def add_table(length, quality, views, pages, dates, lang, ax: Axes) -> Table: """Add a table to figure aunder the plot to display values from all input files""" table_height = 4 if lang == 'sv' else 3 table_width = len(length) table_text = [[f"{x:,}".replace(',', ' ') for x in length[:-3]] + length[-3:], [f"{x:,}".replace(',', ' ') for x in views[:-3]] + views[-3:], [f"{x:,}".replace(',', ' ') for x in pages[:-3]] + pages[-3:]] row_labels = ['Length', 'Views', 'Pages'] if lang == 'sv': table_text.insert(1, [f"{x:,}".replace(',', ' ') for x in quality[:-3]] + quality[-3:]) row_labels.insert(1, 'Quality') data_table = table(ax, cellText=table_text, rowLabels=row_labels, colLabels=[d.strftime('%-d %b %Y') for d in dates] + [' Change ', 'Change in %', 'Average / page'], bbox=[0, -0.7, 0.9, 0.5], loc='bottom') data_table[table_height, len(length) - 1].get_text().set_text('-') for col in range(table_width): data_table[0, col].set_lw(3.0) for row in range(1, table_height + 1): data_table[row, -1].set_lw(3.0) data_table.auto_set_column_width(range(table_width)) for row in range(1, table_height + 1): col_nr = table_width - 3 cell_text = data_table[row, col_nr].get_text() if '+' in cell_text.get_text(): data_table[row, col_nr].set_facecolor('lightgreen') data_table[row, col_nr + 1].set_facecolor('lightgreen') data_table[row, col_nr].set_fill(True) data_table[row, col_nr + 1].set_fill(True) elif '-' in cell_text.get_text(): data_table[row, col_nr].set_facecolor('lightcoral') data_table[row, col_nr + 1].set_facecolor('lightcoral') data_table[row, col_nr].set_fill(True) data_table[row, col_nr + 1].set_fill(True) return data_table
def plot_aux_data(soln, config, log, scale): """ Plot auxiliary data such as energy distribution and receiver functions. :param soln: Solution container :type soln: Customized scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult :param config: Solution configuration :type config: dict :param log: Logging instance :type log: logging.Logger :param scale: Overall image scaling factor :type scale: float :return: Matplotlib figure containing the plotted data :rtype: matplotlib.figure.Figure """ f = plt.figure(constrained_layout=False, figsize=(6.4 * scale, 6.4 * scale)) f.suptitle(config["station_id"], y=0.96, fontsize=16) gs = f.add_gridspec(2, 1, left=0.1, right=0.9, bottom=0.1, top=0.87, hspace=0.3, wspace=0.3, height_ratios=[1, 2]) gs_top = gs[0].subgridspec(1, 2) ax0 = f.add_subplot(gs_top[0, 0]) ax1 = f.add_subplot(gs_top[0, 1]) hist_alpha = 0.5 soln_alpha = 0.3 axis_font_size = 6 * scale title_font_size = 6 * scale nbins = 100 # Plot energy distribution of samples and solution clusters energy_hist, bins = np.histogram(soln.sample_funvals, bins=nbins) energy_hist = energy_hist.astype(float) / np.max(energy_hist)[:-1], energy_hist, width=np.diff(bins), align='edge', color='#808080', alpha=hist_alpha) for i, cluster_energies in enumerate(soln.cluster_funvals): color = 'C' + str(i) cluster_hist, _ = np.histogram(cluster_energies, bins) cluster_hist = cluster_hist.astype(float) / np.max(cluster_hist)[:-1], cluster_hist, width=np.diff(bins), align='edge', color=color, alpha=soln_alpha) # end for ax0.set_title( 'Energy distribution of random samples and solution clusters', fontsize=title_font_size) ax0.set_xlabel('$E_{SU}$ energy (arb. units)') ax0.set_ylabel('Normalized counts') ax0.tick_params(labelsize=axis_font_size) ax0.xaxis.label.set_size(axis_font_size) ax0.yaxis.label.set_size(axis_font_size) # Plot