Example #1
def readNetworkFile(file):
    """Reads a MATSim network file and converts it to a geo
        file (string): the path of the network file

        geo : the MATSim network
    print("Reading network...")
    net = matsim.read_network(file)
    print("Read network!")
    geo = net.as_geo()
    print("Network ready!")
    return geo
Example #2
    print("OOPS! Error importing required libraries.")
    print('try "pip3 install matsim-tools dfply pyproj"')

if len(sys.argv) != 3:
        "USAGE:  python create-geojson-network.py  [network]  [coord-system]")

p_network = sys.argv[1]
p_coords = sys.argv[2]
out_file = p_network.replace(".xml.", ".geo.json.")

coord_transformer = Transformer.from_crs(p_coords, "EPSG:4326")

print("reading network:", p_network)
network = matsim.read_network(p_network)

# Build link x/y lookup
nodes = network.nodes >> mutate(to_node=X.node_id, from_node=X.node_id)
links = (network.links >> inner_join(nodes, by="from_node") >> select(
    X.link_id, X.from_node, X.to_node_x, X.x, X.y) >> mutate(
        x0=X.x, y0=X.y, to_node=X.to_node_x) >> inner_join(nodes, by="to_node")
         >> select(X.link_id, X.x0, X.y0, X.x_y, X.y_y))

# convert coords to lat/lon
print("reprojecting coordinates")
converted_links = {}
for link in links.values:
    coords = []

    fromY, fromX = coord_transformer.transform(link[1], link[2])
# ]

    import ndjson
    import sys
    import matsim
    from dfply import *
    print("OOPS! Error importing required libraries.")
    print('try "pip install matsim-tools ndjson dfply"')

# outfile hard-coded for now
outfile = "drt-vehicles.json"

print("reading network", sys.argv[1])
network = matsim.read_network(sys.argv[1])

# Build link x/y lookup -- use 'to_node' (endpoint) of link
nodes = network.nodes >> mutate(to_node=X.node_id)
links = network.links >> inner_join(nodes, by="to_node") >> select(
    X.link_id, X.x, X.y)

link_coords = {}
for link in links.values:
    link_coords[link[0]] = (float(link[1]), float(link[2]))

print("reading events", sys.argv[2])
events = matsim.event_reader(sys.argv[2], types="actstart,actend")

# lookups by person's health status, coords, and timepoints
agents = {}