def test_del_state(self):
     "Atom: delete state"
     Fe57 = Atom( 'Fe', mass=57 )
     Fe57.velocity = (0,0,1)
     del Fe57.velocity
     self._assertRaises( AttributeError, 'Fe57.velocity', locals())
Example #2
 def test_del_state(self):
     "Atom: delete state"
     Fe57 = Atom('Fe', mass=57)
     Fe57.velocity = (0, 0, 1)
     del Fe57.velocity
     self._assertRaises(AttributeError, 'Fe57.velocity', locals())
    def test_dsaworm(self):
        'Structure: dsaw orm'
        Fe57 = Atom('Fe', mass=57)
        Al = Atom('Al')
        atoms = [Fe57, Al]

        lattice = Lattice(a=1, b=2, c=3, alpha=89, beta=91, gamma=92)

        struct = Structure(atoms=atoms, lattice=lattice)

        orm = self.orm
        structrecord = orm(struct)

        struct_loaded = orm.load(Structure,

        props = ['sg', 'description']
        for prop in props:
            self.assertEqual(getattr(struct_loaded, prop),
                             getattr(struct, prop))

        props = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'alpha', 'beta', 'gamma']
        for prop in props:
            self.assertEqual(getattr(struct_loaded.lattice, prop),
                             getattr(struct.lattice, prop))

        self.assertEqual(len(struct_loaded), 2)
        for atom in struct_loaded:
            self.assertEqual(atom.__class__, Atom)
def supercell(S, mno):
    """Perform supercell expansion for a structure.

    New lattice parameters are multiplied and fractional coordinates
    divided by corresponding multiplier.  New atoms are grouped with
    their source in the original cell.

    S   -- an instance of Structure from matter.
    mno -- sequence of 3 integers for cell multipliers along
           the a, b and c axes.

    Return a new expanded structure instance.
    Raise TypeError when S is not Structure instance.
    Raise ValueError for invalid mno argument.
    # check arguments
    if len(mno) != 3:
        emsg = "Argument mno must contain 3 numbers."
        raise ValueError, emsg
    elif min(mno) < 1:
        emsg = "Multipliers must be greater or equal 1"
        raise ValueError, emsg
    if not isinstance(S, Structure):
        emsg = "The first argument must be a Structure instance."
        raise TypeError, emsg

    # convert mno to a tuple of integers so it can be used as range limit.
    mno = (int(mno[0]), int(mno[1]), int(mno[2]))

    # create return instance
    newS = Structure(S)
    if mno == (1, 1, 1):
        return newS

    # back to business
    ijklist = [(i,j,k)
                for i in range(mno[0])
                    for j in range(mno[1])
                        for k in range(mno[2])]
    # numpy.floor returns float array
    mnofloats = numpy.array(mno, dtype=float)

    # build a list of new atoms
    newAtoms = []
    for a in S:
        for ijk in ijklist:
            adup = Atom(a)
   = ( + ijk)/mnofloats
    # newS can own references in newAtoms, no need to make copies
    newS.__setslice__(0, len(newS), newAtoms, copy=False)

