def __init__(self,PLOTSEC=600,outfname='stripchartTemp',PDio=4): self.PLOTSEC = PLOTSEC #PLOTSEC #720 # 12 minute sessions for x axis self.QUITS = ("q","Q") self.STARTIN = ('I','i') self.ENDIN = ('E','e') self.PDio = PDio # Uncomment one of the blocks of code below to configure your Pi or BBB to use # software or hardware SPI. # Raspberry Pi software SPI configuration. #CLK = 25 #CS = 24 #DO = 18 #sensor = MAX31855.MAX31855(CLK, CS, DO) # Raspberry Pi hardware SPI configuration. self.SPI_PORT = 0 self.SPI_DEVICE = 0 self.sensor = MAX31855.MAX31855(spi=SPI.SpiDev(self.SPI_PORT, self.SPI_DEVICE)) # BeagleBone Black software SPI configuration. #CLK = 'P9_12' #CS = 'P9_15' #DO = 'P9_23' #sensor = MAX31855.MAX31855(CLK, CS, DO) # BeagleBone Black hardware SPI configuration. #SPI_PORT = 1 #SPI_DEVICE = 0 #sensor = MAX31855.MAX31855(spi=SPI.SpiDev(SPI_PORT, SPI_DEVICE)) self.blinkYlevel = 20 # where blink off will appear self.blinkYactive = 25 self.blinkThresh = 2500 # this works for me and my blu-tac. Your mileage may vary. Try raising it and seeing where # the hi and low readings tend to cluster - then choose a sensible threshold to reliably distinguish # them self.maxPhotoDetReads = self.blinkThresh + 1 # about 0.06 sec sampling truncating at 5k cycles # self.maxPhotoDetReads = 100000 # about 0.23 sec sampling at 30k cycles self.ts = self.getTempStream() = self.photoDet() self.outf = open('%s.xls' % outfname,'w') self.savepng = '%s.png' % outfname self.outf.write('Second\tTemperature\n') # set up a generator for PLOTSEC seconds of sampling style.use('ggplot') # prepopulate arrays to make updates quicker self.t = range(self.PLOTSEC+2) self.y = [None for i in self.t] self.blinky = [None for i in self.t] self.blinkx = [None for i in self.t] self.fig, = plt.subplots() # fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', press) self.line, =,0,lw=1) self.blinkLine, =,0,lw=1) self.text_template = 'Last temperature = %3.2f' self.title_template = 'Temperature strip chart at %d seconds' self.t_temp =,0.15,self.text_template%(0),, family='monospace',fontsize=10) #self.t_title =,1.0,self.title_template%(0), #, family='monospace',fontsize=20) self.started = time.time()
def __init__(self, csv_file, image_path=None): # TODO Re-enable plotfile plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.13, bottom=0.33, right=0.95, top=0.89) style.use('seaborn-darkgrid') for label in self.ax1.xaxis.get_ticklabels(): label.set_rotation(45) self.image_path = image_path self.creader = self.generate_reader(csv_file) self.points_generator = self.yield_points() self.x = [] self.y = [] for a, b in self.points_generator: self.x.append(a) self.y.append(b) self.ax1.plot_date(self.x, self.y, 'r-') plt.xlabel('Timestamps') plt.ylabel('Return Time (in milliseconds)') plt.title('Ping Over Time')
def __init__(self, parent=None): super(OptionViewerPlotDlg, self).__init__(parent) self.setWindowTitle('Plot') self.resize(600,450) # a figure instance to plot on self.figure = plt.figure() # this is the Canvas Widget that displays the 'figure' # it takes the 'figure' instance as a parameter to __init__ self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self.figure) # this is the Navigation widget # it takes the Canvas widget and a parent self.toolbar = NavigationToolbar(self.canvas, self) # Just some button connected to 'plot' method self.button = QtGui.QPushButton('Plot') self.button.clicked.connect(self.plot) # set the layout layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(self.toolbar) layout.addWidget(self.canvas) layout.addWidget(self.button) self.setLayout(layout) style.use('ggplot') rcParams['font.size'] = 12 # create an axis = self.figure.add_subplot(111) self.xdata = [] self.ydata = []
def plot_wue_time(df): plt.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 1.25 plt.rcParams.update({'mathtext.default': 'regular'}) style.use('ggplot') ncols = plt.rcParams['axes.color_cycle'] fig, ax1 = plt.subplots() ax2 = ax1.twinx(), df["WUE"], color=ncols[0], width=300, \ edgecolor=ncols[0], alpha=0.7) ax1.xaxis_date() ax2.plot_date(df.index, df["dWUE_dt"], '-', c=ncols[1], lw=3) ax1.set_ylabel(r'WUE (mol H$_{2}$O mol$^{-1}$ CO$_{2}$)') ax2.set_ylabel(r'$\partial$WUE/$\partial$t (mol H$_{2}$O mol$^{-1}$ CO$_{2}$)') ax1.set_ylim([0, 3.2]) ax2.set_ylim([-1, 1]) ax2.grid(False) return 1
def plot_wue_ppt(df): plt.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 1.25 plt.rcParams.update({'mathtext.default': 'regular'}) style.use('ggplot') ncols = plt.rcParams['axes.color_cycle'] fig, ax1 = plt.subplots() ax2 = ax1.twinx() ax1.plot(df['Rainfall'], df["WUE"], 'o', c=ncols[0], alpha=0.7) ax2.plot(df['Rainfall'], df["dWUE_dt"], 'o', c=ncols[1], lw=3) ax1.set_xlabel(r'Rainfall (mm)') ax1.set_ylabel(r'WUE (mol H$_{2}$O mol$^{-1}$ CO$_{2}$)') ax2.set_ylabel(r'$\partial$WUE/$\partial$t (mol H$_{2}$O mol$^{-1}$ CO$_{2}$)') ax1.set_ylim([0, 3.2]) ax2.set_ylim([-1, 1]) ax2.grid(False) return 1
