Example #1
def test_tritools():
    # Tests TriAnalyzer.scale_factors on masked triangulation
    # Tests circle_ratios on equilateral and right-angled triangle.
    x = np.array([0., 1., 0.5, 0., 2.])
    y = np.array([0., 0., 0.5 * np.sqrt(3.), -1., 1.])
    triangles = np.array([[0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 3], [1, 2, 4]], dtype=np.int32)
    mask = np.array([False, False, True], dtype=np.bool)
    triang = mtri.Triangulation(x, y, triangles, mask=mask)
    analyser = mtri.TriAnalyzer(triang)
                              np.array([1., 1. / (1. + 0.5 * np.sqrt(3.))]))
        np.ma.masked_array([0.5, 1. / (1. + np.sqrt(2.)), np.nan], mask))

    # Tests circle ratio of a flat triangle
    x = np.array([0., 1., 2.])
    y = np.array([1., 1. + 3., 1. + 6.])
    triangles = np.array([[0, 1, 2]], dtype=np.int32)
    triang = mtri.Triangulation(x, y, triangles)
    analyser = mtri.TriAnalyzer(triang)
    assert_array_almost_equal(analyser.circle_ratios(), np.array([0.]))

    # Tests TriAnalyzer.get_flat_tri_mask
    # Creates a triangulation of [-1, 1] x [-1, 1] with contiguous groups of
    # 'flat' triangles at the 4 corners and at the center. Checks that only
    # those at the borders are eliminated by TriAnalyzer.get_flat_tri_mask
    n = 9

    def power(x, a):
        return np.abs(x)**a * np.sign(x)

    x = np.linspace(-1., 1., n + 1)
    x, y = np.meshgrid(power(x, 2.), power(x, 0.25))
    x = x.ravel()
    y = y.ravel()

    triang = mtri.Triangulation(x, y, triangles=meshgrid_triangles(n + 1))
    analyser = mtri.TriAnalyzer(triang)
    mask_flat = analyser.get_flat_tri_mask(0.2)
    verif_mask = np.zeros(162, dtype=np.bool)
    corners_index = [
        0, 1, 2, 3, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 34, 35, 126, 127, 142, 143, 144,
        145, 146, 147, 158, 159, 160, 161
    verif_mask[corners_index] = True
    assert_array_equal(mask_flat, verif_mask)

    # Now including a hole (masked triangle) at the center. The center also
    # shall be eliminated by get_flat_tri_mask.
    mask = np.zeros(162, dtype=np.bool)
    mask[80] = True
    mask_flat = analyser.get_flat_tri_mask(0.2)
    center_index = [44, 45, 62, 63, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 98, 99, 116, 117]
    verif_mask[center_index] = True
    assert_array_equal(mask_flat, verif_mask)
Example #2
def test_trianalyzer_mismatched_indices():
    # github issue 4999.
    x = np.array([0., 1., 0.5, 0., 2.])
    y = np.array([0., 0., 0.5 * np.sqrt(3.), -1., 1.])
    triangles = np.array([[0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 3], [1, 2, 4]], dtype=np.int32)
    mask = np.array([False, False, True], dtype=bool)
    triang = mtri.Triangulation(x, y, triangles, mask=mask)
    analyser = mtri.TriAnalyzer(triang)
    # numpy >= 1.10 raises a VisibleDeprecationWarning in the following line
    # prior to the fix.
Example #3
def plot_surface(cube, model='', unstructure=False, **kw):
    projection = kw.pop('projection', ccrs.PlateCarree())
    figsize = kw.pop('figsize', (8, 6))
    cmap = kw.pop('cmap', plt.cm.rainbow)

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize,
    gl = ax.gridlines(draw_labels=True)
    gl.xlabels_top = gl.ylabels_right = False
    gl.xformatter = LONGITUDE_FORMATTER
    gl.yformatter = LATITUDE_FORMATTER

    z = z_coord(cube)
    if z:
        positive = z.attributes.get('positive', None)
        if positive == 'up':
            idx = np.unique(z.points.argmax(axis=0))[0]
            idx = np.unique(z.points.argmin(axis=0))[0]
        c = cube[idx, ...].copy()
        idx = None
        c = cube.copy()
    c.data = ma.masked_invalid(c.data)
    t = time_coord(cube)
    t = t.units.num2date(t.points)[0]
    if unstructure:
        # The following lines would work if the cube is note bbox-sliced.
        # lon = cube.mesh.nodes[:, 0]
        # lat = cube.mesh.nodes[:, 1]
        # nv = cube.mesh.faces
        lon = cube.coord(axis='X').points
        lat = cube.coord(axis='Y').points
        nv = Delaunay(np.c_[lon, lat]).vertices
        triang = tri.Triangulation(lon, lat, triangles=nv)
        # http://matplotlib.org/examples/pylab_examples/ tricontour_smooth_delaunay.html
        if False:  # TODO: Test this.
            subdiv = 3
            min_circle_ratio = 0.01
            mask = tri.TriAnalyzer(triang).get_flat_tri_mask(min_circle_ratio)
            refiner = tri.UniformTriRefiner(triang)
            tri_ref, data_ref = refiner.refine_field(cube.data, subdiv=subdiv)
        cs = ax.tricontourf(triang, c.data, cmap=cmap, **kw)
        cs = ax.pcolormesh(c.coord(axis='X').points,
                           c.data, cmap=cmap, **kw)
    title = (model, t, c.name(), idx)
    ax.set_title('{}: {}\nVariable: {} level: {}'.format(*title))
    return fig, ax, cs
Example #4
def setup(ds, whichgrids=None):
    '''Set up for using ll2xe().
    Set up Delaunay triangulation by calculating triangulation and functions for 
    calculating grid coords from lon/lat pairs and save into and return ds object.
    Create a separate triangulation setup for each grid since otherwise it impacts 
    the performance, especially at edges. Can input keyword whichgrids to only 
    calculate for particular grids — this is intended for testing purposes to save time.
    Usage is demonstrated in ll2xe().
    tris = {}
    # Set up Delaunay triangulation of grid space in lon/lat coordinates
    if whichgrids is None:
        whichgrids = ['rho', 'u', 'v', 'psi']
    for whichgrid in whichgrids:
        lonkey = 'lon_' + whichgrid
        latkey = 'lat_' + whichgrid

        # Triangulation for curvilinear space to grid space
        # Have to use SciPy's Triangulation to be more robust.
        # http://matveichev.blogspot.com/2014/02/matplotlibs-tricontour-interesting.html
        lon = ds[lonkey].values.flatten()
        lat = ds[latkey].values.flatten()
        pts = np.column_stack((lon, lat))
        tess = Delaunay(pts)
        tri = mtri.Triangulation(lon, lat, tess.simplices.copy())
        # For the triangulation, need to preprocess the mask to get rid of potential 
        # flat triangles at the boundaries.
        # http://matplotlib.org/1.3.1/api/tri_api.html#matplotlib.tri.TriAnalyzer
        mask = mtri.TriAnalyzer(tri).get_flat_tri_mask(0.01, rescale=False)

        # Next set up the grid (or index) space grids: integer arrays that are the
        # shape of the horizontal model grid.
        J, I = ds[lonkey].shape
        X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(I), np.arange(J))

        # these are the functions for interpolating X and Y (the grid arrays) onto
        # lon/lat coordinates. That is, the functions for calculating grid space coords
        # corresponding to input lon/lat coordinates.
        fx = mtri.LinearTriInterpolator(tri, X.flatten())
        fy = mtri.LinearTriInterpolator(tri, Y.flatten())

        tris[whichgrid] = {'name': whichgrid, 'tri': tri, 'fx': fx, 'fy': fy}
    return tris
Example #5
def _plot_function2D(funcarr, coordsarr, name):
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
    x = np.ravel(coordsarr[..., 0])
    y = np.ravel(coordsarr[..., 1])
    if len(funcarr.shape) == len(coordsarr.shape):  # vector quantity
        datu = np.ravel(funcarr[..., 0])
        datv = np.ravel(funcarr[..., 1])
        mag = np.sqrt(np.square(datu) + np.square(datv))
        plt.quiver(x, y, datu, datv, mag)
    else:  # scalar quantity
        triang = tri.Triangulation(x, y)
        mask = tri.TriAnalyzer(triang).get_flat_tri_mask(min_circle_ratio=0.05)
        dat = np.ravel(funcarr)
        plt.tripcolor(triang, dat, cmap='jet', shading='gouraud')
        # plt.tricontour(x, y, dat, cmap='jet')
        # plt.tricontourf(x, y, dat, cmap='jet')
    fig.savefig(name + '.png')
Example #6
def fwhm_psf_detector(zosapi, sys_mode, ao_modes, spaxel_scale, grating, N_configs, N_waves, N_rays, mode, files_path, results_path):
    Calculate the FWHM PSF (including diffraction effects)
    in both directions, acrosss and along the Slices
    for a given spaxel scale and grating configuration, across all 4 IFU channels

