def CreateTurntable(createCamera = True, *args): cmds.undoInfo(openChunk = True) Index = len( TurntableClass.Turntables ) TurntableClass.Turntables.append( TurntableClass( Index )) if createCamera: TurntableClass.Turntables[Index].CreateCamera() #Create render layer adjustments RenderLayerManagerFile.RenderLayerManagerClass.assignTurntable(TurntableClass.Turntables[Index].Camera) TurntableClass.Turntables[Index].CreateUI() #Hide all the cameras for i in = True): try: cmds.setAttr(i + ".visibility", False) except:pass TurntableClass.UpdateDisplayLayer() cmds.undoInfo(closeChunk = True)
def Create(): cmds.undoInfo(openChunk=True) sel = if not sel: cmds.warning('No nodes selected!') if len(sel) == 1: children = cmds.listRelatives(sel[0], ad=True) if children: if len(children) == 2: sel.append(children[-1]) sel.append(children[0]) __create(sel) else: cmds.warning('Select a 3 chain hierarchy!') else: cmds.warning('No children found on %s!' % sel[0]) elif len(sel) == 3: __create(sel) else: cmds.warning('Select 3 nodes, or first node of a 3 chain hierarchy!') cmds.undoInfo(closeChunk=True)
def renameItems(self,): if not hasattr(self, "renameWidget"): return renameTo = self.renameInput.text() if renameTo: cmds.undoInfo(openChunk=True) count = len(self._getSelItems()) if count > 1: items = self._getSelItems() for x in range(count): curItem = items[x].text().replace(SEP, "|") if "#" in renameTo: cmds.rename(curItem, "{0}".format(renameTo.replace("#", "{0:02d}".format(x)))) else: cmds.rename(curItem, "{0}{1:02d}".format(renameTo, x)) else: name = self.reportTree.currentItem().text().replace(SEP, "|") if "#" in renameTo: cmds.rename(name, renameTo.replace("#", "00")) else: cmds.rename(name, renameTo) cmds.undoInfo(closeChunk=True) else:"Please type a name?!")
def doRelease(self, event ): cmds.move( self.beforePosition[0], self.beforePosition[1], self.beforePosition[2], self.transform, ws=1 ) cmds.undoInfo( swf=1 ) cmds.move( self.currentPosition[0], self.currentPosition[1], self.currentPosition[2], self.transform, ws=1 ) self.beforeJoint = self.transform pass
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): mc.undoInfo(openChunk=True) try: ret = func(*args, **kwargs) finally: mc.undoInfo(closeChunk=True) return ret
def connectCommand(): cmds.undoInfo( ock=1 ) sels = sl=1 ) numItems = self.layout.count() optionWidget = self.layout.itemAt( numItems-2 ).widget() for i in range( 1, numItems-2 ): targetWidget = self.layout.itemAt( i ).widget() srcAttr = targetWidget.lineEdit_srcAttr.text() dstAttr = targetWidget.lineEdit_dstAttr.text() if not srcAttr or not dstAttr: continue try: for sel in sels[1:]: target = sel if optionWidget.checkBox.isChecked(): selParents = cmds.listRelatives( sel, p=1, f=1 ) if selParents: target = selParents[0] cmds.connectAttr( sels[0] + '.' + srcAttr, target + '.' + dstAttr ) except: pass cmds.undoInfo( cck=1 )
def doPress( self, event ): if event.mouseButton() == OpenMayaUI.MEvent.kMiddleMouse: d=1 ) self.beforeJoint = None return None self.transform = None mouseX, mouseY = self.getMouseXY( event ) intersectPoint = Functions.getIntersectPoint( self.dagPath, mouseX, mouseY ) if not intersectPoint: return None if not self.beforeJoint: d=1 ) self.transform = cmds.joint() self.transform ) self.beforePosition = cmds.xform( self.transform, q=1, ws=1, t=1 )[:3] cmds.undoInfo( swf=0 ) cmds.move( intersectPoint.x, intersectPoint.y, intersectPoint.z, self.transform, ws=1 ) self.currentPosition = [intersectPoint.x, intersectPoint.y, intersectPoint.z] if self.beforeJoint: Functions.setOrientByChild( self.beforeJoint ) cmds.setAttr( self.transform + '.r', 0,0,0 ) cmds.refresh()
def run(): #get selected edgeloop edgeLoop = #get verticles in the edge loop vertLoop = cmds.polyListComponentConversion(edgeLoop, fromEdge=True, toVertex=True) #sort individual verticles into a list vertLoop =, flatten=True) #open undo chunk so entire operation is a single action cmds.undoInfo(openChunk = True) #soften the mesh normals mesh = cmds.listRelatives(parent=1) cmds.polySoftEdge(mesh, angle=180) #run on each vertex on the edgeloop for vert in vertLoop: #unlock the normal of the vertex cmds.polyNormalPerVertex(vert, unFreezeNormal=True) #get the normals of the vertex on the loop vertNormals = list(cmds.polyNormalPerVertex(vert, query=True, xyz=True)) #get only the first three vectors vertNormals = vertNormals[:3] # select the neighboring verticles using the declared function below vertNeighbors(vert, vertLoop) #set their normal angle to match the vertex on the loop cmds.polyNormalPerVertex(xyz=vertNormals) #reselect the edge loops #close undo chunk, operation is done cmds.undoInfo(closeChunk = True)
def combineShader( shaderList ): cmds.undoInfo( ock=1 ) targetObjs = [] for shader in shaderList: cmds.hyperShade( objects = shader ) targetObjs += sl=1 ) shadingEngines = cmds.listConnections( shaderList, s=0, d=1, type='shadingEngine' ) if not shadingEngines: return None shadingEngines = list( set( shadingEngines ) ) targetShadingEngine = shadingEngines[0] cmds.sets( targetObjs, e=1, forceElement = targetShadingEngine ) cmds.delete( shadingEngines[1:] ) for shader in shaderList: shadingEngines = cmds.listConnections( shader, s=0, d=1, type='shadingEngine' ) if not shadingEngines: cmds.delete( shader ) elif not targetShadingEngine in shadingEngines: cmds.delete( shader, shadingEngines ) Window_global.nodeInfomation = {} cmds.undoInfo( cck=1 )
def sliderA(prefix): cmds.undoInfo(openChunk=True) #create nodes,n=(prefix+'_grp')),ch=False,n=(prefix+'_cnt')),r=1,ch=False,d=1,s=4,n=(prefix+'_shp')) #setup shp cmds.move(-1,0,0,'[0]' % shp[0],r=True,os=True) cmds.move(-1,0,0,'[4]' % shp[0],r=True,os=True) cmds.move(0,-1,0,'[1]' % shp[0],r=True,os=True) cmds.move(1,0,0,'[2]' % shp[0],r=True,os=True) cmds.move(0,1,0,'[3]' % shp[0],r=True,os=True) cmds.parent(shp,grp) cmds.setAttr('%s.overrideEnabled' % shp[0],1) cmds.setAttr('%s.overrideDisplayType' % shp[0],2) #setup cnt cmds.parent(cnt,shp) cmds.setAttr('%s.overrideEnabled' % cnt[0],1) cmds.transformLimits(cnt,tx=(-1,1),etx=(1,1)) cmds.transformLimits(cnt,ty=(-1,1),ety=(1,1)) setupAttrs(prefix,cnt[0]) return grp cmds.undoInfo(closeChunk=True)
def componentSelectionInOrder(): ''' Returns a list of the selected components in the order they were selected. ''' # Get selection selection = [] selectionAll = lastCommand = mc.undoInfo(q=True,un=True) counter = 0 # Traverse undo list while lastCommand.count('select'): lastCommand = mc.undoInfo(q=True,un=True) if lastCommand.count('select'): selectElem = lastCommand.split(' ') selection.append(selectElem[2]) mc.undo() # Sort selection selection.reverse() realSelection = [] [realSelection.append(i) for i in selection if not realSelection.count(i)] # Return result return realSelection
def latticeRemove(): #undo enable cmds.undoInfo(openChunk=True) #getting nodes sel = if not sel: cmds.warning('No nodes selected!') return lat = sel[-1] objs = sel[0:-1] if cmds.nodeType(cmds.listRelatives(lat, shapes=True)[0]) != 'lattice': cmds.warning('Last selected is NOT a lattice!') return #removing from lattice for obj in objs: try: cmds.lattice(lat, e=True, remove=True, geometry=obj) #disconnecting shapes shapes = cmds.listRelatives(obj, shapes=True) for shp in shapes: source = cmds.listConnections(shp + '.inMesh', source=True) if cmds.nodeType(source) == 'ffd': attr = cmds.listConnections(shp + '.inMesh', plugs=True)[0] cmds.disconnectAttr(attr, shp + '.inMesh') except: pass cmds.undoInfo(closeChunk=True)
def mirror_objs(objs): # Only work on transforms objs = filter( lambda obj: isinstance(obj, pymel.nodetypes.Transform) and not isinstance(obj, pymel.nodetypes.Constraint), objs) # Resolve desired poses without affecting anything tms_by_objs = {} for obj_dst in objs: # Resolve source object obj_src = get_ctrl_friend(obj_dst) if obj_src is None: obj_src = obj_dst # Resolve mirror definition # If we didn't find any friend, we'll use a default mirror definition. data = get_obj_mirror_def(obj_dst) if data is None: continue m = obj_dst.__apimfn__().transformation().asMatrix() m = mirror_matrix(m, *data) tms_by_objs[obj_src] = OpenMaya.MTransformationMatrix(m) # Apply desired poses cmds.undoInfo(openChunk=True) for mfn_transform_src in tms_by_objs.keys(): tm = tms_by_objs[mfn_transform_src] # HACK: Use cmds so undoes are working # mfn_transform_src.set(tm) cmds.xform(mfn_transform_src.__melobject__(), matrix=list_from_MMatrix(tm.asMatrix())) cmds.undoInfo(closeChunk=True)
def exportBake( self, ctls, timeRange ): cmds.undoInfo( swf=0 ) time = ( timeRange[0], timeRange[1] ) sampleValue = timeRange[2] cmds.bakeResults( ctls, simulation=True, t=time, sampleBy=sampleValue, disableImplicitControl=True, preserveOutsideKeys=False, sparseAnimCurveBake=False, removeBakedAttributeFromLayer=False, bakeOnOverrideLayer=False, minimizeRotation=False, controlPoints=False, shape=False ) timeControl = cmds.createNode( 'timeControl', n='timeControl' ) dgtrAnimCurves = 'DGTR_*', type='animCurve' ) for anim in dgtrAnimCurves: cmds.connectAttr( timeControl+'.outTime', anim+'.input' ) for ctl in ctls: animNodeRx = cmds.listConnections( ctl+'.rx', s=1, d=0, type='animCurve' )[0] animNodeRy = cmds.listConnections( ctl+'.ry', s=1, d=0, type='animCurve' )[0] animNodeRz = cmds.listConnections( ctl+'.rz', s=1, d=0, type='animCurve' )[0] animNodeIrx = cmds.listConnections( ctl+'.irx', s=1, d=0, type='animCurve' )[0] animNodeIry = cmds.listConnections( ctl+'.iry', s=1, d=0, type='animCurve' )[0] animNodeIrz = cmds.listConnections( ctl+'.irz', s=1, d=0, type='animCurve' )[0] self.eulerFilter( [animNodeRx, animNodeRy, animNodeRz] ) self.eulerFilter( [animNodeIrx, animNodeIry, animNodeIrz] ) cmds.undoInfo( swf=1 )
def loadData(self, onlySelectedNodes=False, crashFolder=None, *args): cmds.waitCursor(state=True) cmds.refresh(suspend=True) cmds.undoInfo(openChunk=True) utilMod.startProgressBar("aTools Animation Crash Recovery - Loading data...") self.pause = True savedData = self.getSavedData(crashFolder, onlySelectedNodes) if savedData: animData = savedData["animData"]["data"] attrData = savedData["attrData"]["data"] self.applyAttrData(attrData) self.applyAnimData(animData) if not crashFolder: self.loadInfoData() utilMod.setProgressBar(endProgress=True) self.pause = False cmds.undoInfo(closeChunk=True) cmds.refresh(suspend=False) cmds.waitCursor(state=False)
def autoUndoOn(): undoStatus = cmds.undoInfo(q=True, st=True) if not undoStatus: print 'Undo status OFF. Change to ON.' cmds.undoInfo(st=True) else: print 'Undo status ON.'
