def _markdown(checklist): """ Generate markdown for checklist """ checklist = json.load(open(checklist), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) mdFile = MdUtils(file_name='Ikigai-Checklist', title='PDP 2019 Checklist') mdFile.new_paragraph(checklist['overview']) sections = sorted(checklist['checklist'].values(), key=lambda s: int(s['no'])) for section in sections: mdFile.new_header(level=1, title=section['title']) for subject in section['subjects'].values(): mdFile.new_header(level=2, title=subject['title']) mdFile.new_paragraph(subject['description']) mdFile.new_paragraph("Reference: " + subject['provisions']) mdFile.new_paragraph("Functions: " + ", ".join(subject['functions'])) mdFile.new_paragraph("Groups: " + ", ".join(subject['groups'])) actions = [['No', 'Description', 'Tags', 'Check']] actions += [[a['no'], a['description'], ", ".join(a['tags']), ''] for a in subject['actions'].values()] rows = len(actions) actions = flatten(actions) mdFile.new_table(columns=4, rows=rows, text=actions, text_align='left') mdFile.create_md_file()
def episodeToMarkdown(data, podInfo, auth): """ Take in a podcast episode data from PodcastIndex and return Markdowns """ fileName = str(data['id']) + '.md' published = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", time.gmtime(data['datePublished'])) mf = MdUtils(file_name=fileName, title=data['title']) showTxt = data['title'] + ' - ' + data['enclosureType'] mf.new_line(mf.new_inline_link(link=data['enclosureUrl'], text=showTxt)) mf.new_line(mf.new_inline_link(link=data['link'], text='Show Notes Link')) mf.new_line(f'Published: {published}') if 'image' in data: mf.new_paragraph(Html.image(path=data['image'])) elif 'feedImage': mf.new_paragraph(Html.image(path=data['feedImage'])) showTitle = "Podcast: " + podInfo['feed']['title'] mf.new_header(1, showTitle) feedUrl = podInfo['feed']['url'] podLink = f'[Original RSS Feed]({feedUrl})' mf.new_paragraph(podLink) mf.new_paragraph(data['description']) mf.new_paragraph(' ID: ' + str(data['id'])) mf.read_md_file('') mf.file_data_text = mf.file_data_text.replace('somethingtoreplacehere777', auth) print(f'Working on {showTxt}') return mf, fileName
def to_markdown(self): """Generate markdown file.""" params = self._construct() markdown = MdUtils(file_name=params._name) markdown.new_header(level=1, title=str(params._name).capitalize()) markdown.new_header(level=2, title="Description") markdown.new_paragraph(params._desc_feature_set) markdown.new_line() markdown.new_header(level=2, title="Feature Set Pipeline") markdown.new_header(level=3, title="Source") source = ["Reader", "Location"] for r, l in params._source: source.extend([r, l]) count_rows = len(source) // 2 markdown.new_table(columns=2, rows=count_rows, text=source, text_align="center") markdown.new_header(level=3, title="Sink") sink = ["Writer"] for w in params._sink: sink.extend([w]) count_rows = len(sink) markdown.new_table(columns=1, rows=count_rows, text=sink, text_align="center") markdown.new_header(level=3, title="Features") features = ["Column name", "Data type", "Description"] for c, desc in params._features: features.extend([c["column_name"], str(c["type"]), desc]) count_rows = len(features) // 3 markdown.new_table(columns=3, rows=count_rows, text=features, text_align="center") if markdown.create_md_file() else: return markdown.file_data_text
def write_requirements(self, root_dir='.', md_file_name=None, format='md'): if not md_file_name: if self._current_tag: md_file_name = os.path.join(root_dir, self._current_tag, '') else: dev_or_stable = "dev" if self._dev else "stable" raise NoAppropriateVersionFoundException("No suitable version for " + dev_or_stable + "release") os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(md_file_name), exist_ok=True) requirements_md = MdUtils(file_name=md_file_name, title="Requirements Summary") for req_topic in self._requirements: requirements_md.new_header(level=1, title=req_topic) for req in self._requirements[req_topic]: impacted = self._current_tag in self._requirements_tag_map[req['number']]['tags'] if req['number'] in self._requirements_tag_map else False impacted_icon = ':boom:' if impacted else '' title = f"{req['title']} ([#{req['number']}]({self._repo}/issues/{req['number']})) {impacted_icon}" requirements_md.new_header(level=2, title=title) if