector (kPa)","") ResultsFile.write(p_project,Step) # Update the stretch state StretchState += DeltaStretch return df
def quality_map(experiment, file_format=None, ki=None, urange=None, ustep=1, colored=True, fill=False, with_title=True, signature=True, q_full_scale=True, start_calc=1, cull=None): """Plots the log scale quality map for a given kNN[j] of all sample test sequences. Plots all or ppi (calc, sim) points between each major tick interval Args: experiment (str): insights experiment results full file path file_format (str): One of the file extensions supported by the active backend. Most backends support png, pdf, ps, eps and svg. if is None, the plot is displayed and not saved. ki (int): zero-based index of the NN in kNN list, if None all kNNs are plotted. ustep (int): a different color is chosen in the color palette for every `ustep` number of updates; irrelevant for colored=False. urange (tuple): range of updates to plot given as (start, end) where both is inclusive; if given as (start, ), max update is used for end; if None, all updates are plotted. colored (bool): If True, each update is plotted in a different color; otherwise all plotted black, fill (bool): if True, propagates the quality for the intermediate calc values; if False, plots only the given points provided as sparse list. with_title (bool): if True, shows the figure title. signature (bool): If True, name of the plotting function is also displayed. q_full_scale (bool): if True, quality (i.e. y) axis starts from 0.0; otherwise minimum quality is used. start_calc (int): The start value for the calculations (i.e. x) axis. cull (float): The percentage (.0, 1.] to cull the data points to be plotted Returns: None Note: Start: 20190918, End:20191023 """ # Create a figure plt.figure(num=1) # , figsize=(10, 8)) # Read experiment data result = common.load_obj(experiment) knn_calc_sim_history = k = len(knn_calc_sim_history[0]) - 1 # k of kNN max_update = max([test[0] for test in knn_calc_sim_history]) if urange is None: urange = (1, max_update) elif len(urange) == 1 or urange[1] > max_update: urange = (urange[0], max_update) max_X = 0 # Fill in plot data CALCS = np.array([]) QUALITY = np.array([]) UPDATE = np.array([]) knn_calc_sim_history = sorted(knn_calc_sim_history, key=lambda point: point[0], reverse=False) # sort by updates for test_history in knn_calc_sim_history: # print(test_history) update = test_history[0] if urange[0] <= update <= urange[1]: # print("update: ", update) for nn_ind, nn_i_history in enumerate(test_history[1:]): if ki is None or nn_ind == ki: points = pdp.quality(nn_i_history) # print(points) X, Y = helper.to_arr(points, fill=fill) # Eliminate (0, 0.0) entries if X[0] == 0: X = X[1:] if Y[0] == 0: Y = Y[1:] if max(X) > max_X: max_X = max(X) # Eliminate the entries < start_calc X = X[X >= start_calc] Y = Y[-len(X):] CALCS = np.concatenate((CALCS, X)) QUALITY = np.concatenate((QUALITY, Y)) # UPDATE = np.concatenate((UPDATE, np.full((len(X),), math.ceil(update / ustep), UPDATE = np.concatenate( (UPDATE, np.full((len(X), ), update, if cull: CALCS, ind_removed = helper.cull_arr(CALCS, pct=cull) QUALITY, _ = helper.cull_arr(QUALITY, ind=ind_removed) UPDATE, _ = helper.cull_arr(UPDATE, ind=ind_removed) if colored: # Color palette cmap = "autumn" # "autumn" "tab20" # "Blues_r" cmap_size = math.ceil(max_update / ustep) my_palette =, cmap_size) _ = plt.scatter(CALCS, QUALITY, marker=".", s=1, c=UPDATE, cmap=my_palette, vmin=1, vmax=max_update, alpha=1.) cbar = plt.colorbar(orientation="vertical") cbar.set_label("updates") else: _ = plt.scatter(CALCS, QUALITY, marker=".", s=1, c="black") ax = plt.gca() ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(.1)) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(.05)) plt.grid(True, which="major", linestyle="-", linewidth=1, color="lightgrey") plt.grid(True, which="minor", linestyle=":", linewidth=1, color="lightgrey") xticks_ = plt_common.get_ticks_log_scale(max_X, start=start_calc) y_min = 0.0 if q_full_scale else math.floor( np.nanmin(QUALITY[start_calc - 1:]) * 10) / 10 yticks_ = np.arange(y_min, 1.01, .1) plt.rcParams['axes.axisbelow'] = True plt.xscale('log') plt.xticks(xticks_) plt.xlim(left=start_calc, right=max(xticks_)) plt.yticks(yticks_) if signature: plt_common.sign_plot(plt, quality_map.__name__) fn_wo_ext = common.file_name_wo_ext(experiment) lbl_ki = str(ki if ki is not None else list([0, k - 1])) # zero-based lbl_update = str(list(urange) if urange[0] != urange[1] else urange[0]) if with_title: title_ = "Quality Map\n" title_ = "{}Exp: {}\n".format(title_, fn_wo_ext) title_ = "{}ki:{}, update:{}".format(title_, lbl_ki, lbl_update) if colored: title_ = "{}, color step:{}".format(title_, ustep) if cull: title_ = "{}, cull:{:.0%}".format(title_, cull) plt.title(title_ + "\n\n") save_fn = "QUALITY_MAP_{}_ki_{}_u_{}{}{}{}{}{}".format( fn_wo_ext, lbl_ki, lbl_update, "_s_{}".format(ustep) if colored else "", "_f" if fill else "", "_t" if with_title else "", "_c_{:.2f}".format(cull) if cull else "", "_z" if not q_full_scale else "") # axis labels matplotlib.rcParams['text.usetex'] = True # Allow LaTeX in text ax.set_xlabel("$\#$ of similarity calculations ($c$)") ax.set_ylabel(r"quality ($\mathcal{Q}_c$)") # Tight layout plt.tight_layout() if file_format: save_fpath = os.path.join(common.APP.FOLDER.FIGURE, "{}.{}".format(save_fn, file_format)) plt.savefig(save_fpath, dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight") print("Quality Map figure saved into '{}'.".format(save_fpath)) else: # Update the title of the plot window plt.gcf().canvas.set_window_title(save_fn) plt.close() return None
def obj_fig(simz_tab, objtype, summ_stats, outfile=None): """Generate QA plot for a given object type """ from astropy.stats import sigma_clip logs = get_logger() gdz_tab = slice_simz(simz_tab,objtype=objtype, survey=True,goodz=True, all_zwarn0=True) if objtype == 'ELG': allgd_tab = slice_simz(simz_tab,objtype=objtype, survey=False,goodz=True, all_zwarn0=True) if len(gdz_tab) <= 1:"Not enough objects of type {:s} for QA".format(objtype)) return # Plot sty_otype = get_sty_otype() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6.0)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2,2) # Title fig.suptitle('{:s}: Summary'.format(sty_otype[objtype]['lbl']), fontsize='large') # Offset for kk in range(4): yoff = 0. ax= plt.subplot(gs[kk]) if kk == 0: yval = calc_dzsig(gdz_tab) ylbl = (r'$(z_{\rm red}-z_{\rm true}) / \sigma(z)$') ylim = 5. # Stats with clipping clip_y = sigma_clip(yval, sigma=5.) rms = np.std(clip_y) redchi2 = np.sum(clip_y**2)/np.sum(~clip_y.mask) # xtxt = 0.05 ytxt = 1.0 for req_tst in ['EFF','CAT_RATE']: ytxt -= 0.12 if summ_stats[objtype]['REQ_INDIV'][req_tst] == 'FAIL': tcolor='red' else: tcolor='green' ax.text(xtxt, ytxt, '{:s}: {:.3f}'.format(req_tst, summ_stats[objtype][req_tst]), color=tcolor, transform=ax.transAxes, ha='left', fontsize='small') # Additional ytxt -= 0.12 ax.text(xtxt, ytxt, '{:s}: {:.3f}'.format('RMS:', rms), color='black', transform=ax.transAxes, ha='left', fontsize='small') ytxt -= 0.12 ax.text(xtxt, ytxt, '{:s}: {:.3f}'.format(r'$\chi^2_\nu$:', redchi2), color='black', transform=ax.transAxes, ha='left', fontsize='small') else: yval = calc_dz(gdz_tab) if kk == 1: ylbl = (r'$(z_{\rm red}-z_{\rm true}) / (1+z)$') else: ylbl = r'$\delta v_{\rm red-true}$ [km/s]' ylim = max(5.