bcolors.NONE, ' * Amazon score:\t%s \t %s' %
                (amz_score, amz_image.URL.pyval))
            if amz_score > best_score:
                front_uri = amz_image.URL.pyval
                best_score = amz_score

    # Evaluate Spotify
    if spotify is not None and release[
            'barcode'] is not None and release['barcode'] != "":
        albums = spotify.search_albums('upc:%s' % release['barcode'])
        if len(albums) == 1:
                ' * Spotify = https://embed.spotify.com/?uri=%s&view=coverart'
                % (albums[0]['href'], ))
            image_url = spotify.artwork_url(albums[0]['href'])
            if image_url is not None:
                    img_file = urllib2.urlopen(image_url)
                    im = Image.open(StringIO(img_file.read()))
                    spotify_score = im.size[0] * im.size[1]
                        bcolors.NONE, ' * Spotify score:\t%s \t %s' %
                        (spotify_score, image_url))
                    if spotify_score > best_score:
                        front_uri = image_url
                        best_score = spotify_score
                except urllib2.HTTPError, e:

    # Evaluate iTunes
            and re.sub(r'^(0+)', '', amz_barcode) != re.sub(r'^(0+)', '', release['barcode']):
            colored_out(bcolors.FAIL, " * Amz barcode doesn't match MB barcode (%s vs %s) => skipping" % (amz_barcode, release['barcode']))
        if amz_image is not None:
            amz_score = amz_image.Height * amz_image.Width
            colored_out(bcolors.NONE, ' * Amazon score:\t%s \t %s' % (amz_score, amz_image.URL.pyval))
            if amz_score > best_score:
                front_uri = amz_image.URL.pyval
                best_score = amz_score

    # Evaluate Spotify
    if spotify is not None and release['barcode'] is not None and release['barcode'] != "":
        albums = spotify.search_albums('upc:%s' % release['barcode'])
        if len(albums) == 1:
            colored_out(bcolors.WARNING, ' * Spotify = https://embed.spotify.com/?uri=%s&view=coverart' % (albums[0]['href'],))
            image_url = spotify.artwork_url(albums[0]['href'])
            if image_url is not None:
                    img_file = urllib2.urlopen(image_url)
                    im = Image.open(StringIO(img_file.read()))
                    spotify_score = im.size[0] * im.size[1]
                    colored_out(bcolors.NONE, ' * Spotify score:\t%s \t %s' % (spotify_score, image_url))
                    if spotify_score > best_score:
                        front_uri = image_url
                        best_score = spotify_score
                except urllib2.HTTPError, e:

    # Evaluate iTunes
    if itunes is not None and release['barcode'] is not None and release['barcode'] != "":
        albums = itunes.search({'upc': release['barcode']})