def doIt(self): cmds.undoInfo( swf=0 ) for tr in self._trs: dgtrName = 'DGTR_'+tr.replace( self._namespace, '' ) if cmds.listConnections( tr, s=0, d=1, type='dgTransform' ): continue dgTransform = cmds.createNode( 'dgTransform', n= dgtrName.replace( self._namespace, self._namespace[:-1]+'_DGTR'+self._namespace[-1] ) ) decomposeMatrix = cmds.createNode( 'decomposeMatrix', n=dgTransform+'_DCMP' ) cmds.connectAttr( tr+'.pm', decomposeMatrix+'.inputMatrix' ) attrList = ['tx','ty','tz','rx','ry','rz','sx','sy','sz'] for attr in attrList: cmds.connectAttr( decomposeMatrix+'.o'+attr, dgTransform+'.i'+attr ) cmds.connectAttr( tr+'.'+attr, dgTransform+'.'+attr ) if cmds.nodeType( tr ) == 'joint': cmds.connectAttr( tr+'.jox', dgTransform+'.jox' ) cmds.connectAttr( tr+'.joy', dgTransform+'.joy' ) cmds.connectAttr( tr+'.joz', dgTransform+'.joz' ) cmds.undoInfo( swf=1 )
def func( *args, **kwargs ): initialState = cmd.undoInfo( q=True, state=True ) cmd.undoInfo( stateWithoutFlush=False ) try: return f( *args, **kwargs ) finally: cmd.undoInfo( stateWithoutFlush=initialState )
def cutSkin(mesh, weightThreshold=0.25, reducePercent=None, parentShape=False): """ Extract a per influence proxy mesh from a skinned mesh based on influence weights. @param mesh: Mesh to extract faces from @type mesh: str @param weightThreshold: Influence to use to extract faces @type weightThreshold: float @param reducePercent: Influence to use to extract faces @type reducePercent: int or None """ # Initialize startTime = cmds.timerX() cmds.undoInfo(state=False) # Get Skin Info skin = glTools.utils.skinCluster.findRelatedSkinCluster(mesh) if not skin: print('Cut Skin: Mesh "" has no skinCluster! Skipping...') return None # Prune Weights glTools.utils.skinCluster.lockSkinClusterWeights(skin, lock=False, lockAttr=False) pruneWts = glTools.utils.mathUtils.distributeValue(10, rangeStart=0.001, rangeEnd=weightThreshold) for wt in pruneWts: try: mel.eval('doPruneSkinClusterWeightsArgList 1 {"' + str(wt) + '"}') except Exception, e: print('Prune weight FAILED (' + mesh + ')! ' + str(e)) break
def offsetCurveDragCmd(self, *args ): if not self._dragStart: selCurves = sl=1 ) self._targetCurves = [] self._keepTargetCurveValues = [] for curve in selCurves: if cmds.attributeQuery( 'centerRate' , node = curve, ex=1 ): self._targetCurves.append( curve ) self._keepTargetCurveValues.append( cmds.getAttr( curve+'.centerRate' ) ) if not self._targetCurves: cmds.warning( "Select VolumeCurves" ) return None self._dragStart = True cmds.undoInfo( swf=0 ) multRate = cmds.floatSliderGrp( self._offsetCurve, q=1, v=1 ) for i in range( len( self._targetCurves ) ): targetCurve = self._targetCurves[i] value = self._keepTargetCurveValues[i] cmds.setAttr( targetCurve+'.centerRate', value*multRate )
def startRecording(self): """Start recording all future undoable commands onto this stack. The previous stack will be safed and restored once this class gets destroyed or once `stopRecording` gets called. :note: this method may only be called once, subsequent calls have no effect :note: This will forcibly enable the undo queue if required until stopRecording is called.""" if self._orig_stack is not None: return if self._is_recording: raise AssertionError("Another instance already started recording") # force undo enabled if not undoInfo(q=1, st=1): self.__class__._disable_undo = True cmds.undoInfo(swf=1) # END undo info handling self._undoable_helper = StartUndo() # assures we have a stack self.__class__._is_recording = True self._orig_stack = sys._maya_stack sys._maya_stack = list() # will record future commands # put ourselves on the previous undo queue which allows us to integrate # with the original undo stack if that is required self._orig_stack.append(self)
def stopRecording(self): """Stop recording of undoable comamnds and restore the previous command stack. The instance is now ready to undo and redo the recorded commands :note: this method may only be called once, subsequent calls have no effect""" if self._recorded_commands is not None: return try: if not self._is_recording: raise AssertionError("startRecording was not called") if self._orig_stack is None: raise AssertionError("startRecording was not called on this instance, but on another one") self.__class__._is_recording = False self._recorded_commands = sys._maya_stack sys._maya_stack = self._orig_stack # restore previous undo queue state if self._disable_undo: self.__class__._disable_undo = False cmds.undoInfo(swf=0) # END handle undo finally: # tigger deletion self._undoable_helper = None
def ShapeInverterCmdold(base=None, corrective=None, name=None): mc.undoInfo(openChunk=True) if not base or not corrective: sel = base, corrective = sel shapes = mc.listRelatives(base, children=True, shapes=True) for s in shapes: if mc.getAttr("%s.intermediateObject" % s) and mc.listConnections("%s.worldMesh" % s, source=False): origMesh = s break deformed = mc.polyPlane(ch=False)[0] mc.connectAttr("%s.worldMesh" % origMesh, "%s.inMesh" % deformed) mc.setAttr("%s.intermediateObject" % origMesh, 0) mc.delete(deformed, ch=True) mc.setAttr("%s.intermediateObject" % origMesh, 1) if not name: name = "%s_inverted#" % corrective invertedShape = duplicateMesh(base, name=name) deformer = mc.deformer(invertedShape, type="ShapeInverter")[0] mc.ShapeInverterCmd(baseMesh=base, invertedShape=invertedShape, ShapeInverterdeformer=deformer, origMesh=deformed) # correctiveShape = duplicateMesh(base,name=corrective+"_corrective#") # mc.connectAttr('%s.outMesh' % getShape(correctiveShape), '%s.correctiveMesh' % deformer) # transferMesh(corrective,[correctiveShape]) mc.connectAttr("%s.outMesh" % getShape(corrective), "%s.correctiveMesh" % deformer) mc.setAttr("%s.activate" % deformer, True) mc.delete(deformed) bdingBx = mc.polyEvaluate(corrective, boundingBox=True) xDifVal = bdingBx[0][1] - bdingBx[0][0] # mc.move(xDifVal*1.10,correctiveShape,r=True,moveX=True) mc.move(xDifVal * 2.20, invertedShape, r=True, moveX=True) mc.undoInfo(closeChunk=True) return invertedShape # ,correctiveShape
def processItems(self, sender = None, all = False, case = ''): cmds.undoInfo(openChunk = True) = True) if not all: for eachItem in self._getSelItems(): itemName = eachItem.text().replace(SEP, "|") if not cmds.objExists(itemName): itemName = itemName.split("|")[-1] or None if itemName: if case == 'select':, add = True, ne = True) elif case == 'delete': cmds.delete(itemName) elif case == 'deleteCH': cmds.delete(itemName, ch = True) else: count = self.reportTree.count() items = [] for x in range(count): if "-----" not in self.reportTree.item(x).text(): itemName = self.reportTree.item(x).text().replace(SEP, "|") if not cmds.objExists(itemName): itemName = itemName.split("|")[-1] or None if itemName: items.extend([itemName]) if case == 'select':, r = True, ne = True) elif case == 'delete': cmds.delete(items) elif case == 'deleteCH': cmds.delete(items, ch = True) cmds.undoInfo(closeChunk = True)
def updateSelection(undoState): global sel global selCmp global win if undoState: cl=1) for obj in sel: obj.getSavedSelection() for cmp in selCmp: cmp.getSavedSelection() mc.undoInfo( stateWithoutFlush=undoState) ratio = mc.floatSliderGrp( win.selection, q=1, v=1) cl=1) #if len( sel) : random.seed( sel[0].tx) #elif len( selCmp): random.seed( selCmp[0].tx) for obj in sel: if obj.tx < ratio:, add=1) for cmp in selCmp: if cmp.tx < ratio:, add=1) if undoState: for obj in sel: obj.saveSelection( ratio) for cmp in selCmp: cmp.saveSelection( ratio)
def load(): '''loads animation environment''' print "loading animation environment presets..." #set autoKey cmds.autoKeyframe( state=True ) #set 24fps and playback on all viewports cmds.playbackOptions(ps=1.0, v='all') #set unlimited undo's cmds.undoInfo( state=True, infinity=True ) #set manipulator sizes if lib.checkAboveVersion(2014): cmds.manipOptions( r=False, hs=55, ls=4, sph=1 ) else: cmds.manipOptions( r=False, hs=55, ls=4 ) #set framerate visibility mel.eval("setFrameRateVisibility(1);") #gimbal rotation cmds.manipRotateContext('Rotate', e=True, mode=2) #world translation cmds.manipMoveContext('Move', e=True, mode=2) #time slider height aPlayBackSliderPython = mel.eval('$tmpVar=$gPlayBackSlider') cmds.timeControl(aPlayBackSliderPython, h=45, e=True); #special tick color cmds.displayRGBColor("timeSliderTickDrawSpecial", 1,0.5,0) #check if hotkeys have been set if (cmds.hotkey( 't', ctl=True, query=True, name = True)== 'CharacterAnimationEditorNameCommand'): print "Hotkeys have been previously loaded" else: setHotkeys('default') print "ENVIRONMENT SET\n", #the comma forces output on the status line
