Example #1
    def testDeadEndFiller(self):
        """ test against a maze with outer/inner entraces """
        starts = [True, False]
        ends = [True, False]

        for s in starts:
            for e in ends:
                m = self._create_maze_with_varied_entrances(s, e)
                m.solver = DeadEndFiller()

                for sol in m.solutions:
                    self.assertTrue(self._one_away(m.start, sol[0]))
                    self.assertTrue(self._one_away(m.end, sol[-1]))
Example #2
class CuldeSacFiller(MazeSolveAlgo):
    1. Scan the maze, identify all fully-connected wall systems.
    2. Any wall system that touches the border is not a cul-de-sac, remove it.
    3. Determine if remaining wall systems are cul-de-sacs.
    4. If so, add a wall segment to turn the cul-de-sac into a dead end.
    5. Solve using Dead End Filler.
    def __init__(self, solver=None):
        if not solver:
            self.solver = DeadEndFiller(ShortestPaths())
            self.solver = DeadEndFiller(solver)

    def _solve(self):

        return self._build_solutions()

    def _seal_culdesacs(self):
        """identify and seal off all culdesacs"""
        # identify all fully-connected wall systems
        walls = self._find_wall_systems()
        # connect wall systems that are disconnected above
        walls = self._reduce_wall_systems(walls)

        # remove any wall system that touches the maze boundary
        walls = self._remove_border_walls(walls)

        for wall in walls:
            border = self._find_bordering_cells(wall)
            if self._wall_is_culdesac(border):

    def _reduce_wall_systems(self, walls):
        """Reduce a collection of walls in a maze to realize
        when two walls are actually connected and should be one.
        N = len(walls)

        for i in range(N - 1):
            if walls[i] is None:
            for j in range(i, N):
                if walls[j] is None:
                if self._walls_are_connected(walls[i], walls[j]):
                    walls[i] += walls[j]
                    walls[j] = None

        # remove "None" walls
        return [w for w in walls if w != None]

    def _walls_are_connected(self, wall1, wall2):
        """Figure out if two walls are connected at any point."""
        if wall1 is None or wall2 is None:
            return False

        for cell1 in wall1:
            for cell2 in wall2:
                if self._is_neighbor(cell1, cell2):
                    return True

        return False

    def _build_solutions(self):
        """Now that all of the cul-de-sac have been cut out, the maze still needs to be solved."""
        return self.solver.solve(self.grid, self.start, self.end)

    def _fix_culdesac(self, border):
        """Destroy the culdesac by blocking off the loop."""
        if len(border) > 1:
            self.grid[self._midpoint(border[0], border[1])] = 1

    def _wall_is_culdesac(self, border):
        """A cul-de-sac is a loop with only one entrance."""
        num_entrances = 0

        for cell in border:
            num_neighbors = len(self._find_unblocked_neighbors(cell))
            # if a cell has more than 2 neighbors, one must be a cul-de-sac entrance
            if num_neighbors > 2:
                num_entrances += 1
            # if it has more than one entrance, it's not a cul-de-sac
            if num_entrances > 1:
                return False

        return True

    def _find_bordering_cells(self, wall):
        """build a buffer, one cell wide, around the wall"""
        border = []

        # buffer each wall cell by one, add those buffer cells to a set
        for cell in wall:
            r, c = cell
            for rdiff in [-1, 0, 1]:
                for cdiff in [-1, 0, 1]:
                    border.append((r + rdiff, c + cdiff))

        # remove non-unique values
        border = list(set(border))

        # remove all wall cells from the buffer
        border = [b for b in border if b not in wall]

        # remove all non-navigable cells from the buffer
        border = [b for b in border if b[0] % 2 == 1 and b[1] % 2 == 1]

        # remove all dead ends within the cul-de-sac
        return self._remove_internal_deadends(border)

    def _remove_internal_deadends(self, border):
        """Complicated cul-de-Sacs can have internal dead ends.
        These seriously complicate the logic and need to be removed."""
        found = True
        while found:
            found = False
            new_border = border
            for cell in border:
                if len(self._find_unblocked_neighbors(cell)) < 2:
                    found = True
            border = new_border

        return border

    def _remove_border_walls(self, walls):
        """remove any wall system that touches the maze border"""
        new_walls = []

        for wall in walls:
            on_edge = False
            for cell in wall:
                if self._on_edge(cell):
                    on_edge = True
            if not on_edge:

        return new_walls

    def _find_wall_systems(self):
        """A wall system is any continiously-adjacent set of walls."""
        walls = []
        # loop through each cell in the maze
        for r in range(self.grid.shape[0]):
            for c in range(self.grid.shape[1]):
                # if the cell is a wall
                if self.grid[r, c] == 1:
                    found = False
                    # determine which wall system it belongs in
                    for i in range(len(walls)):
                        if self._has_neighbor((r, c), walls[i]):
                            found = True
                            walls[i].append((r, c))
                    if not found:
                        walls.append([(r, c)])

        return walls

    def _is_neighbor(self, cell1, cell2):
        """Determine if one cell is adjacent to another"""
        r_diff = abs(cell1[0] - cell2[0])
        c_diff = abs(cell1[1] - cell2[1])

        if r_diff == 0 and c_diff == 1:
            return True
        elif c_diff == 0 and r_diff == 1:
            return True
            return False

    def _has_neighbor(self, cell, list_cells):
        """Determine if your cell has a neighbor in a list of cells"""
        for target in list_cells:
            if self._is_neighbor(cell, target):
                return True

        return False
Example #3
 def __init__(self, solver=None):
     if not solver:
         self.solver = DeadEndFiller(ShortestPaths())
         self.solver = DeadEndFiller(solver)