Example #1
	def __init__(self):
		logger.info('Create instances of all components')
		self.io_expander_1_i2c = mcp23017.mcp23017(MCP23017_ADDR_0)
		self.io_expander_2_i2c = mcp23017.mcp23017(MCP23017_ADDR_1)
		self.adc1 = ad4112.ad4112()

		self.config_locked_by_system = False
Example #2
 def __init__(self):
     self.io_expander_1_i2c = mcp23017.mcp23017(MCP23017_ADDR_0)
     self.io_expander_2_i2c = mcp23017.mcp23017(MCP23017_ADDR_1)
     self.io_expander_spi = mcp23s17.mcp23s17()
     self.dac = dac61408.dac61408()
     self.adc1 = ad4112.ad4112()  # cs 1
     self.adc2 = ad4112.ad4112()  # cs 2
Example #3
def read_Input(s_addr,s_port):
    seade = MCP_seade[s_addr]
    port = MCP_port[s_port]
    mpin = 0
    mymcp = mcp23017()
#    print (seade, port)
    seis = inpin[mpin][s_port]
    while (mpin < pin_count):
#        print ("Sisend:", port, "-", mpin, "value-", inpin[mpin][s_port])
        mypin = pin(mymcp, str(port), mpin)
        seis = mypin.value()
        aeg = str(currentDT.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'))
        if seis != inpin[mpin][s_port]:
           print (aeg, "ALARM: Sisend:", port, "-", mpin, "value -", inpin[mpin][s_port], "muudetud =", seis)
# Kirjuta alarm logisse
           f = open(logFile,'a')
           f.write(aeg + ': ALARM! Sisend: ' + str(port) + ' pin-' + str(mpin + 1) + ' seis = ' + str(seis) + '\n')

#                MQTT_sens
           client = mqtt.Client()
           client.username_pw_set(MQTT_user, password=MQTT_password)
           client.on_connect = on_connect
           client.connect(MQTT_HOST, MQTT_port, MQTT_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL)
           client.on_log = on_log
           client.publish_mqtt = publish_mqtt(MQTT_pub_topic + MQTT_seade + str(seade) + '_' + str(port) + '_' + str(mpin + 1), statusMap[seis])
# Salvesta viimane sisendi väärtus
           inpin[mpin][s_port] = seis

#        else:
#          print ("Sisend:", port, "-", mpin, "value", inpin[mpin][s_port], "muutmata")
        mpin = mpin + 1
Example #4
 def __init__(self, addr, port):
     self.addr = addr
     self.port = port
     self.mc23017 = mcp23017(self.addr,port)
     self.lcd1602 = lcd1602("LCD1602",0);
     self.lcd1602.on_update_io = self.on_update_1602IO
Example #5
import smbus

# Get I2C bus, this is I2C Bus 1
bus = smbus.SMBus(1)

#define which GPIOs are to be used as outputs. By default all GPIOs are defined as inputs.
#because MCP23017 chips have two banks of 8 GPIOs we can optionally pass two sets to the object constructor
#the first set in the array will be for bank 0 and the second will be for bank 1.
#even if only bank 0 has input it still must be passed in an array i.e. [{0,1,2,3}]
#in each set the numbers passed will be the number of the GPIO that should be set as outputs i.e. 0 is the first GPIO 1 is the second
gpio_output_map =  [{0,1,2,3},{0,1,2,3}]
#kwargs is a Python set that contains the address of your device and the output map to be passed to the object for initialization.
kwargs = {'address': 0x20, 'gpio_output_map': gpio_output_map}
#create the MCP23017 object from the MCP23017 library and pass it the GPIO output map and address defined above
#the object requires that you pass it the bus object so that it can communicate and share the bus with other chips if necessary
mcp23017_1 = mcp23017(bus, kwargs)

#Now I will define a second MCP23017 chips so that I can send commands to it.
#The address of the second MCP23017 will automatically be one above the address configured for the first MCP23017
#This means that if you keep the first MCP23017 at the default address of 0x20 (byte value 32) then the address of the second MCP23017
#    will be 0x21 (byte value 33)

#This map sets all of bank 1 as outputs and leaves bank 2 in the default input state.
gpio_output_map =  [{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7}, {0,1,2,3,4}]
kwargs = {'address': 0x21, 'gpio_output_map': gpio_output_map}
mcp23017_2 = mcp23017(bus, kwargs)

Example #6
# Get I2C bus, this is I2C Bus 1
bus = smbus.SMBus(1)

