class RabbitTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.server = RabbitClient(TEST_VHOST_URL) self.server.declare() self.clients = {} def tearDown(self): self.server.disconnect() for user_clients in self.clients.values(): for client in user_clients: client.disconnect() def getClient(self, username, reuse=True): self.clients.setdefault(username, []) if not self.clients[username] or not reuse: self.clients[username].append(RabbitClient(TEST_VHOST_URL, user=username)) if reuse: return self.clients[username][0] else: return self.clients[username][-1]
class UlearnhubSyncaclFunctionalTests(UlearnHUBBaseTestCase): def setUp(self): conf_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) = loadapp('config:tests.ini', relative_to=conf_dir) self.testapp = UlearnhubTestApp(self) self.rabbit = RabbitClient(TEST_VHOST_URL) self.rabbit.declare() httpretty.enable() http_mock_info() http_mock_checktoken() create_defaults(, BASE_DOMAIN, quiet=True) self.initialize_test_deployment() self.initialize_test_domain() self.patches = [] self.clients = {} def tearDown(self): # Make sure httpretty is disabled httpretty.disable() httpretty.reset() for testpatch in self.patches: testpatch.stop() self.rabbit.get_all('syncacl') self.rabbit.disconnect() for user_clients in self.clients.values(): for client in user_clients: client.disconnect() def assertMessagesInQueue(self, queue, retries=0, expected=None): messages = self.rabbit.get_all(queue) expected_message_count = expected if expected is not None else len( messages) for retry in xrange(retries): if len(messages) < expected_message_count: messages += self.rabbit.get_all(queue) else: break time.sleep(1) if len(messages) < expected_message_count: raise AssertionError( 'Missing messages on queue, expected {}, received {}, retryied {}' .format(expected_message_count, len(messages), retries)) return {item[0]['u']['u']: item[0] for item in messages} def test_domain_syncacl_bad_subscription_permissions(self): """ Given I'm a user without enough subscription permissions on max When I try to execute the service I get a Forbidden exception """ from .mockers.syncacl import batch_subscribe_request from .mockers.syncacl import context as context from .mockers.syncacl import initial_subscriptions as subscriptions aclless_context = context.copy() aclless_context['acls'] = [] http_mock_get_context(aclless_context) http_mock_get_context_subscriptions(subscriptions)'/api/domains/test/services/syncacl'.format(), json.dumps(batch_subscribe_request), headers=oauth2Header(test_user), status=403) def test_domain_syncacl_bad_context_permissions(self): """ Given I'm a user without enough context permissions on max When I try to execute the service I get a Forbidden exception """ from .mockers.syncacl import batch_subscribe_request from .mockers.syncacl import context as context from .mockers.syncacl import initial_subscriptions as subscriptions http_mock_get_context(context, status=403) http_mock_get_context_subscriptions(subscriptions)'/api/domains/test/services/syncacl'.format(), json.dumps(batch_subscribe_request), headers=oauth2Header(test_user), status=403) def test_domain_syncacl_initial_subscriptions(self): """ Given a newly created context When a bunch of users and groups acls are synced Then a set of actions is generated to generate needed subscriptions grants and revokes for new subscriptors """ from .mockers.syncacl import batch_subscribe_request from .mockers.syncacl import context as context from .mockers.syncacl import initial_subscriptions as subscriptions from .mockers.syncacl import ldap_test_group, ldap_test_group2, ldap_test_group3 http_mock_get_context(context) http_mock_get_context_subscriptions(subscriptions) self.add_patch(ldap_patch_connect()) self.add_patch(ldap_patch_disconnect()) self.add_patch( ldap_patch_group_search({ 'TestGroup': ldap_test_group, 'TestGroup2': ldap_test_group2, 'TestGroup3': ldap_test_group3 }))'/api/domains/test/services/syncacl'.format(), json.dumps(batch_subscribe_request), headers=oauth2Header(test_user), status=200) # Index by username to be able to make asserts # This is mandatory, as we cannot assume the order of the queue messages = self.assertMessagesInQueue('syncacl', retries=3, expected=9) # Test group users new subscription without grants self.assertItemsEqual(messages['groupuser1']['d']['tasks'], ['subscribe']) self.assertIn('context', messages['groupuser1']['d']) self.assertItemsEqual(messages['groupuser2']['d']['tasks'], ['subscribe']) self.assertIn('context', messages['groupuser2']['d']) # Test group users new subscription with single grant self.assertItemsEqual(messages['groupuser3']['d']['tasks'], ['subscribe', 'grant']) self.assertItemsEqual(messages['groupuser3']['d']['tasks']['grant'], ['write']) self.assertIn('context', messages['groupuser3']['d']) self.assertItemsEqual(messages['groupuser4']['d']['tasks'], ['subscribe', 'grant']) self.assertItemsEqual(messages['groupuser4']['d']['tasks']['grant'], ['write']) self.assertIn('context', messages['groupuser4']['d']) # Test group users new subscription with single revoke self.assertItemsEqual(messages['groupuser5']['d']['tasks'], ['subscribe', 'revoke']) self.assertItemsEqual(messages['groupuser5']['d']['tasks']['revoke'], ['unsubscribe']) self.assertIn('context', messages['groupuser5']['d']) self.assertItemsEqual(messages['groupuser6']['d']['tasks'], ['subscribe', 'revoke']) self.assertItemsEqual(messages['groupuser6']['d']['tasks']['revoke'], ['unsubscribe']) self.assertIn('context', messages['groupuser6']['d']) # Test single user new subscription with single grant self.assertItemsEqual(messages['testuser1']['d']['tasks'], ['subscribe', 'grant']) self.assertItemsEqual(messages['testuser1']['d']['tasks']['grant'], ['write']) self.assertIn('context', messages['testuser1']['d']) # Test single user new subscription with multiple grant self.assertItemsEqual(messages['testowner']['d']['tasks'], ['subscribe', 'grant']) self.assertItemsEqual(messages['testowner']['d']['tasks']['grant'], ['write', 'flag']) self.assertIn('context', messages['testowner']['d']) # Test cretor grant self.assertItemsEqual(messages['testuser.creator']['d']['tasks'], ['grant']) self.assertItemsEqual( messages['testuser.creator']['d']['tasks']['grant'], ['flag']) self.assertIn('context', messages['testuser1']['d']) def