Example #1
	def read(self, piconet):
		Reads Bluetooth clock.

		If piconet is True, reads piconet clock. If False, reads
		native clock (which is the same as piconet clock if
		local BT is piconet master).

		Returns a tuple with BT clock and accuracy, or None if
		not successful.

		Accuracy may be zero (means theoretical infinit precision).
		Unit is Bluetooth "ticks" (312.5 us each), wraps 32 bits
		addr = None
		if piconet:
			addr = self.addr
		# FIXME handle temporary failure
		return mcap_sock.hci_read_clock(self.raw_socket, addr)
Example #2
	def _determine_latency(self):
		Determine how much time it takes to read HCI clock
		# Exercise modules first
		mcap_sock.hci_read_clock(self.raw_socket, None)
		t = time.time()
		mcap_sock.hci_read_clock(self.raw_socket, None)
		t = time.time()
		mcap_sock.hci_read_clock(self.raw_socket, None)
		t = time.time()

		# take a bunch of measures
		latencies = []
		latencies2 = []
		for x in range(0, 20):
			t1 = time.time()
			# FIXME handle temporary failure
			mcap_sock.hci_read_clock(self.raw_socket, None)
			t2 = time.time()
			latency = t2 - t1
			latencies2.append(latency * latency)

		s = sum(latencies)
		n = len(latencies)
		avg = s / n
		stdev = math.sqrt((n * sum(latencies2) - s * s)) / n

		filtered = []
		for latency in latencies:
			# leap of faith here: we assume that latencies too
			# high are result of preemption between calls
			if latency < avg + 6 * stdev:

		# Return average without freak samples
		avg = sum(filtered) / len(filtered)
		return int(avg * 1000000)
Example #3
	def read_native(self):
		# FIXME handle temporary failure
		return mcap_sock.hci_read_clock(self.raw_socket, None)