def setUp(self): """Initial setting up of test fixture, automatically called by TestCase before any other test method is invoked""" e = NullEngine() # Uncomment to see visualization for debugging etc. #e = Engine() e.start() e.new_scene() self.e=e # Read the multi-block plot3d file. r = PLOT3DReader() r.reader.set(has_byte_count=True, multi_grid=True, byte_order='little_endian') r.initialize(get_example_data(''), get_example_data('tiny.q'), configure=False) e.add_source(r) # Add the filter. f = SelectOutput() e.add_filter(f) # Create an outline for the data. o = Outline() e.add_module(o) o.render() self.o=o self.r=r self.e=e self.scene = e.current_scene return
def setUp(self): """Initial setting up of test fixture, automatically called by TestCase before any other test method is invoked""" e = NullEngine() # Uncomment to see visualization for debugging etc. #e = Engine() e.start() e.new_scene() self.e = e # Read the multi-block plot3d file. r = PLOT3DReader() r.reader.trait_set(has_byte_count=True, multi_grid=True, byte_order='little_endian') r.initialize(get_example_data(''), get_example_data('tiny.q'), configure=False) e.add_source(r) # Add the filter. f = SelectOutput() e.add_filter(f) # Create an outline for the data. o = Outline() e.add_module(o) o.render() self.o = o self.r = r self.e = e self.scene = e.current_scene return
def test_multipe_readers(self): "Test if reader conflict is resolved" # Testing two files with same extensions but have to be read # by different readers reader = registry.get_file_reader(get_example_data('')) callable = reader.get_callable() self.assertEqual(callable.__name__, 'PLOT3DReader') reader = registry.get_file_reader(get_example_data('')) callable = reader.get_callable() self.assertEqual(callable.__name__, 'PolyDataReader')
def test_no_valid_reader(self): """Test that if there is no reader which can read the file with assurity, the registry returns the last one of the readers which dont have a can_read_test and claim to read the file with the given extension""" open_dummy = SourceMetadata( id="DummyFile", class_name="mayavi.tests.test_registry.DummyReader", menu_name="&PLOT3D file", tooltip="Open a PLOT3D data data", desc="Open a PLOT3D data data", help="Open a PLOT3D data data", extensions=['xyz'], wildcard='PLOT3D files (*.xyz)|*.xyz', can_read_test='mayavi.tests.test_registry:DummyReader.check_read', output_info=PipelineInfo(datasets=['structured_grid'], attribute_types=['any'], attributes=['any'])) registry.sources.append(open_dummy) # Remove the poly data reader. for index, src in enumerate(registry.sources[:]): if == 'PolyDataFile': poly = src registry.sources.remove(src) break reader = registry.get_file_reader(get_example_data('')) callable = reader.get_callable() self.assertEqual(callable.__name__, 'PLOT3DReader') # Add back the poly data reader. registry.sources.insert(index, poly) registry.sources.remove(open_dummy)
def setUp(self): """Initial setting up of test fixture, automatically called by TestCase before any other test method is invoked""" e = NullEngine() # Uncomment to see visualization for debugging etc. #e = Engine() e.start() e.new_scene() self.e=e # Read a VTK (old style) data file. r = VTKXMLFileReader() r.initialize(get_example_data('pyramid_ug.vtu')) e.add_source(r) # Create the filters. # CellDerivatives cd = tvtk.CellDerivatives() ud = UserDefined(filter=cd) e.add_filter(ud) ctp = CellToPointData() ctp.filter.pass_cell_data = False e.add_filter(ctp) evn = ExtractVectorNorm() e.add_filter(evn) evc = ExtractVectorComponents(component='y-component') o = Optional(filter=evc) e.add_filter(o) e.add_module(ScalarCutPlane()) self.scene = e.current_scene s = self.scene return
def test_volume_works_with_probe(self): src ='pyramid_ug.vtu')) idp = mlab.pipeline.image_data_probe(src) with patch('pyface.api.error') as m: vol = mlab.pipeline.volume(idp) self.assertEqual(m.call_count, 0) self.assertEqual(np.allclose(, (3.0, 3.0, 1.5)), True)
