Example #1
def test_events():
    rc = yield redis.Connection(dbid=2)
    yield rc.flushdb()

    eb = EventBus(rc)
    yield eb.connect()

    test_events.test = None

    def boo(pattern, message):
        assert message == 'hoho'
        assert pattern == 'foo'
        test_events.test = message

    eb.on('foo', boo)

    yield eb.fire_event('foo', 'hoho')

    def check_results():
        assert test_events.test == 'hoho'

    reactor.callLater(50, check_results)
Example #2
def test_events():
    rc = yield redis.Connection(dbid=2)
    yield rc.flushdb()

    eb = EventBus(rc)
    yield eb.connect()

    test_events.test = None

    def boo(pattern, message):
        assert message == 'hoho'
        assert pattern == 'foo'
        test_events.test = message

    eb.on('foo', boo)

    yield eb.fire_event('foo', 'hoho')

    def check_results():
        assert test_events.test == 'hoho'

    reactor.callLater(50, check_results)
Example #3
def test_task_terminate():

    # preparations

    # cleanup a bit

    rc = yield redis.Connection(dbid=2)
    eb = EventBus(rc)
    yield eb.connect()

    def my_config(binder):
        binder.bind(redis.Connection, rc)
        binder.bind(EventBus, eb)
        binder.bind('settings', None)


    yield rc.flushdb()

    api = inject.instance(ApiRpcServer)

    # Test itself

    # this will emulate some long-running process
    task_defered = defer.Deferred()

    # this is mock that will execute our long-running process
    task = flexmock()
        int, 123, 'test').once().and_return(task_defered)

    # register our task
    api.tasks['baz'] = task.foo

    # start server -> real server on tcp port
    server = Server(port=9987, no_ssl=True)

    # real client connecton here
    client = Client(port=9987, no_ssl=True)
    yield client.connect()

    # client calls a task
    task = Task('baz')
    yield client.call(task, 123, 'test')

    yield sleep(0.1)

    assert task.id > 0
    assert task.name == 'baz'

    assert task.is_running is True

    # now client terminates the task
    yield sleep(0.1)


    yield sleep(0.1)

    assert task.is_running is False

    # Cleanup


    yield sleep(0.1)
Example #4
def test_tasks():

    # preparations

    # cleanup a bit

    rc = yield redis.Connection(dbid=2)
    eb = EventBus(rc)
    yield eb.connect()

    def my_config(binder):
        binder.bind(redis.Connection, rc)
        binder.bind(EventBus, eb)
        binder.bind('settings', None)


    yield rc.flushdb()

    api = inject.instance(ApiRpcServer)

    # Test itself

    # this will emulate some long-running process
    task_defered = defer.Deferred()

    # this is mock that will execute our long-running process
    task = flexmock()
        int, 123, 'test').once().and_return(task_defered)

    # register our task
    api.tasks['baz'] = task.foo

    # start server -> real server on tcp port
    server = Server(port=9997, no_ssl=True)

    # real client connecton here
    client = Client(port=9997, no_ssl=True)
    yield client.connect()

    # client calls a task
    task = Task('baz')
    yield client.call(task, 123, 'test')

    yield sleep(0.1)

    assert task.id > 0
    assert task.name == 'baz'

    assert task.is_running is True

    assert len(server.rpc_server.tasks_running) == 1
    assert server.rpc_server.tasks_running[task.id]['name'] == 'baz'
    assert len(server.rpc_server.task_list()) == 1

    # no data should be on client
    yield sleep(0.1)
    assert task.data == []
    assert task.response is None

    # now server sends some progress
    yield server.clients[0].send_event('task.progress.%s' % task.id,

    # and client should receive this data
    yield sleep(0.1)

    assert task.data == ['nami-nami']
    assert task.is_running is True
    assert task.response is None