sorted per-event upwards S-wave energy at top of mantle per solution. # Collect event IDs of worst fit traces and present as table of waveform IDs. event_ids = config["event_ids"] events_best3 = [] events_worst3 = [] for i, esu in enumerate(soln.esu): assert len(esu) == len(event_ids) color = 'C' + str(i) esu_sorted = sorted(zip(esu, event_ids)) events_best3.extend(esu_sorted[:3]) events_worst3.extend(esu_sorted[-3:]) esu_sorted = [e[0] for e in esu_sorted] ax1.plot(esu_sorted, color=color, alpha=soln_alpha) # end for events_best3 = sorted(events_best3) events_worst3 = sorted(events_worst3, reverse=True) best_events_set = set() worst_events_set = set() for _, evid in events_best3: best_events_set.add(evid) if len(best_events_set) >= 3: break # end if # end for for _, evid in events_worst3: worst_events_set.add(evid) if len(worst_events_set) >= 3: break # end if # end for _tab1 = table(ax1, cellText=[[e] for e in best_events_set], colLabels=['BEST'], cellLoc='left', colWidths=[0.35], loc='upper left', edges='horizontal', fontsize=8, alpha=0.6) # alpha broken in matplotlib.table! _tab2 = table(ax1, cellText=[[e] for e in worst_events_set], colLabels=['WORST'], cellLoc='left', colWidths=[0.35], loc='upper right', edges='horizontal', fontsize=8, alpha=0.6) ax1.set_title('Ranked per-event energy for each solution point', fontsize=title_font_size) ax1.set_xlabel('Rank (out of # source events)') ax1.set_ylabel('Event $E_{SU}$ energy (arb. units)') ax1.tick_params(labelsize=axis_font_size) ax1.xaxis.label.set_size(axis_font_size) ax1.yaxis.label.set_size(axis_font_size) # Plot receiver function at base of selected layers axis_font_size = 6 * scale max_solutions = config["solver"].get("max_solutions", 3) for layer in config["layers"]: lname = layer["name"] if soln.subsurface and lname in soln.subsurface: base_seismogms = soln.subsurface[lname] # Generate RF and plot. gs_bot = gs[1].subgridspec(max_solutions, 1, hspace=0.4) for i, seismogm in enumerate(base_seismogms): soln_rf = _compute_rf(seismogm, config, log) assert isinstance(soln_rf, rf.RFStream) # Remove any traces for which deconvolution failed. # First, find their unique ID. Then remove all traces with that ID. exclude_ids = set( [tr.stats.event_id for tr in soln_rf if len(tr) == 0]) soln_rf = rf.RFStream([ tr for tr in soln_rf if tr.stats.event_id not in exclude_ids ]) axn = f.add_subplot(gs_bot[i]) if soln_rf: color = 'C' + str(i) rf_R ='R').trim2( RF_TRIM_WINDOW[0], RF_TRIM_WINDOW[1], reftime='onset') num_RFs = len(rf_R) times = rf_R[0].times() + RF_TRIM_WINDOW[0] data = rf_R.stack()[0].data axn.plot(times, data, color=color, alpha=soln_alpha, linewidth=2) axn.text(0.95, 0.95, 'N = {}'.format(num_RFs), fontsize=10, ha='right', va='top', transform=axn.transAxes) axn.set_xlabel('Time (sec)') axn.grid(color='#80808080', linestyle=':') else: axn.annotate('Empty RF plot', (0.5, 0.5), xycoords='axes fraction', ha='center') # end if axn.set_title(' '.join([ config["station_id"], lname, 'base RF', '(soln {})'.format(i) ]), fontsize=title_font_size, y=0.92, va='top') axn.tick_params(labelsize=axis_font_size) axn.xaxis.label.set_size(axis_font_size) axn.yaxis.label.set_size(axis_font_size) # end for break # TODO: Figure out how to add more layers if needed # end if # end for return f