test_domain_syncacl_change_acls(self): """ Given a existing context with subcriptions When a bunch of users and groups acls are synced Then a set of actions is generated to update thouse users subscriptions And the users that have been removed from acl are unsubscribed """ from .mockers.syncacl import batch_subscribe_request2 from .mockers.syncacl import context as context from .mockers.syncacl import existing_subscriptions as subscriptions from .mockers.syncacl import ldap_test_group, ldap_test_group2, ldap_test_group3 http_mock_get_context(context) http_mock_get_context_subscriptions(subscriptions) self.add_patch(ldap_patch_connect()) self.add_patch(ldap_patch_disconnect()) self.add_patch( ldap_patch_group_search({ 'TestGroup': ldap_test_group, 'TestGroup2': ldap_test_group2, 'TestGroup3': ldap_test_group3 }))'/api/domains/test/services/syncacl'.format(), json.dumps(batch_subscribe_request2), headers=oauth2Header(test_user), status=200) # Index by username to be able to make asserts # This is mandatory, as we cannot assume the order of the queue messages = self.assertMessagesInQueue('syncacl', retries=3, expected=6) # Testuser1 remains untouched self.assertNotIn('testuser1', messages) # Users from gropu 2 remains untouched self.assertNotIn('groupuser3', messages) self.assertNotIn('groupuser4', messages) # Test subscribed group users revoke permission self.assertItemsEqual(messages['groupuser1']['d']['tasks'], ['revoke']) self.assertItemsEqual(messages['groupuser1']['d']['tasks']['revoke'], ['write']) self.assertIn('context', messages['groupuser1']['d']) self.assertItemsEqual(messages['groupuser2']['d']['tasks'], ['revoke']) self.assertItemsEqual(messages['groupuser2']['d']['tasks']['revoke'], ['write']) self.assertIn('context', messages['groupuser2']['d']) # Test subscribed group users unsubscribe self.assertItemsEqual(messages['groupuser5']['d']['tasks'], ['unsubscribe']) self.assertIn('context', messages['groupuser5']['d']) self.assertItemsEqual(messages['groupuser6']['d']['tasks'], ['unsubscribe']) self.assertIn('context', messages['groupuser6']['d']) # Test subscribed single user unsubscribe self.assertItemsEqual(messages['testowner']['d']['tasks'], ['unsubscribe']) self.assertIn('context', messages['testowner']['d']) # Test subscribed user revoke permission self.assertItemsEqual(messages['testuser.creator']['d']['tasks'], ['revoke']) self.assertItemsEqual( messages['testuser.creator']['d']['tasks']['revoke'], ['flag']) self.assertIn('context', messages['testuser.creator']['d']) def test_domain_syncacl_user_overwrites_group_permissions(self): """ Given a existing context with subcriptions When a bunch of users and groups acls are synced And a user from a group acl is also in users acl And both group and user has the same role Then the same and only action is generated """ from .mockers.syncacl import batch_subscribe_request3 from .mockers.syncacl import context as context from .mockers.syncacl import initial_subscriptions as subscriptions from .mockers.syncacl import ldap_test_group4 http_mock_get_context(context) http_mock_get_context_subscriptions(subscriptions) self.add_patch(ldap_patch_connect()) self.add_patch(ldap_patch_disconnect()) self.add_patch( ldap_patch_group_search({'TestGroup4': ldap_test_group4}))'/api/domains/test/services/syncacl'.format(), json.dumps(batch_subscribe_request3), headers=oauth2Header(test_user), status=200) # Index by username to be able to make asserts # This is mandatory, as we cannot assume the order of the queue messages = self.assertMessagesInQueue('syncacl', retries=3, expected=2) self.assertItemsEqual(messages['groupuser1']['d']['tasks'], ['grant', 'subscribe']) self.assertItemsEqual(messages['groupuser1']['d']['tasks']['grant'], ['write', 'flag']) self.assertIn('context', messages['groupuser1']['d']) # Test subscribed user revoke permission self.assertItemsEqual(messages['testuser.creator']['d']['tasks'], ['grant']) self.assertItemsEqual( messages['testuser.creator']['d']['tasks']['grant'], ['flag']) self.assertIn('context', messages['testuser.creator']['d']) def test_domain_syncacl_user_overwrites_user_permissions(self): """ Given a existing context with subcriptions When a bunch of users and groups acls are synced And a user from a group acl is also in users acl And both group and user has the same role Then the action with more permissions is preserved """ from .mockers.syncacl import batch_subscribe_request4 from .mockers.syncacl import context as context from .mockers.syncacl import initial_subscriptions as subscriptions http_mock_get_context(context) http_mock_get_context_subscriptions(subscriptions)'/api/domains/test/services/syncacl'.format(), json.dumps(batch_subscribe_request4), headers=oauth2Header(test_user), status=200) # Index by username to be able to make asserts # This is mandatory, as we cannot assume the order of the queue messages = self.assertMessagesInQueue('syncacl', retries=3, expected=1) # Test subscribed user revoke permission, preserves most important role self.assertItemsEqual(messages['testuser.creator']['d']['tasks'], ['grant']) self.assertItemsEqual( messages['testuser.creator']['d']['tasks']['grant'], ['flag']) self.assertIn('context', messages['testuser.creator']['d'])
class UlearnhubSyncLDAPGroupFunctionalTests(UlearnHUBBaseTestCase): def setUp(self): conf_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) = loadapp('config:tests.ini', relative_to=conf_dir) self.testapp = UlearnhubTestApp(self) self.rabbit = RabbitClient(TEST_VHOST_URL) self.rabbit.declare() httpretty.enable() http_mock_info() http_mock_checktoken() create_defaults(, BASE_DOMAIN, quiet=True) self.initialize_test_deployment() self.initialize_test_domain() self.patches = [] self.clients = {} def tearDown(self): # Make sure httpretty is disabled httpretty.disable() httpretty.reset() for testpatch in self.patches: testpatch.stop() self.rabbit.get_all('syncacl') self.rabbit.disconnect() for user_clients in self.clients.values(): for client in user_clients: client.disconnect() def assertMessagesInQueue(self, queue, retries=0, expected=None): messages = self.rabbit.get_all(queue) expected_message_count = expected if expected is not None else len( messages) for retry in xrange(retries): if len(messages) < expected_message_count: messages += self.rabbit.get_all(queue) else: break time.sleep(1) if len(messages) < expected_message_count: raise AssertionError( 'Missing messages on queue, expected {}, received {}, retryied {}' .format(expected_message_count, len(messages), retries)) return {item[0]['u']['u']: item[0] for item in messages} def test_syncldapgroup(self): """ """ from .mockers.syncgroup import update_group_request from .mockers.syncacl import context from .mockers.syncacl import initial_subscriptions as subscriptions from .mockers.syncacl import ldap_test_group4 http_mock_group_communities([{ 'url': context['url'], 'groups': [], 'users': ['testuser1.creator'] }]) http_mock_get_context(context) http_mock_get_context_subscriptions(subscriptions) self.add_patch(ldap_patch_connect()) self.add_patch(ldap_patch_disconnect()) self.add_patch(ldap_patch_group_search({ 'group4': ldap_test_group4, })) '/api/deployments/{deployment}/components/{component}/services/{service}' .format(deployment='test', component='testldap', service='syncldapgroup'), json.dumps(update_group_request), headers=oauth2Header(test_user), status=200) # Index by username to be able to make asserts # This is mandatory, as we cannot assume the order of the queue messages = self.assertMessagesInQueue('syncacl', retries=3, expected=1) # Test subscribed user revoke permission, preserves most important role self.assertItemsEqual(messages['groupuser1']['d']['tasks'], ['subscribe']) self.assertIn('context', messages['groupuser1']['d'])
class InitAndPurgeRabbitServer(object): # pragma: no cover def log(self, message): if self.verbose: print message def __init__(self, options, quiet=False): self.quiet = quiet self.options = options self.exchanges_by_name = {} self.queues_by_name = {} self.common = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() self.instances = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() self.workers = self.options.workers self.verbose = self.options.verbose self.lograte = self.options.lograte try: self.cluster = asbool(self.common.get('mongodb', 'cluster')) self.standaloneserver = self.common.get('mongodb', 'url') self.clustermembers = self.common.get('mongodb', 'hosts') self.replicaset = self.common.get('mongodb', 'replica_set') self.mongo_auth = asbool(self.common.get('mongodb', 'auth')) self.mongo_authdb = self.common.get('mongodb', 'authdb') self.mongo_username = self.common.get('mongodb', 'username') self.mongo_password = self.common.get('mongodb', 'password') self.rabbitmq_url = self.common.get('rabbitmq', 'server') self.rabbitmq_manage_url = self.common.get('rabbitmq', 'manage') self.maxserver_names = [maxserver for maxserver in self.instances.sections()] except: print('You must provide a valid configuration .ini file.') sys.exit() def add_users(self, server, users, task=''): """ Add users exchanges and internal binding """ for count, user in enumerate(users): if server.user_publish_exchange(user['username']) in self.exchanges_by_name and \ server.user_subscribe_exchange(user['username']) in self.exchanges_by_name: server.create_user(user['username'], create_exchanges=False) self.log('Created internal bindings for {}'.format(user['username'])) else: self.log('Created exchanges and bindings for {}'.format(user['username'])) server.create_user(user['username']) if count % self.lograte == 0: print '{}Progress: {} / {}'.format(task, count, len(users)) print '{}Done!'.format(task) def add_conversation_bindings(self, server, conversations, task=''): """ Create bindings between "pub" and "sub" exchanges of users in existing conversations """ expected_bindings = [] for count, conversation in enumerate(conversations): cid, members = conversation for member in members: pub_binding_key = '{}_{}.*_conversations'.format(server.user_publish_exchange(member), cid) sub_binding_key = 'conversations_{}.*_{}'.format(cid, server.user_subscribe_exchange(member)) expected_bindings.append(pub_binding_key) expected_bindings.append(sub_binding_key) if pub_binding_key in self.conversation_bindings and \ sub_binding_key in self.conversation_bindings: pass else: self.log('Create pub/sub bindings for user {} on conversation {}'.format(member, cid)) server.conversations.bind_user(cid, member) if count % self.lograte == 0: print '{}Progress: {} / {}'.format(task, count, len(conversations)) self.global_valid_bindings += expected_bindings default_bindings = set(['conversations_*.messages_messages', 'conversations_*.notifications_push']) non_expected = (set(self.conversation_bindings) - set(self.global_valid_bindings)) - default_bindings for binding in non_expected: source, routing_key, destination = binding.split('_'), destination, routing_key) print "Removing unknown binding: {}".format(binding) print '{}Done!'.format(task) def add_context_bindings(self, server, contexts, task=''): """ Create bindings between "sub" exchange of users on contexts with notifications enabled and the "activity" exchange """ expected_bindings = [] for count, context in enumerate(contexts): cid, members = context for member in members: sub_binding_key = 'activity_{}_{}'.format(cid, server.user_subscribe_exchange(member)) expected_bindings.append(sub_binding_key) if sub_binding_key in self.context_bindings: pass else: self.log('Create pub/sub bindings for user {} on context {}'.format(member, cid)) server.activity.bind_user(cid, member) if count % self.lograte == 0: print '{}Progress: {} / {}'.format(task, count, len(contexts)) default_bindings = set(['activity_#_push']) self.global_valid_bindings += expected_bindings non_expected = (set(self.context_bindings) - set(self.global_valid_bindings)) - default_bindings for binding in non_expected: source, routing_key, destination = binding.split('_'), destination, routing_key) print "Removing unknown binding: {}".format(binding) print '{}Done!'