    # now our long-running process stopped and returned some result
    yield task_defered.callback('this is respnse')

    # and client should recieve this resul
    yield sleep(0.1)

    assert task.data == ['nami-nami']
    assert task.is_running == False
    assert task.response == 'this is respnse'

    assert len(server.rpc_server.tasks_running) == 0
    assert len(server.rpc_server.task_list()) == 0

    # Cleanup


    yield sleep(0.1)
Example #5
    def run_server(redis):

        from mcloud.events import EventBus
        from mcloud.remote import ApiRpcServer, Server
        from mcloud.tasks import TaskService

        log.msg('Running server')

        eb = EventBus(redis)
        log.msg('Connecting event bus')
        yield eb.connect()

        log.msg('Configuring injector.')

        plugins_loaded = []

        def my_config(binder):
            binder.bind(txredisapi.Connection, redis)
            binder.bind(EventBus, eb)

            binder.bind('settings', settings)

            binder.bind('host-ip', resolve_host_ip())
            binder.bind('dns-search-suffix', settings.dns_search_suffix)
            binder.bind('plugins', plugins_loaded)

        # Configure a shared injector.

        api = inject.instance(ApiRpcServer)
        tasks = inject.instance(TaskService)
        api.tasks = tasks.collect_tasks()

        log.msg('Starting rpc listener on port %d' % settings.websocket_port)
        server = Server(port=settings.websocket_port)

        # load plugins
        for ep in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points(group='mcloud_plugins'):

                plugin_class = ep.load()

                log.msg('=' * 80)
                log.msg('Loading plugin %s' % plugin_class)
                log.msg('-' * 80)

                yield verifyClass(IMcloudPlugin, plugin_class)

                plugin = plugin_class()

                yield plugin.setup()

                print "Loaded %s - OK" % plugin_class

            except Exception as e:
                print '!-' * 40
                print e.__class__.__name__
                print e
                print '!-' * 40

                # reactor.stop()

                log.msg('=' * 80)

        log.msg('-' * 80)
        log.msg('All plugins loaded.')
        log.msg('=' * 80)

        deployment_controller = inject.instance(DeploymentController)
        yield deployment_controller.configure_docker_machine()

Example #6
def test_service_api():
    from twisted.python import log

    redis = yield txredisapi.Connection(dbid=2)
    yield redis.flushdb()

    yield redis.set('mcloud-ticket-id', 123122)

    eb = EventBus(redis)
    yield eb.connect()

    redis = flexmock()

        EventBus: eb,
        'dns-server': 'local.dns',
        'dns-search-suffix': 'local',
        IDockerClient: DockerTwistedClient(),
        txredisapi.Connection: redis

    name = 'test.foo'

    s = Service(image_builder=DockerfileImageBuilder(
        os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '_files/ct_bash')),

    class Printer(object):
        def publish(self, *args):
            print args

    s.client.message_publisher = Printer()

    yield s.inspect()

    if s.is_created():
        yield s.stop(ticket_id=123123)
        yield s.destroy(ticket_id=123123)

    assert not s.is_created()
    assert not s.is_running()

    yield s.create(ticket_id=123123)
    assert s.is_created()
    assert not s.is_running()

    yield s.start(ticket_id=123123)
    assert s.is_created()
    assert s.is_running()

    yield s.stop(ticket_id=123123)
    assert s.is_created()
    assert not s.is_running()

    yield s.destroy(ticket_id=123123)
    assert not s.is_created()
    assert not s.is_running()