def plot_trajectories(self): # """uses matplotlib to plot the trajectory # of each individual stock stored in earlier # trajectory array""" print("Creating Plot...") #use numpy to plot self.np_price_trajectories = np.array(self.price_trajectories, dtype=float) self.times = np.linspace(0, self.T, self.N-1) #style/plot/barrier line style.use('dark_background') self.fig = plt.figure() self.ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((1,1),(0,0)) for sublist in self.np_price_trajectories: if max(sublist) > self.B: self.ax1.plot(self.times,sublist,color = 'cyan') else: self.ax1.plot(self.times,sublist,color = '#e2fb86') plt.axhline(y=8,xmin=0,xmax=self.T,linewidth=2, color = 'red', label = 'Barrier') #rotate and add grid for label in self.ax1.xaxis.get_ticklabels(): label.set_rotation(45) self.ax1.grid(True) #plotting stuff plt.xticks(np.arange(0, self.T+self.delta_t, .1)) plt.suptitle('Stock Price Trajectory', fontsize=40) plt.legend() self.leg = plt.legend(loc= 2) self.leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0.4) plt.xlabel('Time (in years)', fontsize = 30) plt.ylabel('Price', fontsize= 30)
def plot_dists(outpath, dists, controlsamples): from matplotlib import style style.use('ggplot') samplecolors = colormap_lch(len(controlsamples)) samplessorted = sorted(controlsamples, key=lambda x: (x[1], x[0])) xticks = np.arange(0, dists.index[-1] + 0.1) xticks_disp = [format(v, 'g') for v in xtransform_rev(xticks)] fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(4, 3.2)) ax.patch.set_facecolor('#f7f7f7') for (samplename, explength), color in zip(samplessorted, samplecolors): ax.plot(dists[samplename], color=color, label=samplename, zorder=3) ax.axvline(xtransform(explength), color=color, linewidth=2, alpha=0.3) leg = ax.legend(loc='center left', fontsize=10) plt.setp([leg.get_frame()], facecolor='white', edgecolor='#e8e8e8') ax.set_xlabel('Poly(A) length (nt)') ax.set_ylabel('Cumulative fraction') ax.set_title('Poly(A) length distribution', fontsize=12) ax.set_xticks(xticks) ax.set_xticklabels(xticks_disp) plt.setp(ax.get_xgridlines() + ax.get_ygridlines(), color='#e0e0e0') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(outpath) plt.close(fig)
def __init__(self, root, *args, **kwargs): """ Validates `self.title_str` and rotates plot labels. """ super(_Plot, self).__init__(root) self.ptable = _PlotTable() # table_length validation try: table_length = kwargs['table_length'] except KeyError: table_length = None if table_length is not None and type(table_length) is not int: raise TypeError('table_length is not None or int') if table_length is not None: self.ptable.length = table_length # title_str validation if type(self.title_str) is not str: raise TypeError('Plot title_str requires a string object') if self.title_str.count('\x00'): raise(ValueError('Title String must not have null bytes')) style.use('seaborn-darkgrid') for label in self.ax1.xaxis.get_ticklabels(): label.set_rotation(45) self.canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(self.fig, self) self.canvas.get_tk_widget().pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=BOTH, expand=True)
def test_imshow_pil(fig_test, fig_ref): style.use("default") PIL = pytest.importorskip("PIL") png_path = Path(__file__).parent / "baseline_images/pngsuite/basn3p04.png" tiff_path = Path(__file__).parent / "baseline_images/test_image/uint16.tif" axs = fig_test.subplots(2) axs[0].imshow( axs[1].imshow( axs = fig_ref.subplots(2) axs[0].imshow(plt.imread(str(png_path))) axs[1].imshow(plt.imread(tiff_path))
def __init__(self, args): #: input argument Namespace self.args = args #: verbosity self.verbose = 0 if args.silent else args.verbose # NB: finalizing may want to log if we're being verbose self._finalize_arguments(args) # post-process args if # apply custom styling try: from matplotlib import style except ImportError: from matplotlib import __version__ as mpl_version warnings.warn('--style can only be used with matplotlib >= ' '1.4.0, you have {0}'.format(mpl_version)) else: style.use( #: the current figure object self.plot = None #: figure number self.plot_num = 0 #: start times for data sets self.start_list = unique( map(int, (gps for gpsl in args.start for gps in gpsl))) #: duration of each time segment self.duration = args.duration #: channels to load self.chan_list = unique(c for clist in args.chan for c in clist) # total number of datasets that _should_ be acquired self.n_datasets = len(self.chan_list) * len(self.start_list) #: list of input data series (populated by get_data()) self.timeseries = [] #: dots-per-inch for figure self.dpi = args.dpi #: width and height in pixels self.width, self.height = map(float, self.args.geometry.split('x', 1)) #: figure size in inches self.figsize = (self.width / self.dpi, self.height / self.dpi) #: Flag for data validation (like all zeroes) self.got_error = False # please leave this last self._validate_arguments()
def graphWords(wordLst, comments): """ Assumes WORDLIST is a list of words to graph and comments is a numpy array containing all the comments in the reddit post. """ style.use('dark_background') for word in wordLst: counts = np.char.count(comments, word) plt.plot(np.cumsum(counts), label=word) plt.legend(loc=2)
def main(): style.use("ggplot") data = plt.figure(1) draw_1(plt, data) draw_2(plt) draw_3(plt, data) draw_4(plt) plt.tight_layout()
