def plot_speeds( body_speed, start: int = 0, end: int = -1, is_moving: np.ndarray = None, ax: plt.axis = None, show: bool = True, **other_speeds, ): """ Just plot some speeds for debugging stuff """ if ax is None: f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(14, 8)) ax.plot(body_speed[start:end], label="body", color="salmon") for name, speed in other_speeds.items(): ax.plot(speed[start:end], label=name) if is_moving is not None: ax.plot(is_moving, lw=4, color="k") ax.legend() ax.set(xlabel="time (frames)", ylabel="speed (cm/s)") if show:
def mpl_plot(self, ax: plt.axis = None, temp_unit: str = "GK", **kwargs) -> plt.axis: ax = ax or plt.gca() t = np.logspace(-2, 1, 1000) if temp_unit is "GK": ax.loglog( t, self.rate(t), color=self.color, label="Reaclib-" + self.label + " " + self.__str__(), **kwargs, ) elif temp_unit is "KeV": ax.loglog( Temperature(t).kev, self.rate(t), color=self.color, label=self.label + " " + self.__str__(), **kwargs, ) ax.legend() ax = super().mpl_plot(ax=ax, temp_unit=temp_unit) return ax
def plot_on( self, ax: plt.axis, draw_legend: bool = True, legend_inside: bool = True, legend_kwargs: dict = {}, yaxis_scale=1.3, hide_labels: bool = False, ) -> plt.axis: for component in self.components: if == 'point': ax.errorbar(,,,, label=component.label, color=component.color,, marker=component.marker, ) elif == 'box':, 2 *, width=2 *, -, label=component.label, color=component.color, alpha=0.5) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Options: point|box. If you require a new kind of plot, report a feature request" ) if not hide_labels: ax.set_xlabel(self.variable.x_label, plot_style.xlabel_pos) ax.set_ylabel(self.variable.y_label, plot_style.ylabel_pos) if draw_legend: if legend_inside: ax.legend(frameon=False, **legend_kwargs) ylims = ax.get_ylim() ax.set_ylim(ylims[0], yaxis_scale * ylims[1]) else: ax.legend(frameon=False, bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), **legend_kwargs) return ax
def _sub_plot_multiple(self, axis:plt.axis, columns:tuple): ''' Create a sub-plot for the given columns. Parameters ---------- ax : plt.axis figure axis columns : tuple column names ''' title = '' for col in columns: axis.plot(self.m_data_df[col], label=col,linestyle='-',linewidth=0.1) title += col + ', ' axis.set_title(title) axis.set_xlabel('Rollouts') axis.legend()
def mpl_plot(self, ax: plt.axis = None, temp_unit: str = "GK", **kwargs): ax = ax or plt.gca() if temp_unit is "GK": ax.errorbar( Temperature(np.array(self.temperature), unit=self.temp_unit).gk, self.rr, yerr=self.err, color=self.colour, label="{0} {1}".format(self.label, self.__str__()), **kwargs, ) ax.scatter( Temperature(np.array(self.temperature), unit=self.temp_unit).gk, self.rr, color=self.colour, ) elif temp_unit is "KeV": ax.errorbar( Temperature(np.array(self.temperature), unit=self.temp_unit).kev, self.rr, yerr=self.err, color=self.colour, label="{0} {1}".format(self.label, self.__str__()), **kwargs, ) ax.scatter( Temperature(np.array(self.temperature), unit=self.temp_unit).kev, self.rr, color=self.colour, ) ax.set_yscale("log") ax.legend() ax = super().mpl_plot(ax, temp_unit=temp_unit) return ax
def add_cut_to_axis(ax: plt.axis, cut_left: Optional[float] = None, cut_right: Optional[float] = None, cut_window: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, keep_window: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, color: str = 'white'): """ Adds a "cut" to a given axis. The cut is shown as shaded area with the color given in the parameter color. :param ax: Axis to plot on. :param cut_left: Upper x value of the cut. If set, the area with x < cut_left is indicated to be cut away. Default is None :param cut_right: Lower x value of the cut. If set, the area with x > cut_right is indicated to be cut away. Default is None :param cut_window: :param keep_window: :param color: Color of the overlay of the area which is indicated to be cut away. Default is 'white'. """ x_lim_low, x_lim_high = ax.get_xlim() if cut_left is not None: ax.axvspan(x_lim_low, cut_left, facecolor=color, alpha=0.7) ax.axvline(cut_left, color='black', linestyle='dashed', lw=1.5, label='Cut') elif cut_right is not None: ax.axvspan(cut_right, x_lim_high, facecolor=color, alpha=0.7) ax.axvline(cut_right, color='black', linestyle='dashed', lw=1.5, label='Cut') elif cut_window is not None: ax.axvspan(cut_window[0], cut_window[1], facecolor=color, alpha=0.7) ax.axvline(cut_window[0], color='black', linestyle='dashed', lw=1.5, label='Cut') ax.axvline(cut_window[1], color='black', linestyle='dashed', lw=1.5) elif keep_window is not None: ax.axvspan(x_lim_low, keep_window[0], facecolor=color, alpha=0.7) ax.axvline(keep_window[0], color='black', linestyle='dashed', lw=1.5, label='Cut') ax.axvspan(keep_window[1], x_lim_high, facecolor=color, alpha=0.7) ax.axvline(keep_window[1], color='black', linestyle='dashed', lw=1.5, label='Cut') ax.legend(frameon=False, bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1))
