Example #1
def test_fix_mdx():
    res = fix_mdx('this<br>is<hr>')
    assert '<br/>' in res
    assert '<hr/>' in res
    res = fix_mdx('<!-- html comment \n here --> some text <!-- another comment here-->')
    assert 'some text ' in res
    assert '<!--' not in res
    assert '-->' not in res
    assert 'html comment' not in res
    res = fix_mdx('multiple<br>values<br>')
    assert '<br>' not in res
    res = fix_mdx('valide br: <br></br>')
    assert '<br></br>' in res
Example #2
def process_readme_doc(target_dir: str, content_dir: str, readme_file: str) -> DocInfo:
        base_dir = os.path.dirname(readme_file)
        if readme_file.endswith('_README.md'):
            ymlfile = readme_file[0:readme_file.index('_README.md')] + '.yml'
            ymlfiles = glob.glob(base_dir + '/*.yml')
            if not ymlfiles:
                raise ValueError('no yml file found')
            if len(ymlfiles) > 1:
                raise ValueError(f'mulitple yml files found: {ymlfiles}')
            ymlfile = ymlfiles[0]
        with open(ymlfile, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            yml_data = yaml.safe_load(f)
        id = yml_data.get('commonfields', {}).get('id') or yml_data['id']
        id = normalize_id(id)
        name = yml_data.get('display') or yml_data['name']
        desc = yml_data.get('description') or yml_data.get('comment')
        if desc:
            word_break = False
            for word in re.split(r'\s|-', desc):
                if len(word) > 40:
                    word_break = True
            desc = html.escape(desc)
            if word_break:  # long words tell browser to break in the midle
                desc = '<span style={{wordBreak: "break-word"}}>' + desc + '</span>'
        doc_info = DocInfo(id, name, desc, readme_file)
        with open(readme_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            content = f.read()
        if not content.strip():
            raise ValueError('empty file')
        if is_html_doc(content):
            print(f'{readme_file}: detect html file')
            content = gen_html_doc(content)
            content = fix_mdx(content)
        # check if we have a header
        lines = content.splitlines(True)
        has_header = len(lines) >= 2 and lines[0].startswith('---') and lines[1].startswith('id:')
        if not has_header:
            readme_repo_path = readme_file
            if readme_repo_path.startswith(content_dir):
                readme_repo_path = readme_repo_path[len(content_dir):]
            edit_url = f'https://github.com/demisto/content/blob/{BRANCH}/{readme_repo_path}'
            header = f'---\nid: {id}\ntitle: {json.dumps(doc_info.name)}\ncustom_edit_url: {edit_url}\n---\n\n'
            content = get_deprecated_data(yml_data, desc, readme_file) + content
            content = get_beta_data(yml_data, content) + content
            content = header + content
        with open(f'{target_dir}/{id}.md', mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as f:  # type: ignore
        return doc_info
    except Exception as ex:
        print(f'fail: {readme_file}. Exception: {traceback.format_exc()}')
        return DocInfo('', '', '', readme_file, str(ex).splitlines()[0])
Example #3
def process_readme_doc(target_dir: str, content_dir: str, prefix: str,
                       imgs_dir: str, relative_images_dir: str,
                       readme_file: str) -> DocInfo:
        base_dir = os.path.dirname(readme_file)
        if readme_file.endswith('_README.md'):
            ymlfile = readme_file[0:readme_file.index('_README.md')] + '.yml'
            ymlfiles = glob.glob(base_dir + '/*.yml')
            if not ymlfiles:
                raise ValueError('no yml file found')
            if len(ymlfiles) > 1:
                raise ValueError(f'mulitple yml files found: {ymlfiles}')
            ymlfile = ymlfiles[0]
        with open(ymlfile, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            yml_data = yaml.safe_load(f)
        id = yml_data.get('commonfields', {}).get('id') or yml_data['id']
        id = normalize_id(id)
        name = yml_data.get('display') or yml_data['name']
        desc = yml_data.get('description') or yml_data.get('comment')
        if desc:
            desc = handle_desc_field(desc)
        doc_info = DocInfo(id, name, desc, readme_file)
        with open(readme_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            content = f.read()
