def upload(): if request.method == 'POST': df = pd.read_csv(request.files.get('file')) summary = df.describe().transpose() print(df.columns) df.columns = df.columns.str.replace(' ', '') df_clean = df.copy() #Remove Outliers Q1 = df_clean.quantile(0.25) Q3 = df_clean.quantile(0.75) IQR = Q3 - Q1 df_clean = df_clean[~((df_clean < (Q1 - 1.5 * IQR)) | (df_clean > (Q3 + 1.5 * IQR))).any(axis=1)] df_clean = df_clean.dropna(axis=1, how='all') #print(df_clean.columns) #print(cat_df) # calculating percentage of distresses sales percentageofDistressedCount = df.apply( lambda x: True if x['Ownership'] != "Private - Owned" else False, axis=1) PercentageofDistressedSales = round( 100 * (len(percentageofDistressedCount[percentageofDistressedCount == True].index)) / (len(df.index) - 1)) # calculating percentage of sales with seller concessions percentageofSaleswithSellercount = df.apply( lambda x: True if x['SellerConcessionYN'] == True else False, axis=1) PercentageofDSaleswithSellerConcessions = round( 100 * (len(percentageofSaleswithSellercount[ percentageofSaleswithSellercount == True].index)) / (len(df.index) - 1), 2) # calculating average seller concessions amt and % SellerConcession = df[df['SellerConcessionYN'] == True] AverageSellerConcession = SellerConcession['SellerConcessionAmount'] AverageSellerConcessionRatio = SellerConcession[ 'SellerConcessionAmount'] / SellerConcession['ClosePrice'] AverageSellerConcessionAmount = AverageSellerConcession.mean( axis=0, skipna=True) AverageSellerConcessionAmount = round(AverageSellerConcessionAmount, 2) AverageSellerConcessionPercent = AverageSellerConcessionRatio.mean( axis=0, skipna=True) AverageSellerConcessionPercent = round( AverageSellerConcessionPercent * 100, 2) # calculating median seller concessions MedianSellerConcessionAmount = round( AverageSellerConcession.median(axis=0, skipna=True), 2) # calculating statistics - Pvalue def pearsonr_pval(x, y): return pearsonr(x, y)[1] cor_data_pval = (df.drop(columns=['WaterFrontageFeet']).corr( method=pearsonr_pval).stack().reset_index().rename( columns={ 0: 'pvalues', 'level_0': 'variable', 'level_1': 'variable2' })) #print(cor_data_pval) cor_data_pval = cor_data_pval[cor_data_pval['variable'] == 'ClosePrice'] #print("check2") cor_data_pval = cor_data_pval[ cor_data_pval['variable2'] != 'ClosePrice'] #print(cor_data_pval) cor_data_pval.assign(SignificantYN='NA') cor_data_pval.loc[(cor_data_pval.pvalues <= 0.05), 'SignificantYN'] = 'Yes' cor_data_pval.loc[(cor_data_pval.pvalues > 0.05), 'SignificantYN'] = 'No' # calculating statistics - Pearson's r value cor_data = (df.drop(columns=['WaterFrontageFeet']).corr( method='pearson').stack().reset_index().rename( columns={ 0: 'correlation', 'level_0': 'variable', 'level_1': 'variable2' })) cor_data['correlation_label'] = cor_data['correlation'].map( '{:.2f}'.format) # Round to 2 decimal cor_data = cor_data[cor_data['variable'] == 'ClosePrice'] cor_data = cor_data[cor_data['variable2'] != 'ClosePrice'] cor_datatable = cor_data.copy() #print(cor_data) cor_datatable.rename(columns={ 'variable2': 'Dimension', 'correlation_label': 'Correlation' }, inplace=True) #print("cor_data") #print(cor_data) df_suffix = pd.merge(cor_data_pval, cor_datatable, left_on='variable2', right_on='Dimension', how='outer', suffixes=('_left', '_right')) df_suffix_p = df_suffix[[ 'Dimension', 'pvalues', 'Correlation', 'SignificantYN' ]] cor_datatable_sig = df_suffix[[ 'Dimension', 'Correlation', 'SignificantYN' ]] cor_datatable_sig.rename(columns={ 'Dimension': 'Feature', 'Correlation': 'Correlation with Closing Price', 'SignificantYN': 'Significant(Y/N)' }, inplace=True) #Calculate feature range table ##################################################Function to calculate coeff. of linear regression def calc_slope(df, feature): df = df.fillna(0) X = df[feature].values.reshape(-1, 1) Y = df['ClosePrice'].values.reshape(-1, 1) regressor = LinearRegression(), Y) lrcoeff = math.ceil(regressor.coef_) listeval = [feature, lrcoeff] #print(listeval) return listeval ##################################################Function to calculate confidence interval from stackoverflow def r_to_z(r): return math.log((1 + r) / (1 - r)) / 2.0 def z_to_r(z): e = math.exp(2 * z) return ((e - 1) / (e + 1)) def r_confidence_interval(r, data): alpha = 0.05 n = len(data.index) + 1 z = r_to_z(r) se = 1.0 / math.sqrt(n - 3) z_crit = stats.norm.ppf(1 - alpha / 2) # 2-tailed z critical value lo = z - z_crit * se hi = z + z_crit * se r_lo = z_to_r(lo) * 100 r_hi = z_to_r(hi) * 100 inter = [math.ceil(r_lo), math.ceil(r_hi)] return (inter) # print(r_confidence_interval(0.66)) ##################################### calculate pearson's correlation values cor_datatable_sig = cor_datatable_sig[ cor_datatable_sig['Significant(Y/N)'] == 'Yes'] cor_datatable_sig = cor_datatable_sig[[ 'Feature', 'Correlation with Closing Price' ]] cor_datatable_sig = cor_datatable_sig.sort_values( 'Correlation with Closing Price', ascending=False) cor_datatable_sig.assign(Rangecorr='Default') interval = [] for i in cor_datatable_sig['Correlation with Closing Price']: interval.append(' - '.join( str(elem) for elem in (r_confidence_interval(float(i), df)))) cor_datatable_sig['Rangecorr'] = interval cor_datatable_sig = cor_datatable_sig[['Feature', 'Rangecorr']] # slope = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Feature","Slope"]) slope_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Features', 'Slope']) for i in cor_datatable_sig['Feature']: slope_df = slope_df.append( pd.DataFrame([calc_slope(df, i)], columns=slope_df.columns)) cor_datatable_sig.reset_index(inplace=True) slope_df.reset_index(inplace=True) Combined_table = cor_datatable_sig.join(slope_df, how='inner', lsuffix='Features', rsuffix='Features') Combined_table[['LCI', 'UCI' ]] = Combined_table.Rangecorr.str.split(" - ", expand=True) Combined_table['LCI'] = pd.to_numeric(Combined_table['LCI']) Combined_table['UCI'] = pd.to_numeric(Combined_table['UCI']) Combined_table['Slope'] = pd.to_numeric(Combined_table['Slope']) Combined_table[ 'LCI'] = Combined_table['LCI'] * Combined_table['Slope'] / 100 Combined_table[ 'UCI'] = Combined_table['UCI'] * Combined_table['Slope'] / 100 Combined_table['LCI'] = Combined_table['LCI'].map( lambda a: math.ceil(a)) Combined_table['UCI'] = Combined_table['UCI'].map( lambda a: math.ceil(a)) Combined_table['LCI'] = Combined_table['LCI'].apply(str) Combined_table['UCI'] = Combined_table['UCI'].apply(str) Combined_table['Adjusted Tweak Amount'] = Combined_table[ 'LCI']['UCI'], sep="-") cor_datatable_sig.rename(columns={'Rangecorr': 'Tweak Amount'}, inplace=True) Combined_table = Combined_table[['Features', 'Adjusted Tweak Amount']] Combined_table['Adjusted Tweak Amount'] = '$' + Combined_table[ 'Adjusted Tweak Amount'].astype(str) Combined_table['Features'] = Combined_table['Features'].replace([ 'EstFinAbvGrdSqFt', 'YearRemodeled', 'BathsFull', 'BathsHalf', 'GarageYN', 'YearBuilt', 'Acreage' ], [ 'Reported Living Area', 'Year Remodeled', 'Number of Full Bathrooms', 'Number of Half Bathrooms', 'Garage Count', 'Year Built', 'Reported Site Size(ac)' ]) Combined_table.set_index('Features', inplace=True) #print(Combined_table) #cor_data.set_index('variable',inplace=True) fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots() x1 = df_clean.EstFinAbvGrdSqFt #x1CI = df_clean.EstFinAbvGrdSqFt.to_numpy() #y1CI = df_clean.ClosePrice.to_numpy() y1 = df_clean.ClosePrice slope1, intercept1, r_value1, p_value1, std_err1 = stats.linregress( x1, y1) sns.regplot(x="EstFinAbvGrdSqFt", y="ClosePrice", data=df_clean, ax=ax1, truncate=True, scatter_kws={"color": "#1A5276"}, line_kws={ "color": "red", "alpha": 1 }) sns.regplot(x="EstFinAbvGrdSqFt", y="ClosePrice", data=df_clean, ax=ax1, truncate=True, scatter_kws={"color": "#1A5276"}, line_kws={ "color": "red", "alpha": 1 }) plt.xlim( min(df_clean['EstFinAbvGrdSqFt']) - 50, max(df_clean['EstFinAbvGrdSqFt']) + 50) #est = sm.OLS(y1CI, x1CI) #est2 = #ci1 = est2.conf_int(alpha=0.05, cols=None) #print(x1.to_numpy()) #scatter = ax1.scatter(x1,y1) line1 = slope1 * x1 + intercept1 #plt.plot(x1, line1, 'r', label='y={:.2f}x+{:.2f}'.format(slope1, intercept1)) #ax1.legend() #ax1.fill_between(x1CI, (y1CI - ci1[0][0]), (y1CI + ci1[0][1]), color='b', alpha=.1) ax1.grid(color='lightgrey', linestyle='solid') ax1.set_xlabel("Reported Living Area(SF)", fontsize=15) ax1.set_ylabel("Reported Closing Price($)", fontsize=15) ax1.set_title( "Scatter Plot for Reported Living Area and Reported Sales Price", size=20) #sns.lineplot(data=df_clean, x="EstFinAbvGrdSqFt", y="ClosePrice", ax=ax1) json01 = json.dumps(mpld3.fig_to_dict(fig1)) fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots() x2 = df_clean.Acreage y2 = df_clean.ClosePrice slope2, intercept2, r_value2, p_value2, std_err2 = stats.linregress( x2, y2) sns.regplot(x="Acreage", y="ClosePrice", data=df_clean, ax=ax2, truncate=True, scatter_kws={"color": "#1A5276"}, line_kws={ "color": "red", "alpha": 1 }) sns.regplot(x="Acreage", y="ClosePrice", data=df_clean, ax=ax2, truncate=True, scatter_kws={"color": "#1A5276"}, line_kws={ "color": "red", "alpha": 1 }) plt.xlim( min(df_clean['Acreage']) - 0.01, max(df_clean['Acreage']) + 0.01) #scatter2 = ax2.scatter(x2, y2) #line2 = slope2 * x2 + intercept2 #plt.plot(x2, line2, 'r', label='y={:.2f}x+{:.2f}'.format(slope2, intercept2)) ax2.legend() ax2.grid(color='lightgrey', linestyle='solid') ax2.set_xlabel("Reported Site Size (ac)", fontsize=15) ax2.set_ylabel("Reported Closing Price($)", fontsize=15) ax2.set_title( "Scatter Plot for Reported Site Size (ac) and Reported Sales Price", size=20) json02 = json.dumps(mpld3.fig_to_dict(fig2)) fig3, ax3 = plt.subplots() x3 = df_clean.YearBuilt y3 = df_clean.ClosePrice slope3, intercept3, r_value3, p_value3, std_err3 = stats.linregress( x3, y3) sns.regplot(x="YearBuilt", y="ClosePrice", data=df_clean, ax=ax3, truncate=True, scatter_kws={"color": "#1A5276"}, line_kws={ "color": "red", "alpha": 1 }) sns.regplot(x="YearBuilt", y="ClosePrice", data=df_clean, ax=ax3, truncate=True, scatter_kws={"color": "#1A5276"}, line_kws={ "color": "red", "alpha": 1 }) plt.xlim( min(df_clean['YearBuilt']) - 1, max(df_clean['YearBuilt']) + 1) #scatter3 = ax3.scatter(x3, y3) #line3 = slope3 * x3 + intercept3 #plt.plot(x3, line3, 'r', label='y={:.2f}x+{:.2f}'.format(slope3, intercept3)) ax3.legend() ax3.grid(color='lightgrey', linestyle='solid') ax3.set_xlabel("Year Built", fontsize=15) ax3.set_ylabel("Reported Closing Price($)", fontsize=15) ax3.set_title( "Scatter Plot for Seller Concession Amount and Reported Sales Price", size=20) json03 = json.dumps(mpld3.fig_to_dict(fig3)) fig4, ax4 = plt.subplots() x4 = df_clean.YearRemodeled y4 = df_clean.ClosePrice slope4, intercept4, r_value4, p_value4, std_err4 = stats.linregress( x4, y4) sns.regplot(x="YearRemodeled", y="ClosePrice", data=df_clean, ax=ax4, truncate=True, scatter_kws={"color": "#1A5276"}, line_kws={ "color": "red", "alpha": 1 }) sns.regplot(x="YearRemodeled", y="ClosePrice", data=df_clean, ax=ax4, truncate=True, scatter_kws={"color": "#1A5276"}, line_kws={ "color": "red", "alpha": 1 }) #print(min(df_clean['YearRemodeled'])) #print(max(df_clean['YearRemodeled'])) #plt.xlim(min(df_clean['YearRemodeled']) - 1, max(df_clean['YearRemodeled']) + 1) #scatter4 = ax4.scatter(x4, y4) #line4 = slope4 * x4 + intercept4 #plt.plot(x4, line4, 'r', label='y={:.2f}x+{:.2f}'.format(slope4, intercept4)) ax4.legend() ax4.grid(color='lightgrey', linestyle='solid') ax4.set_xlabel("Year Remodeled", fontsize=15) ax4.set_ylabel("Reported Closing Price($)", fontsize=15) ax4.set_title( "Scatter Plot for Year Remodeled and Reported Sales Price", size=20) json04 = json.dumps(mpld3.fig_to_dict(fig4)) fig_bar1, ax_bar1 = plt.subplots() keys1 = list(df_clean.BathsFull) values1 = list(df_clean.ClosePrice) ax_bar1 =, values1, width=0.5) #mean_bar1 = df_clean['ClosePrice'].mean() #ax_bar1.axvline(mean_bar1, color='r', linestyle='-') #print(df_clean['BathsFull']) plt.xticks([0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]) plt.xlabel("Number of Full Bathrooms") plt.ylabel("Reported Closing Price($)") #ax_bar1.set_title("Full Baths v. Reported Sales Price", size=20) fig_bar1 = ax_bar1[0].figure json_bar1 = json.dumps(mpld3.fig_to_dict(fig_bar1)) #bar_chart = mpld3.fig_to_html(fig_bar1) #print(df_clean.dtypes) #sns.barplot(x='BathsHalf', y='ClosePrice', data=df_clean, ax=ax_bar1) #ax_bar1 ='BathsHalf', y='ClosePrice' ) #json_bar1 = json.dumps(mpld3.fig_to_dict(fig_bar1)) fig_bar2, ax_bar2 = plt.subplots() keys2 = list(df_clean.BathsHalf) values2 = list(df_clean.ClosePrice) ax_bar2 =, values2, width=0.5) plt.xticks([0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]) plt.xlabel("Number of Half Bathrooms") plt.ylabel("Reported Closing Price($)") #ax_bar2.set_title("Half Baths v. Reported Sales Price", size=20) fig_bar2 = ax_bar2[0].figure json_bar2 = json.dumps(mpld3.fig_to_dict(fig_bar2)) fig_bar3, ax_bar3 = plt.subplots() keys3 = list(df_clean.BedsTotal) values3 = list(df_clean.ClosePrice) ax_bar3 =, values3, width=0.5) plt.xticks([0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]) plt.xlabel("Number of Bedrooms") plt.ylabel("Reported Closing Price($)") #ax_bar3.set_title("Bedroom count v. Reported Sales Price", size=20) fig_bar3 = ax_bar3[0].figure json_bar3 = json.dumps(mpld3.fig_to_dict(fig_bar3)) # Histogram plot fig_h1, ax_h1 = plt.subplots() mean = df_clean['ClosePrice'].mean() ax_h1 = sns.distplot(df_clean.ClosePrice) ax_h1.axvline(mean, color='r', linestyle='-') ax_h1.set_xlabel("Reported Sales Price($)", fontsize=15) ax_h1.set_ylabel("") ax_h1.set_title("Sales Price Distribution", size=20) json_h1 = json.dumps(mpld3.fig_to_dict(fig_h1)) fig_h2, ax_h2 = plt.subplots() mean2 = df_clean['EstFinAbvGrdSqFt'].mean() ax_h2 = sns.distplot(df_clean.EstFinAbvGrdSqFt, label="mean2") ax_h2.axvline(mean2, color='r', linestyle='-') ax_h2.set_xlabel("Reported Living Area (SF)", fontsize=15) ax_h2.set_ylabel("") ax_h1.legend(['mean:', mean2]) ax_h2.set_title("Size Distribution", size=20) json_h2 = json.dumps(mpld3.fig_to_dict(fig_h2)) #heatmap cor_data = cor_data[['variable', 'variable2', 'correlation_label']] #cor_data.set_index('variable',inplace=True) cor_data['variable'] = cor_data['variable'].astype('str') cor_data['variable2'] = cor_data['variable2'].astype('str') cor_data['correlation_label'] = cor_data['correlation_label'].astype( 'float') result = cor_data.pivot(index='variable', columns='variable2', values='correlation_label') column_labels = list(cor_data.variable2) row_labels = ['Closing Price'] print(result.values) fig_hm, ax_hm = plt.subplots() im = ax_hm.imshow(result.values) #ax_hm.set_xticklabels(column_labels) #ax_hm.set_yticklabels(row_labels) #plt.setp(ax_hm.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45, ha="right",rotation_mode="anchor") #fig_hm.tight_layout() ax_hm.xaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) ax_hm.yaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) print((np.array(result.values[0]))[0]) print(result.values[0, 0]) #ax_hm.remove() ax_hm.pcolormesh(result.values, #ax_hm.remove() #rc = {"axes.spines.left": False, #"ytick.left": False} #plt.rcParams.update(rc) #ax_hm.set_xticks(np.arange(result.shape[0]) + 0.5, minor=False) #ax_hm.set_yticks(np.arange(result.shape[1]) + 0.5, minor=False) #ax_hm.set_frame_on(False) #ax_hm.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) #fig_hm.tight_layout() #ax_hm.set_xticklabels(column_labels, minor=False) #ax_hm.set_yticklabels(row_labels, minor=False) ax_hm.invert_yaxis() json_hm = json.dumps(mpld3.fig_to_dict(fig_hm)) #summary.to_html(classes='male') return render_template( 'upload.html', tables=[Combined_table.to_html(classes='male')], json01=json01, json02=json02, json03=json03, json04=json04, json_h1=json_h1, json_h2=json_h2, json_bar1=json_bar1, json_bar2=json_bar2, json_bar3=json_bar3, json_hm=json_hm, PercentageofDistressedSales=PercentageofDistressedSales, PercentageofDSaleswithSellerConcessions= PercentageofDSaleswithSellerConcessions, AverageSellerConcessionAmount=AverageSellerConcessionAmount, AverageSellerConcessionPercent=AverageSellerConcessionPercent, MedianSellerConcessionAmount=MedianSellerConcessionAmount) return render_template('upload.html')
