Example #1
def test():
    I2 = m.Matrix([[1, 0], [0, 1]])
    I2_neg = m.Matrix([[-1, 0], [0, -1]])

    zero = m.Matrix([[0, 0], [0, 0]])

    m1 = m.Matrix([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])

    m2 = m.Matrix([[7, -2], [-3, -5], [4, 1]])

    m1_x_m2 = m.Matrix([[13, -9], [37, -27]])

    m2_x_m1 = m.Matrix([[-1, 4, 9], [-23, -31, -39], [8, 13, 18]])

    m1_m2_inv = m.Matrix([[1.5, -0.5], [2.0555556, -0.722222222]])

    top_ones = m.Matrix([[1, 1], [0, 0]])

    left_ones = m.Matrix([[1, 0], [1, 0]])

    assert equal(-I2, I2_neg)
    assert equal(I2 + I2_neg, zero)
    assert equal(m1 * m2, m1_x_m2)
    assert equal(m2 * m1, m2_x_m1)
    assert equal(m1_x_m2.inverse(), m1_m2_inv)
    assert equal(I2.inverse(), I2)
    assert equal(top_ones.T(), left_ones)
    assert equal(left_ones.T(), top_ones)
    assert equal(top_ones - left_ones.T(), m.zeroes(2, 2))
    assert (4 * m.identity(5)).trace() == 20

    print("Congratulations! All tests pass. Your Matrix class is working"
          "as expected.")
Example #2
 def hdpc_section(self):
     m = []
     # (h x (k + s)) half | (h x h)identity
     half = self.half(self.k, self.s, self.h, self.h_prime)
     identity = matrix.identity(self.h)
     for i in xrange(self.h):
         m.append(half[i] + identity[i])
     return m
Example #3
 def hdpc_section(self):
     m = []
     # (h x (k + s)) half | (h x h)identity
     half = self.half(self.k, self.s, self.h, self.h_prime)
     identity = matrix.identity(self.h)
     for i in xrange(self.h):
         m.append(half[i] + identity[i])
     return m
Example #4
def test():
    I2 = m.Matrix([[1, 0], [0, 1]])
    I2_neg = m.Matrix([[-1, 0], [0, -1]])

    zero = m.Matrix([[0, 0], [0, 0]])

    m1 = m.Matrix([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])

    m2 = m.Matrix([[7, -2], [-3, -5], [4, 1]])

    m1_x_m2 = m.Matrix([[13, -9], [37, -27]])

    m2_x_m1 = m.Matrix([[-1, 4, 9], [-23, -31, -39], [8, 13, 18]])

    m1_m2_inv = m.Matrix([[1.5, -0.5], [2.0555556, -0.722222222]])

    top_ones = m.Matrix([
        [1, 1],
        [0, 0],

    left_ones = m.Matrix([[1, 0], [1, 0]])

    assert equal(-I2, I2_neg), "Error in your __neg__ function"
    assert equal(I2 + I2_neg, zero), "Error in your __add__ function"
    assert equal(m1 * m2, m1_x_m2), "Error in your __mul__ function"
    assert equal(m2 * m1, m2_x_m1), "Error in your __mul__ function"
    assert equal(
        m1_m2_inv), """Error in your inverse function for the 1 x 1 case"""
    assert equal(I2.inverse(),
                 I2), """Error in your inverse function for the 2 x 2 case"""
    assert equal(top_ones.T(),
                 left_ones), "Error in your T function (transpose)"
    assert equal(left_ones.T(),
                 top_ones), "Error in your T function (transpose)"
    assert equal(top_ones - left_ones.T(),
                 m.zeroes(2, 2)), "Error in your __sub__ function"
    assert (4 * m.identity(5))[0][0] == 4, "Error in your __rmul__ function"
    assert (4 * m.identity(5)).trace() == 20, "Error in your trace function"