def plot_on(self, ax: plt.axis, ylabel="Events", draw_legend=True, legend_inside=True, hide_labels: bool = False): bin_edges, bin_mids, bin_width = self._get_bin_edges() self._bin_edges = bin_edges self._bin_mids = bin_mids self._bin_width = bin_width ax.hist( x=[ for comp in self._mc_components['stacked']], bins=bin_edges, weights=[comp.weights for comp in self._mc_components['stacked']], stacked=True, edgecolor="black", lw=0.3, color=[comp.color for comp in self._mc_components['stacked']], label=[comp.label for comp in self._mc_components['stacked']], histtype='stepfilled') if not hide_labels: ax.set_xlabel(self._variable.x_label, plot_style.xlabel_pos) y_label = self._get_y_label(False, bin_width, ylabel) ax.set_ylabel(y_label, plot_style.ylabel_pos) if draw_legend: if legend_inside: ax.legend(frameon=False) ylims = ax.get_ylim() ax.set_ylim(ylims[0], 1.4 * ylims[1]) else: ax.legend(frameon=False, bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1)) return ax
def plot_on( self, ax1: plt.axis, ax2, style="stacked", ylabel="Events", sum_color=plot_style.KITColors.kit_purple, draw_legend: bool = True, legend_inside: bool = True, ): bin_edges, bin_mids, bin_width = self._get_bin_edges() self._bin_edges = bin_edges self._bin_mids = bin_mids self._bin_width = bin_width sum_w = np.sum(np.array([ binned_statistic(, comp.weights, statistic="sum", bins=bin_edges)[0] for comp in self._mc_components["MC"] ]), axis=0) sum_w2 = np.sum(np.array([ binned_statistic(, comp.weights**2, statistic="sum", bins=bin_edges)[0] for comp in self._mc_components["MC"] ]), axis=0) hdata, _ = np.histogram(, bins=bin_edges) if style.lower() == "stacked": ax1.hist( x=[ for comp in self._mc_components['MC']], bins=bin_edges, weights=[comp.weights for comp in self._mc_components['MC']], stacked=True, edgecolor="black", lw=0.3, color=[comp.color for comp in self._mc_components['MC']], label=[comp.label for comp in self._mc_components['MC']], histtype='stepfilled'), height=2 * np.sqrt(sum_w2), width=self.bin_width, bottom=sum_w - np.sqrt(sum_w2), color="black", hatch="///////", fill=False, lw=0, label="MC stat. unc.") if style.lower() == "summed":, height=2 * np.sqrt(sum_w2), width=self.bin_width, bottom=sum_w - np.sqrt(sum_w2), color=sum_color, lw=0, label="MC") ax1.errorbar(x=bin_mids, y=hdata, yerr=np.sqrt(hdata), ls="", marker=".", color="black", label=self._data_component.label) y_label = self._get_y_label(False, bin_width, evts_or_cand=ylabel) # ax1.legend(loc=0, bbox_to_anchor=(1,1)) ax1.set_ylabel(y_label, plot_style.ylabel_pos) if draw_legend: if legend_inside: ax1.legend(frameon=False) ylims = ax1.get_ylim() ax1.set_ylim(ylims[0], 1.4 * ylims[1]) else: ax1.legend(frameon=False, bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1)) ax2.set_ylabel(r"$\frac{\mathrm{Data - MC}}{\mathrm{Data}}$") ax2.set_xlabel(self._variable.x_label, plot_style.xlabel_pos) ax2.set_ylim((-1, 1)) try: uhdata = unp.uarray(hdata, np.sqrt(hdata)) uhmc = unp.uarray(sum_w, np.sqrt(sum_w2)) ratio = (uhdata - uhmc) / uhdata ax2.axhline(y=0, color=plot_style.KITColors.dark_grey, alpha=0.8) ax2.errorbar(bin_mids, unp.nominal_values(ratio), yerr=unp.std_devs(ratio), ls="", marker=".", color=plot_style.KITColors.kit_black) except ZeroDivisionError: ax2.axhline(y=0, color=plot_style.KITColors.dark_grey, alpha=0.8) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.08)