def plot(self): t = self.t simResult = self.simResult plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) x, y = (4, 3) plt.subplot(x, y, 1) plt.plot(simResult['Susceptibles'] / simResult['Population'] * 100.0) plt.title(f'Susceptibles') plt.ylabel('Part of population [%]') plt.xlim(plt.xlim([self.plotStartDate, self.plotEndDate])) plt.gca().axes.get_xaxis().set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) plt.grid(True) plt.subplot(x, y, 2) plt.plot(simResult['Susceptibles']) plt.yscale('log') plt.title('Susceptibles (' +"%Y-%m-%d, %H:%M:%S") + ')') plt.ylabel('Number of people') plt.gca().axes.get_xaxis().set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) plt.grid(True) ax = plt.subplot(x, y, 3) #plt.step(self.Ro.index,self.Ro.values,where='post') plt.step(self.dti, self.Ro(self.t), where='post') plt.title(f'Reproduction number') plt.ylabel('Ro [-]') plt.xlim(plt.xlim([self.plotStartDate, self.plotEndDate])) plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate() plt.grid(True) ax.text(0.99, 0.96, self.RoText, verticalalignment='top', horizontalalignment='right', transform=ax.transAxes, color='black', fontsize=10, bbox=dict(boxstyle="square", ec=(1., 1., 1.), fc=(1., 1., 1.), alpha=0.6)) plt.subplot(x, y, 4) plt.plot(simResult['Infected'] / simResult['Population'] * 100.0) plt.title('Infected') plt.ylabel('Part of population [%]') plt.xlim(plt.xlim([self.plotStartDate, self.plotEndDate])) plt.gca().axes.get_xaxis().set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) plt.grid(True) plt.subplot(x, y, 5) plt.plot(simResult['Infected']) plt.yscale('log') plt.title('Infected') plt.ylabel('Number of people') plt.gca().axes.get_xaxis().set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) plt.ylim((1)) plt.grid(True) #k01 * So / k12 plt.subplot(x, y, 6) plt.plot(self.dti, self.Ro(self.t) * simResult['Susceptibles'].values / self.So) plt.title(f'Effective reproduction number') plt.ylabel('R [-]') plt.xlim(plt.xlim([self.plotStartDate, self.plotEndDate])) plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate() plt.grid(True) plt.subplot(x, y, 7) plt.plot(simResult['Recovered'] / simResult['Population'] * 100.0) plt.title('Recovered') plt.ylabel('Part of population [%]') plt.xlim(plt.xlim([self.plotStartDate, self.plotEndDate])) plt.gca().axes.get_xaxis().set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) plt.grid(True) plt.subplot(x, y, 8) plt.plot(simResult['Recovered']) plt.yscale('log') plt.title('Recovered (Sw: Friska immuna)') plt.ylabel('Number of people') plt.gca().axes.get_xaxis().set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) plt.ylim((1)) plt.grid(True) plt.subplot(x, y, 10) plt.plot(simResult['Death'] / self.So * 1E6) plt.plot( / self.So * 1E6) plt.title('Cumulative deaths per million people') plt.ylabel('Deaths per million') plt.legend(['Simulation', 'FHM Sweden']) plt.xlim([self.plotStartDate, self.plotEndDate]) plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate() plt.grid(True) plt.subplot(x, y, 11) plt.plot(simResult['Death']) plt.plot( plt.yscale('log') plt.title('Deaths') plt.ylabel('Number of deaths') plt.ylim(1) plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate() plt.grid(True) plt.subplot(x, y, 12) plt.plot(simResult['Death'].diff()) plt.plot( plt.title('Deaths') plt.ylabel('Daily deaths') plt.xlim([self.plotStartDate, self.plotEndDate]) plt.grid(True) plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate() plt.tight_layout(pad=0.2, w_pad=0.1, h_pad=0.1) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.25, hspace=0.15) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.9, top=0.9, bottom=0.1) filename = "Doc/covid-19_sim.png" modified = os.path.getmtime(filename) if True: #modified < time.time()-60*60*24: print("Update the file:" + filename) plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight') mng = plt.get_current_fig_manager() mng.full_screen_toggle()
ax.text('2012-1-1', 3950, "New Year's Day", **style) ax.text('2012-7-4', 4250, 'Independence Day', ha='center', **style) ax.text('2012-9-4', 4850, 'Labor Day', ha='center', **style) ax.text('2012-10-31', 4600, 'Halloween', ha='right', **style) ax.text('2012-11-25', 4450, 'Thanksgiving', ha='center', **style) ax.text('2012-12-25', 3850, 'Christmas', ha='right', **style) # Label the axes ax.set(title='USA births by day of year (1969-1988)', ylabel='average daily births') # Format the x axis with centered month labels ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(mpl.dates.MonthLocator()) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.dates.MonthLocator(bymonthday=15)) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) ax.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(mpl.dates.DateFormatter('%h')) # %% # Transforms and Text Position fig, ax = plt.subplots(facecolor='lightgray') ax.axis([0, 10, 0, 10]) # transform=ax.transData is the default, but we'll specify it anyway ax.text(1, 5, '. Data: (1, 5)', transform=ax.transData) ax.text(0.5, 0.1, '. Axes: (0.5, 0.1)', transform=ax.transAxes) ax.text(0.2, 0.2, '. Figure: (0.2, 0.2)', transform=fig.transFigure) # %% ax.set_xlim(0, 2) ax.set_ylim(-6, 6)
def main(): global PLOT_NUMBER f, axs = plt.subplots(ROWS, COLS, figsize=(9,10)) # plt.suptitle('Influence of unknown data to prediction', fontsize=12, y=1, fontweight='bold') plt.NullFormatter() for pp in [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]: plot_hist(pp) plot_data_unknown(pp) plot_data_multifurc(pp) plt.tight_layout() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ f, axs = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(4,3)) # -------------------------------------plot distribution------------------------------------ beta_distribution_parameters = [7, 5.5, 2.75, 7] # 40 P - 60 FL # for freeliving_distribution A_FL = beta_distribution_parameters[0] B_FL = beta_distribution_parameters[1] # for parasite_distribution A_P = beta_distribution_parameters[2] B_P = beta_distribution_parameters[3] freeliving_distribution = [] parasite_distribution = [] for item in range(0, 1000000): freeliving_distribution.append(betavariate(A_FL, B_FL)) parasite_distribution.append(betavariate(A_P, B_P)) ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) # the histogram of the data n, bins, patches = plt.hist(parasite_distribution, 100, normed=1, facecolor='r', alpha=0.75) n, bins, patches = plt.hist(freeliving_distribution, 100, normed=1, facecolor='b', alpha=0.75) plt.xlabel('drawn random number', fontsize=9) plt.ylabel('number of draws', fontsize=9) title = str(40) + '% P - ' + str(100-40) + '% FL' plt.axvline(x=40/100, color='black')#, xmin=0.25, xmax=0.402, linewidth=2) blue_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='blue', label='free-livings') red_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='red', label='parasites') black_line = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='black', label='threshold')#, marker='*', markersize=15) plt.legend(handles=[blue_patch, red_patch, black_line], title=title, loc="upper right", fontsize=9) # shadow=True, fancybox=True) ax.get_legend().get_title().set_fontweight("bold") # plt.axis([0, 1, 0, 8]) plt.axis([0, 1, -0.2, 8]) plt.grid(True) # -------------------------------------plot points------------------------------------ plt.plot([0.15,0.33,0.52], [0,0,0], color='black', marker='o', markersize=10, markerfacecolor='red') #maroon plt.plot([0.44], [0], color='black', marker='o', markersize=10, markerfacecolor='blue') #navy ax.annotate('1', xy=(0.33, 0), xytext=(0.34, 0.1), color='white', fontweight='bold') ax.annotate('2', xy=(0.15, 0), xytext=(0.16, 0.1), color='white', fontweight='bold') ax.annotate('3', xy=(0.52, 0), xytext=(0.53, 0.1), color='white', fontweight='bold') ax.annotate('4', xy=(0.44, 0), xytext=(0.45, 0.1), color='white', fontweight='bold') plt.tight_layout() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLOT_NUMBER = 1 f, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(12, 5)) # plt.suptitle('Fitch Versions and Unknown Data', fontsize=12, y=1) # filepath = 'data/simulation/30-fitch-unknown_plot.csv' filepath = 'data/simulation/fitch_30-unknown.csv' plt.subplot(2, 2, 1) plot_fitch_versions(filepath, 30) # filepath = 'data/simulation/40-fitch-unknown_plot.csv' filepath = 'data/simulation/fitch_40-unknown.csv' plt.subplot(2, 2, 2) plot_fitch_versions(filepath, 40) # filepath = 'data/simulation/50-fitch-unknown_plot.csv' filepath = 'data/simulation/fitch_50-unknown.csv' plt.subplot(2, 2, 3) plot_fitch_versions(filepath, 50) # plt.tight_layout() return
def set_geogrid(ax, resolution='110m', dlon=60, dlat=30, manual_ticks=False, xticks=None, yticks=None, bottom=True, left=True, right=False, top=False, linewidth=0.5, fontsize=15, labelsize=15, color='grey', alpha=0.8, linestyle='-'): """ parameter ------------- ax :cartopy.mpl.geoaxes dlon :float grid interval of longitude dlat :float grid interval of latitude linewidth,fontsize,labelsize,alpha :float color :string resolution :string '10m','50m','110m' bottom :boolean draw xaxis ticklabel lfet :boolean draw yaxis ticklabel return ------------- ax """ # labelpos=[bottom,left,top,right] # # plt.rcParams['ytick.left']=plt.rcParams['ytick.labelleft']=left # plt.rcParams['ytick.right']=plt.rcParams['ytick.labelright']=right # plt.rcParams['']=plt.rcParams['xtick.labeltop']=top # plt.rcParams['xtick.bottom']=plt.rcParams['xtick.labelbottom']=bottom ax.coastlines(resolution=resolution) gl = ax.gridlines(crs=ccrs.PlateCarree(), draw_labels=False, linewidth=linewidth, alpha=alpha, color=color, linestyle=linestyle) if manual_ticks == False: xticks = np.arange(0, 360.1, dlon) yticks = np.arange(-90, 90.1, dlat) gl.xlocator = mticker.FixedLocator(xticks) gl.ylocator = mticker.FixedLocator(yticks) if (type(ax.projection) == type(ccrs.PlateCarree())): ax.set_xticks(xticks, crs=ccrs.PlateCarree()) ax.set_yticks(yticks, crs=ccrs.PlateCarree()) latfmt = LatitudeFormatter() lonfmt = LongitudeFormatter(zero_direction_label=True) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(lonfmt) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(latfmt) if (bottom == False): ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) if (left == False): ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) ax.axes.tick_params(labelsize=labelsize) return ax
fig.add_axes((0.15 + 7 * 0.04, 0.12, 0.79 - 7 * 0.04, 0.17))] ylims = [(22750, 22850), (26675, 26775)] omega0 = [17.22, 8.61] for i in range(2): # Plot full panel ax[i].plot(terms, BIC_max[i], '-k') ax[i].set_xlim(0, 20) ax[i].set_ylim(0, 30000) ax[i].text(0.02, 0.95, r"$\omega_0 = %.2f$" % omega0[i], ha='left', va='top', transform=ax[i].transAxes) ax[i].set_ylabel(r'$\Delta BIC$') if i == 1: ax[i].set_xlabel('N frequencies') ax[i].grid(color='gray') # plot inset ax_inset[i].plot(terms, BIC_max[i], '-k') ax_inset[i].xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(5)) ax_inset[i].xaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) ax_inset[i].yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(25)) ax_inset[i].yaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.FormatStrFormatter('%i')) ax_inset[i].set_xlim(7, 19.75) ax_inset[i].set_ylim(ylims[i]) ax_inset[i].set_title('zoomed view') ax_inset[i].grid(color='gray')
number_train = Number(train_out) center = Center(train_in, train_out) radius = Radius(train_in, train_out, number_train, center) radiusnorm = radius / number_train centerdistance = CenterDistance(center) print("Number of images per digit\n", number_train) print("Radius per digit\n", radius) print("Normalised radius\n", radiusnorm) print("Distance between centers\n", np.around(centerdistance, decimals=1)) # Plot centers for every cloud fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 5, figsize=(12, 4), tight_layout=True) for i, cent in enumerate(center): ax[i // 5, i % 5].imshow(cent.reshape(16, 16), cmap='binary') ax[i // 5, i % 5].xaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) ax[i // 5, i % 5].yaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) plt.savefig("centers.png") plt.matshow(centerdistance, cmap='binary') plt.suptitle('Center distance') plt.savefig("centerdistance.png") # Task 2: Apply distance classifier, calculate accuracy, confusion matrix and wrongly classified digits def ApplyClassifierEuclidian(data_in, c): """ Apply distance-based classifier (only Euclidian) Input: data_in - all images