    Because of the nature of HARMONI, we split the calculation for the X and Y direction
    The FWHM X is calculated at the Detector plane, in the spatial direction
    The FWHM Y is calculated at the Image Slicer plane, across the slices

    Details on the methodology can be found in e2e_analysis.py, at "FWHM_PSF_FastAnalysis"

    :param zosapi: the Zemax API
    :param sys_mode: [str] the system mode, either 'HARMONI', 'ELT' or 'IFS
    :param ao_modes: [list] containing the AO mode we want. Only 1 should be used
    :param spaxel_scale: [str] the spaxel scale, ex. '60x30'
    :param grating: [str] the spectral band to analyze, ex. 'HK'
    :param N_waves: how many wavelengths to use. If 3, we will use the min, central and max (typically 5-7)
    :param N_rays: how many pupil rays to trace to estimate the geometric PSF
    :param mode: whether to use 'geometric' or 'diffraction' PSF for the FWHM calculation
    :param files_path: path to the E2E files to load for the analysis
    :param results_path: path to save the results

    # We will create a separate folder within results_path to save the FWHM results
    analysis_dir = os.path.join(results_path, 'FWHM')
    print("Analysis Results will be saved in folder: ", analysis_dir)
    if not os.path.exists(analysis_dir):

    analysis = e2e.FWHM_PSF_FastAnalysis(zosapi=zosapi)

    wavelength_idx = np.linspace(1, 23, N_waves).astype(int)
    # Select a subsect of configuration indices. Using all of them takes forever...
    # We jump every N_configs
    odd_configs = np.arange(1, 76, 2)[::N_configs]
    even_configs = odd_configs + 1
    # We use both even and odd configurations to cover both A and B paths of the IFU
    configs = list(np.concatenate([odd_configs, even_configs]))
    N = len(configs)
    print("Total Configurations: ", len(configs))

    fx, fy = [], []
    focal_coord, object_coord = [], []
    ifu_sections = ['AB', 'CD', 'EF', 'GH']
    for ifu_section in ifu_sections:
        options = {'which_system': sys_mode, 'AO_modes': ao_modes, 'scales': [spaxel_scale], 'IFUs': [ifu_section],
                   'grating': [grating]}
        list_results = analysis.loop_over_files(files_dir=files_path, files_opt=options, results_path=results_path,
                                                wavelength_idx=wavelength_idx, configuration_idx=configs, N_rays=N_rays,

        # Only 1 list, no Monte Carlo
        fwhm, obj_xy, foc_xy, wavelengths = list_results[0]
        fwhm_x, fwhm_y = fwhm[:, :, 0], fwhm[:, :, 1]

        # Convert to milli-arcseconds
        plate_x = plate_scales['DET'][spaxel_scale][0]      # mm / arcsec
        plate_y = plate_scales['IS'][spaxel_scale][1]

        fwhm_x /= plate_x
        fwhm_y /= plate_y

        print("IFU-%s: %.1f mas" % (ifu_section, np.mean(fwhm_y)))


    fx = np.array(fx)
    fy = np.array(fy)

    # (1) DETECTOR plane plot
    # Get a separate figure for each direction X and Y
    spax = int(spaxel_scale.split('x')[0])
    for fwhm, label in zip([fx, fy], ['FWHM_X', 'FWHM_Y']):
        # min_fwhm = np.nanmin(fwhm)
        # max_fwhm = np.nanmax(fwhm)
        min_fwhm = 0
        max_fwhm = spax if spaxel_scale == "60x30" else 4 * spax

        fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 10))
        # Loop over the IFU channels: AB, CD, EF, GH
        for i in range(2):
            for j in range(2):
                k = 2 * i + j
                ifu_section = ifu_sections[k]
                ax = axes[i][j]
                _foc_xy = focal_coord[k]
                _fwhm = fwhm[k]

                # If we don't split the results between "even" and "odd" configurations (A and B paths),
                # pyplot will triangulate over the gap between the two detector footprints (where there is no data)
                # so it's better to split the results and generate 2 separate triangulations
                x_odd, y_odd = _foc_xy[:N//2, :, 0].flatten(), _foc_xy[:N//2, :, 1].flatten()
                x_even, y_even = _foc_xy[N//2:, :, 0].flatten(), _foc_xy[N//2:, :, 1].flatten()
                triang_odd = tri.Triangulation(x_odd, y_odd)
                triang_even = tri.Triangulation(x_even, y_even)

                # This thing here makes sure that we don't get weird triangles if the detector footprint
                # has a funny shape (with a lot of spectrograph smile)
                min_circle_ratio = .05
                mask_odd = tri.TriAnalyzer(triang_odd).get_flat_tri_mask(min_circle_ratio)
                mask_even = tri.TriAnalyzer(triang_even).get_flat_tri_mask(min_circle_ratio)

                tpc_odd = ax.tripcolor(triang_odd, _fwhm[:N//2].flatten(), shading='flat', cmap='jet')
                tpc_odd.set_clim(vmin=min_fwhm, vmax=max_fwhm)
                tpc_even = ax.tripcolor(triang_even, _fwhm[N//2:].flatten(), shading='flat', cmap='jet')
                tpc_even.set_clim(vmin=min_fwhm, vmax=max_fwhm)

                # Draw the boundaries of the detector for reference

                axis_label = 'Detector'
                ax.set_xlabel(axis_label + r' X [mm]')
                ax.set_ylabel(axis_label + r' Y [mm]')
                # ax.scatter(_foc_xy[:, :, 0].flatten(), _foc_xy[:, :, 1].flatten(), s=2, color='black')
                cbar = plt.colorbar(tpc_odd, ax=ax, orientation='horizontal')
                # cbar.ax.set_xlabel('[$\mu$m]')
                title = r'%s IFU-%s | %s | %s | %s' % (label, ifu_section, spaxel_scale, grating, ao_modes[0])

        fig_name = "%s_%s_%s_DETECTOR_SPEC_%s_MODE_%s_%s" % (label, mode, spaxel_scale, grating, sys_mode, ao_modes[0])

        save_path = os.path.join(results_path, analysis_dir)
        if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(save_path, fig_name)):
            os.remove(os.path.join(save_path, fig_name))
        fig.savefig(os.path.join(save_path, fig_name))