    # take care of lattice parameters
            c=mno[2]*S.lattice.c )
    return newS
Example #5
 def test_setable_state(self):
     "Atom: setable state"
     Fe57 = Atom('Fe', mass=57)
     v = (0, 0, 1)
     print '- Set velocity to %s ... ' % (v, ),
     Fe57.velocity = v
     print ' velocity = %s ' % (Fe57.velocity, )
     print "- velocity's documentation: %s " % Atom.velocity.doc
Example #6
 def test_writeStr_xyz(self):
     """check string representation of normal xyz file"""
     stru = self.stru
     stru.description = "test of writeStr"
     stru.lattice = Lattice(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 90.0, 90.0, 90.0)
     stru[:] = [Atom('H', [1., 1., 1.]), Atom('Cl', [3., 2., 1.])]
     s1 = stru.writeStr(self.format)
     s1 = re.sub('[ \t]+', ' ', s1)
     s0 = "2\n%s\nH 1 2 3\nCl 3 4 3\n" % stru.description
     self.assertEqual(s1, s0)
Example #7
 def test_write_xyz(self):
     """check writing of normal xyz file"""
     stru = self.stru
     stru.description = "test of writeStr"
     stru.lattice = Lattice(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 90.0, 90.0, 90.0)
     stru[:] = [Atom('H', [1., 1., 1.]), Atom('Cl', [3., 2., 1.])]
     stru.write(self.tmpname, self.format)
     f_s = open(self.tmpname).read()
     f_s = re.sub('[ \t]+', ' ', f_s)
     s_s = "2\n%s\nH 1 2 3\nCl 3 4 3\n" % stru.description
     self.assertEqual(f_s, s_s)
Example #8
 def test_writeStr_xyz_Supercell(self):
     at1 = Atom('Al', [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
     at2 = Atom('Al', [0.0, 0.5, 0.5])
     at3 = Atom('Al', [0.5, 0.0, 0.5])
     at4 = Atom('Al', [0.5, 0.5, 0.0])
     self.stru4 = Structure([at1, at2, at3, at4],
                            lattice=Lattice(4.05, 4.05, 4.05, 90, 90, 90),
     from matter.expansion import supercell
     al_333 = supercell(self.stru4, (3, 3, 3))
     s1 = al_333.writeStr(self.format)
 def test_setable_state(self):
     "Atom: setable state"
     Fe57 = Atom( 'Fe', mass=57 )
     v = (0,0,1)
     # print '- Set velocity to %s ... ' % (v,), 
     Fe57.velocity = v
     # print ' velocity = %s ' % (Fe57.velocity,)
     self.assertEqual(Fe57.velocity, v)
     # print "- velocity's documentation: %s " % Atom.velocity.doc
Example #10
 def test1(self):
     from matter import Lattice, Atom, Structure
     Al = Atom('Al', (0, 0, 0))
     Fe = Atom('Fe', (0.5, 0.5, 0.5))
     atoms = [Al, Fe]
     lattice = Lattice(1, 1, 1, 90, 90, 90)
     s = Structure(atoms, lattice)
     content = struct_utils.makeXYZfileContent(s, latticeAsDescription=True)
     self.assertEqual(len(content), 4)
     self.assertEqual(int(content[0]), 2)
     self.assertEqual(len(content[1].split(' ')), 9)
Example #11
 def test_xyz(self):
     "Atom: xyz cartesian attribute"
     from matter import Lattice
     C = Atom( 'C', [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], lattice = Lattice(2,2,2,90,90,90))
     self.assertEqual(list(, [0.1, 0.2, 0.3])
     self.assertEqual(list(C.xyz_cartn), [0.2, 0.4, 0.6])
Example #12
 def test_xyz(self):
     "Atom: xyz cartesian attribute"
     from matter import Lattice
     C = Atom('C', [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], lattice=Lattice(2, 2, 2, 90, 90, 90))
     print "fractional pos=%s" %
     print "cartesian pos=%s" % C.xyz_cartn
def makeUnitcell():
    from matter import Atom, Structure, Lattice
    atoms = [Atom('Ni')]
    # positions = [(0,0,0)]
    cellvectors = [ (3.57,0,0), (0,3.57,0), (0,0,3.57) ]
    lattice = Lattice(base=cellvectors)
    return Structure(lattice=lattice, atoms=atoms)
Example #14
 def test_writeStr_rawxyz(self):
     """check writing of normal xyz file"""
     stru = self.stru
     stru.description = "test of writeStr"
     stru.lattice = Lattice(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 90.0, 90.0, 90.0)
     # plain version
     stru[:] = [Atom('H', [1., 1., 1.])]
     s1 = stru.writeStr(self.format)
     s1 = re.sub('[ \t]+', ' ', s1)
     s0 = "H 1 2 3\n"
Example #15
def makeMatter():
    from matter import Structure, Atom, Lattice
    atoms = [Atom('Fe', xyz=(0, 0, 0)), Atom('Al', xyz=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5))]
    lattice = Lattice(base=((1., 0, 0), (0, 1., 0), (0, 0, 1.)))
    return Structure(atoms, lattice)
Example #16
 def test_str(self):
     "Atom: __str__"
     Fe57 = Atom( 'Fe', mass=57 )
     Fe57.velocity = (0,0,1)
     # print Fe57
Example #17
    def test_load_matter(self):
        from matter import Structure, Atom, Lattice
        at1 = Atom('V', [0., 0., 0.])
        at2 = Atom('V', [0.5, 0., 0.])
        at3 = Atom('V', [0., 0.5, 0.])
        at4 = Atom('V', [0., 0., 0.5])
        at5 = Atom('V', [0.5, 0.5, 0.])
        at6 = Atom('V', [0., 0.5, 0.5])
        at7 = Atom('V', [0.5, 0., 0.5])
        at8 = Atom('V', [0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
        at9 = Atom('V', [0.25, 0.25, 0.25])
        at10 = Atom('Fe', [0.75, 0.25, 0.25])
        at11 = Atom('V', [0.75, 0.75, 0.25])
        at12 = Atom('Fe', [0.25, 0.75, 0.25])
        at13 = Atom('Fe', [0.25, 0.25, 0.75])
        at14 = Atom('V', [0.75, 0.25, 0.75])
        at15 = Atom('Fe', [0.75, 0.75, 0.75])
        at16 = Atom('V', [0.25, 0.75, 0.75])
        a = 2. * 5.663 / 1.889725989  # set a in angstrom
        struct = Structure( [ at1, at2, at3, at4, at5, at6, at7, at8, at9, \
                             at10, at11, at12, at13, at14, at15, at16], \
                             lattice = Lattice(a, a, a, 90, 90, 90))
        #print struct
        massList = [50.9415, 55.847]
        psList = ['V.pbe-n-van.UPF', 'Fe.pbe-nd-rrkjus.UPF']
        #self.input.structure.load(structure = struct, ibrav = 2, massList = massList, psList = psList)
        answer1 = """"Face Centered Cubic" cell:
-5.66300000  0.00000000  5.66300000
 0.00000000  5.66300000  5.66300000
-5.66300000  5.66300000  0.00000000