def use_style(style=pb_style): """Shortcut for `` Parameters ---------- style : dict The default value is the preferred pybinding figure style. """ mpl_style.use(style) # the style shouldn't override inline backend settings if _is_notebook_inline_backend(): _reset_notebook_inline_backend()
def __init__(self, frame, loss, losskeys): self.frame = frame self.loss = loss self.losskeys = losskeys self.ylim = (100, 0) style.use('ggplot') self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4), dpi=75) self.ax1 = self.fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) self.losslines = list() self.trndlines = list()
def plotWell(time_series, edges, channels, calls, outputFig, outputFile): '''plotting routine''' MAX_CHANS = 6 FIG_COLS = 2 FIG_ROWS = 3 # INCHES_PER_SUBPLOT = 10 CORRECT_CAL = [0.0, 0.8, 0.4] NO_CAL = [0.0, 0.4, 0.8] MISS_CAL = [0.7, 0.0, 0.7] CHANNEL_TAG = 'CH_' COLORS = [[0, 0.4, 0.8], [0, 0.8, 0.4], [0.7, 1.0, 0.1], [1.0, 0.7, 0.2], [1.0, 0.2, 0.3], [0.7, 0, 0.9]] # fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(FIG_ROWS*INCHES_PER_SUBPLOT, FIG_COLS*INCHES_PER_SUBPLOT)) style.use('ggplot') outputFig.clf() for i in range(len(channels)): ax = outputFig.add_subplot(FIG_ROWS, FIG_COLS, i + 1) marker_shape = '.' #if it is a correct call if calls[i] == CORRECT_CAL: marker_shape = 'o' #if it is a no call elif calls[i] == NO_CAL: marker_shape = '^' #if it is a miss call if calls[i] == MISS_CAL: marker_shape = 's' if edges[i] != -1: ax.plot(time_series[i], color = calls[i], linewidth = 2.0) ax.plot(edges[i], time_series[i][edges[i]], marker = marker_shape, linewidth = 3.0, color = calls[i]) ax.set_title(CHANNEL_TAG + str(channels[i] + 1), fontsize = 10.0) ax.set_xlabel('cycles', color = [0.4, 0.4, 0.4], fontsize = 12.0) ax.set_ylabel('intensity', color = COLORS[channels[i]], fontsize = 12.0) for tl in ax.get_yticklabels(): tl.set_color(COLORS[channels[i]]) for tl in ax.get_xticklabels(): tl.set_color(COLORS[channels[i]]) outputFig.savefig(outputFile, format = 'png', dpi = 150) outputFig.clf() plt.cla()
def __init__(self,PLOTSEC=600,outfname='stripchartTemp'): self.PLOTSEC = 10 #PLOTSEC #720 # 12 minute sessions for x axis self.QUITS = ("q","Q") self.STARTIN = ('I','i') self.ENDIN = ('E','e') # Uncomment one of the blocks of code below to configure your Pi or BBB to use # software or hardware SPI. # Raspberry Pi software SPI configuration. #CLK = 25 #CS = 24 #DO = 18 #sensor = MAX31855.MAX31855(CLK, CS, DO) # Raspberry Pi hardware SPI configuration. self.SPI_PORT = 0 self.SPI_DEVICE = 0 self.sensor = MAX31855.MAX31855(spi=SPI.SpiDev(self.SPI_PORT, self.SPI_DEVICE)) # BeagleBone Black software SPI configuration. #CLK = 'P9_12' #CS = 'P9_15' #DO = 'P9_23' #sensor = MAX31855.MAX31855(CLK, CS, DO) # BeagleBone Black hardware SPI configuration. #SPI_PORT = 1 #SPI_DEVICE = 0 #sensor = MAX31855.MAX31855(spi=SPI.SpiDev(SPI_PORT, SPI_DEVICE)) self.ts = self.getTempStream() self.outf = open('%s.xls' % outfname,'w') self.savepng = '%s.png' % outfname self.outf.write('Second\tTemperature\n') # set up a generator for PLOTSEC seconds of sampling style.use('ggplot') # prepopulate arrays to make updates quicker self.t = range(self.PLOTSEC+2) self.y = [None for i in self.t] self.fig, = plt.subplots() # fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', press) self.line, =,0,lw=1) self.text_template = 'Last temperature = %3.2f' self.title_template = 'Temperature strip chart at %d seconds' self.t_temp =,0.15,self.text_template%(0),, family='monospace',fontsize=10) #self.t_title =,1.0,self.title_template%(0), #, family='monospace',fontsize=20) self.started = time.time()
def __init__(self, parent, controller): ## tk.Frame 초기화 tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent) style.use("ggplot") self.figure = pl.figure(1) self.a = self.figure.add_subplot(111) self.canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(self.figure, self) self.canvas.get_tk_widget().grid(sticky="news") self.canvas._tkcanvas.grid(sticky="news") ## Initialization self.som = MiniSom(10,10,136,sigma=1.0,learning_rate=0.5)
def findhash(): a=[] b=[] statistics=db.Tweets.aggregate([ {"$unwind": "$entities.hashtags"}, { "$group": { "_id": "$entities.hashtags.text", "tagCount": {"$sum": 1} }},{ "$sort": {"tagCount": -1 }}, { "$limit": 20 }]) for s in statistics: a.append(s['_id']) b.append(s['tagCount']) style.use('ggplot') web_stats={'hashtag':a,'nombre':b} df=pd.DataFrame(web_stats) return df
def __init__(self, parent, data, ylabel): ttk.Frame.__init__(self, parent) style.use("ggplot") self.calcs = data self.ylabel = ylabel self.colourmaps = ["Reds", "Blues", "Greens", "Purples", "Oranges", "Greys", "copper", "summer", "bone"] self.lines = list() self.toolbar = None self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4), dpi=75) self.ax1 = self.fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) self.plotcanvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(self.fig, self) self.initiate_graph() self.update_plot(initiate=True)
def test13(): style.use('fivethirtyeight') fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) def animate(i): x = [] y = [] with open('data/example.csv', 'r') as file: for line in file: if line.strip(): t = line.split(';') x.append(int(t[0])) y.append(int(t[1])) ax1.clear() ax1.plot(x,y) ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, interval=1000)