def orientJoints(s): """ Face joints in the correct direction. """ sel = err = cmds.undoInfo(openChunk=True) try: markers = s.markers joints = markers.keys() with ReSeat(joints): for j in joints: m = markers[j] if cmds.objExists(m.marker) and cmds.objExists(j): with Isolate(j): m.setJoint() try: cmds.makeIdentity( j, apply=True, r=True) # Freeze Rotations except RuntimeError: pass else: # User deleted marker / joint. Stop tracking. m.removeMarker() del markers[j], r=True) except Exception as err: raise finally: cmds.undoInfo(closeChunk=True) if err: cmds.undo()
def copyWorld(self, *args): #print "copyworld" self.selection = if len(self.selection) < 1: return if len(self.selection) > 20: message = "Too many objects selected, continue?" confirm = cmds.confirmDialog( title='Confirm', message=message, button=['Yes','No'], defaultButton='Yes', cancelButton='No', dismissString='No' ) if confirm != 'Yes': return cmds.refresh(suspend=True) cmds.undoInfo(stateWithoutFlush=False) self.flushCopyCache(force=True) self.scriptJob() self.sourceObjs = self.selection self.targetObj = "world" for loopObj in self.sourceObjs: matrix = cmds.xform(loopObj, query=True, ws=True, matrix=True) self.copyCache.append(matrix) cmds.iconTextButton("fakeConstrainBtn", edit=True, image= uiMod.getImagePath("specialTools_fake_constrain_active"), highlightImage= uiMod.getImagePath("specialTools_fake_constrain_active copy")) cmds.refresh(suspend=False) cmds.undoInfo(stateWithoutFlush=True)
def cacheVP(): """ //Cache viewport geometry for playback undoInfo -stateWithoutFlush off; string $activePanel = `getPanel -wf`; modelEditor -e -grid false $activePanel; modelEditor -e -allObjects 0 $activePanel; modelEditor -e -polymeshes 1 $activePanel; int $rangeStartFrame = `playbackOptions -q -min`; currentTime -e $rangeStartFrame; playbackOptions -playbackSpeed 0 -loop "once" -by 1; playButtonForward; playbackOptions -playbackSpeed 1 -loop "continuous"; undoInfo -stateWithoutFlush on; """ cmds.undoInfo(swf=False) panType = cmds.getPanel(wf=True) cmds.modelEditor(panType, e=True, gr=False) cmds.modelEditor(panType, e=True, alo=False) cmds.modelEditor(panType, e=True, pm=True) rangeStartFrame = cmds.playbackOptions(q=True, min=True) cmds.currentTime = int(rangeStartFrame) cmds.playbackOptions(ps=0, l="once", by=1), ps=True) cmds.playbackOptions(ps=1, l="continuous") cmds.undoInfo(swf=True)
def setAttrCommand(): import pymel.core cmds.undoInfo( ock=1 ) sels = sl=1 ) numItems = self.layout.count() for i in range( 1, numItems-1 ): targetWidget = self.layout.itemAt( i ).widget() attrName = targetWidget.lineEdit_srcAttr.text() attrValue = targetWidget.lineEdit_dstAttr.text() if not attrName or not attrValue: continue for sel in sels: attrType = sel.attr( attrName ).type() if attrType == 'string': sel.attr( attrName ).set( attrValue ) else: print "attr value : ", attrValue if attrValue.find( ',' ) != -1: values = [ float( value ) for value in attrValue.split( ',' ) ] sel.attr( attrName ).set( values ) else: sel.attr( attrName ).set( float( attrValue ) ) cmds.undoInfo( cck=1 )
def invert(base=None, corrective=None, name=None): """@brief Inverts a shape through the deformation chain. @param[in] base Deformed base mesh. @param[in] corrective Sculpted corrective mesh. @param[in] name Name of the generated inverted shape. @return The name of the inverted shape. """ if not cmds.pluginInfo('', query=True, loaded=True): cmds.loadPlugin('') cmds.undoInfo(openChunk=True) if not base or not corrective: sel = if not sel or len(sel) != 2: cmds.undoInfo(closeChunk=True) raise RuntimeError, 'Select base then corrective' base, corrective = sel # Get points on base mesh basePoints = getPoints(base) numPoints = basePoints.length() # Get points on corrective mesh correctivePoints = getPoints(corrective) # Get the intermediate mesh shapes = cmds.listRelatives(base, children=True, shapes=True) for s in shapes: if cmds.getAttr('%s.intermediateObject' % s) and cmds.listConnections( '%s.worldMesh' % s, source=False): origMesh = s break else: cmds.undoInfo(closeChunk=True) raise RuntimeError('No intermediate shape found for %s.' % base) # Get the component offset axes origPoints = getPoints(origMesh) xPoints = OpenMaya.MPointArray(origPoints) yPoints = OpenMaya.MPointArray(origPoints) zPoints = OpenMaya.MPointArray(origPoints) for i in range(numPoints): xPoints[i].x += 1.0 yPoints[i].y += 1.0 zPoints[i].z += 1.0 setPoints(origMesh, xPoints) xPoints = getPoints(base) setPoints(origMesh, yPoints) yPoints = getPoints(base) setPoints(origMesh, zPoints) zPoints = getPoints(base) setPoints(origMesh, origPoints) # Create the mesh to get the inversion deformer if not name: name = '%s_inverted' % corrective invertedShape = cmds.duplicate(base, name=name)[0] # Delete the unnessary shapes shapes = cmds.listRelatives(invertedShape, children=True, shapes=True) for s in shapes: if cmds.getAttr('%s.intermediateObject' % s): cmds.delete(s) setPoints(invertedShape, origPoints) # Unlock the transformation attrs for attr in 'trs': for x in 'xyz': cmds.setAttr('%s.%s%s' % (invertedShape, attr, x), lock=False) cmds.setAttr('%s.visibility' % invertedShape, 1) deformer = cmds.deformer(invertedShape, type='cvShapeInverter')[0] # Calculate the inversion matrices oDeformer = getMObject(deformer) fnDeformer = OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode(oDeformer) plugMatrix = fnDeformer.findPlug('inversionMatrix', False) fnMatrixData = OpenMaya.MFnMatrixData() for i in range(numPoints): matrix = OpenMaya.MMatrix() setMatrixRow(matrix, xPoints[i] - basePoints[i], 0) setMatrixRow(matrix, yPoints[i] - basePoints[i], 1) setMatrixRow(matrix, zPoints[i] - basePoints[i], 2) matrix = matrix.inverse() oMatrix = fnMatrixData.create(matrix) plugMatrixElement = plugMatrix.elementByLogicalIndex(i) plugMatrixElement.setMObject(oMatrix) # Store the base points. fnPointData = OpenMaya.MFnPointArrayData() oPointData = fnPointData.create(basePoints) plugDeformedPoints = fnDeformer.findPlug('deformedPoints', False) plugDeformedPoints.setMObject(oPointData) cmds.connectAttr('%s.outMesh' % getShape(corrective), '%s.correctiveMesh' % deformer) cmds.setAttr('%s.activate' % deformer, True) cmds.undoInfo(closeChunk=True) return invertedShape
def __exit__(self, *exc): cmds.undoInfo(closeChunk=True)
def __enter__(self): cmds.undoInfo(openChunk=True)
def dm2skin_doMushOptimization(mesh, mushMesh=None, maxInfluences=4, progressBar=None): """Does the actual job of solving the minimization problem.""" if not mushMesh: return False minTime = cmds.playbackOptions(q=True, min=True) maxTime = cmds.playbackOptions(q=True, max=True) # assume the first frame is the bind pose cmds.currentTime(minTime) skinClusterStr = 'findRelatedSkinCluster("' + mesh + '")' skinCluster = mel.eval(skinClusterStr) if not skinCluster: return False allInfluences = cmds.skinCluster(skinCluster, q=True, inf=True) numVerts = cmds.polyEvaluate(mesh, v=True) invMatrices = dm2skin_getMatrices(allInfluences, matrixString='.worldInverseMatrix') transMatrices = dm2skin_getMatricesOverRange(allInfluences, matrixString='.worldMatrix', startFrame=int(minTime) + 1, endFrame=int(maxTime)) bindVertList = dm2skin_getVertexLocationList(mesh, frame=int(minTime)) mushedVertList = dm2skin_getVertexPositionsOverRange( mushMesh, startFrame=int(minTime) + 1, endFrame=int(maxTime)) # if there is a progress bar provided, set the maximum value to # the total number of verts if progressBar: progressBar.setMaximum(numVerts) setWeightList = [] # reset to the first frame again before we start cmds.currentTime(minTime) for i in range(numVerts): if progressBar: progressBar.setValue(i) largestInf = dm2skin_getLargestInfluenceOnVert( mesh + '.vtx[' + str(i) + ']', skinCluster) vertInfluences = dm2skin_getNeighbouringJoints( largestInf, vertexString=mesh + '.vtx[' + str(i) + ']', cluster=skinCluster, influences=maxInfluences) if not vertInfluences: print("Error getting neighbour joints") progressBar.setValue(0) return properInfIndices = [allInfluences.index(inf) for inf in vertInfluences] currentInvMatrices = [] currentTransMatrices = [] currentInvMatrices = [invMatrices[pi] for pi in properInfIndices] for t in range(len(transMatrices)): currentTransMatrices.append( [transMatrices[t][ind] for ind in properInfIndices]) boundsList = [] startValList = [] for j in range(len(vertInfluences)): boundsList.append((0, 1)) startValList.append(1.0 / len(vertInfluences)) cons = ({'type': 'eq', 'fun': dm2skin_normalizeWeightsConstraint}) result = minimize(dm2skin_computeSourceMushDistance, startValList, method='SLSQP', args=(mushMesh, mesh, i, bindVertList, mushedVertList, currentInvMatrices, currentTransMatrices, vertInfluences), constraints=cons, bounds=boundsList) tempList = [] for j in range(len(vertInfluences)): tempList.append((vertInfluences[j], np.around(result.x[j], 3))) setWeightList.append(tempList) # open an undo chunk cmds.undoInfo(openChunk=True) # lock the allInfluences, then we can change the max influences on # the skin cluster for inf in allInfluences: cmds.skinCluster(skinCluster, e=True, inf=inf, lw=True) # the scipy solve might not neccesarily have used all the # available influences, so this block checks through each # set of weights and finds the highest number of non zero # ones maxInfsUsed = 0 for i in range(numVerts): vertInfVals = [ setWeightList[i][j][1] for j in range(len(setWeightList[i])) ] numNonZero = dm2skin_getNumberOfNonZeroElements(vertInfVals) if numNonZero > maxInfsUsed: maxInfsUsed = numNonZero # set the new number of influences on the skin cluster and # unlock the influences cmds.skinCluster(skinCluster, e=True, mi=maxInfsUsed) for inf in allInfluences: cmds.skinCluster(skinCluster, e=True, inf=inf, lw=False) # set the new weights for i in range(numVerts): cmds.skinPercent(skinCluster, mesh + '.vtx[' + str(i) + ']', normalize=True, relative=False, zri=True, transformValue=setWeightList[i]) # close undo chunk and reset progress bar cmds.undoInfo(closeChunk=True) if progressBar: progressBar.setValue(0)