def plot_ROC_curves(sample, y_true, y_prob, output_dir, ROC_type, ECIDS, ROC_values=None, combine_plots=False): LLH_fpr, LLH_tpr = LLH_rates(sample, y_true, ECIDS) if ROC_values != None: fpr, tpr = ROC_values[0] #if ROC_values != None: # index = output_dir.split('_')[-1] # index = ROC_values[0].shape[1]-1 if index == 'bkg' else int(index) # fpr_full, tpr_full = ROC_values[0][:,index], ROC_values[0][:,0] # fpr , tpr = ROC_values[1][:,index], ROC_values[1][:,0] else: #if ECIDS: y_prob = sample['p_ECIDSResult'] #y_prob = y_prob + (sample['p_ECIDSResult']/2 +0.5) fpr, tpr, threshold = metrics.roc_curve(y_true, y_prob, pos_label=0) pickle.dump({'fpr':fpr, 'tpr':tpr}, open(output_dir+'/'+'pos_rates.pkl','wb'), protocol=4) signal_ratio = np.sum(y_true==0)/len(y_true) accuracy = tpr*signal_ratio + (1-fpr)*(1-signal_ratio) best_tpr, best_fpr = tpr[np.argmax(accuracy)], fpr[np.argmax(accuracy)] colors = ['red', 'blue', 'green', 'red', 'blue', 'green'] labels = ['tight' , 'medium' , 'loose' , 'tight+ECIDS', 'medium+ECIDS', 'loose+ECIDS'] markers = 3*['o'] + 3*['D'] sig_eff, bkg_eff = '$\epsilon_{\operatorname{sig}}$', '$\epsilon_{\operatorname{bkg}}$' plt.figure(figsize=(12,8)); pylab.grid(True); axes = plt.gca() if ROC_type == 1: pylab.grid(False) len_0 = np.sum(fpr==0) x_min = min(80, 10*np.floor(10*min(LLH_tpr))) if fpr[np.argwhere(tpr >= x_min/100)[0]] != 0: y_max = 10*np.ceil( 1/min(np.append(fpr[tpr >= x_min/100], min(LLH_fpr)))/10 ) if y_max > 200: y_max = 100*(np.ceil(y_max/100)) else: y_max = 1000*np.ceil(max(1/fpr[len_0:])/1000) plt.xlim([x_min, 100]); plt.ylim([1, y_max]) #LLH_scores = [1/fpr[np.argwhere(tpr >= value)[0]][0] for value in LLH_tpr] #LLH_scores = [1/fpr[np.argmin(abs(tpr-value))] for value in LLH_tpr] def interpolation(tpr, fpr, value): try: idx1 = np.where(tpr>value)[0][np.argmin(tpr[tpr>value])] idx2 = np.where(tpr<value)[0][np.argmax(tpr[tpr<value])] M = (1/fpr[idx2]-1/fpr[idx1]) / (tpr[idx2]-tpr[idx1]) return 1/fpr[idx1] + M*(value-tpr[idx1]) except ValueError: return np.max(1/fpr) LLH_scores = [interpolation(tpr, fpr, value) for value in LLH_tpr] for n in np.arange(len(LLH_scores)): axes.axhline(LLH_scores[n], xmin=(LLH_tpr[n]-x_min/100)/(1-x_min/100), xmax=1, ls='--', linewidth=0.5, color='tab:gray', zorder=10) axes.axvline(100*LLH_tpr[n], ymin=abs(1/LLH_fpr[n]-1)/(plt.yticks()[0][-1]-1), ymax=abs(LLH_scores[n]-1)/(plt.yticks()[0][-1]-1), ls='--', linewidth=0.5, color='tab:gray', zorder=5) plt.text(100.2, LLH_scores[n], str(int(LLH_scores[n])), {'color':colors[n], 'fontsize':11 if ECIDS else 12}, va="center", ha="left") axes.xaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(10)) axes.xaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator(10)) yticks = plt.yticks()[0] axes.yaxis.set_ticks( np.append([1], yticks[1:]) ) axes.yaxis.set_minor_locator(FixedLocator(np.arange(yticks[1]/5, yticks[-1], yticks[1]/5 ))) plt.xlabel(sig_eff+' (%)', fontsize=25) plt.ylabel('1/'+bkg_eff, fontsize=25) #label = '{$w_{\operatorname{bkg}}$} = {$f_{\operatorname{bkg}}$}' P, = plt.plot(100*tpr[len_0:], 1/fpr[len_0:], color='#1f77b4', lw=2, zorder=10) if combine_plots: def get_legends(n_zip, output_dir): file_path, ls = n_zip file_path += '/' + output_dir.split('/')[-1] + '/pos_rates.pkl' fpr, tpr = pickle.load(open(file_path, 'rb')).values() len_0 = np.sum(fpr==0) P, = plt.plot(100*tpr[len_0:], 1/fpr[len_0:], color='tab:gray', lw=2, ls=ls, zorder=10) return P file_paths = ['outputs/6c_180m_match2class0/scalars_only/bkg_optimal', 'outputs/2c_180m_match2class0/scalars+images'] linestyles = ['--', ':'] leg_labels = ['HLV+images (6-class)', 'HLV only (6-class)', 'HLV+images (2-class)'] Ps = [P] + [get_legends(n_zip, output_dir) for n_zip in zip(file_paths,linestyles)] L = plt.legend(Ps, leg_labels, loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(0,1), fontsize=14, facecolor='ghostwhite', framealpha=1); L.set_zorder(10) if ROC_values != None: tag = 'combined bkg' extra_labels = {1:'{$w_{\operatorname{bkg}}$} for best AUC', 2:'{$w_{\operatorname{bkg}}$} for best TNR @ 70% $\epsilon_{\operatorname{sig}}$'} extra_colors = {1:'tab:orange', 2:'tab:green' , 3:'tab:red' , 4:'tab:brown'} for n in [1,2]:#range(1,len(ROC_values)): extra_fpr, extra_tpr = ROC_values[n] extra_len_0 = np.sum(extra_fpr==0) plt.plot(100*extra_tpr[extra_len_0:], 1/extra_fpr[extra_len_0:], label=extra_labels[n], color=extra_colors[n], lw=2, zorder=10) #if ROC_values != None: # plt.rcParams['agg.path.chunksize'] = 1000 # plt.scatter(100*tpr_full[len_0:], 1/fpr_full[len_0:], color='silver', marker='.') if best_fpr != 0: plt.scatter( 100*best_tpr, 1/best_fpr, s=40, marker='D', c='tab:blue', label="{0:<15s} {1:>3.2f}%".format('Best accuracy:',100*max(accuracy)), zorder=10 ) for n in np.arange(len(LLH_fpr)): plt.scatter( 100*LLH_tpr[n], 1/LLH_fpr[n], s=40, marker=markers[n], c=colors[n], zorder=10, label='$\epsilon_{\operatorname{sig}}^{\operatorname{LH}}$' +'='+format(100*LLH_tpr[n],'.1f') +'%' +r'$\rightarrow$' +'$\epsilon_{\operatorname{bkg}}^{\operatorname{LH}}$/' +'$\epsilon_{\operatorname{bkg}}^{\operatorname{NN}}$=' +format(LLH_fpr[n]*LLH_scores[n], '>.1f') +' ('+labels[n]+')' ) axes.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=12) plt.legend(loc='upper right', fontsize=13 if ECIDS else 14, numpoints=3, facecolor='ghostwhite', framealpha=1).set_zorder(10) if combine_plots: plt.gca().add_artist(L) if ROC_type == 2: plt.xlim([0.6, 1]); plt.ylim([0.9, 1-1e-4]) plt.xticks([0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1], [60, 70, 80, 90, 100]) plt.yscale('logit') plt.yticks([0.9, 0.99, 0.999, 0.9999], [90, 99, 99.9, 99.99]) axes.xaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator(10)) axes.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) axes.yaxis.set_minor_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) plt.xlabel('Signal Efficiency '+sig_eff+' (%)', fontsize=25) plt.ylabel('Background Rejection $1\!-\!$'+bkg_eff+' (%)', fontsize=25) plt.text(0.8, 0.67, 'AUC: '+format(metrics.auc(fpr,tpr),'.4f'), {'color':'black', 'fontsize':22}, va='center', ha='center', transform=axes.transAxes) val = plt.plot(tpr, (1-fpr), label='Signal vs Background', color='#1f77b4', lw=2) plt.scatter( best_tpr, (1-best_fpr), s=40, marker='o', c=val[0].get_color(), label="{0:<16s} {1:>3.2f}%".format('Best accuracy:', 100*max(accuracy)) ) for LLH in zip(LLH_tpr, LLH_fpr, colors, labels, markers): plt.scatter(LLH[0], 1-LLH[1], s=40, marker=LLH[4], c=LLH[2], label='('+format(100*LLH[0],'.1f') +'%, '+format(100*(1-LLH[1]),'.1f')+')'+r'$\rightarrow$'+LLH[3]) axes.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=12) plt.legend(loc='upper right', fontsize=15, numpoints=3) if ROC_type == 3: def make_plot(location): plt.xlabel('Signal probability threshold (%)', fontsize=25); plt.ylabel('(%)',fontsize=25) val_1 = plt.plot(threshold[1:], tpr[1:], color='tab:blue' , label='Signal Efficiency' , lw=2) val_2 = plt.plot(threshold[1:], 1-fpr[1:], color='tab:orange', label='Background Rejection', lw=2) val_3 = plt.plot(threshold[1:], accuracy[1:], color='black' , label='Accuracy', zorder=10 , lw=2) for LLH in zip(LLH_tpr, LLH_fpr): p1 = plt.scatter(threshold[np.argwhere(tpr>=LLH[0])[0]], LLH[0], s=40, marker='o', c=val_1[0].get_color()) p2 = plt.scatter(threshold[np.argwhere(tpr>=LLH[0])[0]], 1-LLH[1], s=40, marker='o', c=val_2[0].get_color()) l1 = plt.legend([p1, p2], ['LLH '+sig_eff, 'LLH $1\!-\!$'+bkg_eff], loc='lower left', fontsize=13) plt.scatter( best_threshold, max(accuracy), s=40, marker='o', c=val_3[0].get_color(), label='{0:<10s} {1:>5.2f}%'.format('Best accuracy:',100*max(accuracy)), zorder=10 ) plt.legend(loc=location, fontsize=15, numpoints=3); plt.gca().add_artist(l1) best_threshold = threshold[np.argmax(accuracy)] plt.figure(figsize=(12,16)) plt.subplot(2, 1, 1); pylab.grid(True); axes = plt.gca() plt.xlim([0, 1]); plt.xticks(np.arange(0,1.01,0.1) , np.arange(0,101,10)) plt.ylim([0.6, 1]); plt.yticks(np.arange(0.6,1.01,0.05), np.arange(60,101,5)) make_plot('lower center') plt.subplot(2, 1, 2); pylab.grid(True); axes = plt.gca() x_min=-2; x_max=3; y_min=0.1; y_max=1-1e-4; pylab.ylim(y_min, y_max); pylab.xlim(10**x_min, 1-10**(-x_max)) pos = [ 10**float(n) for n in np.arange(x_min,0) ] pos += [0.5] + [1-10**float(n) for n in np.arange(-1,-x_max-1,-1) ] lab = [ '0.'+n*'0'+'1' for n in np.arange(abs(x_min)-3,-1,-1)] lab += [1, 10, 50, 90, 99] + ['99.'+n*'9' for n in np.arange(1,x_max-1) ] plt.xscale('logit'); plt.xticks(pos, lab) plt.yscale('logit'); plt.yticks([0.1, 0.5, 0.9, 0.99, 0.999, 0.9999], [10, 50, 90, 99, 99.9, 99.99]) axes.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=12) axes.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) axes.yaxis.set_minor_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) make_plot('upper center') if ROC_type == 4: best_tpr = tpr[np.argmax(accuracy)] plt.xlim([60, 100.0]) plt.ylim([80, 100.0]) plt.xticks(np.arange(60,101,step=5)) plt.yticks(np.arange(80,101,step=5)) plt.xlabel('Signal Efficiency (%)',fontsize=25) plt.ylabel('(%)',fontsize=25) plt.plot(100*tpr[1:], 100*(1-fpr[1:]), label='Background rejection', color='darkorange', lw=2) val = plt.plot(100*tpr[1:], 100*accuracy[1:], label='Accuracy', color='black', lw=2, zorder=10) plt.scatter( 100*best_tpr, 100*max(accuracy), s=40, marker='o', c=val[0].get_color(), label="{0:<10s} {1:>5.2f}%".format('Best accuracy:',100*max(accuracy)), zorder=10 ) plt.legend(loc='lower center', fontsize=15, numpoints=3) file_name = output_dir+'/ROC'+str(ROC_type)+'_curve.png' print('Saving test sample ROC'+str(ROC_type)+' curve to :', file_name); plt.savefig(file_name)
def draw_guidestarplot(filelist, title=None, plot_filename=None): # # Start plot # fig = plot.figure() fig.set_facecolor('#e0e0e0') fig.canvas.set_window_title( title if title is not None else "Guide Star details") fig.suptitle( title if title is not None else "Guide Star details") # # Set all plot dimensions # plot_width = 0.73 ax_flux = plot.axes([0.10, 0.57, 0.73, 0.36]) ax_fwhm = plot.axes([0.10, 0.20, 0.73, 0.36]) hist_flux = plot.axes([0.84, 0.57, 0.14, 0.36]) hist_fwhm = plot.axes([0.84, 0.20, 0.14, 0.36]) # # Set all other plot-specific properties # null_fmt = plot.NullFormatter() # Top panel ax_flux.grid(True) #ax_flux.set_xlabel("time [seconds]") ax_flux.set_ylabel("normalized flux") ax_flux.xaxis.set_major_formatter(null_fmt) ax_fwhm.yaxis.set_major_formatter(matplotlib.ticker.FormatStrFormatter("%.1f")) # Bottom panel ax_fwhm.grid(True) ax_fwhm.set_xlabel("time [seconds]") ax_fwhm.set_ylabel("FWHM [arcsec]") ax_fwhm.yaxis.set_major_formatter(matplotlib.ticker.FormatStrFormatter("%.1f")) hist_fwhm.xaxis.set_major_formatter(null_fmt) hist_fwhm.yaxis.set_major_formatter(null_fmt) hist_flux.xaxis.set_major_formatter(null_fmt) hist_flux.yaxis.set_major_formatter(null_fmt) # from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle # currentAxis = fig.canvas # currentAxis.add_patch(Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 0.10, facecolor="white", fill=True)) global_min_flux = 1e9 shutter_delay = 1.25 pixelscale = 0.118 max_time = -1. all_flux = [] all_fwhm = [] colors = ['blue', 'red', 'green', 'purple', 'orange', 'dimgrey', 'sienna', ] text_positions = numpy.array([ [0.01, 0.05], [0.01, 0.01], [0.50, 0.05], [0.50, 0.01], [0.99, 0.05], [0.99, 0.01], ]) text_align = ['left', 'left', 'center', 'center', 'right', 'right'] guidestats = {} if (len(filelist) <= 0): return guidestats for idx, infile in enumerate(filelist): hdulist = data = hdulist['VideoPhotometry'].data timestamp = data['TimeStamp'] flux = data["ApertureBasedFluxDN"] fwhm_x = data["FWHMX"] fwhm_y = data["FWHMY"] fwhm = numpy.hypot(fwhm_x, fwhm_y) # correct timestamp to seconds since exposure start timestamp = (timestamp - numpy.min(timestamp)) / 1000. shutter_open = (timestamp > shutter_delay) & \ (timestamp < (numpy.max(timestamp) - shutter_delay)) flux = flux[shutter_open] fwhm = fwhm[shutter_open] * pixelscale timestamp = timestamp[shutter_open] min_flux, max_flux = numpy.min(flux), numpy.max(flux) global_min_flux = numpy.min([global_min_flux, min_flux/max_flux]) max_time = numpy.max([max_time, numpy.max(timestamp)]) min_fwhm, max_fwhm = numpy.min(fwhm), numpy.max(fwhm) #ax_fwhm.plot(timestamp, fwhm) ax_fwhm.scatter(timestamp, fwhm, linewidth=0, alpha=0.3, c=colors[idx]) #ax_flux.plot(timestamp, flux/max_flux) ax_flux.scatter(timestamp, flux/max_flux, linewidth=0, alpha=0.3, c=colors[idx]) # # Plot some smooth curves through the data points # spline_t = numpy.linspace(timestamp[1], timestamp[-2], timestamp[-1]/5.) # smooth_flux = scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline( # x=timestamp, y=flux/max_flux, w=None, bbox=[None, None], k=3, # s=0.3) smooth_flux = scipy.interpolate.LSQUnivariateSpline( x=timestamp, y=flux/max_flux, t=spline_t, k=3) ax_flux.plot(timestamp, smooth_flux(timestamp), color=colors[idx]) smooth_fwhm = scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline( x=timestamp, y=fwhm, k=3) #, w=None, bbox=[None, None], s=0.8*fwhm.shape[0]) smooth_fwhm = scipy.interpolate.LSQUnivariateSpline( x=timestamp, y=fwhm, t=spline_t, ) #ax_fwhm.scatter(spline_t, smooth_fwhm(spline_t)) #ax_fwhm.plot(spline_t, smooth_fwhm(spline_t), linewidth=5) ax_fwhm.plot(timestamp, smooth_fwhm(timestamp), #linewidth=4, color=colors[idx]) #print fwhm # # Make histograms # # h_flux_count, h_flux = numpy.histogram(flux/max_flux, bins=15, range=[min_flux/max_flux, 1.0]) # h_flux_pos = 0.5*(h_flux[:-1] + h_flux[1:]) # print h_flux # hist_flux.plot(h_flux_count, h_flux_pos, # color=colors[idx]) # h_fwhm_count, h_fwhm = numpy.histogram(fwhm, bins=15, range=[min_fwhm, max_fwhm]) # h_fwhm_pos = 0.5*(h_fwhm[:-1] + h_fwhm[1:]) # print h_fwhm #hist_fwhm.plot(h_fwhm_count, h_fwhm_pos, # color=colors[idx]) flux_range = (max_flux - min_flux)/max_flux x_flux = numpy.linspace(min_flux/max_flux-0.05*flux_range, 1.+0.05*flux_range, 100) density_flux = gaussian_kde(flux/max_flux) #density_flux.covariance_factor = lambda : .1 density_flux._compute_covariance() peak_flux = 1. #numpy.max(density_flux(x_flux)) hist_flux.plot(density_flux(x_flux)/peak_flux, x_flux, "-", color=colors[idx]) fwhm_range = max_fwhm - min_fwhm x_fwhm = numpy.linspace(min_fwhm-0.05*fwhm_range, max_fwhm+0.05*fwhm_range, 100) density_fwhm = gaussian_kde(fwhm) #density_fwhm.covariance_factor = lambda : .1 density_fwhm._compute_covariance() peak_fwhm = 1. #numpy.max(density_fwhm(x_fwhm)) hist_fwhm.plot(density_fwhm(x_fwhm)/peak_fwhm, x_fwhm, "-", color=colors[idx]) # # # all_flux.append(flux/max_flux) all_fwhm.append(fwhm) s2p = lambda x : 0.5*(1+scipy.special.erf(x/numpy.sqrt(2)))*100 #print s2p([-3,-1,1,3]) try: sigmas = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(flux/max_flux, s2p([-3,-1,1,3])) sigma1 = sigmas[2] - sigmas[1] sigma3 = sigmas[3] - sigmas[0] except: sigma1, sigma3 = -1., -1. pass txt = u'GS %d: 1\u03C3=%.3f - 3\u03C3=%.3f' % ( idx+1, sigma1, sigma3) fig.text(text_positions[idx,0], text_positions[idx,1], txt, horizontalalignment=text_align[idx]) #hist_fwhm.hist(flux/max_flux, bins=15, orientation='horizontal') #axHisty.hist(y, bins=bins, orientation='horizontal') one_return = { 'fwhm_min': min_fwhm, 'fwhm_max': max_fwhm, 'flux_min': min_flux, 'flux_max': max_flux, 'flux_1sigma': sigma1, 'flux_3sigma': sigma3, 'n_guide_samples': fwhm.shape[0] } guidestats[infile] = one_return # # Determine and set all axis limits # all_flux = numpy.array(all_flux) all_fwhm = numpy.array(all_fwhm) #print all_fwhm.shape #numpy.savetxt("fwhm", all_fwhm.reshape((-1,1))) try: _min_flux, _max_flux = numpy.min(all_flux), 1.0 # normalized ! except: _min_flux, _max_flux = 0.0, 1.0 ax_flux.set_ylim((_min_flux-0.05, 1.05)) hist_flux.set_ylim((_min_flux-0.05, 1.05)) try: _min_fwhm, _max_fwhm = numpy.min(all_fwhm), numpy.max(all_fwhm) except: _min_fwhm, _max_fwhm = 0.0, limit_fwhm_max #print _min_fwhm, _max_fwhm if (_max_fwhm > limit_fwhm_max): _max_fwhm = limit_fwhm_max _range_fwhm = _max_fwhm - _min_fwhm ax_fwhm.set_ylim((_min_fwhm-0.05*_range_fwhm, _max_fwhm+0.05*_range_fwhm)) hist_fwhm.set_ylim((_min_fwhm-0.05*_range_fwhm, _max_fwhm+0.05*_range_fwhm)) d_time = numpy.max([2, 0.03*max_time]) ax_flux.set_xlim((0-d_time, max_time+d_time)) ax_fwhm.set_xlim((0-d_time, max_time+d_time)) hist_flux.set_ylim((global_min_flux-0.05, 1.05)) if (plot_filename is not None): fig.set_size_inches(8,6) fig.savefig(plot_filename, dpi=100, facecolor=fig.get_facecolor(), edgecolor='none') else: pass # catfile = infile[:-5]+".cat" # sex_cmd = """ # %(sex)s -c %(qr_base)s/config/ # -PARAMETERS_NAME %(qr_base)s/config/wcsfix.sexparam # -CATALOG_NAME %(catfile)s # %(infile)s """ % { # 'sex': sitesetup.sextractor, # 'qr_base': qr_dir, # 'catfile': catfile, # 'infile': infile, # } # print " ".join(sex_cmd.split()) # os.system(" ".join(sex_cmd.split())) return guidestats
