def send_mess(self, id): if self.flag == 1: SERVER = "" PORT = 8080 client = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: client.connect((SERVER, PORT)) print('Connected to chat server', SERVER) MESSAGE = "Hello server, World!" client.sendall(bytes(MESSAGE, 'UTF-8')) conOb = Conn() self.show_friend(id) namefr = input("Nhap ten ban be: ") id2 = conOb.tran_name_to_id(namefr) if id2 > 0: try: sta = 1 localtime = time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())) seconds = time.time() while True: threading.Thread(target=receive, args=(client,)).start() print_lock.acquire() mess = input("Nhap tin nhan:") client.sendall(bytes(mess, 'UTF-8')) #conOb.write_mess(int(id), int(id2), str(mess), str(localtime), int(sta), float(seconds)) print_lock.release() client.close() conOb.show_mess_detail(id, id2) print("gui thanh cong") except EOFError: pass else: print("Tai khoan khong ton tai.") except: conOb = Conn() self.show_friend(id) namefr = input("Nhap ten ban be: ") id2 = conOb.tran_name_to_id(namefr) if id2 > 0: try: sta = 1 localtime = time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())) seconds = time.time() mess = input("Nhap tin nhan:") conOb.write_mess(int(id), int(id2), str(mess), str(localtime), int(sta), float(seconds)) conOb.show_mess_detail(id, id2) print("gui thanh cong") except EOFError: pass else: print("Tai khoan khong ton tai.")
def show_friend(self, id): if self.flag: conOb = Conn() conOb.show_friend(id) else: print("Ban chua dang nhap\n")
def show_mess_detail(self, id1): if self.flag ==1: frien = input("Chon nguoi dung: ") conOb = Conn() id2 = conOb.tran_name_to_id(frien) if id2 > 0: conOb.show_mess_detail(id1, id2) else: print("----Tai khoan khong ton tai----\n")
def sing_up(self): print("-------cac thong tin de dang ky!-------") username = input("user: "******"pass: "******"city: ") conObj = Conn() with conObj.con: if conObj.check_city(city) == 0: conObj.write_to_city(city, ) id = conObj.tran_city_to_id(city, ) conObj.sing_up(username, password, id)
def block(self, id1): if self.flag == 1: conOb = Conn() self.show_friend(id) namefr = input("Nhap ten ban be: ") id2 = conOb.tran_name_to_id(namefr) if id2 > 0: conOb.block(id1, id2) conOb.show_friend(id1) else: print("Tai khoan khong ton tai.")
def sing_in(self): username = input("username: "******"password: "******"Sign in fail!") self.flag = 0
def add_friend(self, id1): if self.flag == 1: newfr = input("Nhap ten nguoi ban muon them: ") conOb = Conn() id2 = conOb.tran_name_to_id(newfr) if id2 > 0: if conOb.check_block(id1, id2) == 0 and conOb.check_friend(id1, id2) == 0: conOb.write_to_friend(id1, id2) conOb.show_friend(id1) else: print("You were blocked by her or You was friend") else: print("Tai khoan khong ton tai") else: print("Ban chua dang nhap")
def send_socket(self, id): if self.flag == 1: SERVER = "" PORT = 8080 uname = self.username client = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: client.connect((SERVER, PORT)) print('Connected to chat server', SERVER) client.send(uname.encode('ascii')) threading.Thread(target=User.receiveMsg, args=(self, client,)).start() while self.clientRunning: tempMsg = input() msg = uname + '>>' + tempMsg if '**quit' in msg: self.clientRunning = False client.send('**quit'.encode('ascii')) else: client.send(msg.encode('ascii')) except: conOb = Conn() self.show_friend(id) namefr = input("Nhap ten ban be: ") id2 = conOb.tran_name_to_id(namefr) if id2 > 0: try: sta = 1 localtime = time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())) seconds = time.time() mess = input("Nhap tin nhan:") conOb.write_mess(int(id), int(id2), str(mess), str(localtime), int(sta), float(seconds)) conOb.show_mess_detail(id, id2) print("gui thanh cong") except EOFError: pass else: print("Tai khoan khong ton tai.")
def show_mess(self, id): if self.flag == 1: conOb = Conn() conOb.select_mess(id)