def test_no_valid_reader(self): """Test that if there is no reader which can read the file with assurity, the registry returns the last one of the readers which dont have a can_read_test and claim to read the file with the given extension""" open_dummy = SourceMetadata( id = "DummyFile", class_name = "mayavi.tests.test_registry.DummyReader", menu_name = "&PLOT3D file", tooltip = "Open a PLOT3D data data", desc = "Open a PLOT3D data data", help = "Open a PLOT3D data data", extensions = ['xyz'], wildcard = 'PLOT3D files (*.xyz)|*.xyz', can_read_test = 'mayavi.tests.test_registry:DummyReader.check_read', output_info = PipelineInfo(datasets=['structured_grid'], attribute_types=['any'], attributes=['any']) ) registry.sources.append(open_dummy) # Remove the poly data reader. for index, src in enumerate(registry.sources[:]): if == 'PolyDataFile': poly = src registry.sources.remove(src) break reader = registry.get_file_reader(get_example_data('')) callable = reader.get_callable() self.assertEqual(callable.__name__, 'PLOT3DReader') # Add back the poly data reader. registry.sources.insert(index, poly) registry.sources.remove(open_dummy)
def test_ipw_works_with_image_data_probe(self): src ='pyramid_ug.vtu')) idp = mlab.pipeline.image_data_probe(src) with patch('pyface.api.error') as m: ipw = mlab.pipeline.image_plane_widget(idp) self.assertEqual(m.call_count, 0) self.assertEqual(numpy.allclose(, (0.0, 3.0, 1.5)),True)
def setUp(self): """Initial setting up of test fixture, automatically called by TestCase before any other test method is invoked""" e = NullEngine() # Uncomment to see visualization for debugging etc. #e = Engine() e.start() e.new_scene() self.e = e r = VTKXMLFileReader() r.initialize(get_example_data('pyramid_ug.vtu')) e.add_source(r) r.point_scalars_name = 'temperature' o = Outline() e.add_module(o) c = Contour() e.add_filter(c) n = PolyDataNormals() e.add_filter(n) aa = SetActiveAttribute() e.add_filter(aa) aa.point_scalars_name = 'pressure' s = Surface() e.add_module(s) self.scene = e.current_scene return
def test_test_backend(self): """Test if setting the backend to 'test' works.""" mlab.options.backend = 'test' mlab.test_contour3d() mlab.clf()'cube.vti')) mlab.clf()
def setUp(self): """Initial setting up of test fixture, automatically called by TestCase before any other test method is invoked""" e = NullEngine() # Uncomment to see visualization for debugging etc. #e = Engine() e.start() e.new_scene() self.e=e r = VTKXMLFileReader() r.initialize(get_example_data('pyramid_ug.vtu')) e.add_source(r) r.point_scalars_name = 'temperature' o = Outline() e.add_module(o) c = Contour() e.add_filter(c) n = PolyDataNormals() e.add_filter(n) aa = SetActiveAttribute() e.add_filter(aa) aa.point_scalars_name = 'pressure' s = Surface() e.add_module(s) self.scene = e.current_scene return
def setup_reader(self): """"Setup the reader in here. This is called after the engine has been created and started. The engine is available as self.e. This method is called by setUp(). """ # Read a Exodus data file. r = UnstructuredGridReader() r.initialize(get_example_data('disk_out_ref.ex2')) self.e.add_source(r)
def test_volume_works_with_probe(self): src ='pyramid_ug.vtu')) idp = mlab.pipeline.image_data_probe(src) with patch('pyface.api.error') as m: vol = mlab.pipeline.volume(idp) self.assertEqual(m.call_count, 0) self.assertEqual( np.allclose(, (3.0, 3.0, 1.5)),True )
def setup_reader(self): """"Setup the reader in here. This is called after the engine has been created and started. The engine is available as self.e. This method is called by setUp(). """ # Read a OBJ data file. r = PolyDataReader() r.initialize(get_example_data('shuttle.obj')) self.e.add_source(r) self.bounds = (-7.65, 7.04, -4.68, 4.68, -1.35, 4.16)
def setup_reader(self): """"Setup the reader in here. This is called after the engine has been created and started. The engine is available as self.e. This method is called by setUp(). """ # Read a BYU data file. r = PolyDataReader() r.initialize(get_example_data('cow.g')) self.e.add_source(r) self.bounds = (-4.445, 5.998, -3.608, 2.760, -1.690, 1.690)
