Example #1
    def setUp(self):
        # create a colon batch with 2 samples
        self.test_batch = ColonMuscleBatch()

        # artificially add 10 fake "reflectances" to this batch
        # at 10 fake "wavelengths"
        WAVELENGHTS = np.linspace(450, 720, 10)
        reflectance1 = np.arange(0, 30, 3)
        reflectance2 = np.arange(30, 60, 3)
        for w in WAVELENGHTS:
            self.test_batch.df["reflectances", w] = np.NAN
        for r1, r2, w in zip(reflectance1, reflectance2, WAVELENGHTS):
            self.test_batch.df["reflectances", w][0] = r1
            self.test_batch.df["reflectances", w][1] = r2

        # shortcut to dataframe that we are interested in:
        self.df = self.test_batch.df
Example #2
 def create_batch_to_simulate(self):
     return ColonMuscleBatch()