def compare_aggregated_values(self, profiles, strfile=None): ''' Validates the measurements of power vs. energetic measurements in hourly resolution. Plots their data quality as a scatter plot and saves percentiles to excel files. Parameters ---------- profiles : pd.DataFrame A dataframe containing both measurement streams. strfile : str, optional The directory or filename of the plot. If it is a filename, filename is overwritten by strfile. If it is a directory, the plot is stored in this directory. If it is None, the plot is shown and not saved. The default is None. Returns ------- ''' print("%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S") + ' Plotting P vs. E overview.') fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=3, figsize=(14, 17)) y_fig = 0.68 plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=1 - y_fig, top=0.97, right=0.95, left=0.07) # timesteps with nans are irrelevant for the plot, but we can't drop # the whole line. Fill them with a negative value and set axis limits # to 0 later profiles = profiles.fillna(-1) feed_dict = { 'HOUSEHOLD': 0, 'HEATPUMP': 1, 'TRANSFORMER': 2 } current_dict = { 'S': 0, 'P': 1, 'Q': 2 } objs = profiles.columns.get_level_values(1).unique() colors = cm.brg(np.linspace(0, 1, len(objs))) perc_steps = [1, 5, 25, 75, 95, 99] perc_df = pd.DataFrame( index=perc_steps, columns=pd.MultiIndex.from_product( [objs.append(pd.Index(['All'])), profiles.columns.get_level_values(2).unique(), profiles.columns.get_level_values(3).unique()])) # object specific for obj, c in zip(objs, colors): df = profiles.xs(obj, level=1, axis=1).copy() df = df.droplevel(3, axis=1) for feed in df.columns.get_level_values(1).unique(): axis = axes[feed_dict[feed]] dff = df.xs(feed, axis=1, level=1) for current in dff.columns.get_level_values(1).unique(): ax = axis[current_dict[current]] # calculate percentiles x = dff.loc[:, idx['Power', current]].to_numpy().ravel() y = dff.loc[:, idx['Energy', current]].to_numpy().ravel() nonzeros = np.where(y > 0)[0] try: perc = np.percentile(x[nonzeros] / y[nonzeros], perc_steps) perc_df.loc[perc_steps, idx[obj, feed, current]] = \ perc except IndexError: print("%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S") + f'\tValues for object {obj}, feed {feed} and ' f'current {current} are empty or zero. ' 'Skipping..') # plot ax.scatter(x=dff.loc[:, idx['Power', current]], y=dff.loc[:, idx['Energy', current]], marker='x', color=c, label=obj) # get the overall percentiles per feed and current for feed, current in profiles.columns.droplevel( ['measure', 'obj', 'phase']).unique(): x = (profiles.loc[:, idx['Power', :, feed, current, :]] .to_numpy().ravel()) y = (profiles.loc[:, idx['Energy', :, feed, current, :]] .to_numpy().ravel()) nonzeros = np.where(y > 0)[0] perc = np.percentile(x[nonzeros] / y[nonzeros], perc_steps) perc_df.loc[perc_steps, idx['All', feed, current]] = perc # global legend handles_labels = [ax.get_legend_handles_labels() for ax in fig.axes] handles, labels = [sum(lol, []) for lol in zip(*handles_labels)] unique = [(h, l) for i, (h, l) in enumerate(zip(handles, labels)) if l not in labels[:i]] fig.legend(*zip(*unique), ncol=5, loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(0.07, 1 - y_fig - 0.07)) # set y labels for feed in profiles.columns.get_level_values(2).unique(): ax = axes[feed_dict[feed], 2] axt = ax.twinx() axt.set_ylabel(feed, rotation=90, labelpad=15) axt.yaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) axt.yaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.NullLocator()) for ax in axes.flatten(): ax.tick_params(axis='y', rotation=45) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(mticker.MaxNLocator(3)) # set column titles for current in profiles.columns.get_level_values(3).unique(): ax = axes[0, current_dict[current]] ax.set_title(current) # set lower left point to (0, 0). Additionally, set upper ylim to the # upper xlim. Energy measurements sometimes produce errors themselves, # but we only want to look at power measurements. Therefore, let power # measurements be the leader concerning axis limits for ax in axes.flatten(): ax.set_xlim(left=0) ax.set_ylim(bottom=0, top=ax.get_xlim()[1]) ax.plot(ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim(), ls='--', c='.3') fig.text(0, 1 - y_fig / 2, r'$\frac{E(t_2)-E(t_1)}{t_2-t_1}$ in kWh/h', va='center', rotation='vertical', fontsize=22 ) fig.text( 0.5, 1 - y_fig - 0.05, r'$\frac{1}{t_2-t_1} \int_{t_1}^{t_2} P(t) \,dt$ in kWh/h', ha='center', fontsize=22 ) perc_df.unstack().reset_index().to_excel( os.path.join(strfile, 'ys_rel_percentiles.xlsx')) # percentiles of actual hourly consumption consumption = (profiles.drop('ES1', level=1, axis=1) .drop('Q', axis=1, level=3).xs('TOT', axis=1, level=4) .xs('Power', level=0, axis=1) ) perc_steps = [1, 5, 25, 50, 75, 95, 99] perc_df = pd.Series(np.percentile(consumption, perc_steps), index=perc_steps) perc_df.to_excel(os.path.join(strfile, 'hs_abs_PandS_percentiles.xlsx')) if strfile: if os.path.isdir(strfile): strfile = os.path.join(strfile, 'OVERVIEW_P_VS_E_SCATTER.png') if os.path.isfile(strfile): os.remove(strfile) plt.savefig(strfile, dpi=300) plt.close() else:
def plotMazePolicy( agents, bs, gx, gy, w, h, **kwargs ): #show and save default to false. title, colorbar-label, filename fig, ax1 = plt.subplots() COLOUR_PALATINATE = "#72246C" # make grid minor_locator1 = AutoMinorLocator(2) minor_locator2 = FixedLocator([j for j in range(h)]) plt.gca().xaxis.set_minor_locator(minor_locator1) plt.gca().yaxis.set_minor_locator(minor_locator2) for i in range(7): plt.plot([i, i], [0, 3], lw=0.5, alpha=0.5, c='grey') for i in range(4): plt.plot([0, 8], [i, i], lw=0.5, alpha=0.5, c='grey') if 'title' in kwargs and kwargs['title'] != None: ax1.set_title(kwargs['title']) onGoal = False # Shade and label agents for i, (sx, sy) in zip([1, 2, 3], agents): if sy == 3: onGoal = True ax1.text(sx + 0.3, sy + 0.4, '$A_' + str(i) + '$', color=COLOUR_PALATINATE, fontsize=20) fill([sx, sx + 1, sx + 1, sx], [sy, sy, sy + 1, sy + 1], COLOUR_PALATINATE, alpha=0.4, edgecolor=COLOUR_PALATINATE) # Shade and label goal cell if not onGoal: ax1.text(gx + 0.18, gy + 0.4, 'Goal', color="g", fontsize=15) fill([gx, gx + 1, gx + 1, gx], [gy, gy, gy + 1, gy + 1], 'g', alpha=0.3, edgecolor='g') # Make obstacles: # for (x, y) in obstacles: # fill([x,x+1,x+1,x], [y,y,y+1,y+1], 'k', alpha=0.2, edgecolor='k') # for (x, y) in obstacles: b1 = [4, 7, 7, 4] b2 = [0, 3, 3, 0] if bs == 0: b2 = [1, 4, 4, 1] elif bs == 6: b1 = [3, 6, 6, 3] fill(b1, [3, 3, 4, 4], 'k', alpha=0.55, edgecolor='k') fill(b2, [3, 3, 4, 4], 'k', alpha=0.55, edgecolor='k') bs = [1, 5] if bs == 3 else [2, 5] if bs == 0 else [1, 4] for i, x in zip([1, 2], bs): ax1.text(x + 0.3, 3.4, '$B_' + str(i) + '$', color="k", fontsize=20) # make grid lines on center plt.xticks([0.5 + i for i in range(w)], [i for i in range(w)]) plt.yticks([0.5 + i for i in range(h)], [i for i in range(h)]) plt.xlim(0, w) plt.ylim(0, h) ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.NullLocator()) ax1.xaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) plt.tight_layout() if 'filename' in kwargs: plt.savefig(kwargs['filename'], dpi=kwargs['dpi']) plt.close(fig)
def main(): start_time = time.time() ## Generate model graph ## if args.graph == 'er': # Erdős-Rényi model, Random graph n = 5000 # node p = 0.04 # probability of edge generation seed = 1234 print(f'Graph type: Erdős-Rényi model\n' f'# n: {n}\n' f'# p: {p}\n' f'# seed: {seed}\n' f'Generating graph...') G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(n=n, p=p, seed=seed, directed=False) elif args.graph == 'ws': # Watts–Strogatz model, Small-world graph n = 5000 # node k = 20 # the number of neighbor node to connect with respect to every node p = 0.01 # re-wiring probability. Generate random graph when p=1. seed = 1234 print(f'Graph type: Watts–Strogatz model\n' f'# n: {n}\n' f'# k: {k}\n' f'# p: {p}\n' f'# seed: {seed}\n' f'Generating graph...') G = nx.watts_strogatz_graph(n=n, k=k, p=p, seed=seed) elif args.graph == 'ba': # Barabási–Albert model, Scale-free graph n = 5000 # node m = 10 # the number of new edge to wire with the existing nodes seed = 1234 print(f'Graph type: Barabási–Albert model\n' f'# n: {n}\n' f'# m: {m}\n' f'# seed: {seed}\n' f'Generating graph...') G = nx.barabasi_albert_graph(n=n, m=m, seed=seed) else: print('[ERROR] You need to select model graph.') ## Show graph summary ## print( f"-- graph summary --\n" f"# nodes: {nx.number_of_nodes(G)}\n" f"# edges: {nx.number_of_edges(G)}\n" f"# connected components: {nx.number_connected_components(G)}\n" f"# average shortest path: {nx.average_shortest_path_length(G)}\n" f"# average clustering coefficient: {nx.average_clustering(G)}\n" f"# degree assortativity coefficient: {nx.degree_assortativity_coefficient(G)}\n" f"# graph diameter: {nx.diameter(G)}\n" f"# graph density: {nx.density(G)}") ## Calculate average degree ## deg = [] for k, l in # {node: degree, ...} deg.append(l) average_degree = sum(deg) / len(deg) print(f'# average degree: {average_degree}') ## Export generated graph as tsv file ## edge_type = "interaction" # Tentative edge type name with open(args.output, "w") as fp: for e in G.edges(): fp.write(str(e[0]) + "\t" + edge_type + "\t" + str(e[1]) + "\n") print(f'[SAVE] graph file: {args.output}') ## Calculate degree distribution probability ## pmf = ts.Pmf(deg) # {degree: probability, ...} # print(f'pmf mean: {pmf.Mean()}, pmf std: {pmf.Std()}') pmf_degree = [] # degree pmf_prob = [] # degree distribution probability for i in pmf: pmf_degree.append(i) pmf_prob.append(pmf[i]) ## power law fitting using mudule ## print(f'--- power law fitting parameter ---') np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore') # a magical spell fit = powerlaw.Fit( deg, discrete=True) # fitting degree distribution probability to linear R, p = fit.distribution_compare('power_law', 'exponential') print(f'# power law gamma: {fit.power_law.alpha}\n' f'# gammma standard error(std): {fit.power_law.sigma}\n' f'# fix x min: {fit.fixed_xmin}\n' f'# discrete: {fit.discrete}\n' f'# x min: {fit.xmin}\n' f'# loglikelihood ratio: {R}\n' f'# significant value: {p}') ## Plot degree distbibution probability (normal scale) ## fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6), tight_layout=True) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.spines['top'].set_linewidth(1) ax.spines['bottom'].set_linewidth(1) ax.spines['left'].set_linewidth(1) ax.spines['right'].set_linewidth(1) ax.scatter(pmf_degree, pmf_prob, c='black', s=30, alpha=1, linewidths=0) ax.tick_params(direction='out', which='major', axis='both', length=4, width=1, labelsize=20, pad=10) ax.set_xlabel('k', fontsize=25, labelpad=10) ax.set_ylabel('P(k)', fontsize=25, labelpad=10) deg_fig_name = args.fig + '_degdist_plot.pdf' plt.savefig(deg_fig_name, dpi=300, format='pdf', transparent=True) plt.clf() print(f'[SAVE] degree distribution figure: {deg_fig_name}') ## Plot degree distbibution probability (log scale) ## fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6), tight_layout=True) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.spines['top'].set_linewidth(1) ax.spines['bottom'].set_linewidth(1) ax.spines['left'].set_linewidth(1) ax.spines['right'].set_linewidth(1) ax.set_xscale('log', base=10) ax.set_yscale('log', base=10) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator( ticker.LogLocator(base=10.0)) # Set x axis major tick for log10 ax.yaxis.set_major_locator( ticker.LogLocator(base=10.0)) # Set y axis major tick for log10 ax.xaxis.set_minor_formatter( ticker.NullFormatter()) # Set x axis minor tick unvisible # ax.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(ticker.ScalarFormatter()) # Set x axis minot tick as integ, Activate only for WS ax.yaxis.set_minor_formatter( ticker.NullFormatter()) # Set y axis minor tick unvisible ax.scatter(pmf_degree, pmf_prob, c='black', s=30, linewidths=0) # plot probability of degree distribution if R > 0: fit.power_law.plot_pdf(c='#766AFF', linestyle='dotted', linewidth=2, alpha=1) # plot power law fitting ax.tick_params(direction='in', which='major', axis='both', length=7, width=1, labelsize=20, pad=10) # Set major tick parameter ax.tick_params(direction='in', which='minor', axis='both', length=4, width=1, labelsize=20, pad=10) # Set minor tick parameter ax.set_xlabel('k', fontsize=25, labelpad=10) ax.set_ylabel('P(k)', fontsize=25, labelpad=10) ymin = min(pmf_prob) ymin_ = pow(10, round(np.log10(ymin))) - pow(10, round(np.log10(ymin) - 1)) ax.set_ylim(ymin_, ) log_fig_name = args.fig + '_Pk_plot.pdf' fig.savefig(log_fig_name, dpi=300, format='pdf', transparent=True) plt.clf() print(f'[SAVE] degree distribution figure (log-scale): {log_fig_name}') elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time print(f'[TIME]: {elapsed_time} sec') print(f'Completed!')