def setup_reader(self): """"Setup the reader in here. This is called after the engine has been created and started. The engine is available as self.e. This method is called by setUp(). """ # Read a SLC data file. r = PolyDataReader() r.initialize(get_example_data('nut.slc')) self.e.add_source(r) self.bounds = (0.0, 67.0, 0.0, 40.0, 0.0, 58.0)
def setup_reader(self): """"Setup the reader in here. This is called after the engine has been created and started. The engine is available as self.e. This method is called by setUp(). """ # Read a Facet data file. r = PolyDataReader() r.initialize(get_example_data('clown.facet')) self.e.add_source(r) self.bounds = (-0.5, 0.69, -0.49, 0.49, -1.09, 0.5)
def setup_reader(self): """"Setup the reader in here. This is called after the engine has been created and started. The engine is available as self.e. This method is called by setUp(). """ # Read a PDB data file. r = PolyDataReader() r.initialize(get_example_data('caffeine.pdb')) self.e.add_source(r) self.bounds = (3.10, 10.78, -2.39, 4.03, -10.60, -6.31)
def setup_reader(self): """"Setup the reader in here. This is called after the engine has been created and started. The engine is available as self.e. This method is called by setUp(). """ # Read a Gambit data file. r = UnstructuredGridReader() r.initialize(get_example_data('prism.neu')) self.e.add_source(r) self.bounds = (-1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0)
def setup_reader(self): """"Setup the reader in here. This is called after the engine has been created and started. The engine is available as self.e. This method is called by setUp(). """ # Read a AVSUCD data file. r = UnstructuredGridReader() r.initialize(get_example_data('cellsnd.ascii.inp')) self.e.add_source(r) self.bounds = (-2.0, 2.0, -2.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0)
def setup_reader(self): """"Setup the reader in here. This is called after the engine has been created and started. The engine is available as self.e. This method is called by setUp(). """ # Read a STL data file. r = PolyDataReader() r.initialize(get_example_data('humanoid_tri.stla')) self.e.add_source(r) self.bounds = (0.60, 3.47, -3.96, 3.95, 3.05, 17.39)
def setup_reader(self): """"Setup the reader in here. This is called after the engine has been created and started. The engine is available as self.e. This method is called by setUp(). """ # Read a DEM Image file. r = ImageReader() r.initialize(get_example_data('example.dem')) self.e.add_source(r) self.bounds = (557945.0, 567725.0, 5107991.5, 5121971.5, 682.0, 682.0)
def setup_reader(self): """"Setup the reader in here. This is called after the engine has been created and started. The engine is available as self.e. This method is called by setUp(). """ # Read a Meta Image file. r = ImageReader() r.initialize(get_example_data('foot.mha')) self.e.add_source(r) self.bounds = (0.0, 255.0, 0.0, 255.0, 0.0, 0.0)
def setup_reader(self): """"Setup the reader in here. This is called after the engine has been created and started. The engine is available as self.e. This method is called by setUp(). """ # Read a Meta Image file. r = ImageReader() r.initialize(get_example_data('foot.mha')) self.e.add_source(r) self.bounds =(0.0, 255.0, 0.0, 255.0, 0.0, 0.0)
def setup_reader(self): """"Setup the reader in here. This is called after the engine has been created and started. The engine is available as self.e. This method is called by setUp(). """ # Read a DEM Image file. r = ImageReader() r.initialize(get_example_data('example.dem')) self.e.add_source(r) self.bounds =(557945.0, 567725.0, 5107991.5, 5121971.5, 682.0, 682.0)
def setup_reader(self): """"Setup the reader in here. This is called after the engine has been created and started. The engine is available as self.e. This method is called by setUp(). """ # Read a AVSUCD data file. r = UnstructuredGridReader() r.initialize(get_example_data('cellsnd.ascii.inp')) self.e.add_source(r) self.bounds =(-2.0, 2.0, -2.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0)
def test_slice_unstructured_grid(self): # Given src ='uGridEx.vtk')) eg = mlab.pipeline.extract_unstructured_grid(src) eg.filter.trait_set(cell_clipping=True, cell_maximum=2) # When sug = mlab.pipeline.slice_unstructured_grid(eg) # Then assert_allclose(, (1.0, 2.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0))