def plot_on(self, ax: plt.axis, draw_legend: bool = True, legend_inside: bool = True, yaxis_scale=1.3, normed: bool = False, ylabel="Events", hide_labels: bool = False) -> plt.axis: """ Plots the component on a given matplotlib.pyplot.axis :param ax: matplotlib.pyplot.axis where the histograms will be drawn on. :param draw_legend: Draw legend on axis if True. :param normed: If true the histograms are normalized. :return: matplotlib.pyplot.axis with histogram drawn on it """ bin_edges, bin_mids, bin_width = self._get_bin_edges() self._bin_edges = bin_edges self._bin_mids = bin_mids self._bin_width = bin_width for component in self._mc_components['single']: if component.histtype == 'stepfilled': alpha = 0.6 edge_color = 'black' else: edge_color = None alpha = 1.0 ax.hist(, bins=bin_edges, density=normed, weights=component.weights, histtype=component.histtype, label=component.label, edgecolor=edge_color if edge_color is not None else component.color, alpha=alpha, lw=1.5,, color=component.color) if not hide_labels: ax.set_xlabel(self._variable.x_label, plot_style.xlabel_pos) y_label = self._get_y_label(normed=normed, bin_width=bin_width, evts_or_cand=ylabel) ax.set_ylabel(y_label, plot_style.ylabel_pos) if draw_legend: if legend_inside: ax.legend(frameon=False) ylims = ax.get_ylim() ax.set_ylim(ylims[0], yaxis_scale * ylims[1]) else: ax.legend(frameon=False, bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1)) return ax
def word_group_visualization( transformed_word_embeddings: np.ndarray, words: np.ndarray, word_groups: dict, xlabel: str, ylabel: str, emphasis_words: list = None, alpha: float = 1, non_group_words_color: str = "#ccc", scatter_set_rasterized: bool = False, rasterization_threshold: int = 1000, ax: plt.axis = None, show_plot: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Visualizes one or more word groups by plotting its word embeddings in 2D. Parameters ---------- transformed_word_embeddings : np.ndarray Transformed word embeddings. words : np.ndarray Numpy array containing all words from vocabulary. word_groups : dict Dictionary containing word groups to visualize. xlabel : str X-axis label. ylabel : str Y-axis label. emphasis_words : list, optional List representing words to emphasize in the visualization (defaults to None). Entries can be either be strings (words) or tuples, consisting of the word, x-offset and y-offset. alpha : float Scatter plot alpha value (defaults to 1). non_group_words_color : str Color for words outside groups (defaults to #ccc). scatter_set_rasterized : bool Whether or not to enable rasterization on scatter plotting (defaults to False). rasterization_threshold : int The least number of data points to enable rasterization, given that `scatter_set_rasterized` is set to True (defaults to 1000). ax : plt.axis Axis (defaults to None). show_plot : bool Whether or not to call (defaults to True). """ # Filter and restrict words in word groups word_group_words_restricted = {} for group_key, group_data in word_groups.items(): group_words = group_data["words"] group_words = np.array([word for word in group_words if word in words]) group_words_indices = np.array( [np.where(words == word)[0][0] for word in group_words]) group_word_embeddings = transformed_word_embeddings[ group_words_indices] boundaries = group_data.get("boundaries", {}) if boundaries.get("xmin") is None: boundaries["xmin"] = group_word_embeddings[:, 0].min() if boundaries.get("xmax") is None: boundaries["xmax"] = group_word_embeddings[:, 0].max() if boundaries.get("ymin") is None: boundaries["ymin"] = group_word_embeddings[:, 1].min() if boundaries.get("ymax") is None: boundaries["ymax"] = group_word_embeddings[:, 1].max() group_word_embeddings_boundaries_mask = [ (boundaries["xmin"] <= word_vec[0] <= boundaries["xmax"]) and (boundaries["ymin"] <= word_vec[1] <= boundaries["ymax"]) for i, word_vec in enumerate(group_word_embeddings) ] word_group_words_restricted[group_key] = group_words[ group_word_embeddings_boundaries_mask] # Find words not in groups words_not_in_groups_mask = [ i for i, word in enumerate(words) for group_words in word_group_words_restricted.values() if word not in group_words ] if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 7)) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) # Plot non-group words non_grp_scatter_handle = ax.scatter( x=transformed_word_embeddings[words_not_in_groups_mask][:, 0], y=transformed_word_embeddings[words_not_in_groups_mask][:, 1], s=10, alpha=alpha, c=non_group_words_color, ) if (scatter_set_rasterized and len(words_not_in_groups_mask) >= rasterization_threshold): non_grp_scatter_handle.set_rasterized(True) # Plot group words for group_key, group_words in word_group_words_restricted.items(): group_words_indices = np.array( [np.where(words == word)[0][0] for word in group_words]) group_word_embeddings = transformed_word_embeddings[ group_words_indices] grp_scatter_handle = ax.scatter( x=group_word_embeddings[:, 0], y=group_word_embeddings[:, 1], s=15, alpha=alpha, c=word_groups[group_key]["color"], label=word_groups[group_key]["label"], ) if (scatter_set_rasterized and len(group_word_embeddings) >= rasterization_threshold): grp_scatter_handle.set_rasterized(True) # Visualize