def plotter(x, y, x_fine, fit, fit_fine, lowerbound, upperbound, xlog=True, ylog=True, xlim=None, ylim=None, xlabel="Set your X-label!", ylabel="Set your y label!", title="Set your title!", file="temp.pdf", save=False): """Make plots pretty.""" style.use('ggplot') plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 12 plt.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 12 plt.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 12 plt.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 12 plt.figure() # Only plot datapoints if I gave you datapoints if y is not None: plt.plot(x, y, marker='o', markersize=10, linestyle='None') # Plot a nice error shadow if lowerbound is not None: plt.fill_between(x.value, lowerbound.value, upperbound.value, facecolor='gray', alpha=0.5) plt.plot(x, fit) plt.plot(x_fine, fit_fine, linestyle='--') # Fiddle with axes, etc. ax = plt.gca() if xlog: ax.set_xscale('log') if ylog: ax.set_yscale('log') if xlim is not None: ax.set_xlim(xlim) if ylim is not None: ax.set_ylim(ylim) plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.title(title) # Show and save plots plt.draw()
def main(): style.use('dark_background') config_file = sys.argv[1] with open(config_file) as conf: config = json.load(conf, object_hook=as_config) ser = serial.Serial() with open('/var/arduino_device', 'r') as device: ser.port ='\n') ser.baudrate = 9600 ser.bytesize = serial.EIGHTBITS #number of bits per bytes ser.parity = serial.PARITY_NONE #set parity check: no parity ser.stopbits = serial.STOPBITS_ONE #number of stop bits #ser.timeout = None #block read ser.timeout = 0 #non-block read #ser.timeout = 2 #timeout block read ser.xonxoff = False #disable software flow control ser.rtscts = False #disable hardware (RTS/CTS) flow control ser.dsrdtr = False #disable hardware (DSR/DTR) flow control ser.writeTimeout = 2 #timeout for write print "serial port: " try: except Exception, e: print "error open serial port: " + str(e) exit()
def weatherforecast(city, country): apikey = '2ddda8352fab17f0c1b43254bc161dc6' #url_base = '' + city.replace(' ', '%20') + ',' + country + '&APPID=' url_base = '' + city.replace(' ', '%20') + ',' + country + '&cnt=16&APPID=' url = url_base + apikey print url json_obj = urllib2.urlopen(url) data = json.load(json_obj) weather_data = data['list'] t = [] tmin = [] tmax = [] hum = [] time = [] for i in weather_data: t.append(float(i['temp']['day']) - 273.18) tmin.append(float(i['temp']['min']) - 273.18) tmax.append(float(i['temp']['max']) - 273.18) hum.append(float(i['humidity'])) time.append(int(i['dt'])) dateconv = np.vectorize(dt.datetime.fromtimestamp) time = dateconv(time) print time[:] style.use('ggplot') print t[0::9] ax1 = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) ax1.plot_date(time, t, marker='*', color='k', linestyle='-') #ax1.plot_date(time, tmax, marker='^', color='r', linestyle='-') #ax1.plot_date(time, tmin, marker='o', color='b', linestyle='-') for label in ax1.xaxis.get_ticklabels(): label.set_rotation(45) myFmt = mdates.DateFormatter('%d.%m.') ax1.xaxis.set_major_formatter(myFmt) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.09, bottom=0.20, right=0.94, top=0.90, wspace=0.2, hspace=0) plt.title('Weatherforecast ' + data['city']['name'])
def __init__(self): super(MainWindow, self).__init__() uic.loadUi("PeakInspector_layout.ui", self) self.setWindowTitle("PeakInspector (beta) (c) A.Salykin - Masaryk University - CC-BY-SA 4.0") # main variable: self.multiple_data_sets = pd.DataFrame() # Initialise the final dataframe to export to Excel self.coordinates = [] self.area = [] self.amplitudes = [] self.amplitude_line_coordinates = [] self.left_peak_border = [] self.right_peak_border = [] self.pickable_artists_pts_AX2 = [] self.pickable_artists_pts_AX3 = [] self.pickable_artists_lns_AX3 = [] self.pickable_artists_fill_AX3 = [] self.pickable_artists_plb_AX3 = [] self.pickable_artists_prb_AX3 = [] self.pickable_artists_lnsP_AX3 = [] self.left_border = [] self.right_border = [] # Connect buttons to class methods: self.BtnLoadFile.clicked.connect(self.load_file) self.BtnReplot.clicked.connect(self.replot_graph) self.chbxDotPickEnable.stateChanged.connect(self.dot_pick_enable) self.BtnSaveCurrent.clicked.connect(self.coordinates_analysis) self.BtnSaveFullDataset.clicked.connect(self.save_data) self.BoxMplPlotStyle.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.mpl_style_change) style.use(self.BoxMplPlotStyle.currentText()) self.BtnLoadFile.setStyleSheet("background-color: #7CF2BD") self.BtnReplot.setStyleSheet("background-color: #FAF6F2") self.BtnSaveCurrent.setStyleSheet("background-color: #FAF6F2") self.BtnSaveFullDataset.setStyleSheet("background-color: #FAF6F2") # Initialise figure instance self.fig = plt.figure()
def post_rc_actions(show_warning=True): try: from matplotlib import style if u"viscid-default" not in use_styles: use_styles.insert(0, u"viscid-default") for s in use_styles: try: style.use(s) except ValueError as e: logger.warn(str(e)) except ImportError: if show_warning and use_styles: logger.warn("Upgrade to matplotlib >= 1.5.0 to use style sheets") matplotlib.rcParams.update(rc_params) for group, params in rc.items(): matplotlib.rc(group, **params)