    # # (2) Stitch the Object space coordinates
    # object_coord = np.array(object_coord)
    # x_obj, y_obj = object_coord[:, :, 0].flatten(), object_coord[:, :, 1].flatten()
    # triang = tri.Triangulation(x_obj, y_obj)
    # for k_wave, wave_str in zip([0, N_waves // 2, -1], ['MIN', 'CENT', 'MAX']):
    #     for fwhm, label in zip([fx, fy], ['FWHM_X', 'FWHM_Y']):
    #         min_fwhm = np.nanmin(fwhm)
    #         max_fwhm = np.nanmax(fwhm)
    #         fig_obj, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
    #         _fwhm = fwhm[:, :, k_wave].flatten()
    #         tpc = ax.tripcolor(triang, _fwhm, shading='flat', cmap='jet')
    #         tpc.set_clim(vmin=min_fwhm, vmax=max_fwhm)
    #         ax.scatter(x_obj, y_obj, s=2, color='black')
    #         axis_label = 'Object'
    #         ax.set_xlabel(axis_label + r' X [mm]')
    #         ax.set_ylabel(axis_label + r' Y [mm]')
    #         ax.set_aspect('equal')
    #         cbar = plt.colorbar(tpc, ax=ax, orientation='horizontal')
    #         cbar.ax.set_xlabel('[$\mu$m]')
    #         wave = wavelengths[k_wave]
    #         title = r'%s | %s | %s SPEC %.3f $\mu$m | %s %s' % (label, spaxel_scale, grating, wave, sys_mode, ao_modes[0])
    #         ax.set_title(title)
    #         fig_name = "%s_OBJECT_%s_SPEC_%s_MODE_%s_%s_WAVE_%s" % (label, spaxel_scale, grating, sys_mode, ao_modes[0], wave_str)
    #         save_path = os.path.join(results_path, analysis_dir)
    #         if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(save_path, fig_name)):
    #             os.remove(os.path.join(save_path, fig_name))
    #         fig_obj.savefig(os.path.join(save_path, fig_name))

    return fx, fy
import matplotlib.tri as tri
normscatter = np.nanmax(fluor_int)
mask = fluor_int / normscatter > 1e-5

# Now create the Triangulation.
# (Creating a Triangulation without specifying the triangles results in the
# Delaunay triangulation of the points.)
x = jday_int[mask]
y = zcom_t[mask]
z = np.log10(fluor_int[mask] / normscatter)
triang = tri.Triangulation(jday_int[mask], zcom_t[mask])
# Improving the triangulation before high-res plots: removing flat triangles
# masking badly shaped triangles at the border of the triangular mesh.
maskt = tri.TriAnalyzer(triang).get_flat_tri_mask(0.1)

# refining the data
refiner = tri.UniformTriRefiner(triang)
tri_refi, z_test_refi = refiner.refine_field(z, subdiv=3)

# Temperature
cl = [-3, 0]
axsurf = plt.subplot2grid((3, 4), (1, 0), rowspan=1, colspan=4)


ix = axsurf.tricontourf(jday_int[mask],
                        np.log10(fluor_int[mask] / normscatter),
Example #8
def detector_rms_wfe(zosapi, sys_mode, ao_modes, spaxel_scale,
                     spaxels_per_slice, grating, files_path, results_path):

    analysis_dir = os.path.join(results_path, 'RMS_WFE')
    print("Analysis Results will be saved in folder: ", analysis_dir)
    if not os.path.exists(analysis_dir):

    ifu_sections = ['AB', 'CD', 'EF', 'GH']
    analysis = e2e.RMS_WFE_Analysis(zosapi=zosapi)

    rms_maps, object_coord, focal_coord = [], [], []

    for ifu_section in ifu_sections:

        options = {
            'which_system': sys_mode,
            'AO_modes': ao_modes,
            'scales': [spaxel_scale],
            'IFUs': [ifu_section],
            'grating': [grating]

        list_results = analysis.loop_over_files(
        # Only 1 list, no Monte Carlo
        rms_wfe, obj_xy, foc_xy, global_xy, waves = list_results[0]

        # print a summary:
        print("\nFor %s scale, IFU-%s, SPEC-%s: " %
              (spaxel_scale, ifu_section, grating))
        print("RMS: min %.2f | mean %.2f | max %.2f nm " %
              (np.min(rms_wfe), np.mean(rms_wfe), np.max(rms_wfe)))


    # Stitch the different IFU sections
    rms_field = np.concatenate(rms_maps, axis=1)

    min_rms = np.min(rms_field)
    max_rms = np.max(rms_field)

    fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 10))
    # Loop over the IFU channels: AB, CD, EF, GH
    for i in range(2):
        for j in range(2):
            k = 2 * i + j
            ifu_section = ifu_sections[k]
            ax = axes[i][j]
            _foc_xy = focal_coord[k]
            _rms_field = rms_maps[k]

            # Separate Odd and Even configs to avoid triangulating over the detector gap
            x_odd, y_odd = _foc_xy[:, ::2, :,
                                   0].flatten(), _foc_xy[:, ::2, :,
            x_even, y_even = _foc_xy[:, 1::2, :,
                                     0].flatten(), _foc_xy[:, 1::2, :,
            triang_odd = tri.Triangulation(x_odd, y_odd)
            triang_even = tri.Triangulation(x_even, y_even)

            # Remove the flat triangles at the detector edges that appear because of the field curvature
            min_circle_ratio = .05
            mask_odd = tri.TriAnalyzer(triang_odd).get_flat_tri_mask(
            mask_even = tri.TriAnalyzer(triang_even).get_flat_tri_mask(

            tpc_odd = ax.tripcolor(triang_odd,
                                   _rms_field[:, ::2].flatten(),
            tpc_odd.set_clim(vmin=min_rms, vmax=max_rms)
            tpc_even = ax.tripcolor(triang_even,
                                    _rms_field[:, 1::2].flatten(),
            tpc_even.set_clim(vmin=min_rms, vmax=max_rms)
            # ax.scatter(x_odd, y_odd, s=2, color='black')
            # ax.scatter(x_even, y_even, s=2, color='black')


            axis_label = 'Detector'
            ax.set_xlabel(axis_label + r' X [mm]')
            ax.set_ylabel(axis_label + r' Y [mm]')
            cbar = plt.colorbar(tpc_odd, ax=ax, orientation='horizontal')
            title = r'IFU-%s | %s mas | %s SPEC | %s' % (
                ifu_section, spaxel_scale, grating, sys_mode)
            fig_name = "RMSMAP_%s_DETECTOR_SPEC_%s_MODE_%s" % (
                spaxel_scale, grating, sys_mode)

            # save_path = os.path.join(results_path, analysis_dir)
            # if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(save_path, fig_name)):
            #     os.remove(os.path.join(save_path, fig_name))
            # fig.savefig(os.path.join(save_path, fig_name))

    # Object space coordinates
    fig_obj, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)

    rms_maps = np.array(rms_maps)
    object_coord = np.array(object_coord)

    N_waves = rms_maps.shape[1]
    k_wave = int(N_waves // 2)
    x_obj, y_obj = object_coord[:, k_wave, :, :,
                                0].flatten(), object_coord[:, k_wave, :, :,
    triang = tri.Triangulation(x_obj, y_obj)
    tpc = ax.tripcolor(triang,
                       rms_maps[:, k_wave].flatten(),
    tpc.set_clim(vmin=min_rms, vmax=max_rms)

    axis_label = 'Object'
    ax.set_xlabel(axis_label + r' X [mm]')
    ax.set_ylabel(axis_label + r' Y [mm]')
    cbar = plt.colorbar(tpc, ax=ax, orientation='horizontal')

    wave = waves[k_wave]

    title = r'%s mas | %s SPEC %.3f $\mu$m | %s' % (spaxel_scale, grating,
                                                    wave, sys_mode)
    fig_name = "OBJ_RMSMAP_%s_DETECTOR_SPEC_%s_MODE_%s" % (spaxel_scale,
                                                           grating, sys_mode)

    save_path = os.path.join(results_path, analysis_dir)
    if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(save_path, fig_name)):
        os.remove(os.path.join(save_path, fig_name))
    fig_obj.savefig(os.path.join(save_path, fig_name))

    return rms_field
Example #9
def readgrid(grid_filename, proj, vert_filename=None, usespherical=True):
    Kristen Thyng, March 2013
    This function should be read in at the beginnind of a run.py call.
    It reads in all necessary grid information that won't change in time
    and stores it in a dictionary called grid.
    All arrays are changed to Fortran ordering (from Python ordering)
    and to tracmass variables ordering from ROMS ordering
    i.e. from [t,k,j,i] to [i,j,k,t]
    right away after reading in.

        grid_filename: File name (with extension) where grid information is
        vert_filename (optional): File name (with extension) where vertical
            grid information is stored, if not in grid_loc. Can also skip
            this if don't need vertical grid info. also optional prjection
            box parameters. Default is None.
        proj: Projection object.
        usespherical: Use spherical geometric coordinates (lat/lon) or not.

