def generate_sequence(do_program=True): # FIXME in principle we only want to create that once, at startup try: del qt.pulsar except: pass qt.pulsar = pulsar.Pulsar() qt.pulsar.AWG_sequence_cfg = { 'SAMPLING_RATE': 1e9, 'CLOCK_SOURCE': 1, # Internal | External 'REFERENCE_SOURCE': 2, # Internal | External 'EXTERNAL_REFERENCE_TYPE': 1, # Fixed | Variable 'REFERENCE_CLOCK_FREQUENCY_SELECTION': 1, #10 MHz | 20 MHz | 100 MHz 'TRIGGER_SOURCE': 1, # External | Internal 'TRIGGER_INPUT_IMPEDANCE': 1, # 50 ohm | 1 kohm 'TRIGGER_INPUT_SLOPE': 1, # Positive | Negative 'TRIGGER_INPUT_POLARITY': 1, # Positive | Negative 'TRIGGER_INPUT_THRESHOLD': 1.4, # V 'EVENT_INPUT_IMPEDANCE': 2, # 50 ohm | 1 kohm 'EVENT_INPUT_POLARITY': 1, # Positive | Negative 'EVENT_INPUT_THRESHOLD': 1.4, #V 'JUMP_TIMING': 1, # Sync | Async 'RUN_MODE': 4, # Continuous | Triggered | Gated | Sequence 'RUN_STATE': 0, # On | Off } qt.pulsar.define_channel(id='ch2', name='gate', type='analog', high=4.0, low=0, offset=0., delay=0., active=True) qt.pulsar.define_channel(id='ch2_marker1', name='clock', type='marker', high=1.0, low=0, offset=0., delay=0., active=True) pulse_length = 2e-9 gate = pulse.SquarePulse(channel='gate') clock_up = pulse.SquarePulse(channel='clock', amplitude=4.0, lenght=pulse_length) clock_down = pulse.SquarePulse(channel='clock', amplitude=0, lenght=pulse_length) elt1 = element.Element('trigger', pulsar=qt.pulsar) elt1.append(pulse.cp(clock_down, amplitude=0, length=5e-9)) for i in arange(500): elt1.append(pulse.cp(clock_up, amplitude=4.0, length=pulse_length)) elt1.append(pulse.cp(clock_down, amplitude=0, length=pulse_length)) elt1.append(pulse.cp(clock_down, amplitude=0, length=1000e-9)) elt1.add(pulse.cp(gate, amplitude=4.0, length=200 * pulse_length)) for i in arange(2): elt1.append(pulse.cp(clock_up, amplitude=4.0, length=pulse_length)) elt1.append(pulse.cp(clock_down, amplitude=0, length=pulse_length)) #pprint.pprint (elt1.pulses) seq = pulsar.Sequence('FPGA_test') seq.append(name='trigger',, trigger_wait=False, repetitions=100) #pprint.pprint (seq.elements) qt.pulsar.upload(elt1) qt.pulsar.program_sequence(seq)
import qt from measurement.lib.pulsar import pulsar reload(pulsar) pulsar.Pulsar.AWG = qt.instruments['AWG'] # FIXME in principle we only want to create that once, at startup try: del qt.pulsar except: pass qt.pulsar = pulsar.Pulsar() ### channels # RF #RF channel is needed for the AOM for the short pulses #qt.pulsar.define_channel(id='ch1', name='RF', type='analog', high=1.5, # low=-1.5, offset=0., delay=165e-9, active=True) # MW # On scope we find that MW_1 (and MW2) arrive 108 ns after the trigger, if we set the time between MW's and (begin)trigger to 58 ns in the AWG. # so the delay of MW wrt trigger is 50 ns - Machiel 2014-06-23 ''' spin_of = -104e-9-27e-9 # I adjust the offset of the IQ to match lt2, so the DD scripts work # TODO make more general ''' qt.pulsar.define_channel(id='ch1_marker1', name='MW_pulsemod', type='marker', high=2.0,
2 : 10/5000.} positioner_lt1 = qt.instruments.create('positioner_lt1', 'NewportAgilisUC2_v2', address = 'COM6', maxjog_cfg=pos_maxjog_cfg_lt1, maxpr_cfg=pos_maxpr_cfg_lt1, step_deg_cfg=pos_step_deg_cfg_lt1 ) rejecter_lt1 = qt.instruments.create('rejecter_lt1', 'laser_reject0r', positioner=positioner_lt1, adwin=adwin_lt1, red_laser= MatisseAOM_lt1) #### make a remote pulsar and configure it from measurement.lib.pulsar import pulse, pulselib, element, pulsar try: del qt.pulsar_remote except: pass qt.pulsar_remote = pulsar.Pulsar() qt.pulsar_remote.AWG = qt.instruments['AWG_lt1'] ### channels # for the remote LDE setup. effectively this is the relative delay between SP AOM and MWs. spin_of = -69e-9 # RF qt.pulsar_remote.define_channel(id='ch1', name='RF', type='analog', high=1.0, low=-1.0, offset=0., delay=spin_of+165e-9, active=True) # MW qt.pulsar_remote.define_channel(id='ch1_marker1', name='MW_pulsemod', type='marker', high=2.0, low=0, offset=0., delay=spin_of+(44+165)*1e-9, active=True) qt.pulsar_remote.define_channel(id='ch3', name='MW_Imod', type='analog', high=0.9,