def plotbutton(self, event): ## Standard Realtime data visualization style.use('ggplot') fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) fig.canvas.set_window_title('Realtime Data Plot') directory = self.txtDic.GetValue() filename = self.txtFil.GetValue() filedic = directory+'\\'+filename ## Create a animate method for updating realtime data in the plot def animate(i): fid = open(filedic,'r') graph_data = fid.close() lines = graph_data.split('\n') ## Initialize data reading in 2D-list, get the X-axis and Y-axis input from users xs = self.plotdict[self.XplotChoices[self.Xplot.GetCurrentSelection()]] ys = self.plotdict[self.YplotChoices[self.Yplot.GetCurrentSelection()]] dataread = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]] ## Read data for line in lines: if len(line) > 1 and line[0:2] != "##": Time,T_in,R,Rstd,Tstd_in,T_out,Tstd_out,Vsr850,T_set, T_stable= line.split(',')#,T_stable dataread[0].append(Time) dataread[1].append(T_in) dataread[2].append(R) dataread[3].append(Rstd) dataread[4].append(Tstd_in) dataread[5].append(T_out) dataread[6].append(Tstd_out) dataread[7].append(Vsr850) dataread[8].append(T_set) dataread[9].append(T_stable) ## clear previous graph ax1.clear() ## plot data ax1.plot(dataread[xs], dataread[ys],'--o', lw = 0.5, ms = 5, mew =0 , c = [0.5,0.5,0.5],mfc = [0,0,1]) ## Set graph title ax1.set_title(filedic.split('\\')[-1]) ## animation ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, interval=1000)
def mathplot(clusters): """ Plot a graph with amount of tweets on the Y-axis and time on the X-axis """ style.use('ggplot') x = [] y = [] for times, tweets in sorted(clusters.items()): oldtime = times minute, second = times.split('.') second = float(second) / 60 * 100 newtime = float(minute) + second / 100 x.append(newtime) y.append(len(tweets)) plt.plot(x,y) plt.title('Aantal tweets x Tijd') plt.ylabel('Aantal tweets') plt.xlabel('Tijd')
def visualise_by_race(data): """Visualise the stop and search by officer-reported race. Parameters ---------- data : list The parsed data in JSON-like format. """ counter = Counter(row.get('Officer-defined ethnicity') for row in data) race_to_search = OrderedDict(sorted(counter.items(), key=lambda t: t[1])) races = tuple('Unspecified' if not key else key for key in race_to_search.keys()) num_of_searches = tuple(race_to_search.values()) style.use('ggplot') pos = np.arange(len(num_of_searches)), num_of_searches, align='center', color='#231F20') plt.xticks(pos, races) plt.title('Stop and Search by Race') plt.ylabel('Number of stop and searches') plt.xlabel('Officer-defined Race')
#-*-encoding:utf8-*- # annotation last price in edge of matplolib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import matplotlib.dates as mdates import matplotlib.ticker as mticker from mpl_finance import candlestick_ochl from matplotlib import style style.use('classic') def bytespdate2num(fmt, encoding='utf-8'): strconverter = mdates.strpdate2num(fmt) def bytesconverter(b): s = b.decode(encoding) return strconverter(s) return bytesconverter with open('tsla.csv', 'r') as csvfile: fig = plt.figure('figure one') ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((1, 1), (0, 0)) ax1.grid(True, color='g', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.1) source_code = stock_data = [] split_source = source_code.split('\n')
# %% # %load_ext autoreload # %autoreload 2 import os, sys import re import pprint import pandas as pd from sys import platform as sys_pf import matplotlib matplotlib.use("TkAgg") from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib import style as styl styl.use('default') from core.fileop import DirCheck, ListFiles, GetPendingList, GetGrpFLs # Functions Section Begins ----------------------------------------------------- # # Functions Section Ends ----------------------------------------------------- # # %% # parameter ''' path = '/Volumes/LaCie_DataStorage/xiaochao_wei_STORM imaging/STORM_imaging' analysis_dir = 'analysis_20190419' analysis_subdir = 'spacial_test' ip_dir = 'spacialdata' nchannel = 2
""" Created on Sat Apr 04 13:49:38 2015 @author: CHANDRA DEO MAHTO """ import pandas as pd import os import time from datetime import datetime from time import mktime import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import style style.use("dark_background") import re path = "D:/intraQuarter/intraQuarter" def Key_Stats(gather=["Total Debt/Equity", 'Trailing P/E', 'Price/Sales', 'Price/Book', 'Profit Margin', 'Operating Margin', 'Return on Assets', 'Return on Equity', 'Revenue Per Share',
import pandas as pd import datetime import as web from pandas import Series, DataFrame import sys import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #importing matplotlib import matplotlib as mpl from matplotlib import style pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None) #show all the rows "None" is no limit plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (8, 7) #adjusting size of matblotlib style.use('ggplot') #adjusting the style, possible to use different styles start = datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 1) end = datetime.datetime(2021, 1, 31) stock_data = web.DataReader( 'AAPL', 'yahoo', start, end) #possible to use google etc and other e.g. eurostat stock_data.tail() close_px = stock_data['Adj Close'] #get the close_px moving_avarage = close_px.rolling(window=100).mean() #rolling the close_px moving_avarage #plotting using matplotlib close_px.plot(label='AAPL') moving_avarage.plot(label='Moving avg') plt.legend()