impacted: issue_lines = {t : [] for t in Requirements.ISSUE_TYPES} for n in self._requirements_tag_map[req['number']]['issues']: issue = self._repo.issue(n) bug_or_enhancement = Requirements._issue_is_bug_or_enhancement(issue) issue_lines[bug_or_enhancement].append(f'{issue.title} ([#{n}]({self._repo}/issues/{n}))') for issue_type, issue_list in issue_lines.items(): if len(issue_lines[issue_type]): requirements_md.new_paragraph(f'The {issue_type}s which impact this requirements are:') requirements_md.new_list(issue_list) else: requirements_md.new_paragraph('This requirement is not impacted by the current version') requirements_md.create_md_file() if format == 'md': return md_file_name if format == 'html': html_file_name = md_file_name.replace('.md', '.html') return md_to_html(md_file_name, html_file_name, {'name': self._repo, 'description': self._repo.description, 'tag': self._current_tag}) else: logger.error(f'output format {format} is not supported') return '' self._clean_previous_dev_requirements(root_dir)
def report(fails: Dict[str, List[Fail]]): print('Start writing report') start_time = time.time() mdFile = MdUtils(file_name='report', title='OCR Recognition Report') for fail_typ in fails.keys(): mdFile.new_header(level=2, title=fail_typ.title, add_table_of_contents='n') mdFile.new_header(level=3, title="Explanation", add_table_of_contents='n') mdFile.new_paragraph(fail_typ.explanation) mdFile.new_line( f'There were in total {len(fails[fail_typ])} of {fail_typ.title}') mdFile.new_header(level=3, title="Fails", add_table_of_contents='n') mdFile.new_line() if fail_typ == LenFail: md_text: List[str] = [ 'Font name - size', 'Words in PDF', 'Recognized words', 'Levenshtein distance of total text' ] for len_fail in fails[fail_typ]: md_text.extend([ f'{len_fail.font_name} - {len_fail.font_size}', str(len_fail.pdf_len), str(len_fail.ocr_len), str(len_fail.total_levenshtein) ]) mdFile.new_table(columns=4, rows=int(len(md_text) / 4), text=md_text, text_align='center') else: for fail in fails[fail_typ]: mdFile = fail.to_md(mdFile) mdFile.create_md_file() print(f'Finished reporting after {time.time() - start_time} sec')
def makeMarkdown(data, path): # Creates the README file global base_url mdf = MdUtils(file_name=path + 'README', title='RBA TechRadar for Azure') adopt_list = list() trial_list = list() assess_list = list() hold_list = list() reject_list = list() # Create categories on status for key in data: status = data[key].get("status") if status == "ADOPT": adopt_list.append(key) if status == "TRIAL": trial_list.append(key) if status == "ASSESS": assess_list.append(key) if status == "HOLD": hold_list.append(key) if status == "REJECT": reject_list.append(key) mdf.new_header(level=1, title='Overview') mdf.new_header(level=2, title='What is the purpose?') mdf.new_paragraph( "The RBA TechRadar for Azure is a tool to inspire and " "support engineering teams at Risk & Business Analytics to pick the best " "technologies for new projects; it provides a platform to share knowledge " "and experience in technologies, to reflect on technology decisions and " "continuously evolve our technology landscape. Based on the pioneering " "work at Thought Works, our radar sets out the changes in technologies " "that are interesting in cloud development - changes that we think our " "engineering teams should pay attention to and consider using in their " "projects.") mdf.new_header(level=2, title='How do we maintain it?') mdf.new_paragraph( "The RBA TechRadar for Azure is maintained by the Cloud " "Center of Excellence - an open group of senior RBA technologists committed " "to devote time to this purpose. The CCoE self organizes to maintain these " "documents, including this version. Assignment of technologies to rings is " "the outcome of status change proposals, which are discussed and voted on " "in CCoE meetings. The radar depends on active participation and input from " "all engineering teams at RBA.") mdf.new_header(level=2, title='What are the current ring assignments?') mdf.new_paragraph( "The RBA TechRadar for Azure is a list of technologies, " "complemented by an assesment result, called ring assignment. We use five " "rings with the