     * grid - Dictionary containing all necessary time-independent grid fields

    grid dictionary contains: (array sizing is for tracmass ordering)
     * imt,jmt,km: Grid index sizing constants in (x,y,z), are for horizontal
       rho grid [scalar]
     * dxv: Horizontal grid cell walls areas in x direction [imt,jmt-1]
     * dyu: Horizontal grid cell walls areas in y direction [imt-1,jmt]
     * dxdy: Horizontal area of cells defined at cell centers [imt,jmt]
     * mask: Land/sea mask [imt,jmt]
     * pm,pn: Difference in horizontal grid spacing in x and y [imt,jmt]
     * kmt: Number of vertical levels in horizontal space [imt,jmt]
     * dzt0: Thickness in meters of grid at each k-level with
       time-independent free surface. Surface is at km [imt,jmt,km].
     * zrt0: Depth in meters of grid at each k-level on vertical rho grid
       with time-independent free surface. Surface is at km [imt,jmt,km]
     * zwt0: Depth in meters of grid at each k-level on vertical w grid with
       time-independent free surface. Surface is at km [imt,jmt,km]
     * xr, yr: Rho grid zonal (x) and meriodional (y) coordinates [imt,jmt]
     * xu, yu: U grid zonal (x) and meriodional (y) coordinates [imt,jmt]
     * xv, yv: V grid zonal (x) and meriodional (y) coordinates [imt,jmt]
     * xpsi, ypsi: Psi grid zonal (x) and meriodional (y) coordinates
       [imt, jmt]
     * X, Y: Grid index arrays
     * tri, trir: Delaunay triangulations
     * Cs_r, sc_r: Vertical grid streching paramters [km-1]
     * hc: Critical depth [scalar]
     * h: Depths [imt,jmt]
     * theta_s: Vertical stretching parameter [scalar]. A parameter
       (typically 0.0 <= theta_s < 5.0) that defines the amount of grid
       focusing. A higher value for theta_s will focus the grid more.
     * theta_b: Vertical stretching parameter [scalar]. A parameter (0.0 <
       theta_b < 1.0) that says whether the coordinate will be focused at the
       surface (theta_b -> 1.0) or split evenly between surface and bottom
       (theta_b -> 0)
     * basemap: Basemap object

    Note: all are in fortran ordering and tracmass ordering except for X, Y,
    tri, and tric
    To test: [array].flags['F_CONTIGUOUS'] will return true if it is fortran

    # Read in grid parameters and find x and y in domain on different grids
    # use full dataset to get grid information
    gridfile = netCDF.Dataset(grid_filename)

    if usespherical:
            lon_vert = gridfile.variables['lon_vert'][:]
            lat_vert = gridfile.variables['lat_vert'][:]
            lon_rho = gridfile.variables['lon_rho'][:]
            lat_rho = gridfile.variables['lat_rho'][:]
            x_rho, y_rho = proj(lon_rho, lat_rho)

            # get vertex locations
                angle = gridfile.variables['angle'][:]
                angle = np.zeros(x_rho.shape)
            x_vert, y_vert = octant.grid.rho_to_vert(
                x_rho, y_rho, gridfile.variables['pm'][:],
                gridfile.variables['pn'][:], angle)
            lon_vert, lat_vert = proj(x_vert, y_vert, inverse=True)

            mask_rho = gridfile.variables['mask'][:]
            mask_rho = gridfile.variables['mask_rho'][:]

        grid = octant.grid.CGrid_geo(lon_vert, lat_vert, proj)
        grid.mask_rho = mask_rho
    else:  # read cartesian data
            x_vert = gridfile.variables['x_vert'][:]
            y_vert = gridfile.variables['y_vert'][:]
            x_rho = gridfile.variables['x_rho'][:]
            y_rho = gridfile.variables['y_rho'][:]

            # get vertex locations
                angle = gridfile.variables['angle'][:]
                angle = np.zeros(x_rho.shape)
            x_vert, y_vert = octant.grid.rho_to_vert(
                x_rho, y_rho, gridfile.variables['pm'][:],
                gridfile.variables['pn'][:], angle)

        grid = octant.grid.CGrid(x_vert, y_vert)

            mask_rho = gridfile.variables['mask'][:]
            grid.mask_rho = mask_rho
        # except KeyError as 'mask':
        #     mask_rho = gridfile.variables['mask_rho'][:]
        #     grid.mask_rho = mask_rho
        except KeyError:
            print('No mask.')

        # Add into grid spherical coord variables so they are avaiable as
        # expected for the code but set them equal to the projected coords.
        # Make this better in the future.
        grid.lon_rho = grid.x_rho
        grid.lat_rho = grid.y_rho
        grid.lon_psi = grid.x_psi
        grid.lat_psi = grid.y_psi
        grid.lon_u = grid.x_u
        grid.lat_u = grid.y_u
        grid.lon_v = grid.x_v
        grid.lat_v = grid.y_v

    # vertical grid info
    if (vert_filename is not None) or ('s_w' in gridfile.variables):
        if 's_w' in gridfile.variables:  # test for presence of vertical info
            nc = gridfile
            nc = netCDF.Dataset(vert_filename)

        if 's_w' in nc.variables:
            grid.sc_r = nc.variables['s_w'][:]  # sigma coords, 31 layers
            grid.c_r = nc.variables['sc_w'][:]  # sigma coords, 31 layers
        # stretching curve in sigma coords, 31 layers
        grid.Cs_r = nc.variables['Cs_w'][:]
        grid.hc = nc.variables['hc'][:]
        grid.theta_s = nc.variables['theta_s'][:]
        grid.theta_b = nc.variables['theta_b'][:]
        if 'Vtransform' in nc.variables:
            grid.Vtransform = nc.variables['Vtransform'][:]
            grid.Vstretching = nc.variables['Vstretching'][:]
            grid.Vtransform = 1
            grid.Vstretching = 1

    # Basing this on setupgrid.f95 for rutgersNWA example project from Bror
    grid.h = gridfile.variables['h'][:]
    # Grid sizes
    grid.imt = grid.h.shape[1]  # 191
    grid.jmt = grid.h.shape[0]  # 671
    if hasattr(grid, 'sc_r'):
        grid.km = grid.sc_r.shape[0] - 1  # 30 NOT SURE ON THIS ONE YET

    # Index grid, for interpolation between real and grid space
    # This is for rho
    # X goes from 0 to imt-1 and Y goes from 0 to jmt-1
    # grid in index coordinates, without ghost cells
    grid.X, grid.Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(grid.imt), np.arange(grid.jmt))
    # Triangulation for grid space to curvilinear space
    pts = np.column_stack((grid.X.flatten(), grid.Y.flatten()))
    tess = Delaunay(pts)
    grid.tri = mtri.Triangulation(grid.X.flatten(), grid.Y.flatten(),
    # Triangulation for curvilinear space to grid space
    # Have to use SciPy's Triangulation to be more robust.
    # http://matveichev.blogspot.com/2014/02/matplotlibs-tricontour-interesting.html
    if isinstance(grid.x_rho, np.ma.MaskedArray):
        pts = np.column_stack(
            (grid.x_rho.data.flatten(), grid.y_rho.data.flatten()))
        pts = np.column_stack((grid.x_rho.flatten(), grid.y_rho.flatten()))
    tess = Delaunay(pts)
    grid.trir = mtri.Triangulation(grid.x_rho.flatten(), grid.y_rho.flatten(),
    # For the two triangulations that are not integer based, need to
    # preprocess the mask to get rid of potential flat triangles at the
    # boundaries
    # http://matplotlib.org/1.3.1/api/tri_api.html#matplotlib.tri.TriAnalyzer
    # Hopefully these will work for other cases too: for the xy spherical
    # unit test cases, I needed these both for the triangulation to be valid.
    mask = mtri.TriAnalyzer(grid.trir).get_flat_tri_mask(0.01, rescale=True)
    mask = mtri.TriAnalyzer(grid.trir).get_flat_tri_mask(0.01, rescale=False)

    if isinstance(grid.x_rho, np.ma.MaskedArray):
        pts = np.column_stack(
            (grid.lon_rho.data.flatten(), grid.lat_rho.data.flatten()))
        pts = np.column_stack((grid.lon_rho.flatten(), grid.lat_rho.flatten()))
    tess = Delaunay(pts)
    grid.trirllrho = mtri.Triangulation(grid.lon_rho.flatten(),
    mask = mtri.TriAnalyzer(grid.trirllrho).get_flat_tri_mask(0.01,
    mask = mtri.TriAnalyzer(grid.trirllrho).get_flat_tri_mask(0.01,