        "Congratulations! All tests pass. Your Matrix class is working as expected."
Example #5
 def ldpc_section(self):
     m = []
     # First vertical section
     # (s x k)ldpc | (s x s)identity | (s x h)zero matrix
     ldpc = self.ldpc(self.k, self.s)
     identity = matrix.identity(self.s)
     zero = matrix.zeros(self.s, self.h)
     for i in xrange(self.s):
         m.append(ldpc[i] + identity[i] + zero[i])
     return m
Example #6
 def ldpc_section(self):
     m = []
     # First vertical section
     # (s x k)ldpc | (s x s)identity | (s x h)zero matrix
     ldpc = self.ldpc(self.k, self.s)
     identity = matrix.identity(self.s)
     zero = matrix.zeros(self.s, self.h)
     for i in xrange(self.s):
         m.append(ldpc[i] + identity[i] + zero[i])
     return m
Example #7
 def __init__(self, mean=None, covar=None):
     self.__immutable__ = False
     if mean is None:
         mean = Matrix([0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
     if covar is None:
         covar = Matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
                         [0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1]])
     self.mean = mean
     self.covar = covar
     self.identity = identity(covar.shape[0])
     self.update_count = 0
Example #8
	def home(self):
		## Indicates the rotation direction.
		self.dir = None

		## Current position.
		self.curPoint = np.array([0,  0,  0, 1])

		## Holds accumulated rotations.
		self.rotMatrix = matrix.identity()

		# Rotation axis.
 def test_inverse_multiply(self):
     Checks that multiplying a matrix by its inverse
     is the identity
     a = [bitarray('11'), bitarray('10')]
     a_inverse = matrix.inverse(a)
     identity = matrix.identity(2)
     result = matrix.multiply(a, a_inverse)
     # Make sure the result matches the identity
     for i in xrange(len(identity)):
         self.assertTrue(result[i] == identity[i])
Example #10
    def cam_observation_update(self, cam_obs):
        '''Single bearing-color observation'''
        zt = Matrix([
            cam_obs.bearing, cam_obs.color.r, cam_obs.color.g, cam_obs.color.b


        for particle in self.robot_particles:
            j = particle.get_feature_id(zt)
            if j < 0:  # not seen before
                # note, this will automagically add a new feature if possible
                particle.weight = self.add_hypothesis(particle.state, zt)
            else:  # j seen before
                feature = particle.get_feature_by_id(j)
                # pylint: disable=line-too-long
                # naming explains functionality
                z_hat = particle.measurement_prediction(
                    feature.mean, particle.state)
                H = self.jacobian_of_motion_model(particle.state, feature.mean)
                Q = mm(mm(H, feature.covar), transpose(H)) + self.Qt
                Q_inverse = inverse(Q)
                K = mm(mm(feature.covar, transpose(H)), Q_inverse)

                new_mean = feature.mean + mm(K, zt - z_hat)
                new_covar = mm(identity(5) - mm(K, H), feature.covar)

                particle.replace_feature_ekf(j, new_mean, new_covar)
                particle.weight = pow(
                    2 * math.pi * magnitude(Q), -1 / 2) * math.exp(
                        -0.5 * (transpose(zt - z_hat) * Q_inverse *
                                (zt - z_hat)))
            # endif
            # for all other features...do nothing
        # end for

        temp_particle_list = []
        sum_ = 0
        for particle in self.robot_particles:
            sum_ = sum_ + particle.weight

        chosen = random() * sum_

        for _ in range(0, len(self.robot_particles)):
            for particle in self.robot_particles:
                chosen = chosen - particle.weight
                if chosen < 0:
                    # choose this particle

        self.robot_particles = temp_particle_list
 def __init__(self, mean=None, covar=None):
     if mean is None:
         mean = Matrix([0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
     if covar is None:
         covar = Matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                             [0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
                             [0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
                             [0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
                             [0, 0, 0, 0, 1]])
     self.mean = mean
     self.covar = covar
     self.identity = identity(covar.shape[0])
     self.update_count = 0
Example #12
    def cam_observation_update(self, cam_obs):
        '''Single bearing-color observation'''
        zt = Matrix([cam_obs.bearing,
            cam_obs.color.r, cam_obs.color.g, cam_obs.color.b])