*summ_stats[objtype]['RMS_DZ'],1e-5) if (np.median(summ_stats[objtype]['MEDIAN_DZ']) > summ_stats[objtype]['RMS_DZ']): yoff = summ_stats[objtype]['MEDIAN_DZ'] if kk==1: # Stats xtxt = 0.05 ytxt = 1.0 dx = ((ylim/2.)//0.0001 +1)*0.0001 ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(dx)) for stat in ['RMS_DZ','MEAN_DZ', 'MEDIAN_DZ']: ytxt -= 0.12 try: pfail = summ_stats[objtype]['REQ_INDIV'][stat] except KeyError: tcolor='black' else: if pfail == 'FAIL': tcolor='red' else: tcolor='green' ax.text(xtxt, ytxt, '{:s}: {:.5f}'.format(stat, summ_stats[objtype][stat]), color=tcolor, transform=ax.transAxes, ha='left', fontsize='small') # Histogram if kk < 2: binsz = ylim/10. #i0, i1 = int( np.min(yval) / binsz) - 1, int( np.max(yval) / binsz) + 1 i0, i1 = int(-ylim/binsz) - 1, int( ylim/ binsz) + 1 rng = tuple( binsz*np.array([i0,i1]) ) nbin = i1-i0 # Histogram hist, edges = np.histogram(yval, range=rng, bins=nbin) xhist = (edges[1:] + edges[:-1])/2. #ax.hist(xhist, color='black', bins=edges, weights=hist)#, histtype='step') ax.hist(xhist, color=sty_otype[objtype]['color'], bins=edges, weights=hist)#, histtype='step') ax.set_xlabel(ylbl) ax.set_xlim(-ylim, ylim) else: if kk == 2: lbl = r'$z_{\rm true}$' xval = gdz_tab['TRUEZ'] xmin,xmax=np.min(xval),np.max(xval) dx = np.maximum(1,(xmax-xmin)//0.5)*0.1 ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(dx)) #xmin,xmax=0.6,1.65 elif kk == 3: if objtype == 'ELG': lbl = r'[OII] Flux ($10^{-16}$)' #xval = gdz_tab['OIIFLUX']*1e16 xval = allgd_tab['OIIFLUX']*1e16 yval = calc_dz(allgd_tab) # Avoid NAN gdy = np.isfinite(yval) xval = xval[gdy] yval = yval[gdy] xmin,xmax=0.5,20 ax.set_xscale("log", nonposx='clip') elif objtype == 'QSO': lbl = 'g (Mag)' xval = 22.5 - 2.5 * np.log10(gdz_tab['FLUX_G']) xmin,xmax=np.min(xval),np.max(xval) else: lbl = 'r (Mag)' xval = 22.5 - 2.5 * np.log10(gdz_tab['FLUX_R']) xmin,xmax=np.min(xval),np.max(xval) # Labels ax.set_xlabel(lbl) ax.set_ylabel(ylbl) ax.set_xlim(xmin,xmax) v_ylim = ylim * C_LIGHT # redshift to km/s ax.set_ylim(-v_ylim+yoff, v_ylim+yoff) # Points ax.plot([xmin,xmax], [0.,0], '--', color='gray') #ax.scatter(xval, yval, marker='o', s=1, label=objtype, # color=sty_otype[objtype]['color']) cm = plt.get_cmap(sty_otype[objtype]['pcolor']) if objtype == 'ELG': xbins = 10**np.linspace(np.log10(xmin), np.log10(xmax), 20) else: xbins = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, 20) ybins = np.linspace(-v_ylim+yoff, v_ylim+yoff, 40) # km/s #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() counts, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(xval, yval * C_LIGHT, bins=(xbins, ybins)) max_c = np.max(counts) #if kk == 3: ax.pcolormesh(xedges, yedges, counts.transpose(), cmap=cm, vmin=0, vmax=max_c/5.) #ax.hist2d(xval, yval, bins=20, cmap=cm) #ax.scatter(xval, yval, marker='o', s=1, label=objtype, # color=sty_otype[objtype]['color']) # Finish plt.tight_layout(pad=0.2,h_pad=0.2,w_pad=0.3) plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.92) if outfile is not None: plt.savefig(outfile, dpi=700) plt.close() print("Wrote {:s}".format(outfile))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121) ax1.hist(data, bins=np.linspace(0, 10, 11), density=True, histtype='stepfilled', fc='gray', alpha=0.5) ax1.plot(x, px, '-k') ax1.set_xlim(-1, 11) ax1.set_ylim(0, 0.18) ax1.set_xlabel('$x$') ax1.set_ylabel('$p(x)$') # right panel: construct and plot the likelihood ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122) ax2.