    # tracmass ordering.
    # Not sure how to convert this to pm, pn with appropriate shift
    grid.dxv = 1 / grid.pm  # pm is 1/\Delta x at cell centers
    grid.dyu = 1 / grid.pn  # pn is 1/\Delta y at cell centers

    grid.dxdy = grid.dyu * grid.dxv

    # Change dxv,dyu to be correct u and v grid size after having
    # them be too big for dxdy calculation. This is not in the
    # rutgersNWA example and I am not sure why. [i,j]
    grid.dxv = 0.5 * (grid.dxv[:-1, :] + grid.dxv[1:, :])
    grid.dyu = 0.5 * (grid.dyu[:, :-1] + grid.dyu[:, 1:])

    # Adjust masking according to setupgrid.f95 for rutgersNWA example
    # project from Bror
    if hasattr(grid, 'sc_r'):
        mask2 = grid.mask.copy()
        grid.kmt = np.ones((grid.jmt, grid.imt)) * grid.km
        ind = (mask2 == 1)
        ind[0:grid.jmt - 1, :] = ind[1:grid.jmt, :]
        mask2[ind] = 1
        ind = (mask2 == 1)
        ind[:, 0:grid.imt - 1] = ind[:, 1:grid.imt]
        mask2[ind] = 1
        ind = (mask2 == 0)
        grid.kmt[ind] = 0

        # Use octant to calculate depths/thicknesses for the appropriate
        # vertical grid parameters have to transform a few back to ROMS
        # coordinates and python ordering for this
        grid.zwt0 = octant.depths.get_zw(grid.Vtransform,
                                         grid.km + 1,
        grid.zrt0 = octant.depths.get_zrho(grid.Vtransform,

        # this should be the base grid layer thickness that doesn't change in
        # time because it is for the reference vertical level
        grid.dzt0 = grid.zwt0[1:, :, :] - grid.zwt0[:-1, :, :]


    return grid
Example #10
def detector_ensquared_energy(zosapi, file_options, N_rays, box_size,
                              files_path, results_path):
    Calculate the Ensquared Energy at the detector plane for all 4 IFU channels
    The Ensquared Energy is calculated for the Field Point at the centre of the slice
    for all slices and all wavelengths

    The results are shown at the DETECTOR Plane for all 4 IFU channels

    :param zosapi: Zemax API
    :param sys_mode: [str] system mode, either 'HARMONI', 'ELT' or 'IFS'
    :param ao_modes: [list] containing the AO mode we want to analyze (if running 'HARMONI' system mode')
    :param spaxel_scale: [str] the spaxel scale, ex. '60x30'
    :param grating: [str] spectral band
    :param N_rays: how many rays to trace in the Pupil to calculate the Ensquared Energy (typically 500 - 1000)
    :param box_size: size in [spaxels] for the EE (default is 2 spaxels, HARMONI requirement)
    :param files_path: path to the E2E files we will load for the analysis
    :param results_path: path where we want to save the results

    spaxel_scale = file_options['SPAX_SCALE']
    grating = file_options['GRATING']
    monte_carlo = file_options['MONTE_CARLO']
    ao_mode = file_options['AO_MODE']

    # We will create a separate folder within results_path to save the results
    analysis_dir = os.path.join(results_path, 'ENSQUARED ENERGY')
    print("Analysis Results will be saved in folder: ", analysis_dir)
    if not os.path.exists(analysis_dir):

    analysis = e2e.EnsquaredEnergyFastAnalysis(
        zosapi=zosapi)  # The analysis object

    # For speed, we only use a fraction of the available wavelengths
    # at least, 3 wavelengths (min, central, max), typically 5 or 7 to get decent sampling at the detector plane
    waves = np.linspace(1, 23, 7).astype(int)

    ifu_sections = ['AB', 'CD', 'EF', 'GH']
    # ifu_sections = ['AB', 'CD']
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(15, 10))

    for i, ifu in enumerate(ifu_sections):  # Loop over the IFU channels

        # change the IFU path option
        file_options['IFU_PATH'] = ifu

        if monte_carlo is True:
            # read the MC instance number of the specific IFU path
            ifu_mc = file_options['IFU_PATHS_MC'][ifu]
            file_options['IFU_MC'] = ifu_mc

        list_results = analysis.loop_over_files(files_dir=files_path,

        # No Monte Carlo so the list_results only contains 1 entry, for the IFU channel
        energy, obj_xy, slicer_xy, detector_xy, wavelengths = list_results[0]

        # Separate the Odd / Even configurations to avoid triangulating over the gap on the detector plane
        ener_ogg, ener_even = energy[::2].flatten(), energy[1::2].flatten()
        x, y = detector_xy[:, :, 0].flatten(), detector_xy[:, :, 1].flatten()
        x_odd, y_odd = detector_xy[::2, :,
                                   0].flatten(), detector_xy[::2, :,
        x_even, y_even = detector_xy[1::2, :,
                                     0].flatten(), detector_xy[1::2, :,
        triang_odd = tri.Triangulation(x_odd, y_odd)
        triang_even = tri.Triangulation(x_even, y_even)

        # Remove the flat triangles at the detector edges that appear because of the field curvature
        min_circle_ratio = .05
        mask_odd = tri.TriAnalyzer(triang_odd).get_flat_tri_mask(
        mask_even = tri.TriAnalyzer(triang_even).get_flat_tri_mask(

        min_ener, max_ener = np.min(energy), np.max(energy)

        ax = axes.flatten()[i]
        tpc_odd = ax.tripcolor(triang_odd,
        tpc_odd.set_clim(vmin=min_ener, vmax=1.0)
        tpc_even = ax.tripcolor(triang_even,
        tpc_even.set_clim(vmin=min_ener, vmax=1.0)
        ax.scatter(x, y, s=2, color='black')
        axis_label = 'Detector'
        ax.set_xlabel(axis_label + r' X [mm]')
        ax.set_ylabel(axis_label + r' Y [mm]')
        plt.colorbar(tpc_odd, ax=ax, orientation='horizontal')
        title = r'IFU-%s | %s | %s | %s | EE min:%.2f max:%.2f' % (
            ifu, spaxel_scale, grating, ao_mode, min_ener, max_ener)

    save_path = os.path.join(results_path, analysis_dir)
    fig_name = "ENSQ_ENERGY_DETECTOR_%s_SPEC_%s_MODE_%s" % (spaxel_scale,
                                                            grating, ao_mode)
    if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(save_path, fig_name)):
        os.remove(os.path.join(save_path, fig_name))
    fig.savefig(os.path.join(save_path, fig_name))

Example #11
def detector_rms_wfe(zosapi, file_options, spaxels_per_slice, pupil_sampling,
                     files_path, results_path):
    Calculate the RMS WFE for a given system mode (typically HARMONI), AO mode, spaxel scale
    and spectral band, at the DETECTOR PLANE

    We loop over the IFU channels and calculate, for each E2E file, the RMS WFE for all wavelengths and configurations
    We can specify the number of points per slice [spaxels per slice] to use for the calculation (typically 3)
    The results are plotted:
        (1) at the DETECTOR plane for all wavelengths
        (2) at the OBJECT plane (stitching all IFU channels) for the Min, Central and Max wavelength

    In order to accommodate both Nominal Design and Monte Carlo files, we have abstracted most of the parameters
    into the "file_options" dictionary

    :param zosapi: the Zemax API
    :param file_options: dictionary containing the different parameters
    :param spaxels_per_slice: number of field points per slice to use for the calculation
    :param pupil_sampling: the pupil sampling for the RWRE operand, representing a grid of N x N per pupil quadrant
    :param files_path: path to the E2E files to load for the analysis
    :param results_path: path to save the results

    spaxel_scale = file_options['SPAX_SCALE']
    grating = file_options['GRATING']
    monte_carlo = file_options['MONTE_CARLO']
    ao_mode = file_options['AO_MODE']