def plot(ifiles, args): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from PseudoNetCDF.coordutil import getpresbnds, getsigmabnds plt.rcParams['text.usetex'] = False from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap, BoundaryNorm, LogNorm, Normalize map = not args.nomap scale = args.scale minmax = eval(args.minmax) minmaxq = eval(args.minmaxq) sigma = args.sigma maskzeros = args.maskzeros try: f, = ifiles except Exception: raise ValueError( 'curtain plot expects one file when done. Try stack time --stack=time to concatenate') if sigma: vertcrd = getsigmabnds(f) else: vertcrd = getpresbnds(f, pref=101325., ptop=getattr(f, 'VGTOP', 10000)) if vertcrd.max() > 2000: vertcrd /= 100. reversevert = not (np.diff(vertcrd) > 0).all() for var_name in args.variables: temp = defaultdict(lambda: 1) try: eval(var_name, None, temp) var = eval(var_name, None, f.variables)[:] except Exception: temp[var_name] var = f.variables[var_name][:] if args.itertime: vars = [('time%02d' % vi, v) for vi, v in enumerate(var)] else: if var.shape[0] != 1: parser.print_help() sys.stderr.write( '\n*****\n\nFile must have only one time or use the itertime options; to reduce file to one time, see the --slice and --reduce operators\n\n') exit() vars = [('', var[0])] for lstr, var in vars: bmap = None if maskzeros: var =, 0) vmin, vmax = np.percentile(, list(minmaxq)) if minmax[0] is not None: vmin = minmax[0] if minmax[1] is not None: vmax = minmax[1] if args.normalize is not None: norm = eval(args.normalize) if norm.scaled(): vmin = norm.vmin vmax = norm.vmax else: if scale == 'log': bins = np.logspace(np.log10(vmin), np.log10(vmax), 11) elif scale == 'linear': bins = np.linspace(vmin, vmax, 11) elif scale == 'deciles': bins = np.percentile(, vmin).view(, vmax)).ravel(), [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100]) bins[0] = vmin bins[-1] = vmax norm = BoundaryNorm(bins, ncolors=256) if map: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=.3, wspace=.3) axmap = fig.add_subplot(3, 3, 5) try: cmaqmap = getmap(f, resolution=args.resolution) cmaqmap.drawcoastlines(ax=axmap) cmaqmap.drawcountries(ax=axmap) if not args.states: cmaqmap.drawstates(ax=axmap) if args.counties: cmaqmap.drawcounties(ax=axmap) cmaqmap.drawparallels( np.arange(-90, 100, 10), labels=[True, True, False, False], ax=axmap) cmaqmap.drawmeridians( np.arange(-180, 190, 20), labels=[False, False, True, True], ax=axmap) except Exception as e: warn('An error occurred and no map will be shown:\n%s' % str(e)) axn = fig.add_subplot(3, 3, 2, sharex=axmap) axw = fig.add_subplot(3, 3, 4, sharey=axmap) axe = fig.add_subplot(3, 3, 6, sharey=axmap) axs = fig.add_subplot(3, 3, 8, sharex=axmap) cax = fig.add_axes([.8, .7, .05, .25]) for ax in [axmap, axe]: ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) for ax in [axmap, axn]: ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) for ax in [axn, axs]: if sigma: ax.set_ylabel('sigma') else: ax.set_ylabel('pressure') for ax in [axe, axw]: if sigma: ax.set_xlabel('sigma') else: ax.set_xlabel('pressure') xyfactor = 1 else: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 4)) fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) axw = fig.add_subplot(1, 4, 1) axn = fig.add_subplot(1, 4, 2) axe = fig.add_subplot(1, 4, 3) axs = fig.add_subplot(1, 4, 4) cax = fig.add_axes([.91, .1, .025, .8]) if sigma: axw.set_ylabel('sigma') else: axw.set_ylabel('pressure') xyfactor = 1e-3 # m -> km x = f.NCOLS + 1 y = f.NROWS + 1 start_south = 0 end_south = start_south + x start_east = end_south end_east = start_east + y start_north = end_east end_north = start_north + x start_west = end_north end_west = start_west + y X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x + 1) * f.XCELL * xyfactor, vertcrd) # patchess = axs.pcolor( X, Y, var[:, start_south:end_south], cmap=bmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, norm=norm) if not map: if reversevert: axs.set_ylim(*axs.get_ylim()[::-1]) axs.set_title('South') axs.set_xlabel('E to W km') axs.set_xlim(*axs.get_xlim()[::-1]) else: if not reversevert: axs.set_ylim(*axs.get_ylim()[::-1]) X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-1, x) * f.XCELL * xyfactor, vertcrd) # patchesn = axn.pcolor( X, Y, var[:, start_north:end_north], cmap=bmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, norm=norm) if reversevert: axn.set_ylim(*axn.get_ylim()[::-1]) if not map: axn.set_title('North') axn.set_xlabel('W to E km') if map: X, Y = np.meshgrid(vertcrd, np.arange(y + 1) * f.YCELL) # patchese = axe.pcolor(X, Y, var[:, start_east:end_east].swapaxes( 0, 1), cmap=bmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, norm=norm) if reversevert: axe.set_xlim(*axe.get_xlim()[::-1]) else: X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(y + 1) * f.YCELL * xyfactor, vertcrd) # patchese = axe.pcolor( X, Y, var[:, start_east:end_east], cmap=bmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, norm=norm) if reversevert: axe.set_ylim(*axe.get_ylim()[::-1]) axe.set_title('East') axe.set_xlabel('N to S km') axe.set_xlim(*axe.get_xlim()[::-1]) if map: X, Y = np.meshgrid(vertcrd, np.arange(-1, y) * f.YCELL) patchesw = axw.pcolor(X, Y, var[:, start_west:end_west].swapaxes( 0, 1), cmap=bmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, norm=norm) if not reversevert: axw.set_xlim(*axw.get_xlim()[::-1]) else: X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-1, y) * f.YCELL * xyfactor, vertcrd) patchesw = axw.pcolor( X, Y, var[:, start_west:end_west], cmap=bmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, norm=norm) if reversevert: axw.set_ylim(*axw.get_ylim()[::-1]) axw.set_title('West') axw.set_xlabel('S to N km') if map: for ax in [axe, axw]: ax.axis('tight', axis='x') plt.setp(ax.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=90) for ax in [axs, axn]: ax.axis('tight', axis='y') else: for ax in [axe, axn, axw, axs] + ([axmap] if map else []): ax.axis('tight') if 'TFLAG' in f.variables.keys(): SDATE = f.variables['TFLAG'][:][0, 0, 0] EDATE = f.variables['TFLAG'][:][-1, 0, 0] STIME = f.variables['TFLAG'][:][0, 0, 1] ETIME = f.variables['TFLAG'][:][-1, 0, 1] if SDATE == 0: SDATE = 1900001 EDATE = 1900001 try: sdate = datetime.strptime( '%07d %06d' % (SDATE, STIME), '%Y%j %H%M%S') edate = datetime.strptime( '%07d %06d' % (EDATE, ETIME), '%Y%j %H%M%S') except Exception as e: warn('Unable to convert time:' + str(e)) elif 'tau0' in f.variables.keys(): sdate = datetime(1985, 1, 1, 0) + \ timedelta(hours=f.variables['tau0'][0]) edate = datetime(1985, 1, 1, 0) + \ timedelta(hours=f.variables['tau1'][-1]) else: sdate = datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0) edate = datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0) try: title = '%s %s to %s' % (var_name, sdate.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d'), edate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) except Exception: title = var_name fig.suptitle(title.replace('O3', 'Ozone at Regional Boundaries')) if var.min() < vmin and var.max() > vmax: extend = 'both' elif var.min() < vmin: extend = 'min' elif var.max() > vmax: extend = 'max' else: extend = 'neither' fig.colorbar(patchesw, cax=cax, extend=extend) cax.set_xlabel('ppm') figpath = args.outpath + var_name + lstr + '.' + args.figformat fig.savefig(figpath) if args.verbose > 0: print('Saved fig', figpath) plt.close(fig)
def plot_data(ax, x, y, u, v, label): #-- dimensions & size xpc, ypc = 0, 0 ax.set_aspect(1) ws = 1.5 # add some white space xmin1 = xmin - ws xmax1 = xmax + ws ax.set_xlim(xmin1, xmax1) ax.set_ylim(xmin1, xmax1) ##-- draw lines #ax.plot([xmin1,xmax1],[0,0],'--k', alpha=0.2) #ax.plot([0,0],[xmin1,xmax1],'--k', alpha=0.2) #-- cover sphere inside c1 = plt.Circle((xpc, ypc), radius=0.3, color='r') ax.add_patch(c1) #-- draw arrows & add texts if label == 'dipole': ax.arrow(0, 0, 1, 0, width=0.15, color='r') ax.text(2., -0.5, 'F', color='r', fontsize=16) #-- velocity s = 1 # step dxh = 0. # direction vel = np.sqrt(np.add(np.square(u), np.square(v))) #u0 = np.divide(u,vel) #v0 = np.divide(v,vel) """ The following two lines are more robust """ u0 = np.divide(u, vel, out=np.zeros_like(u), where=abs(vel) > 1e-9) v0 = np.divide(v, vel, out=np.zeros_like(v), where=abs(vel) > 1e-9) q0 = ax.quiver(x[::s, ::s], y[::s, ::s], u0[::s, ::s], v0[::s, ::s], scale=15., width=0.0075, pivot='mid', color=['#A9A9A9'], edgecolors=['#A9A9A9']) # darkgray # magnitude q1 = ax.quiver(x[::s, ::s], y[::s, ::s], u[::s, ::s], v[::s, ::s], scale=20, width=0.012, pivot='mid', color=colors[0], edgecolors=colors[0]) #-- No labels, no ticks ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) ax.tick_params(bottom='off', top='off', left='off', right='off') return ax
def plot_matrix(mat, title=None, labels=None, figure=None, axes=None, colorbar=True,, tri='full', auto_fit=True, grid=False, reorder=False, **kwargs): """ Plot the given matrix. Parameters ---------- mat : 2-D numpy array Matrix to be plotted. title : string or None, optional A text to add in the upper left corner. labels : list, ndarray of strings, empty list, False, or None, optional The label of each row and column. Needs to be the same length as rows/columns of mat. If False, None, or an empty list, no labels are plotted. figure : figure instance, figsize tuple, or None Sets the figure used. This argument can be either an existing figure, or a pair (width, height) that gives the size of a newly-created figure. Specifying both axes and figure is not allowed. axes : None or Axes, optional Axes instance to be plotted on. Creates a new one if None. Specifying both axes and figure is not allowed. colorbar : boolean, optional If True, an integrated colorbar is added. cmap : matplotlib colormap, optional The colormap for the matrix. Default is RdBu_r. tri : {'lower', 'diag', 'full'}, optional Which triangular part of the matrix to plot: 'lower' is the lower part, 'diag' is the lower including diagonal, and 'full' is the full matrix. auto_fit : boolean, optional If auto_fit is True, the axes are dimensioned to give room for the labels. This assumes that the labels are resting against the bottom and left edges of the figure. grid : color or False, optional If not False, a grid is plotted to separate rows and columns using the given color. reorder : boolean or {'single', 'complete', 'average'}, optional If not False, reorders the matrix into blocks of clusters. Accepted linkage options for the clustering are 'single', 'complete', and 'average'. True defaults to average linkage. .. note:: This option is only available with SciPy >= 1.0.0. .. versionadded:: 0.4.1 kwargs : extra keyword arguments Extra keyword arguments are sent to pylab.imshow Returns ------- display : instance of matplotlib Axes image. """ # we need a list so an empty one will be cast to False if isinstance(labels, np.ndarray): labels = labels.tolist() if labels and len(labels) != mat.shape[0]: raise ValueError("Length of labels unequal to length of matrix.") if reorder: if not labels: raise ValueError("Labels are needed to show the reordering.") try: from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import (linkage, optimal_leaf_ordering, leaves_list) except ImportError: raise ImportError("A scipy version of at least 1.0 is needed " "for ordering the matrix with " "optimal_leaf_ordering.") valid_reorder_args = [True, 'single', 'complete', 'average'] if reorder not in valid_reorder_args: raise ValueError("Parameter reorder needs to be " "one of {}.".format(valid_reorder_args)) if reorder is True: reorder = 'average' linkage_matrix = linkage(mat, method=reorder) ordered_linkage = optimal_leaf_ordering(linkage_matrix, mat) index = leaves_list(ordered_linkage) # make sure labels is an ndarray and copy it labels = np.array(labels).copy() mat = mat.copy() # and reorder labels and matrix labels = labels[index].tolist() mat = mat[index, :][:, index] if tri == 'lower': mask = np.tri(mat.shape[0], k=-1, dtype=np.bool) ^ True mat =, mask) elif tri == 'diag': mask = np.tri(mat.shape[0], dtype=np.bool) ^ True mat =, mask) if axes is not None and figure is not None: raise ValueError("Parameters figure and axes cannot be specified " "together. You gave 'figure=%s, axes=%s'" % (figure, axes)) if figure is not None: if isinstance(figure, plt.Figure): fig = figure else: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figure) axes = plt.gca() own_fig = True else: if axes is None: fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(7, 5)) own_fig = True else: fig = axes.figure own_fig = False display = axes.imshow(mat, aspect='equal', interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap, **kwargs) axes.set_autoscale_on(False) ymin, ymax = axes.get_ylim() if not labels: axes.xaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) axes.yaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) else: axes.set_xticks(np.arange(len(labels))) axes.set_xticklabels(labels, size='x-small') for label in axes.get_xticklabels(): label.set_ha('right') label.set_rotation(50) axes.set_yticks(np.arange(len(labels))) axes.set_yticklabels(labels, size='x-small') for label in axes.get_yticklabels(): label.set_ha('right') label.set_va('top') label.set_rotation(10) if grid is not False: size = len(mat) # Different grids for different layouts if tri == 'lower': for i in range(size): # Correct for weird mis-sizing i = 1.001 * i axes.plot([i + 0.5, i + 0.5], [size - 0.5, i + 0.5], color='grey') axes.plot([i + 0.5, -0.5], [i + 0.5, i + 0.5], color='grey') elif tri == 'diag': for i in range(size): # Correct for weird mis-sizing i = 1.001 * i axes.plot([i + 0.5, i + 0.5], [size - 0.5, i - 0.5], color='grey') axes.plot([i + 0.5, -0.5], [i - 0.5, i - 0.5], color='grey') else: for i in range(size): # Correct for weird mis-sizing i = 1.001 * i axes.plot([i + 0.5, i + 0.5], [size - 0.5, -0.5], color='grey') axes.plot([size - 0.5, -0.5], [i + 0.5, i + 0.5], color='grey') axes.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) if auto_fit: if labels: fit_axes(axes) elif own_fig: plt.tight_layout(pad=.1, rect=((0, 0, .95, 1) if colorbar else (0, 0, 1, 1))) if colorbar: cax, kw = make_axes(axes, location='right', fraction=0.05, shrink=0.8, pad=.0) fig.colorbar(mappable=display, cax=cax) # make some room fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.8) # change current axis back to matrix if title is not None: # Adjust the size text_len = np.max([len(t) for t in title.split('\n')]) size = axes.bbox.size[0] / text_len axes.text(0.95, 0.95, title, horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top', transform=axes.transAxes, size=size) return display
def pdfout(s3d, plane, smoothx=0, smoothy=0, name='', xmin=0, xmax=-1, ymin=0, ymax=-1, errsize=0.5, label=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, ra=None, dec=None, source='', ra2=None, dec2=None, source2='', median=None, axis='WCS', size=(11.5, 9.15), psf=None, cmap='viridis', dy1=0.95, dy2=0.97, twoc=True, norm='lin', fs=24): """ Simple 2d-image plot function Parameters: ---------- plane : np.array Either a 2d array for normal images, or a list of three 2d arrays for an RGB image smoothx, smoothy : integer Integer values of gaussian smoothing for the input plane xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax : integer Zoom into the specific pixel values of the input plane errsize : float Size of error radius with which to highlight a specific region label : str Label of region ra, dec : sexagesimal Location of label label2 : str Label of region 2 ra2, dec2 : sexagesimal Location of label 2 median : integer median filter the input plane axis : string WCS axis or none psf : float FWHM of the PSF which we draw at the left bottom corner of the output cmap : string Color map, default virdis twoc : boolean Write text in image in black and white letters norm : string How to normalize the RGB image (lin, sqrt, log) fs : integer Fontsize (default 24) """ if xmax == -1: xmax = plane.shape[0] if ymax == -1: ymax = plane.shape[1] plane = plane[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax] if twoc == True: myeffect = withStroke(foreground="w", linewidth=4) kwargs = dict(path_effects=[myeffect]) else: kwargs = {} # hfont = {'fontname':'Helvetica'} if smoothx > 0: plane = blur_image(plane, smoothx, smoothy) if median != None: plane = sp.ndimage.filters.median_filter(plane, median, mode='constant') if ra != None and dec != None: try: posx, posy = s3d.skytopix(ra, dec) except TypeError: posx, posy = s3d.sexatopix(ra, dec) if xmin != 0: posx -= xmin if ymin != 0: posy -= ymin if ra2 != None and dec2 != None: try: posx2, posy2 = s3d.skytopix(ra2, dec2) except TypeError: posx2, posy2 = s3d.sexatopix(ra2, dec2) if xmin != 0: posx2 -= xmin if ymin != 0: posy2 -= ymin if plane.ndim == 2: fig = plt.figure(figsize=size) if fs > 20 and axis == 'WCS': fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.22, top=0.99, left=0.12, right=0.96) elif axis == 'WCS': fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.20, top=0.99, left=0.08, right=0.96) else: fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.005, top=0.995, left=0.005, right=0.94) else: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 9)) fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.18, top=0.99, left=0.19, right=0.99) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.set_ylim(5, plane.shape[0] - 5) ax.set_xlim(5, plane.shape[1] - 5) if norm == 'lin': plt.imshow( plane, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, #extent=[], cmap=cmap, interpolation="nearest") #, aspect="auto")#, cmap='Greys') elif norm == 'log': plt.imshow( plane, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, #extent=[], cmap=cmap, norm=LogNorm(), interpolation="nearest") #, aspect="auto")#, cmap='Greys') if plane.ndim == 2: bar = plt.colorbar(shrink=0.9, pad=0.01) if not label == None: bar.set_label(label, size=fs + 15, family='serif'), fs - 4)) if norm == 'log': bar.formatter = plt.LogFormatterMathtext() labels = [item.get_text() for item in] newlab = [] for label in labels: if norm == 'log': newl = label.replace('mathdefault', 'mathrm', 1) else: newl = r'$%s$' % label newlab.append(newl) # bar.update_ticks() if psf != None: psfrad = psf / 2.3538 / s3d.pixsky psfsize = plt.Circle((8 * plane.shape[0] / 9., plane.shape[1] / 9.), psfrad, color='black', alpha=1, **kwargs) ax.add_patch(psfsize) plt.text(8 * plane.shape[0] / 9., plane.shape[0] / 6.5, r'PSF', fontsize=fs, ha='center', va='center', **kwargs) if ra != None and dec != None: psfrad = errsize / 2.3538 / s3d.pixsky psfsize = plt.Circle((posx, posy), psfrad, lw=5, fill=False, color='white', **kwargs) ax.add_patch(psfsize) psfsize = plt.Circle((posx, posy), psfrad, lw=1.5, fill=False, color='black', **kwargs) ax.add_patch(psfsize) plt.text(posx, posy * dy1, source, fontsize=fs, ha='center', va='top', **kwargs) if ra2 != None and dec2 != None: # psfrad = 0.2*errsize/2.3538/s3d.pixsky # psfsize = plt.Circle((posx2,posy2), psfrad, lw=5, fill=False, # color='white', **kwargs) # ax.add_patch(psfsize) # psfsize = plt.Circle((posx2,posy2), psfrad, lw=1.5, fill=False, # color='black', **kwargs) # ax.add_patch(psfsize) print posx2, posy2 ax.plot(posx2 + 1, posy2 + 1, 'o', ms=9, mec='black', c='black') plt.text(posx2, posy2 * dy2, source2, fontsize=fs, ha='center', va='top', **kwargs) if axis == 'WCS': [xticks, xlabels], [yticks, ylabels] = _createaxis(s3d, plane) sel = (xmin + 5 < xticks) * (xmax - 5 > xticks) xticks = xticks[sel] xlabels = xlabels[sel] xticks -= xmin sel = (ymin + 5 < yticks) * (ymax - 5 > yticks) yticks = yticks[sel] ylabels = ylabels[sel] yticks -= ymin plt.xticks(rotation=50) plt.yticks(rotation=50) ax.set_xticks(xticks) ax.set_xticklabels(xlabels, size=fs) ax.set_yticks(yticks) ax.set_yticklabels(ylabels, size=fs) ax.set_xlabel(r'Right Ascension (J2000)', size=fs) ax.set_ylabel(r'Declination (J2000)', size=fs) else: ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) plt.savefig('%s_%s_%s.pdf' % (s3d.inst,, name)) plt.close(fig)