Atomic positions in units of lattice parametr "a":
V       0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  
V       0.50000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  
V       0.25000000  0.25000000  0.25000000  
Fe      0.75000000  0.25000000  0.25000000  

V   50.9415 V.pbe-n-van.UPF
Fe  55.8470 Fe.pbe-nd-rrkjus.UPF
        #print str(self.input.structure)
        self.assertEqual(str(self.input.structure), answer1)
        at1 = Atom('V', [0., 0., 0.])
        at2 = Atom('V', [0.5, 0., 0.])
        at3 = Atom('V', [0., 0.5, 0.])
        at4 = Atom('V', [0., 0., 0.5])
        at5 = Atom('V', [0.5, 0.5, 0.])
        at6 = Atom('V', [0., 0.5, 0.5])
        at7 = Atom('V', [0.5, 0., 0.5])
        at8 = Atom('V', [0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
        at9 = Atom('V', [0.25, 0.25, 0.25])
        at10 = Atom('Fe', [0.75, 0.25, 0.25])
        at11 = Atom('V', [0.75, 0.75, 0.25])
        at12 = Atom('Fe', [0.25, 0.75, 0.25])
        at13 = Atom('Fe', [0.25, 0.25, 0.75])
        at14 = Atom('V', [0.75, 0.25, 0.75])
        at15 = Atom('Fe', [0.75, 0.75, 0.75])
        at16 = Atom('V', [0.25, 0.75, 0.75])
        a = 2. * 5.663 / 1.889725989  # set a in angstrom
        struct2 = Structure( [ at1, at2, at3, at4, at5, at6, at7, at8, at9, \
                             at10, at11, at12, at13, at14, at15, at16], \
                             lattice = Lattice(a, a, a, 90, 90, 90))
        answer2 = """"generic" cell:
 11.32600000  0.00000000  0.00000000
 0.00000000  11.32600000  0.00000000
 0.00000000  0.00000000  11.32600000

Atomic positions in units of lattice parametr "a":
V       0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  
V       2.99673076  0.00000000  0.00000000  
V       0.00000000  2.99673076  0.00000000  
V       0.00000000  0.00000000  2.99673076  
V       2.99673076  2.99673076  0.00000000  
V       0.00000000  2.99673076  2.99673076  
V       2.99673076  0.00000000  2.99673076  
V       2.99673076  2.99673076  2.99673076  
V       1.49836538  1.49836538  1.49836538  
Fe      4.49509614  1.49836538  1.49836538  
V       4.49509614  4.49509614  1.49836538  
Fe      1.49836538  4.49509614  1.49836538  
Fe      1.49836538  1.49836538  4.49509614  
V       4.49509614  1.49836538  4.49509614  
Fe      4.49509614  4.49509614  4.49509614  
V       1.49836538  4.49509614  4.49509614  

V   50.9415 V.pbe-n-van.UPF
Fe  55.8470 Fe.pbe-nd-rrkjus.UPF
        #print str(self.input.structure)
        self.assertEqual(str(self.input.structure), answer2)
Example #18
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307