    # We will create a separate folder within results_path to save the RMS WFE results
    analysis_dir = os.path.join(results_path, 'RMS_WFE')
    print("Analysis Results will be saved in folder: ", analysis_dir)
    if not os.path.exists(analysis_dir):

    ifu_sections = ['AB', 'CD', 'EF', 'GH']
    # ifu_sections = ['AB', 'CD']
    analysis = e2e.RMS_WFE_FastAnalysis(zosapi=zosapi)  # The analysis object

    rms_maps, object_coord, focal_coord = [], [], [
    ]  # Lists to save the results for each IFU channel
    for ifu_section in ifu_sections:

        # change the IFU path option to the current IFU section
        file_options['IFU_PATH'] = ifu_section

        if monte_carlo is True:
            # read the MC instance number of the specific IFU path
            ifu_mc = file_options['IFU_PATHS_MC'][ifu_section]
            file_options['IFU_MC'] = ifu_mc

            # select the proper ISP MC instance, according to the IFU path
            isp_mc = file_options['IFU_ISP_MC'][ifu_section]
            file_options['ISP_MC'] = isp_mc

        # Run the Analysis for a given E2E file, corresponding to a single IFU path and ISP
        list_results = analysis.loop_over_files(

        rms_wfe, obj_xy, foc_xy, waves = list_results[
            0]  # Only 1 item on the list, no Monte Carlo files

        # print a summary to spot any issues:
        print("\nFor %s scale, IFU-%s, SPEC-%s: " %
              (spaxel_scale, ifu_section, grating))
        print("RMS: min %.2f | mean %.2f | max %.2f nm " %
              (np.min(rms_wfe), np.mean(rms_wfe), np.max(rms_wfe)))

        # Add the results to a list that covers all IFU paths

    # Stitch the different IFU sections
    rms_field = np.concatenate(rms_maps, axis=1)

    # Read the RMS WFE Requirement for the particular Spaxel Scale
    req = RMS_WFE[spaxel_scale]

    min_rms = 0
    max_rms = req
    # min_rms = np.min(rms_field)
    # max_rms = np.max(rms_field)

    # (1) DETECTOR plane plot
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 10))
    # Loop over the IFU channels: AB, CD, EF, GH
    for i in range(2):
        # i = 0
        for j in range(2):
            k = 2 * i + j
            ifu_section = ifu_sections[k]
            ax = axes[i][j]
            _foc_xy = focal_coord[k]
            _rms_field = rms_maps[k]

            # This is where we create the Detector plane maps
            # We separate the Odd and Even configurations as these represent the two sides of the detector

            x_odd, y_odd = _foc_xy[::2, :, :,
                                   0].flatten(), _foc_xy[::2, :, :,
            x_even, y_even = _foc_xy[1::2, :, :,
                                     0].flatten(), _foc_xy[1::2, :, :,
            triang_odd = tri.Triangulation(x_odd, y_odd)
            triang_even = tri.Triangulation(x_even, y_even)

            # We fix the triangulation to avoid getting weird artifacts
            min_circle_ratio = .05
            mask_odd = tri.TriAnalyzer(triang_odd).get_flat_tri_mask(
            mask_even = tri.TriAnalyzer(triang_even).get_flat_tri_mask(

            tpc_odd = ax.tripcolor(triang_odd,
            tpc_odd.set_clim(vmin=min_rms, vmax=max_rms)
            tpc_even = ax.tripcolor(triang_even,
            tpc_even.set_clim(vmin=min_rms, vmax=max_rms)


            axis_label = 'Detector'
            ax.set_xlabel(axis_label + r' X [mm]')
            ax.set_ylabel(axis_label + r' Y [mm]')
            cbar = plt.colorbar(tpc_odd, ax=ax, orientation='horizontal')

            if monte_carlo is False:
                title = r'IFU-%s | %s | %s | %s | Req: %d nm' % (
                    ifu_section, spaxel_scale, grating, ao_mode, req)
                title = r'IFU-%s | %s | %s | %s MC | Req: %d nm' % (
                    ifu_section, spaxel_scale, grating, ao_mode, req)

    fig_name = "RMSWFE_%s_DETECTOR_SPEC_%s_MODE_%s" % (spaxel_scale, grating,

    save_path = os.path.join(results_path, analysis_dir)
    if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(save_path, fig_name)):
        os.remove(os.path.join(save_path, fig_name))
    fig.savefig(os.path.join(save_path, fig_name))

    N_waves = len(waves)
    rms_maps = np.array(rms_maps)
    object_coord = np.array(object_coord)

    # (2) Stitch the Object space coordinates
    # This is a new routine, as suggested by Fraser. How does it work
    # First, it interpolates along each slice based on N=spaxels_per_slice values, evaluating the interpolation at
    # 76 pixels per slice. Then, it defines a grid of 204 x 152 pixels covering the field of view in spaxels
    # It uses the results of the along-slice interpolation to interpolate onto that grid
    for k_wave, wave_str in zip([0, N_waves // 2, -1], ['MIN', 'CENT', 'MAX']):
        data = rms_maps[:, :, k_wave].flatten()
        x_obj, y_obj = object_coord[:, :, :,
                                    0].flatten(), object_coord[:, :, :,

        # we have to transform the object coordinates [mm] into arcseconds using the plate scales
        x_obj /= plate_scale
        y_obj /= plate_scale

        N_samples = x_obj.shape[0]
        Nx = 76  # Number of pixels along the slice to interpolate to.
        xhi, yhi, dhi = [], [], []
        for i in np.arange(0, N_samples, spaxels_per_slice):
            xlo, ylo = x_obj[i:i + spaxels_per_slice], y_obj[i:i +
            dlo = data[i:i + spaxels_per_slice]
            xmin, xmax = np.min(xlo), np.max(xlo)
            # ymin, ymax = np.min(ylo), np.max(ylo)

            yi = np.linspace(ylo.mean(), ylo.mean(),
                             Nx)  # Collapse Y (across slice)
            xi = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, Nx)  # Linear sample along slice

            # Need to use scipy interpolation version, as some slices have decreasing Y values.
            f = interp1d(xlo, dlo, assume_sorted=False)
            di = f(xi)  # Interpolate WFE values along slice


        xhi = np.array(xhi).flatten()
        yhi = np.array(yhi).flatten()
        dhi = np.array(dhi).flatten()

        xmin, xmax = np.min(xhi), np.max(xhi)
        ymin, ymax = np.min(yhi), np.max(yhi)

        # Define a regular grid onto which we will interpolate the data
        # Used 204 x 152 pixels, which is the total field of view in spaxels.
        xi, yi = np.mgrid[xmin:xmax:204j,
                          ymin:ymax:152j]  # 204 pixels by 152 slices
        # zi = griddata((xhi[good], yhi[good]), dhi[good], (xi, yi), method='linear')  # Nearest or linear.
        zi = griddata(points=(xhi, yhi),
                      xi=(xi, yi),
                      method='nearest')  # Nearest or linear.

        fig_obj, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
        img = ax.imshow(zi.T,
                        origin='lower left',
                        extent=[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax])
        img.set_clim(vmin=min_rms, vmax=max_rms)
        cbar = plt.colorbar(img, ax=ax, orientation='horizontal')
        axis_label = 'Object'
        ax.set_xlabel(axis_label + r' X [arcsec]')
        ax.set_ylabel(axis_label + r' Y [arcsec]')

        wave = waves[k_wave]

        if monte_carlo is False:
            title = r'%s mas | %s SPEC %.3f $\mu$m | %s' % (
                spaxel_scale, grating, wave, ao_mode)
            title = r'%s mas | %s SPEC %.3f $\mu$m | %s MC' % (
                spaxel_scale, grating, wave, ao_mode)

        fig_name = "RMSWFE_OBJECT_INTERP_%s_SPEC_%s_MODE_%s_WAVE_%s" % (
            spaxel_scale, grating, ao_mode, wave_str)
        save_path = os.path.join(results_path, analysis_dir)
        if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(save_path, fig_name)):
            os.remove(os.path.join(save_path, fig_name))
        fig_obj.savefig(os.path.join(save_path, fig_name))

