Example #1
def run_loop(settings, matcode, index, vector_len):
    mat = Matrix.identity(vector_len)
    while True:
        instr = matcode[index]
        oper = instr[0]
        if oper == END:
            return mat, index

            if oper == LOOP:
                if len(instr) != 2 or instr[1][0] != VALUE:
                    raise InvalidMatcodeError
                sub_mat, index = run_loop(
                    index + 1,

                need_min_rows = settings['opt_min_rows']
                if need_min_rows:
                    rows_count = sub_mat.rows
                    sub_mat, unskipped, fix_mat = skip_rows(sub_mat)
                cur_mat = sub_mat**instr[1][1]
                if need_min_rows:
                    cur_mat = restore_rows(cur_mat, unskipped, fix_mat)
                if len(instr) != 3 or instr[1][0] != VAR:
                    raise InvalidMatcodeError
                cur_mat = Matrix.identity(vector_len)
                matcode_map[oper](cur_mat.content, instr[1], instr[2])
        except (InvalidMatcodeError, KeyError, TypeError) as err:
            if isinstance(err, InvalidMatcodeError) and err.args:
                raise err
            raise InvalidMatcodeError(('Invalid matrix code instruction: %s') %
                                      ' '.join(map(repr, instr)))

        mat *= cur_mat
        index += 1
Example #2
def skip_rows(mat):
    transposed = mat.transposed()
    fix_mat = Matrix.identity(mat.rows)
    unskipped_indexes = []
    need_unit_row = False
    for x, col in enumerate(transposed.content[:-1]):
        is_prev_value_used = False
        for y, elem in enumerate(col[:-1]):
            # Let's explicity check element's equality to zero
            # (in theory element can have another type than "int")
            if elem != 0:
                if y == x and elem == 1:
                    # Variable's value depends from previous value
                    is_prev_value_used = True
                    # Variable's value depends from values of another
                    # variables or depends from previous value but used
                    # multiplication
            if (
                # If variable is unchanged
                (is_prev_value_used and col[-1] == 0) or
                # Or variable has assigned to constant value
                not is_prev_value_used
                if not is_prev_value_used:
                    handle_mov(fix_mat.content, (VAR, x), (VALUE, col[-1]))
                for index, elem in enumerate(mat.content[x]):
                    if elem != 0 and index != x:
                        raise MatcodeFoldingError(
                            'Folded variable is used in calculations ' +
                            'of another variables'
        if col[-1] != 0:
            need_unit_row = True
    if need_unit_row:
        unskipped_indexes.append(mat.rows - 1)
    lite_content = []
    for y in unskipped_indexes:
        row = []
        for x in unskipped_indexes:
    return Matrix(lite_content), unskipped_indexes, fix_mat
Example #3
def run_loop(settings, matcode, index, vector_len):
    mat = Matrix.identity(vector_len)
    while True:
        instr = matcode[index]
        oper = instr[0]
        if oper == END:
            return mat, index

            if oper == LOOP:
                if len(instr) != 2 or instr[1][0] != VALUE:
                    raise InvalidMatcodeError
                sub_mat, index = run_loop(
                    settings, matcode, index + 1, vector_len,
                need_min_rows = settings['opt_min_rows']
                if need_min_rows:
                    rows_count = sub_mat.rows
                    sub_mat, unskipped, fix_mat = skip_rows(sub_mat)
                cur_mat = sub_mat ** instr[1][1]
                if need_min_rows:
                    cur_mat = restore_rows(cur_mat, unskipped, fix_mat)
                if len(instr) != 3 or instr[1][0] != VAR:
                    raise InvalidMatcodeError
                cur_mat = Matrix.identity(vector_len)
                matcode_map[oper](cur_mat.content, instr[1], instr[2])
        except (InvalidMatcodeError, KeyError, TypeError) as err:
            if isinstance(err, InvalidMatcodeError) and err.args:
                raise err
            raise InvalidMatcodeError((
                'Invalid matrix code instruction: %s'
            ) % ' '.join(map(repr, instr)))
        mat *= cur_mat
        index += 1
Example #4
def skip_rows(mat):
    transposed = mat.transposed()
    fix_mat = Matrix.identity(mat.rows)
    unskipped_indexes = []
    need_unit_row = False
    for x, col in enumerate(transposed.content[:-1]):
        is_prev_value_used = False
        for y, elem in enumerate(col[:-1]):
            # Let's explicity check element's equality to zero
            # (in theory element can have another type than "int")
            if elem != 0:
                if y == x and elem == 1:
                    # Variable's value depends from previous value
                    is_prev_value_used = True
                    # Variable's value depends from values of another
                    # variables or depends from previous value but used
                    # multiplication
            if (
                    # If variable is unchanged
                (is_prev_value_used and col[-1] == 0) or
                    # Or variable has assigned to constant value
                    not is_prev_value_used):
                if not is_prev_value_used:
                    handle_mov(fix_mat.content, (VAR, x), (VALUE, col[-1]))

                for index, elem in enumerate(mat.content[x]):
                    if elem != 0 and index != x:
                        raise MatcodeFoldingError(
                            'Folded variable is used in calculations ' +
                            'of another variables')

        if col[-1] != 0:
            need_unit_row = True
    if need_unit_row:
        unskipped_indexes.append(mat.rows - 1)

    lite_content = []
    for y in unskipped_indexes:
        row = []
        for x in unskipped_indexes:
    return Matrix(lite_content), unskipped_indexes, fix_mat
Example #5
def skip_rows(mat):
    need_unit_row = False
    unskipped_indexes = []
    fix_mat = Matrix.identity(mat.rows)
    for index in xrange(mat.rows - 1):
        cur_row = mat.content[index]
        cur_col = [row[index] for row in mat.content]

        index_can_be_skipped = False
        prev_value_coeff = cur_col[index]
        const_coeff = cur_col[-1]
        # If an original value of a variable isn't used in calculations of
        # other variables and a new value doesn't depend on other variables
        if (
            all(elem == 0 for j, elem in enumerate(cur_row) if j != index) and
            all(elem == 0 for j, elem in enumerate(cur_col[:-1]) if j != index)
            # If a new variable value is a constant
            if prev_value_coeff == 0:
                handle_mov(fix_mat.content, (VAR, index), (VALUE, const_coeff))
                index_can_be_skipped = True
            # Or the value wasn't changed
            elif prev_value_coeff == 1 and const_coeff == 0:
                index_can_be_skipped = True

        if not index_can_be_skipped:
            if const_coeff != 0:
                need_unit_row = True

    if need_unit_row:
        unskipped_indexes.append(mat.rows - 1)
    lite_content = []
    for y in unskipped_indexes:
        row = []
        for x in unskipped_indexes:
    return Matrix(lite_content), unskipped_indexes, fix_mat
Example #6
def skip_rows(mat):
    need_unit_row = False
    unskipped_indexes = []
    fix_mat = Matrix.identity(mat.rows)
    for index in xrange(mat.rows - 1):
        cur_row = mat.content[index]
        cur_col = [row[index] for row in mat.content]

        index_can_be_skipped = False
        prev_value_coeff = cur_col[index]
        const_coeff = cur_col[-1]
        # If an original value of a variable isn't used in calculations of
        # other variables and a new value doesn't depend on other variables
        if (
            all(elem == 0 for j, elem in enumerate(cur_row) if j != index) and
            all(elem == 0 for j, elem in enumerate(cur_col[:-1]) if j != index)
            # If a new variable value is a constant
            if prev_value_coeff == 0:
                handle_mov(fix_mat.content, (VAR, index), (VALUE, const_coeff))
                index_can_be_skipped = True
            # Or the value wasn't changed
            elif prev_value_coeff == 1 and const_coeff == 0:
                index_can_be_skipped = True

        if not index_can_be_skipped:
            if const_coeff != 0:
                need_unit_row = True

    if need_unit_row:
        unskipped_indexes.append(mat.rows - 1)
    lite_content = []
    for y in unskipped_indexes:
        row = []
        for x in unskipped_indexes:
    return Matrix(lite_content), unskipped_indexes, fix_mat
Example #7
def restore_rows(lite_mat, unskipped_indexes, fix_mat):
    mat = Matrix.identity(fix_mat.rows)
    for y, row in izip(unskipped_indexes, lite_mat.content):
        for x, elem in izip(unskipped_indexes, row):
            mat.content[y][x] = elem
    return mat * fix_mat
Example #8
def restore_rows(lite_mat, unskipped_indexes, fix_mat):
    mat = Matrix.identity(fix_mat.rows)
    for y, row in izip(unskipped_indexes, lite_mat.content):
        for x, elem in izip(unskipped_indexes, row):
            mat.content[y][x] = elem
    return mat * fix_mat