Example #1
def test_scalar1_EvenMatrix():
    Testing scalar multiplication with float and EvenMatrix. All values of matrix equal except one specialValue to
    provide some heterogeneity
        - Dimension of result shall be same
        - resulting matrix get multiplied with scalar value

    defaultValue = 1.1  # default cell value
    specialValue = 3.3  # special cell value
    specialCell = [12, 13]  # special cell

    scalar = 0.7  # scalar factor
    matrix1 = EvenMatrix(44, defaultValue)

    matrix1.setValue(specialCell[0], specialCell[1], specialValue)
    result = Multiplication().operate(scalar, matrix1)

    assert result.getDimension() == matrix1.getDimension(), (
        "resultDimension {0} unequal matrix1Dimension {1}".format(result.getDimension(), matrix1.getDimension()))

    for row in range(result.rowCount):
        for col in range(result.columnCount):
            if row == specialCell[0] and col == specialCell[1]:
                assert isCorrect(result.data[row][col], scalar * specialValue, TOLERANCE), (
                    "row {0} column {1}".format(row, col))
                assert isCorrect(result.data[row][col], scalar * defaultValue, TOLERANCE), (
                    "row {0} column {1}".format(row, col))
Example #2
def test_scalar3():
    Testing scalar multiplication with multiple scalar factors
        - Dimension of result shall be same
        - resulting matrix get multiplied with scalar value

    defaultValue = 7  # default cell value
    specialValue = 10  # special cell value
    specialCell = [2, 3]  # special cell

    scalar1 = 3  # scalar factor1
    scalar2 = 3.2  # scalar factor2
    matrix1 = EvenMatrix(4, defaultValue)

    matrix1.setValue(specialCell[0], specialCell[1], specialValue)
    result = Multiplication().operate(scalar2, Multiplication().operate(scalar1, matrix1))

    assert result.getDimension() == matrix1.getDimension(), (
        "resultDimension {0} unequal matrix1Dimension {1}".format(result.getDimension(), matrix1.getDimension()))

    for row in range(result.rowCount):
        for col in range(result.columnCount):
            if row == specialCell[0] and col == specialCell[1]:
                assert isCorrect(result.data[row][col], scalar1 * scalar2 * specialValue, TOLERANCE), (
                    "row {0} column {1}")
                assert isCorrect(result.data[row][col], scalar1 * scalar2 * defaultValue, TOLERANCE), (
                    "row {0} column {1}")
Example #3
    def matrixMultiplication(self, first, second, debugTrace):
        dimFirst = first.getDimension()
        dimSecond = second.getDimension()

        # check if multiplication is possible
        if dimFirst[1] != dimSecond[0]:
            raise ValueError("first.column {0} shall be second.row {1}".format(dimFirst[0], dimSecond[1]))

        resultRowCount = dimFirst[0]
        resultColumnCount = dimSecond[1]

        if resultColumnCount == resultRowCount:
            result = EvenMatrix(resultRowCount)
            result = Matrix(resultRowCount, resultColumnCount)

        for thi in range(second.columnCount):
            for sec in range(first.rowCount):
                tmpValue = 0.0
                for one in range(first.columnCount):
                    tmpValue += first.getValue(sec, one) * second.getValue(one, thi)
                result.setValue(sec, thi, tmpValue)

        return result
Example #4
def test_changeValue1():
    evMatrix = EvenMatrix(40, 0)
    evMatrix.setValue(10, 10, 100)
    assert (evMatrix.getValue(10, 10) == 100)
    evMatrix.setValue(39, 39, -10)
    assert (evMatrix.getValue(39, 39) == -10)
Example #5
def test_matrix2_EvenMatrix():
    Testing EvenMatrix with EvenMatrix multiplication.
        - Dimension of two matrixes don't fit
        => Shall raise ValueError
    matrix1 = EvenMatrix(3)
    matrix2 = EvenMatrix(3, -254)
    expectedResult = EvenMatrix(3)

    #  matrix 1: [3  2   3]     matrix 2: [ 1  3  5]     expectedResult: [-1 0  31]
    #            [5  4  -1]  *            [ 1  0  2]  =                  [11 18 29]
    #            [5  1   5]               [-2 -3  4]                     [-4 0  47]
    # matrix1 initialization
    matrix1.setValue(0, 0, 3)
    matrix1.setValue(0, 1, 2)
    matrix1.setValue(0, 2, 3)
    matrix1.setValue(1, 0, 5)
    matrix1.setValue(1, 1, 4)
    matrix1.setValue(1, 2, -1)
    matrix1.setValue(2, 0, 5)
    matrix1.setValue(2, 1, 1)
    matrix1.setValue(2, 2, 5)

    # matrix2 initialization
    matrix2.setValue(0, 0, 1)
    matrix2.setValue(0, 1, 3)
    matrix2.setValue(0, 2, 5)
    matrix2.setValue(1, 0, 1)
    matrix2.setValue(1, 1, 0)
    matrix2.setValue(1, 2, 2)
    matrix2.setValue(2, 0, -2)
    matrix2.setValue(2, 1, -3)
    matrix2.setValue(2, 2, 4)

    # expectedResult initialization
    expectedResult.setValue(0, 0, -1)
    expectedResult.setValue(0, 1, 0)
    expectedResult.setValue(0, 2, 31)
    expectedResult.setValue(1, 0, 11)
    expectedResult.setValue(1, 1, 18)
    expectedResult.setValue(1, 2, 29)
    expectedResult.setValue(2, 0, -4)
    expectedResult.setValue(2, 1, 0)
    expectedResult.setValue(2, 2, 47)

    result = Multiplication().operate(matrix1, matrix2)

    assert (result.getDimension() == [3, 3])
    assert (isinstance(result, Matrix)), "Shall be Matrix (parent)"
    assert (isinstance(result, EvenMatrix)), "Shall be EvenMatrix"
    assert (result.isEqualTo(expectedResult))