# #only for irisi example from sklearn import datasets from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score from sklearn.svm import SVC import numpy as np from matplotlib import style import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap style.use('seaborn-talk') krfont={'family': 'NanumGothic', 'weight':'bold', 'size':10} matplotlib.rc('font', **krfont) matplotlib.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False def plot_decision_region(x,y,classifier, test_idx=None, resolution=0.2, title=''): markers = ('s', 'x', 'o', '^', 'v') #shape of dots colors = ('r', 'b', 'lightgreen', 'gray', 'cyan') cmap = ListedColormap(colors[:len(np.unique(y))]) # x = np.array([10, 10, 20, 20, 30, 30]) #(np.unique(x)) #[10 20 30] #draw decision surface
import ttk import matplotlib matplotlib.use("TkAgg") from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg, NavigationToolbar2TkAgg from matplotlib.figure import Figure import matplotlib.animation as animation from matplotlib import style import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import time import random from collections import deque import numpy as np import serial LARGE_FONT= ("Verdana", 40) style.use("seaborn-bright") f = Figure(figsize=(10,6), dpi=100) a = f.add_subplot(111) xList1 = deque([0] * 15, maxlen=15) yList1 = deque([0] * 15, maxlen=15) xList2 = deque([0] * 15, maxlen=15) yList2 = deque([0] * 15, maxlen=15) xList3 = deque([0] * 15, maxlen=15) yList3 = deque([0] * 15, maxlen=15) start_time=time.time() ser = serial.Serial('/dev/tty.usbmodem1562971', 115200) # open serial port 'Main function to refresh the graph with new points' def animate(i): d=0
def view(self, *args, backend='matplotlib', fig_title='Print Path', color_in_time=True, cmap='jet', give=False, plot_style='default',**kwargs): ''' Parameters: > BACKEND: str (default: 'matplotlib') The plotting backend to use, one of 'matplotlib' or 'mayavi'. > *args,**kwargs : are passed to matplotlib's pyplot.plot function > FIG_TITLE: the title given to the figure. Only used is a figure is not given to plot on > GIVE : this command makes the method return the figure after the path data is plotted. This has no effect when mayavi is the backend. ''' # checking backend input and force matplotlib if there is a mistake if backend != 'matplotlib' and backend != 'mayavi': # create warning message warn = 'Incorrect backend ({}) given \nMust be either matplotlib or mayavi \nDefaulting to matplotlib'.format(backend) # reassinging backend backend = 'matplotlib' # raising warning and continuing raise Warning(warn) if backend == 'matplotlib': # using time to color the line representing printer motion # help from if color_in_time: from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import style # setting matplotlib plot style style.use(plot_style) # creating figure fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') ax.set_aspect('equal') # getting motion history X = self.history[:, 0] Y = self.history[:, 1] Z = self.history[:, 2] # creating the color scheme to parametricise this plot in time # Create a continuous norm to map from data points to colors norm = plt.Normalize(0,self.t[-1]) # creating CM object that contains the method to get colors in the map color_map =, cmap) # creating array of RGBA colors to pass when plotting colors = color_map.to_rgba( # adding colorbar to figure color_map.set_array( # trick to make this work from: # # actually adding color bar with 3 tick marks colorbar = fig.colorbar(color_map, pad=0.09, ticks=[0,self.t[-1]/2,self.t[-1]]) # adding tick labels to color bar['0','{:0.2f}'.format(self.t[-1]/2), '{:0.2f}'.format(self.t[-1])]) # setting label of color bar colorbar.set_label('Time (min)') # Plots the 3 past printer positions on figure parameterized by time for i in range(1,len(X)): ax.plot(X[i-1:i+1], Y[i-1:i+1], Z[i-1:i+1], *args, color=colors[i,:], **kwargs) # Keeps aspect ratio square # max_range = np.array([X.max()-X.min(), Y.max()-Y.min(), Z.max()-Z.min()]).max() / 2.0 mean_x = X.mean() mean_y = Y.mean() mean_z = Z.mean() ax.set_xlim(mean_x - max_range, mean_x + max_range) ax.set_ylim(mean_y - max_range, mean_y + max_range) ax.set_zlim(mean_z - max_range, mean_z + max_range) # labeling figure axes and title ax.set_xlabel('X ({})'.format(self.unit_sys)) ax.set_ylabel('Y ({})'.format(self.unit_sys)) ax.set_zlabel('Z ({})'.format(self.unit_sys)) plt.title(fig_title) # determines whether to show the figure or to return it if give: return ax else: # showing figure # end of view return else: from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # creating figure fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') ax.set_aspect('equal') # getting motion history X = self.history[:, 