.format(task) def do_batch(self, method, items): batch = [] tasks = self.workers if len(items) > self.workers else 1 if tasks > 1: users_per_task = len(items) / tasks for task_index in range(tasks + 1): start = task_index * users_per_task end = (task_index + 1) * users_per_task if start < len(items): batch.append(items[start:end]) start = time.time() if tasks == 1: method(self.server, items) else: threads = [gevent.spawn(method, RabbitClient(self.rabbitmq_url), batch_items, 'Task #{} '.format(taskid)) for taskid, batch_items in enumerate(batch)] gevent.joinall(threads) end = time.time() total_seconds = end - start print print ' | Total items: {}'.format(len(items)) print ' | Total seconds: {:.2f}'.format(total_seconds) print ' | Items/second: {:.2f}'.format(len(items) / total_seconds) print def run(self): # Create client without declaring anything self.server = RabbitClient(self.rabbitmq_url) # Clear all non-native exchanges and queues print '> Cleaning up rabbitmq' # Create all exchanges and queues defined in spec print '> Creating default exchanges, queues and bindings' self.server.declare() # Keep track of all bindings created on any maxserver batch during this # script execution, in order to avoid deleting valid bindings self.global_valid_bindings = [] # Refresh print '> Loading current exchanges and queues' self.exchanges_by_name = print ' Found {} exchanges'.format(len( print ' Found {} queues'.format(len( print '> Loading current conversation bindings' bindings ='conversations') self.conversation_bindings = ['{source}_{routing_key}_{destination}'.format(**binding) for binding in bindings] print ' Found {} conversation bindings'.format(len(self.conversation_bindings)) print '> Loading current context bindings' bindings = self.context_bindings ='activity') self.context_bindings = ['{source}_{routing_key}_{destination}'.format(**binding) for binding in bindings] print ' Found {} context bindings'.format(len(self.context_bindings)) # Mongodb connection initialization cluster_enabled = self.cluster auth_enabled = self.mongo_auth mongodb_uri = self.clustermembers if cluster_enabled else self.standaloneserver conn = mongodb.get_connection( mongodb_uri, use_greenlets=True, cluster=self.replicaset if cluster_enabled else None) for maxname in self.maxserver_names: dbname = 'max_{}'.format(maxname) if dbname not in conn.database_names(): print ('Skipping "{}" max instance, no database found, maybe is an alias?'.format(maxname)) continue print('') print('============================================================================') print(' Processing "{}" max instance'.format(maxname)) print('============================================================================') print('') db = mongodb.get_database( conn, dbname, username=self.mongo_username if auth_enabled else None, password=self.mongo_password if auth_enabled else None, authdb=self.mongo_authdb if auth_enabled else None) print "> Getting users list from database" # Get all users to create their rabbit exchange and bindings query = {} if not self.options.usernamefilter else {'username': self.options.usernamefilter} all_users = db.users.find(query, {'_id': 0, 'username': 1, 'talkingIn': 1, 'subscribedTo': 1}) contexts_with_notifications = db.contexts.find({'notifications': {'$nin': [False], '$exists': 1}}, {'hash': 1}) contexts_with_notifications_hashs = [a['hash'] for a in contexts_with_notifications] # unpack lazy results all_users = [a for a in all_users] print '> Got {} users'.format(len(all_users)) print # Extract the list of conversations and context subscriptions from all users conversations = {} contexts = {} for user in all_users: for conversation in user.get('talkingIn', []): conv = conversations.setdefault(conversation['id'], []) conv.append(user['username']) for context in user.get('subscribedTo', []): if context['hash'] in contexts_with_notifications_hashs: ctxt = contexts.setdefault(context['hash'], []) ctxt.append(user['username']) print '> Starting Batch: Create user exchanges and bindings' self.do_batch(self.add_users, all_users) print '> Starting Batch: Create conversation bindings' self.do_batch(self.add_conversation_bindings, conversations.items()) print '> Starting Batch: Create context bindings' self.do_batch(self.add_context_bindings, contexts.items()) self.server.disconnect()
class FunctionalTests(unittest.TestCase, MaxTestBase): def setUp(self): conf_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) = loadapp('config:rabbitmq.ini', relative_to=conf_dir) self.reset_database( self.patched_post = patch('', new=partial(mock_post, self)) self.patched_post.start() self.testapp = MaxTestApp(self) self.create_user(test_manager) # Rabbitmq test client initialization rabbitmq_url =['max.rabbitmq'] self.server = RabbitClient(rabbitmq_url) self.server.declare() def tearDown(self): import pyramid.testing pyramid.testing.tearDown() self.server.disconnect() def run_test(self, test_module_name, test_name): """ Runs a test method from another module in a dirty (but awesome) way """ method_dotted_name = '{}.FunctionalTests.{}'.format(test_module_name, test_name) test_method = import_object('max.tests', method_dotted_name) # Create a new function sharing code, name and current globals # plus other imports needed by other modules current_globals = globals() current_globals.update({ 'json': get_module('json'), 'oauth2Header': import_object('max.tests', 'base.oauth2Header'), 'test_manager': import_object('max.tests', 'test_manager') }) wrapped_test_method = new.function(test_method.func_code, current_globals, test_method.func_name) # execute the new method and return result (if any) return wrapped_test_method(self) # All tests within this module executes code from tests on other modules # As this module has rabbitmq activated in the ini, each test should produce # rabbitmq associated actions, coded with each tested codebase, so we just # execute the code, and check for the existence of the desired structures. # # NOTE that we may expect return values from the test, to know which values # the test produced. Please modify used tests to return those values if needed. @skipRabbitTest() def test_create_user_bindings(self): username = self.run_test('test_people', 'test_create_user') self.assertIn('{}.publish'.format(username), self.assertIn('{}.subscribe'.format(username), @skipRabbitTest() def test_create_user_without_bindings(self): username = '******' self.create_user(username, qs_params={"notifications": False}) self.assertNotIn('{}.publish'.format(username), self.assertNotIn('{}.subscribe'.format(username), @skipRabbitTest() def test_create_existing_user_dont_create_bindings(self): """ Given a created user without rabbitmq exchanges When i try to create the user again The exchanges won't be created """ username = '******' self.create_user(username, qs_params={"notifications": False}) self.create_user(username, expect=200) self.assertNotIn('{}.publish'.format(username), self.assertNotIn('{}.subscribe'.format(username), @skipRabbitTest() def test_create_existing_user_create_bindings(self): """ Given a created user without rabbitmq exchanges When i try to create the user again And i explicitly request to create exchanges for notifications The exchanges will be created """ username = '******' self.create_user(username, qs_params={"notifications": False}) self.create_user(username, qs_params={"notifications": True}, expect=200) self.assertIn('{}.publish'.format(username), self.assertIn('{}.subscribe'.format(username), @skipRabbitTest() def test_self_create_existing_user_dont_create_bindings(self): """ Given a created user without rabbitmq exchanges When i try to create the user again The exchanges won't be created """ username = '******' self.create_user(username, qs_params={"notifications": False}, creator=username) self.create_user(username, expect=200, creator=username) self.assertNotIn('{}.publish'.format(username), self.assertNotIn('{}.subscribe'.format(username), @skipRabbitTest() def test_self_create_existing_user_create_bindings(self): """ Given a created user without rabbitmq exchanges When i try to create the user again And i explicitly request to create exchanges for notifications The exchanges will be created """ username = '******' self.create_user(username, qs_params={"notifications": False}, creator=username) self.create_user(username, qs_params={"notifications": True}, expect=200, creator=username) self.assertIn('{}.publish'.format(username), self.assertIn('{}.subscribe'.format(username), @skipRabbitTest() def test_create_conversation_bindings(self): cid, creator = self.run_test('test_conversations', 'test_post_message_to_conversation_check_conversation') # Find defined bindings for this conversation bindings ='conversations') bindings = [bind for bind in bindings if ".*".format(cid) in bind['routing_key']] self.assertEqual(len(bindings), 4) @skipRabbitTest() def test_create_conversation_check_notification(self): cid, creator = self.run_test('test_conversations', 'test_post_message_to_conversation_check_conversation') sleep(0.1) messages_to_push_queue = self.server.get_all('push') self.assertEqual(len(messages_to_push_queue), 1) carrot_message, haigha_message = messages_to_push_queue[0] self.assertEqual(haigha_message.delivery_info['routing_key'], '{}.notifications'.format(cid)) self.assertEqual(carrot_message['a'], 'a') self.assertEqual(carrot_message['o'], 'c') self.assertEqual(carrot_message['u']['u'], creator) self.assertEqual(carrot_message['u']['d'], creator) @skipRabbitTest() def test_delete_conversation_bindings(self): cid = self.run_test('test_conversations', 'test_conversation_owner_deletes_conversation') # Find defined bindings for this conversation bindings ='conversations') bindings = [bind for bind in bindings if ".*".format(cid) in bind['routing_key']] self.assertEqual(len(bindings), 0) @skipRabbitTest() def test_remove_user_from_conversation_bindings(self): cid, userin, userout = self.run_test('test_conversations', 'test_user_leaves_two_people_conversation') # Find defined bindings for this conversation bindings ='conversations') bindings = [bind for bind in bindings if ".*".format(cid) in bind['routing_key']] # Search for the bindings of the user still on the conversation userin_bindings = [ bind for bind in bindings if "{}.publish".format(userin) == bind['source'] or "{}.subscribe".format(userin) == bind['destination'] ] # search for the bindings of the user that left the conversation userout_bindings = [ bind for bind in bindings if "{}.publish".format(userout) == bind['source'] or "{}.subscribe".format(userout) == bind['destination'] ] self.assertEqual(len(bindings), 2) self.assertEqual(len(userin_bindings), 2) self.assertEqual(len(userout_bindings), 0) @skipRabbitTest() def test_add_new_user_to_conversation_bindings(self): cid, newuser = self.run_test('test_conversations', 'test_add_participant_to_conversation') # Find defined bindings for this conversation bindings ='conversations') bindings = [bind for bind in bindings if ".*".format(cid) in bind['routing_key']] # Search for the bindings of the user still on the conversation newuser_bindings = [ bind for bind in bindings if "{}.publish".format(newuser) == bind['source'] or "{}.subscribe".format(newuser) == bind['destination'] ] self.assertEqual(len(bindings), 8) self.assertEqual(len(newuser_bindings), 2) @skipRabbitTest() def test_delete_context_bindings(self): context_hash = self.run_test('test_contexts_notifications', 'test_delete_context_with_notifications_removes_subscriptions') # Find defined bindings for this context bindings ='activity') bindings = [bind for bind in bindings if ".*".format(context_hash) in bind['routing_key']] self.assertEqual(len(bindings), 0) @skipRabbitTest() def test_add_user_subscription_bindings(self): context_hash, subscribed_user = self.run_test('test_contexts_notifications', 'test_subscribe_user_to_context_with_notifications') # Find defined bindings for this context bindings ='activity') bindings = [bind for bind in bindings if context_hash in bind['routing_key']] # Search for the bindings of the user still on the conversation subscribed_bindings = [ bind for bind in bindings if "{}.subscribe".format(subscribed_user) == bind['destination'] ] self.assertEqual(len(bindings), 1) self.assertEqual(len(subscribed_bindings), 1) @skipRabbitTest() def test_remove_user_subscription_bindings(self): context_hash, unsubscribed_user = self.run_test('test_contexts_notifications', 'test_unsubscribe_user_from_context_with_notifications') # Find defined bindings for this context bindings ='activity') bindings = [bind for bind in bindings if context_hash in bind['routing_key']] # Search for the bindings of the user still on the conversation unsubscribed_bindings = [ bind for bind in bindings if "{}.subscribe".format(unsubscribed_user) == bind['destination'] ] self.assertEqual(len(bindings), 0) self.assertEqual(len(unsubscribed_bindings), 0) @skipRabbitTest() def test_post_message_check_notification(self): cid, creator, activity = self.run_test('test_contexts_notifications', 'test_post_activity_on_context_with_notifications') sleep(0.1) messages_to_push_queue = self.server.get_all('push') carrot_message, haigha_message = messages_to_push_queue[0] self.assertEqual(len(messages_to_push_queue), 1) self.assertEqual(haigha_message.delivery_info['routing_key'], '{}'.format(cid)) self.assertEqual(carrot_message['a'], 'a') self.assertEqual(carrot_message['o'], 'a') self.assertEqual(carrot_message['u']['u'], creator) self.assertEqual(carrot_message['u']['d'], creator) self.assertEqual(carrot_message['d']['text'].encode('utf-8'), activity['object']['content']) @skipRabbitTest() def test_post_message_check_no_notification(self): cid, creator, activity = self.run_test('test_contexts', 'test_post_activity_with_private_read_write_context') messages_to_push_queue = self.server.get_all('push') self.assertEqual(len(messages_to_push_queue), 0) @skipRabbitTest() def test_post_comment_check_notification(self): cid, creator, activity, comment = self.run_test('test_contexts_notifications', 'test_post_comment_with_comments_notification') sleep(0.1) messages_to_push_queue = self.server.get_all('push') self.assertEqual(len(messages_to_push_queue), 2) carrot_message, haigha_message = messages_to_push_queue[0] self.assertEqual(haigha_message.delivery_info['routing_key'], '{}'.format(cid)) self.assertEqual(carrot_message['a'], 'a') self.assertEqual(carrot_message['o'], 'a') self.assertEqual(carrot_message['u']['u'], creator) self.assertEqual(carrot_message['u']['d'], creator) self.assertEqual(carrot_message['d']['text'], activity['object']['content']) carrot_message, haigha_message = messages_to_push_queue[1] self.assertEqual(haigha_message.delivery_info['routing_key'], '{}'.format(cid)) self.assertEqual(carrot_message['a'], 'a') self.assertEqual(carrot_message['o'], 't') self.assertEqual(carrot_message['u']['u'], creator) self.assertEqual(carrot_message['u']['d'], creator) self.assertEqual(carrot_message['d']['text'], comment['object']['content'])
class ConsumerTests(MaxBunnyTestCase): def setUp(self): # Resets the global that holds the mocked stmp sent messages import maxbunny.tests maxbunny.tests.sent = [] self.log_patch = patch('maxbunny.consumer.BunnyConsumer.configure_logger', new=get_storing_logger) self.log_patch.start() self.smtp_patch = patch('smtplib.SMTP', new=MockSMTP) self.smtp_patch.start() self.server = RabbitClient(TEST_VHOST_URL) self.server.declare() queue='tests', durable=True, auto_delete=False ) self.process = None def tearDown(self): self.log_patch.stop() self.smtp_patch.stop() self.server.get_all('tests') self.server.disconnect() try: self.process.terminate() except: pass # pragma: no cover def test_consumer_drop_no_uuid(self): """ Given a invalid non-json message When the consumer loop processes the message And the message triggers a Cancel exception Then the message is dropped And a warning is logged And the channel remains Open """ runner = MockRunner('tests', 'maxbunny.ini', 'instances.ini') consumer = TestConsumer(runner, BunnyMessageCancel('Testing message drop')) self.process = ConsumerThread(consumer) self.server.send('', '', routing_key='tests') self.process.start() sleep(0.3) # give a minum time to mail to be sent from maxbunny.tests import sent # MUST import sent here to get current sent mails, self.assertEqual(len(sent), 1) self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.infos), 1) self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.warnings), 1) self.assertTrue(self.process.isAlive()) self.assertEqual(consumer.logger.warnings[0], 'Message dropped (NO_UUID), reason: Testing message drop') sleep(0.2) # Leave a minimum time to rabbitmq to release messages queued = self.server.get_all('tests') self.assertEqual(len(queued), 0) def test_consumer_drops_on_requeue_exception_without_uuid(self): """ Given a message without UUID field When the consumer loop processes the message And the message triggers a Requeue exception Then the message is requeued And a warning is logged And the channel remains Open And a mail notification is sent """ runner = MockRunner('tests', 'maxbunny.ini', 'instances.ini') consumer = TestConsumer(runner, BunnyMessageRequeue('Test requeueing')) self.process = ConsumerThread(consumer) self.server.send('', '{}', routing_key='tests') self.process.start() sleep(0.3) # give a minum time to mail to be sent from maxbunny.tests import sent # MUST import sent here to get current sent mails, self.assertEqual(len(sent), 1) self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.infos), 1) self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.warnings), 1) self.assertTrue(self.process.isAlive()) self.assertEqual(consumer.logger.warnings[0], 'Message dropped (NO_UUID), reason: Test requeueing') sleep(0.2) # Leave a minimum time to rabbitmq to release messages queued = self.server.get_all('tests') self.assertEqual(len(queued), 0) def test_consumer_drop_with_uuid(self): """ Given a message with UUID field When the consumer loop processes the message And the message triggers a Cancel exception Then the message is dropped And a warning is logged And the channel remains Open And no mail notification is sent """ runner = MockRunner('tests', 'maxbunny.ini', 'instances.ini') consumer = TestConsumer(runner, BunnyMessageCancel('Testing message drop', notify=False)) self.process = ConsumerThread(consumer) self.server.send('', '{"g": "0123456789"}', routing_key='tests') self.process.start() sleep(0.3) # give a minum time to mail to be sent from maxbunny.tests import sent # MUST import sent here to get current sent mails, self.assertEqual(len(sent), 0) self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.infos), 1) self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.warnings), 1) self.assertTrue(self.process.isAlive()) self.assertEqual(consumer.logger.warnings[0], 'Message dropped, reason: Testing message drop') sleep(0.2) # Leave a minimum time to rabbitmq to release messages queued = self.server.get_all('tests') self.assertEqual(len(queued), 0) def test_consumer_drop_with_notification(self): """ Given a message with UUID field When the consumer loop processes the message And the message triggers a Cancel exception Then the message is dropped And a warning is logged And the channel remains Open And a mail notification is sent """ runner = MockRunner('tests', 'maxbunny.ini', 'instances.ini') consumer = TestConsumer(runner, BunnyMessageCancel('Testing