def compute( self, plug , dataBlock ): outsAttr = [ self.outputTAttr , self.outputRAttr , self.outputSAttr ] if not ( plug in outsAttr ): return om.kUnknownParameter # _________________________________ IN MATRIX dataHandle = dataBlock.inputValue( self.inputMatrixAAttr ) floatMatrix = dataHandle.asFloatMatrix() matrixA = MMatrixToNum(floatMatrix) dataHandle = dataBlock.inputValue( self.inputMatrixBAttr ) floatMatrix = dataHandle.asFloatMatrix() matrixB = MMatrixToNum(floatMatrix) dataHandle = dataBlock.inputValue( self.inputMatrixBaseAAttr ) floatMatrix = dataHandle.asFloatMatrix() matrixBaseA = MMatrixToNum(floatMatrix) dataHandle = dataBlock.inputValue( self.inputMatrixBaseBAttr ) floatMatrix = dataHandle.asFloatMatrix() matrixBaseB = MMatrixToNum(floatMatrix) dataHandle = dataBlock.inputValue( self.inputMatrixBaseGAttr ) floatMatrix = dataHandle.asFloatMatrix() matrixBaseG = MMatrixToNum(floatMatrix) # _________________________________ IN DYN ATTR dataHandle = dataBlock.inputValue( self.inputTimeAttr ) intime = dataHandle.asFloat() dataHandle = dataBlock.inputValue( self.inputActivateAttr ) activate = dataHandle.asFloat() dataHandle = dataBlock.inputValue( self.input1Attr ) mass = dataHandle.asFloat() dataHandle = dataBlock.inputValue( self.input2Attr ) elasticity = dataHandle.asFloat() dataHandle = dataBlock.inputValue( self.input3Attr ) damping = dataHandle.asFloat() dataHandle = dataBlock.inputValue( self.input4Attr ) gravity = dataHandle.asFloat() # _________________________________ SAVE NEXT EVAL dataHandle = dataBlock.inputValue( self.inputNext1Attr ) self.nbrEval = dataHandle.asFloat() dataHandle = dataBlock.inputValue( self.inputNext2Attr ) self.lastTime = dataHandle.asFloat() dataHandle = dataBlock.inputValue( self.inputNext3Attr ) self.lastSpeed = dataHandle.asFloat3() self.lastSpeed = [ self.lastSpeed[0] , self.lastSpeed[1] , self.lastSpeed[2] ] dataHandle = dataBlock.inputValue( self.inputNext4Attr ) self.slaveValue= dataHandle.asFloat3() self.slaveValue= [ self.slaveValue[0] , self.slaveValue[1] , self.slaveValue[2] ] #_____________________________________________________________________________________COMPUTE gravityVector = [ 0 , gravity * -1 , 0 ] #_______________ DELTA TIME incrEval = 0.04 self.nbrEval += incrEval curTime = self.nbrEval deltaTime = curTime - self.lastTime self.lastTime = curTime #_______________ TRS trsObj = trsClass.trsClass() masterATrs = trsObj.createFromFloatMatrix( matrixA ) masterBTrs = trsObj.createFromFloatMatrix( matrixB ) baseATrs = trsObj.createFromFloatMatrix( matrixBaseA ) baseBTrs = trsObj.createFromFloatMatrix( matrixBaseB ) baseGTrs = trsObj.createFromFloatMatrix( matrixBaseG ) middleTrs = trsObj.getMiddleTrs( masterBTrs , inTrsValue = masterATrs ) #_______________ CALCULATE F TENSION SELF COLLISION #_______________ DYNAMIC curentFrame = mc.currentTime( query = True ) startFrame = mc.playbackOptions( query = True , minTime = True ) if( activate == 0 ) or ( curentFrame == startFrame ): self.nbrEval = 0 self.lastTime = 0 self.lastSpeed = [ 0 , 0 , 0 ] self.slaveValue = middleTrs[0:3] self.convertSpaceInfoToDynParameters( baseATrs , baseBTrs , baseGTrs , mass ) print() else: # DYNAMIC for i in range( 0 , 3 ): self.slaveValue[i] , self.lastSpeed[i] = self.computeTubeDynamic2( masterATrs[i] , masterBTrs[i] , self.slaveValue[i] , self.lastSpeed[i] , mass , elasticity , damping , gravityVector[i] , deltaTime ) translate = self.slaveValue rotate = [0,0,0] scale = [1,1,1] #_____________________________________________________________________________________ OUT NEXT nodeName = mc.undoInfo( swf = 0 ) mc.setAttr( nodeName +'.'+ self.kInputNext1AttrName , self.nbrEval ) mc.setAttr( nodeName +'.'+ self.kInputNext2AttrName , self.lastTime ) mc.setAttr( nodeName +'.'+ self.kInputNext3AttrName , self.lastSpeed[0] , self.lastSpeed[1] , self.lastSpeed[2] , type = 'double3') mc.setAttr( nodeName +'.'+ self.kInputNext4AttrName , self.slaveValue[0] , self.slaveValue[1] , self.slaveValue[2] , type = 'double3') mc.undoInfo( swf = 1 ) #_____________________________________________________________________________________COMPUTE OUT dataHandle = dataBlock.outputValue( self.outputTAttr ) dataHandle.set3Double( translate[0] , translate[1] , translate[2] ) dataHandle.setClean() dataHandle = dataBlock.outputValue( self.outputRAttr ) dataHandle.set3Double( math.radians(rotate[0]) , math.radians(rotate[1]) , math.radians(rotate[2]) ) dataHandle.setClean() dataHandle = dataBlock.outputValue( self.outputSAttr ) dataHandle.set3Double( scale[0] , scale[1] , scale[2] ) dataHandle.setClean() dataBlock.setClean( plug )
def HotKey_NextKey(): # NextKey v2.0.1 cmds.undoInfo(swf=0) cmds.currentTime(cmds.findKeyframe(timeSlider=True, which='next')) GreenTickKeys() cmds.undoInfo(swf=1)
def Action_MoveTransformsPivot(self): maya_cmds.undoInfo(openChunk=True) try: transforms = self.window.Text_Transforms.toPlainText().strip( ).split('\n') checkX = self.window.Check_X.isChecked() checkY = self.window.Check_Y.isChecked() checkZ = self.window.Check_Z.isChecked() locator = self.window.Line_Locator.text().strip() checkRotate = self.window.Check_MoveTransformsPivotRotPiv.isChecked( ) checkScale = self.window.Check_MoveTransformsPivotScaPiv.isChecked( ) rotatePivot = maya_cmds.xform(locator, q=True, worldSpace=True, rotatePivot=True) scalePivot = maya_cmds.xform(locator, q=True, worldSpace=True, scalePivot=True) for i in xrange(len(transforms)): rotatePivotObj = transforms[i] + '.rotatePivot' scalePivotObj = transforms[i] + '.scalePivot' if checkX: if checkRotate: maya_cmds.move(rotatePivot[0], 0, 0, rotatePivotObj, absolute=True, x=True) if checkScale: maya_cmds.move(scalePivot[0], 0, 0, scalePivotObj, absolute=True, x=True) if checkY: if checkRotate: maya_cmds.move(rotatePivot[1], 0, 0, rotatePivotObj, absolute=True, y=True) if checkScale: maya_cmds.move(scalePivot[1], 0, 0, scalePivotObj, absolute=True, y=True) if checkZ: if checkRotate: maya_cmds.move(rotatePivot[2], 0, 0, rotatePivotObj, absolute=True, z=True) if checkScale: maya_cmds.move(scalePivot[2], 0, 0, scalePivotObj, absolute=True, z=True) except Exception as e: print >> stderr, str(e) maya_cmds.undoInfo(closeChunk=True)
def undoContext(): cmds.undoInfo(openChunk=True) try: yield finally: cmds.undoInfo(closeChunk=True)
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): cmds.undoInfo(closeChunk=True) if exc_type: log.exception('%s : %s' % (exc_type, exc_value)) # If this was false, it would re-raise the exception when complete return True
def __enter__(self): if self.initialUndo: self.undoCall() cmds.undoInfo(openChunk=True)