""" Ref: """ import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') from matplotlib.pyplot import figure from matplotlib.table import table from pylab import * fig = figure() colLabels = ('Freeze', 'Wind', 'Flood', 'Quake', 'Hail') rowLabels = ['%d year' % x for x in (100, 50, 20, 10, 5)] cellText = [['66.4', '174.3', '75.1', '577.9', '32.0'], ['124.6', '555.4', '153.2', '677.2', '192.5'], ['213.8', '636.0', '305.7', '1175.2', '796.0'], ['292.2', '717.8', '456.4', '1368.5', '865.6'], ['431.5', '1049.4', '799.6', '2149.8', '917.9']] #table(cellText=cellText, colLabels=colLabels) ax = subplot(111, frame_on=False) ax.xaxis.set_visible(False) ax.yaxis.set_visible(False) table(cellText=cellText, colLabels=colLabels) fig.savefig('test12.png')
def plot_tables_planning_time_curve(self, res, res_1, simple, horizon, x, y, hue, execs): print("----- ", y) data = res[['id', x, y, hue]] if not self.compare_3T: if len(data[x].unique()) < 8: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(max(len(data[x].unique()), 8) - 3, 7)) else: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(max(len(data[x].unique()), 8) - 4, 7)) else: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(max(len(data[x].unique()), 8), 8)) ax = plt.gca() # sns.set_context("paper", rc={"font.size":16,"axes.titlesize":16,"axes.labelsize":16}) if horizon == min(self.horizons) or self.compare_3T: ax = sns.lineplot(x=x, y=y, hue=hue, style="algorithm", markers=True, data=data) plt.setp(ax.get_legend().get_texts(), fontsize='22') # for legend text plt.setp(ax.get_legend().get_title(), fontsize='22') # for legend title else: ax = sns.lineplot(x=x, y=y, hue=hue, style="algorithm", markers=True, data=data, legend=False) #, dashes=False # if horizon != 2: # ax._legend.remove() # plt.annotate('actual group', xy=(x+0.2,y), xytext=(x+0.3, 300), arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.05, headwidth=20, width=7)) # tab_names = data[x].unique() # alg_names = data[hue].unique() # for alg in range(len(alg_names)): # dat_temp = data.loc[data[hue] == alg_names[alg]] # mean_x = np.mean(dat_temp.loc[dat_temp[x] == tab_names[len(tab_names)-alg-1]]) # pos = (tab_names[len(tab_names)-alg-1],mean_x[y]) # set_trace() # plt.annotate(alg_names[alg][0], xy=(pos[0], pos[1]), xytext=(pos[0]+0.5, pos[1]+0.5), arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.05),) if y != "final_total_belief_reward" and res_1 is not None and not res_1.empty: data_1 = res_1[[hue, x, y]] # table(ax, data_1, loc='upper left') # set_trace() # set_trace() tab_names = data_1[x].unique() alg_names = data_1[hue].unique() table_arr = np.full((len(tab_names) + 1, len(alg_names) + 1), "", dtype=object) # print ("algorithms: ", alg_names) # print ("tables: ", tab_names) for t in range(len(tab_names)): table_arr[t + 1, 0] = "tables = " + str(tab_names[t]) for alg in range(len(alg_names)): table_arr[0, alg + 1] = alg_names[alg][0] sample = data_1.loc[data_1[hue] == alg_names[alg]] sample = sample.loc[sample[x] == tab_names[t]] # print(sample) if not sample.empty: table_arr[t + 1, alg + 1] = str(np.round(float(sample[y]), 1)) + "s" if not self.compare_3T or simple == 1: if horizon == 2 or (simple == 1 and horizon == 5): tab = table(ax, cellText=table_arr, cellLoc='center', rowLoc='center', loc='upper left', bbox=[0.1, .2, .7, .3]) ## left, bottom, width, height else: if len(data[x].unique()) < 10: tab = table(ax, cellText=table_arr, cellLoc='center', rowLoc='center', loc='upper left', bbox=[0.0, .7, 1.0, .3]) ## left, bottom, width, height