def _do_mb_query(entity, id, includes=[], params={}):
	"""Make a single GET call to the MusicBrainz XML API. `entity` is a
	string indicated the type of object to be retrieved. The id may be
	empty, in which case the query is a search. `includes` is a list
	of strings that must be valid includes for the entity type. `params`
	is a dictionary of additional parameters for the API call. The
	response is parsed and returned.
	# Build arguments.
	_check_includes(entity, includes)
	auth_required = _is_auth_required(entity, includes)
	args = dict(params)
	if len(includes) > 0:
		inc = " ".join(includes)
		args["inc"] = inc

	# Build the endpoint URL.
	url = urlparse.urlunparse(('http',
		'/ws/2/%s/%s' % (entity, id),
	#print url
	# Make the request and parse the response.

	f = _make_http_request(url, auth_required, None, None, 'GET')
	return mbxml.parse_message(f)
def _mb_request(path, method='GET', auth_required=False, client_required=False,
                args=None, data=None, body=None):
    """Makes a request for the specified `path` (endpoint) on /ws/2 on
    the globally-specified hostname. Parses the responses and returns
    the resulting object.  `auth_required` and `client_required` control
    whether exceptions should be raised if the client and
    username/password are left unspecified, respectively.
    args = dict(args) or {}

    # Add client if required.
    if client_required and _client == "":
        raise UsageError("set a client name with "
    elif client_required:
        args["client"] = _client

    # Construct the full URL for the request, including hostname and
    # query string.
    url = urlparse.urlunparse((
        '/ws/2/%s' % path,
    _log.debug("%s request for %s" % (method, url))
    # Set up HTTP request handler and URL opener.
    httpHandler = urllib2.HTTPHandler(debuglevel=0)
    handlers = [httpHandler]
    opener = urllib2.build_opener(*handlers)

    # Add credentials if required.
    if auth_required:
        if not user:
            raise UsageError("authorization required; "
                             "use musicbrainz.auth(u, p) first")
        passwordMgr = _RedirectPasswordMgr()
        authHandler = _DigestAuthHandler(passwordMgr)
        authHandler.add_password("", (), user, password)
    # Make request.
    req = _MusicbrainzHttpRequest(method, url, data)
    req.add_header('User-Agent', _useragent)
    if body:
        req.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/xml; charset=UTF-8')
    f = _safe_open(opener, req, body)

    # Parse the response.
        return mbxml.parse_message(f)
    except etree.ParseError, exc:
        raise ResponseError(cause=exc)
Example #3
def mb_parser_xml(resp):
    """Return a Python dict representing the XML response"""
    # Parse the response.
        return mbxml.parse_message(resp)
    except UnicodeError as exc:
        raise ResponseError(cause=exc)
    except Exception as exc:
        if isinstance(exc, ETREE_EXCEPTIONS):
            raise ResponseError(cause=exc)
Example #4
def mb_parser_xml(resp):
    """Return a Python dict representing the XML response"""
    # Parse the response.
        return mbxml.parse_message(resp)
    except UnicodeError as exc:
        raise ResponseError(cause=exc)
    except Exception as exc:
        if isinstance(exc, ETREE_EXCEPTIONS):
            raise ResponseError(cause=exc)
def _do_mb_post(entity, body):
	"""Perform a single POST call to the MusicBrainz XML API.
	if _client == "":
		raise Exception("set a client name with musicbrainz.set_client(\"client-version\")")
	args = {"client": _client}
	url = urlparse.urlunparse(('http',
		'/ws/2/%s' % (entity,),
	#print url
	f = _make_http_request(url, auth_req=True, data=None, body=body, method="POST")
	return mbxml.parse_message(f)
		'/ws/2/%s/%s' % (entity, id),
	print url