    # (2) Stitch the Object space coordinates
    # # We create a plot for each case of Minimum, Central and Maximum Wavelength in the spectral band
    # for k_wave, wave_str in zip([0, N_waves // 2, -1], ['MIN', 'CENT', 'MAX']):
    #     fig_obj, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
    #     x_obj, y_obj = object_coord[:, :, :, 0].flatten(), object_coord[:, :, :, 1].flatten()
    #     # we have to transform the object coordinates [mm] into arcseconds using the plate scales
    #     x_obj /= plate_scale
    #     y_obj /= plate_scale
    #     triang = tri.Triangulation(x_obj, y_obj)
    #     rms_ = rms_maps[:, :, k_wave].flatten()
    #     tpc = ax.tripcolor(triang, rms_, shading='flat', cmap='jet')
    #     tpc.set_clim(vmin=min_rms, vmax=max_rms)
    #     # ax.scatter(x_obj, y_obj, s=3, color='black')
    #     axis_label = 'Object'
    #     ax.set_xlabel(axis_label + r' X [arcsec]')
    #     ax.set_ylabel(axis_label + r' Y [arcsec]')
    #     ax.set_aspect('equal')
    #     cbar = plt.colorbar(tpc, ax=ax, orientation='horizontal')
    #     cbar.ax.set_xlabel('[nm]')
    #     wave = waves[k_wave]
    #     if monte_carlo is False:
    #         title = r'%s mas | %s SPEC %.3f $\mu$m | %s' % (spaxel_scale, grating, wave, ao_mode)
    #     else:
    #         title = r'%s mas | %s SPEC %.3f $\mu$m | %s MC' % (spaxel_scale, grating, wave, ao_mode)
    #     ax.set_title(title)
    #     fig_name = "RMSWFE_OBJECT_%s_SPEC_%s_MODE_%s_WAVE_%s" % (spaxel_scale, grating, ao_mode, wave_str)
    #     save_path = os.path.join(results_path, analysis_dir)
    #     if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(save_path, fig_name)):
    #         os.remove(os.path.join(save_path, fig_name))
    #     fig_obj.savefig(os.path.join(save_path, fig_name))

    return rms_field
Example #12
def stitch_fields(zosapi,
    Loop over the IFU sections AB, CD, EF, GH and calculate the RMS WFE map for each case
    Gather the results and stitch them together to get a complete Field Map of the IFU

    We can specify the Focal Plane at which we calculate the RMS. For example:
    'PO': preoptics, 'IS': Image Slicer, 'DET': detector

    We have to be careful with the plot format because the coordinate systems vary depending on
    the focal plane we choose. Moreover, we can choose whether to refer the results to 'object' or
    'focal' coordinates, which also depends on the surface. For instance, if we go to the DETECTOR plane,
    it makes no sense to use 'object' coordinates because the wavelengths would overlap, we must use 'focal'

    :param zosapi: the Python Standalone Application
    :param mode: E2E file mode: IFS, HARMONI or ELT
    :param spaxel_scale: string, spaxel scale like '60x30'
    :param spaxels_per_slice: how many points to sample each slice.
    :param wavelength_idx: list of Zemax wavelength indices to analyse
    :param spectral_band: string, the grating we use
    :param plane: string, codename for the focal plane surface 'PO': PreOptics, 'IS': Image Slicer, 'DET': Detector
    :param files_path, path where the E2E model Zemax files are stored
    :param results_path, path where we want to save the plots
    :param show: string, either 'focal' for focal plane coordinates or 'object' for object space coordinates

    if mode == 'IFS':
        ao_modes = []
    elif mode == 'HARMONI':
        ao_modes = ['NOAO']

    ifu_sections = ['AB', 'CD', 'EF', 'GH']
    analysis = e2e.RMS_WFE_Analysis(zosapi=zosapi)
    rms_maps, object_coord, focal_coord = [], [], []

    for ifu_section in ifu_sections:

        options = {
            'which_system': mode,
            'AO_modes': ao_modes,
            'scales': [spaxel_scale],
            'IFUs': [ifu_section],
            'grating': [spectral_band]
        # We need to know the Surface Number for the focal plane of interest in the Zemax files
        # this is something varies with mode, scale, ifu channel so we save those numbers on e2e.focal_planes dictionary
        focal_plane = e2e.focal_planes[mode][spaxel_scale][ifu_section][plane]
        list_results = analysis.loop_over_files(
        # Only 1 list, no Monte Carlo
        rms_wfe, obj_xy, foc_xy, global_xy, waves = list_results[0]


    # Stitch the different IFU sections
    rms_field = np.concatenate(rms_maps, axis=1)
    obj_xy = np.concatenate(object_coord, axis=1)
    foc_xy = np.concatenate(focal_coord, axis=1)

    if plane != 'DET':

        # For all surfaces except the detector plane we want to separate the plots for each wavelength

        min_rms = np.min(rms_field)
        max_rms = np.max(rms_field)

        for j_wave, wavelength in enumerate(waves):

            if show == 'object':
                x, y = obj_xy[j_wave, :, :, 0].flatten(), obj_xy[j_wave, :, :,
                axis_label = 'Object Plane'
                ref = 'OBJ'

            elif show == 'focal':
                x, y = foc_xy[j_wave, :, :, 0].flatten(), foc_xy[j_wave, :, :,
                axis_label = 'Focal Plane'
                ref = 'FOC'

            if show == 'object' or show == 'focal':

                triang = tri.Triangulation(x, y)

                fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
                tpc = ax.tripcolor(triang,
                                   rms_field[j_wave, :, :].flatten(),
                tpc.set_clim(vmin=min_rms, vmax=max_rms)
                # ax.scatter(x, y, s=2, color='black')
                ax.set_xlabel(axis_label + r' X [mm]')
                ax.set_ylabel(axis_label + r' Y [mm]')
                title = r'RMS Field Map Stitched IFU | %s mas %s %.3f $\mu$m' % (
                    spaxel_scale, spectral_band, wavelength)
                plt.colorbar(tpc, ax=ax)
                fig_name = "STITCHED_RMSMAP_%s_SPEC_%s_%s_SURF_%s_WAVE%d" % (
                    spaxel_scale, spectral_band, ref, plane,
                if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(results_path, fig_name)):
                    os.remove(os.path.join(results_path, fig_name))
                fig.savefig(os.path.join(results_path, fig_name))

            elif show == 'both':

                x_obj, y_obj = obj_xy[j_wave, :, :,
                                      0].flatten(), obj_xy[j_wave, :, :,
                x_foc, y_foc = foc_xy[j_wave, :, :,
                                      0].flatten(), foc_xy[j_wave, :, :,
                xy = [[x_obj, y_obj], [x_foc, y_foc]]
                axis_labels = ['Object Plane', 'Focal Plane']
                refs = ['OBJ', 'FOC']

                for i in range(2):
                    x, y = xy[i]
                    triang = tri.Triangulation(x, y)
                    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
                    tpc = ax.tripcolor(triang,
                                       rms_field[j_wave, :, :].flatten(),
                    tpc.set_clim(vmin=min_rms, vmax=max_rms)
                    ax.set_xlabel(axis_labels[i] + r' X [mm]')
                    ax.set_ylabel(axis_labels[i] + r' Y [mm]')
                    title = r'RMS Field Map Stitched IFU | %s mas %s %.3f $\mu$m' % (
                        spaxel_scale, spectral_band, wavelength)
                    plt.colorbar(tpc, ax=ax)
                    fig_name = "STITCHED_RMSMAP_%s_SPEC_%s_%s_SURF_%s_WAVE%d" % (
                        spaxel_scale, spectral_band, refs[i], plane,
                    if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(results_path, fig_name)):
                        os.remove(os.path.join(results_path, fig_name))
                    fig.savefig(os.path.join(results_path, fig_name))

                raise ValueError('show should be "object" / "focal" / "both"')

    if plane == 'DET':
        # For the detector plane we want to plot ALL wavelengths at the same time!
        # And using the FOCAL PLANE COORDINATES as reference
        # at the Object plane there is an overlap in wavelength!!

