def __init__(self): # define rate of 10 hz self.rate = rospy.Rate(50.0) # init variables for odometry [self.robot_position_x, self.robot_position_y, self.robot_position_z] = [0, 0, 0] # mavros velocity publisher self.mavros_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher("/mavros/rc/out", RCOut, queue_size=1) self.RCOut_msg = RCOut() ######################################################SUBSCRIBERS######################################################## # create subscriber for robot localization #self.sub_localization = rospy.Subscriber('/mavros/local_position/pose', PoseStamped, self.process_localization_message, queue_size=1) self.sub_localization = rospy.Subscriber( '/robdos/odom', Odometry, self.process_localization_message, queue_size=1) self.robot_roll = 0 self.robot_pitch = 0 self.robot_yaw = 0 # create subscriber for mavros/waypointlist self.sub_waypoint_list = rospy.Subscriber( '/mavros/mission/waypoints', WaypointList, self.process_waypoint_message, queue_size=1) self.list_points = [] self.is_waypoint_loaded = False self.current_target = [0, 0, 0] # create subscriber for the state of the machine self.sub_state = rospy.Subscriber('robdos_sim/state', state, self.process_state_message, queue_size=1) self.stateCurrent = 2 # create subscriber in order to have the same output in the teleoperation mode self.sub_rc = rospy.Subscriber('/mavros/rc/out_mavros', RCOut, self.process_rc_message, queue_size=1) self.RCOut_msgCurrent = RCOut() ######################################################CONTROLLER######################################################## # infinity loop while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.update_controller() self.rate.sleep()
def init_ROS(self): self.pub_attmsg = rospy.Publisher('/mavros/setpoint_raw/attitude', AttitudeTarget, queue_size=10) self.pub_posmsg = rospy.Publisher('/mavros/setpoint_position/local', PoseStamped, queue_size=10) self.pub_rl = rospy.Publisher('/rl/training', StateReward, queue_size=10) rospy.init_node('controller_bintel', anonymous=True) self.rate = rospy.Rate(self.main_loop_rate) # - Subscribe to local position self.local_pose = PoseStamped() self.velocity = TwistStamped() self.rc_out = RCOut() pos_sub = message_filters.Subscriber('/mavros/local_position/pose', PoseStamped) #rospy.Subscriber('/mavros/local_position/pose', PoseStamped, self._read_position) if self.is_simulation: #rospy.Subscriber('/mavros/local_position/velocity_body', TwistStamped, self._read_velocity) vel_sub = message_filters.Subscriber('/mavros/local_position/velocity_body', TwistStamped) else: #rospy.Subscriber('/mavros/local_position/velocity', TwistStamped, self._read_velocity) vel_sub = message_filters.Subscriber('/mavros/local_position/velocity', TwistStamped) ts = message_filters.TimeSynchronizer([pos_sub, vel_sub], 1) ts.registerCallback(self._read_pos_vel) # Subscribe to thrust commands from RL rospy.Subscriber('/rl/commands', AttitudeTarget, self._read_rl_commands)
def init_ROS(self): rospy.init_node('squidPX4manager', anonymous=True) self.pub_sp = rospy.Publisher('/mavros/setpoint_raw/attitude', AttitudeTarget, queue_size=10) self.rate = rospy.Rate(self.main_loop_rate) # - Subscribe to local position self.local_pose = PoseStamped() self.velocity = TwistStamped() self.rc_out = RCOut() rospy.Subscriber('/mavros/local_position/pose', PoseStamped, self._read_position) if self.is_simulation: rospy.Subscriber('/mavros/local_position/velocity_body', TwistStamped, self._read_velocity) else: rospy.Subscriber('/mavros/local_position/velocity', TwistStamped, self._read_velocity) #rospy.Subscriber('/rovio/pose', PoseStamped, self.poseCallback) #rospy.Subscriber('/teraranger/distance',Lidar,self.readTeraranger) rospy.Subscriber('/mavros/rc/out', RCOut, self._read_rc_out) rospy.wait_for_service('mavros/set_mode') self.change_mode = rospy.ServiceProxy('mavros/set_mode', SetMode)