0] Y = self.history[:, 1] Z = self.history[:, 2] # To Do add optional label to the first point # Plots the 3 past printer positions on figure ax.plot(X, Y, Z, *args, **kwargs) # Keeps aspect ratio square # max_range = np.array([X.max()-X.min(), Y.max()-Y.min(), Z.max()-Z.min()]).max() / 2.0 mean_x = X.mean() mean_y = Y.mean() mean_z = Z.mean() ax.set_xlim(mean_x - max_range, mean_x + max_range) ax.set_ylim(mean_y - max_range, mean_y + max_range) ax.set_zlim(mean_z - max_range, mean_z + max_range) # labeling figure axes and title ax.set_xlabel('X ({})'.format(self.unit_sys)) ax.set_ylabel('Y ({})'.format(self.unit_sys)) ax.set_zlabel('Z ({})'.format(self.unit_sys)) plt.title(fig_title) # determines whether to show the figure or to return it if give: return ax else: # showing figure # end of view return # mayavi elif backend == 'mayavi': from mayavi import mlab # plotting the time series mlab.plot3d(self.history[:, 0], self.history[:, 1], self.history[:, 2], *args, **kwargs) # labeling axes and title mlab.xlabel('X ({})'.format(self.unit_sys)) mlab.ylabel('Y ({})'.format(self.unit_sys)) mlab.zlabel('Z ({})'.format(self.unit_sys)) mlab.title(title) # end of view return
def live_view(self, *args, save_file=None, writer='pillow',refresh=100, plot_style='default',show=True,**kwargs): ''' Parameters: > SAVE_FILE: > ANIMATE: > COLOR: > REFRESH: > PLOT_STYLE: ''' # need imports import matplotlib.animation as animation from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import style # maplotlib style to use style.use(plot_style) # creating new figure to plot on fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.set_aspect('equal') # getting motion history X = self.history[:, 0] Y = self.history[:, 1] Z = self.history[:, 2] # Keeps aspect ratio square # max_range = np.array([X.max()-X.min(), Y.max()-Y.min(), Z.max()-Z.min()]).max() / 2.0 mean_x = X.mean() mean_y = Y.mean() mean_z = Z.mean() xlim = (mean_x - max_range, mean_x + max_range) ylim = (mean_y - max_range, mean_y + max_range) zlim = (mean_z - max_range, mean_z + max_range) # labeling figure axes and title xlab = 'X ({})'.format(self.unit_sys) ylab = 'Y ({})'.format(self.unit_sys) zlab = 'Z ({})'.format(self.unit_sys) # creates the animation def animate_loop(i): # Makes loop cycle so that it restarts after it's full length is reached i = i % (self.count - 1) # calls the animate function x = self.history[0:i,0] y = self.history[0:i,1] z = self.history[0:i,2] # cleans old drawing off screen. computationally light ax.clear() # redraws stuff on to plot ax.plot(x,y,z, *args,**kwargs) # setting axis sizes ax.set_xlim(xlim[0], xlim[1]) ax.set_ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1]) ax.set_zlim(zlim[0], zlim[1]) # labeling axes ax.set_xlabel(xlab) ax.set_ylabel(ylab) ax.set_zlabel(zlab) # animation function from matplotlib # arguments are where to draw, which drawing function to use, and how often to redraw ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate_loop, interval=refresh) # if a save file is passed, the animation is saved to the file if save_file:, writer=writer) # saves to an mp4 file # calling figure to screen if show: # end of the live_view method return
# In[11]: plt.plot(lista, listb, linewidth=2, color ='r', label='actual' ) plt.plot(listc, listd, linewidth=2, color ='g', label = 'expected' ) plt.legend() # In[12]: from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib import style style.use('ggplot') lista = [6, 9, 11] listb = [11, 15, 7] listc = [6, 10, 13] listd = [6, 16, 8] plt.plot(lista, listb, linewidth=2, color ='r', label='actual' ) plt.plot(listc, listd, linewidth=2, color ='g', label = 'expected' ) plt.legend() # In[15]: from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.patches as patches from matplotlib import style style.use('Solarize_Light2') from math import sqrt import random import copy # Project source files import plotah import calc import hage GRID_X = 18 GRID_Y = 16 GRID_X_POINTS = 10 GRID_Y_POINTS = 10 def random_walk(ah, buildings, random_walks): bad_yield = 50000 scores = [] top_scores = [] bad_scores = [] top_yield = 0 top_buildings = {} top_free_distance = {} # Random statespace eploration for run in range(0, random_walks):
from statistics import mean import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import style import random style.use('fivethirtyeight') #xs = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] #ys = [5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 7] # plt.plot(xs, ys) # plt.scatter(xs, ys) # #xs = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], dtype = np.float64) #ys = np.array([5, 4, 6, 5, 6, 7], dtype = np.float64) def create_dataset(number_of_datapoint, variance, step=2, correlation=False): val = 1 ys = [] for i in range(number_of_datapoint): y = val + random.randrange(-variance, variance) ys.append(y) if correlation and correlation == 'pos': val += step elif correlation and correlation == 'neg': val -= step xs = [i for i in range(len(ys))] # we can give the len(number_of_datapoint)