        for particle in self.robot_particles:
            j = particle.get_feature_id(zt)
            if j < 0: # not seen before
                # note, this will automagically add a new feature if possible
                particle.weight = self.add_hypothesis(particle.state, zt)
            else: # j seen before
                feature = particle.get_feature_by_id(j)
                # pylint: disable=line-too-long
                # naming explains functionality
                z_hat = particle.measurement_prediction(feature.mean, particle.state)
                H = self.jacobian_of_motion_model(particle.state, feature.mean)
                Q = mm(mm(H, feature.covar), transpose(H)) + self.Qt
                Q_inverse = inverse(Q)
                K = mm(mm(feature.covar, transpose(H)), Q_inverse)

                new_mean = feature.mean + mm(K, zt - z_hat)
                new_covar = mm(identity(5) - mm(K, H), feature.covar)

                particle.replace_feature_ekf(j, new_mean, new_covar)
                particle.weight = pow(2*math.pi*magnitude(Q), -1/2) * math.exp(-0.5 * (transpose(zt - z_hat)*Q_inverse*(zt - z_hat)))
            # endif
            # for all other features...do nothing
        # end for

        temp_particle_list = []
        sum_ = 0
        for particle in self.robot_particles:
            sum_ = sum_ + particle.weight

        chosen = random()*sum_

        for _ in range(0, len(self.robot_particles)):
            for particle in self.robot_particles:
                chosen = chosen - particle.weight
                if chosen < 0:
                    # choose this particle

        self.robot_particles = temp_particle_list
Example #13
    def test_identity(self):
        Tests the identity matrix creation method
        rows_and_columns = 5

        # Get a 5x5 identity matrix
        m = matrix.identity(rows_and_columns)

        # Make sure there are rows_and_columns rows
        self.assertTrue(len(m) == rows_and_columns)
        for row in xrange(rows_and_columns):
            # Make sure each row has rows_and_columns columns
            self.assertTrue(len(m[row]) == rows_and_columns)

            # Make sure the row'th column in row row is a 1
            self.assertTrue(m[row][row] is True)

            # Make sure that each row has exactly 1 one 1
            self.assertTrue(m[row].count() == 1)
Example #14
def test():
    I2 = m.Matrix([[1, 0], [0, 1]])
    I2_neg = m.Matrix([[-1, 0], [0, -1]])

    zero = m.Matrix([[0, 0], [0, 0]])

    m1 = m.Matrix([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])

    m1_transposed = m.Matrix([[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]])

    m2 = m.Matrix([[7, -2], [-3, -5], [4, 1]])

    m3 = m.Matrix([[8]])

    m3_inv = m.Matrix([[0.125]])

    m1_x_m2 = m.Matrix([[13, -9], [37, -27]])

    m2_x_m1 = m.Matrix([[-1, 4, 9], [-23, -31, -39], [8, 13, 18]])

    m1_m2_inv = m.Matrix([[1.5, -0.5], [2.0555556, -0.722222222]])

    top_ones = m.Matrix([
        [1, 1],
        [0, 0],

    left_ones = m.Matrix([[1, 0], [1, 0]])

    ## test determinant functionality
    invertable1 = m.Matrix([[100]])

    invertable2 = m.Matrix([[4, 5], [7, 1]])

    not_invertable1 = m.Matrix([[0]])

    not_invertable2 = m.Matrix([[4, 2], [14, 7]])

    ## test determinant
    # invertable matrices
    assert invertable1.determinant() == 100
    assert invertable2.determinant() == -31

    # non-invertable matrices

    ## base testing
    assert equal(-I2, I2_neg), "Error in your __neg__ function"
    assert equal(I2 + I2_neg, zero), "Error in your __add__ function"
    assert equal(m1.T(), m1_transposed), "Error in your T function (transpose)"
    assert equal(m1 * m2, m1_x_m2), "Error in your __mul__ function"
    assert equal(m2 * m1, m2_x_m1), "Error in your __mul__ function"
    assert equal(
        m3_inv), """Error in your inverse function for the 1 x 1 case"""
    assert equal(
        m1_x_m2.inverse(), m1_m2_inv
    ), """Error in your inverse function for the first 2 x 2 case"""
    assert equal(
        I2), """Error in your inverse function for the second 2 x 2 case"""
    assert equal(top_ones.T(),
                 left_ones), "Error in your T function (transpose)"
    assert equal(left_ones.T(),
                 top_ones), "Error in your T function (transpose)"
    assert equal(top_ones - left_ones.T(),
                 m.zeroes(2, 2)), "Error in your __sub__ function"
    assert (4 * m.identity(5))[0][0] == 4, "Error in your __rmul__ function"
    assert (4 * m.identity(5)).trace() == 20, "Error in your trace function"

    assert type(-I2) == type(
    ), "Error: Your __neg__ function does not return a Matrix does not return a Matrix"
    assert type(I2 + I2_neg) == type(
        zero), "Error: Your __add__ function does not return a Matrix"
    assert type(m1 * m2) == type(
        m1_x_m2), "Error: Your __mul__ function does not return a Matrix"
    assert type(m2 * m1) == type(
        m2_x_m1), "Error: Your __mul__ function does not return a Matrix"
    assert type(m3.inverse()) == type(
    ), """Error: Your inverse function for the 1 x 1 case does not return a Matrix"""
    assert type(I2.inverse()) == type(
    ), """Error: Your inverse function for the 2 x 2 case does not return a Matrix"""
    assert type(top_ones.T()) == type(
    ), "Error: Your T function (transpose) does not return a Matrix"
    assert type(left_ones.T()) == type(
    ), "Error: Your T function (transpose) does not return a Matrix"
    assert type(top_ones - left_ones.T()) == type(m.zeroes(
        2, 2)), "Error: Your __sub__ function does not return a Matrix"
        "Congratulations! All tests pass. Your Matrix class is working as expected."
m2 = Matrix([[2, 5], [6, 1]])

print("m1 is")

print("m2 is")

print("we've also provided you with a function called zeros")
print("here's what happens when you call zeros(4,2)")
print(zeroes(4, 2))

print("we've also provided you with a function called identity")
print("here's identity(3)")

print("but not everything works yet!")
print("for example, matrix addition...")
print("run the cell below to see what happens when we try...")

# In[3]:

m1 = Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])

m2 = Matrix([[2, 5], [6, 1]])

m3 = m1 + m2
print("m1 + m2 is")
Example #16
 def ridge_fit(self, X, y, lambda_):
     lambda_I = matrix.identity(X.cols_)
     self.parm = (X.transpose() * X + lambda_I).inverse() * X.transpose() * y
Example #17
    def open_like_BFS(self,alpha):
        Q = []
        visite1 = [False for i in self.faces]
        transf_vec = [None for i in self.faces]
        altura = [0 for i in self.faces]

        q0 = self.face_selected
        visite1[q0] = True
        transf_vec[q0] = matrix.identity()
        altura[q0] = 1.

        self.points_per_face[q0] = copy.deepcopy(self.points_per_face_orig[q0])

        while len(Q) > 0:
            q1 = Q.pop(0)
            for v in self.adjacences_list[q1]:
                if visite1[v] == False :
                    visite1[v] = True
                    altura[v] = altura[q0] + 1

                    N1 = self.polygons[q1].normal
                    N2 = self.polygons[v].normal

                    (np1,np2) = self.edge_between_faces[(q1,v)]

                    v0 = self.vertex[np1]
                    v1 = self.vertex[np2]

                    edge = Line(v0,v1)
                    ang = np.rad2deg(math.acos(N1.dotProd(N2)))

                    axis = edge.dir

                    if axis.tripleProd(N1,N2) > 0:
                        ang = -ang

                    ang = alpha*ang

                    R = matrix.translateAndRotate(ang,v1,edge.dir)

                    transf_vec[v] = matrix.dot(transf_vec[q1],R)

                    for i in xrange(len(self.points_per_face[v])):
                        self.points_per_face[v][i] =\

        if self.useTexture:
            axis_z = Point(0.,0.,1.)

            angle_z = axis_z.dotProd(self.polygons[q0].normal)
            axis_r = axis_z.crossProd(self.polygons[q0].normal)

            self.mapRotate = matrix.translateAndRotate(angle_z,axis_r,self.points_per_face[q0][0])

            for points in self.points_per_face:
                for point in points:

Example #18
    def __init__(self, PLY = None):

        if PLY == None:
            print "PLY nao fornecido"

        self.box    = Box()
        self.vertex = PLY.vertex
        self.faces  = PLY.faces
        self.colors = [

        self.isOpened = False
        self.isAnimated = False
        self.useTexture = False
        self.mapRotate  = matrix.identity()
        self.textureMap = {}
        self.aux = 0
        edges_per_face = []
        points_per_face = []
        points_per_face_orig = []
        polygons = []

        for face in self.faces:
            for i in xrange(len(face)):
                if i  != (len(face)-1):

        adjacences_list = []
        edge_between_faces = {}

        for i in xrange(len(edges_per_face)):
            for j in xrange(len(edges_per_face[i])):
                edge = edges_per_face[i][j]
                for k in xrange(len(edges_per_face)):
                    if k != i:
                        if (((edge[1],edge[0]) in edges_per_face[k])or((edge[0],edge[1]) in edges_per_face[k])) :
                            edge_between_faces[(i,k)] = edge
                            edge_between_faces[(k,i)] = edge
            if len(edges_per_face[i]) != len(adjacences_list[i]):
                print "Inconsistencia na contrucao do grafico"

        self.edges_per_face = edges_per_face
        self.points_per_face = points_per_face
        self.points_per_face_orig = points_per_face_orig
        self.adjacences_list = adjacences_list
        self.polygons = polygons
        self.edge_between_faces = edge_between_faces
        self.selected = [0 for elem in edges_per_face]
        self.face_selected = -1

Example #19
    def __init__(self):
        # Stores the rotation matrix of the shape, initiates it as identity
        self._rotationMatrix = matrix.identity()

        super(RotatingShape, self).__init__()
Example #20
import parser
from matrix import identity
from draw import newScreen

# Initialize the screen
screen = newScreen()
# Parse the script
parser.parseFile("script_c", identity(4), [], screen)
# In[7]:

# Kalman Filter Initialization
initial_distance = 0
initial_velocity = 0

x_initial = m.Matrix([[initial_distance],
                      [initial_velocity * 1e-3 / (60 * 60)]])
P_initial = m.Matrix([[5, 0], [0, 5]])

acceleration_variance = 50
lidar_variance = math.pow(lidar_standard_deviation, 2)

H = m.Matrix([[1, 0]])
R = m.Matrix([[lidar_variance]])
I = m.identity(2)

def F_matrix(delta_t):
    return m.Matrix([[1, delta_t], [0, 1]])

def Q_matrix(delta_t, variance):
    t4 = math.pow(delta_t, 4)
    t3 = math.pow(delta_t, 3)
    t2 = math.pow(delta_t, 2)

    return variance * m.Matrix([[(1 / 4) * t4,
                                 (1 / 2) * t3], [(1 / 2) * t3, t2]])

m2 = Matrix([[2, 5], [6, 1]])

print("m1 is")

print("m2 is")

print("we've also provided you with a function called zeros")
print("here's what happens when you call zeros(4,2)")
print(zeroes(4, 2))

print("we've also provided you with a function called identity")
print("here's identity(3)")

print("Determinant function should be working now")

print("but not everything works yet!")
print("for example, matrix addition...")
print("run the cell below to see what happens when we try...")

# In[15]:

m1 = Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])

m2 = Matrix([[2, 5], [6, 1]])

m3 = m1 + m2