def setup_reader(self): """"Setup the reader in here. This is called after the engine has been created and started. The engine is available as self.e. This method is called by setUp(). """ # Read a Particle data file. r = PolyDataReader() r.initialize(get_example_data('Particles.raw')) self.e.add_source(r) r.reader.set(data_byte_order='big_endian', data_type='float', file_type='binary') self.bounds = (817.33, 826.09, 545.02, 571.02, 1443.48, 1511.18)
def test_multiple_valid_readers(self): """Test if the fixture works fine if there are multiple readers capable of reading the file properly""" # Inserting a dummy reader into the registry also capable of # reading files with extension 'xyz' open_dummy = SourceMetadata( id = "DummyFile", class_name = "mayavi.tests.test_registry.DummyReader", menu_name = "&PLOT3D file", tooltip = "Open a PLOT3D data data", desc = "Open a PLOT3D data data", help = "Open a PLOT3D data data", extensions = ['xyz'], wildcard = 'PLOT3D files (*.xyz)|*.xyz', can_read_test = 'mayavi.tests.test_registry:DummyReader.check_read', output_info = PipelineInfo(datasets=['structured_grid'], attribute_types=['any'], attributes=['any']) ) registry.sources.append(open_dummy) reader = registry.get_file_reader(get_example_data('')) callable = reader.get_callable() self.assertEqual(callable.__name__, 'PLOT3DReader') # Removing existing readers for .xyz extensions to check if the Dummy # reader now reads it. remove = [] for index, src in enumerate(registry.sources[:]): if 'xyz' in src.extensions and != 'DummyFile': remove.append((index, src)) registry.sources.remove(src) reader = registry.get_file_reader(get_example_data('')) callable = reader.get_callable() self.assertEqual(callable.__name__, 'DummyReader') for index, src in remove: registry.sources.insert(index, src) registry.sources.remove(open_dummy)
def make_mb_dataset(): fpath = get_example_data('pyramid_ug.vtu') r = tvtk.XMLUnstructuredGridReader(file_name=fpath) r.update() ug0 = r.output ug1 = tvtk.UnstructuredGrid() ug1.deep_copy(ug0) pts = ug1.points.to_array() pts[:, 0] += 10.0 ug1.points = pts mb = tvtk.MultiBlockDataSet() mb.set_block(0, ug0) mb.set_block(1, ug1) return mb
def test_slice_unstructured_grid(self): v = tvtk.Version() if v.vtk_major_version < 6 and v.vtk_minor_version < 10: raise unittest.SkipTest('Broken on Travis with VTK-5.8?') # Given src ='uGridEx.vtk')) eg = mlab.pipeline.extract_unstructured_grid(src) eg.filter.set(cell_clipping=True, cell_maximum=2) # When sug = mlab.pipeline.slice_unstructured_grid(eg) # Then assert_allclose(, (1.0, 2.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0))
def test_test_backend_clf(self): """Test if setting the backend to 'test' works.""" mlab.options.backend = 'test' mlab.test_contour3d() e = mlab.get_engine() self.assertEqual(len(e.scenes), 1) self.assertEqual(len(e.scenes[0].children), 1) mlab.clf() self.assertEqual(len(e.scenes), 1) self.assertEqual(len(e.scenes[0].children), 0)'cube.vti')) mlab.clf() self.assertEqual(len(e.scenes), 1) self.assertEqual(len(e.scenes[0].children), 0)
def test_slice_unstructured_grid(self): v = tvtk.Version() if v.vtk_major_version < 6 and v.vtk_minor_version < 10: raise unittest.SkipTest('Broken on Travis with VTK-5.8?') # Given src ='uGridEx.vtk')) eg = mlab.pipeline.extract_unstructured_grid(src) eg.filter.trait_set(cell_clipping=True, cell_maximum=2) # When sug = mlab.pipeline.slice_unstructured_grid(eg) # Then assert_allclose(, (1.0, 2.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0))