message drop', notify=True)) self.process = ConsumerThread(consumer) self.server.send('', '{"g": "0123456789"}', routing_key='tests') self.process.start() sleep(0.3) # give a minum time to mail to be sent from maxbunny.tests import sent # MUST import sent here to get current sent mails, self.assertEqual(len(sent), 1) self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.infos), 1) self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.warnings), 1) self.assertTrue(self.process.isAlive()) self.assertEqual(consumer.logger.warnings[0], 'Message dropped, reason: Testing message drop') sleep(0.2) # Leave a minimum time to rabbitmq to release messages queued = self.server.get_all('tests') self.assertEqual(len(queued), 0) def test_consumer_drop_no_recipient(self): """ Given a message with UUID field And a missing recipients smtp setting When the consumer loop processes the message And the message triggers a Cancel exception Then the message is dropped And a warning is logged And the channel remains Open And a mail notification is not sent """ runner = MockRunner('tests', 'maxbunny-norecipients.ini', 'instances.ini') consumer = TestConsumer(runner, BunnyMessageCancel('Testing message drop', notify=True)) self.process = ConsumerThread(consumer) self.server.send('', '{"g": "0123456789"}', routing_key='tests') self.process.start() sleep(0.6) # give a minum time to mail to be sent from maxbunny.tests import sent # MUST import sent here to get current sent mails, self.assertEqual(len(sent), 0) self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.infos), 1) self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.warnings), 1) self.assertTrue(self.process.isAlive()) self.assertEqual(consumer.logger.warnings[0], 'Message dropped, reason: Testing message drop') sleep(0.2) # Leave a minimum time to rabbitmq to release messages queued = self.server.get_all('tests') self.assertEqual(len(queued), 0) def test_consumer_drop_on_max_non_5xx_error(self): """ Given a message with UUID field When the consumer loop processes the message And the message triggers a RequestError with status code different from 5xx Then the message is dropped And a warning is logged And the channel remains Open And a mail notification is sent """ from maxclient.client import RequestError runner = MockRunner('tests', 'maxbunny.ini', 'instances.ini') consumer = TestConsumer(runner, RequestError(401, 'Unauthorized')) self.process = ConsumerThread(consumer) self.server.send('', '{"g": "0123456789"}', routing_key='tests') self.process.start() sleep(0.3) # give a minum time to mail to be sent from maxbunny.tests import sent # MUST import sent here to get current sent mails, self.assertEqual(len(sent), 1) self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.infos), 1) self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.warnings), 1) self.assertTrue(self.process.isAlive()) self.assertEqual(consumer.logger.warnings[0], 'Message dropped, reason: Max server error: Unauthorized') sleep(0.2) # Leave a minimum time to rabbitmq to release messages queued = self.server.get_all('tests') self.assertEqual(len(queued), 0) def test_consumer_drop_on_maxcarrot_exception(self): """ Given a message with UUID field When the consumer loop processes the message And the message triggers a MaxCarrotParsingError Then the message is dropped And a warning is logged And the channel remains Open And a mail notification is sent """ from maxcarrot.message import MaxCarrotParsingError runner = MockRunner('tests', 'maxbunny.ini', 'instances.ini') consumer = TestConsumer(runner, MaxCarrotParsingError()) self.process = ConsumerThread(consumer) self.server.send('', '{"g": "0123456789"}', routing_key='tests') self.process.start() sleep(0.3) # give a minum time to mail to be sent from maxbunny.tests import sent # MUST import sent here to get current sent mails, self.assertEqual(len(sent), 1) self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.infos), 1) self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.warnings), 1) self.assertTrue(self.process.isAlive()) self.assertEqual(consumer.logger.warnings[0], 'Message dropped, reason: MaxCarrot Parsing error') sleep(0.2) # Leave a minimum time to rabbitmq to release messages queued = self.server.get_all('tests') self.assertEqual(len(queued), 0) def test_consumer_requeues_on_max_5xx_error(self): """ Given a message with UUID field When the consumer loop processes the message And the message triggers a RequestError with status code different from 5xx Then the message is requeued And a warning is logged And the channel remains Open And a mail notification is sent """ from maxclient.client import RequestError runner = MockRunner('tests', 'maxbunny.ini', 'instances.ini') consumer = TestConsumer(runner, RequestError(500, 'Internal Server Error')) self.process = ConsumerThread(consumer) self.server.send('', '{"g": "0123456789"}', routing_key='tests') self.process.start() sleep(0.3) # give a minum time to mail to be sent from maxbunny.tests import sent # MUST import sent here to get current sent mails, self.assertEqual(len(sent), 1) self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.infos), 1) self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.warnings), 1) self.assertTrue(self.process.isAlive()) self.assertEqual(consumer.logger.warnings[0], 'Message 0123456789 reueued, reason: Max server error: Internal Server Error') sleep(0.2) # Leave a minimum time to rabbitmq to release messages queued = self.server.get_all('tests') self.assertEqual(len(queued), 1) def test_consumer_requeues_on_requeue_exception(self): """ Given a message with UUID field When the consumer loop processes the message And the message triggers a Requeue exception Then the message is requeued And a warning is logged And the channel remains Open And a mail notification is sent And the id of the queued message is stored """ runner = MockRunner('tests', 'maxbunny.ini', 'instances.ini') consumer = TestConsumer(runner, BunnyMessageRequeue('Test requeueing')) self.process = ConsumerThread(consumer) self.server.send('', '{"g": "0123456789"}', routing_key='tests') self.process.start() sleep(0.3) # give a minum time to mail to be sent from maxbunny.tests import sent # MUST import sent here to get current sent mails, self.assertEqual(len(sent), 