        min_rms = np.min(rms_field)
        max_rms = np.max(rms_field)

        fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 10))
        # Loop over the IFU channels: AB, CD, EF, GH
        for i in range(2):
            for j in range(2):
                k = 2 * i + j
                ifu_section = ifu_sections[k]
                ax = axes[i][j]
                _foc_xy = focal_coord[k]
                _rms_field = rms_maps[k]

                x_odd, y_odd = _foc_xy[:, ::2, :,
                                       0].flatten(), _foc_xy[:, ::2, :,
                x_even, y_even = _foc_xy[:, 1::2, :,
                                         0].flatten(), _foc_xy[:, 1::2, :,
                triang_odd = tri.Triangulation(x_odd, y_odd)
                triang_even = tri.Triangulation(x_even, y_even)

                # Remove the flat triangles at the detector edges that appear because of the field curvature
                min_circle_ratio = .05
                mask_odd = tri.TriAnalyzer(triang_odd).get_flat_tri_mask(
                mask_even = tri.TriAnalyzer(triang_even).get_flat_tri_mask(

                tpc_odd = ax.tripcolor(triang_odd,
                                       _rms_field[:, ::2].flatten(),
                tpc_odd.set_clim(vmin=min_rms, vmax=max_rms)
                tpc_even = ax.tripcolor(triang_even,
                                        _rms_field[:, 1::2].flatten(),
                tpc_even.set_clim(vmin=min_rms, vmax=max_rms)
                # ax.scatter(x, y, s=2, color='black')


                axis_label = 'Detector'
                ax.set_xlabel(axis_label + r' X [mm]')
                ax.set_ylabel(axis_label + r' Y [mm]')
                cbar = plt.colorbar(tpc_odd, ax=ax, orientation='horizontal')
                title = r'IFU-%s | %s mas | %s SPEC | %s' % (
                    ifu_section, spaxel_scale, spectral_band, mode)
                fig_name = "RMSMAP_%s_DETECTOR_SPEC_%s_MODE_%s" % (
                    spaxel_scale, spectral_band, mode)
                if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(results_path, fig_name)):
                    os.remove(os.path.join(results_path, fig_name))
                fig.savefig(os.path.join(results_path, fig_name))
                # plt.close(fig)

        # # Plot the histograms
        # fig_hist, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 10))
        # for i in range(4):
        #     ax = axes.flatten()[i]
        #     ax.hist(rms_maps[i].flatten(), bins=np.arange(0, max_rms, 2), histtype='step', color='red')
        #     ax.set_title(r'IFU-%s' % ifu_sections[i])
        #     ax.set_xlabel(r'RMS WFE [nm]')
        #     ax.set_ylabel(r'Frequency')
        #     ax.set_xlim([min_rms, max_rms])
        #     ax.set_xticks(np.arange(0, max_rms, 5))
        # fig_name = "RMSMAP_%s_DETECTOR_SPEC_%s_HISTOGRAM" % (spaxel_scale, spectral_band)
        # if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(results_path, fig_name)):
        #     os.remove(os.path.join(results_path, fig_name))
        # fig_hist.savefig(os.path.join(results_path, fig_name))
        # plt.close(fig_hist)

        # Box and Whisker plots

        rms_flats = [array.flatten() for array in rms_maps]
        rms_flats = np.array(rms_flats).T

        data = pd.DataFrame(rms_flats, columns=ifu_sections)

        fig_box, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
        sns.boxplot(data=data, ax=ax)
        ax.set_ylabel(r'RMS WFE [nm]')
        ax.set_title(r'RMS WFE Detector | %s scale | %s band | %s' %
                     (spaxel_scale, spectral_band, mode))
        fig_name = "RMSMAP_%s_DETECTOR_SPEC_%s_BOXWHISKER_MODE_%s" % (
            spaxel_scale, spectral_band, mode)
        if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(results_path, fig_name)):
            os.remove(os.path.join(results_path, fig_name))
        fig_box.savefig(os.path.join(results_path, fig_name))

    return rms_field, obj_xy, foc_xy, rms_maps, object_coord, focal_coord
Example #13
def detector_ensquared_energy(zosapi, sys_mode, ao_modes, spaxel_scale, grating, N_rays, alpha, files_path, results_path):
    Calculate the Ensquared Energy at the detector plane for all 4 IFU channels
    The Ensquared Energy is calculated for the Field Point at the centre of the slice
    for all slices and all wavelengths

    :param zosapi: the Python Standalone Application
    :param spaxel_scale: str, spaxel scale to analyze
    :param grating: str, grating to use
    :param N_rays: number of rays to sample the pupil with
    :param files_path: path to the Zemax E2E model files
    :param results_path: path to save the results

    analysis_dir = os.path.join(results_path, 'ENSQUARED ENERGY')
    print("Analysis Results will be saved in folder: ", analysis_dir)
    if not os.path.exists(analysis_dir):

    analysis = e2e.EnsquaredEnergyAnalysis(zosapi=zosapi)

    waves = np.linspace(1, 23, 5).astype(int)

    ifu_sections = ['AB', 'CD', 'EF', 'GH']
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(15, 10))

    for i, ifu in enumerate(ifu_sections):

        options = {'which_system': sys_mode, 'AO_modes': ao_modes, 'scales': [spaxel_scale], 'IFUs': [ifu],
                   'grating': [grating]}
        list_results = analysis.loop_over_files(files_dir=files_path, files_opt=options, results_path=results_path,
                                                wavelength_idx=waves, configuration_idx=None, N_rays=N_rays,

        # No Monte Carlo so the list_results only contains 1 entry, for the IFU channel
        energy, obj_xy, slicer_xy, detector_xy, wavelengths = list_results[0]

        # Separate the Odd / Even configurations to avoid triangulating over the gap on the detector plane
        ener_ogg, ener_even = energy[:, ::2].flatten(), energy[:, 1::2].flatten()
        x, y = detector_xy[:, :, 0].flatten(), detector_xy[:, :, 1].flatten()
        x_odd, y_odd = detector_xy[:, ::2, 0].flatten(), detector_xy[:, ::2, 1].flatten()
        x_even, y_even = detector_xy[:, 1::2, 0].flatten(), detector_xy[:, 1::2, 1].flatten()
        triang_odd = tri.Triangulation(x_odd, y_odd)
        triang_even = tri.Triangulation(x_even, y_even)

        #Remove the flat triangles at the detector edges that appear because of the field curvature
        min_circle_ratio = .05
        mask_odd = tri.TriAnalyzer(triang_odd).get_flat_tri_mask(min_circle_ratio)
        mask_even = tri.TriAnalyzer(triang_even).get_flat_tri_mask(min_circle_ratio)

        min_ener, max_ener = np.min(energy), np.max(energy)

        ax = axes.flatten()[i]
        tpc_odd = ax.tripcolor(triang_odd, ener_ogg, shading='flat', cmap='Blues', vmin=min_ener, vmax=1.0)
        tpc_odd.set_clim(vmin=min_ener, vmax=1.0)
        tpc_even = ax.tripcolor(triang_even, ener_even, shading='flat', cmap='Blues', vmin=min_ener, vmax=1.0)
        tpc_even.set_clim(vmin=min_ener, vmax=1.0)
        ax.scatter(x, y, s=2, color='black')
        axis_label = 'Detector'
        ax.set_xlabel(axis_label + r' X [mm]')
        ax.set_ylabel(axis_label + r' Y [mm]')
        plt.colorbar(tpc_odd, ax=ax, orientation='horizontal')
        title = r'IFU-%s | %s mas | %s SPEC | EE min:%.2f max:%.2f' % (ifu, spaxel_scale, grating, min_ener, max_ener)

    save_path = os.path.join(results_path, analysis_dir)
    fig_name = "ENSQ_ENERGY_DETECTOR_%s_SPEC_%s_MODE_%s" % (spaxel_scale, grating, sys_mode)
    if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(save_path, fig_name)):
        os.remove(os.path.join(save_path, fig_name))
    fig.savefig(os.path.join(save_path, fig_name))