# read and view pickled structure object
from matter import Structure, Lattice, Atom
at1 = Atom('C', [0.333333333333333, 0.666666666666667, 0])
at2 = Atom('C', [0.666666666666667, 0.333333333333333, 0])
a = 2.4612
c = 6.7079
graphite = Structure([at1, at2], lattice=Lattice(a, a, c, 90, 90, 120))
print graphite

import pickle
output = open('graphite.pkl', 'wb')
pickle.dump(graphite, output)

pkl_file = open('graphite.pkl', 'rb')
g2 = pickle.load(pkl_file)
print g2
Example #19
 def test_str(self):
     "Atom: __str__"
     Fe57 = Atom('Fe', mass=57)
     Fe57.velocity = (0, 0, 1)
     print Fe57
Example #20
 def test_natural_element(self):
     "Atom: natural element ctor"
     Fe = Atom('Fe')
     print Fe
Example #21
 def test_del_ctorarg(self):
     "Atom: delete ctor arg"
     Fe57 = Atom('Fe', mass=57)
     self._assertRaises(AttributeError, "del Fe57.Z", locals())
Example #22
def testMatter():

    pwInput = PWInput(config=testSCFString)

    struct = matter.Structure()'data/graphite.cif', format='cif')'data/PbTe.cif', format='cif')'data/Ni.stru', format='pdffit')'data/CdSe-wurtzite.stru', format='pdffit')

    print struct
    print struct.lattice.base

    #struct = Structure(filename='data/Ni.stru')
    #struct = Structure(filename='data/graphite.cif')
    #struct = Structure(filename='data/PbTe.cif')
    #struct = Structure(filename='data/CdSe-wurtzite.stru')
    #struct = Structure(pbte)

    # does not work well in matter:
    #s = pbte.writeStr(format='cif')

    at1 = Atom('V', [0., 0., 0.])
    at2 = Atom('V', [0.5, 0., 0.])
    at3 = Atom('V', [0., 0.5, 0.])
    at4 = Atom('V', [0., 0., 0.5])
    at5 = Atom('V', [0.5, 0.5, 0.])
    at6 = Atom('V', [0., 0.5, 0.5])
    at7 = Atom('V', [0.5, 0., 0.5])
    at8 = Atom('V', [0.5, 0.5, 0.5])

    at9 = Atom('V', [0.25, 0.25, 0.25])
    at10 = Atom('Fe', [0.75, 0.25, 0.25])
    at11 = Atom('V', [0.75, 0.75, 0.25])
    at12 = Atom('Fe', [0.25, 0.75, 0.25])

    at13 = Atom('Fe', [0.25, 0.25, 0.75])
    at14 = Atom('V', [0.75, 0.25, 0.75])
    at15 = Atom('Fe', [0.75, 0.75, 0.75])
    at16 = Atom('V', [0.25, 0.75, 0.75])
    struct2 = Structure([
        at1, at2, at3, at4, at5, at6, at7, at8, at9, at10, at11, at12, at13,
        at14, at15, at16
                        lattice=Lattice(2, 2, 2, 90, 90, 90))
    #print struct
    massList = [50., 55.]
    psList = ['ps1', 'ps2']

    #massList = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
    #psList  = ['ps1', 'ps2', 'ps2', 'ps3', 'ps4','ps1', 'ps2', 'ps2', 'ps3', 'ps4']

    #    pwInput.structure.load(ibrav = 0, structure = struct, \
    #                           massList = massList, psList = psList)

    #pwInput.structure.load(structure = struct )

    #print pwInput.structure.atomLabels()

    pwInput.structure.load(structure = struct, ibrav = 2, \
                           massList = massList, psList = psList)

    #    pwInput.structure.setStructureFromDiffpyStructure(struct, \
    #                                                            massList = massList,\
    #                                                            psList = psList)

    #    pwInput.structure.setReducedStructureFromDiffpyStructure(struct, ibrav = 2, \
    #                                                            massList = massList,\
    #                                                            psList = psList)
    # this will update string s:
    #s = ''
    #s = pwInput.structure.toString(string = s)


    s = pwInput.structure.toString()

    #pwInput.structure.atomicPositionsType = 'alat'

    #s = pwInput.structure.toString()'')

    print s
Example #23
 def test_isotope_ctor(self):
     "Atom: isotope ctor"
     Fe57 = Atom('Fe', mass=57)
     print "- Z=%s" % Fe57.Z
     print "- mass=%s" % Fe57.mass
Example #24
 def test_undefined_state(self):
     "Atom: undefined state"
     Fe57 = Atom('Fe', mass=57)
     self._assertRaises(AttributeError, "Fe57.velocity", locals())
Example #25
 def test_isotope_ctor(self):
     "Atom: isotope ctor"
     Fe57 = Atom( 'Fe', mass=57 )
     self.assertEqual(Fe57.Z, 26)
     self.assertEqual(Fe57.mass, 57)