else: tab = table(ax, cellText=table_arr, cellLoc='center', rowLoc='center', loc='upper left', bbox=[0.0, .7, 1.0, .3]) ## left, bottom, width, height else: tab = table(ax, cellText=table_arr, cellLoc='center', rowLoc='center', loc='upper left', bbox=[0.1, .4, .9, .2]) ## left, bottom, width, height tab.auto_set_font_size(False) tab.set_fontsize(24) # tab.scale(5, 5) ax.set_title("horizon: " + str(horizon), fontsize=26) # set_trace() matplt.xticks( np.arange(self.tables[0], max(max(data[x].unique()) + 1, 9))) if "time" in y: ylab = "planning time (s)" if "reward" in y: ylab = "reward" ax.set_xlabel(x, fontsize=26) ax.set_ylabel(ylab, fontsize=26) ax.tick_params(labelsize=22) agent_pomdp_max_table = data.loc[data[hue] == "B:Agent POMDP"] ax.get_xticklabels()[len(agent_pomdp_max_table[x].unique()) - 1].set_color("orange") # ax.tick_params(direction='out', length=6, width=2, colors='r', grid_color='r', grid_alpha=0.5) plt.tight_layout() # set_trace() matplt.savefig(self.POMDPTasks.test_folder + '/results_' + str(execs) + '/' + "3T_" + str(self.compare_3T) + "_" + x + "_" + hue + "_" + y + '_simple-' \ + str(simple) + '_horizon-' + str(horizon) + "_execs-" + str(execs) + '.png')
r'\# model runs' ] rowLoc = 'right' # cell_text = list(cols.flatten().astype(str)) cols = np.append(cols, cols.sum(axis=1).reshape((-1, 1)), axis=1) cell_text = cols.astype(str) cell_text[0, -1] = 'Total' cell_text = cell_text[[0, 2, 3], :] est1_ms.model_runs = int(cell_text[-1, -1]) table = tbl.table(ax[1], cellText=cell_text, cellLoc=cellLoc, cellColours=colors, colWidths=colWidths, rowLabels=rowLabels, rowLoc=rowLoc, fontsize=(config.TICK_FONTSIZE - 2) * config.SCALE, loc='center') table.scale(1, 3) for cell in table._cells: table._cells[cell].set_alpha(0.1) ax[1].add_table(table) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.4) # print(cols) ax[0] = fp.add_title(ax[0],
def plt_figure(directory, trace, peaks_vals, spacer, pos_in_call, filename, pos_list, base_pos_in_spacer, strand): # Plot the trace and table showing % of each base along the spacer fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, figsize=(4, 2.5)) fig.patch.set_visible(False) ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 1), (0, 0)) ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 1), (1, 0)) Arialfont = {'fontname': 'Arial'} ax1.plot(trace['G'][peaks_vals[pos_in_call] - 8:peaks_vals[pos_in_call + len(spacer) - 1] + 8], color='black', label='G', linewidth=0.6) ax1.plot(trace['A'][peaks_vals[pos_in_call] - 8:peaks_vals[pos_in_call + len(spacer) - 1] + 8], color='g', label='A', linewidth=0.6) # A ax1.plot(trace['T'][peaks_vals[pos_in_call] - 8:peaks_vals[pos_in_call + len(spacer) - 1] + 8], color='r', label='T', linewidth=0.6) # T ax1.plot(trace['C'][peaks_vals[pos_in_call] - 8:peaks_vals[pos_in_call + len(spacer) - 1] + 8], color='b', label='C', linewidth=0.6) # C ax1.annotate('G', xy=(10, 60), xycoords='axes points', size=5, color='black', weight='bold', ha='right', va='top') ax1.annotate('A', xy=(14, 60), xycoords='axes points', size=5, color='g', weight='bold', ha='right', va='top') ax1.annotate('T', xy=(18, 60), xycoords='axes points', size=5, color='r', weight='bold', ha='right', va='top') ax1.annotate('C', xy=(22, 60), xycoords='axes points', size=5, color='b', weight='bold', ha='right', va='top') ax1.axis('off') ax1.axis('tight') ax1.set_title(filename.split(".")