def save_dep_heatmap(hists, eventfile): dets = 9 subdets = 4 print('\nPlotting heat map ...\n') sim = eventfile.split('/') sim = sim[len(sim)-1] sim = sim.split('entries_') sim = sim[len(sim)-1] sim = sim.split('.') sim = sim[0] y_min = 0 dir = './Plots/%s/' %(sim) entries = [] x = [] for i in range(dets): i_h = i+1 locals()['hist_%i' %(i_h)] = get_detHist(hists, i) for j in range(subdets): j_h = j+1 entries.append(locals()['hist_%i' %(i_h)].GetBinContent(j_h)) x.append(entries) entries=[] #print(x) x_transf = np.zeros((9, 2, 2)) for i in range(9): x_transf[i][0][0] = x[i][0] x_transf[i][0][1] = x[i][1] x_transf[i][1][0] = x[i][2] x_transf[i][1][1] = x[i][3] #print(x_transf) sns.set() asp = x_transf.shape[0]/float(x_transf.shape[1]) figw = 5 figh = 5 cmap= norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin= 0, vmax= x_transf.max()) gridspec_kw = {"height_ratios":[2,2,2], "width_ratios" : [2,2,2]} heatmapkws = dict(square=False, cbar=False, linewidths=0.0, cmap=cmap, vmin=0, vmax= x_transf.max() ) tickskw = dict(xticklabels=False, yticklabels=False) left = 0.1; right=0.8 bottom = 0.1; top = 0.9 fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=3, nrows=3, figsize=(figw, figh), gridspec_kw=gridspec_kw) plt.subplots_adjust(left=left, right=right,bottom=bottom, top=top, wspace=0.1, hspace=0.1 ) k=0 for i in range(3): for j in range(3): sns.heatmap(x_transf[k], ax=axes[i,j], xticklabels=False, yticklabels=False, **heatmapkws) k=k+1 cax = fig.add_axes([0.85,0.1,0.04,0.8]) axes1 = fig.add_axes([0.09,0.101,0.72,0.8], frameon=False) axes1.grid(None) axes1.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.NullLocator()) axes1.xaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) axes1.set_xlabel('x') axes1.set_ylabel('y') sm =, norm=norm) sm.set_array([]) clb = fig.colorbar(sm, cax=cax) clb.set_label(r'N in $\frac{\mathrm{counts}}{\mathrm{kg\,yr}}$', labelpad=-20, y=1.075, rotation=0) plt.savefig('%sheatmap_%s.pdf' %(dir, sim))
def plot(arrivals, plot_type="spherical", plot_all=True, legend=True, label_arrivals=False, ax=None, show=True, plot_one=None, color=None): """ Plot the ray paths if any have been calculated. :param plot_type: Either ``"spherical"`` or ``"cartesian"``. A spherical plot is always global whereas a Cartesian one can also be local. :type plot_type: str :param plot_all: By default all rays, even those travelling in the other direction and thus arriving at a distance of *360 - x* degrees are shown. Set this to ``False`` to only show rays arriving at exactly *x* degrees. :type plot_all: bool :param legend: If boolean, specify whether or not to show the legend (at the default location.) If a str, specify the location of the legend. If you are plotting a single phase, you may consider using the ``label_arrivals`` argument. :type legend: bool or str :param label_arrivals: Label the arrivals with their respective phase names. This setting is only useful if you are plotting a single phase as otherwise the names could be large and possibly overlap or clip. Consider using the ``legend`` parameter instead if you are plotting multiple phases. :type label_arrivals: bool :param ax: Axes to plot to. If not given, a new figure with an axes will be created. Must be a polar axes for the spherical plot and a regular one for the Cartesian plot. :type ax: :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` :param show: Show the plot. :type show: bool :returns: The (possibly created) axes instance. :rtype: :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` """ arrivalstmp = [] for _i in [arrivals[0]]: if _i.path is None: continue dist = _i.purist_distance % 360.0 distance = _i.distance if abs(dist - distance) / dist > 1E-5: if plot_all is False: continue # Mirror on axis. _i = copy.deepcopy(_i) _i.path["dist"] *= -1.0 arrivalstmp.append(_i) if not arrivalstmp: raise ValueError("Can only plot arrivals with calculated ray " "paths.") discons = arrivals.model.s_mod.v_mod.get_discontinuity_depths() if plot_type == "spherical": if not ax: plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) if MATPLOTLIB_VERSION < [1, 1]: from .matplotlib_compat import NorthPolarAxes from matplotlib.projections import register_projection register_projection(NorthPolarAxes) ax = plt.subplot(111, projection='northpolar') else: ax = plt.subplot(111, polar=True) ax.set_theta_zero_location('N') ax.set_theta_direction(-1) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) intp = matplotlib.cbook.simple_linear_interpolation radius = arrivals.model.radius_of_planet for _i, ray in enumerate(arrivalstmp): # Requires interpolation otherwise diffracted phases look # funny. if color is None: ax.plot(intp(ray.path["dist"], 100), radius - intp(ray.path["depth"], 100), color=COLORS[_i % len(COLORS)],, lw=1.0) else: ax.plot(intp(ray.path["dist"], 100), radius - intp(ray.path["depth"], 100), color=color,, lw=1.0) ax.set_yticks(radius - discons) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) # Pretty earthquake marker. ax.plot([0], [radius - arrivalstmp[0].source_depth], marker="*", color="#FEF215", markersize=20, zorder=10, markeredgewidth=1.5, markeredgecolor="0.3", clip_on=False) # # Pretty station marker. # arrowprops = dict(arrowstyle='-|>,head_length=0.8,head_width=0.5', # color='#C95241', # lw=1.5) # ax.annotate('', # xy=(np.deg2rad(distance), radius), # xycoords='data', # xytext=(np.deg2rad(distance), radius * 1.02), # textcoords='data', # arrowprops=arrowprops, # clip_on=False) # arrowprops = dict(arrowstyle='-|>,head_length=1.0,head_width=0.6', # color='0.3', # lw=1.5, # fill=False) # ax.annotate('', # xy=(np.deg2rad(distance), radius), # xycoords='data', # xytext=(np.deg2rad(distance), radius * 1.01), # textcoords='data', # arrowprops=arrowprops, # clip_on=False) if label_arrivals: name = ','.join(sorted(set( for ray in arrivalstmp))) # We cannot just set the text of the annotations above because # it changes the arrow path. t = _SmartPolarText(np.deg2rad(distance), radius * 1.07, name, clip_on=False) ax.add_artist(t) ax.set_rmax(radius) ax.set_rmin(0.0) if legend: if isinstance(legend, bool): if 0 <= distance <= 180.0: loc = "upper left" else: loc = "upper right" else: loc = legend plt.legend(loc=loc, prop=dict(size="small")) elif plot_type == "cartesian": if not ax: plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) ax = plt.gca() ax.invert_yaxis() for _i, ray in enumerate(arrivalstmp): ax.plot(np.rad2deg(ray.path["dist"]), ray.path["depth"], color=COLORS[_i % len(COLORS)],, lw=1.0) ax.set_ylabel("Depth [km]") if legend: if isinstance(legend, bool): loc = "lower left" else: loc = legend ax.legend(loc=loc, prop=dict(size="small")) ax.set_xlabel("Distance [deg]") # Pretty station marker. ms = 14 station_marker_transform = matplotlib.transforms.offset_copy( ax.transData, fig=ax.get_figure(), y=ms / 2.0, units="points") ax.plot([distance], [0.0], marker="v", color="#C95241", markersize=ms, zorder=10, markeredgewidth=1.5, markeredgecolor="0.3", clip_on=False, transform=station_marker_transform) if label_arrivals: name = ','.join(sorted(set( for ray in arrivals))) ax.annotate(name, xy=(distance, 0.0), xytext=(0, ms * 1.5), textcoords='offset points', ha='center', annotation_clip=False) # Pretty earthquake marker. ax.plot([0], [arrivals[0].source_depth], marker="*", color="#FEF215", markersize=20, zorder=10, markeredgewidth=1.5, markeredgecolor="0.3", clip_on=False) x = ax.get_xlim() x_range = x[1] - x[0] ax.set_xlim(x[0] - x_range * 0.1, x[1] + x_range * 0.1) x = ax.get_xlim() y = ax.get_ylim() for depth in discons: if not (y[1] <= depth <= y[0]): continue ax.hlines(depth, x[0], x[1], color="0.5", zorder=-1) # Plot some more station markers if necessary. possible_distances = [_i * (distance + 360.0) for _i in range(1, 10)] possible_distances += [-_i * (360.0 - distance) for _i in range(1, 10)] possible_distances = [ _i for _i in possible_distances if x[0] <= _i <= x[1] ] if possible_distances: ax.plot(possible_distances, [0.0] * len(possible_distances), marker="v", color="#C95241", markersize=ms, zorder=10, markeredgewidth=1.5, markeredgecolor="0.3", clip_on=False, lw=0, transform=station_marker_transform) else: raise NotImplementedError if show: return ax
def fit_and_plot(ax=None, power=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, image_name=None, filename=None, show=None, pad=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, title=None, figsize=None, xlog=False, ylog=False, scatter=False, legend=False, ncol=1, fontsize=None, legend_fontsize=None, markersize=None, linewidth=None, hor=False, fig_format='eps', dpi=300, ver_lines=None, xy_line=None, x_nbins=None, alpha=0.8, fill=False, first=True, last=True, convex=None, dashes=None, corner_letter=None, hide_ylabels=None, hide_xlabels=None, annotate=None, **data): """ Plot multiple plots on one axes using *data* return filename of saved plot ax (axes) - matplotlib axes object - to create multiple axes plots data - each entry should be (X, Y, fmt) or (X, Y, fmt, label) or {'x':,'y':, 'fmt':, 'label', 'xticks' } not implemented for powers and scatter yet or (X, Y, R, fmt) - for scatter = 1, R - size of spots first, last - allows to call this function multiple times to put several plots on one axes. Use first = 1, last = 0 for the first plot, 0, 0 for intermidiate, and 0, 1 for last power (int) - the power of polynom, turn on fitting scatter (bool) - plot scatter points - the data format is slightly different - see *data* convex (bool) - plot convex hull around points like in ATAT fill (bool) - fill under the curves filename (str) - name of file with figure, image_name - deprecated fig_format (str) - format of saved file. dpi - resolution of saved file ver_lines - list of dic args for vertical lines {'x':, 'c', 'lw':, 'ls':} hide_ylabels - just hide numbers ncol - number of legend columns corner_letter - letter in the corner of the plot pad - additional padding, experimental annotate - annotate each point, 'annotates' list should be in data dic! linewidth - was 3 ! markersize - was 10 x_nbins - number of ticks TODO: remove some arguments that can be provided in data dict """ if image_name == None: image_name = filename if fontsize: header.mpl.rcParams.update({'font.size': fontsize + 4}) if legend_fontsize is None: legend_fontsize = fontsize header.mpl.rc('legend', fontsize=legend_fontsize) if hasattr(header, 'first'): first = header.first if hasattr(header, 'last'): last = header.last # print('fit_and_plot, first and last', first, last) if ax is None: if first: # fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=figsize) plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = plt.gca() # get current axes ))) # ax = fig.axes if title: ax.title(title) # print(dir(plt)) # print(ax) # plt.ylabel(ylabel, axes = ax) # print(ylabel) if ylabel != None: ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if xlabel != None: '' # plt.xlabel(xlabel, axes = ax) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) if corner_letter: # print(corner_letter) sz = header.mpl.rcParams['font.size'] ax.text(0.05, 0.85, corner_letter, size=sz * 1.5, transform=ax.transAxes ) # transform = None - by default in data coordinates! # text(x, y, s, bbox=dict(facecolor='red', alpha=0.5)) if convex: from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull for key in sorted(data): if scatter: ax.scatter(data[key][0], data[key][1], s=data[key][2], c=data[key][-1], alpha=alpha, label=key) else: con = data[key] # print(con) # sys.exit() if type(con) == list or type(con) == tuple: try: label = con[3] except: label = key try: fmt = con[2] except: fmt = '' xyf = [con[0], con[1], fmt] con = {'label': label} #fmt -color style elif type(con) == dict: if 'fmt' not in con: con['fmt'] = '' # print(con) if 'x' not in con: l = len(con['y']) con['x'] = list(range(l)) if 'xticks' in con: # print(con['xticks']) ax.set_xticklabels(con['xticks']) ax.set_xticks(con['x']) del con['xticks'] xyf = [con['x'], con['y'], con['fmt']] # if 'lw' in if linewidth: con['lw'] = linewidth # print(con) # sys.exit() if markersize: con['ms'] = markersize # print('key is ', key) # print('x ', xyf[0]) con_other_args = copy.deepcopy(con) for k in ['x', 'y', 'fmt', 'annotates']: if k in con_other_args: del con_other_args[k] ax.plot(*xyf, alpha=alpha, **con_other_args) if power: coeffs1 = np.polyfit(xyf[0], xyf[1], power) fit_func1 = np.poly1d(coeffs1) x_range = np.linspace(min(xyf[0]), max(xyf[0])) fit_y1 = fit_func1(x_range) ax.plot( x_range, fit_y1, xyf[2][0], ) # x_min = fit_func2.deriv().r[power-2] #derivative of function and the second cooffecient is minimum value of x. # y_min = fit_func2(x_min) slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = scipy.stats.linregress( xyf[0], xyf[1]) print('R^2 = {:5.2f} for {:s}'.format(r_value**2, key)) if annotate: if adjustText_installed: ts = [] for t, x, y in zip(con['annotates'], con['x'], con['y']): ts.append( ax.text(x, y, t, size=10, alpha=0.5, color=con['fmt'][0])) adjust_text( ts, ax=ax, # force_points=10, force_text=10, force_objects = 0.5, expand_text=(2, 2), expand_points=(2, 2), # lim = 150, expand_align=(2, 2), # expand_objects=(0, 0), text_from_text=1, text_from_points=1, # arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->', color='black') ) else: for name, x, y in zip(con['annotates'], con['x'], con['y']): ax.annotate( name, xy=(x, y), xytext=(-20, 20), fontsize=9, textcoords='offset points', ha='center', va='bottom', # bbox=dict(boxstyle='round,pad=0.2', fc='yellow', alpha=0.3), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->', connectionstyle='arc3,rad=0.5', color='black')) # print(key) # print(con) if fill: '' ax.fill(xyf[0], xyf[1], facecolor=con['c'], alpha=0.6) if convex: points = np.asarray(list(zip(xyf[0], xyf[1]))) hull = ConvexHull(points) for simplex in hull.simplices: if max(points[simplex, 1]) > 0: continue ax.plot(points[simplex, 0], points[simplex, 1], 'k-') if hor: ax.axhline(color='k') #horizontal line ax.axvline(color='k') # vertical line at 0 always if ver_lines: for line in ver_lines: ax.axvline(**line) if xy_line: ylim = ax.get_ylim() # print(ylim) x = np.linspace(*ylim) # print(x) ax.plot(x, x) if x_nbins: ax.locator_params(nbins=x_nbins, axis='x') if xlim: ax.set_xlim(xlim) if ylim: ax.set_ylim(ymin=ylim[0]) if ylim[1]: ax.set_ylim(ymax=ylim[1]) if xlog: ax.set_xscale('log') if ylog: if "sym" in str(ylog): ax.set_yscale('symlog', linthreshx=0.1) else: ax.set_yscale('log') if hide_ylabels: ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) # ax.yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) if hide_xlabels: ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) if legend: scatterpoints = 1 # for legend ax.legend(loc=legend, scatterpoints=scatterpoints, ncol=ncol) # plt.legend() # plt.tight_layout(pad = 2, h_pad = 0.5) plt.tight_layout() if pad: plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.13, bottom=None, right=None, top=None, wspace=0.07, hspace=None) path2saved = '' if last: if image_name: # plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.1) path2saved, path2saved_png = process_fig_filename( image_name, fig_format) plt.savefig(path2saved, dpi=dpi, format=fig_format) plt.savefig(path2saved_png, dpi=300) print_and_log("Image saved to ", path2saved, imp='y') elif show is None: show = True # print_and_log(show) if show: plt.clf() plt.close('all') else: printlog('Attention! last = False, no figure is saved') return path2saved