def setUp(self): e = NullEngine() # Uncomment to see visualization for debugging etc. # e = Engine() e.start() e.new_scene() self.e = e # Read a VTK XML data file. r = VTKXMLFileReader() r.initialize(get_example_data("cube.vti")) e.add_source(r) # Create an outline for the data. o = Outline() e.add_module(o) # Create one ContourGridPlane normal to the 'x' axis. cgp1 = ContourGridPlane() e.add_module(cgp1) # Set the position to the middle of the data. cgp1.grid_plane.position = 1 # Another with filled contours normal to 'y' axis. cgp2 = ContourGridPlane() cgp2.contour.filled_contours = True # Set the axis and position to the middle of the data. cgp2.grid_plane.axis = "y" cgp2.grid_plane.position = 1 e.add_module(cgp2) # An interactive scalar cut plane. cp = ScalarCutPlane() e.add_module(cp) ip = cp.implicit_plane ip.normal = 0, 0, 1 ip.origin = 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 # Since this is running offscreen this seems necessary. ip.widget.origin = 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 ip.widget.enabled = False self.scene = e.current_scene self.cgp2 = cgp2 self.cp = cp return
def setUp(self): e = NullEngine() # Uncomment to see visualization for debugging etc. #e = Engine() e.start() e.new_scene() self.e=e # Read a VTK XML data file. r = VTKXMLFileReader() r.initialize(get_example_data('cube.vti')) e.add_source(r) # Create an outline for the data. o = Outline() e.add_module(o) # Create one ContourGridPlane normal to the 'x' axis. cgp1 = ContourGridPlane() e.add_module(cgp1) # Set the position to the middle of the data. cgp1.grid_plane.position = 1 # Another with filled contours normal to 'y' axis. cgp2 = ContourGridPlane() cgp2.contour.filled_contours = True # Set the axis and position to the middle of the data. cgp2.grid_plane.axis = 'y' cgp2.grid_plane.position = 1 e.add_module(cgp2) # An interactive scalar cut plane. cp = ScalarCutPlane() e.add_module(cp) ip = cp.implicit_plane ip.normal = 0,0,1 ip.origin = 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 # Since this is running offscreen this seems necessary. ip.widget.origin = 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 ip.widget.enabled = False self.scene = e.current_scene self.cgp2=cgp2 self.cp=cp return
def setUp(self): self.root = tempfile.mkdtemp() abc1 = os.path.join(self.root, "abc_1.vti") abc2 = os.path.join(self.root, "abc_2.vti") def1 = os.path.join(self.root, "def_1.vti") def2 = os.path.join(self.root, "def_2.vti") xyz1 = os.path.join(self.root, "xyz_1.vti") cube = get_example_data("cube.vti") self.abc1, self.abc2 = abc1, abc2 self.def1, self.def2 = def1, def2 self.xyz1 = xyz1 self.cube = cube for i in (abc1, abc2, def1, def2, xyz1): shutil.copy(cube, i) e = NullEngine() # Uncomment to see visualization for debugging etc. # e = Engine() e.start() e.new_scene() self.engine = e
def setUp(self): self.root = tempfile.mkdtemp() abc1 = os.path.join(self.root, 'abc_1.vti') abc2 = os.path.join(self.root, 'abc_2.vti') def1 = os.path.join(self.root, 'def_1.vti') def2 = os.path.join(self.root, 'def_2.vti') xyz1 = os.path.join(self.root, 'xyz_1.vti') cube = get_example_data('cube.vti') self.abc1, self.abc2 = abc1, abc2 self.def1, self.def2 = def1, def2 self.xyz1 = xyz1 self.cube = cube for i in (abc1, abc2, def1, def2, xyz1): shutil.copy(cube, i) e = NullEngine() # Uncomment to see visualization for debugging etc. #e = Engine() e.start() e.new_scene() self.engine = e
def setUp(self): """Initial setting up of test fixture, automatically called by TestCase before any other test method is invoked""" e = NullEngine() # Uncomment to see visualization for debugging etc. #e = Engine() e.start() e.new_scene() self.e=e # Read a VTK (old style) data file. r = VTKXMLFileReader() r.initialize(get_example_data('pyramid_ug.vtu')) e.add_source(r) # Create the filters. idp = ImageDataProbe() idp.rescale_scalars = True e.add_filter(idp) cgp = ContourGridPlane(enable_contours=False) e.add_module(cgp) cgp.grid_plane.axis = 'z' cgp.grid_plane.position = 1 self.scene = e.current_scene return
def test_unique_reader(self): "Check if a file with a unique reader in Mayavi2 can be read" e = self.e reader ='prism.neu')) self.assertNotEqual(reader, None)
def test_field_file(self): self.src.initialize(get_example_data('fieldfile.vtk')) self.check(18, 3)
def test_unstructured_grid_file(self): self.src.initialize(get_example_data('uGridEx.vtk')) self.check(27, 12)
def test_structured_grid_file(self): self.src.initialize(get_example_data('SampleStructGrid.vtk')) self.check(24000, 21489)