# @pytest.inlineCallbacks
# def test_volume_snapshot():
#     from twisted.python import log
#     log.startLogging(sys.stdout)
#     redis = yield txredisapi.Connection(dbid=2)
#     yield redis.flushdb()
#     yield redis.set('mcloud-ticket-id', 123122)
#     eb = EventBus(redis)
#     yield eb.connect()
#     with injector({EventBus: eb, 'dns-server': 'local.dns', 'dns-search-suffix': 'local', IDockerClient: DockerTwistedClient()}):
#         name = 'test.foo'
#         s = Service(
#             image_builder=DockerfileImageBuilder(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '_files/ct_bash')),
#             name=name,
#             volumes=[
#                 {'local': os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '_files/boo'), 'remote': '/var/foo'}
#             ]
#         )
#         yield s.create(ticket_id=123123)
#         yield s.start(ticket_id=123123)
#         assert s.is_created()
#         assert s.is_running()
#         yield s.destroy(ticket_id=123123)
Example #7
def test_service_api():
    from twisted.python import log

    redis = yield txredisapi.Connection(dbid=2)
    yield redis.flushdb()

    yield redis.set('mcloud-ticket-id', 123122)

    eb = EventBus(redis)
    yield eb.connect()

    redis = flexmock()

        EventBus: eb,
        'dns-server': 'local.dns',
        'dns-search-suffix': 'local',
        IDockerClient: DockerTwistedClient(),
        txredisapi.Connection: redis

    name = 'test.foo'

    s = Service(
        image_builder=DockerfileImageBuilder(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '_files/ct_bash')),

    class Printer(object):
        def publish(self, *args):
            print args

    s.client.message_publisher = Printer()

    yield s.inspect()

    if s.is_created():
        yield s.stop(ticket_id=123123)
        yield s.destroy(ticket_id=123123)

    assert not s.is_created()
    assert not s.is_running()

    yield s.create(ticket_id=123123)
    assert s.is_created()
    assert not s.is_running()

    yield s.start(ticket_id=123123)
    assert s.is_created()
    assert s.is_running()

    yield s.stop(ticket_id=123123)
    assert s.is_created()
    assert not s.is_running()

    yield s.destroy(ticket_id=123123)
    assert not s.is_created()
    assert not s.is_running()

# @pytest.inlineCallbacks
# def test_volume_snapshot():
#     from twisted.python import log
#     log.startLogging(sys.stdout)
#     redis = yield txredisapi.Connection(dbid=2)
#     yield redis.flushdb()
#     yield redis.set('mcloud-ticket-id', 123122)
#     eb = EventBus(redis)
#     yield eb.connect()
#     with injector({EventBus: eb, 'dns-server': 'local.dns', 'dns-search-suffix': 'local', IDockerClient: DockerTwistedClient()}):
#         name = 'test.foo'
#         s = Service(
#             image_builder=DockerfileImageBuilder(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '_files/ct_bash')),
#             name=name,
#             volumes=[
#                 {'local': os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '_files/boo'), 'remote': '/var/foo'}
#             ]
#         )
#         yield s.create(ticket_id=123123)
#         yield s.start(ticket_id=123123)
#         assert s.is_created()
#         assert s.is_running()
#         yield s.destroy(ticket_id=123123)
Example #8
def test_task_terminate():

    # preparations

    # cleanup a bit

    rc = yield redis.Connection(dbid=2)
    eb = EventBus(rc)
    yield eb.connect()

    def my_config(binder):
        binder.bind(redis.Connection, rc)
        binder.bind(EventBus, eb)
        binder.bind('settings', None)


    yield rc.flushdb()

    api = inject.instance(ApiRpcServer)

    # Test itself

    # this will emulate some long-running process
    task_defered = defer.Deferred()

    # this is mock that will execute our long-running process
    task = flexmock()
    task.should_receive('foo').with_args(int, 123, 'test').once().and_return(task_defered)

    # register our task
    api.tasks['baz'] = task.foo

    # start server -> real server on tcp port
    server = Server(port=9987, no_ssl=True)

    # real client connecton here
    client = Client(port=9987, no_ssl=True)
    yield client.connect()

    # client calls a task
    task = Task('baz')
    yield client.call(task, 123, 'test')

    yield sleep(0.1)

    assert task.id > 0
    assert task.name == 'baz'

    assert task.is_running is True

    # now client terminates the task
    yield sleep(0.1)


    yield sleep(0.1)

    assert task.is_running is False

    # Cleanup


    yield sleep(0.1)
Example #9
def test_tasks():