[0], fontsize=8, **Arialfont) # Put a legend to the right of the current axis # plt.legend([a_plot, c_plot, g_plot, t_plot], ['A', 'C', 'G', 'T'], bbox_to_anchor=(0.98,0.5), loc="center left", prop={'size': 6}, borderaxespad=0., ncol=1) ax2.axis('off') ax2.axis('tight') df = pd.DataFrame(pos_list, columns=list(spacer)) xx = (df.values * 2.56).astype(int) c = mcolors.ColorConverter().to_rgb mycm = make_colormap([ c('white'), c('yellow'), 0.3, c('yellow'), c('red'), 0.60, c('red'), c('green'), 0.8, c('green') ]) # colours = stats_table = table(ax2, cellText=df.values, rowLabels='GATC', colLabels=df.columns, loc='center', cellColours=colours) stats_table._cells[(0, base_pos_in_spacer - 1)]._text.set_color('red') stats_table._cells[(2, -1)]._text.set_color('green') stats_table._cells[(3, -1)]._text.set_color('red') stats_table._cells[(4, -1)]._text.set_color('blue') # stats_table._cells[(1,base_pos_in_spacer-1)].set_facecolor('red') for (row, col), cell in stats_table.get_celld().items(): cell.set_linewidth(0) if (col == -1): cell.set_text_props(fontproperties=FontProperties( family='Arial', size=8, weight='bold')) elif (row == 0): cell.set_text_props( fontproperties=FontProperties(family='Arial', size=8)) else: cell.set_text_props( fontproperties=FontProperties(family='Arial', size=6)) # shrink current axis box = ax2.get_position() ax2.set_position( [box.x0 + 0.038, box.y0 + 0.15, box.width * 0.9, box.height * 0.8]) # ax2.arrow(0, 20, 10, 47, head_width=1, head_length=2, fc='k', ec='k') if (strand == "+"): ax2.annotate("5'>", xy=(0, 47), xycoords='axes points', size=5, color='k', weight='bold', ha='right', va='top') else: ax2.annotate("3'<", xy=(0, 47), xycoords='axes points', size=5, color='k', weight='bold', ha='right', va='top') figfile = filename.split('.')[0] + '.png' fig.savefig(directory + '/result/' + figfile, dpi=300) plt.close()
], [ 'Maximum Head above\nLand Surface (ft)', str(round(abs(max_dtw), 2)) ], [ 'Number of Locations\nwith Max Head', str(num_max_values) ]] cell_color = [['white', 'white'], ['white', 'white'], ['white', 'white']] tbl = table(ax, cellText=table_vals, cellColours=cell_color, bbox=[0.5, 0.7, 0.40, 0.2], rasterized=True, zorder=10) tbl.auto_set_font_size(False) tbl.set_fontsize(8) tbl.auto_set_column_width(col=[0, 1]) # plot locations of max heads above ground surface ax.scatter(max_values.X, max_values.Y, s=50, facecolors='none', edgecolors='r')
def plot_catalogue_performance(data_table,strategies,filename=None,figsize=(12,6),zbins=[(0.9,2.1),(2.1,None)],desi_nqso=[1.3*10**6,0.8*10**6],dv_max=6000.,show_correctwrongzbin=False,verbose=False,nydec=0,ymax=0.1,filter=None,add_bar_heights=True,extrarow=False,rotation=0.): fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,len(zbins),figsize=figsize,sharey=True,squeeze=False) if filter is None: filt = np.ones(len(data_table)).astype(bool) else: filt = filter # determine the true classifications isqso_truth, isgal_truth, isstar_truth, isbad = get_truths(data_table) for i,zbin in enumerate(zbins): for s in strategies.keys(): # Make a filter to deal with masked arrays. filt_s = filt & (strategies[s]['isqso']|True) z_s = strategies[s]['z'] w_s = strategies[s]['isqso'] in_zbin_zvi = np.ones(data_table['Z_VI'].shape).astype(bool) in_zbin_zs = np.ones(z_s.shape).astype(bool) if zbin[0] is not None: in_zbin_zvi &= (data_table['Z_VI']>=zbin[0]) in_zbin_zs &= (z_s>=zbin[0]) if zbin[1] is not None: in_zbin_zvi &= (data_table['Z_VI']<zbin[1]) in_zbin_zs &= (z_s<zbin[1]) dv = strategy.get_dv(z_s,data_table['Z_VI'],data_table['Z_VI'],use_abs=True) zgood = (dv <= dv_max) strategies[s]['ncat'] = (w_s & in_zbin_zs & (~isbad) & filt_s).sum() strategies[s]['nstar'] = (w_s & in_zbin_zs & isstar_truth & filt_s).sum() strategies[s]['ngalwrongz'] = (w_s & ~zgood & in_zbin_zs & isgal_truth & filt_s).sum() strategies[s]['nqsowrongz'] = (w_s & ~zgood & in_zbin_zs & isqso_truth & filt_s).sum() strategies[s]['ncorrectwrongzbin'] = (w_s & zgood & in_zbin_zs & (isqso_truth | isgal_truth) & ~in_zbin_zvi & filt_s).sum() strategies[s]['nwrong'] = (strategies[s]['nstar'] + strategies[s]['ngalwrongz'] + strategies[s]['nqsowrongz'] + strategies[s]['ncorrectwrongzbin']) com_num = (w_s & zgood & in_zbin_zs & isqso_truth & in_zbin_zvi & filt_s).sum() com_denom = (isqso_truth & in_zbin_zvi & filt_s).sum() strategies[s]['completeness'] = com_num/com_denom if ('RR' in s) and verbose: print(s) for k in strategies[s]: if (k[0]=='n') or (k=='completeness'): print(k,strategies[s][k]) nlostqso = (~w_s & isqso_truth & in_zbin_zvi).sum() print(nlostqso,com_denom,nlostqso/com_denom) print('') nwrong = np.array([strategies[s]['nwrong'] for s in strategies.keys()]) ncat = np.array([strategies[s]['ncat'] for s in strategies.keys()]) pstar = np.array([strategies[s]['nstar'] for s in strategies.keys()])/ncat pgalwrongz = np.array([strategies[s]['ngalwrongz'] for s in strategies.keys()])/ncat pqsowrongz = np.array([strategies[s]['nqsowrongz'] for s in strategies.keys()])/ncat pcorrectwrongzbin = np.array([strategies[s]['ncorrectwrongzbin'] for s in strategies.keys()])/ncat completeness = np.array([strategies[s]['completeness'] for s in strategies.keys()]) axs[0,i].bar(range(len(strategies)),pstar,color=utils.colours['C0'],label='star',width=0.5) axs[0,i].bar(range(len(strategies)),pgalwrongz,bottom=pstar,color=utils.colours['C1'],label='galaxy w.\nwrong $z$',width=0.5) bars = axs[0,i].bar(range(len(strategies)),pqsowrongz,bottom=pstar+pgalwrongz,color=utils.colours['C2'],label='QSO w.\nwrong $z$',width=0.5) if show_correctwrongzbin: axs[0,i].bar(range(len(strategies)),pcorrectwrongzbin,bottom=pstar+pgalwrongz+pqsowrongz,color=utils.colours['C3'],label='correct w.\nwrong $z$-bin',width=0.5) if add_bar_heights: bar_heights = pstar+pgalwrongz+pqsowrongz if show_correctwrongzbin: bar_heights += pcorrectwrongzbin utils.autolabel_bars(axs[0,i],bars,numbers=bar_heights,heights=bar_heights,percentage=True,above=True) DESI_ncat_presents = [] for j,c in enumerate(completeness): pcon = nwrong[j]/ncat[j] DESI_ncat = c * desi_nqso[i]/(1 - pcon) DESI_ncat_present = (round(DESI_ncat * 10**-6,3)) DESI_ncat_presents.append(DESI_ncat_present) axs[0,i].set_xlabel('classification strategy',labelpad=10) axs[0,i].set_xticks(range(len(strategies))) axs[0,i].set_xlim(-0.5,len(strategies)-0.5) slabels = [] for s in strategies.keys(): try: slabels += [strategies[s]['label']] except KeyError: slabels += [s] if rotation>0: ha = 'right' else: ha = 'center' axs[0,i].set_xticklabels(slabels,rotation=rotation, ha=ha, rotation_mode="anchor") axs[0,i].yaxis.set_major_formatter(mtick.PercentFormatter(xmax=1.0,decimals=nydec)) axs[0,i].set_ylim(0,ymax) zbin_label = get_label_from_zbin(zbin) axs[0,i].text(0.5,1.05,zbin_label,ha='center',va='center',transform=axs[0,i].transAxes) cell_text = [] for s in slabels: if '\n' in s: extrarow = True if extrarow: cell_text.append(['']*len(completeness)) cell_text.append(['{:2.1%}'.format(c) for c in completeness]) cell_text.append(['{:1.2f}'.format(c) for c in DESI_ncat_presents]) rowLabels = [] if extrarow: rowLabels += [''] if i==0: rowLabels += ['completeness:','estimated DESI\ncatalogue size\n[million QSOs]:'] else: rowLabels += ['',''] table = mp_table.table(cellText=cell_text, rowLabels=rowLabels, colLabels=['' for s in strategies.keys()], loc='bottom', ax=axs[0,i], edges='open', cellLoc='center', rowLoc='right', in_layout=True) table.scale(1,6) offset_label = -0.1 axs[0,0].set_ylabel('contamination of\nQSO catalogue') axs[0,1].legend() rect = (0.07,0.2,1.0,1.0) plt.tight_layout(rect=rect) if filename is not None: plt.savefig(filename) return fig, axs
def __call__(self, data): t, y = data if self.model._last_visualized_ts is None or self.vis is None: self.vis = t elif self.vis < self.model._last_visualized_ts: # This is to avoid cases with repeated past measurements. Should # perhaps be handled in self.vis = self.model._last_visualized_ts if self.start_day is None: self.start_day = try: self.model.update(y) except ValueError as err: logging.error('ERROR: %s' % (err)) return None # Update lines bufidx = self.model._buffer.index tmpdata = self.model._buffer.loc[bufidx > self.vis] day = - self.start_day self.xdata.extend( (day * 3200 * 24 + tmpdata.index.hour * 3200 + tmpdata.index.minute * 60 + tmpdata.index.second).values.tolist()) self.ydata.extend(tmpdata['active'].values.tolist()) lim = min(len(self.xdata), self.time_window) self.line_active.set_data(self.xdata[-lim:], self.ydata[-lim:]) lim1 = (bufidx[-1] - self.model._last_visualized_ts).seconds ydisp = self.model._yest[-(lim - lim1):].tolist() if lim1 > 0: self.line_est.set_data(self.xdata[-lim:-lim1], ydisp) ymatchdisp = self.model._ymatch['active'].values[ -lim:-lim1].tolist() self.line_match.set_data(self.xdata[-lim:-lim1], ymatchdisp) else: self.line_est.set_data(self.xdata[-lim:], ydisp) ymatchdisp = self.model._ymatch['active'].values[-lim:].tolist() self.line_match.set_data(self.xdata[-lim:], ymatchdisp) # Update axis limits tidx = t.hour * 3200 + t.minute * 60 + t.second xmin, xmax = xmin = max(0, tidx + self.step - self.time_window + 1) xmax = max(self.time_window, tidx + self.step) ymin = min(self.ydata[-self.time_window:] + [0]) # List concatenation ymax = max(self.ydata[-self.time_window:] + [0]) # List concatenation - 100, xmax + 100) - 50, ymax + 100) # Add table if not cell_text = [['None', '-', '-']] else: cell_text = [[, m.signature[0, 0], m.signature[0, 1]] for m in] cell_text.append(['Other', self.model.residual_live[0], '-']) cell_text.append(['Background', self.model.background_active, '-']) tab = table(self.axt, cell_text, colLabels=['Appliance', 'Active', 'Reactive'], cellLoc='left', colLoc='left', edges='horizontal') for (row, col), cell in tab.get_celld().items(): if (row == 0) or (col == -1): cell.set_text_props(fontproperties=FontProperties( weight='bold')) self.axt.clear() self.axt.add_table(tab) self.axt.set_axis_off() self.axt.figure.canvas.draw() # TODO (for dates) # self.xdata.extend(y.index.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').tolist()) # Save model if self.model_path_w and \ (self.save_counter % self.MODEL_SAVE_STEP == 0): with open(self.model_path_w, "wb") as fp: dill.dump(self.model, fp) self.save_counter += 1 return self.line_active, \ self.line_est, \ self.line_match