emphasized words if emphasis_words is not None: emphasis_words = [(entry, 0, 0) if type(entry) == str else entry for entry in emphasis_words] for emphasis_word, x_offset, y_offset in emphasis_words: word_group_key = None for group_key, group_data in word_groups.items(): if emphasis_word in group_data["words"]: word_group_key = group_key break if word_group_key is None: word_color = non_group_words_color else: word_color = word_groups[group_key]["color"] word_idx = [ i for i, word in enumerate(words) if word == emphasis_word ][0] emphasis_scatter_handle = ax.scatter( x=transformed_word_embeddings[word_idx, 0], y=transformed_word_embeddings[word_idx, 1], s=40, alpha=alpha, c=word_color, ) if (scatter_set_rasterized and len(emphasis_words) >= rasterization_threshold): emphasis_scatter_handle.set_rasterized(True) # Annotate emphasis word with a text box offsetbox = TextArea(emphasis_word) ab = AnnotationBbox( offsetbox, tuple(transformed_word_embeddings[word_idx]), xybox=(x_offset, 40 + y_offset), xycoords="data", boxcoords="offset points", arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", color="black", linewidth=2), ) ax.add_artist(ab) ax.legend() if show_plot:
def visualize_word_cluster_groups( transformed_word_embeddings: np.ndarray, words: np.ndarray, word_groups: dict, visualize_non_group_words: bool, xlabel: str, ylabel: str, non_group_words_color: str = "#ccc", ax: plt.axis = None, show_plot: bool = True, alpha: float = 1, interactive: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Visualizes word cluster groups. Parameters ---------- transformed_word_embeddings : np.ndarray Transformed word embeddings. words : np.ndarray Numpy array containing all words from vocabulary. word_groups : dict Dictionary containing word groups to visualize. visualize_non_group_words : bool Whether or not to visualize words outside word groups xlabel : str X-axis label ylabel : str Y-axis label non_group_words_color : str Color for words outside groups (defaults to #ccc) ax : plt.axis Matplotlib axis (defaults to None) show_plot : bool Whether or not to call (defaults to True) alpha : float Scatter plot alpha value (defaults to 1) interactive : bool Whether or not to make the visualization interactive using Plotly (defaults to False). """ if ax is None and not interactive: _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 7)) if interactive: fig = go.Figure( layout=dict(xaxis=dict(title=xlabel), yaxis=dict(title=ylabel))) if visualize_non_group_words: # Create boolean mask for words outside groups words_in_groups = [] for group_name in word_groups.keys(): words_in_groups.extend(word_groups[group_name]["words"]) words_not_in_groups_mask = [ word not in words_in_groups for word in words ] words_not_in_groups_sorted = [ word for word in words if word not in words_in_groups ] # Plot words outside word group if interactive: fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=transformed_word_embeddings[words_not_in_groups_mask][:, 0], y=transformed_word_embeddings[words_not_in_groups_mask][:, 1], mode="markers", marker=dict(color=non_group_words_color), hovertext=words_not_in_groups_sorted, hoverinfo="x+y+text", name="Non group words", opacity=alpha, )) else: ax.scatter( x=transformed_word_embeddings[words_not_in_groups_mask][:, 0], y=transformed_word_embeddings[words_not_in_groups_mask][:, 1], c=non_group_words_color, alpha=alpha, ) # Visualize words in groups for group_name, word_group in word_groups.items(): words_in_group = word_group["words"] words_in_group_mask = [word in words_in_group for word in words] words_in_group_sorted = [ word for word in words if word in words_in_group ] word_group_color = word_group["color"] # Plot words inside word group if interactive: fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=transformed_word_embeddings[words_in_group_mask][:, 0], y=transformed_word_embeddings[words_in_group_mask][:, 1], mode="markers", marker=dict(color=word_group_color), hovertext=words_in_group_sorted, hoverinfo="x+y+text", name=f"Words in {group_name}", opacity=alpha, )) else: ax.scatter( x=transformed_word_embeddings[words_in_group_mask][:, 0], y=transformed_word_embeddings[words_in_group_mask][:, 1], c=word_group_color, alpha=alpha, ) if interactive: else: ax_legends = ["Non group words"] ax_legends.extend([ f"Words which are {group_name}" for group_name in word_groups.keys() ]) ax.legend(ax_legends) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if show_plot: