Example #1
def containsPoint(orderedCartesianVertices, point):
    if (len(orderedCartesianVertices) == 1):
        if (M.norm(M.subVek(point, orderedCartesianVertices[1])) <= test_eps):
            return True
            return False

    if (len(orderedCartesianVertices) == 2):

        d = M.subVek(orderedCartesianVertices[0], orderedCartesianVertices[1])
        normal = [d[1], -d[0]]

        if (math.fabs(
                M.scal(point, normal) -
                M.scal(orderedCartesianVertices[1], normal)) <=
            return True
            return False
    i = 0
    n = len(orderedCartesianVertices)
    for v in orderedCartesianVertices:
        w = orderedCartesianVertices[(i + 1) % n]
        d = M.subVek(w, v)
        normal = [d[1], -d[0]]
        if (M.scal(normal, point) - containsPoint_eps > M.scal(normal, v)):
            return False
        i = i + 1
    return True
Example #2
def getBFGS(cD, params_new, params_k, A_k):
    s_vector = M.subVek(params_new, params_k)
    y_vector = M.subVek(cV.gradPhi(params_new, cD), cV.gradPhi(params_k, cD))

    # s_Matrix and y_Matix is a column, not a row, therefor copyTrans
    s_Matrix = M.Matrix([s_vector]).copyTrans()
    y_Matrix = M.Matrix([y_vector]).copyTrans()

    dividend = A_k.mult(s_Matrix)
    dividend = dividend.mult(dividend.copyTrans())
    divisor = M.scal(s_vector, A_k.image(s_vector))
    quotient = dividend
    quotient.scale(1.0 / divisor)

    rankOneMod = M.subMatrix(A_k, quotient)

    dividend2 = y_Matrix.mult(y_Matrix.copyTrans())

    # here could be a division through zero. If this occurence, then I should just translate params_new a liiiitle bit...
    divisor2 = M.scal(y_vector, s_vector)

    quotient = dividend2
    #print( 'vectors are')
    #print( s_vector)
    #print( cV.gradPhi(params_new , cD))
    quotient.scale(1.0 / divisor2)

    rankTwoMod = M.addMatrix(rankOneMod, quotient)

    return rankTwoMod
Example #3
def scalGradNormedApprox( params , cD ):
    v = params
    w = cV.gradPhiApprox( params , cD , 0.001)
    result = M.scal( v , w )

    result = result / ( M.norm( v ) * M.norm( w ) )

    return result
Example #4
def powellFunction_1(cD, params, d, step):
    dividend = cV.phi(M.addScaleVek(params, step, d), cD) - cV.phi(params, cD)
    divisor = step * M.scal(cV.gradPhi(params, cD), d)

    if (step <= eps):
        return 1

    return dividend / divisor
Example #5
def getWorsteNormalsDirection(polygon):
    n = len(polygon)
    result = 0
    cD = cV.getConeVol(polygon)

    for i in range(n):
        u = [cD[i % n][0], cD[i % n][1]]

        v = polygon[i - 1]
        w = polygon[i % n]

        diff = math.fabs(M.scal(v, u) - M.scal(w, u))

        if diff > result:
            result = diff

    return result
Example #6
def makeNormalsTest(polygon, eps_norm, eps_direction):
    n = len(polygon)
    cD = cV.getConeVol(polygon)

    for i in range(n):
        u = [cD[i % n][0], cD[i % n][1]]
        if math.fabs(M.norm(u) - 1) > eps_norm:
            return False

        v = polygon[i - 1]
        w = polygon[i % n]

        diff = math.fabs(M.scal(v, u) - M.scal(w, u))

        if diff > eps_direction:
            return False

    return True
Example #7
def scalGradNormed( params , cD ):
    v = params
    w = cV.gradPhi( params , cD )
    result = M.scal( w , v )
    norm_1 = M.norm( v )
    norm_2 = M.norm( w )

    #if norm_2 * norm_1 == 0:
    #    return 0
    return result / ( norm_1 * norm_2 )
Example #8
def diffGetNextVertex(u, volume, point):
    B = M.Matrix([[-u[1]], [u[0]]])
    A = M.Matrix([[-u[0], -u[1]]])
    C = B.mult(A)
    c = M.scal(point, u)
    c = 2 * volume / (c**2)
    # Matrix.plus oder Matrix.add verwenden?
    return C
Example #9
def nextVertex(u, volume, point):
    orth = []
    # gegen uhrzeigersinn um 90 grad drehen

    # assumes that 0 lies in K (i.e. point is not orthogonal)
    d = M.scaleVek(2 * volume / M.scal(point, u), orth)
    temp = M.addVek(point, d)
    point[0] = temp[0]
    point[1] = temp[1]
Example #10
def supportTest(repeats):
    tooSmall = 0
    tooSmall2 = 0
    tooSmall3 = 3
    tooBig = 0
    easyFail = 0
    n = 0
    while (n < repeats):
        containsPoint_eps = 0

        P = rP.getRandomPolygon(3)
        Q = rP.getRandomPolygon(4)
        cD_P = cV.getConeVol(P)

        for i in range(len(P)):
            u = [cD_P[i - 1][0], cD_P[i - 1][1]]
            alpha = rP.supportFunctionCartesianCentered(Q, u)
            beta = rP.supportFunctionCartesianCentered2(Q, u)
            gamma = 1  #trySupport( Q , u , 0.0000001)

            if math.fabs(
                    M.scal(u, P[i - 1]) -
                    rP.supportFunctionCartesianCentered2(P, u)) > 1:
                easyFail += 1

            if not (containsPoint(Q, M.scaleVek(alpha - math.exp(-15), u))):
                tooBig += 1

            if (containsPoint(Q, M.scaleVek(alpha + 0.01, u))):
                #plotPoly( P , 'r' )
                #plotPoly( Q , 'y')

                tooSmall += 1

            if (containsPoint(Q, M.scaleVek(beta + 0.01, u))):
                #plotPoly( P , 'r' )
                #plotPoly( Q , 'y')

                tooSmall2 += 1

            if (containsPoint(Q, M.scaleVek(gamma + 0.01, u))):
                #plotPoly( P , 'r' )
                #plotPoly( Q , 'y')

                tooSmall3 += 1
        n += 1

    print([easyFail, tooBig, tooSmall, tooSmall2, tooSmall3])
Example #11
def getPositiveGrad( grid , cD ):
    result = []
    gradNorm_result = math.inf
    for point in grid:
        while (True):
                scal_point = M.scal(cV.gradPhi( point , cD ), point)
                gradNorm_point = M.norm(cV.gradPhi(point, cD))
                if scal_point >= 0 and gradNorm_point < gradNorm_result:
                    result = point
                    gradNorm_result = gradNorm_point
            except ZeroDivisionError:
                # print('zero division at',pair)
    return result
Example #12
def getPseudoConeVolRational(polygonRational):
    result = []
    P = polygonRational
    n = len(P)
    for i in range(n):
        v = M.subVek(P[i], P[(i - 1 + n) % n])
        u = getClockRotation(v)

        # this equals 1/2 * determinant, since norm of u is the same as norm of v, both get cancelled
        volume = f.Fraction(1, 2) * M.scal(u, P[i - 1])
        if volume < 0:
            print('volume is negativ at ')

        result.append([u[0], u[1], volume])
    return result
def supportFunctionCartesianCenteredRational(K_cartesianCenteredRational,

    P = K_cartesianCenteredRational
    n = len(P)
    result = -math.inf

    # luckily, norm of u_i cancels in the fraction of the logMin product inequality...
    # hier muss ich noch dran arbeiten...

    for v in P:
        # I do not need a special rational support function, do I?
        value = M.scal(v, u_Rational)
        if value > result:
            result = value

    return result
def supportFunctionCartesianCentered2(K_cartesianCentered, u):
    if math.fabs(M.norm(u) - 1) > 0.0001:
            ' u is not normed for support function, result needs to be divided by norm '
        return []
    P = K_cartesianCentered

    result = -math.inf

    for v in P:
        # I do not need a special rational support function, do I?
        value = M.scal(v, u)
        if value > result:
            result = value

    return result
Example #15
def getConeVol(vertices):
    result = []
    n = len(vertices)
    for i in range(n):
        v = M.subVek(vertices[i], vertices[(i - 1 + n) % n])
        u_tilde = getClockRotation(v)
        divisor = M.norm(v)
        if u_tilde[0] == 0 and u_tilde[1] == 0:
            divisor = mE.getMachEps()
        u = M.scaleVek(1.0 / divisor, u_tilde)

        height = M.scal(u, vertices[i - 1])
        if height < 0:
            print('height is negativ at ')
        facetVolume = M.norm(v)
        coneVolume = 0.5 * height * facetVolume

        result.append([u[0], u[1], coneVolume])
    return result
Example #16
def scalAbsGrad( params , cD ):
    return math.fabs(M.scal( cV.gradPhi( params , cD ) , params ))
Example #17
def scalGrad( params , cD  ):
    return M.scal( cV.gradPhi( params , cD ) , params )
Example #18
def powellFunction_2(cD, params, d, step):
    v = cV.gradPhi(M.addScaleVek(params, step, d))
    dividend = M.scal(v, d)
    divisor = M.scal(cV.gradPhi(params, cD), d)

    return dividend / divisor
Example #19
def stepSizeArmijo(cD, point, d, crease, efficiency, beta_1, beta_2):
    result = -efficiency * (M.scal(cV.gradPhi(point, cD), d) / (M.norm(d)**2))
    while notEfficient(cD, point, d, result, crease):
        result = beta_2 * result
    return result
Example #20
def notEfficient(cD, point, d, stepSize, crease):
    v = M.addVek(point, M.scaleVek(stepSize, d))
    upper_bound = cV.phi(point, cD) + crease * stepSize * M.scal(
        cV.gradPhi(point, cD), d) / M.norm(d)
    return cV.phi(v, cD) > upper_bound