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.01)) a = np.linspace(-0.01, 0.02, 1000) Npts = (500, 100, 20) styles = ('-k', '--b', '-.g') for n, s in zip(Npts, styles): logL = linprob_logL(data[:n], a, xmin, xmax) logL = np.exp(logL - logL.max()) logL /= logL.sum() * (a[1] - a[0]) ax2.plot(a, logL, s, label=r'$\rm %i\ pts$' % n) ax2.legend(loc=2, prop=dict(size=8)) ax2.set_xlim(-0.011, 0.02)
def visual_state_action(self): """This method visualizes the state_action pair lively, with the red arrow referring to the maximum Q_value state_action pair.""" q_dict = self.q_table_dict plt.figure(dpi=220, figsize=(7, 7)) ax = plt.axes() ax.set(xlim=[0, 10], ylim=[0, 10]) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(1.0)) # 设置x主坐标间隔 1 ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(1.0)) # 设置y主坐标间隔 1 ax.grid(True, linestyle="-", color="0.6", linewidth="1") # ax.scatter(8.5, 7.5) keys = sorted(q_dict.keys()) x, y, i = 0.5, 9.5, 1 for key in keys: # print("key: " + str(key)) while key[0] * 10 + key[1] != i - 1: i = i + 1 x = x + 1 if x == 10.5: x = 0.5 y = y - 1 if key == self.goal_state: ax.scatter(x, y) i = i + 1 x = x + 1 continue if np.average(q_dict[key]) == 0: i = i + 1 x = x + 1 if x == 10.5: x = 0.5 y = y - 1 continue if q_dict[key].index(np.max(q_dict[key])) == 0: plt.annotate('', xy=(x - 0.5, y), xytext=(x, y), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", connectionstyle="arc3", color='red')) else: plt.annotate('', xy=(x - 0.5, y), xytext=(x, y), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", connectionstyle="arc3")) if q_dict[key].index(np.max(q_dict[key])) == 1: plt.annotate('', xy=(x, y + 0.5), xytext=(x, y), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", connectionstyle="arc3", color='red')) else: plt.annotate('', xy=(x, y + 0.5), xytext=(x, y), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", connectionstyle="arc3")) if q_dict[key].index(np.max(q_dict[key])) == 2: plt.annotate('', xy=(x + 0.5, y), xytext=(x, y), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", connectionstyle="arc3", color='red')) else: plt.annotate('', xy=(x + 0.5, y), xytext=(x, y), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", connectionstyle="arc3")) if q_dict[key].index(np.max(q_dict[key])) == 3: plt.annotate('', xy=(x, y - 0.5), xytext=(x, y), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", connectionstyle="arc3", color='red')) else: plt.annotate('', xy=(x, y - 0.5), xytext=(x, y), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", connectionstyle="arc3")) x = x + 1 if x == 10.5: x = 0.5 y = y - 1 i = i + 1 # 设置刻度标记的大小 plt.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=10)
ts2= np.array(ys.values).astype(np.double) ts2mask = np.isfinite(ts2) # print len(ts2mask), len(ts2), len(xs), len(ys) # Define general chart characteristics, titles and descriptive text: # fig = plt.figure() # chart = fig.add_subplot(111) fig, chart = plt.subplots() fontP = FontProperties() fontP.set_size('xx-small') chart.set_autoscale_on(True) minorlocator = plt.MultipleLocator(10) chart.text(0.99, 0.01, 'Plots created: '+ timeStamp + \ '\nReviewed by the Hydrogeology Unit of the Water Supply Bureau', verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='right', transform=chart.transAxes, color='green', fontsize=7) if frequency == 'DA': title= station +'\n' + dataSource +' ' + options.Aquifer +' Daily Water Level\n' + \ sdateDT.