following semantics:") # Handle the Adopt Section mdf.new_header(level=3, title='Adopt') mdf.new_paragraph( "Technologies we have high confidence in to serve our " "purpose, also at large scale. Technologies with a usage culture in the " "RBA production environment, low risk, automated policy enforcement and " "are recommended to be widely used.") adopt_tbl = [ "<sub>Resource</sub>", "<sub>Description</sub>", "<sub>Type</sub>", "<sub>Status</sub>" ] adopt_cnt = len(adopt_list) + 1 for key in adopt_list: resourceName = key resourceDesc = data[key].get("description", "") resourcePath = data[key].get("path", "") resourceType = data[key].get("architecture review", "").get("type", "") resourceUrl = data[key].get("url", "") resourceStatus = data[key].get("status", "") resourceName = "[" + resourceName + "](" + base_url + '/' + resourceUrl + ")" adopt_tbl.extend([ '<sub>' + resourceName + '</sub>', '<sub>' + resourceDesc + '</sub>', '<sub>' + resourceType + '</sub>', '<sub>' + resourceStatus + '</sub>' ]) if adopt_cnt == 1: mdf.new_line("") mdf.new_line("There are currently no resources at this ring level.", bold_italics_code='bi', color='red') else: mdf.new_line("") mdf.new_table(columns=4, rows=adopt_cnt, text=adopt_tbl) # Handle the Trial Section mdf.new_header(level=3, title='Trial') mdf.new_paragraph( "Technologies that we have seen work with success in projects " "to solve real problems; first serious usage experience that confirm benefits " "and uncover limitations. TRIAL technologies are slightly more risky; some " "engineers in our organization walked this path and will share knowledge and " "experiences. This area can contain services that have been architecture and " "security reviewed but do not contain automated policy managmeent.") trial_tbl = [ "<sub>Resource</sub>", "<sub>Description</sub>", "<sub>Type</sub>", "<sub>Status</sub>" ] trial_cnt = len(trial_list) + 1 for key in trial_list: resourceName = key resourceDesc = data[key].get("description", "") resourcePath = data[key].get("path", "") resourceType = data[key].get("architecture review", "").get("type", "") resourceUrl = data[key].get("url", "") resourceStatus = data[key].get("status", "") resourceName = "[" + resourceName + "](" + base_url + '/' + resourceUrl + ")" trial_tbl.extend([ '<sub>' + resourceName + '</sub>', '<sub>' + resourceDesc + '</sub>', '<sub>' + resourceType + '</sub>', '<sub>' + resourceStatus + '</sub>' ]) if trial_cnt == 1: mdf.new_line("") mdf.new_line("There are currently no resources at this ring level.", bold_italics_code='bi', color='red') else: mdf.new_line("") mdf.new_table(columns=4, rows=trial_cnt, text=trial_tbl) # Handle the Assess Section mdf.new_header(level=3, title='Assess') mdf.new_paragraph( "Technologies that are promising and have clear potential " "value-add for us; technologies worth investing some research and " "prototyping efforts to see if it has impact. ASSESS technologies have " "higher risks; they are often new to our organization and highly unproven " "within RBA. You will find some engineers that have knowledge in the " "technology and promote it, you may even find teams that have started " "a prototyping effort. These technologies can also include services that " "are currently in architecture or security review.") assess_tbl = [ "<sub>Resource</sub>", "<sub>Description</sub>", "<sub>Type</sub>", "<sub>Status</sub>" ] assess_cnt = len(assess_list) + 1 for key in assess_list: resourceName = key resourceDesc = data[key].get("description", "") resourcePath = data[key].get("path", "") resourceType = data[key].get("architecture review", "").get("type", "") resourceUrl = data[key].get("url", "") resourceStatus = data[key].get("status", "") resourceName = "[" + resourceName + "](" + base_url + '/' + resourceUrl + ")" assess_tbl.extend([ '<sub>' + resourceName + '</sub>', '<sub>' + resourceDesc + '</sub>', '<sub>' + resourceType + '</sub>', '<sub>' + resourceStatus + '</sub>' ]) if assess_cnt == 1: mdf.new_line("") mdf.new_line("There are currently no resources at this ring level.", bold_italics_code='bi', color='red') else: mdf.new_line("") mdf.new_table(columns=4, rows=assess_cnt, text=assess_tbl) # Handle the Hold Section mdf.new_header(level=3, title='Hold') mdf.new_paragraph( "Technologies