def compute(self, plug, dataBlock): outsAttr = [self.outputXAttr, self.outputYAttr, self.outputZAttr] if not (plug in outsAttr): return om.kUnknownParameter #_____________________________________________________________________________________ IN dataHandle = dataBlock.inputValue(self.inputTimeAttr) intime = dataHandle.asFloat() dataHandle = dataBlock.inputValue(self.input1Attr) activate = dataHandle.asFloat() dataHandle = dataBlock.inputValue(self.input2Attr) leadMFloatMatrix = dataHandle.asFloatMatrix() leadMatrix = MMatrixToNum(leadMFloatMatrix) dataHandle = dataBlock.inputValue(self.input3Attr) worldMFloatMatrix = dataHandle.asFloatMatrix() worldMatrix = MMatrixToNum(worldMFloatMatrix) dataHandle = dataBlock.inputValue(self.input4Attr) mass = dataHandle.asFloat() dataHandle = dataBlock.inputValue(self.input5Attr) elasticity = dataHandle.asFloat() dataHandle = dataBlock.inputValue(self.input6Attr) damping = dataHandle.asFloat() dataHandle = dataBlock.inputValue(self.input7Attr) collision = dataHandle.asFloat() dataHandle = dataBlock.inputValue(self.input8Attr) self.minRotValues = dataHandle.asFloat3() self.minRotValues = [ self.minRotValues[0], self.minRotValues[1], self.minRotValues[2] ] dataHandle = dataBlock.inputValue(self.input9Attr) self.maxRotValues = dataHandle.asFloat3() self.maxRotValues = [ self.maxRotValues[0], self.maxRotValues[1], self.maxRotValues[2] ] dataHandle = dataBlock.inputValue(self.input10Attr) distance = dataHandle.asFloat() dataHandle = dataBlock.inputValue(self.input11Attr) self.nbrEval = dataHandle.asFloat() dataHandle = dataBlock.inputValue(self.input12Attr) self.lastTime = dataHandle.asFloat() dataHandle = dataBlock.inputValue(self.input13Attr) self.lastSpeed = dataHandle.asFloat3() self.lastSpeed = [ self.lastSpeed[0], self.lastSpeed[1], self.lastSpeed[2] ] dataHandle = dataBlock.inputValue(self.input14Attr) self.slaveValue = dataHandle.asFloat3() self.slaveValue = [ self.slaveValue[0], self.slaveValue[1], self.slaveValue[2] ] dataHandle = dataBlock.inputValue(self.input15Attr) axeDirWay = dataHandle.asInt() dataHandle = dataBlock.inputValue(self.input16Attr) ctrlTranslate = dataHandle.asFloat3() dataHandle = dataBlock.inputValue(self.input17Attr) ctrlRotate = dataHandle.asFloat3() dataHandle = dataBlock.inputValue(self.input18Attr) ctrlScale = dataHandle.asFloat3() dataHandle = dataBlock.inputValue(self.input19Attr) follow = dataHandle.asFloat() #_____________________________________________________________________________________COMPUTE trsObj = trsClass.trsClass() #_______________ SIGN AXE signDir = 1 axeDir = axeDirWay if (2 < axeDir): signDir = -1 axeDir -= 3 #_______________ DELTA TIME incrEval = 0.04 self.nbrEval += incrEval curTime = self.nbrEval deltaTime = curTime - self.lastTime self.lastTime = curTime #_______________ TRS origTrsWorld = trsObj.createFromFloatMatrix(worldMatrix) ctrlTrsLocal = [ ctrlTranslate[0], ctrlTranslate[1], ctrlTranslate[2], ctrlRotate[0], ctrlRotate[1], ctrlRotate[2], ctrlScale[0], ctrlScale[1], ctrlScale[2] ] ctrlTrsWorld = trsObj.unParent(origTrsWorld, inTrsValue=ctrlTrsLocal) ctrlTrsLocalClamped = ctrlTrsLocal[:] if not (collision == 0): for i in range(0, 3): if not (i == axeDir): ctrlTrsLocalClamped[i + 3] = max( min(ctrlTrsLocal[i + 3], self.maxRotValues[i]), self.minRotValues[i]) ctrlTrsWorldClamped = trsObj.unParent(origTrsWorld, inTrsValue=ctrlTrsLocalClamped) offsetTrsBase = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1] offsetTrsBase[axeDir] = distance * signDir ctrlOffsetTrs = trsObj.offsetItself(offsetTrsBase, inTrsValue=ctrlTrsWorldClamped) #_______________ DYNAMIC curentFrame = mc.currentTime(query=True) startFrame = mc.playbackOptions(query=True, minTime=True) if (activate == 0) or (curentFrame == startFrame): self.nbrEval = 0 self.lastTime = 0 self.lastSpeed = [0, 0, 0] self.slaveValue = ctrlOffsetTrs[0:3] self.leadCollision = None angleOut = self.angleCompute(axeDirWay, ctrlTrsWorld, ctrlOffsetTrs, self.slaveValue) else: # DYNAMIC for i in range(0, 3): self.slaveValue[i], self.lastSpeed[i] = self.computeDynamic( ctrlOffsetTrs[i], self.slaveValue[i], self.lastSpeed[i], mass, elasticity, damping, deltaTime) # FOLLOW SYS if not (follow == 0): vToTarget = ompy.MVector( self.slaveValue[0] - ctrlTrsWorldClamped[0], self.slaveValue[1] - ctrlTrsWorldClamped[1], self.slaveValue[2] - ctrlTrsWorldClamped[2]) vFollow = vToTarget * (distance / vToTarget.length()) self.slaveValue = [ ctrlTrsWorldClamped[0] + vFollow.x, ctrlTrsWorldClamped[1] + vFollow.y, ctrlTrsWorldClamped[2] + vFollow.z ] # COLLISION allAxesLimites = [[0, 2, 1], [2, 1, 0], [1, 0, 2]] axeLimites = allAxesLimites[axeDir] if not (collision == 0): ctrlTrsWorldOrigOrient = ctrlTrsWorld[0:3] + origTrsWorld[ 3:6] + ctrlTrsWorld[6:9] origOffsetTrs = trsObj.offsetItself( offsetTrsBase, inTrsValue=ctrlTrsWorldOrigOrient) angleOutCollision = self.angleCompute( axeDirWay, ctrlTrsWorldOrigOrient, origOffsetTrs, self.slaveValue + [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]) # RECOMPUTE NEXT DYN: slaveValue lastSpeed for i in range(0, 3): if (i == axeDir): continue if (self.minRotValues[i] == 0) and (self.maxRotValues[i] == 0): planeCoords = trsObj.toPlaneCoords( axeNormal=axeLimites[i], inTrsValue=ctrlTrsWorldOrigOrient) self.slaveValue = trsObj.snapOnPlane( planeCoords, inTrsValue=self.slaveValue + [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]) continue if (angleOutCollision[i] < self.minRotValues[i]) or ( self.maxRotValues[i] < angleOutCollision[i]): if (angleOutCollision[i] < self.minRotValues[i]): limitRotValue = self.minRotValues elif (self.maxRotValues[i] < angleOutCollision[i]): limitRotValue = self.maxRotValues # plane coord corresponding to the limit offsetTrsBase = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1] offsetTrsBase[i + 3] = limitRotValue[i] trsObj.offsetItself(offsetTrsBase, inTrsValue=ctrlTrsWorldOrigOrient) planeCoords = trsObj.toPlaneCoords( axeNormal=axeLimites[i]) #slaveValue self.slaveValue = trsObj.snapOnPlane( planeCoords, inTrsValue=self.slaveValue + [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]) #lastSpeed mVectorA = ompy.MVector( planeCoords[1][0] - planeCoords[0][0], planeCoords[1][1] - planeCoords[0][1], planeCoords[1][2] - planeCoords[0][2]) mVectorB = ompy.MVector( planeCoords[2][0] - planeCoords[0][0], planeCoords[2][1] - planeCoords[0][1], planeCoords[2][2] - planeCoords[0][2]) mVectorMoyen = ompy.MVector( origOffsetTrs[0] - self.slaveValue[0], origOffsetTrs[1] - self.slaveValue[1], origOffsetTrs[2] - self.slaveValue[2]) mVectorNormal = utilsMayaApi.get2VectorsNormal( mVectorA, mVectorB, mVectorMoyen) mlastSpeed = ompy.MVector(self.lastSpeed[0], self.lastSpeed[1], self.lastSpeed[2]) if (mVectorNormal * mlastSpeed < 0): self.lastSpeed = self.getReflectVector( self.lastSpeed, planeCoords, collision) # OUT ANGLE angleOut = self.angleCompute(axeDirWay, ctrlTrsWorld, ctrlOffsetTrs, self.slaveValue) angleOut = [ activate * angleOut[0], activate * angleOut[1], activate * angleOut[2] ] #_____________________________________________________________________________________ OUT nodeName = mc.undoInfo(swf=0) mc.setAttr(nodeName + '.' + self.kInput11AttrName, self.nbrEval) mc.setAttr(nodeName + '.' + self.kInput12AttrName, self.lastTime) mc.setAttr(nodeName + '.' + self.kInput13AttrName, self.lastSpeed[0], self.lastSpeed[1], self.lastSpeed[2], type='double3') mc.setAttr(nodeName + '.' + self.kInput14AttrName, self.slaveValue[0], self.slaveValue[1], self.slaveValue[2], type='double3') mc.undoInfo(swf=1) output = angleOut[0] dataHandle = dataBlock.outputValue(self.outputXAttr) dataHandle.setFloat(output) output = angleOut[1] dataHandle = dataBlock.outputValue(self.outputYAttr) dataHandle.setFloat(output) output = angleOut[2] dataHandle = dataBlock.outputValue(self.outputZAttr) dataHandle.setFloat(output) dataBlock.setClean(plug)
def chunk_undo(): cmds.undoInfo(openChunk=True) yield cmds.undoInfo(closeChunk=True)
def Action_Center(self): maya_cmds.undoInfo(openChunk=True) try: transforms = self.window.Text_Transforms.toPlainText().strip( ).split('\n') checkX = self.window.Check_X.isChecked() checkY = self.window.Check_Y.isChecked() checkZ = self.window.Check_Z.isChecked() checkRotate = self.window.Check_MinMaxCenRotPiv.isChecked() checkScale = self.window.Check_MinMaxCenScaPiv.isChecked() for i in xrange(len(transforms)): boundaries = maya_cmds.exactWorldBoundingBox( transforms[i], calculateExactly=True) rotatePivotObj = transforms[i] + '.rotatePivot' scalePivotObj = transforms[i] + '.scalePivot' if checkX: if checkRotate: maya_cmds.move((boundaries[0] + boundaries[3]) / 2.0, 0, 0, rotatePivotObj, absolute=True, x=True) if checkScale: maya_cmds.move((boundaries[0] + boundaries[3]) / 2.0, 0, 0, scalePivotObj, absolute=True, x=True) if checkY: if checkRotate: maya_cmds.move((boundaries[1] + boundaries[4]) / 2.0, 0, 0, rotatePivotObj, absolute=True, y=True) if checkScale: maya_cmds.move((boundaries[1] + boundaries[4]) / 2.0, 0, 0, scalePivotObj, absolute=True, y=True) if checkZ: if checkRotate: maya_cmds.move((boundaries[2] + boundaries[5]) / 2.0, 0, 0, rotatePivotObj, absolute=True, z=True) if checkScale: maya_cmds.move((boundaries[2] + boundaries[5]) / 2.0, 0, 0, scalePivotObj, absolute=True, z=True) except Exception as e: print >> stderr, str(e) maya_cmds.undoInfo(closeChunk=True)