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") + ' thru ' + ThisDate.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") else: title= station +'\n' + dataSource +' '+ options.Aquifer + ' Random Interval Water Level\n' + \ sdateDT.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") + ' thru ' + ThisDate.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") plt.title(str(title),fontsize = 8)
zorder=1, extent=xlim + ylim) im.set_clim(0, 1.5) ax.contour(xx, yy, Z, [0.5], colors='k') ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.set_ylim(ylim) ax.set_xlabel('$u-g$') ax.set_ylabel('$g-r$') # Plot completeness vs Ncolors ax = plt.subplot(222) ax.plot(Ncolors, completeness, 'o-k', ms=6) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(1)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.2)) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) ax.set_ylabel('completeness') ax.set_xlim(0.5, 4.5) ax.set_ylim(-0.1, 1.1) ax.grid(True) # Plot contamination vs Ncolors ax = plt.subplot(224) ax.plot(Ncolors, contamination, 'o-k', ms=6) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(1)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.2)) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.FormatStrFormatter('%i'))
return 'h' elif x == -1: return '-h' else: return '%ih' % x for i, kernel in enumerate( ['gaussian', 'tophat', 'epanechnikov', 'exponential', 'linear', 'cosine']): axi = ax.ravel()[i] log_dens = KernelDensity(kernel=kernel).fit(X_src).score_samples(X_plot) axi.fill(X_plot[:, 0], np.exp(log_dens), '-k', fc='#AAAAFF') axi.text(-2.6, 0.95, kernel) axi.xaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.FuncFormatter(format_func)) axi.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(1)) axi.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.NullLocator()) axi.set_ylim(0, 1.05) axi.set_xlim(-2.9, 2.9) ax[0, 1].set_title('Available Kernels') #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Plot a 1D density example N = 100 np.random.seed(1) X = np.concatenate((np.random.normal(0, 1, int(0.3 * N)), np.random.normal(5, 1, int(0.7 * N))))[:, np.newaxis] X_plot = np.linspace(-5, 10, 1000)[:, np.newaxis]
x, y = np.meshgrid( time_series, np.logspace(np.log10(fmin), np.log10(fmax), scalogram.shape[0])) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(9, 9)) ax.pcolormesh(x, 1 / y, np.abs(scalogram), cmap=CBname_map) plt.xlabel('Time around ' + 'Sdiff' + ' (s)', fontsize=18) plt.ylabel('Period (s)', fontsize=18) ax.set_yscale('log') # set linear(detail in 1-2-3) or log(even) ax.set_ylim(Tmin, Tmax) majors = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.FixedLocator(majors)) # ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.NullLocator()) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ScalarFormatter()) ax.yaxis.set_minor_formatter(NullFormatter()) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(20)) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(5)) # ax.set_yticks([1/10,1/5,1/3,1/2,1], ['10','5','3','2','1']) plt.gca().invert_yaxis() ax2 = ax.twinx() ax2.plot(time_series, stack_data_series / stack_data_series.max(), 'k') # plot the waveform at the bottom ax2.set_ylim([-1, 50]) ax2.set_yticklabels([]) plt.xlim([StartTime, EndTime]) plt.title('Wavelet Spectrum at Azimuth ' + str(select_azi) + ';\n Stacking ' + str(count) + ' Traces') #