import matplotlib as mpl from matplotlib.patches import Patch from matplotlib.lines import Line2D import sys reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8') import string from matplotlib import colors import time from scipy.integrate import odeint from scipy.interpolate import spline import pandas as pd import csv from matplotlib import style #style.use('ggplot') style.use('seaborn') df = pd.read_csv('"add the directory and the name of the csv file".csv') df.replace('DEAD', 1e-04, inplace=True) #df['%foram'].values[df['%foram'].values > 1e+00] = 1e+00 df['%foram'].values[df['%foram'].values < 1e-04] = 1e-04 df['%foram'] = df['%foram'].astype(float) # setup the plot #fig, ax = plt.subplots(3,3, figsize=(6,6)) ## sharex='col', sharey='row' are used to premoved inner labels on the grid to make the plot cleaner. x =np.zeros((3,3)) fig, x = plt.subplots(3,3, sharex='col', sharey='row', figsize=(12,12)) ### adjust the space between the plots fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.2, wspace=0.2), y_train) print('Training Score', tree_leaf_50.score(X_train, y_train).round(4)) print('Testing Score:', tree_leaf_50.score(X_test, y_test).round(4)) # Defining a function to visualize feature importance def plot_feature_importances(model, train=X_train, export=False): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 9)) n_features = X_train.shape[1] plt.barh(range(n_features), model.feature_importances_, align='center') plt.yticks(, train.columns) plt.xlabel("Feature importance") plt.ylabel("Feature") plot_feature_importances(tree_leaf_50, train=X_train, export=True) plot_feature_importances(tree_full, train=X_train, export=False) # Residual Plot style.use('bmh') plt.scatter(lr_bw_pred, y_test - lr_bw_pred) ############################################################################
import math, datetime import pandas as pd import quandl as q import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import style from sklearn import preprocessing, cross_validation, svm from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression style.use("ggplot") q.ApiConfig.api_key = "u7U8X8jZ_QfZfVv7HZBx" df = q.get('NSE/TCS') df = df[['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close', 'Total Trade Quantity']] df['HL_PCT'] = (df['High'] - df['Close']) / df['Close'] * 100 df['PCT_change'] = (df['Close'] - df['Open']) / df['Open'] * 100 df = df[['Close', 'HL_PCT', 'PCT_change', 'Total Trade Quantity']] forecast_col = 'Close' df.fillna(-99999, inplace=True) forecast_out = int(math.ceil(0.01 * len(df))) print(forecast_out) df['label'] = df[forecast_col].shift(-forecast_out) X = np.array(df.drop(['label'], 1)) X = preprocessing.scale(X) X = X[:-forecast_out]
import pandas as pd import os import time from datetime import datetime from time import mktime import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import style style.use("dark_background") import re path = "C:/Users/Aashish/Documents/Work/Pepr/Machine Learning Tut/Sentdex SciKit Tut/intraQuarter (1)/intraQuarter" def key_stats(gather=[ "Total Debt/Equity", 'Trailing P/E', 'Price/Sales', 'Price/Book', 'Profit Margin', 'Operating Margin', 'Return on Assets', 'Return on Equity', 'Revenue Per Share', 'Market Cap', 'Enterprise Value', 'Forward P/E', 'PEG Ratio', 'Enterprise Value/Revenue', 'Enterprise Value/EBITDA', 'Revenue', 'Gross Profit', 'EBITDA', 'Net Income Avl to Common ', 'Diluted EPS', 'Earnings Growth', 'Revenue Growth', 'Total Cash', 'Total Cash Per Share', 'Total Debt', 'Current Ratio', 'Book Value Per Share', 'Cash Flow', 'Beta', 'Held by Insiders', 'Held by Institutions', 'Shares Short (as of', 'Short Ratio', 'Short % of Float', 'Shares Short (prior month)' ]): statspath = path + '/_KeyStats' stock_list = [X[0] for X in os.walk(statspath)]
import pandas as pd from matplotlib import style import datetime import as web import matplotlib.pyplot as plt style.use('fivethirtyeight') #function to use in rolling_apply def mine(data): return max(data) #setting dates start=datetime.datetime(2015,1,1) end=datetime.datetime(2015,12,31) #connecting to yahoo api att=web.DataReader('gmc','yahoo',start,end) #manipulations att['Open']=att['Open']/100 att['Check']=att['Close']>att['Open'] att['bool']=att['Check'] #print(att[(att['Close']>att['Open'])]) #print(att.head())
# Logistic Regression from scratch. Building model as Object instead of separate functions # Importing core libraries import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import style style.use('seaborn-whitegrid') np.random.seed(42) # Features and Labels class0_vals = np.hstack( (20 + np.random.randn(100,1), 22 + np.random.rand(100,1)) ) class1_vals = np.hstack( (20.5 + np.random.randn(100,1), 20.63 + np.random.rand(100,1)) ) X = np.vstack( (class0_vals, class1_vals) ) X = np.c_[ np.ones(X.shape[0]), X ] y = np.array([0.0 if X[i, 1:] in class0_vals else 1.0 for i in range(X.shape[0])]) ''' class0_xvals = (8 + np.random.rand(50)).reshape(-1,1) class1_xvals = (9 + np.random.rand(50)).reshape(-1,1) class0_yvals = (8.9 + np.random.randn(50)).reshape(-1,1) class1_yvals = (3.92 + np.random.randn(50)).reshape(-1,1) X = np.c_[ np.vstack((class0_xvals, class1_xvals)), np.vstack((class0_yvals, class1_yvals)) ] X = np.c_[ np.ones(X.shape[0]), X ] y = np.array([0.0 if val in class0_xvals else 1.0 for val in X]) '''