def move(source_target=(), translate=('x', 'y', 'z'), rotate=('x', 'y', 'z'), scale=(), world_space=True, mirror=False, mirror_axis='x', behavior=False): """ Move an object according to another object's coordinates, to snap or mirror position, in world or object space, using a specified mirror axis. :param source_target: couple source/target :type source_target: list :param translate: tuple of translate channel to move :type translate: tuple :param rotate: tuple of rotate channel to move :type rotate: tuple :param scale: tuple of scale channel to move :type scale: tuple :param world_space: world space by default, object space if False :type world_space: boolean :param mirror: mirror state :type mirror: boolean :param mirror_axis: mirror axis :type mirror_axis: str :param behavior: mirroring behavior/orientation :type behavior: boolean :return: """ # UNDO : Open history chunk mc.undoInfo(openChunk=True) try: # Define couple source/target if not already defined if len(source_target) == 0: if len( > 1: source_target =[:2] else: source_target = # If no source and target given, or to get from selection : return if len(source_target) == 0: print "No source and no target, skipped." return # If only one object selected : mirror from its own coordinates elif len(source_target) == 1: source_target.append(source_target[0]) else: source_target = source_target[:2] source = source_target[0] target = source_target[1] # Get initial transforms from source and target if world_space: source_translate = mc.xform(source, q=True, t=True, ws=True) source_rotate = mc.xform(source, q=True, ro=True, ws=True) source_scale = mc.xform(source, q=True, s=True, ws=True) target_translate = mc.xform(target, q=True, t=True, ws=True) target_rotate = mc.xform(target, q=True, ro=True, ws=True) target_scale = mc.xform(target, q=True, s=True, ws=True) else: source_translate = mc.xform(source, q=True, t=True, os=True) source_rotate = mc.xform(source, q=True, ro=True, os=True) source_scale = mc.xform(source, q=True, s=True, os=True) target_translate = mc.xform(target, q=True, t=True, os=True) target_rotate = mc.xform(target, q=True, ro=True, os=True) target_scale = mc.xform(target, q=True, s=True, os=True) # Defining mirror multiplier if mirror and mirror_axis == 'x': mir_val = [-1, 1, 1] elif mirror and mirror_axis == 'y': mir_val = [1, -1, 1] elif mirror and mirror_axis == 'z': mir_val = [1, 1, -1] else: mir_val = [1, 1, 1] translate_value = [0, 0, 0] rotate_value = [0, 0, 0] scale_value = [1, 1, 1] # Defining transforms # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # TRANSLATE if 'x' in translate: translate_value[0] = source_translate[0] * mir_val[0] else: translate_value[0] = target_translate[0] if 'y' in translate: translate_value[1] = source_translate[1] * mir_val[1] else: translate_value[1] = target_translate[1] if 'z' in translate: translate_value[2] = source_translate[2] * mir_val[2] else: translate_value[2] = target_translate[2] # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # ROTATE # X axis if 'x' in rotate: # If mirror if mirror: # If behavior if behavior: # If mirror X or Y if mirror_axis == 'x' or mirror_axis == 'y': rotate_value[0] = source_rotate[0] + 180 # If mirror Z else: rotate_value[0] = source_rotate[0] # If orientation else: # If mirror X or Y if mirror_axis == 'x' or mirror_axis == 'y': rotate_value[0] = 180 - source_rotate[0] # If mirror Z else: rotate_value[0] = -source_rotate[0] # If rotate X in attribute BUT NOT mirror else: rotate_value[0] = source_rotate[0] # If NOT rotate X in attributes else: rotate_value[0] = target_rotate[0] # -------------------- # Y axis if 'y' in rotate: # If mirror if mirror: # If behavior if behavior: # If mirror X or Y if mirror_axis == 'x' or mirror_axis == 'y': rotate_value[1] = - source_rotate[1] # If mirror Z else: rotate_value[1] = source_rotate[1] # If orientation else: # If mirror X or Y if mirror_axis == 'x' or mirror_axis == 'y': rotate_value[1] = source_rotate[1] # If mirror Z else: rotate_value[1] = -source_rotate[1] # If rotate Y in attribute BUT NOT mirror else: rotate_value[1] = source_rotate[1] # If NOT rotate Y attributes else: rotate_value[1] = target_rotate[1] # -------------------- # Z axis if 'z' in rotate: # If mirror if mirror: # If behavior if behavior: # If mirror X if mirror_axis == 'x': rotate_value[2] = -source_rotate[2] # If mirror Y elif mirror_axis == 'y': # If rotate z is negative if source_rotate[2] < 0: rotate_value[2] = -180 - source_rotate[2] # If rotate z is positive else: rotate_value[2] = 180 - source_rotate[2] # If mirror Z else: # If rotate z is negative if source_rotate[2] < 0: rotate_value[2] = source_rotate[2] + 180 # If rotate z is positive else: rotate_value[2] = source_rotate[2] - 180 # If orientation else: # If mirror X if mirror_axis == 'x': rotate_value[2] = 180 - source_rotate[2] # If mirror Y elif mirror_axis == 'y': rotate_value[2] = -source_rotate[2] # If mirror Z else: rotate_value[2] = source_rotate[2] # If rotate Z in attribute BUT NOT mirror else: rotate_value[2] = source_rotate[2] # If NOT rotate Z in attributes else: rotate_value[2] = target_rotate[2] # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # SCALE if 'x' in scale: scale_value[0] = source_scale[0] * mir_val[0] else: scale_value[0] = target_scale[0] if 'y' in scale: scale_value[1] = source_scale[1] * mir_val[1] else: scale_value[1] = target_scale[1] if 'z' in scale: scale_value[2] = source_scale[2] * mir_val[2] else: scale_value[2] = target_scale[2] # Normalize rotate values for i, value in enumerate(rotate): if value > 180: rotate_value[i] -= 360 elif value < -180: rotate_value[i] += 360 else: rotate_value[i] = value # Move the target according to the new coordinates if world_space: print(source_translate, source_rotate, source_scale, target_translate, target_rotate, target_scale,) mc.xform(target, t=translate_value, ws=True) mc.xform(target, ro=rotate_value, ws=True) mc.xform(target, s=scale_value, ws=True) else: print(source_translate, source_rotate, source_scale, target_translate, target_rotate, target_scale,) mc.xform(target, t=translate_value, os=True) mc.xform(target, ro=rotate_value, os=True) mc.xform(target, s=scale_value, os=True) # UNDO : Close history chunk finally: mc.undoInfo(closeChunk=True)
def HotKey_PreviousKey(): # PrevKey v2.0.1 cmds.undoInfo(swf=0) cmds.currentTime(cmds.findKeyframe(timeSlider=True, which='previous')) GreenTickKeys() cmds.undoInfo(swf=1)
def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs): cmds.undoInfo(openChunk=True) func(*args, **kwargs) cmds.undoInfo(closeChunk=True)
def fKBuilder(nameSearchString): """Function to execute FK building given the nameSearchString, which it will get from the UI""" mySel = #print mySel myCtrlGrp = mySel[ len(mySel) - 1] #This is going to be the Control that is duplicated - MAKE SURE THE CONTROL GROUP IS SELECTED LAST! validCtrl = False myJnts = mySel, type="joint") #This is going to be the Joint that is controlled #print "my Joints : " + str(myJnts) #print myCtrlGrp validJointNames = True for jnt in myJnts: if not jointNameCheck(jnt, nameSearchString): validJointNames = False if validJointNames: if "Ctrl" in myCtrlGrp: grpChild = cmds.listRelatives(myCtrlGrp, children=True) #print grpChild #Finds Transform grpCurveChild = cmds.listRelatives(grpChild[0], children=True) #print grpCurveChild grpCurveShape =, type="nurbsCurve") #print grpCurveShape if len(grpCurveShape) == 1: #print "We have a valid Control" validCtrl = True else: print "No valid Control Selected" else: print "No valid Control Selected" myNewCtrlGrps = [] if validCtrl and (len(myJnts)) != 0: cmds.undoInfo(openChunk=True) #We are good to go for jnt in myJnts: #print "My control is : " + myCtrlGrp newCtrlPack = (cmds.duplicate(myCtrlGrp, renameChildren=True)) newGrpName = nameRebuild(jnt, nameSearchString, "jnt", "grp", nameAddition="fkCtrl") newCtrlName = nameRebuild(jnt, nameSearchString, "jnt", "cv", nameAddition="fkCtrl") cmds.rename(newCtrlPack[0], newGrpName) cmds.rename(newCtrlPack[1], newCtrlName) myNewCtrlGrps.append(newGrpName) #print "My new Ctrl is : " + str(newGrpName) tempConst = cmds.parentConstraint(jnt, newGrpName) cmds.delete(tempConst) #Delete the temporary constraint #Sonow correctly parent Constrain the Joint to the control parCName = nameRebuild(jnt, nameSearchString, "jnt", "parC", nameAddition="fk") cmds.parentConstraint(cmds.listRelatives(newGrpName, children=True)[0], jnt, name=parCName) else: print "Selection Error - Bad Control or No Joints Selected" #Now go through all the resulting controls and setup Parent Constrain relationships for i, ctrlGrp in enumerate(myNewCtrlGrps): if i != 0: parentCVCtrl = cmds.listRelatives(myNewCtrlGrps[i - 1], children=True)[0] cmds.parentConstraint(parentCVCtrl, ctrlGrp, maintainOffset=True) #Return Selection to orginal before Tool Execution cmds.undoInfo(closeChunk=True)