def plot_rays(self, phase_list=None, plot_type="spherical", plot_all=True, legend=False, label_arrivals=False, show=True, fig=None, ax=None): """ Plot ray paths if any have been calculated. :param phase_list: List of phases for which ray paths are plotted, if they exist. See `Phase naming in taup`_ for details on phase naming and convenience keys like ``'ttbasic'``. Defaults to ``'ttall'``. :type phase_list: list of str :param plot_type: Either ``"spherical"`` or ``"cartesian"``. A spherical plot is always global whereas a Cartesian one can also be local. :type plot_type: str :param plot_all: By default all rays, even those travelling in the other direction and thus arriving at a distance of *360 - x* degrees are shown. Set this to ``False`` to only show rays arriving at exactly *x* degrees. :type plot_all: bool :param legend: If boolean, specify whether or not to show the legend (at the default location.) If a str, specify the location of the legend. If you are plotting a single phase, you may consider using the ``label_arrivals`` argument. :type legend: bool or str :param label_arrivals: Label the arrivals with their respective phase names. This setting is only useful if you are plotting a single phase as otherwise the names could be large and possibly overlap or clip. Consider using the ``legend`` parameter instead if you are plotting multiple phases. :type label_arrivals: bool :param show: Show the plot. :type show: bool :param fig: Figure to plot in. If not given, a new figure will be created. :type fig: :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` :param ax: Axes to plot in. If not given, a new figure with an axes will be created. Must be a polar axes for the spherical plot and a regular one for the Cartesian plot. :type ax: :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` :returns: Matplotlib axes with the plot :rtype: :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # I don't get this, but without sorting, I get a different # order each call: if phase_list is None: phase_list = ("ttall", ) phase_names = sorted(parse_phase_list(phase_list)) arrivals = [] for arrival in self: if arrival.path is None: continue dist = arrival.purist_distance % 360.0 distance = arrival.distance if distance < 0: distance = (distance % 360) if abs(dist - distance) / dist > 1E-5: if plot_all is False: continue # Mirror on axis. arrival = copy.deepcopy(arrival) arrival.path["dist"] *= -1.0 arrivals.append(arrival) if not arrivals: raise ValueError("Can only plot arrivals with calculated ray " "paths.") # get the velocity discontinuities in your model, for plotting: discons = self.model.s_mod.v_mod.get_discontinuity_depths() if plot_type == "spherical": if ax and not isinstance(ax, mpl.projections.polar.PolarAxes): msg = ("Axes instance provided for plotting with " "`plot_type='spherical'` but it seems the axes is not " "a polar axes.") warnings.warn(msg) if fig and ax: pass elif not fig and not ax: fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(projection='polar')) elif not ax: ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, polar=True) elif not fig: fig = ax.figure ax.set_theta_zero_location('N') ax.set_theta_direction(-1) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) intp = matplotlib.cbook.simple_linear_interpolation radius = self.model.radius_of_planet for ray in arrivals: if in phase_names: # Requires interpolation,or diffracted phases look funny. ax.plot(intp(ray.path["dist"], 100), radius - intp(ray.path["depth"], 100), color=COLORS[phase_names.index( % len(COLORS)],, lw=2.0) else: ax.plot(intp(ray.path["dist"], 100), radius - intp(ray.path["depth"], 100), color='k',, lw=2.0) ax.set_yticks(radius - discons) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) # Pretty earthquake marker. ax.plot([0], [radius - arrivals[0].source_depth], marker="*", color="#FEF215", markersize=20, zorder=10, markeredgewidth=1.5, markeredgecolor="0.3", clip_on=False) # Pretty station marker. arrowprops = dict(arrowstyle='-|>,head_length=0.8,' 'head_width=0.5', color='#C95241', lw=1.5) station_radius = radius - arrivals[0].receiver_depth ax.annotate('', xy=(np.deg2rad(distance), station_radius), xycoords='data', xytext=(np.deg2rad(distance), station_radius + radius * 0.02), textcoords='data', arrowprops=arrowprops, clip_on=False) arrowprops = dict(arrowstyle='-|>,head_length=1.0,' 'head_width=0.6', color='0.3', lw=1.5, fill=False) ax.annotate('', xy=(np.deg2rad(distance), station_radius), xycoords='data', xytext=(np.deg2rad(distance), station_radius + radius * 0.01), textcoords='data', arrowprops=arrowprops, clip_on=False) if label_arrivals: name = ','.join(sorted(set( for ray in arrivals))) # We cannot just set the text of the annotations above because # it changes the arrow path. t = _SmartPolarText(np.deg2rad(distance), station_radius + radius * 0.1, name, clip_on=False) ax.add_artist(t) ax.set_rmax(radius) ax.set_rmin(0.0) if legend: if isinstance(legend, bool): if 0 <= distance <= 180.0: loc = "upper left" else: loc = "upper right" else: loc = legend ax.legend(loc=loc, prop=dict(size="small")) elif plot_type == "cartesian": if ax and isinstance(ax, mpl.projections.polar.PolarAxes): msg = ("Axes instance provided for plotting with " "`plot_type='cartesian'` but it seems the axes is " "a polar axes.") warnings.warn(msg) if fig and ax: pass elif not fig and not ax: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.invert_yaxis() elif not ax: ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.invert_yaxis() elif not fig: fig = ax.figure # Plot the ray paths: for ray in arrivals: if in phase_names: ax.plot(np.rad2deg(ray.path["dist"]), ray.path["depth"], color=COLORS[phase_names.index( % len(COLORS)],, lw=2.0) else: ax.plot(np.rad2deg(ray.path["dist"]), ray.path["depth"], color='k',, lw=2.0) # Pretty station marker: ms = 14 station_marker_transform = matplotlib.transforms.offset_copy( ax.transData, fig=ax.get_figure(), y=ms / 2.0, units="points") ax.plot([distance], [arrivals[0].receiver_depth], marker="v", color="#C95241", markersize=ms, zorder=10, markeredgewidth=1.5, markeredgecolor="0.3", clip_on=False, transform=station_marker_transform) if label_arrivals: name = ','.join(sorted(set( for ray in arrivals))) ax.annotate(name, xy=(distance, arrivals[0].receiver_depth), xytext=(0, ms * 1.5), textcoords='offset points', ha='center', annotation_clip=False) # Pretty earthquake marker. ax.plot([0], [arrivals[0].source_depth], marker="*", color="#FEF215", markersize=20, zorder=10, markeredgewidth=1.5, markeredgecolor="0.3", clip_on=False) # lines of major discontinuities: x = ax.get_xlim() y = ax.get_ylim() for depth in discons: if not (y[1] <= depth <= y[0]): continue ax.hlines(depth, x[0], x[1], color="0.5", zorder=-1) # Plot some more station markers if necessary. possible_distances = [ _i * (distance + 360.0) for _i in range(1, 10) ] possible_distances += [ -_i * (360.0 - distance) for _i in range(1, 10) ] possible_distances = [ _i for _i in possible_distances if x[0] <= _i <= x[1] ] if possible_distances: ax.plot(possible_distances, [arrivals[0].receiver_depth] * len(possible_distances), marker="v", color="#C95241", markersize=ms, zorder=10, markeredgewidth=1.5, markeredgecolor="0.3", clip_on=False, lw=0, transform=station_marker_transform) if legend: if isinstance(legend, bool): loc = "lower left" else: loc = legend ax.legend(loc=loc, prop=dict(size="small")) ax.set_xlabel("Distance [deg]") ax.set_ylabel("Depth [km]") else: msg = "Plot type '{}' is not a valid option.".format(plot_type) raise ValueError(msg) if show: return ax
def visualise_cards(cards, ax=None, cards_type='hand', show_spines=False): """ :param cards: :param ax: :param cards_type: :param show_spines: :return: Example usage cards_hand = ['As', '7d', 'Kc', 'Wa', 'Wb'] cards_pile = ['2s', '3s', '4s'] ax = visualise_cards(cards_hand, ax=None, cards_type='hand', show_spines=False) visualise_cards(cards_pile, ax=ax, cards_type='pile', show_spines=False) visualise_cards(4, ax=ax, cards_type='opponent', show_spines=False) """ assert cards_type in ['hand', 'pile', 'deck', 'opponent'] show_card_values = True if 'hand' == cards_type: bottom = 0.1 elif 'pile' == cards_type: bottom = YLIM / 2 - CARD_HEIGHT / 2 cards_accessible = pile_top_accessible_cards(cards) elif 'opponent' == cards_type: bottom = YLIM / 2 + CARD_HEIGHT / 2 + 0.1 assert isinstance(cards, int) cards = [None] * cards show_card_values = False hatch = None if not show_card_values: hatch = '/' if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=FIGSIZE) ncards = len(cards) left_most = CARD_WIDTH / 2 + (MAX_CARDS - ncards) * CARD_WIDTH / 2 left = left_most dx, dy = 0.2, -0.1 card_margin = 0.02 for card in cards: alpha = 1 if 'pile' == cards_type: if card not in cards_accessible: alpha = 0.3 ax.add_patch( Rectangle((left, bottom), CARD_WIDTH, CARD_HEIGHT, fill=False, alpha=alpha, hatch=hatch)) if show_card_values: card_pretty = card_to_pretty(card) if 'W' in card_pretty: card_pretty = card_pretty[-1] ax.annotate(card_pretty, ((left + (left + CARD_WIDTH)) / 2 - dx, (bottom + CARD_HEIGHT / 2.2)), rotation=0, fontsize=30, alpha=alpha, color=card_to_color(card)) left += CARD_WIDTH + card_margin plt.xlim(0., XLIM) plt.ylim(0., YLIM) if not show_spines: spines = ['right', 'top', 'left', 'bottom'] [ax.spines[spine].set_visible(False) for spine in spines] ax.tick_params(bottom=False, left=False) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.NullLocator()) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) return ax
def __init__(self, cube=None, interactive=True, view=(0, 0, 10), fig=None, rect=[0, 0.16, 1, 0.84], **kwargs): if cube is None: self.cube = Cube(3) elif isinstance(cube, Cube): self.cube = cube else: self.cube = Cube(cube) self._moves = [] self._view = view self._start_rot = Quaternion.from_v_theta((1, -1, 0), -np.pi / 6) if fig is None: fig = plt.gcf() # disable default key press events callbacks = fig.canvas.callbacks.callbacks del callbacks['key_press_event'] # add some defaults, and draw axes kwargs.update( dict(aspect=kwargs.get('aspect', 'equal'), xlim=kwargs.get('xlim', (-2.0, 2.0)), ylim=kwargs.get('ylim', (-2.0, 2.0)), frameon=kwargs.get('frameon', False), xticks=kwargs.get('xticks', []), yticks=kwargs.get('yticks', []))) super(InteractiveCube, self).__init__(fig, rect, **kwargs) self.xaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) self.yaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) self._start_xlim = kwargs['xlim'] self._start_ylim = kwargs['ylim'] # Define movement for up/down arrows or up/down mouse movement self._ax_UD = (1, 0, 0) self._step_UD = 0.01 # Define movement for left/right arrows or left/right mouse movement self._ax_LR = (0, -1, 0) self._step_LR = 0.01 self._ax_LR_alt = (0, 0, 1) # Internal state variable self._active = False # true when mouse is over axes self._button1 = False # true when button 1 is pressed self._button2 = False # true when button 2 is pressed self._event_xy = None # store xy position of mouse event self._shift = False # shift key pressed self._digit_flags = np.zeros(10, dtype=bool) # digits 0-9 pressed self._current_rot = self._start_rot #current rotation state self._face_polys = None self._sticker_polys = None self._draw_cube() # connect some GUI events self.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self._mouse_press) self.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self._mouse_release) self.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self._mouse_motion) self.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self._key_press) self.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('key_release_event', self._key_release) self._initialize_widgets() # write some instructions self.figure.text(0.05, 0.05, "Mouse/arrow keys adjust view\n" "U/D/L/R/B/F keys turn faces\n" "(hold shift for counter-clockwise)", size=10)
def syn_validation(N_samples, data_loc, data_scale, random_state=random_state): print("Generating synthetic data ...") #---------- create synthetic data ------------------------------------------------------------------------- true_xyz = data_distribution(mean=data_loc, cov=data_scale, size=N_samples) #---- Transform XYZ to RA,DEC,parallax ------- true_dst, ra, dec = cartesianToSpherical(true_xyz[:, 0], true_xyz[:, 1], true_xyz[:, 2]) ra = np.degrees(ra) # transform to degrees dec = np.degrees(dec) # transform to degrees pax = 1.0 / true_dst # Transform to parallax #----- assigns uncertainties and correlations similar to those present in Gaia data ------- u_pax = st.chi2.rvs(df=u_pax_params[0], loc=u_pax_params[1], scale=u_pax_params[2], size=N_samples, random_state=random_state) #Units in mas u_ra = st.chi2.rvs(df=u_ra_params[0], loc=u_ra_params[1], scale=u_ra_params[2], size=N_samples, random_state=random_state) #Units in mas u_dec = st.chi2.rvs(df=u_dec_params[0], loc=u_dec_params[1], scale=u_dec_params[2], size=N_samples, random_state=random_state) #Units in mas #------ Transform uncertainties to degrees and arcseconds -------- u_pax = u_pax / 1000.0 u_ra = u_ra / 3.6e6 u_dec = u_dec / 3.6e6 corr_ra_dec = st.norm.rvs(corr_ra_dec_params[0], corr_ra_dec_params[1], size=N_samples, random_state=random_state) corr_ra_pax = st.norm.rvs(corr_ra_pax_params[0], corr_ra_pax_params[1], size=N_samples, random_state=random_state) corr_dec_pax = st.norm.rvs(corr_dec_pax_params[0], corr_dec_pax_params[1], size=N_samples, random_state=random_state) #----------------- array of data ------------------------- data = np.column_stack((ra, dec, pax, u_ra, u_dec, u_pax, corr_ra_dec, corr_ra_pax, corr_dec_pax)) #---------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------ print("Checking for singular matrices") for i, datum in enumerate(data): singular = True count = 0 #------ Run loop until matrix is not singular while singular: count += 1 corr = np.zeros((3, 3)) corr[0, 1] = datum[6] corr[0, 2] = datum[7] corr[1, 2] = datum[8] corr = np.eye(3) + corr + corr.T cov = np.diag(datum[3:6]).dot([3:6]))) try: s, logdet = np.linalg.slogdet(cov) except Exception as e: print(e) if s <= 0: print("Replacing singular matrix") #------- If matrix is singular then replace the values datum[6] = st.norm.rvs(corr_ra_dec_params[0], corr_ra_dec_params[1], size=1, random_state=random_state + count)[0] datum[7] = st.norm.rvs(corr_ra_pax_params[0], corr_ra_pax_params[1], size=1, random_state=random_state + count)[0] datum[8] = st.norm.rvs(corr_dec_pax_params[0], corr_dec_pax_params[1], size=1, random_state=random_state + count)[0] else: singular = False data[i, :] = datum #-------------------------- # ------- Prepare plots -------------------- pdf = PdfPages(filename=dir_graphs + "Sample_of_distances.pdf") random_sample = np.random.randint(0, N_samples, size=10) #Only ten plots nullfmt = plt.NullFormatter() left, width = 0.1, 0.4 bottom, height = 0.1, 0.4 bottom_h = left_h = left + width + 0.0 rect_scatter = [left, bottom, width, height] rect_histx = [left, bottom_h, width, 0.4] rect_histy = [left_h, bottom, 0.1, height] frac_error = np.zeros_like(true_xyz) maps = np.zeros_like(true_xyz) times = np.zeros(N_samples) sds = np.zeros_like(true_xyz) cis = np.zeros((N_samples, 2, 3)) acc_fcs = np.zeros(N_samples) print("Sampling the posteriors ...") bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=N_samples).start() for d, (datum, t_xyz, t_dst) in enumerate(zip(data, true_xyz, true_dst)): ###################### Initialise the posterio_adw class ################################ adw = posterior_adw(datum, prior=prior, prior_loc=prior_loc, prior_scale=prior_scale) #------- run the p2d function ---------------------------- MAP, Median, SD, CI, int_time, sample, mean_acceptance_fraction = N_iter=N_iter) obs_xyz = sphericalToCartesian(MAP[2], MAP[0], MAP[1]) #---- populate arrays---- frac_error[d, 0] = (MAP[2] - t_dst) / t_dst frac_error[d, 1] = (MAP[0] - datum[0]) / datum[0] frac_error[d, 2] = (MAP[1] - datum[1]) / datum[1] maps[d, :] = MAP times[d] = int_time sds[d, :] = SD cis[d, :, :] = CI acc_fcs[d] = mean_acceptance_fraction #---- plot just random sample if d in random_sample: y_min, y_max = 0.95 * np.min(sample[:, :, 2]), 1.05 * np.max( sample[:, :, 2]) fig = plt.figure(221, figsize=(6.3, 6.3)) ax0 = fig.add_subplot(223, position=rect_scatter) ax0.set_xlabel("Iteration") ax0.set_ylabel("Distance [pc]") ax0.set_ylim(y_min, y_max) ax0.plot(sample[:, :, 2].T, '-', color='k', alpha=0.3, linewidth=0.3) ax0.axhline(t_dst, color='black', ls="solid", linewidth=0.8, label="True") ax0.axhline(MAP[2], color='blue', ls="--", linewidth=0.5, label="MAP") ax0.axhline(CI[0, 2], color='blue', ls=":", linewidth=0.5, label="CI 95%") ax0.axhline(CI[1, 2], color='blue', ls=":", linewidth=0.5) ax0.legend(loc="upper left", ncol=4, fontsize=4) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(224, position=rect_histy) ax1.set_ylim(y_min, y_max) ax1.axhline(t_dst, color='black', ls="solid", linewidth=0.8, label="True") ax1.axhline(MAP[2], color='blue', ls="--", linewidth=0.5, label="MAP") ax1.axhline(CI[0, 2], color='blue', ls=":", linewidth=0.5, label="CI") ax1.axhline(CI[1, 2], color='blue', ls=":", linewidth=0.5) ax1.set_xlabel("Density") ax1.yaxis.set_ticks_position('none') xticks = ax1.xaxis.get_major_ticks() xticks[0].label1.set_visible(False) ax1.yaxis.set_major_formatter(nullfmt) ax1.yaxis.set_minor_formatter(nullfmt) ax1.hist(sample[:, :, 2].flatten(), bins=100, density=True, color="k", orientation='horizontal', fc='none', histtype='step', lw=0.5) pdf.savefig(bbox_inches='tight' ) # saves the current figure into a pdf page plt.close() # ---- update progress bas ---- bar.update(d) pdf.close() print("Acceptance fraction statistics:") print("Min.: {0:.3f}, Mean: {1:.3f}, Max.: {2:.3f}".format( np.min(acc_fcs), np.mean(acc_fcs), np.max(acc_fcs))) #---------- return data frame---- data = pn.DataFrame( np.column_stack( (ra, dec, true_dst, pax, u_ra, u_dec, u_pax, u_pax / pax, u_ra / ra, u_dec / dec, maps, frac_error, sds, times)), columns=[ 'True RA', 'True DEC', 'True distance', 'True parallax', 'RA uncertainty', 'DEC uncertainty', 'Parallax uncertainty', 'Parallax fractional uncertainty', 'RA fractional uncertainty', 'DEC fractional uncertainty', 'MAP RA', 'MAP DEC', 'MAP distance', 'Distance fractional error', 'RA fractional error', 'DEC fractional error', 'SD RA', 'SD DEC', 'SD distance', 'Autocorrelation time' ]) return data
