def add_user(self, username, email, **kwargs):
        """Create a new user with provided details.

        Add user example:

        .. code-block:: python

            account_management_api = AccountManagementAPI()
            # Add user
            user = {
                "username": "******",
                "email": "*****@*****.**",
                "phone_number": "0123456789"
            new_user = account_management_api.add_user(**user)

        :param str username: The unique username of the user (Required)
        :param str email: The unique email of the user (Required)
        :param str full_name: The full name of the user
        :param list groups: List of group IDs (`str`) which this user belongs to
        :param str password: The password string of the user
        :param str phone_number: Phone number of the user
        :param bool terms_accepted: 'General Terms & Conditions' have been accepted
        :param bool marketing_accepted: Marketing Information opt-in
        :returns: the new user object
        :rtype: User
        api = self._get_api(iam.AccountAdminApi)
        kwargs.update({'username': username, 'email': email})
        user = User._create_request_map(kwargs)
        body = iam.UserUpdateReq(**user)
        return User(api.create_user(body))
    def update_user(self, user_id, **kwargs):
        """Update user properties of specified user.

        :param str user_id: The ID of the user to update (Required)
        :param str username: The unique username of the user
        :param str email: The unique email of the user
        :param str full_name: The full name of the user
        :param str password: The password string of the user.
        :param str phone_number: Phone number of the user
        :param bool terms_accepted: Is 'General Terms & Conditions' accepted
        :param bool marketing_accepted: Is receiving marketing information accepted?
        :returns: the updated user object
        :rtype: User
        api = self._get_api(iam.AccountAdminApi)
        user = User._create_request_map(kwargs)
        body = iam.UserUpdateReq(**user)
        return User(api.update_user(user_id, body))