    # preparations

    # cleanup a bit

    rc = yield redis.Connection(dbid=2)
    eb = EventBus(rc)
    yield eb.connect()

    def my_config(binder):
        binder.bind(redis.Connection, rc)
        binder.bind(EventBus, eb)
        binder.bind('settings', None)


    yield rc.flushdb()

    api = inject.instance(ApiRpcServer)

    # Test itself

    # this will emulate some long-running process
    task_defered = defer.Deferred()

    # this is mock that will execute our long-running process
    task = flexmock()
    task.should_receive('foo').with_args(int, 123, 'test').once().and_return(task_defered)

    # register our task
    api.tasks['baz'] = task.foo

    # start server -> real server on tcp port
    server = Server(port=9997, no_ssl=True)

    # real client connecton here
    client = Client(port=9997, no_ssl=True)
    yield client.connect()

    # client calls a task
    task = Task('baz')
    yield client.call(task, 123, 'test')

    yield sleep(0.1)

    assert task.id > 0
    assert task.name == 'baz'

    assert task.is_running is True

    assert len(server.rpc_server.tasks_running) == 1
    assert server.rpc_server.tasks_running[task.id]['name'] == 'baz'
    assert len(server.rpc_server.task_list()) == 1

    # no data should be on client
    yield sleep(0.1)
    assert task.data == []
    assert task.response is None

    # now server sends some progress
    yield server.clients[0].send_event('task.progress.%s' % task.id, 'nami-nami')

    # and client should receive this data
    yield sleep(0.1)

    assert task.data == ['nami-nami']
    assert task.is_running is True
    assert task.response is None

    # now our long-running process stopped and returned some result
    yield task_defered.callback('this is respnse')

    # and client should recieve this resul
    yield sleep(0.1)

    assert task.data == ['nami-nami']
    assert task.is_running == False
    assert task.response == 'this is respnse'

    assert len(server.rpc_server.tasks_running) == 0
    assert len(server.rpc_server.task_list()) == 0

    # Cleanup


    yield sleep(0.1)
Example #10
    def run_server(redis):

        from mcloud.events import EventBus
        from mcloud.remote import ApiRpcServer, Server
        from mcloud.tasks import TaskService

        log.msg('Running server')

        eb = EventBus(redis)
        log.msg('Connecting event bus')
        yield eb.connect()

        log.msg('Configuring injector.')

        plugins_loaded = []

        def my_config(binder):
            binder.bind(txredisapi.Connection, redis)
            binder.bind(EventBus, eb)

            binder.bind('settings', settings)

            binder.bind('host-ip', resolve_host_ip())
            binder.bind('dns-search-suffix', settings.dns_search_suffix)
            binder.bind('plugins', plugins_loaded)

        # Configure a shared injector.

        api = inject.instance(ApiRpcServer)
        tasks = inject.instance(TaskService)
        api.tasks = tasks.collect_tasks()

        log.msg('Starting rpc listener on port %d' % settings.websocket_port)
        server = Server(port=settings.websocket_port)

        # load plugins
        for ep in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points(group='mcloud_plugins'):

                plugin_class = ep.load()

                log.msg('=' * 80)
                log.msg('Loading plugin %s' % plugin_class)
                log.msg('-' * 80)

                yield verifyClass(IMcloudPlugin, plugin_class)

                plugin = plugin_class()

                yield plugin.setup()

                print "Loaded %s - OK" % plugin_class

            except Exception as e:
                print '!-' * 40
                print e.__class__.__name__
                print e
                print '!-' * 40

                # reactor.stop()

                log.msg('=' * 80)

        log.msg('-' * 80)
        log.msg('All plugins loaded.')
        log.msg('=' * 80)

        deployment_controller = inject.instance(DeploymentController)
        yield deployment_controller.configure_docker_machine()