#define which GPIOs are to be used as outputs. By default all GPIOs are defined as inputs.
#because MCP23017 chips have two banks of 8 GPIOs we can optionally pass two sets to the object constructor
#the first set in the array will be for bank 0 and the second will be for bank 1.
#even if only bank 0 has input it still must be passed in an array i.e. [{0,1,2,3}]
#in each set the numbers passed will be the number of the GPIO that should be set as outputs i.e. 0 is the first GPIO 1 is the second
gpio_output_map = [{0, 1, 2, 3}, {0, 1, 2, 3}]
#kwargs is a Python set that contains the address of your device and the output map to be passed to the object for initialization.
kwargs = {'address': 0x20, 'gpio_output_map': gpio_output_map}
#the object requires that you pass it the bus object so that it can communicate and share the bus with other chips if necessary
#create the MCP23017 object from the MCP23017 library and pass it the GPIO output map and address defined above
#the object requires that you pass it the bus object so that it can communicate and share the bus with other chips if necessary
mcp23017 = mcp23017(bus, kwargs)

while True:
    #turn on Relay at GPIO 0 in bank 1 aka the first relay
    mcp23017.set_gpio_high(1, 0)
    #turn off Relay at GPIO 0 in bank 1 aka the first relay
    mcp23017.set_gpio_low(1, 0)
    #toggle Relay at GPIO 1 in bank 1 aka the second relay
    mcp23017.toggle_gpio(1, 1)
    #toggle Relay at GPIO 2 in bank 2 aka the third relay
    mcp23017.toggle_gpio(2, 2)
    #toggle Relay at GPIO 2 in bank 2 aka the third relay in bank 2
Example #7
import signal
import sys
from time import sleep

# -----------------------------------------------
# Sensoren libraries aus CaravanPi einbinden
# -----------------------------------------------
from mcp23017 import mcp23017, pin
from CaravanPiLedClass import Led

# -----------------------------------------------
# globale Variable
# -----------------------------------------------
# initiate GPIO port expander
mymcp1 = mcp23017(1, 0x20)
mymcp2 = mcp23017(1, 0x21)

# LED threads
LED_HR = [None, None, None]
LED_HL = [None, None, None]
LED_ZR = [None, None, None]
LED_ZL = [None, None, None]
LED_VR = [None, None, None]
LED_VL = [None, None, None]
LED_Vo = [None, None, None]

# -------------------------
# adjust Threats for LEDs
# -------------------------
Example #8
# !/usr/bin/python
import datetime
from mcp23017 import mcp23017, pin
from time import sleep

sisend = 0
mymcp = mcp23017()
mypin = pin(mymcp, "gpioa", sisend)
while True:
    currentDT = datedime.datedime.now()
    seis = mypin.value()
        if seis == 0:
            print(currentDT.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "Alarm sisendis ->", sisend, seis)
        if sisend < 7
            sisens = sisend + 1
            sisend = 0

class Led(object):

    # initiate GPIO port expander
    MYMCP1 = mcp23017(1, 0x20)
    MYMCP2 = mcp23017(1, 0x21)

    LED_OFF = 0
    LED_ON = 1

    # the short time sleep to use when the led is on or off to ensure the led responds quickly to changes to blinking
    FAST_CYCLE = 0.05

    def __init__(self, mcp, gpio, led_pin):
        # create the semaphore used to make thread exit
        self.pin_stop = threading.Event()
        # the pin for the LED
        self.__mcp = led_pin
        self.__gpio = led_pin
        self.__led_pin = led_pin
        # initialise the pin and turn the led off
        self.__led_address = pin(mcp, gpio, led_pin)
        ## GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM)
        ## GPIO.setup(self.__led_pin, GPIO.OUT)
        # the mode for the led - off/on/flashing
        self.__ledmode = Led.LED_OFF
        # make sure the LED is off (this also initialises the times for the thread)
        # create the thread, keep a reference to it for when we need to exit
        self.__thread = threading.Thread(name='ledblink',
        # start the thread

    def blink(self, time_on=0.050, time_off=1):
        # blinking will start at the next first period
        # because turning the led on now might look funny because we don't know
        # when the next first period will start - the blink routine does all the
        # timing so that will 'just work'
        self.__ledmode = Led.LED_FLASHING
        self.__time_on = time_on
        self.__time_off = time_off

    def off(self):
        self.__ledmode = self.LED_OFF
        # set the cycle times short so changes to ledmode are picked up quickly
        self.__time_on = Led.FAST_CYCLE
        self.__time_off = Led.FAST_CYCLE
        # could turn the LED off immediately, might make for a short flicker on if was blinking

    def on(self):
        self.__ledmode = self.LED_ON
        # set the cycle times short so changes to ledmode are picked up quickly
        self.__time_on = Led.FAST_CYCLE
        self.__time_off = Led.FAST_CYCLE
        # could turn the LED on immediately, might make for a short flicker off if was blinking

    def reset(self):
        # set the semaphore so the thread will exit after sleep has completed
        # wait for the thread to exit
        # now clean up the GPIO

    # below here are private methods
    def __turnledon(self):
        ## GPIO.output(pin, GPIO.LOW)

    def __turnledoff(self):
        ## GPIO.output(pin, GPIO.HIGH)

    # this does all the work
    # If blinking, there are two sleeps in each loop
    # if on or off, there is only one sleep to ensure quick response to blink()
    def __blink_pin(self):
        while not self.pin_stop.is_set():
            # the first period is when the LED will be on if blinking
            if self.__ledmode == Led.LED_ON or self.__ledmode == Led.LED_FLASHING:
            # this is the first sleep - the 'on' time when blinking
            # only if blinking, turn led off and do a second sleep for the off time
            if self.__ledmode == Led.LED_FLASHING:
                # do an extra check that the stop semaphore hasn't been set before the off-time sleep
                if not self.pin_stop.is_set():
                    # this is the second sleep - off time when blinking