def finetune_wavlength_solution(self): print("") print( "Cross correlating with synthetic sky to obtain refinement to wavlength solution ..." ) print("") # Remove continuum mask = ~np.isnan(self.em_sky) & (self.haxis < 18000) & (self.haxis > 3500) hist, edges = np.histogram(self.em_sky[mask], bins="auto") max_idx = find_nearest(hist, max(hist)) sky = self.em_sky - edges[max_idx] mask = ~np.isnan(sky) & (sky > 0) & (self.haxis < 18000) & (self.haxis > 3500) # Load synthetic sky sky_model ="statics/skytable_hres.fits") wl_sky = 1e4 * (sky_model[1].data.field('lam')) # In micron flux_sky = sky_model[1].data.field('flux') # Convolve to observed grid from scipy.interpolate import interp1d f = interp1d(wl_sky, convolve(sky_model[1].data.field('flux'), Gaussian1DKernel(stddev=10)), bounds_error=False, fill_value=np.nan) synth_sky = f(self.haxis) # Cross correlate with redshifted spectrum and find velocity offset offsets = np.arange(-0.0005, 0.0005, 0.00001) correlation = np.zeros(offsets.shape) for ii, kk in enumerate(offsets): synth_sky = f(self.haxis * (1. + kk)) correlation[ii] = np.correlate( sky[mask] * (np.nanmax(synth_sky) / np.nanmax(sky)), synth_sky[mask]) # Index with maximal value max_idx = find_nearest(correlation, max(correlation)) # Corrections to apply to original spectrum, which maximizes correlation. self.correction_factor = 1. + offsets[max_idx] print("Found preliminary velocity offset: " + str((self.correction_factor - 1.) * 3e5) + " km/s") print("") print( "Minimising residuals between observed sky and convolved synthetic sky to obtain the sky PSF ..." ) print("") # Zero-deviation wavelength of arms, from if self.header['HIERARCH ESO SEQ ARM'] == "UVB": zdwl = 4050 pixel_width = 50 elif self.header['HIERARCH ESO SEQ ARM'] == "VIS": zdwl = 6330 pixel_width = 50 elif self.header['HIERARCH ESO SEQ ARM'] == "NIR": zdwl = 13100 pixel_width = 50 # Get seeing PSF by minimizing the residuals with a theoretical sky model, convovled with an increasing psf. psf_width = np.arange(1, pixel_width, 1) res = np.zeros(psf_width.shape) for ii, kk in enumerate(psf_width): # Convolve sythetic sky with Gaussian psf convolution = convolve(flux_sky, Gaussian1DKernel(stddev=kk)) # Interpolate high-res syntheric sky onto observed wavelength grid. f = interp1d(wl_sky, convolution, bounds_error=False, fill_value=np.nan) synth_sky = f(self.haxis * self.correction_factor) # Calculate squared residuals residual = np.nansum( (synth_sky[mask] * (np.nanmax(sky[mask]) / np.nanmax(synth_sky[mask])) - sky[mask])**2.) res[ii] = residual # Index of minimal residual min_idx = find_nearest(res, min(res)) # Wavelegth step corresponding psf width in FWHM R, seeing = np.zeros(psf_width.shape), np.zeros(psf_width.shape) for ii, kk in enumerate(psf_width): dlambda = np.diff(wl_sky[::kk]) * 2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2)) # Interpolate to wavelegth grid f = interp1d(wl_sky[::kk][:-1], dlambda, bounds_error=False, fill_value=np.nan) dlambda = f(self.haxis) # PSF FWHM in pixels d_pix = dlambda / (10 * self.header['CDELT1']) # Corresponding seeing PSF FWHM in arcsec spatial_psf = d_pix * self.header['CDELT2'] # Index of zero-deviation zd_idx = find_nearest(self.haxis, zdwl) # Resolution at zero-deviation wavelength R[ii] = (self.haxis / dlambda)[zd_idx] # Seeing at zero-deviation wavelength seeing[ii] = spatial_psf[zd_idx] fig, ax1 = pl.subplots() ax1.yaxis.set_major_formatter(pl.NullFormatter()) convolution = convolve(flux_sky, Gaussian1DKernel(stddev=psf_width[min_idx])) f = interp1d(wl_sky, convolution, bounds_error=False, fill_value=np.nan) synth_sky = f(self.haxis) # Cross correlate with redshifted spectrum and find velocity offset offsets = np.arange(-0.0005, 0.0005, 0.000001) correlation = np.zeros_like(offsets) for ii, kk in enumerate(offsets): synth_sky = f(self.haxis * (1. + kk)) correlation[ii] = np.correlate( sky[mask] * (np.nanmax(synth_sky[mask]) / np.nanmax(sky[mask])), synth_sky[mask]) # Smooth cross-correlation correlation = convolve(correlation, Gaussian1DKernel(stddev=20)) # Index with maximum correlation max_idx = find_nearest(correlation, max(correlation)) self.correction_factor = (1. + offsets[max_idx]) self.header["WAVECORR"] = self.correction_factor print("Found refined velocity offset: " + str((self.correction_factor - 1.) * 3e5) + " km/s") print("") # Mask flux with > 3-sigma sky brightness self.sky_mask = f(self.haxis * self.correction_factor) > np.percentile( f(self.haxis * self.correction_factor), 99) ax2 = ax1.twiny() ax2.errorbar( offsets[max_idx] * 3e5, max(correlation) * (max(res) / max(correlation)), fmt=".k", capsize=0, elinewidth=0.5, ms=13, label="Wavelength correction:" + str(np.around( (self.correction_factor - 1.) * 3e5, decimals=1)) + " km/s", color="r") ax2.plot(offsets * 3e5, correlation * (max(res) / max(correlation)), color="r") ax2.set_xlabel("Offset velocity / [km/s]", color="r") ax2.set_ylabel("Cross correlation", color="r") ax2.yaxis.set_label_position("right") ax2.yaxis.set_major_formatter(pl.NullFormatter()) ax2.legend(loc=2) pl.savefig(self.base_name + "Wavelength_cal.pdf") pl.clf()
im1 = ax1.scatter(coeffs[:, 0], coeffs[:, 1], **scatter_kwargs) im1.set_clim(clim) ax1.set_ylabel('$c_2$') ax2 = plt.subplot(223) im2 = ax2.scatter(coeffs[:, 0], coeffs[:, 2], **scatter_kwargs) im2.set_clim(clim) ax2.set_xlabel('$c_1$') ax2.set_ylabel('$c_3$') ax3 = plt.subplot(224) im3 = ax3.scatter(coeffs[:, 1], coeffs[:, 2], **scatter_kwargs) im3.set_clim(clim) ax3.set_xlabel('$c_2$') fig.colorbar(im3, ax=ax3, cax=cax, ticks=cticks, format=formatter) ax1.xaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) ax3.yaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) ax1.set_xlim(-0.01, 0.014) ax2.set_xlim(-0.01, 0.014) for ax in (ax1, ax2, ax3): ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(5)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(5))
#ax[1].plot(plt_profile_2['oxygen_dry_c2'][i],depth_y_b,'-',color=plt_profile_2['color'][i],label=plt_profile_2['legend'][i] ) #ax[2].plot(plt_profile_2['oxygen_dry_c3'][i],depth_y_b,'-',color=plt_profile_2['color'][i],label=plt_profile_2['legend'][i] ) ax[0].plot(plt_profile_2['oxygen_dry_c1'][i],depth_y_a,'-',color=plt_profile_2['color'][i],label=plt_profile_2['legend'][i] ) ax[1].plot(plt_profile_2['oxygen_dry_c2'][i],depth_y_b,'-',color=plt_profile_2['color'][i],label=plt_profile_2['legend'][i] ) ax[2].plot(plt_profile_2['oxygen_dry_c3'][i],depth_y_d,'-',color=plt_profile_2['color'][i],label=plt_profile_2['legend'][i] ) ax[0].set_ylim([4.1,0.2]) ax[1].set_ylim([4.1,0.2]) ax[2].set_ylim([4.1,0.2]) ax[0].set_xlim([0,23]) ax[1].set_xlim([0,23]) ax[2].set_xlim([0,23]) ax[0].xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(5)) ax[1].xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(5)) ax[2].xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(5)) ax[1].yaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) ax[1].legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.07 ), loc='center', borderaxespad=0.,fontsize=10,handletextpad=0.03,labelspacing=0.02,ncol=2,columnspacing=0.4) #ax[1].legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.99, 0.004 ), loc='lower right', borderaxespad=0.,fontsize=10,handletextpad=0.23,labelspacing=0.22,ncol=1,columnspacing=0.4) #ax[2].legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.99, 0.004 ), loc='lower right', borderaxespad=0.,fontsize=10,handletextpad=0.23,labelspacing=0.22,ncol=1,columnspacing=0.4) for i in ax: for axis in ['top','bottom','left','right']: i.spines[axis].set_linewidth(2) i.set_axisbelow(True) ax[0].grid(True,which="both",ls=":",linewidth=grid_width,color = '0.5') ax[1].grid(True,which="both",ls=":",linewidth=grid_width,color = '0.5') ax[2].grid(True,which="both",ls=":",linewidth=grid_width,color = '0.5')
ax.text( 0.5, 0.1, "linear scale", transform=ax.transAxes, horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="bottom", ) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.spines["right"].set_visible(False) ax.spines["left"].set_visible(False) ax.spines["top"].set_visible(False) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(0.10)) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FormatStrFormatter("%.1f")) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(0.02)) ax.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) ax.tick_params(axis="both", which="major") def forward(x): return x**2 def inverse(x): return x**(1 / 2) # x**2 scale # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ax = plt.subplot(3, 1, 2, xlim=[0.1, 1.0], ylim=[0, 1]) ax.patch.set_facecolor("none")
def plot_colormeshes(self, start_fig=1, dpi=200, r_pad=(0, 1)): """ Plot figures of the 2D dedalus data slices at each timestep. # Arguments start_fig (int) : The number in the filename for the first write. dpi (int) : The pixel density of the output image r_pad (tuple of ints) : Padding values for the radial grid of polar plots """ with self.my_sync: axs, caxs = self._groom_grid() tasks = [] bases = [] for cm in self.colormeshes: if cm.field not in tasks: tasks.append(cm.field) if cm.x_basis not in bases: bases.append(cm.x_basis) if cm.y_basis not in bases: bases.append(cm.y_basis) if self.idle: return while self.files_remain(bases, tasks): bs, tsk, writenum, times = self.read_next_file() for cm in self.colormeshes: x = np.copy(bs[cm.x_basis]) y = np.copy(bs[cm.y_basis]) if cm.polar: x = np.append(x, 2*np.pi) elif cm.meridional: x = np.pad(x, ((0,0), (1,1), (0,0)), mode='constant', constant_values=(np.pi,0)) x = np.pi/2 - x elif cm.mollweide: x -= np.pi y = np.pi/2 - y if cm.polar or cm.meridional: y = np.pad(y, ((0,0), (0,0), (1,1)), mode='constant', constant_values=r_pad) if cm.ortho: y *= 180/np.pi x *= 180/np.pi x -= 180 y -= 90 cm.yy, cm.xx = np.meshgrid(y, x) for j, n in enumerate(writenum): if self.reader.comm.rank == 0: print('writing plot {}/{} on process 0'.format(j+1, len(writenum))) stdout.flush() for k, cm in enumerate(self.colormeshes): field = np.squeeze(tsk[cm.field][j,:]) vector_ind = cm.vector_ind if vector_ind is not None: field = field[vector_ind,:] xx, yy = cm.xx, cm.yy #Subtract out m = 0 if cm.remove_mean: field -= np.mean(field) elif cm.remove_x_mean: field -= np.mean(field, axis=0) elif cm.remove_y_mean: field -= np.mean(field, axis=1) #Scale by magnitude of m = 0 if cm.divide_x_mean: field /= np.mean(np.abs(field), axis=0) if cm.meridional: field = np.pad(field, ((0, 1), (1, 0)), mode='edge') elif cm.polar: field = np.pad(field, ((0, 0), (1, 0)), mode='edge') if cm.polar or cm.meridional: axs[k].set_xticks([]) axs[k].set_rticks([]) axs[k].set_aspect(1) if cm.log: field = np.log10(np.abs(field)) vals = np.sort(field.flatten()) if cm.pos_def: vals = np.sort(vals) if np.mean(vals) < 0: vmin, vmax = vals[int(0.002*len(vals))], 0 else: vmin, vmax = 0, vals[int(0.998*len(vals))] else: vals = np.sort(np.abs(vals)) vmax = vals[int(0.998*len(vals))] vmin = -vmax if cm.vmin is not None: vmin = cm.vmin if cm.vmax is not None: vmax = cm.vmax if cm.ortho: import as ccrs plot = axs[k].pcolormesh(xx, yy, field, cmap=cm.cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, rasterized=True, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) axs[k].gridlines()#draw_labels=True, dms=True, x_inline=False, y_inline=False) else: plot = axs[k].pcolormesh(xx, yy, field, cmap=cm.cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, rasterized=True) cb = plt.colorbar(plot, cax=caxs[k], orientation='horizontal') cb.solids.set_rasterized(True) cb.set_ticks((vmin, vmax)) caxs[k].tick_params(direction='in', pad=1) cb.set_ticklabels(('{:.2e}'.format(vmin), '{:.2e}'.format(vmax))) caxs[k].xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') if cm.label is None: if vector_ind is not None: caxs[k].text(0.5, 0.5, '{:s}[{}]'.format(cm.field, vector_ind), transform=caxs[k].transAxes, va='center', ha='center') else: caxs[k].text(0.5, 0.5, '{:s}'.format(cm.field), transform=caxs[k].transAxes, va='center', ha='center') else: caxs[k].text(0.5, 0.5, '{:s}'.format(cm.label), transform=caxs[k].transAxes, va='center', ha='center') if cm.mollweide: axs[k].yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.NullLocator()) axs[k].xaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) plt.suptitle('t = {:.4e}'.format(times[j])) self.grid.fig.savefig('{:s}/{:s}_{:06d}.png'.format(self.out_dir, self.fig_name, int(n+start_fig-1)), dpi=dpi, bbox_inches='tight') for ax in axs: ax.clear() for cax in caxs: cax.clear()
if not os.path.isdir(dir_graphs): os.mkdir(dir_graphs) #----------------------------------- file_out_csv = dir_graphs + "out_" + str(prior) + "_" + str( prior_loc) + "_" + str( prior_scale) + ".csv" # file where the statistics will be written. file_out_h5 = dir_graphs + "out_" + str(prior) + "_" + str( prior_loc) + "_" + str(prior_scale) + ".hdf5" #------- Open plots and H5 files pdf = PdfPages(filename=dir_graphs + "Distances.pdf") fh5 = h5py.File(file_out_h5, 'w') # ------- Prepare plots -------------------- nullfmt = plt.NullFormatter() left, width = 0.1, 0.4 bottom, height = 0.1, 0.4 bottom_h = left_h = left + width + 0.0 rect_scatter = [left, bottom, width, height] rect_histx = [left, bottom_h, width, 0.4] rect_histy = [left_h, bottom, 0.1, height] #------ initialise arrays --------- maps = np.zeros((N, 3)) medians = np.zeros((N, 3)) sds = np.zeros((N, 3)) cis = np.zeros((N, 3, 2)) times = np.zeros(N) acc_fcs = np.zeros(N)
def plot_mcdterms(df, fname, num=1, xlabel='wavelength', ylabel='deltaA'): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[1, 0.25]) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0]) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1]) gs.update(hspace=0) p0 = [0, 0, 0] #amplitude, center, width; adjust as needed bounds = [] field_list = [] width1_list = [] width1_err_list = [] for field in df: xdata = df[xlabel] ydata = df[ylabel] ax1.plot(xdata, ydata, "ko", ms=0.5) # use one peak if num == 1: popt_mcdterms, pcov_mcdterms = optimize.curve_fit(_mcdtermsAB, xdata, ydata, p0=p0) perr_mcdterms = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov_mcdterms)) pars_1 = popt_mcdterms[0:3] mcd_term_peak_1 = _mcdtermsAB(xdata, *pars_1) ax1.plot(xdata, _mcdtermsAB(xdata, *popt_mcdterms), 'r--', lw=0.4) residual_mcd_terms = ydata - (_mcdtermsAB(xdata, *popt_mcdterms)) ax2.plot(xdata, residual_mcd_terms, "bo", ms=0.4) ax2.fill_between(xdata, 0, residual_mcd_terms, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.1) field_list.append(field) width1_list.append(pars_1[2]) width1_err_list.append(perr_mcdterms[2]) peak_params_df = pd.DataFrame(list( zip(field_list, width1_list, width1_err_list)), columns=['Pressure', 'FWHM', 'err']) # ax1.set_xlim(-10000,10000) # ax2.set_xlim(-10000,10000) # ax2.set_ylim(-25,25) ax2.set_xlabel(r'Frequency, $\nu-\nu_0$ (MHz)') ax1.set_ylabel(r'Signal, $\Delta$I$_{pr}$ (mV)', labelpad=10) ax2.set_ylabel("Residual", labelpad=4.5) ax1.xaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) ax1.xaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(5000)) ax2.xaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(5000)) # ax2.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(10)) ax1.xaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator()) ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator()) ax2.xaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator()) ax2.yaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator()) ax1.xaxis.set_tick_params( which='major', size=5, width=0.8, direction='in', bottom='off' ) #axes.linewidth by default for matplotlib is 0.8, so that value is used here for aesthetic matching. ax1.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', size=2, width=0.8, direction='in', bottom='off') ax1.yaxis.set_tick_params(which='major', size=5, width=0.8, direction='in', right='on', bottom='off') ax1.yaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', size=2, width=0.8, direction='in', right='on', bottom='off') ax2.xaxis.set_tick_params( which='major', size=5, width=0.8, direction='in', top='off' ) #axes.linewidth by default for matplotlib is 0.8, so that value is used here for aesthetic matching. ax2.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', size=2, width=0.8, direction='in', top='off') ax2.yaxis.set_tick_params(which='major', size=5, width=0.8, direction='in', right='on', top='off') ax2.yaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', size=2, width=0.8, direction='in', right='on', top='off') fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(fname + '.png', format="png", dpi=1000) return peak_params_df