        if not content.strip():
            raise ValueError(EMPTY_FILE_MSG)
        if is_html_doc(content):
            print(f'{readme_file}: detect html file')
            content = gen_html_doc(content)
            content = fix_mdx(content)
            content = fix_relative_images(content, base_dir, f'{prefix}-{id}',
                                          imgs_dir, relative_images_dir)
        # check if we have a header
        lines = content.splitlines(True)
        has_header = len(lines) >= 2 and lines[0].startswith(
            '---') and lines[1].startswith('id:')
        if not has_header:
            readme_repo_path = readme_file
            if readme_repo_path.startswith(content_dir):
                readme_repo_path = readme_repo_path[len(content_dir):]
            edit_url = f'https://github.com/demisto/content/blob/{BRANCH}/{readme_repo_path}'
            header = f'---\nid: {id}\ntitle: {json.dumps(doc_info.name)}\ncustom_edit_url: {edit_url}\n---\n\n'
            content = add_content_info(content, yml_data, desc, readme_file)
            content = header + content
        with open(f'{target_dir}/{id}.md', mode='w',
                  encoding='utf-8') as f:  # type: ignore
        return doc_info
    except Exception as ex:
        print(f'fail: {readme_file}. Exception: {traceback.format_exc()}')
        return DocInfo('', '', '', readme_file, str(ex).splitlines()[0])
Example #4
def index_doc_infos(doc_infos: List[DocInfo], link_prefix: str):
    if not doc_infos:
        return ''
    table_items = []
    for d in doc_infos:
            'Name': f'[{d.name}]({link_prefix}/{d.id})',
            'Description': d.description
    res = tableToMarkdown('', table_items, headers=['Name', 'Description'])
    return fix_mdx(res)
Example #5
def index_doc_infos(doc_infos: List[DocInfo],
                    link_prefix: str,
                    headers: Optional[Tuple[str, str]] = None):
    if not headers:
        headers = ('Name', 'Description')
    if not doc_infos:
        return ''
    table_items = []
    for d in doc_infos:
        name = html.escape(d.name)
        link_name = f'[{name}]({link_prefix}/{d.id})'
        for word in re.split(r'\s|-', name):
            if len(word
                   ) > 25:  # we have a long word tell browser ok to break it
                link_name = '<span style={{wordBreak: "break-word"}}>' + link_name + '</span>'
        table_items.append({headers[0]: link_name, headers[1]: d.description})
    res = tableToMarkdown('', table_items, headers=headers)
    return fix_mdx(res)
Example #6
def process_integration_doc(readme_file: str, target_dir: str, content_dir: str) -> DocInfo:
    base_dir = os.path.dirname(readme_file)
    if readme_file.endswith('_README.md'):
        ymlfile = readme_file[0:readme_file.index('_README.md')] + '.yml'
        ymlfiles = glob.glob(base_dir + '/*.yml')
        if not ymlfiles:
            raise ValueError(f'no yml file found')
        if len(ymlfiles) > 1:
            raise ValueError(f'mulitple yml files found: {ymlfiles}')
        ymlfile = ymlfiles[0]
    with open(ymlfile, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        yml_data = yaml.safe_load(f)
    id = yml_data['commonfields']['id']
    id = inflection.dasherize(inflection.underscore(id)).replace(' ', '-')
    doc_info = DocInfo(id, yml_data['display'], yml_data.get('description'))
    with open(readme_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        content = f.read()
    if not content.strip():
        raise ValueError(f'empty file')
    if is_html_doc(content):
        print(f'{readme_file}: detect html file')
        content = gen_html_doc(content)
        content = fix_mdx(content)
    # check if we have a header
    lines = content.splitlines(True)
    has_header = len(lines) >= 2 and lines[0].startswith('---') and lines[1].startswith('id:')
    if not has_header:
        readme_repo_path = readme_file
        if readme_repo_path.startswith(content_dir):
            readme_repo_path = readme_repo_path[len(content_dir):]
        edit_url = f'https://github.com/demisto/content/blob/{BRANCH}/{readme_repo_path}'
        content = f'---\nid: {id}\ntitle: {doc_info.name}\ncustom_edit_url: {edit_url}\n---\n\n' + content
    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w', encoding='utf-8') as f:  # type: ignore
        shutil.copy(f.name, f'{target_dir}/{id}.md')
    return doc_info