	# Make the request and parse the response.
	f = urllib2.Request(url)
		f = urllib2.urlopen(f)
	except urllib2.URLError, e:
		print "error"
	return mbxml.parse_message(f)

def _do_mb_search(entity, query='', fields={}, limit=None, offset=None):
	"""Perform a full-text search on the MusicBrainz search server.
	`query` is a free-form query string and `fields` is a dictionary
	of key/value query parameters. They keys in `fields` must be valid
	for the given entity type.
	# Encode the query terms as a Lucene query string.
	query_parts = [query.replace('\x00', '').strip()]
	for key, value in fields.iteritems():
		# Ensure this is a valid search field.
		if key not in VALID_SEARCH_FIELDS[entity]:
			raise InvalidSearchFieldError(
				'%s is not a valid search field for %s' % (key, entity)
Example #7
def _mb_request(path, method='GET', auth_required=False, client_required=False,
				args=None, data=None, body=None):
	"""Makes a request for the specified `path` (endpoint) on /ws/2 on
	the globally-specified hostname. Parses the responses and returns
	the resulting object.  `auth_required` and `client_required` control
	whether exceptions should be raised if the client and
	username/password are left unspecified, respectively.
	if args is None:
		args = {}
		args = dict(args) or {}

	if _useragent == "":
		raise UsageError("set a proper user-agent with "
						 "set_useragent(\"application name\", \"application version\", \"contact info (preferably URL or email for your application)\")")

	if client_required:
		args["client"] = _client

	# Encode Unicode arguments using UTF-8.
	for key, value in args.items():
		if isinstance(value, unicode):
			args[key] = value.encode('utf8')

	# Construct the full URL for the request, including hostname and
	# query string.
	url = urlparse.urlunparse((
		'/ws/2/%s' % path,
	_log.debug("%s request for %s" % (method, url))

	# Set up HTTP request handler and URL opener.
	httpHandler = urllib2.HTTPHandler(debuglevel=0)
	handlers = [httpHandler]

	# Add credentials if required.
	if auth_required:
		_log.debug("Auth required for %s" % url)
		if not user:
			raise UsageError("authorization required; "
							 "use auth(user, pass) first")
		passwordMgr = _RedirectPasswordMgr()
		authHandler = _DigestAuthHandler(passwordMgr)
		authHandler.add_password("", (), user, password)

	opener = urllib2.build_opener(*handlers)

	# Make request.
	req = _MusicbrainzHttpRequest(method, url, data)
	req.add_header('User-Agent', _useragent)
	_log.debug("requesting with UA %s" % _useragent)
	if body:
		req.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/xml; charset=UTF-8')
	f = _safe_open(opener, req, body)

	# Parse the response.
		return mbxml.parse_message(f)
	except UnicodeError as exc:
		raise ResponseError(cause=exc)
	except Exception as exc:
		if isinstance(exc, ETREE_EXCEPTIONS):
			raise ResponseError(cause=exc)
Example #8
def _mb_request(path,
    """Makes a request for the specified `path` (endpoint) on /ws/2 on
	the globally-specified hostname. Parses the responses and returns
	the resulting object.  `auth_required` and `client_required` control
	whether exceptions should be raised if the client and
	username/password are left unspecified, respectively.
    if args is None:
        args = {}
        args = dict(args) or {}

    if _useragent == "":
        raise UsageError(
            "set a proper user-agent with "
            "musicbrainz.set_useragent(\"application name\", \"application version\", \"contact info (preferably URL or email for your application)\")"

    if client_required:
        args["client"] = _client

    # Encode Unicode arguments using UTF-8.
    for key, value in args.items():
        if isinstance(value, unicode):
            args[key] = value.encode('utf8')

    # Construct the full URL for the request, including hostname and
    # query string.
    url = urlparse.urlunparse(
        ('http', hostname, '/ws/2/%s' % path, '', urllib.urlencode(args), ''))
    _log.debug("%s request for %s" % (method, url))

    # Set up HTTP request handler and URL opener.
    httpHandler = urllib2.HTTPHandler(debuglevel=0)
    handlers = [httpHandler]

    # Add credentials if required.
    if auth_required:
        _log.debug("Auth required for %s" % url)
        if not user:
            raise UsageError("authorization required; "
                             "use musicbrainz.auth(u, p) first")
        passwordMgr = _RedirectPasswordMgr()
        authHandler = _DigestAuthHandler(passwordMgr)
        authHandler.add_password("", (), user, password)

    opener = urllib2.build_opener(*handlers)

    # Make request.
    req = _MusicbrainzHttpRequest(method, url, data)
    req.add_header('User-Agent', _useragent)
    _log.debug("requesting with UA %s" % _useragent)
    if body:
        req.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/xml; charset=UTF-8')
    f = _safe_open(opener, req, body)

    # Parse the response.
        return mbxml.parse_message(f)
    except etree.ParseError, exc:
        raise ResponseError(cause=exc)