not recommended to be used for new projects. " "Technologies that we think are not (yet) worth to (further) invest in. " "HOLD technologies should not be used for new projects, but usually can be " "continued for existing projects. These technologies may include services " "that have yet to be evaluated by architecture and security due to a lack " "of interest, time, or need.") hold_tbl = [ "<sub>Resource</sub>", "<sub>Description</sub>", "<sub>Type</sub>", "<sub>Status</sub>" ] hold_cnt = len(hold_list) + 1 for key in hold_list: resourceName = key resourceDesc = data[key].get("description", "") resourcePath = data[key].get("path", "") resourceType = data[key].get("architecture review", "").get("type", "") resourceUrl = data[key].get("url", "") resourceStatus = data[key].get("status", "") #resourceName = "["+resourceName+"]("+resourceUrl+")" hold_tbl.extend([ '<sub>' + resourceName + '</sub>', '<sub>' + resourceDesc + '</sub>', '<sub>' + resourceType + '</sub>', '<sub>' + resourceStatus + '</sub>' ]) if hold_cnt == 1: mdf.new_line("") mdf.new_line("There are currently no resources at this ring level.", bold_italics_code='bi', color='red') else: mdf.new_line("") mdf.new_table(columns=4, rows=hold_cnt, text=hold_tbl) # Handle the Reject Section mdf.new_header(level=3, title='Reject') mdf.new_paragraph( "Technologies not recommended to be used for any projects. " "Technologies that have undergone architecture and security review but do " "not meet company standards for use. REJECT technologies should never be " "used on any project and should be considered deprecated for existing " "projects.") reject_tbl = [ "<sub>Resource</sub>", "<sub>Description</sub>", "<sub>Type</sub>", "<sub>Status</sub>" ] reject_cnt = len(reject_list) + 1 for key in reject_list: resourceName = key resourceDesc = data[key].get("description", "") resourcePath = data[key].get("path", "") resourceType = data[key].get("architecture review", "").get("type", "") resourceUrl = data[key].get("url", "") resourceStatus = data[key].get("status", "") #resourceName = "["+resourceName+"]("+resourceUrl+")" reject_tbl.extend([ '<sub>' + resourceName + '</sub>', '<sub>' + resourceDesc + '</sub>', '<sub>' + resourceType + '</sub>', '<sub>' + resourceStatus + '</sub>' ]) if reject_cnt == 1: mdf.new_line("") mdf.new_line("There are currently no resources at this ring level.", bold_italics_code='bi', color='red') else: mdf.new_line("") mdf.new_table(columns=4, rows=reject_cnt, text=reject_tbl) mdf.create_md_file()
def create_report(res_files: [], output: str, title="", description=""): res = [] for f in res_files: with open(f) as json_file: res.append(json.load(json_file)) mdFile = MdUtils(file_name=output, title=title) if description: mdFile.new_paragraph(description, bold_italics_code='b') mdFile.new_header(level=1, title='Platform') platform = res[0]['platform'] list_of_strings = ["System", "Information"] rows = 1 for key in platform.keys(): list_of_strings.extend([key, str(platform[key])]) rows += 1 mdFile.new_line() mdFile.new_table(columns=2, rows=rows, text=list_of_strings, text_align='left') mdFile.new_header(level=1, title='Test results') tests = res[0]['tests'] for test_key in tests.keys(): mdFile.new_header(level=2, title=test_key) mdFile.new_line('~~~') mdFile.new_line(tests[test_key]['command']) mdFile.new_line('~~~') test_res = tests[test_key]['result'] list_of_strings = ['Test'] + list(test_res.keys()) cols = len(list_of_strings) rows = 1 avg = {} avgc = {} for r in res: list_of_strings.extend( [r['name'] + " (" + r['iteration'] + ")"] + list(r['tests'][test_key]['result'].values())) rows += 1 if r['name'] not in avg.keys(): avg[r['name']] = list(r['tests'][test_key]['result'].values()) avgc[r['name']] = 1 else: avg[r['name']] = [ str(float(x) + float(y)) for x, y in zip( avg[r['name']], list(r['tests'][test_key]['result'].values())) ] avgc[r['name']] += 1 for avg_key in avg.keys(): avg[avg_key] = [ str(round(float(x) / avgc[avg_key], 3)) for x in avg[avg_key] ] list_of_strings.extend([avg_key + " (avg)"] + avg[avg_key]) rows += 1 mdFile.new_table(columns=cols, rows=rows, text=list_of_strings, text_align='left') mdFile.new_line() mdFile.create_md_file() print("{}.md succesfully created".format(output))