1) self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.infos), 1) self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.warnings), 1) self.assertTrue(self.process.isAlive()) self.assertEqual(consumer.logger.warnings[0], 'Message 0123456789 reueued, reason: Test requeueing') sleep(0.2) # Leave a minimum time to rabbitmq to release messages queued = self.server.get_all('tests') self.assertEqual(len(queued), 1) self.assertEqual(len(consumer.requeued), 1) self.assertIn('0123456789', consumer.requeued) def test_consumer_requeues_on_requeue_exception_unqueues_after(self): """ Given a message with UUID field When the consumer loop processes the message And the first time the message triggers a Requeue exception And the second time the message is succesfully processed Then the message is unqueued the second time And a warning is logged And the channel remains Open And a mail notification is sent And the id is removed from queued ones """ runner = MockRunner('tests', 'maxbunny.ini', 'instances.ini') consumer = TestConsumer(runner, BunnyMessageRequeue('Test requeueing'), after=None) self.process = ConsumerThread(consumer) self.server.send('', '{"g": "0123456789"}', routing_key='tests') self.process.start() sleep(0.3) # give a minum time to mail to be sent from maxbunny.tests import sent # MUST import sent here to get current sent mails, self.assertEqual(len(sent), 1) self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.infos), 1) self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.warnings), 1) self.assertTrue(self.process.isAlive()) self.assertEqual(consumer.logger.warnings[0], 'Message 0123456789 reueued, reason: Test requeueing') sleep(0.2) # Leave a minimum time to rabbitmq to release messages queued = self.server.get_all('tests') self.assertEqual(len(queued), 0) self.assertEqual(len(consumer.requeued), 0) def test_consumer_requeues_on_requeue_exception_drops_after(self): """ Given a message with UUID field When the consumer loop processes the message And the first time the message triggers a Requeue exception And the second time the message is triggers a Cancel exception Then the message is unqueued the second time And a warning is logged And the channel remains Open And a mail notification is sent And the id is removed from queued ones """ runner = MockRunner('tests', 'maxbunny.ini', 'instances.ini') consumer = TestConsumer(runner, BunnyMessageRequeue('Test requeueing'), after=BunnyMessageCancel('Testing message drop')) self.process = ConsumerThread(consumer) self.server.send('', '{"g": "0123456789"}', routing_key='tests') self.process.start() sleep(0.3) # give a minum time to mail to be sent from maxbunny.tests import sent # MUST import sent here to get current sent mails, self.assertEqual(len(sent), 2) self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.infos), 1) self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.warnings), 2) self.assertTrue(self.process.isAlive()) self.assertEqual(consumer.logger.warnings[0], 'Message 0123456789 reueued, reason: Test requeueing') self.assertEqual(consumer.logger.warnings[1], 'Message dropped, reason: Testing message drop') sleep(0.2) # Leave a minimum time to rabbitmq to release messages queued = self.server.get_all('tests') self.assertEqual(len(queued), 0) self.assertEqual(len(consumer.requeued), 0) def test_consumer_requeues_on_unknown_exception(self): """ Given a message with UUID field When the consumer loop processes the message And the message triggers an unknown Exception Then the message is requeued And a warning is logged And the channel remains Open And a mail notification is sent """ runner = MockRunner('tests', 'maxbunny.ini', 'instances.ini') consumer = TestConsumer(runner, Exception('Unknown exception')) self.process = ConsumerThread(consumer) self.server.send('', '{"g": "0123456789"}', routing_key='tests') self.process.start() sleep(0.3) # give a minum time to mail to be sent from maxbunny.tests import sent # MUST import sent here to get current sent mails, self.assertEqual(len(sent), 1) self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.infos), 1) self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.warnings), 1) self.assertTrue(self.process.isAlive()) self.assertEqual(consumer.logger.warnings[0], 'Message 0123456789 reueued, reason: Consumer failure: Unknown exception') sleep(0.2) # Leave a minimum time to rabbitmq to release messages queued = self.server.get_all('tests') self.assertEqual(len(queued), 1) def test_consumer_stops_on_force_stop_connection(self): """ Given a running consumer When the rabbitmq connection is closed remotely Then the channel closes And a warning is logged """ runner = MockRunner('tests', 'maxbunny.ini', 'instances.ini') consumer = TestConsumer(runner) self.process = ConsumerThread(consumer) self.process.start() sleep(0.2) # Leave a minimum life time to consumer, 'Closed via ') sleep(1) # Leave a minimum time to consumer to stop self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.infos), 1) self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.errors), 1) self.assertFalse(self.process.isAlive()) self.assertEqual(consumer.logger.errors[0], 'CONNECTION_FORCED - Closed via management plugin') sleep(0.2) # Leave a minimum time to rabbitmq to release messages queued = self.server.get_all('tests') self.assertEqual(len(queued), 0) def test_consumer_success(self): """ Given a message with UUID field When the consumer loop processes the message And the message suceeds Then the message is acks And nothing is logged And the channel remains Open And a no mail notification is sent """ runner = MockRunner('tests', 'maxbunny.ini', 'instances.ini') consumer = TestConsumer(runner) self.process = ConsumerThread(consumer) self.server.send('', '{"g": "0123456789"}', routing_key='tests') self.process.start() sleep(0.3) # give a minum time to mail to be sent from maxbunny.tests import sent # MUST import sent here to get current sent mails, self.assertEqual(len(sent), 0) self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.infos), 1) self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.warnings), 0) self.assertTrue(self.process.isAlive()) sleep(0.2) # Leave a minimum time to rabbitmq to release messages queued = self.server.get_all('tests') self.assertEqual(len(queued), 0)