def init_ROS(self): self.pub_sp = rospy.Publisher('/mavros/setpoint_raw/attitude', AttitudeTarget, queue_size=10) self.pub_traj = rospy.Publisher('/mavros/setpoint_raw/trajectory', PoseStamped, queue_size=10) self.pub_force = rospy.Publisher('/bintel/desired_force', Vector3Stamped, queue_size=10) self.desired_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/desired_path', Path, queue_size=10) rospy.init_node('controller_bintel', anonymous=True) self.rate = rospy.Rate(self.main_loop_rate) # - Subscribe to local position self.local_pose = PoseStamped() self.velocity = TwistStamped() self.rc_out = RCOut() rospy.Subscriber('/mavros/local_position/pose', PoseStamped, self._read_position) if self.is_simulation: rospy.Subscriber('/mavros/local_position/velocity_body', TwistStamped, self._read_velocity) else: rospy.Subscriber('/mavros/local_position/velocity', TwistStamped, self._read_velocity) rospy.Subscriber('/mavros/rc/out', RCOut, self._read_rc_out)
def __init__(self): # mavros velocity publisher self.mavros_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher("/mavros/rc/out", RCOut, queue_size=1) self.RCOut_msg = RCOut() self.RCOR_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber('/mavros/rc/override', OverrideRCIn, self.override_cb, queue_size=1)
def override_cb(self, or_msg): self.RCOut_msg = RCOut() dif = or_msg.channels[3] - 1500 if dif >= 0: K_RM = or_msg.channels[5] + dif K_LM = or_msg.channels[5] - dif else: K_RM = or_msg.channels[5] - abs(dif) K_LM = or_msg.channels[5] + abs(dif) K_RM = self.doSymmetric(K_RM) K_LM = self.doSymmetric(K_LM) self.RCOut_msg.channels = [self.bound_limit(K_LM, 1100, 1900), self.bound_limit(K_RM, 1100, 1900), \ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] self.mavros_vel_pub.publish(self.RCOut_msg)
def update_controller(self): if self.stateCurrent == 1: self.RCOut_msg = RCOut() self.RCOut_msg.header.stamp = self.RCOut_msg.header.frame_id = "0" self.RCOut_msg.channels = RCOut_msgCurrent.channels elif self.stateCurrent == 2: if len(self.list_points) > 0: point = self.list_points[1] self.current_target = [point[0], point[1], point[2]] # update controller desired_yaw = math.atan2(self.current_target[0], self.current_target[1]) yaw_error = desired_yaw - self.robot_yaw #if math.fabs(yaw_error) > 1: if yaw_error > 0.1: kp = 1000 K_output = -kp * yaw_error K_LM = 1500 + K_output K_RM = 1500 - K_output K_LM = self.bound_limit(K_LM, 1100, 1900) K_RM = self.bound_limit(K_RM, 1100, 1900) # set speed thrusters self.RCOut_msg = RCOut() self.RCOut_msg.header.stamp = self.RCOut_msg.header.frame_id = "0" self.RCOut_msg.channels = [ K_LM, K_RM, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] else: distance_x = self.current_target[0] - self.robot_position_x distance_y = self.current_target[1] - self.robot_position_y kp = 1000 error = math.sqrt( math.pow(distance_x, 2.0) + math.pow(distance_y, 2.0)) if distance_y > 0: if distance_x > 0: K_output = -kp * error elif distance_x < 0: K_output = -kp * error elif distance_x == 0: K_output = -kp * error elif distance_y < 0: if distance_x > 0: K_output = kp * error elif distance_x < 0: K_output = kp * error elif distance_x == 0: K_output = kp * error elif distance_y == 0: if distance_x > 0: K_output = -kp * error elif distance_x < 0: K_output = kp * error elif distance_x == 0: K_output = 0 K_output = 1500 + K_output K_output = self.bound_limit(K_output, 1100, 1900) # set speed thrusters self.RCOut_msg = RCOut() self.RCOut_msg.header.stamp = self.RCOut_msg.header.frame_id = "0" self.RCOut_msg.channels = [ K_output, K_output, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] self.mavros_vel_pub.publish(self.RCOut_msg)