def __init__( self, d ) :
        self.xmax_list    = d["Xmax"]
        self.xmin_list    = d["Xmin"]
        self.yoffset_list = d["Yoffset"]
        self.smooth_list  = d["Smoothing"]

        self.filename     = d["Filename"]
        self.plotvar      = d["PlotVar"]
        self.label        = d["Label"]

        self.color        = d["Color"]    = mcf.getPlotDirectory( d["Var1"], d["Var2"], d["CalcMode"], d["Short"] )
def main(argv=None):
    # import out configuration and command line options
    conf = configuration()
    options, files = opts()
    assert len(files) > 0, "Must specify files as command line arguments"

    # set up root to look pretty 

    if not conf["Zmax"]:
        conf["Zmax"] = mcf.getHistoZMax(conf["ContourType"])

    blank_histogram = len(files) > 1 or options.no_histo
    if blank_histogram:
            print "Printing blank histograms"

    for i, (x, y) in enumerate( zip( conf["Xvar"], conf["Yvar"] ) ):
        canvas_title = "MCcontour_%d" % i
        canvas_name = "MC_%d" % i
        canvas = ROOT.TCanvas(canvas_name,canvas_title,1)
        directory = mcf.getPlotDirectory( x, y, conf["ContourType"], \
            options.short, conf["ContribVar"] )
        for filename in files:
            f = ROOT.TFile(filename)
            drawHistogram( f, directory, conf, i, blank_histogram )
            if not options.no_contours:
                drawContours( f, directory, conf, i)
            # if you do f.close() here then it removes teh histogram from the
            # pad (apparently it's owned by hte file.  Need to make sure we
            # clean this up at the end.  i.e. iterate over gDirectory

        outfile = "%s_%s_%d_%d.%s" % (conf["OutfilePrefix"], conf["ContourType"], \
            conf["Xvar"][i], conf["Yvar"][i], conf["OutfileType"] )