def fig_ionstate(outfil=None): # Init COS-Halos sightline cos_halos = COSHalos() cos_halos.load_single(('J1016+4706', '274_6')) cgm_abs = cos_halos.cgm_abs[0] FeH = -1. # CUBA cuba = CUBA() npt = 30 xeV = np.linspace(13.6, 130., npt) * u.eV phi = np.zeros(npt) for kk, ixeV in enumerate(xeV): phi[kk] = cuba.phi(0.2, min_energy=ixeV).value # Ions Zions = [ (1, 1), # HI (6, 2), # CII (6, 3), # CIII (7, 2), # NII (7, 3), # NIII (7, 5), # NV (8, 6), # OVI (12, 1), # MgI (12, 2), # MgII (14, 2), # SiII (14, 3), # SiIII (14, 4), # SiIV ] # Start the plot if outfil is None: outfil = 'fig_ionstate.pdf' pp = PdfPages(outfil) # Lya spec lclr = 'red' pclr = 'blue' xmnx = (0., 130.) # eV ymnx = (-1.5, 2.) for ss in range(5): plt.figure(figsize=(7, 5)) plt.clf() gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1) ax = plt.subplot(gs[0, 0]) #ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.5)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(1.)) #ax.get_xaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) ax.set_xlim(xmnx) ax.set_ylim(ymnx) ax.set_xlabel('Ionization Potential (eV)') ax.set_ylabel( r'$\log N_{\rm ion} - \log N_{\rm HI} + 12 - \epsilon_\odot$ - [Fe/H]' ) ax.minorticks_on() # Zero line ax.plot(xmnx, (0., 0.), '--', color='gray') # Data HIclm = cgm_abs.abs_sys.ions[(1, 1)]['CLM'] for Zion in Zions: # Column and flag try: clm = cgm_abs.abs_sys.ions[Zion]['CLM'] except KeyError: print('Zion = {:d},{:d} not analyzed'.format(Zion[0], Zion[1])) continue else: flg_clm = cgm_abs.abs_sys.ions[Zion]['FLG_CLM'] sig_clm = cgm_abs.abs_sys.ions[Zion]['SIG_CLM'] # IP elm = ELEMENTS[Zion[0]] IP = elm.ionenergy[Zion[1] - 1] # Solar abund abund = xsolar.abund(Zion[0]) yval = clm - HIclm + 12 - abund if Zion != (1, 1): yval = yval + FeH # Plot if flg_clm == 1: mark = 'o' pclr = 'blue' yoff = 0.1 elif flg_clm == 2: mark = (3, 0, 0) pclr = 'red' yoff = -0.3 elif flg_clm == 3: mark = (3, 0, 180) pclr = 'gray' yoff = 0.1 ax.scatter(IP, yval, marker=mark, color=pclr, s=35.) # Label ion_name = xion.ion_name(Zion) ax.text(IP, yval + yoff, ion_name, color=pclr, fontsize=17., ha='center') #ax.text(1480., 0.4, cgm_abs.field, ha='left', fontsize=21., color=lclr) if ss >= 1: # Add EUVB ax_euvb = ax.twinx() y0 = np.log10(phi[0]) ax_euvb.plot(xeV, np.log10(phi) - y0, 'k-') # Normalize 1 Ryd to 1 ax_euvb.set_ylabel(r'$\log \; \Phi_{\rm EUVB} ({\rm E > IP})$') xputils.set_fontsize(ax_euvb, 17.) ax_euvb.set_xlim(xmnx) ax_euvb.set_ylim(-1.2, 0.) ax_euvb.text(100., -1., 'EUVB', color='black', size=17.) if ss >= 2: # Add shading xrng = np.array([10., 55]) ax.fill_between(xrng, [ymnx[0]] * 2, [ymnx[1]] * 2, color='blue', alpha=0.3) ax.text(np.mean(xrng), -1.2, 'Photoionization\n' + r'$U \equiv \Phi/cn_{\rm H}$', color='black', size=19., ha='center') if ss >= 3: # Add shading xrng = np.array([70., 120.]) ax.fill_between(xrng, [ymnx[0]] * 2, [ymnx[1]] * 2, color='red', alpha=0.3) ax.text(np.mean(xrng), -1.2, 'Another phase', color='black', size=19., ha='center') if ss >= 4: # EUV lines Zions2 = [(10, 8), (16, 4), (16, 5), (8, 2), (8, 3), (8, 5)] for Zion2 in Zions2: elm = ELEMENTS[Zion2[0]] IP = elm.ionenergy[Zion2[1] - 1] yval = 0.2 yoff = 0.1 ax.scatter(IP, yval, marker='o', color='black', s=35.) # Label try: ion_name = xion.ion_name(Zion2) except TypeError: ion_name = 'NeVIII' ax.text(IP, yval + yoff, ion_name, color='black', fontsize=17., ha='center') #ax.set_xlim(0.,200) # Fonts xputils.set_fontsize(ax, 17.) # Write plt.tight_layout(pad=0.2, h_pad=0., w_pad=0.1) pp.savefig() plt.close() # Finish print('tlk_coshalos: Wrote {:s}'.format(outfil)) pp.close()