cmds.file( '/mnt/luma_i/assets/chr/rig/ij_chr_alejandro/50/characters_ij_chr_alejandro_50.mb', open=True, force=True, resetError=True) print 'Opening ', anim_file_path cmds.file(anim_file_path, open=True, force=True, resetError=True) cmds.loadPlugin('AbcExport') # The fun starts here... ###################################################### print '\n' * 5 print '*' * 80 print 'Starting Animation Shot Character Export... Good luck!' # OPEN UNDO CHUNK cmds.undoInfo(openChunk=True) shot_root = os.environ['IJ_SHOT_PATH'] json_file = open(os.path.join(shot_root, 'shot_info.json'), 'r') json_data = json.load(json_file)[0] json_file.close() chars = json_data['assets']['chars'] if type(chars) != list: tmp = chars chars = [] chars.append(tmp) frame_s = int(json_data['clip_start']) frame_e = int(json_data['clip_end']) char_roots ='*IJ_CHR_*') rig_controllers ='*ij_chr_*:rig_controllers_set', sets=True) print '\tWorking in %s' % shot_root
def keys_editor_func(option, piv): keyCount = cmds.keyframe(q=True, sl=True, kc=True) if keyCount == 0: return cmds.undoInfo(openChunk=True, chunkName="keys_editor_func") if option == "push": scaleValue = 1 / 0.9 elif option == "pull": scaleValue = 0.9 elif option == "neg": scaleValue = -1 elif option == "offset": pass else: cmds.undoInfo(closeChunk=True, chunkName="keys_editor_func") return selectedCurves = cmds.keyframe(q=True, n=True, sl=True) for crv in selectedCurves: timeArray = cmds.keyframe(crv, q=True, tc=True, sl=True) if piv == "left": pivTime = cmds.findKeyframe(crv, which="previous", time=(timeArray[0], timeArray[0])) keyValue = cmds.keyframe(crv, q=True, time=(timeArray[0], timeArray[0]), vc=True)[0] pivValue = cmds.keyframe(crv, q=True, time=(pivTime, pivTime), vc=True)[0] elif piv == "right": pivTime = cmds.findKeyframe(crv, which="next", time=(timeArray[-1], timeArray[-1])) keyValue = cmds.keyframe(crv, q=True, time=(timeArray[-1], timeArray[-1]), vc=True)[0] pivValue = cmds.keyframe(crv, q=True, time=(pivTime, pivTime), vc=True)[0] elif piv == "avg": keyValues = cmds.keyframe(crv, q=True, sl=True, vc=True) pivValue = (max(keyValues) + min(keyValues)) / 2 else: break selectedValues = cmds.keyframe(crv, q=True, iv=True, sl=True) if option == "offset": offsetValue = pivValue - keyValue for slv in selectedValues: cmds.keyframe(crv, relative=True, index=(slv, slv), vc=offsetValue) else: for slv in selectedValues: cmds.scaleKey(crv, index=(slv, slv), vp=pivValue, vs=scaleValue) cmds.undoInfo(closeChunk=True, chunkName="keys_editor_func")
def applyFilter(self): #apply original curve for undo step cmds.undoInfo(swf=True) cmds.undoInfo(openChunk=True, chunkName = "Apply curve changes") try: apply_curves(self.animCurvesBuffer) finally: cmds.undoInfo(closeChunk=True) #apply processed curve for undo step cmds.undoInfo(swf=True) cmds.undoInfo(openChunk=True) try: if self.animCurvesProcessed is not None: apply_curves(self.animCurvesBuffer, self.animCurvesProcessed) select_curves(self.animCurvesBuffer) finally: cmds.undoInfo(closeChunk=True) self.switchButtons(False) self.switchTabs(True) self.animCurvesBuffer = None self.animCurvesProcessed = None self.previewActive = False self.controllingCurve = None self.MainWindowUI.statusBar().showMessage("")
def invert(base=None, name=None): """ Create an inverted blend shape for the selected mesh. The mesh must have a front-of-chain blendShape deformer. """ _load_plugin() if not base: sel =, l=True) if not sel or len(sel) != 1: OpenMaya.MGlobal.displayError( 'Select a mesh to create an inverted blend shape for.') return base = sel[0] # Find the front of chain blendShape node. foc_blend_shape = _find_first_blend_shape(base) # print 'Using blend shape node: %s' % foc_blend_shape if foc_blend_shape is None: OpenMaya.MGlobal.displayError('%s has no blendShape.' % base) return if not name: name = '%s_inverted' % base cmds.undoInfo(openChunk=True) try: # Create a new mesh to be the inverted shape. The base mesh will be the same as the input # into the blend shape. blend_shape_input_geometry = _get_plug_from_node( '%s.input[0].inputGeometry' % foc_blend_shape) inverted_shape_transform_node = OpenMaya.MFnMesh().copy( blend_shape_input_geometry.asMObject()) inverted_shape_transform = OpenMaya.MFnTransform( inverted_shape_transform_node).partialPathName() # Important: The new mesh will have no shading group. This looks like it works, but sculpting # tools will get confused and the mesh will randomly begin rendering corrupt in VP2.0 if we don't # assign a SG. cmds.sets(inverted_shape_transform, e=True, forceElement='initialShadingGroup') # Rename the new mesh's transform. inverted_shape_transform = cmds.rename(inverted_shape_transform, name) # Find the shape. inverted_shape = cmds.listRelatives(inverted_shape_transform, shapes=True, pa=True)[0] # print 'Shape node:', inverted_shape # Hide the new blend shape. cmds.setAttr('%s.visibility' % inverted_shape_transform, False) # Apply the same transform to the new shape as the input mesh. This is just cosmetic, # since we only use the object space mesh. cmds.xform(inverted_shape_transform, ws=True, ro=cmds.xform(base, ws=True, ro=True, q=True)) cmds.xform(inverted_shape_transform, ws=True, t=cmds.xform(base, ws=True, t=True, q=True)) cmds.xform(inverted_shape_transform, ws=True, s=cmds.xform(base, ws=True, s=True, q=True)) blend_shape_index = _add_blend_shape(foc_blend_shape, base, inverted_shape) # Enable our new blend shape. It needs to be enabled for update_inversion to work, # and the user is probably about to edit the blend shape he just created. cmds.setAttr('%s.weight[%i]' % (foc_blend_shape, blend_shape_index), 1) # Create the deformer. deformer = cmds.deformer(inverted_shape, type='zInvertedBlendShape')[0] # Hack: If we don't have at least one element in the array, compute() won't be called on it. cmds.setAttr('%s.invertedTweak[0]' % deformer, 0, 0, 0) OpenMaya.MGlobal.displayInfo('Result: %s' % inverted_shape) return inverted_shape finally: cmds.undoInfo(closeChunk=True)
def invert_existing(inverted=None): """ Create an inversion for an existing inverted blend shape. Select the inverted blend shape, optionally followed by the final output shape. If no output shape is selected, we'll guess the output shape to use. This can be used if you've deleted the blend shape deformer, or if you've recreated the blend shape mesh from a delta blend shape. """ _load_plugin() cmds.undoInfo(openChunk=True) try: if not inverted: sel =, l=True) if not sel or not len(sel): OpenMaya.MGlobal.displayError('Select an inverted mesh') return inverted = sel[0] inverted_shape = _find_visible_shape(inverted) if not inverted_shape: OpenMaya.MGlobal.displayError('Couldn\'t find a shape under %s' % inverted) print 'Shape: %s' % inverted_shape # There shouldn't already be zInvertedBlendShape deformer on the mesh. for history_node in cmds.listHistory(inverted_shape): if 'zInvertedBlendShape' in cmds.nodeType(history_node, inherited=True): OpenMaya.MGlobal.displayError( '%s already has a zInvertedBlendShape deformer (%s).' % (inverted, history_node)) return # Find the blendShape that the mesh feeds into. for history_node in cmds.listHistory(inverted_shape, f=True, gl=True, pdo=True): if 'blendShape' not in cmds.nodeType(history_node, inherited=True): continue foc_blend_shape = history_node break else: OpenMaya.MGlobal.displayError('%s has no blendShape.' % inverted_shape) return # Retrieve the current vertices for the inverted mesh. Do this before we clobber it below. inverted_points = _get_mesh_points(inverted_shape) # Retrieve the input vertices coming into the blend shape. These will become the input # into the deformer, and the deformer will apply the changes to get back to the inverted # mesh. blend_shape_input_geometry = _get_plug_from_node( '%s.input[0].inputGeometry' % foc_blend_shape) blend_shape_input_points = _get_points( blend_shape_input_geometry.asMObject()) if inverted_points.length() != blend_shape_input_points.length(): raise RuntimeError( 'Expected %s and %s to have the same number of points' % (inverted_points, blend_shape_input_points)) # Replace the input geometry (the input to the deformer) with the original geometry # coming into the blend shape. The inverted shape will be applied by the deformer. inverted_points_iterator = _get_geometry_iterator(inverted_shape) inverted_points_iterator.setAllPositions(blend_shape_input_points, OpenMaya.MSpace.kObject) # Create the deformer. deformer = cmds.deformer(inverted_shape, type='zInvertedBlendShape')[0] # Hack: If we don't have at least one element in the array, compute() won't be called on it. cmds.setAttr('%s.invertedTweak[0]' % deformer, 0, 0, 0) # Create .invertedTweak from the inverted mesh and the original mesh. deformer_node = _get_mobject(deformer) dep_node = OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode(deformer_node) inverted_tweak_attr = dep_node.attribute('invertedTweak') data_block = dep_node.userNode()._forceCache() output_tweak = data_block.outputArrayValue(inverted_tweak_attr) builder = output_tweak.builder() for idx, i in enumerate(xrange(inverted_points.length())): delta = inverted_points[i] - blend_shape_input_points[i] # Always create index 0, but skip other vertices with no change. if idx != 0 and abs(delta[0]) < 0.001 and abs( delta[1]) < 0.001 and abs(delta[2]) < 0.001: continue element = builder.addElement(idx) element.set3Float(delta.x, delta.y, delta.z) # This is simpler, but slow. # cmds.setAttr('%s.invertedTweak[%i]' % (deformer, idx), *delta) output_tweak.set(builder) output_tweak.setAllClean() OpenMaya.MGlobal.displayInfo('Result: %s' % deformer) return deformer finally: cmds.undoInfo(closeChunk=True)
def next_frame(): updateVars() cmds.undoInfo(swf=False) frame = cmds.currentTime(q=True) + increment cmds.currentTime(min_time if bounds and frame > max_time else frame) cmds.undoInfo(swf=True)
def previous_frame(): updateVars() cmds.undoInfo(swf=False) frame = cmds.currentTime(q=True) - increment cmds.currentTime(max_time if bounds and frame < min_time else frame) cmds.undoInfo(swf=True)
from Qt.QtGui import * from Qt import __binding__ import maya.cmds as mc def undo(func): def _undo(*args, **kwargs): try: mc.undoInfo(ock=1) result = func(*args, **kwargs) except Exception, e: raise e else: return result finally: mc.undoInfo(cck=1) return _undo def get_maya_win(module="PySide"): """ get a QMainWindow Object of maya main window :param module (optional): string "PySide"(default) or "PyQt4" :return main_window: QWidget or QMainWindow object """ import maya.OpenMayaUI as mui prt = mui.MQtUtil.mainWindow() if module == "PyQt": import sip from Qt.QtCore import *
def set_color(reset=False): '''' Uses the provided settings to manage colors (Main function of this script) Parameter: reset (bool): Type of operation. Reset active will restore default colors. ''' errors = '' try: function_name = 'GT Color Manager - Set Color' cmds.undoInfo(openChunk=True, chunkName=function_name) valid_selection = True objects_to_color = [] colored_total = 0 # Grab Necessary Values mode = cmds.optionMenu(mode_option, q=True, value=True) target = cmds.optionMenu(target_option, q=True, value=True) color = gt_color_manager_settings.get('current_color') set_outliner = cmds.checkBox(outliner_chk, q=True, value=True) set_viewport = cmds.checkBox(viewport_chk, q=True, value=True) # Functions def set_color_drawing_override(obj_to_set): ''' Uses drawing override settings to set the color of an object Parameters: obj_to_set (str): Name (path) of the object to affect. ''' using_wireframe = cmds.getAttr(obj_to_set + '.useObjectColor') if using_wireframe != 0: cmds.color(obj_to_set) cmds.setAttr(obj_to_set + '.overrideEnabled', 1) cmds.setAttr(obj_to_set + '.overrideRGBColors', 1) cmds.setAttr(obj_to_set + '.overrideColorR', color[0]) cmds.setAttr(obj_to_set + '.overrideColorG', color[1]) cmds.setAttr(obj_to_set + '.overrideColorB', color[2]) return 1 def set_color_wireframe_tool(obj_to_set): ''' Uses wireframe color to set the color of an object Parameters: obj_to_set (str): Name (path) of the object to affect. ''' using_override = cmds.getAttr(obj_to_set + '.overrideEnabled') if using_override: cmds.setAttr(obj_to_set + '.overrideEnabled', 0) cmds.setAttr(obj_to_set + '.overrideColorR', 0) cmds.setAttr(obj_to_set + '.overrideColorG', 0) cmds.setAttr(obj_to_set + '.overrideColorB', 0) cmds.color(obj_to_set, rgb=(color[0], color[1], color[2])) return 1 def set_color_outliner(obj_to_set): ''' Sets the outliner color for the selected object Parameters: obj_to_set (str): Name (path) of the object to affect. ''' extrated_r = math.pow(color[0], 0.454) extrated_g = math.pow(color[1], 0.454) extrated_b = math.pow(color[2], 0.454) cmds.setAttr(obj_to_set + '.useOutlinerColor', 1) cmds.setAttr(obj_to_set + '.outlinerColorR', extrated_r) cmds.setAttr(obj_to_set + '.outlinerColorG', extrated_g) cmds.setAttr(obj_to_set + '.outlinerColorB', extrated_b) return 1 def set_color_reset(obj_to_set, reset_overrides=False, reset_wireframe=False, reset_outliner=False): ''' Resets the color of the selected objects Parameters: obj_to_set (str): Name (path) of the object to affect. reset_overrides (bool) : Reseting Overrides reset_wireframe (bool) : Reseting Wireframe reset_outliner (bool) : Reseting Outliner ''' if reset_overrides: using_override = cmds.getAttr(obj_to_set + '.overrideEnabled') if using_override: cmds.setAttr(obj_to_set + '.overrideEnabled', 0) cmds.setAttr(obj_to_set + '.overrideColorR', 0) cmds.setAttr(obj_to_set + '.overrideColorG', 0) cmds.setAttr(obj_to_set + '.overrideColorB', 0) if reset_wireframe: using_wireframe = cmds.getAttr(obj_to_set + '.useObjectColor') if using_wireframe != 0: cmds.color(obj_to_set) if reset_outliner: try: cmds.setAttr(obj_to_set + '.useOutlinerColor', 0) except: pass return 1 selection = if len(selection) < 1: valid_selection = False cmds.warning('You need to select at least one object.') if valid_selection: # Determine what to color if target == 'Transform': objects_to_color = selection else: for sel in selection: shapes = cmds.listRelatives( sel, shapes=True, fullPath=True) or [] for shape in shapes: objects_to_color.append(shape) # Determine total of objects to be colored if len(objects_to_color) < 1: valid_selection = False cmds.warning( 'No shapes were found. Make sure you\'re using the correct "Target" option.' ) # Set Color if valid_selection and reset == False: for obj in objects_to_color: if set_viewport: try: if mode == 'Drawing Override': colored_total += set_color_drawing_override( obj) else: colored_total += set_color_wireframe_tool(obj) except Exception as e: errors += str(e) + '\n' if set_outliner: try: if set_viewport: set_color_outliner(obj) else: colored_total += set_color_outliner(obj) except Exception as e: errors += str(e) + '\n' if valid_selection and reset == True: for obj in objects_to_color: if set_viewport: try: colored_total += set_color_reset( obj, reset_overrides=True, reset_wireframe=True) except Exception as e: errors += str(e) + '\n' if set_outliner: try: if set_viewport: set_color_reset(obj, reset_outliner=True) else: colored_total += set_color_reset( obj, reset_outliner=True) except Exception as e: errors += str(e) + '\n' # Create message message = '<' + str( random.random() ) + '><span style=\"color:#FF0000;text-decoration:underline;\">' + str( colored_total) + ' </span>' is_plural = 'objects were' if colored_total == 1: is_plural = 'object was' if reset: message += is_plural + ' reset to the default color.' else: message += is_plural + ' colored.' cmds.inViewMessage(amg=message, pos='botLeft', fade=True, alpha=.9) except Exception as e: errors += str(e) + '\n' finally: cmds.undoInfo(closeChunk=True, chunkName=function_name) if errors != '': cmds.warning( 'An error occured. Open the script editor for more information.' ) print('######## Errors: ########') print(errors)
def _undo(*args, **kwargs): try: mc.undoInfo(ock=1) result = func(*args, **kwargs) except Exception, e: raise e
def Action_Apply(self): self.window.Button_Apply.setEnabled(False) self.window.Button_Revert.setEnabled(True) maya_cmds.undoInfo(openChunk=True) try: self.groupLow = maya_cmds.listRelatives( self.window.Text_GroupLow.toPlainText().strip().split('\n'), path=True, children=True, type='transform') self.groupHig = maya_cmds.listRelatives( self.window.Text_GroupHig.toPlainText().strip().split('\n'), path=True, children=True, type='transform') if len(self.groupLow) != len(self.groupHig): raise TypeError( 'Children Of Transforms Does Not Match between Low Groups and High Groups' ) self.groupLowChi = maya_cmds.listRelatives(self.groupLow, path=True, allDescendents=True, type='transform') self.pivotLowChi = [] for i in xrange(len(self.groupLowChi)): self.pivotLowChi.append( maya_cmds.xform(self.groupLowChi[i], q=True, worldSpace=True, rotatePivot=True)) self.groupHigChi = maya_cmds.listRelatives(self.groupHig, path=True, allDescendents=True, type='transform') self.pivotHigChi = [] for i in xrange(len(self.groupHigChi)): self.pivotHigChi.append( maya_cmds.xform(self.groupHigChi[i], q=True, worldSpace=True, rotatePivot=True)) xMin = self.window.Float_XMin.value() xMax = self.window.Float_XMax.value() yMin = self.window.Float_YMin.value() yMax = self.window.Float_YMax.value() zMin = self.window.Float_ZMin.value() zMax = self.window.Float_ZMax.value() self.pivotLow = [] self.pivotHig = [] for i in xrange(len(self.groupLow)): self.pivotLow.append( maya_cmds.xform(self.groupLow[i], q=True, worldSpace=True, rotatePivot=True)) self.pivotHig.append( maya_cmds.xform(self.groupHig[i], q=True, worldSpace=True, rotatePivot=True)) maya_cmds.move(uniform(xMin, xMax), uniform(yMin, yMax), uniform(zMin, zMax), self.groupLow[i], self.groupHig[i], relative=True) except Exception as e: print >> stderr, str(e) maya_cmds.undoInfo(closeChunk=True)
def __exit__(self, *_): if self.undo_state: if not self.flush: cmds.undoInfo(stateWithoutFlush=True) else: cmds.undoInfo(state=True)
def undo_start(): return cmds.undoInfo(openChunk=True)